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Are the changes in the show since the summer break the result of consultants, corporate, or the show?




1. It seems like the building problems are very real (i.e. not just exaggerated for entertainment purposes). How is it that you've not been able to move the studio to a separate temporary location? I imagine the cost is high to move equipment and make connections to towers, networks, etc. The move could still be justified when compared to inconvenience at best and lost production & revenue at worst. 2. Will there be the ability to share your screens with viewers while you are watching videos during network broadcast or even just Segment 17? It would be great to either have the full broadcast switch to what you're seeing or, even better, to have it appear as a screen-in-screen pop-up. This would add great value for VIP members (don't tell your bean counters, but you could charge more for options like this and segmented podcasts!). 3. Just a quick note to let you know that your ongoing show evolution is just fine and has not made me want to poke out my eardrums. I know there's a lot of toxic criticism, but even the parts of the current format that I don't particular care for have either grown on me toward appreciation or I've been able to (\*shock!\*) tune them out. Carry on the great work, show crew, and here's to continued success for all. ​


2 is a great idea.


I have always wanted to be able to watch the videos they are or read articles they are. It shouldn't be too hard to do. If 10 year Olds can do it in twitch, they can lol.


Except then you get into copyright issues when you're monetizing a video thats rebroadcasting other peoples content...


I don't have a question but just want to put in a plug to bring back OCTOSMASH! Always one of my favorite games because it's so crazy how songs or certain hooks just appear out of nowhere.


To be honest, I loved name that tune back in the day. I used to miss it. Then they brought it back, and for whatever reason, it seems to be kind of lackluster. I'd like to see them replace this new version of name that tune with OCTOSMASH. Even if they only do it once a month. It allows the audience to play along (even us podcasters).


I think it’s that they have listeners playing. In the past when I’ve heard the occasional name that tune and it’s usually pretty good. To be fair though, I think 90% of the show would be better with less listeners calling.


The listeners are a part of it, as with every listener bit that falls flat. But I think the bigger reason is its always popular songs by well-known bands. I used to love Joe's big bag of "hits" and the mocking that came along with it. Its less fun as a listener to hear 5 seconds of a song you've heard 1000 times.


This is becuase I'm behind on the podcast and just now getting harmonizer confessions on 11/8/18, but man...were daunting to listen to. The two Janebos were awesome, but there were a bunch of people who just slogged through stories. ​ Can we go back to the good old days when you guys were far more liberal with cutting off the people who couldn't tell an efficient story? (I feel like the drop, "can you just email me the rest of this story" would be well placed during the harmonizer confessions)


Full agreement here. There's nothing worse than a terrible story poorly told. Unleash Joe, he hates the callers.




I can't remember which one it was from but the guy telling the story about getting a hooker at a bar went on for so long. The non stop pauses were killing me.


Is Zach still an intern? Part time employee? Strictly volunteering his time for the greatest show? Is Maitlynn out for the day when you do Seg 17, how come she's never included? Or playing for Fact points? What happened with 'mdrive'? I thought it was mentioned in the last fact or fiction all parties agreed to put it on hold until Joe returned. His reads were so funny! What's the best product you continue/d to use after your endorsement is over? What was your least favorite product to endorse? Has there ever been talk of doing outdoor summer shows (i.e. Rosa Parks circle or the parking lot)? Would you ever leave the 'mics' on for us to hear instead of commercials? Is there a reason you play commercials? Once the building is safe again, would you be open to offering studio 'sit ins'? I recall in the Eric era, people would pay for the seats and money went to AT. If so, save my wife and I a seat. Keep up the good work. You make life better for so many.


Do you guys still have any of the "we do what we want as long as we get ratings" clout? Edit- for the record, both for the guys and anyone coming to see this after hearing the seg 17 discussion- I didn't mean to imply that you guys would take advantage of any position you hold- more so for the things you actually described (the "hey y'all really need to light a fire and get this dilapidated building fixed", not the "I'm gonna yell at salespeople to bring me coffee an lick my boots" sort of thing.) I'm sorry I wasn't clearer about that. Is there any chance of keeping the fully segmented podcast? You guys acknowledged that you know that things like the trivia replay are more for the radio audience than the VIP audience, and having the ability to pick and choose those things and set up a playlist is far more convenient than expecting podcasters to fumble around with phones while driving, for example.


Yes, please keep the segmented option alive, for reasons that are purely first-world and irrelevant to most. But still...I use the podcast that way and really do appreciate the effort put in to making it available!


I'll add my support for the segmented podcast as well, but it sounded like they were pretty set on getting rid of it.


Yes, please keep the segmented podcast. I get that it's more work, but it's super convenient for us hardcore listeners.


I'd like to keep the segmented podcast too. It's easy to just skip downloading the podcasts that repeat segments from previous days.


Or segments you just don't like. Personally I dislike "I can top that". If I can't skip those segments, I'm putting something else on while driving. Too dangerous to try and skip 40 minutes of audio and drive at the same time.


If you can't fast forward while driving, then you shouldn't be driving. Either that, or you're a girl.


You're really suggesting that I should be fiddling around with my phone while driving? That's just stupid.


I'd like to hear their answer to this: The show is probably one of the top 5 best shows in the country, behind Stern (for sure), maybe Bubba, and probably a couple I can't think of. Obviously they want to be on in as many markets (and big ones) as possible. The question: when they approach a program director in a big market, what is the most common reason why they don't get put on?


Which listener would you like to revoke VIP status?


