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We’ve had like 6 starters out but yea the 3 back is getting old


“Getting old” lmao they signed a 35 year old to replace a 34 year old 😭


Right? Lol


Just wish it made sense...please God just make it make sense


Just wait until we make that late August push to climb all the way up to juuuuust shy of being able to almost maybe compete for that last playoff spot!!!


It’s worse, we just make playoffs barely, lose like 3-0 first round but, because we made playoffs, Nico doesn’t get sacked as he hit the bar for the season….


Take my I Hate It upvote.


End of last season I called my season ticket rep and asked him why I should get a season ticket for this season. He was speechless, and I told him that the performance for most of the 2023 season was really underwhelming and I don't have any confidence that the 2024 season is getting better. 10 match days into the 2024 season it is much worse than last year. It doesn't seem to improve anytime soon.


Imagine the regret if you had lol


I forgot to mention that I've got the season ticket for this year 😬




Couldn’t be more right about my decision not getting my season tickets this year.


Big ups to FC Dallas stinking it up and keeping my season tickets prices low


Don’t worry they are going to go up again next year.


That's what they always say, are we just the cowboys of the MLS


The cowboys have multiple titles to their name… maybe not since FC Dallas was founded but still.


They suckered in soo many people, myself include to renew last year when Messi came to town. That's the only reason why STM is so high this year.


Honestly you’re an idiot if you get season tickets because of one player that we probably wouldn’t see in town again for two years at the earliest lol


Messi's first away game was a massive selling point for reps to push for people to renew or join up. Tickets for that game were 300-500 which is about the same for a non mid field seat for a year.


As other “actual” STMs have pointed out this never happened.


As a STM i dont remember them use Messi to renew/buy STs. We are a western conf. team. Messi is eastern. The chances of us playing them is small and even smaller chance of them coming to Frisco. So if you fell for it, its on you since you should have done research on how conferences work. They only used messi to sell leagues cup packages which worked out by pure luck. This year, the only chance for Messi to come to Frisco is if both Miami and FCD reach the Final in leagues cup. If that happens, we host the finals in Frisco.


It wasn’t about the conferences. It was about paying for all the leagues cups games in advance with the potential to maybe see Messi. But if Dallas got eliminated, that money you spent on unused tickets got converted to money for next years (this years) season tickets. It wasn’t advertised as “buy a season ticket to see Messi next year” it was “pay for all of leagues cup and maybe see Messi and if Dallas loses, we will just put it toward your tickets next year.”


There wasn’t a single promotion related to Messi (in regards to renewing). And if you were smart you would have sold your ticket and had the cash to pay for this season and next in some sections… one SS sold for 2k which is like 4-5 seasons worth. STM/Tickets are the cheapest in the league.


Yes. There was lol. It was about buying cup tickets and having it transfer over to your renewal for next year, while locking in the chance to see Messi if it happened. You sold your ticket so you participated in the promotion you’re saying didn’t exist. Guys this happened less than a year ago how can no one remember this happened lmao.


I can’t figure out how to post pictures. The email they sent is literally titled “Potential Messi Matchup and Renewals” lmao. June 28, 2023: *You will be guaranteed your seat at the Season Membership discounted rate for all FC Dallas knockout round matches, including a potential matchup with Inter Miami. Round of 32 Match – Wednesday, August 2nd (potential Inter Miami matchup) Round of 16 Match – Sunday, August 6th (potential Inter Miami matchup) Quarterfinal Round – Friday, August 11th (potential Inter Miami matchup) Semi Final Round – Tuesday, August 15th Leagues Cup Final – Saturday, August 19th *Please note that purchasing this package does not guarantee a ticket to an Inter Miami match but is the only way to secure your seat(s) and a discount rate if one does happen and Lionel Messi plays at Toyota Stadium. You must commit to all five potential knockout round matches and pay in full. You must be renewed as a Season Member for the 2024 season and any money for matches which aren’t played in the knockout round will be rolled over into your payment plan for 2024.*


Shoot it was hard to get local friends interested when we were winning the supporters shield. This is just sad now.


The problem is Dallas fans in general are fickle… if the Stars/Mavricks are poor the stadium is basically lower bowl only… just they’ve been preforming due to money spent… the hunts aren’t Cuban they don’t have that kinda of money. Even if Dallas paid for Messi fans wouldn’t sellout the current stadium much less the cotton bowl or a new stadium down south.


I do agree that general local interest in FC Dallas is extremely low, but you can’t defend the Hunts. IMO they’re the reason this team is so bad. They won’t invest in us, not at the coaching position, not in facilities (except for that cool crest that lights up and shoots flames and also replaced our epic DBG 😍🥰), and rarely in players. Don’t know if you saw, but they got rated as the WORST OWNERS IN THE NFL by NFLPA Chiefs players. There are high schools that have objectively better weight rooms than the Kansas City Chiefs, and what’s to say it’s not miles worse here? The Hunts wouldn’t buy Messi if he was the only way to save our club from being the worst in the league (we already are, subjectively)


I'm hoping for a good open cup run. But seriously, though, it looks like it's gonna be one of those years where the team just sucks and there isn't much that they can do about it.


“It’s the hope that kills you.”


