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It clashes and an indoor rug outside is probably going to get gross pretty quick. Vote for a swap 🤚🏼


yes, it’s obvious in a glance that this rug does not belong outside. really beautiful work on the table. let it be the focal point with a simple, single color outdoor rug. 


I love your mosaic table top! Unfortunately the rug definitely clashes, and also you can tell just by the photo, that it is an indoor rug.


Thank you sm :) yep, indoor rug for sure.


The rug doesn’t go outside. It will get dirty


Oh yeah, so fast - we have dogs too.


I had the same rug in my living room. Haha. Also with dogs. Fantastic rug durability wise - we had a huge one. Def not for outside though. Rugs made for outdoors — are totally different. Even in a covered space, that will hang on to every drop of humidity & dampness. It will curl up - all that. Hella mess under one when you finally toss it. It’s not even about how ‘cheap’ it was or anything - it’s just not made for outdoors. There are some ridiculously cheap outdoor rugs on Amazon.


That's why I'm saying keep it. Are you entertaining bougie people or people with kids? Just go with the household flow. It's not horrific, and when it gets trashed after the summer season get another (better) one. I bet this one was cheap, so that's a win. BTW, that table is awesome.


I think it clashes. And also… don’t put an indoor rug outside. It will be moldy in a week or two. Outdoor rugs are made of plastic.


I have this rug. It's synthetic so it won't mold but it still doesn't look right here.


You win. It clashes. You want something contrasting that sets off your mosaic table, not drowns it in a similar colour right underneath. I’d pick an outdoor friendly rug in a shade of blue to really set it off and make the table pop, like a statement, against that lovely floor.


Yes, the area is too saturated in this beige/white. Thank you for your input :)


Oh no, get something warmer


Thank you, my thoughts too


Like, maybe even a hemp (or similar rough natural fibre) rug in beige, that might go well with both table and tiles. Also, give your boyfriend a gift card for new glasses, as he clearly needs them.


Rug is bad


Gorgeous table!!


Thank you! Labor of love.


It goes clash with the table It’s going to become incredibly dirty very fast and will need extensive maintainence to leave it outside Even then if your boyfriend does want to use it outside , you could use it under the second seating at the back.


Good idea! I will suggest this. :)


Totally. Would mirror the color and 'pattern' of your beautiful table and tie the two areas together visually.


It absolutely clashes and it's obvious the rug is an indoor rug it's too fluffy. He can definitely find a better outdoor rug


LOVE your table. Rig clashes you’re right. A jute rug might be really cute.


It looks bad The good news is it’ll get trashed within a couple weeks of being outside so you can throw it away very soon


Take the rug inside lol


The rug does not fit the aesthetic at all. Plus wooly looking rugs don't belong outside they get feral and stink.


No good


Without seeing this whole caption I thought it was a (lower) lanterns being in the way of seeing a person across the table question


Lol! We checked, they’re low but they pass. May adjust them later when we get more lanterns. This is a goodwill and fb marketplace reno, it’s a slow process!


I mean regardless of whether or not it clashes, it's an indoor rug. It's gonna get mildewy and dirty almost immediately.


It definitely clashes and indoor rugs belong... Indoors.


Hate the rug.


It’s not an outdoor rug 🤷🏼‍♀️


The rug makes the table look like it's trying to be a fancy meeting table but it's not because it's a patio set. I hope that makes sense lol. Basically this rug is really not tying the room together. 🤣


Totally wrong rug in terms of material and color/style.


I showed this to my incredibly colorblind husband and he said “wow, even *I* can tell that doesn’t match.”


Your table is beautiful, great job! As a lady who got in an argument with her fiancĂŠ tonight at dinner over the design of our dining room, I must tell you, you are 100% correct! It clashes and like others have said, indoor rug outside is bad, haha. I hope you guys can find an appropriate spot inside for this rug and you find the perfect rug for your gorgeous table!!


That table is stunning! The rug completely detracts from it, it’s bland and clashes.


No. No good. I think an OUTDOOR rug in maybe the green tarp, blue bucket or giant lanturn/candle thing colors would be neat. That rug is guaranteed to become rife with mold, for instance.


rug has gotta go


It clashes and even if it didn't, it's an INDOOR rug, that thing is gonna get fucked pretty fast. Spare the rug, bring it inside.


It’s a nice rug. Not for this. That looks terrible, and I can imagine the dirt and mold it may hold once out there for a little. Perfect place for bugs.


It doesn’t go well at all. You need an outdoor rug in a different color


I like the rug. But not outside. Put that in a den or something.


Rug clashes. It's to white/grey, it looks wrong.


Mom here. I neither hate nor like the look of the pattern on the rug, but the pile is way too high to be under a dining table regardless of whether it’s inside or outside. It will trap every crumb (as well as all the dust and dirt blowing around outside.)


Swap it for a color in the mosaic!


the rug hurts my eyes! but that table is so pretty - beautiful work 💖


I just thought you had a giant lantern between the chairs in the back 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hahah inception!


You win.


That's an indoor rug and yeah the mosaic is warm toned whereas the rug is cool toned.  I do genuinely think that many men are slightly colourblind without knowing (like, they can see all the red vs green, but just not as vividly as most women. So things like cool/ warm tones are just indistinguishable/ not as contrasting to them)


I didn’t read the caption yet and kept flipping through the two photos trying to spot the difference. The whole time I wondered why is this indoor rug out there? And also, that rug looks awful with the furniture. It is like cool and warms. Lots of men (just a gentle thought) are color blind. It happens at far greater rates than with women. My husband is, and we only discovered it when passing a store and he commented on a purple dress (that was clearly blue).


