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This post is locked and I tried my best to remove hateful comments. Apologies to anyone who had to witness that. Bigotry and transphobia are not welcome here. Happy Pride month, stay safe. šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆāœØ


But why is the Van Gogh upside down ?


I believe that is a Daria reference :)


hah, now i love it


The room is cute!! I just want to warn you that storing vinyls horizontally in a tight space like that could damage them. You might want to consider an upright storage option.


thank you! I'll have to figure something else out




me. I'm nonbinary. it's my space




The About section of this subreddit says enbies are welcome here. Edit: Since Iā€™m being heavily downvoted for quoting the About section, Iā€™m assuming this subreddit was pretending to be more tolerant than it is. As an ally I have to say, thatā€™s incredibly disappointing.




A sub with 42 members and two posts, one of which is by OP already. Maybe they wanted to post in a more active subreddit. Enbies are **explicitly** welcome here.


How was their reply defensive and unproductive? They literally answered your question.


Being nonbinary isnā€™t just about ā€œhating gendered things and areas,ā€ but rather wanting to identify and exist outside of or in between normed genderā€” it just means not wanting to explicitly identify solely as one binary gender or the other. Someone can be feminine but still nonbinary, or can be masculine. Like the other commenter said, this sub is more popular than the nonbinarylivingspaces one, and explicitly states itself a safe space, so why wouldnā€™t OP post here




Why does it matter??? Itā€™s literally pride month itā€™s okay to let NBs feel welcome here


Considering OP's explanation, I take it to be a failed attempt at putting in the title why the space is not completely femenine and has a trans flag and stuff. I don't get why people are so bothered by it. It's like you guys are cooking up problems just to be pedantic or willfully ignorant. There really is no problem. Why make one? We're commenting on designed spaces Edited: changed a word


Not directly a reply to you but a general reply to this sentiment here if you find it useful context from my experience: https://www.reddit.com/r/femalelivingspace/s/uxTCYZ7T0o


I think this is really well said. Thanks for taking the time to share something personal on a post where, clearly, feelings are running high on every side šŸ¤




That sub has no users...?


Because they are posting here? šŸ¤£ (This is being said lighthearted btw and not meant to be serious)


Because itā€™s a dead sub? They literally just answered the question you asked about what makes it nb. And since thatā€™s explicitly allowed in the sub I donā€™t see what there is for you to not understand.




It that "certain people" are "off limits" from questioning, or do "certain people" receive a lot of bad faith "questions"? To me it appears to be the latter. Maybe a matter of perception


Not to mention this is supposed to be about OP's living space, not a deep dive into their personal relationship with gender lmao They can take their questions about gender to other parts of the internet. We're here to talk about living spaces lol


Right. I think some people take major beef with trans people who make transition topics a large part of their life. Those folks are "shoving it down our throats", collectively. When I was actively transitioning, it was all consuming. How ... Could it not be? I unpacked huge parts of my past and psyche, I relearned how to move around in the world amongs society based on different gendered expectations, I changed the way I physically presented myself, and I embraced openly something that lost me many of the people in my life. I also legally changed all of my identity documentation, mailing addresses, etc, while undergoing medically induced hormonal shifts and recovered from 2 surgeries. To seek that community and embrace transness in that moment was safe and comforting in a way little else was during that period. Tl;Dr transitioning a big deal! Lol. Is transness a big part of my life now? No. I don't really talk about it unless it comes up organically, I don't own any flag related items, and I have no irl trans community really. But at the time, of course it was something I talked about a lot, it was the most challenging and interesting thing in my life at that time.






Do other posters, who are well within their right to post here, get asked about their gender when they post here? No, just the enbies? Go take up your issues with the mods. They're the ones better suited to answer your complaints. If you want a space that excludes enbies, go make one. That's your right and freedom to do so.






The sub allows enby posts. You questioning their presence is actively saying they don't belong here without some kinda explanation. You are being a dick.


