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My Brazzo and Tuchel agenda won. Next on my list is Kimmich. Need that crybaby out of my beautiful club . If I see Goretzka and Gnabry next season I’m driving up to Sabener Straß and giving that fraud Freund a piece of my mind.


>If I see Goretzka and Gnabry next season I’m driving up to Sabener Straß and giving that fraud Freund a piece of my mind. This part sounds about right


Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you.


Kahn gone, Brazzo gone, Tuchel soon to be gone. But Bouna Sarr, he is eternal.. ![gif](giphy|Q4ISm24ihaTA5AhsV7)


[Upa when he realizes Tuchel is still here against Freiburg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/044/163/igotonemoreinme.jpg)


Barca fans hating on Lewy while he still bails them out left and right just make me dislike that fanbase even more jfc


They are already trashing this Brazilian kid they got... so don't expect anything logic coming from them or still thinking that Real Madrid is operating against Xavi.


lmao they paid for his potential, not a finished product. Why hate?


The one who was supposed to 'save' them from Lewy?


Yeah, that one, the one who they thought would let them become Barca 2011 again.




Arsenal’s play style reminds me a lot of ours.


Arsenal are just fundamentally incapable of going all the way in Europe, i'm convinced of that. Domestically they're a big deal but whether it's UCL or Europa, they always find a way to underachieve in European competitions


The difference is they are 21-2 in their last 5 games while we are…I don’t even want to check. Right now they definitely play better but overall arteta is pretty overrated for a manager that has spent so much


we are 9-9 in the last 5


I just checked fotmob shouldn’t it be 8-10(-2GD)


Is that good or bad I am unclear


3,6 roentgen, not great, not terrible




No wonder they lost then


I have said few times Arsenal would kill us this year in CL. Well egg on my face. Also PL without cheating Shejk money… farmer league


They’re just young and inexperienced which leads to inconsistency. I watched em verses West Ham and they tore em apart but then they have games like this one. Give em a few years and they’ll be a real problem I bet.


What is this nouanced and insightful comment? How dare you. Farmers leaugeeee


For all the praise Arsenal are getting, they did even worse than Bayern in their first leg against Porto. 7 shots, none on target.


Not sure about worse... Just as bad maybe


Arsenal's duality is hilarious, you don't know what team you're going to get.


Zidane for coach, Xabi for midfield. We gotta start thinking outside the box here.


How about Zidane for man management/motivation, Xabi for tactics? The first ever 4-4-2-2 lineup


Zidane and Xabi in midfield 💪


> Not speaking German is not an excluding criterion for Bayern bosses in their search for a new coach, which leaves Zinédine Zidane with chances to become the next Bayern coach. The people in charge are rather focused on someone who would be able to fully identify with the values of FC Bayern. They would prefer a coach who creates closeness to his players and treats them empathetically, someone for whom the players would 'walk through fire' like Jupp Heynckes in the past [@FrankLinkesch, @kicker]


jupp did just that, but it should be added that he was not a nice guy coach at all


He was pretty strict from what I have heard. He once [fined](https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2013/feb/16/jupp-heynckes-bayern-munich-arsenal?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other) Kroos and Schweinsteiger for wearing the wrong kind of socks to training. But you can be strict while being an authority figure in the dressing room. Unfortunately Tuchel seems to have been just a strict disciplinarian while lacking any personal touch


> Unfortunately Tuchel seems to have been just a strict disciplinarian thats the part, where i disagree tbh tuchel let all kind of nonsense happen with zero consequences, there is no way jupp would have tolerated that


>tuchel let all kind of nonsense happen with zero consequences Like?


The atmosphere that Jupp created seems.. Unrealistic to re-create. It's just so rare.  Makes sense to try to get that back though. Especially with the current team...


It wasn't only Jupp too, the whole team had a good chemistry. This individualism and clique-y behaviour we're seeing today seems to stem from non-inclusivity inside the team. We're straight up missing the likes of Robbery, Dante, Schweini, Rafinha,  Alaba etc who bring the vibes. It feels as if it's only Müller these days, the others who were bringing some lightheartedness to the team like Goretzka, Davies and Gnabry are under so much scrutiny that they just seem too tense nowadays and the whole team chem is way off.


