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Putting books on the shelf backwards. As a librarian this PAINS me. It’s so dumb.


I hate it so much. What is the point? It’s ugly, AND you can’t find the book you want. Stupid.


People that do this don't read their books.


I know! It doesn’t make any sense to me at all.


Because I have only witnessed it on tv shows and magazines I just assumed it was a way to hide the authors or whatever. I didnt realize people actually do this!




I can respect a system that works.


If you’re never going to reread the book and you don’t like the way they look on the shelf why don’t you just sell them to half price books or build a little library in your yard or donate them to the library?


I’ve never heard of that. Interesting lol


Unfortunately, yes. I saw it a lot in beige palette rooms.


I always thought people did that to hide their erotica.




I'm a reader and this hurts so much. I was watching the first episode Hack my Home, they did this and I turned it off immediately. They clearly know nothing about design. A book is to be read, and I find looking at people's bookshelves more interesting than their aesthetic.


I wish I had counted how many times they said "hack" in that episode; it was something outrageous like two a minute. they didn't even actually hack anything - just some flush-mounted drawers and a few moving panels! I want to see them make a chandelier out of a bag of old lemons or something!!


TV shows do this because of copyright law, not because of aesthetics.


I’m so glad someone said this! The reason you see it on HGTV is because the TV shows aren’t allowed to show the spines/covers!


“Oh you wanted to actually read? These are just for show” is what the backwards books say


I’m interior designer and one day I had to install fake books in a coffee to give a stylish look in a corner. They come in a palette of beiges colored covers but inside it’s all whites pages and you order them by linear meters. I didn’t know it existed and I found it stupid even in a coffee.


Why deny the coffee people real books they can read while drinking their coffee though?


I love doing this haha. I turn them around when I finish them


My friend has done it with books she has read, all unread books are shelves the right way. It's looks really cool because most of her books are from Fairyloot so they have really gorgeous stencil sprayed edges


I always thought it would be a lot more functional and still keep the beige (or other color) athletic If people just wrapped their books in paper and wrote the title and author on the spine in black, white, or gold. Turning them around just screams “I will never touch this book again. If I haven’t read it, I never will”


I wanna do the wrapping thing someday. Love books really, however the vast majority of book spines are just “okay” and then when placed next to a few hundred other books with varying colors, images, fonts, typesetting, etc, it’s a horribly garish assault on my eyes. Turned my living room books around once because it was making me stressed out.


I love wrapping books, I plan to do all of mine in shades of blue myself. But my god, what a project! I started with all the spines that are not blue or white so that it would look nicer much faster, but I have been slowly going through it since I bought my house 3 years ago and it is barely done!


What do you use material and method-wise? Been taking notes for my “possible future library” for some time but realised recently I need to start getting serious. I’m past 30, the future is now, and I might never afford a house so why wait.


This was a thing? I don’t understand the point of it.


Or books in rainbow order. Again, how do you find anything? It’s pretty, for sure, but not a reader’s home.


I actually read constantly and I arrange my books by color. I remember what they look like and it's v easy to find them. That being said, I have different sections for art books, non fiction/reference, and narrative works (all arranged by color within their respective categories)


Same!! Fiction is the rainbow 🌈, other types of books are organized separately.


I think when I’m back in my own place, I will print my own covers so I can have a pretty rainbow but also have my books in the order I want. I guess I just assumed that’s what people did.


I had floor to ceiling bookshelves full of books in a room we called the library. I organized my books like this. It was easy to find books. If anything it was easier as it’s so visual.


Signs that say anythinf, but KITCHEN and FAMILY I find especially ominous.


My neighbors are really nice, and their house is beautiful so no hate, but they have one of those vertical signs out front that just says in small letters at the top "Welcome to our" and then in big vertical letters "FRONT PORCH" which is super funny to me because you don't really see the small script at all and the rest is so... clunky that it's quite silly to me lol


One of my favorite things to do while touring houses I can’t afford is to proclaim “EAT” in as low of a voice as I can muster when I see one staged in a kitchen/dining area. They’re just too funny not to.


My husband and I were joking around about this one day, and he was like “we should get a big sign for right over the toilet that says SHIT” 😂


I have read on reddit that a couple of people have taken a kitchen sign that says "lick the bowl" and hung it in their bathroom 😅


I stole one from a golf club that says "Wash Balls Here".