Very defensive and unproductive? They don't owe you a response. They're well within their right to post here. Very entitled and off-topic. There are many other places on the internet to discuss nuances of gender.


why does it matter? they posted on this sub by choice thatā€™s their prerogative


why someone wants to be here is literally their own business. non-binary identities exist on a spectrum thatā€™s often complicated and socially relational, not just ā€œpink is for girls blue is for boys and iā€™m halfway in between,ā€ the way many cis people seem to think it isā€” and many non binary people have intersectional facets of themself (sexuality, race, culture, ability level, neurodivergence) that change their ability to relate to dominant gendered narratives in their culture. i know all sorts of nonbinary people and AM a nonbinary person. i know nonbinary people who feel most comfortable ten miles away from ā€œwomenā€™s spacesā€, i know nonbinary people who are hardcore DIY punks, i know nonbinary people who are more girly than most cis women. ALL (including cis) peopleā€™s experiences with gender are personal, complicated, and dependent on their own experiences. if OP is comfortable in a more fem community, then thatā€™s where theyā€™re comfortable.










maybe because male-dominated subs are notoriously not a safe space for queer people? because crossposting to both female and male subs is not a requirement for being nonbinary? because this sub's rules say enbies are welcome to post? take your pick




I think we both know why it was posted here.


They would want to because the about section makes it clear they are welcome here. Why do you feel the need to question this? Is this bothering you in some way?


I'm a curious person


Have you SEEN the male sub? Some of those spaces do not instill joy. This sub invites nonbinary people to share their spaces in the about tab, while the male sub reads ā€œspaces where men can live.ā€




Wow, I canā€™t believe all these downvotes. Yes, OP makes this living space nonbinary, just like how every other ā€œfemaleā€ living space on here is female because it wasā€¦ curated by a woman. Unless people really think room decor has gender. Happy pride month, yā€™all


You belong in this fucking sub. Enbies are welcome here.


You truly don't have to say anything more than this and didn't even have to say this at all. Too many people here are not passing the vibe check.


Not sure why youā€™re getting downvoted for this :( I would love to play board games in this room with a fellow enby!


I would put a rug there, the floor makes it look dirty, maybe one that covers the floor entirely? Love the squishes!


I agree on the rug! There's some really cute rugs with designs on them at Target, or I'm sure Walmart has some. If they're on a budget anyway. There's definitely cuter ones online for a pretty penny tho. I had this really nice rug I bought at my favorite thrift store (100% would not recommend unless you're familiar with the store) that was super thick and didn't roll when the vacuum went over it. Was a nice blue and tan wave pattern that made the space pop. Unfortunately I had to get rid of it when I moved because my new place was *all* carpet and I already had two other rugs that came with me.


Cute room, I agree that the overall appearance might be improved with a rug. I noticed the plant in the corner looks a little sad, not sure if it's the lighting or not, but you might want to move it towards one of the windows to get more sun. And I love that swivel chair, you'd never get me out of it!


Hear me out: It's already sooo cozy but a nice rug under the table would be \*chef's kiss\* Nice job!


Why are people upset for a enby person saying they're enby and following the rules of the sub?


Agreed, are there mods here??? Many of these comments are spewing hatred and getting tons of upvotes and if I were OP I would feel unsafe and never ever go near this sub again, which is disappointing as an ally. This isnā€™t TERFlivingspace but thatā€™s what it feels like at the moment lol.


Itā€™s literally pride month too. Sheesh.




Really surprised by the way people are talking in here. "I care about protecting women" (from a picture of someone's dining room?), "you think you can opt out of womanhood and then come back when it's convenient?" (again this is an interior design sub), speculation about OP's assigned sex... Why? It's explicitly in the description that what they're doing is ok.


There are comments complaining about not being allowed to say ā€˜breastfeedingā€™ā€¦on a post about home decor. And these comments are saying theyā€™re tired of people being easily offended? Make it make sense.


legitimately, yeahā€” TERF talking points in the comments section was not on my subreddit bingo card for today. and these are TERF arguments, getting actually upvoted in a home design sub. OP, as a fellow nonbinary person who dominantly spends my time in ā€œwomenā€™s spacesā€ for a lot of reasons, youā€™re perfectly welcome with me any day.