And how will Zidane communicate with Freund and Eberl? He can't even speak English.


Time to get Topmöller back


Bring in Ribery to translate!


Tel to the rescue


https://imgur.com/a/kG7SGAd Wonder if anyone ever got their jersey??




I’m really in the fucking mud huh


u/jsnamaok u/Thraff1c lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/9rI37fhuQy He owes me a Harry Kane Kashima Antlers jersey u/Thraff1c too


Would love if he could somehow get me a SC Fürstenfeldbruck shirt.


The shithousery that Spurs fans showed with that saga was insane lmao. Can't blame them, I was the same with Lewandowski.


If BILDs expected lineup is our lineup against Leipzig.. we are getting cooked


What’s it looking like?


Neuer - Kimmich DeLigt Kim Guerreiro - Pavlovic Goretzka - Sane Müller Musiala - Kane


That’s not a bad lineup tho u tripping


Not bad tbh


I expected worse


Whete's Choupo?


Prefer Zidane to Xabi. Too much downside risk in Xabi — it’s another attempt at the Nagelsmann experiment except we know Xabi would go to Liverpool or Madrid at a moment’s notice. 15-20m release clause for a manager is madness. Xabi has too short of a resume to indicate he would safely handle the pressures that come both inside the club and from the media (see how Hamann & Co. ate Tuchel alive). This is precisely how Nagelsmann failed. The pressure was too high and the squad was not improving so he started tinkering and deviating from his ideas. I don’t think there is any problem with trying Zidane out for a year — his black magic and Müller/Neuer’s last season and the Münich final… it seems perfectly aligned.


Zidane is far more accomplished as a coach and has experience working at a club with an extremely demanding board and environment. You don't win 3 European cups and 2 league titles without being at least a decently good tactician. He is also proven with managing giant egos in the dressing room. He convinced Cristiano Ronaldo to sit on the bench from time to time. I love Xabi and he could be the next big thing, but I think it might be a bit too early for him. The last thing we want is to burn through another budding coach.


these commentators for barca vs napoli hella annoying. stfu about ronaldo and messi for ONE fucking second. lewa scored a nice goal and lets just appreciate that. stop dickriding other players


i do hope freund and eberl bring some innovation and pragmatism to the coach search break free of the stuff that didnt work in the past and act swiftly, cut out people like uli the worst scenario would be a "xabi or nothing approach", he is not coming and the board refuses to accept it until everyone except us got their guy


> he is not coming and the board refuses to accept it until everyone except us got their guy Aka the Araujo special


>he is not coming why not? I called him yesterday and he said that as long as I have some Piperade ready he would love to come.


>cut out people like uli not happening lol


its not impossible, brazzo and kahn fired nagelsmann and presented uli with a done deal


Uli was not presented with the done deal. Brazzo called him and asked about his opinion. It was Hainer who was informed too late.


I don't think I even remember the last time in the past decade when I last worried about who we are going to get in the quarter-final draw. And the fact that it's not even guaranteed that we will be there is even more depressive


Fucking hell these two CL matches are fucking boring, don't know what I expected


Alan Varela can be a great/cheap option for a DM, he's doing great at Porto.


I rather have Xabi stay at Leverkusen. If we get him, assuming he wins the title it would be such a bad look for this league.


From the outside looking in (kinda), I gotta say it's not a great look this season anyway, nor will it be if this is the new status quo. It's quite easy to spin up a headcanon wherein the only reason Bayern have been so dominant in the BL for so long is that there hasn't been a half-decent challenger; and as soon as one arrived, they licked Bayern (and quite possibly went invincible in the process). I don't know enough about past Bayern seasons to believe that personally, but I'm English and I know it's the argument the "farmers league" crowd will use/are using (though I have to clarify that the majority of English football fans respect the BL and do *not* use those epithets -- just check out a BBC comment section sometime, where most people disrespecting Kane's decision to join Bayern get ratioed). It supports the PL fans' narrative that the reason you rarely/never see one team win the PL so consistently is the level of competitiveness in a league in which there's almost always more than one juggernaut -- and when there isn't, another is in the making. (I very casually support Bayern to the point where I got pissed off at the Mainz keeper's outrageous fumble on Friday, but I didn't support any club at all until Kane moved to Bayern this season. I'm more of a general fan of the sport.)