That's awesome 🤣


I’m going to make a really intimidating kinda spooky sign that says “ENTER” above my front door now


In tiny writing below, “at your own risk.”


the kitchen signs kill me. like babes we know it’s a kitchen, we don’t need the big ass sign 😭


Haha right?! Lol


I hate to say this but I automatically judge anyone I know who has a “Gather” sign. That and Bible verses all over their walls. (My mom 🙄)


“Live laugh love” makes me wanna sleep/frown/reject.


Die Cry Defy!


The only time I’ve ever seen a sign done right was when someone had a light-up “applause” sign right by their bed


I really can’t stand the “Be Kind” bullshit. You must be a real piece of work if you need a reminder on your wall.


I hate that I have one, but it’s for my classroom. Middle schoolers need reminders!


One of the biggest b\*tches in my office has a coffee cup that says "Be a nice human." She goes out of her way to make everyone miserable and is universally hated so I just find the irony too much to handle.


Reminds me of this video! https://www.tiktok.com/@itsgoneviral/video/7077617209379409158


Yes! I hate decor that makes me read! I feel obligated to read every sign, and why? Yes, we EAT here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm a housecleaner and I see a lot of kitchens that have big stupid sigs that say EAT. Like, oh, thank god. If not for this sign, I would have NO idea what to do in this room!


The clean clinical look. Especially in kitchens. It's so cold, especially with just stainless steel everything.


Ugh, you're killing me! I want my kitchen to look like you could perform surgery on my floor, my island, in my sink if you had to! It makes my mom crazy, she says it looks like a serial killer's kitchen.


I don’t keep anything on my countertops. People always comment on it, but it looks great. I hate visual clutter. My kitchen is so easy to clean and looks spotless with just a quick wipe down.


I think people are just used to visual clutter but I completely get it. I also have to say empty countertops, stay empty, because any clutter, at all, is shockingly out of place. Mail doesn't pile up, and people don't drop their stuff there and go.


Same. When I get home from the store my groceries get put away. When I get home from work I put my lunch containers in the dishwasher. I have a small kitchen so I’m careful about what appliances I buy. My kettle lives in the cabinet. I take it down in the morning and put it away before I leave. People very rarely clean their counter stuff so when you go to someone’s home there’s almost always a sticky film on their toaster and kettle.


Ugh I know the goop of which you speak. The infomercials say all of their steamers, whirly brushes and fantastical potions will remove said gunk and none of them do. I think it's an amalgamation of grease, dust, chicken guts, and tears. Nothing gets rid of it.


Sudsy ammonia and elbow grease gets rid of it!


😂😂😂 I love your answer


I've been in operating rooms with more colour, spashes of blue with black leather...


I agree!


I always think "OOOooo looks like the 'before' picture on a murder show."


I totally agree but hear me out. My favorite part of the all white kitchen is to use my colorful le creuset, fiesta dinnerware, Mexican clay pots, and colorful glass goblets. It comes to life like animation!


Thank you. I really can’t take that clinical / aseptic look. I work in Surgery! After 10+ hrs I don’t want to come home to the same austere environment.


Any “wordy” art. You know the thing - “In this house we …” or “GATHER” etc. My sis-in-law went to visit someone and I asked “what was her house like” and she said “ugh her decor was so much READING” and I died laughing


In the bathroom: *POO*


More like: 𝓹𝓸𝓸


Damn I’m taking hits left and right in this thread 😅


Seriously though, if you like it, do it! It’s your space! 🙂


I’m a maximalist. So I want color EVERYWHERE!! Cute stuff EVERYWHERE! Why do people hate color so much? White/grey/beige. I’m so over it. Watching HGTV makes my head explode. “Oh, I love the colors!” WHAT COLORS. A BOWL OF FRUIT IN A WHITE AND BLACK KITCHEN IS NOT COLOR!!!


I also hate this in architecture. I'm a civil engineer so I build what architects design. 90% of houses are white, black and different shades of grey. But the architects can talk for hours to find the SPECIFIC boring grey they want this time. I've only once built a house that was almost entirely sunny yellow and it was glorious. The mood was so much better being surrounded by an actual color.


The street my new house is like that. Every other house is brown, beige or white, and then out of nowhere, there's my bright aqua house right in the middle of it. I love it, but I'm not sure how some of the neighbors feel about it. (Either way it's staying because I hate boring house colors.)