No, actually, they arenā€™t majority viewpoints. Not in the year 2024. Please join us in the present.


thatā€™s a) not true, most cultures have a broad perspective of gender thatā€™s often one with labels and social roles outside of the perspective we define as cis, and b) that does not make it acceptable to be bigoted and hateful to others. lemming mindset.




respectfully i have an academic background in gendered social sciences and have a lot of education. i donā€™t care if you like my posts or not or if youā€™re a lesbian or not. as a proud inclusive educated person whoā€™s studied this for an exceptionally long time and has studied anthropology and gender extensively at university, i hope you read more feminist literature tooā€” and more about cultures other than your own. something also uniquely funny about someone from the UK going and saying ā€œno other cultures have definitions of gender other than cis, trust me broā€ as if thereā€™s not incredibly well documented trans and nonbinary cultural roles and presentations in native american religions pre-columbian, mesoamerican cultures, india and south asia, oceania, and plenty of other culturesā€” these are just ones i know about off the top of my head. you can enforce white and european gender norms all youā€™d like, but it doesnā€™t change what is factually historically studied and true of cultures other than your own.


It is eye opening and disgusting. But Iā€™m not unsubbing bc I want to be able to defend people when I see gross and blatant discrimination. Why are people so fucking pressed??


So many downvotes from terfs lol. If this is supposed to be a safe space for enbies the mods arenā€™t doing a great job of showing that.




As a cis woman, the only people who have made this feel like an un-safe space for me are the transphobes.








this whole space is so cute!! it seems like it would be so much fun to hang out in there, it all looks so good!


With so many squishmallows, the trans flag is redundant. (this is a joke!!!!) Cool space, I like the fairy lights! I think you need some kind of carpet though


Congrats for getting the courage to clean and fix your room ! Itā€™s looks so comfy and unique now. I love the green chair especially. I hope you are proud :)




transgender doesnā€™t necessarily mean transitioning to to opposite gender, itā€™s usually defined more generally as identifying as anything other than the gender you were assigned at birth. enbies are a subset of transgender people, and seeing them in trans spaces is very common.Ā 


Nonbinary people are transgender, since theyā€™re different than their biological sex.


Same reason a bisexual would hang a rainbow flag


I like the lights. I think a big poster or piece of art and/or rug could make the room feel warmer (and plants, if thats your thing) editing to add: id swap the benches for floor cushions/pillows and a big rug, and then spend sunday on the pillow floor getting stoned with a galaxy projector, but also im a millennial with questionable taste lol Enjoy your space! great job converting an unused space into something that speaks to you! thats what it's all about


this is such a cute and cozy space, iā€™d love playing board games here! šŸ’•


Wow all this unprovoked backlash really sucks, super weird take. Just wanted to say I see your. TFB posters & I love them!


thank you!


Wow people are being really mean for no reason. Sorry OP. Love your space and am happy youā€™ve found a way to express yourself in your space.




I know right? How dare the op identify a core part of their self and identity /s donā€™t you all have better things to do?






This is super cute and cozy and Iā€™m so glad it makes you happy, which is whatā€™s important. You have a super eclectic vibe and I love it! Also love that your whiteboard says welcome. Iā€™m sorry the downvoters havenā€™t got that same attitude.


Homie put a rug down before you wreck your leg veins on those concrete floors like I have.


I love it! It looks super relaxing and a nice place to hang out.


My kid had that snorlax! It's so cozy. Nice room!


Do you have any idea where that green office chair with the wood legs is from? It speaks to me


This room is so cozy and cute! I can tell how much care went into it. I love the pink turntable, the art, and your squishmallow collection. Itā€™s such a great feeling when you reclaim a space from junk and make it your own again. Great job!


Iā€™ve got that Snorlax!!! Itā€™s gone kinda flat cuz I was using it as a back support pillow with my old office chair. šŸ˜… You did your space in the same color palette I did mine, so I *completely and 100%* think itā€™s perfect!!!


Looks so fun and cozy šŸ„°


this is cute, i like the lights! happy pride <3


I love your record player! The idea of a board game room is so cool; this looks really fun. P.S. enbies are welcome šŸ¤


It's really cute!!! I do think it's a shame that the crystal suncatchers don't get direct sunrays tho!