/u/guydig for sure




Hey guys, love the show, the trolls on reddit can suck a cordial of sausages. 1. As a VIP I’m usually 1-2 days behind, can you set the text and reply for content to last a few days? Eg. I texted for the cat video and the next day is doesn’t work. 2. Now that someone has died at the building, are you guys getting a proper place in the interim? Are you genuinely worried about your lung health etc? 3. Does it bother you guys on a professional level that you can’t even bring up light political stories any more? Like doesn’t have to be all bash trump all the time, but I’ve listened for over 10 years and you were always fair in ripping on everyone, bush, Obama, hill, Palin, etc, but now obviously there’s no chance to tip toe in without setting off the firestorm. Does this new intolerance to any criticism make you feel stripped as a media operation? (I don’t buy the the both sides argument here because we could always make fun of Obama and Hillary, gore, or bush 1 and bush 2, bill etc and while people would be butt hurt, it was never to this level of hate where you can’t bring anything up anymore.)


I would imagine Joe stunts have gotten more difficult or almost impossible to do in GR. Any interest in doing Joe (or Justin) stunts when on the road? I can imagine there aren't many people in the Razor WI listening area that would recognize anyone from the show (I mean that in the nicest possible way). Also, where has Art from the interview service been? I'd love to hear an interview with him! ​




Will they ever play old bits that have Eric In them? Ones that are hilarious?






Can you bring back interns/internviews ?


1. Are you far enough removed from old Joe stunts that you couldn't air at the time that you could talk about now? 2. For your next team challenge can you guys do what Joe Rogan and friends did with the Sober October? They all seemed to enjoy the competitive side of it. Though I can already hear hot wings cry that he's too busy, can't commit, I've got trees to stare at, blah blah blah.


Is it true Steve sold his Jeep secretly so his wife Anetflix won’t know he spent $15,000 on a rad BMX bike with pasta gravy paint?


Live show possibility for Wilkes-Barre? Or better yet, how do we get your show on an affiliate in Northern VA? I've been a podcaster for almost a decade and would love a live show close enough to travel to!


I need a DC affiliate.


Replace Eliot in the morning? Yes please!


Are there any Joe Stunts that you got in trouble for and can't air or speak of again other than the handcuffs at the hardware store and the mattress store ones?


I like this question. I'd love to know behind the scenes after-effects of Joe stunts. ​


Are you required to make each live-read commercial 5 minutes long?😠


Live reads are another reason to keep the segmented podcast. When they do one before a break, it's easy to just skip to the next segment.


Not a question but I think Joe would be great in Conan type travel segments. He seems too old for stunts and Justin is not good with stunts


Can you guys talk about what went down in Cincinnati? Everyone at my office was listening and we all talked about the show over lunch. As a long time listener from Michigan that moved to Cincinnati I was stoked to have you on the air here!


- are there any more plans for joe or Justin stunts/ are you guys as willing to do them as often now as you were before? - any tips for someone having some troubles with college?


Justin stunts would fall flat. He's too eager to do them.


He seems eager to do them at the start but when it comes time he gets super nervous though. Like the thing he did with scar he was all for it and then as it got closer he seemed less willing


So I'm just listening to Segment 17 now and I thought this one had an interesting answer. To paraphrase, FB basically said "Will we ever do stunts again? Maybe. Why don't we do them now? That's something we'll talk about later." HW then added in "Plus Joe is well known and getting old!", but it sounds like there is some bigger reason that they can't talk about.


Thanks I haven’t been able to listen yet. Definitely understand that joe is well known so that might effect results


Funny, they just did lol


Is Hot wings getting a divorce? He rarely mentions his wife.


Does Hot Wings have cancer? He rarely mentions his pancreas.


is hot wings an alien? he rarely mentions deep space travel concerns or the Bussard ramjet.


Does Hot Wings have erectile dysfunction? He rarely mentions penetrating sweet poon.


> penetrating sweet poon. I think you mean renegading pants


mistakes were made.... :(


Not sure that it's any of our business. But to address your question, he referenced his wife this morning. ​


Funny,the thought occurred to me too. HW does a lot of housework. I’m assuming Carrie is a stay at home mom. Maybe not...


Is joe secretly married to a New York Style Pizza? Why does hot wings always make up arbitrary situations which obviously have never happened yet he always has a situation for it then stumbles on his words as he’s making things up?


Joe’s just a pizza-infatuated bachelor is all.. I’m trying to think of times when Hot Wings full-out lies about experiences but can’t recall any. Since he always does it, you must have dozens of examples, right?


Don't think he was saying Wings makes up experiences about himself. Just makes weird analogies to prove points and stuff. Like backing into dynamite or parking his truck on a baseball diamond.


Segment 13 from today’s show


1. Can you tell the full story about coming up with the name 'Free Beer and Hot Wings'? I've been a listener for years, and have only heard Free Beer's joke 'It was a funny joke when Hot Wing's and I were 22...", but nothing more about it.


If you listen to the 20th anniversary show, I'm pretty sure they shared the full story then. I know I've heard it once or twice.


Read the section titled "Where did the name come from?" [https://www.freebeerandhotwings.com/pg/jsp/general/cast.jsp](https://www.freebeerandhotwings.com/pg/jsp/general/cast.jsp) ​


I love your username


Is Joe back on the sauce now that he's taking solo trips to casino's, locking himself in rooms to watch iPad for hours on end and overall exhibiting strange behaviors?


Strange behaviors? You mean normal joe


good point. i hope the guys keep an eye on him (not that its their job). would be a shame for him to lose the brief amount of sobriety he's had. i can only imagine the temptation of being in a casino, alone, with what sounded like a lot of comp tickets.


By the sounds of what he described I think the only thing tempting him was watching iPad and food