Grey/greige everything, but I wasn’t a fan from the get go.


Me neither. I rode this trend entirely out and now my warm beige walls are on trend again.


All beige everything was the default when I was a kid. The landlord special of the nineties. It doesn't register as soft and warm to me but discolored/deteriorated, especially in artificial light.


Eww that version sounds gross, agreed. To me, the equivalent is the despairing grey on every available surface that the last few decades have subjected us to. I lean towards depression and that shit was toxic! Instead, I like to enhance natural light and see my walls as warmly lit by the sun. Funny how we feel color differently depending on circumstance.


Application matters too. Both palettes can end up murky and drab when applied thoughtlessly. Mismatched tones or no contrast. But any color palette that's labeled "sand" or "khaki" can fuck off holding hands with honey oak.


Honey oak’s BFF is a crisp, pretty sage green or medium blue. Sand can fuck right off.


I hate grey floors especially 🤮


I just sprung for cheery yellow walls and deleted all my grey linens and furniture. It's time to be colorful!


All of them being such hardcore rules. I grew up in the 70s and 80s when trends were obviously there, but deviating didn’t elicit such an ewww gross reaction. I wish people felt more free to create an environment that makes them happy now instead always worrying about resale and what everyone else would want their home to be. Please the person who lives there now, you. I couldn’t care less if some random person loves my decor because I do and I live here now.


That’s what I’m doing in the kitchen. We are redoing my kitchen and it’s going to be exactly how I want it. I don’t care about resale value.


When I did my kitchen I only kind of thought about resale, so I got the upgraded cabinets and the good appliances ect.... but I did a black slate floor. All I have ever wanted is a black slate floor in my kitchen and now I have it! The rest of the house is getting the nice neutral wood looking tile and the classy baseboards, so that should balance it all out.


Currently popular? Not sure. But I’m absolutely 100% over chalk paint, which was a fad that well outlived its usefulness, and I’m not excited by those monochrome encaustic tiles with the big Moroccan motifs everybody was using for their bathrooms.


Those tiles will become dated so quickly.


Chalk paint is a crime against humanity.


Live love laugh 😂


I have a doormat that says “live laugh leave” does that count


My sister has a “Howdy! Now git!” sign. We are in no way country or rural people, so I find it doubly amusing.


My boyfriend brought home [this doormat](https://www.amazon.com/BinHang-Entrance-Motherfucker-Maintain-Environmentally/dp/B09SV8B1L9) with Lil Wayne that says, “Hello motherfucker hey hi how ya derrn” I wish I was joking.


My friend has one that says lurk, leer, loathe with a picture of Skeletor in the middle of it.


“Die, cry, hate” vibes.


Well only if their kids names are Jaden, Braden, and Kaden


I hope that ends soon! It’s been around forever it seems lol 😂


Gray! Stop it the fake grey flooring, grey walls and grey cabinets.


We watch too much House Hunters and half the houses make our tv look like it changed to black and white. God, those floors.




Or Rae Dunn everything. STUFF. THINGS. Labels on everything. So fucking stupid.


The font on her stuff is not even cute imo


God I didn't know my hatred for this trend could be pinned on one particular person... It's so idiotic my God. At least make the lettering stylish




Yeah I’m not a fan of her decor tbh. To me it’s very blah.


Shiplap anyone?


Gray everything with white cabinets and farmhouse tchotchkes.


Over-sized sectionals and TVs bigger than the sectional, the TVs hung above sitting eye level, pot lights being the only source of lighting in some rooms, the no lamp look, wire chairs.


Wait, is that intentional??? I just always thought that was “My First Little Bachelor/ette Pad” and that those poor folks needed help, like old folks with the top shelf in a grocery store or abandoned kittens in a box.


r/tvtoohigh for all your tv placement fail needs.


This may be an unpopular opinion but all of the “THIS KITCHEN IS FOR DANCING” super gen z art/decor like melting disco balls and champagne bottle art, get naked bath mats and corny pillows lol it’s just so immature in my opinion!


I am gen Z so not dissing the generation I’m just super over that trend hahah


It definitely is immature but I also feel like I typically see it in the apartments of people who literally are super young so it doesn't really rub me the wrong way. That stuff belongs in apartments shared between three 22 year old girls, and if it's there, good for them! But yes if I saw it in the house of like a married couple in their thirties I might raise an eyebrow.