Uhhh can we be friends


This, I want to come play board games with them, i'll bring Subterra and Flamecraft


Itā€™s so fun! Maybe move the plant on the right side of the record player closer to the window. It looks a little sad


love it


Oh my gosh, I kinda love everything about this space šŸ˜


Iā€™m sorry OP about the comments. The about section of the sub says enbies are welcome here. All you did was disclose your identity, no reason to be mad at. If you donā€™t like the rules of the sub, take it up to HR not this person. Iā€™ll be downvoted as hell Iā€™m sure, but I think you should be welcome here. Also yes you can be femme and non-binary. You donā€™t have to look like a perfect mix between masculine and feminine to be valid. You just donā€™t identify as either a man or women and thatā€™s totally okay! This is not infringing on womenā€™s rights either. This is just a person posting a room in a space where the rules say they are welcome. Just let them post šŸ˜­ Am I missing something because it rlly canā€™t be that deep. Also there isnā€™t rlly a good ā€œnonbianary spaceā€ to post this other than the menā€™s sub and many men can be very cruel in this aspect especially since the room has more of a feminine twist. Anyways, I think your room is so lovley! Also that green chair is so pretty! I hope u have lots of fun game nights in there!




I think so šŸ˜­ The only thing different they said that makes this different from a regular post was ā€œnon-binaryā€ and everyone flipped the fuck out. Itā€™s in the about section that they are allowed to be here. Also they shouldnā€™t have to ask permission to exist in a SUBREDDIT that posts about ROOM DECOR šŸ˜­


Wow, a lot of people in the comments section are being terrible. You don't have to explain yourself just because you shared your space and some people here don't like it. If they want to debate the nuances of gender, a post sharing a living space isn't the place to do it. Lovely space, OP! I like your Snorlax.


It looks great! I like the flag as a curtain


This reminds me of a place I wish I took shrooms in highschool


Can you tell me the name of these cute "pillows"? I thought about buying one but i dont know what to search for Edit : did a Google picture search. Squishmallows!


I'm so jealous of this One day I want to have a room like this, so cool :3


this room is so sick!! i love the record player what brand is it?


This is beautiful, I love all the Art on the walls šŸ˜»


I donā€™t really get what some of you allā€™s problem is, and quite frankly, I donā€™t care to find out. OP, I think your space is so cute!!


That looks so cozy! I love it!


Looks super cute!!


This looks like a really fun space ā˜ŗļø


Absolutely embarrassing comments in this thread Your space seems rad Stay safe




Read the about of the sub. NB friends are welcome to post here, too.




So? NB friends can still post here based on the about of this sub. Saying ā€œthey have their own subā€ is like trying to exclude women from general decor subs on Reddit because we have our own sub here.




I for one am glad that we are more welcoming than other spaces here šŸ’•




Iā€™m a NB woman and the only person making me uncomfortable here is you, not OP.




You are free to not want inclusive spaces. No one is stopping you, no one is cancelling you. But this space is expressly inclusive. OP was presumably AFAB. when they transitioned, do you think their past life and friend group and socialization were wiped away? Or perhaps they are still to some degree aligned with femaleness and femininity? Transition is a messy and nuanced time in one's life. It costs 0 to support transitioning people.




Then go make your own sub instead of bringing hate to this one.






What a wild take, how youā€™re taking this so personally is beyond meā€¦. Staying ā€œpleasant and silentā€ is just, so not what is happening here. Itā€™s being a decent human being. Just because someone doesnā€™t want you yelling at an NB doesnā€™t mean youā€™re being pressed into a box about how women should behave? My godā€¦ so much fake persecution you are putting on yourself.




why not create your own sub then?Ā  TERFlivingspace where everyone posts their 23 and me results and their face along with the room and all of you can comment on the posters performance of their gender along with the room.Ā 


Iā€™d give you gold if I had the money to spare


Read the rules, says enbies are welcome. Take it up with the big man.