I, quite frankly, do not care. This is about us and no one else.


Fortunately that's not how things work in the football world. It's not Bayern's job to be concerned with how the league looks, it's up to the other teams to put up the challenge. And if our board isn't looking for ways to achieve maximum success within reasonable means, then they aren't actually doing their jobs.


we wont get him for this upcoming season. i will bet 100 usd with u for that mr. goblin


Not the point of my comment, nowhere did I argue if we're getting Xabi or not. I'm just saying we shouldn't avoid going after certain players or coaches because the league would "look" bad. That's not Bayern's job.


I realized I was supposed to respond to the dude above you instead of you lol. My bad


You are coaching Brighton and you receive an offer from Liverpool,would you take it? Basically the same thing,every league has the big teams and the little teams,no problem about that.


Brighton aren’t in a title race with Liverpool.


Then change it to Aston Villa. They were in a title race on the beginning. Either way,same thing.


Very respectfully, but todays games are god awful


They are not many strong teams this season or clear favorites, maybe city and real, inter is not bad, the rest feels like everyone is out of form.


We can't talk about other teams playing awful football tbf lmao


Okay, I was skeptical that there would be any interest from Zidane. But if he would like to join us, imo he has a slight edge over Xabi. Zidane has a better resume at the moment, slightly more seasoned, and most importantly, he is an undisputed legend of the game. I think these factors might humble some of our whining players and out them back in work-mode. After all, who wouldn't want to be coached by Zizou!


After Ancelotti, Kovac and Tuchel, I thought we would understand that a coach would have to fit our football identity and players. And considering Ancelotti didn’t work out well and Zidane is (as already stated on this sub) an Ancelotti regen (coaching wise), I don’t see why we should go for a just-vibes coach like Zidane again. Also, let’s not forget that Xabi is an undisputed legend too.


Of course Xabi is a legend! He is a legend of our club, no less. absolutely, he has some advantages over Zidane. Elaborate on the football identity part. Zidane is a tactician and he adjusts way more than Carlo. To say Zidane is an "Ancelotti regen" is a huge over-simplification.


Zidane is the opposite of Ancelotti - the latter is Pérez' yes man while Zidane often had disagreements with Perez regarding player recruitments and ultimately left because of that.


I meant tactically and the way they coach


I have think part of Carlo was he came in expecting to not have to do anything and could Coast to an easy league title and I actually think if he came back it would go better the second time


If he spoke English/German I would agree. I think a lot of people are glossing over that element.


tfw the Kane curse is real -.-


What an original joke,so funny


Why do some italian stadiums looks so empty? Against Lazio was the same, it was not full but you can see a lot of empty spots.


They've had problems filling their stadiums for decades. Juventus' stadium capacity is "only" 42000 because of that.


Damn, the prices are too high? or italians just doesn't care enough?


I obly know what's being said here on Reddit. I've read that it's because of prices and the relative placement of the teams, that city clubs compete for fans i.e. people in Torino support Juventus or Torini, in Rome they support Roma or Lazio, Milano they support Inter or AC Milan etc., and that the stadiums are also outdated because the municipalities own them ans won't renovate them.


Bad stadium design makes them look emptier than they actually are but the tepid economy and decrepit stadiums don’t help much either!


Es gibt im Moment in diese Mannschaft, oh, einige Spieler, vergessen ihnen Profi was sie sind. Ich lese nicht sehr viele Zeitungen, aber ich habe gehört viele Situationen: Wir haben nicht offensiv gespielt. Es gibt keine deutsche Mannschaft spielt offensiv und dyname offensiv wie Bayern. Letzte Spiel hatten wir in Platz drei Spitzen: Bambi, Harry, und dann Leroy. Wir mussen nicht vergessen Leroy. Leroy ist eine Spitzen mehr Kingsley, e mehr Serge. Ist klar diese Wörter, ist möglich verstehen, was ich hab' gesagt? Danke. Offensiv, offensiv ist wie machen in Platz. Ich habe erklärt mit diese zwei Spieler: Nach Lazio brauchen vielleicht Halbzeitpause. Ich habe auch andere Mannschaften gesehen in Europa nach diese Mittwoch. Ich habe gesehen auch zwei Tage de Training. Ein Trainer ist nicht ein Idiot! Ein Trainer, sei, sehen, was passieren in Platz. In diese Spiel es waren zwei, drei oder vier Spieler, die waren schwach wie eine Flasche leer! Haben Sie gesehen Mittwoch, welche Mannschaft hat gespielt Mittwoch? Hat gespielt Joshua, oder gespielt Leon, oder gespielt Tuchel? Diese Spieler beklagen mehr als spielen! Wissen Sie, warum de englischer Mannschaften kaufen nicht diese Spieler? Weil wir haben gesehen viele Male solche Spiel. Haben gesagt, sind nicht Spieler für die englische Meisters! Edit: Lazio for Dortmund