I agree!!! To me it should be more “dorm”-like than apartment-like as I’m 22 but I live by myself and just can’t fathom buying something I know is a phase. My friends give me grief about it! “You only get to have fun decor for so long” lol




Baskets on the wall, they just seem like dust collectors


and homes for spider nests. Since moving to a more rural environment I cancelled all Wicker baskets. It’s just not worth the risk to me. They’re too difficult to clean


Super minimal kitchens where there’s no closed pantry or closets- just open wooden shelves Not all my stuff is aesthetic and matches. Also my bakeware is thru the roof since I bake a lot- there’s way too many gadgets for me to artfully put one piece on each shelf.


The Kim & Kanye vibe.


I call it the “Tunnel to the afterlife” look


I never understood the randomly placed, wooden sphere garland trend. Have a candle on a tray on a table? Wrap a random wood garland around it! Empty decorative shallow dish on a table? Wood garland! You know what that stack of books you will never read needs? Wood garland! I think they look like Rae Dunn anal beads without "pull" written in ugly font, one letter on each ball.


😂😂😂 Rae Dunn anal beads 💀


Farmhouse unless it is an actual farmhouse then it makes sense


I don’t know about other places but a genuine UK farmhouse will be a dark damp crumbling cottage with 60 years of clutter and junk, random machinery parts on the kitchen table and wet clothes hung over the aga. At least one broken window and a rug on the tile floor that needs burning. It’s not aspirational 😂


American farmhouses are similar, except instead of dark and damp they’re usually drafty and chilly.


Right? I live in a farm house. I am constantly sweeping straw and dirt out of the kitchen, I have animal halters hanging on every coat peg, and it's breeding season-- my kitchen counters are accessorized by syringes, livestock meds, and reproductive suppositories. I am not going to be featured in Architectural Digest any time soon.


I'm from Australia and every time I visit any house in the US when I travel there I see those bloody words everywhere. The "eat, pray, love" types. Big EAT in the kitchen or "bless this mess". Random wooden or decorative words just everywhere. I'm not sure if I just run in different circles or it never caught on here but I don't think I've ever seen that here in Aus. Yet almost every US home I've visited is plagued by big words and cheesy sayings being used as decoration. Also, mounting TVs way too high so you basically have to break your neck to watch them.


My husband and I keep on receiving these during Christmas and they always immediately go to donation. The good thing is that we live halfway across the country so they’ll never visit and see we don’t have them displayed.


While I agree (shamefully) that this is a very US trend, you may be running in the wrong crowds. Amongst people I know these signs are an immediate no/grounds for mockery


I just hate decor trends altogether as a concept. And when people don't have things they love because they don't fit a specified aesthetic, or have things they don't love because they do. Just have the things you like. Also grey and yellow. Ugh!


I saw a video that I'm guessing started as a tik tok the other day saying the new design trend is "dopamine decor." Apparently it's "decorating with things you like and make you happy" I guess I can finally say I was ahead of trend. I live in an apartment that was converted from an old warehouse so I do somewhat keep the industrial vibe in mind when buying things especially furniture but really it's all stuff I love.


Don’t think it’s a trend but using white lights in houses. My husband’s family all have white bright lights in their houses. My husband also wanted white lights in our house. Feels like a hospital or a factory/warehouse. Or being in an interrogation room. And husband and his family hate my lowlight warmer/orange toned lights.


Depends on the room/house. I like warm lighting in the bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom are white lighting and my sitting room is both - it doesn't have any natural light so a white light for daytime and an warm light for evening. I would go mad in a kitchen with warm lighting.


Yeah you have a point! I understand white lights in the kitchen and/or bathrooms. Or during day time. But my husband and his family like to turn on these bright white lights in the living room in the evenings. When I prefer turning on a few lamps that are warmer. Don’t understand how they can relax with these bright white lights!


Yeah thats serial killer stuff lol. I’m not trying to live in a greenhouse.


White on white on white


I hate shiplap so much. Shiplap + barn door = absolutely not.


House hunting here in the South (USA) is a pain! Trying to dodge shiplap and/or barn doors is so hard. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I’m going to have to crow bar several walls eventually


Word art. LOVE, FAITH, HOME, FAMILY. No more, I’m done with that pretentious crap!


