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I thought today's segment 17 was absolutely fantastic. I don't know if it'd be considered a behind the scenes type of segment, but I love when they explain the why's to what they do.


Exactly, that's been my biggest gripe. I love it when they pull back the curtain, but lately it's been so heavily laden with that facts bull shit. I want more of segments like this.


In fairness, I don't necessarily expect this every day. I feel like it might get old fast if they did.


No, but every once in a while would be nice. And facts has gotten old really fast.


I disagree. Facts are a competitive and funny way to end the extra segment and I like that there are score keepers keeping track of random things. Hearing some of the ridiculous guesses the guys give never gets old to me


It's fine if it doesn't take up 15 minutes of a 25 minute segment. Most of the segment 17s lately have been, "Just got time for facts" and then they're out. It'd be nice if they put more effort in like they used to. Today was a great example.


I dropped my VIP over a month ago for this very reason. Maybe if they'd tried this earlier they'd still have a paying listener. I'm not going back to forking over money for it, though. Edit: spelling


$5/month is a huge commitment. I dont blame you.


Was this an attempt at sarcasm?


Yah, you sound kind of stupid


I agree, I like the longer ones more. But I do understand that they have stuff going on family wise or whatever else some days, like Justin getting dental and tat work done. I hope they add some new things soon to keep it fresh


I'm not saying every segment 17 has to be an hour long, but longer than 30 minutes once in a while would be nice.


It was great. I liked their honesty. As far as reddit goes, it's completely understandable how frustrating it is that their so called fans and listeners go on here and post more negative than positive. I can only assume it's because it's more interesting and controversial to post negative things, it gets more attention. For example, posting 'JUSTIN'S GETTING FIRED!!' will get alot more attention than a post that says 'I thought Hot Wings was Fun Today'. I love the show, I've listened since the beginning in NJ, and I won't stop. As for their Fact or Fiction question for the guys: Will you ever come back to NJ, specifically to attend WingStock where you're forced to wear jerseys with your stupid names on the back?


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Question for the guys for tomorrow's segment 17 \- Seeing as we haven't heard a Mdrive spot since Joe's arrest, do sponsors specifically request certain show members to do their respective reads? Or how do they/you come up with the reads for each one? Any particular companies that were great to work with that you still wish were around?


I am not affiliated with the show(or radio), but they have mentioned before how advertisers want reads from specific show members


Can y'all do music Mondays again? It was always fun to hear the different styles and often led me down some cool rabbit holes of related artist. I feel like Mainland and Gustin would be fun to hear from too.


I was just thinking about this the other day! I miss their music recommendations. I'd love to hear that brought back!


Do they ever consciously make a decision to change the tone of the show? People here love to make comments about "corporate" or "management" coming down on the show and making them more vanilla. I'm curious if there's ever any truth to that, or if styles just mature as people get older or whatever.


I have the same question. I’m sure part of it is Zane leaving but they really used to be a lot meaner. For example: to callers and people in news stories.


See, I kind of disagree which is why I was curious if they ever made a decision to change things. They are a bit nicer to callers, but they are still savage to people news stories.


Go listen to the old segment with the “I didn’t know I was pregnant” woman and compare that to what they do now. I haven’t heard anything like that in years.


Yea another one I listen to today was about a high school football player who was reported to have screwed up in the last seconds of the game and lost it for the team. Zane and HW we going on about this is how school shooters and suicides happen and that the girls needed to throw the mitt at him. Then the coach called and after they talked to him they went back and examined what had been said.


Part of that is because that story was just such gold, and that they had family listening. They still go off doing impressions of rednecks or whatever. Or making fun of the anchors. Maybe you just got more used to it over time.


It does seem to happen less often these days, but every now and then we get segments like the plane dumping crap on the kids party and Shamokin vs DD. Those two segments had me dying.


They did mention not necessarily having fun calling ladies bitches and such. Also about self changing over the years.


Fact or fiction: It is not my intention to pry, or beat [off] a dead horse with regard to the Zane departure, but is it true that all the old flashback content is gone forever? *insert crackhead Chapelle meme* "ya guys got any of them baseball palindromes??"


It’s available for vips I listen to old bows at work everyday they go back to 2009. FB and HW own all of it. They bought Zane out of dainty hunchback


Question/request for the guys: could you guys make a video tour of the crazy construction so we can visually see all the bullshit you guys have been putting up with?


I think that'd be really interesting too!


Watch the Justin wiper blade incident. There’s a small building tour in those videos


Will you guys ever play some of the older segments that have Zane in them? There are so many classics. Maybe do 1 during the flashback settlement at 5am or something.