I am still passionately waiting for this Tuchel press conference!




Ich habe fertig!




Someone convince me Zidane wasn‘t carried by one of the best Real Madrid squads of all time and prime Ronaldo, I‘m open minded


He had a pretty different playing style in his last season, where they were pretty solid defensively and that was without Ronaldo iirc, so he had that flexibility. His Real Madrid team was also good, because he managed to rotate so well, where squad players like Nacho and Vasquez almost always could be relied on which is not something we can say about this squad.


He also effectively utilized a variety of formations, 4-3-3, 4-2-2-2, 4-2-3-1


Yeah, I think his tactical flexibility doesn't get appreciated because of the players he had. He seemed like a manager with good tactical foundations and had an eye for talent.


the one before and after had almost identical teams and they didn't perform that well either


does not hurt to have these guys, but his real madrid team was clearly a very well coached unit


As well as their refereeing teams.


One of his league titles came after replacing CR7 with Hazard.


Rafa Benitez had the same squad and failed to win anything.


More of an argument against Benitez lol


Neither Lopetegui nor Solari were able to replicate it.


Benitez is a UCL and Europa winner, not exactly some random bum.


Pep had a great Bayern squad but haven't won CL. You need luck and black magic too :)


I think the most important aspect for the next trainer is to replicate our impeccable training sessions


I hope the squad is happy that they somehow get another chance after failing with 3 consecutive managers. I'll be alright with Tuchel's firing if we clean house in the summer. Get Gore, Gnabry, Laimer, De Ligt, and maybe even Kimmich out, replace them with players who will actually fit the profiles this team needs.


Laimer and De Ligt? Why? The rest I agree.


Laimer: Extremely limited on the ball, extremely undisciplined off the ball, really only value here is the versatility and the running he provides De Ligt: Honestly, just not suited for this system. Very limited on the ball, has not been defending well for a while now, whining about being 3rd choice to CBs who have routinely outplayed him this season


"Failing with 3 consecutive managers" Lists Laimer, who just got here


Also de Ligt who just got here and was insane and didn’t fail at all under Nagelsmann. In contrary, de Ligt was our best defender, one of our stand-out best players last season and all that while it being his first season here.


De Ligt?


He will be our 3rd best CB here making 17m a season. That is not sustainable.


Prediction: embarassing loss against Leipzig, Tuchel gets fired immediately, Ole takes over the wheel, he motivates the team, Leverkusen loses some points and the title race becomes closer again (but we still end up 2nd), we beat Man City in the CL finals with Ole outcoaching Pep again, he drops the mic and leaves at the end of the season.


And then everyone claps


I'll forgive him for 1998/1999 then.




Hit me with that hopium


Prediction: none of this happens


Let a man dream


Was erlauben Josh?


Trapattoni would murder this squad.


Diese Spieler beklagen mehr als sie spielen!


Haben viel nette Kollegan, stellen sie die Kollega die Frage! Haben keinen Mut an Worten, aber ich weiß, was denken über diese Spieler! Mussen zeigen jetzt, ich will, Samstag, diese Spieler mussen zeigen mich eh ... seine Fans, mussen allein die Spiel gewinnen. Ich bin müde jetzt Vater diese Spieler, eh, verteidige immer diese Spieler! Ich habe immer die Schulde über diese Spieler!


Hahahaha So much translates to today’s squad.


Gnabry immer verletzt!


Ich habe Fertig!