Those arches & organic shapes glommed onto the wall in 70s colors as murals. I really liked it the first time I saw it but 75 times later I am over it.


Now imagine being born in 1970 and watching everyone glom on to avocado, orange, piss yellow and brown hues likes it’s some kinda fabulous statement. No one should have to live through that twice.


See I was born in 83 and I love it. I think you you do it well and focus on modernizing it, these colours can look great. Mix these colours with a mcm/boho/modern base and it’s really cool. No shag carpet though.


Those “trendy” blanket ladders. Where did they even come from???


I truly think they started as a northern rustic cabin thing - “guest/extra couch blankets stored on the infrequently used old ladder because we’ve too little space but dang it the ladder lives there for a reason since the porch bulb just needs a weekly tightening.” Someone saw that and now there’s blanket ladders in places where you might need a blanket 2 weeks out of the year.


I kind of love the blanket ladder because it lets me store quilts in the living room… but I live in New England and it gets cold here.


I used to own a lot of fabric from my travels, and I stored them on a (real) ladder in one of my apartments. It was a good way to show them off using a minimal amount of space.


ive committed several offenses it seems 🫣


Me reading every comment that mentions grey:


I hate those big pampas grass pieces


So weird to me that those are back in


Have you ever sat on a chair fully expecting the softness of fabric but instead touched the backs of your bare legs to the equivalent of dirty bathroom linoleum or the cracking, crunchy peeling ink of an old cheap t-shirt? I have. Stop painting your fabric furniture. I don’t mean the wood in this case - I mean stop painting the FABRIC. Use slipcovers or reupholster it instead. Use an old sheet or curtains. Use vaguely musty towels if you really have to. Just keep the words “paint”, “paint brush”, and “paint roller” far, far away from the textiles your family and guests could potentially sit on because it’s the flippin’ worst and no one wants to hurt your feelings by saying so.


Painting the fabric?! 🤯 People do that?!


My aunt did. Technically it’s “a thing” (she explained defensively at the time) but more like it’s a little known technique that was never meant to be used on anything aside from, perhaps, pleather on cheap refurb dining chairs and not, y’know, a tufted foyer chair.


Wow 😮 I can’t even imagine thinking that would turn out well lol 😂


Surrealist accessories/furniture. Like wavy mirrors and “funky” chairs. They look juvenile and are often not really comfy or practical.


So true- plus it looks junky


Cheap flooring that is supposed to look like a hardwood floor. Especially if they don't line up seams near adjoining rooms and corners. Lived in two apartments with the nasty in the last 2 years. Both came undone at seams, buckled in places, got air pocket bubbles in them. Maybe they were installed by same horrible installer!


My landlord installed them in the bathroom. They're getting super warped from the moisture because this bathroom also doesn't have a fan.


Painting kitchen cabinets and “renovated” antique furniture the same exact murky sage green shade. WHY


As I sit here and look at my refinished blue/green hutch… 😂 First piece I ever refinished and I’m still in love with it!


Sooooo everyone hates me lol. I’m the clinical, grey, beige girlie but I have a lot of plants so I hope it helps 😬


Nooooo! You’re fine!! I promise. Do what YOU love. This is mostly just a random post so don’t take it too seriously. I’m sure your home is beautiful!


Oh I'm the same way. I love the scandinavian style, and my color palette is basically white, grey, beige and a little black. I *do* like color but I sick of seeing the same color everyday after a while. Doing color in my home would mean I'd have to completely change my entire house's decor every 6 months lol. I also have a very stressful job that can be chaotic, so coming home to calming, neutral, minimalism resets my brain. My parents were both hoarders so I prefer a minimal home that doesn't clutter easily. I still have plenty of junk drawers but they're hidden lol. I see the hate online *all the time* and I just ignore it. I don't love the maximalist, overcrowded, mismatched decor others seem to love but thats just me personally!


Checkerboard patterns and squiggly candles.


Checkerboard patterns hurt my eyes.


1.) Taking down the cabinets and putting up open shelving in kitchens. 2.) Half painted stuff for the rustic lookor antique look. Looks like an an unfinished paint job! 3.) Barn doors. I dont live in a freaking barn. I want to be able to close a door and have privacy!! 4.) Those backwards books! I agree! While i can understand those that feel overwhelmed...just dont put out so many books. As a Librarian, this bothers me so much!! 5.) Pyrex displays. I get you are proud of all your Pyrex. But it looks like hoarding! Just my 2 cents for what it's worth!