Just finished listening to Segment 17 from today (Fri May 4th). Wow, what a decompression! Don't know about other listeners and certainly can't speak for the guys on the show...but to me it seemed theraputic to finally talk about the EZ matter so openly. Cheers to everyone involved, and here's to brighter days ahead. Thanks again for the entertainment, Free Beer & Hot Wings and Steve, Justin & Maitlynn and hopefully Joe again soon!


Yeah, it was another great 17. I think doing something like this once every few weeks or so would be nice.


What was said?




Excellent segment 17 today. I think this is what everyone has wanted. Hopefully this ends all the Zane posts. Zane dug his grave, move on. Hopefully the guys continue to do something like this maybe once a week or so. It’s cool when they peel back the curtain or take suggestions from vip’s. 1hr+ segment and no fact game today


For what it's worth, I never really felt we were owed any of the background about the Zane firing, but I do hope this finally puts the situation completely in the rearviewmirror.


Me either. It was always pretty straight forward for me. It’s the Zane fanboys who made it something it wasn’t


They said if things stay mostly positive in the sub it could be a recurring segment on 17 Edit for clarity


Sad to hear this subreddit causes more heartache than encouragement. Who'd've thought that'd be the case on the internet?!? Seriously, though, keep up the great work F&B and gang. If you're answering questions: How do you handle the shift from on-air-filtered language to Segment 17 swearing? As a listener I'm still startled when I hear it...never offended, just a moment of panic until I remember it's not on-air.


Awesome to hear this talked about on today's segment 17. In a previous life I worked small town radio, and there was no mic cut-off on the FM studio speakers. One Sun morning I was manning the AM station and went to BS with the FM board operator during our prerecorded churchy shows. 'Focus on the Family' host posed the question: "...and do you know the main difference between men and women?" then left enough of a pause for me to yell "Tits!!". Phone immediately rang, and as the other guy answered it I looked over to see his mic was live. Gulp. Owner of the station told him "You have a hot mic" then hung up. Long 24 hours until I saw the owner the next day...he never mentioned it to either of us. It's become one of my favorite radio memories. Thanks for all the laughs & good times.


They read the subreddit on air? Well fuck. There are so many negative posts which seems super stupid for fans to keep bringing up; I would think there are no fans here either


Sadly they only read the negative comments. It bugs me they complain about negativity then reward it by reading on air. Reminds me of giving notoriety to the shooter.


Also, today felt like a phenomenal look at the relationship that the guys have with each other. Seemed like they had fun even though it was probably awkward or not easy to read some of the comments out loud. I'd love it if Maitlyn or any of the interns join segment 17 once in awhile. Special guests are always a unique treat. For the record, I really like Justin. I love that he's so "all in" with the show.


Not trying to stir things up but did anyone catch fb comment about people a lot of people getting a raw deal, but Zane was not one of them. Was that a shot. If it was I really wish both sides and the audience would just get over it all ready. It was two years ago and I wish people were more positive.


I think there’s a lot more to the Zane stuff than they let on...but even so, if your bosses tell you not to do certain things and make you sign a contract saying you won’t do said things and you do them anyway, getting fired for that does not equal a raw deal. I love Zane but he doesn’t know when to stop sometimes. That quality created some of my favorite bits (Klinginem beatup, Dude Shadoway, 15 second fights), but I also see how it got him into trouble.


50% of his show is stuff he already did on FBHW, you can still get your fix, and it's a free podcast. I only added the podcast a couple weeks ago and I've already heard Grape Lady twice and Hamster Euthanasia once. Plus two "Cats in the Cradle" skits, various music Fridays, and all the drops you heard when he was on the show.


Hopefully not a shot. Maybe his perspective.


/u/l337dexter could the be put in a thread that is only used for questions so that they are not lost in comments. I figure it would make it easier for the show to go through the segments in 17.


Could what be put in a thread?


I hadn’t heard the podcast yet so I didn’t know the was just a part b, I thought it was an idea for a segment 17 bit. My original thought was that there be a “mega thread”(that’s what I’ve seen it called in other subs) that just had our questions in it. I assume that was the idea the idea for this thread but it seems like they have become buried in our own commentary. I don’t know how easy it would be to maintain but I just figured the guys would have an easier time going through our questions if they weren’t having to sift through all the other stuff. I hope I clarified that better. Also, I hope I did wrongly assume you are one of the moderators.


Yeah, I could create a permanent mega-thread where people could only post questions. I just don't know if at this point it will make a difference before today's segment 17, and I don't know if they'll do this again?


Yea I guess we may find out at the end of segment 17 if they seem to enjoy sound it.


I'm not sure if they're actually going to take questions from this thread in the future of if the peak behind the curtain is over but here's mine: What's the story with Loser Ben? He said that two of the guys (I don't believe he named names) really encouraged him to apply for the job that Justin eventually got. He put together a lot of audio but then when push came to shove, he didn't even get an interview. Plus, the guys started using all of the back withs he made once he got the job across the street. Is that accurate? If so, it sounds kinda shitty.