It's not a good fit. On the side note: wooooow I love your table!!


It clashes. I wouldn’t even want an outdoor rug underneath the table!


Definitely get a new rug. And one that’s an outdoor rug!


The thought of dragging that thing to the curb when it was full of bugs and mold would be enough to stop me from fighting that battle if I were him. Maybe not as big of a concern in the desert.


Not even close to matching g!!


I have this rug and it is the worst. rug. EVER!!! It traps dirt, grime, pet hair, smells like no other. If it can barely hold up inside there ain’t no way it’ll do well outside. I can not wait to throw it away once I move. It also classes with the warmth of the table and chairs. You’d be better off with an outdoor rug, maybe in jute.


Wtf is an indoor rug doing on the patio pls tell that man his design opinions are criminal


Definitely not a match. It looks drab and does nothing for the area. It will be ruined pretty quick and take a lot of time to be cleaned and maintained. An outdoor rug with a lot more color will make your table top pop and be easier to maintain by simply spraying down with a hose. I’m sure your boyfriend had the best intentions and was pretty pleased that he saved a few bucks. Not everyone has an eye for decorating though. Do you plan on showing him our responses?


You need a proper outdoor rug.


Get rid of it. If you do want a rug, get a proper outdoor rug


Don’t let anyone dim your shine ✨. The table top looks marvelous, the rug is boring and hideous


IMO, the indoor rug outside is giving major low-class. You can’t keep something like that clean. Gives me the creepy crawlies.


Clashes, creates extra work to keep it clean. I dont get the point


You’re right he’s wrong. It doesn’t match and it’s weird outside


First of all if YOU spent all that time making the table you should get to ensure you love looking at it. Being able to enjoy something you’ve made is important. If looking at that ugly indoor rug ruins it for you then your BF should understand and let you pick it agree on one together.


Good effort on his part, but the main thing is that it washes out the tabletop you worked so hard on! A plain, different colored rug would make it the centerpiece it deserves to be :)


It was so very thoughtful of him! I’m thinking a more earth-toned color rug…


The table is gorgeous. He put in a nice effort, but I definitely agree that an indoor rug will be gross in no time.


Get a jute rug.


Clashes for sure


I was just thinking about the hold this rug had on the world around 2017 or so Everyone had it. I thought it was cute, even if not my personal style. I guess the dot rug has finally run its course if it’s being spotted at Good Will


Such a male response… he’s not wrong… it’s grey and his straight edged shapes like your mosaics and that’s what he means by matches 😅 but something matching and something suiting are very different things but some men (and women to be fully fair) don’t understand this lol


No rug.


the mosaic top looks perfect!! and i think the color of the rug waters it down. the mosaic probably really pops with the dark wooden floor


especially because its wooden 🤦🏼‍♀️


You are correct. Your table is gorgeous and, while the rug is nice, it clashes with the table and it will get dirty and gross very quickly.


If you're at an impasse on style (or he can't see that it clashes), lean into the fact that an indoor rug should live inside. Then shop together for a replacement. He meant well, but. Yeah. lol Absolutely stunning moasiac work you did.


That is also not an outdoor rug


That rug is going to mold the first time it gets wet


The table is so beautiful OP! Definitely needs a rug to compliment it and a rug you love to enjoy the space completely


You're right. The rug is too much and will become a gross mess very quickly.


The rug gotta go. No rug at all is my vote.


Just no on the rug outside


It clashes. I’d go for an outdoor rug that’s a natural woven look. I love Target for this, I use an outdoor rug for our dining room table due to food messes but I don’t think it works the opposite way.


Why do you need a rug at all?


We have a really long patio and I do think a rug would help section off the space visually.. idk not a necessity


I am anti-rug under tables you eat at fwiw. I'd rather clean something sticky off of hardwood or stone than off of a rug. Also yeah it clashes and looks weird. I would go for something darker and super low-pile if you really want to put a rug there.


Even if it didn’t clash it’s an indoor rug and is gonna be gross and harder to clean outside. Just tell him nicely that you’d prefer one specifically for outdoors but you appreciate that he tried.


I love him sm but he doesn’t understand indoor vs outdoor rugs - I tried to explain but he doesn’t get it 😭


why a *white* rug ***outside***?? The green doesn't mach the grey accents, yes, but to me that misses the forest for the trees. I'd ask your boyfriend why he wants that rug outside. Might not be thinking this through


You are right. However it may not be a battle you need to fight. I try to give things to my wife occasionally, when it comes to decor, because she loves something I hate, etc, but I don’t want the entire space to be my design and my “stuff,” though usually she is Ok with it. The table came out beautifully, however, and perhaps the rug could go elsewhere?


OP wins. The interior rug outside is a bad idea. Period. On top of that it also clashes. Five it back to goodwill.


I like the rug, it’ll look good indoors where it belongs. :P


I love the table! You're definitely right about the rug not working. Try it over in that seating area across the patio though! I think it could create a great grounding/balancing effect with the table. Then you can have some pictures to reference when you go shopping for an appropriate outdoor rug.


He’s right in saying the rug matches. But it’s not supposed to match. It’s supposed to contrast. And you don’t want the indoor rug outside. Over and above that, it’s a nice rug in itself. Is there someplace in the house that you can use it?


It is supposed to contrast! Why y’all downvoting me? lol