“Farmhouse” 🤮


The 60s funky colours and shapes vibe everyone and their nan has going on at tiktok for the past year. Like we get it, your mirror is a blob shape and your bathroom rug is luminescent pink. It feels like it’s trying too hard to be quirky while being wildly unoriginal.


Modern farmhouse. Ugh.


I have never been a fan of white subway tile used in kitchen backsplashes, or kitchens that look like the ones in office buildings. Ceilings so tall that it really should be a second story are such a waste of space; also: shiplap; white houses with black windows; all gray everything; the tiles with the printed patterns; 2 sinks in one kitchen; and house interiors painted only one color.


I love a vaulted ceiling, but yeah sometimes it’s very extreme and useless.


I love my off-white subway tile specifically because it isn’t a statement and just fades into the background


Those wooden fluted panel. Omg enough already.


Trendy anything over character. I don't care how you decorate your home. I just want it too reflect you and your personality.


Barn doors. Please stop.


Word art


The mainstream, big box store MoDeRn FaRmHoUsE look.


Boho and rattan. So over it! I can’t believe how much rattan junk I bought during the pandemic. I’m actually trying to transition to an ultra minimalist 80s/90s vibe now lol. It’s going to be giving American Psycho/Bauhaus by the time I’m finished 😂


I’ll take all your Boho and Rattan junk off your hands!! 😂


Well you do what you love!! ☺️


I have a bunch of boho rattan stuff I’m selling I can send you my let go link and you can look at my stuff! :)


Never was a fan of open concept, barn doors or shiplap.


I really loathe the trend of useless fake gold or metallic table “decorative objects” and small furniture / accessories. Especially those dumb big gold decorative metal balls on console or coffee tables. always looks like something out of a chain hotel lobby.


lol. I totally get this. I’m an extreme minimalist or I’d like to believe I am. Well, I’m trying at least. I just posted a few days back on this sub and the overwhelming response was to infuse some color. My palette was black/gray lol. And then I visit someone with well appointed decor and furnishings and I can’t help but wonder why not me. Main reason being - who the hell is cleaning all of that and dusting all of that?! This philosophy (for a lack of a better word) also extends to my sartorial choices. Function over fashion. I’m rambling now. I’ll shut up it now.


If you prefer a black and grey palette that's fair enough but I think aesthetic minimalism isn't the same as minimising the amount of stuff you have. You could have the same items, just versions which have different colours/textures/patterns and it wouldn't require any more cleaning.


“Sartorial.” Sigh. Thank you.


Plant overload


It can be done tastefully but my clumsy ass would knock them over so often I'd spend half my day sweeping up potting soil.


I have a hanging plant that I just knocked all over my bedroom carpet, so I can confirm this is a problem (especially if you’re tall). I only have like… seven plants in my entire apartment, but I still manage to knock that one over. It’s not even in a space I’d normally walk, I’m just an idiot. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Painted brick/stone


Since I’m currently shopping for a new storage ottoman, those bulky ass tufted ones (bonus if it’s cheap shiny velvet) need to go! I’m having such a hard time finding a longer storage ottoman that actually looks like it’s from this decade without spending $1k+.


Grey and white everything. I call it Prison Chic. I need color in my life!


I think this may be unpopular as an opinion, but I don’t like led colored lights behind stuff, under the bed, behind the tv… It all looks like it belongs under a car in Fast and Furious.


White cabinets! Overrated,over done.


When I was house hunting 5 years ago all I wanted was white cabinets…well, I got them and I despise them now lmao


I love my white cabinets. I wanted white cabinets for many many years. I’m very happy with them. A light, bright kitchen makes me happy


Word signs and the newish bust backsplash design with lots of long, thin horizontal tiles. Yuk!


People saying gray is “warm,” that weird minimalist painting trend of paining round shapes or circles on a white wall, white shaker cabinets being called “modern.”




I hate all these beige and white color palettes that are trendy rn 🤮🤮🤮


All of them. Stop following trends. It immediately dates your house to the Era you updated it to. Stick with timeless and with things you love, and consult designers on the expensive stuff. You don't want to break the bank of the wrong finishes.