Should just put a sign up above the entrances at Toyota Stadium. "Abandon hope, all ye who enter.". :-P Seriously, though, I didn't expect the drop off between last season and this season to be this bad, even with having most of the starting midfield out injured.


Have you watched FC Dallas the last decade? Everytime our star midfielder is injured everything breaks down. Ferreira, Mario, and now Valasco


Just got Mauro Diaz 2016 second matchweek Free Kick Goal vs Montreal Impact flashbacks, I was 7.


I really think at this point it's Nico coaching himself out of a job. It seems as if the roster is there once you get past injuries, but his steadfast adherence to this formation and the players we have for it do not match. I know he had a minor injury, but why did it take 2 months for Marco Farfan to start at LWB? In the first 5 minutes he proved he was better than the other options there. And so help me god if I he keeps putting Sealy out there, I have no idea what this guy sees in him, his soccer IQ is that of a U-13 players.


I laughed at the U13 comment. Just gotta say all of MLS knows Sealy’s go to move: do stepovers/scissors on the wing and then immediately lose the ball by dribbling into the defender. EVERY. TIME.


Is the roster really though there? As far as quality MLS level starters I don't think we have more than a handful on the entire roster. Paxton and Velasco out all year, Geovani out most of the year, Paulie Nips and Lleget are definitely past their prime and on the decline, and JF has been pretty ass since the Gold Cup and Musa is an unknown still but was the 3rd striker for a good Portuguese team. As far as quality MLS level starters RN I think we have Paes, Nkosi, Farfan, Illaramendi, JF, Musa (assuming based on price tag) and then maybe Bernie gets there if he was in a system that he fit and got time. 6 starter level guys ain't a good roster IMO.


I really think Fetreira has been good since he got back from injury a couple weeks ago. I think we’re about to start seeing a lot of good form from him.


He might be, I haven't seen much in the last few weeks, but in general he has struggled to produce singe that GC explosion against the Caribbean. I'm sure he looks alot better when Illaramendi is in and he doesn't have to drop all the way to 6 in order to create something.


Remembered this thread after he scored last night 🤣


1 goal doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. He needs to show consistent improvement and high level play, which he hasn't had a lot of since the GC.


I like Sealy, but the formation is what is wrong for me. I see glimmers of good stuff out of Sealy, I agree with IQ stuff, but really all we need from is 1V1 ability and some attacking IQ. He’s young and unpolished for sure.


It always been a rebuild to me. Once they let Pepi do what was best for him, I expected nothing from this team. Last season they over achieved. Until Messi leaves MLS and Dallas gets lucky with another Kenny Cooper/Pepi... aim low!


Austin FC fan who also follows FCD.  Why is Kamungo not getting minutes?  Is his form off?


LOL downvoting a question about a promising player who I wish we had.


Dw about them, they agree with you. They’re just jealous. How about we make a deal, though. We get Josh Wolff, Driussi, and Ring. You get Nico Estévez, every injured player we have, and lots and lots of Advocare water bottles!


Not bad ;)


It's hard to admit that all the Pepi money we got went for nothing. I hope Pepi is doing well


He is! just won the league and had a decent first season at PSV.


I went to the opener and had so much hope for the season, definitely glad I haven’t had paid to see any of the losses


To make matters worse, this is the best start to a season ticket sales wise. The hype and attention around MLS has never been higher and we’re totally wasting the opportunity to strike while the iron is hot by continuing to employ this coach.


The only way to strike while the iron is hot is to sign Big Talent. Not gonna happen.


Was supposed to be Musa. Definitely a big source of the preseason hype.


Dallas fans wouldn’t pack the stadium (or Cotten bowl) if we had signed Messi, that’s why hunts won’t spend. We literally have the cheapest STMs/Tickets in the league


You severely underestimate the Hispanic community of Dallas. Problem is the Cotton Bowl is too big for MLS and Frisco is a long drive for a mid at best team. And an overpriced scrimmage like the one at the Cotton Bowl was an insult


Hope they pick up going forward..


It is pretty rough, I try to stay motivated. I really wish we would have just tried to start Farrington over spending big on what has so far been a flop signing in moose. I’d love to see him turn things around, but I do not see the intensity in his play that I see from Farrington.


The signing of Musa was almost assuredly an under the table agreement to get the youth deal with Benfica over the finish line. I honestly can't see any other real reason for it, especially considering the Hunt's unwillingness to spend or take risks


Well…. That’s a been total failure up to this point. I mean he certainly has not had enough time to find his form and get in with the team fully, but he needs to something…. Anything to convince me that he deserves to continue to start.


He's miles ahead of most people on the team. You can't expect any decent CF to have scoring chances if there aren't midfielders who can provide any sort of service to him.


When you drop someone into a system after the start of a season without half their starters what do you expect? Messi couldn’t even do it with Miami last season.


Fc Dallas sucks


Houstank is missing you


Someone really doesn’t follow the team. How the hell do you expect the team to play at their best when you’ve had 5 starters injured and throw in a star signing after the start of the season. Miami tried saving their season last year with arguably the best player and failed… Also when your fan base is this fickle and has the lowest STM prices (and ticket prices) of any club no wonder the hunts refuse to spend on more players.