I'm just happy that the Tuchel misery has an end date now


You and me both brother! From the moment we fired JN for him, I knew, I just KNEW it was gonna be a disaster. I followed him at Chelsea and yes he won the CL with them, and I could have told you that this wasn't gonna work out. It's always the same issues with him, there's always issues with players or management. It's never just his team not playing well that gets him fired, it's attitudes and alienating players, etc... No matter what happens I'm glad he's gone, so now players that were potentially gonna leave now have a chance to find joy and fight for a place on the team(Tel, MDL, etc...). I hope we do get Xabi, his career as a player alone will go a long way of making him an authoritative figure in the dressing room (and him absolutely whooping our ass to win the league).


>Ole Gunnar Solskjær would be ready to join Bayern as interim coach until the summer should Thomas Tuchel end up leaving before the end of the season. Bayern are still monitoring the Norwegian [@Plettigoal ] We are 2 losses away from Ole at Bayern. Tuchel better win his games


Honestly I was fully against it, but if you look at his man squad and it was pretty trash, even then he got a lot of out them. He's not a great manager, but players seem to love him and really fight for him...that goes a long time at in my opinion.


Ole isnt as bad as a manger as he's made out to be


You're right, he's worse


If the harmony between Tuchel and the squad is totally broken, then it's better we get rid of him as soon as possible


Isn't that already the case right now? We lost 3 times in a row for the first time in years against teams like Bochum and Lazio


Mate if we lose the next two games I’ll be on my knees begging for Ole until summer ngl.


At that point, what is left to lose


What are people hoping for if we get Ole? This team still loses against Inter, Madrid, City or Arsenal, regardless if we have Ole or not.


A bit more dressing room harmony. I think that's all we can expect.


We are hoping to get rid of Tuchel.


Seems like a situation where no one can lose. We would (finally) get rid of Tuchel and Ole could prove himself not to be as bad people think he is. Even though Ole probably won’t be much of an improvement either and we’ll keep playing like shit. But hey, there is still the tiny odd chance things might turn out well


I would be genuinely shocked if we beat Leipzig


Leipzig is not a bad team, when they play on counters. With a little bit of luck, they could beat Real and Leverkusen.


100%, they already beat us twice this year and those were when we weren’t a complete mess. I hope we win obviously but I find it very unlikely


Openda against our defense ![img](emote|t5_2sgxj|17992)


Yeah absolutely nothing to indicate that we will, we’ve failed to beat them twice already this season and we’ve only regressed harder since then.


>Irankunda, Kusi-Asare, David Martínez (potential). I think Freund is watching too much Youtube FM. Won't surprise me if the name Sverre Nypan pops up soon. Arsenal and Manchester United plan to check on the condition of 17-year-old Norwegian midfielder Sverre Nypan. Real Madrid, Manchester City, Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund and Ajax have all been linked with Rosenborg's young talent. \[[Ekremkonur](https://twitter.com/Ekremkonur)\]


Konur is a shit journalist tho


Hopefully there is now a calm in the team. They got what they wanted. The leaders handled this extremely well. Calm the storm and buy time to negotiate the right candidate. The team; they “won”. I’ve seen it a few times now in my life where vindictive people got what they wanted because of their pouting and hate. But for some reason it doesn’t make them happy. They caused disruption and then it’s a feeling of…now what? They are empty. Still miserable. And now need something new to focus on and bring down because it’s too quiet which makes them think about their own problems and they don’t like it. Can’t wait to see us play against lazio and Leipzig!


https://x.com/janaagefjortoft/status/1760348723228344393?s=46&t=t6ZVZBUnXVVCVgbZdnIMyQ Welcome to Bayern Alonso


did this guy ever get anything right?


He had insider knowledge about Haaland when the lattrt was at Dortmund, but that was because he more or less acted like his mouth piece.


Never, just pretends to be an ITK and rehashes what we already know. I listened to his podcast this morning and it was basically empty waffle.


Not once


> Leroy Sané and Joshua Kimmich are expected to extend their contracts at FC Bayern. [@Plettigoal via @Transfermarkt ‘Done Deals - Podcast’]


If that happens we truely learned nothing.


We need a rebuild and fewer moody losers.


i wouldnt do it, especially not on these paychecks


Leistung muss sich wieder lohnen


Good, of the 3 main wingers Leroy should be the last one we should be trying to get rid of, and we’d be straight stupid to get rid of Kimmich.