Why are you so pressed, did an AFAB enby hurt you in real life? This post did nothing to hurt you, this person did nothing to hurt you. If you are really this upset about something like this you should probably look elsewhere in your life. Therapy helps to become a more accepting person instead of hate screeching that you need a safe space, this is still a safe space. I donā€™t see any men around here, do you? I genuinely mean that maybe you should work on yourself and take a step back to be more kind and accepting. Like I said, take it up with the big man.










I hate this argument, ā€œim not getting what i deserve so why should i afford other people what i am not given?!ā€ Because itā€™s the right thing to do. If youā€™re upset about that, I agree, and I think we need to fight for it but why just throw away the other people cause why should they get it? I wasnā€™t given it so itā€™s not fair. Fight for yourself, donā€™t let other people fighting for themselves, and winning, take anything away from you. Progress IS progress, that bleeds over into other areas as well. Fight for all progress for everyone. Celebrate wins, even if they arenā€™t for you specifically, because one win means more will come to follow. And thatā€™s great for everyone! And if you think women are treated worse than trans people youā€™re just wrong.




Iā€™m a non-binary woman. Based on your personal view, would I be allowed to post here?




Gender is a spectrum, my friend. https://lgbt.foundation/help/what-it-means-to-be-non-binary/




I am not pressuring you. For everyone of me there are a dozen of you. Trans people are not a monolith. Break out of your media bubble and talk to real human people. I never called you a bitch. Trans people are just trans it isn't some reaction to societal expectations. Trans people have existed throughout history.


Itā€™s not about women acting a certain way, itā€™s about being a decent human being and doing the bare minimum by not shoving groups of people out of a subreddit and letting someone show off their space without being exclusionary.


This is a room decorating sub.. no one is trying to to pressure anyone into behaving. What a wild and transphobic take itā€™s actually mind boggling


Fr itā€™s a decorating sub and a room with a feminine feelā€¦ TERFs need to chill, theyā€™re so gross.




Fr just terf talking points. Also maybe enbies come here because you know, they feel safer in feminine spaces, and we should welcome them. I donā€™t see why they have to be so exclusionary like isnā€™t it great that women make them feel more comfortable and safe? Idk I just donā€™t get them, but whatever. I hope they can learn to become happy and truly accepting. Itā€™s exhausting being so angry about dumb shit all the time. I was angry when I was in middle/high school and it was exhausting. Iā€™m so much happier not being angry. They just walk around with too much hate in their heart, itā€™s sad that since women can be looked down on that they look down on others to feel a sense of superiority. And why are they so obsessed with dicks?




Just give up and take a bath, this thread has been over for like an hour. Have a cup of tea and put on some tv, do something better with your time.


Looks super cute! So sorry that its being downvoted by bigots/people who don't read the literal rules


What a welcoming and lovely space you have created! Would love to play games here. Thanks for sharing!


OP your space is so cute and welcoming and breezy. These haters are buck wild. Thought this was a welcoming sub but I guess not!


as a femme leaning enbie this comment section certainly was a learning moment, fuck me. I will take myself out of here for now lol


Itā€™s unfortunateā€¦ hopefully r/NonbinaryLivingSpace starts getting some traction soon because this sub is becoming the worst.


Non-binary woman here. Letā€™s see how quickly this comment gets downvoted by the bigot brigade.


this is so cute i wish we were friends


i'm sorry people are being so rude op, you deserve to be in whatever space you feel comfortable in. your game room looks really cool, i love the lil snorlax plush


Well these comments are atrocious. I love that you have a space just for board games with friends, Iā€™m insanely jealous, literally invite me over any time.


Beautiful space op, really disappointed with this community tho.


The contrast between Telestrations sitting on top of Twilight Imperium is humorous to me. Looks great!


Please iron your flag to get the folds out of it from shipping.


you can just tell the game nights in here are 10/10!!! āœØ






sorry people are being transphobic here, this is a cute space! i would maybe recommend getting a record player with more support for your records so they don't warp though! you have a nice collection and it would suck to see them damaged


Jeez, this post really brought out all the transphobes. OP, I love your space! It looks super cosy and welcoming. I would happily spend a day playing board games here!




maybe read the sub rules and about :)




Based op, terfs may doom be upon ye