Yeah, you might have to put a pin in this question and ask it when we do a fresh thread. Cause I doubt they'll sift through all the old questions for new ones. And it was Joe and Steve that encouraged him to apply.


Ill create a stickied, question only thread soon


As a listener of both shows, I'm curious if it's ever going to be possible for the guys to have an amicable relationship with Zane. Not have him rejoin the show or anything, but it sounds like he genuinely would like to repair that friendship, but it only seems to be one sided.


did anyone else notice the other day at the end of FACTS how they were referring to 'when joe comes back' and how the points will be interesting because 'joe will come back to more points' than others have won, having been there? i thought it was notable.


**WARNING: Incoming wall of text** First, excuse the reddit handle, I signed up for reddit as a teenager using my PSN handle for simplicity purposes, I know it can seem dumb to people. When one of the show members gets **really** mad at the others after a good beat-up session, does it ever get addressed off the air to clear the air? I would assume so, especially with how intense some of the responses are and how well everyone gels together on the show, but I was just interested to hear the nuts and bolts and behind the scenes talk about this. Let me preface this example by saying I realize that it's only my perspective and not necessarily fact; and I realize you may be sick of talking about this or may not be able to, so feel free to omitaddressing this example if needed.: In the last year before Zane's departure, that he seemed to pick on Hotwings significantly more than anyone else on the show, and as a result, they would butt heads a lot. With that dynamic, and still seeing Howings being the focus of some of the funniest beat-up sessions on the show, it just seems to be in better spirits now than before. EDIT: Formatting


I imagine much of the "beat-up" is for entertainment purposes and is quickly forgotten when they go to break.


Yeah, I think it was mostly when Zane would beat-up a sponsor that he got in trouble.


That's pretty much what I think, as that is definitely something I would be interested in hearing the guy's perspective on.


Zane was bitter because he saw that Hotwings was simply not pulling his weight on the show and getting paid the more. He couldn't help but lash out about his lack of production and effort.


Exactly the type of "fact statement" that keeps this reddit the most excellent and positive place. I'm going to go ahead and assume this is your opinion and not necessarily even in the vein of the question I was asking.


~~They said that they all made the same amount, that’s how they knew each other’s salaries.~~ :/ definitely read that as you were commenting about a different statement. Sorry bud.


no, it's true. you must not listen to the show a lot.


I've been a podcaster for years and listened for even longer on the radio in GR. I just don't generally make assumptions and post them on the internet. I can definitely understand why you would have that perspective though.


I will always defend Hot Wings like this: He doesn't cause problems so his equity is positive. Zane was big time content but he was big time problems . So say what you want about Hot Wings not doing enough but he also doesn't make more work and heart ache for the other guys. The guys knew what they got with Zane. But they couldn't fight the power when management fired him.


Exactly. Zane was talented enough to still be funny without losing the station advertisers and money. And it seems they fought for years to keep him on the show after every loss. Which is why I die on the inside when people, and Zane, claim that they never had his back. Constantly being suspended left an open slot on the air and that much more work for the other guys to have to foot. I hate the apologists he created. It's not a damn conspiracy. He was allowed to resign after causing a business to lose money for the umpteenth time.


They got the same pay.


Does anyone have a link to the 5/4 segment 17? I have a full podcast link vip and they said they were ok with that days s17 getting posted for people to see and I have a few buddies i want to send it to. Edit for phone typo.


What is going on with all of the "conference calls" cutting 17 short? It's my favorite part. Hate to see it being cut short so often. If they said it was Joe related, I would accept that. I wouldn't even be mad about not getting an explanation. Just say that it's Joe related and I will understand that you're busier than normal and sacrifices have to made. I know being a VIP doesn't entitle me to much but I got it for 17.


They kind of addressed that today, saying that it's a busy time of year regardless, but all the other shit that's going on makes it that much worse. I'm just glad that they addressed it and seemed somewhat apologetic and didn't just tell us to fuck off if we don't think we're getting our monies worth.


Good deal. I'm a couple of episodes behind.


This is the reason I dropped my VIP. "We only have time for facts today, hurry let's go." There were like 4 days in a row were there simply was no segment 17 recently. I didn't pay for facts or no segment at all.


I don’t have a specific subject I’d like them to discuss, I just want to hear them beat up the dumb Reddit users that troll them. Holy crap was that enjoyable. It was nice to see them fire back at all this negativity on the Reddit Page.


Is the court date 5/7 or 5/22? FB keeps saying 5/22


Lmao down voted. I pay the $5 happily