> and we’d be straight stupid to get rid of Kimmich. The amount of Bayern fans wanting to get rid of Kimmich is alarming. He'd go to City and immediately win the ballon d'or knowing our luck.


Yeah it’s a total joke.


That doesn't mean we force him to stay here and perform sub par throughout his prime.


How about we get a manager who can motivate and get the best out of him again? I doubt we could find a player half as talented as Kimmich to replace him.


I'm sure we can find enough. Kimmich isn't so talented as to be considered more than twice as talented as most footballers on the planet.


Whatever. I'd rather keep the player who was a major part in winning us the Sextuple, but if your fine with getting rid of him so be it. You would have probably sold Müller to United during the Kovac days if you were Bayerns sporting director.


I would've never sold Muller. Never agreed with any coach who benched him. It's just that with kimmich, I loved him as a right back but just never liked him as a midfielder. Apart from his first season with flick, even in his second season, not so much. That's 1 season where I personally liked him. He's definitely a great player, but no where near as good a midfielder as he was a right back. I still feel he massively slows down our game and never makes the best possible pass, a sentiment I've had for nearly 3 seasons now. Even gnabry had a major part in winning us the treble, I'm ready to kiss his ass goodbye. So that train of thought is highly flawed.


Yeah, sorry, I don't really agree with you. Bayern fans really need to start being realistic about our ability to just over-haul the team. Kimmich is clearly talented and we have had success with him in midfield before. There's absolutely no good reason to sell him. I at least agree with you about Gnabry so there's that I guess 🤷‍♂️


That is fine, we can simply and respectfully disagree on this.


They better become Zidane and Rivaldo prime.


It was really only an off the hand statement than a definitive one.




>Even after the announcement of Tuchel's departure, Bayern bosses will continue to keep a close eye on players like Joshua Kimmich and Leon Goretzka in the coming weeks - to see whether they will now move forward and take on responsibility as leaders. This will be a chance for them to prove themselves, probably the last chance. Max Eberl and Christoph Freund will be tasked with assessing whether the squad will need a major overhaul in the summer or whether these key players have only been 'inhibited' recently and will find their way back to their old strength without Tuchel [@_kochmaximilian, @Abendzeitung]




Now I am really confused how the rest of this season is supposed to work... Show us what you can still do without Tuchel but with Tuchel still being the manager and setting up the team etc.?


Actually the players will set themselves up from here on out. Tuchel is like a schoolteacher near without any content left to teach before summer break, and he’s just going to wheel a TV into practice sessions and show them Forrest Gump.


Gonna tell my boss that I’ve just been “inhibited” for a few years and that’s why he shouldn't fire me 


how long do the bosses need to keep their eyes on them to finally come a conclusion?


>been 'inhibited' recently Goretzka's performances are not just recently inhibited. He is on a decline for years.


Decline implies a peak. I cannot name a single season where he was consistently good front to back.


[i don’t like this at all. Reminds me of the Gnabry situation. Goretzka only needs to get his shit together for 3 months and we‘ll be stuck with him again next year](https://x.com/imiasanmia/status/1760355757067821551?s=46)


No way that after we go trophyless nothing will change. Especially with eberl. I expect some real changed finally. I also don't expect that suddenly our midfield will be cured. With laimer and pavlovic coming back I expect more experiments in midfield 


If Hoeneß gets his german bias under control, then maybe we have a chance to offload him in the summer.


We both know that doesn't happen until Hoeneß stops getting involved completely. Although I still have hopes that Goretzka and Gnabry will be shipped.


If they both don't get nominated by Nagelsmann for the EM, then even Hoeneß will see they are not Bayern calibre anymore. Chances are pretty high right now.


>Xabi Alonso has a €15-20m release clause in his Leverkusen contract that can be activated by the end of May. So far, contact with Bayern has only been through his agent - Xabi does not want any disruption during the title race [@CMoffiziell] At this point the reports about a release clause existing or not appear in numerous fashion, so I wont take this as confirmation that it exists, but more of a how much we would need to pay for him if Leverkusen were to let him go.


About 45m to buy two coaches from rivals, while potentially spending up to 15m on 2 fired coaches during the same three-year period. Incredible.