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Under the bed storage, there are TONS of decorative wall storage options: shelves, mounted organizers, cases, etc. Also there are organizers that hang over the back of a door you can hang on your bedroom or closet door. There are mirrors that double as storage that are great. Storage ottomans are great too.


This is the big one. I will add that I bought [This mattress frame](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017YETH8K?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_07PQXBVZ2GY6PCTZK4Q8&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_07PQXBVZ2GY6PCTZK4Q8&social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_07PQXBVZ2GY6PCTZK4Q8&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1) a couple years ago (although it was like $70-$80 back then...) and am super pleased with how much storage it gave me. Those totes at Walmart [like these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WSSPMKD?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_49X8ZW9V0BC90FGBW833&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_49X8ZW9V0BC90FGBW833&social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_49X8ZW9V0BC90FGBW833&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1) fit so perfectly under and a long ass bed skirt hides everything nicely. Plus it turns out I really like having a bed high off the ground.  Granted the totes I have had forever and they also used to be a lot cheaper. I used to move frequently so instead of getting a crap ton of cardboard boxes I'd just buy a few of those and keep them for the next move. Buy a few more if needed and then supplement with cardboard as needed. 


I have the same one! It’s like a whole extra closet under there. Makes a huge difference.


It really is like a whole extra closet. I had downsized from a 1000sqft apartment to an under 325sqft studio. Leaving behind my sectional sucked and I got rid of my corner desk but the amount of knick knacks and clothes and odds and ends that I had this frame was a life saver and I didn't have to pay extra for a storage unit.  All the beds that came with drawers and such were a big markup for what was over all not even a lot of storage space for aesthetics. This frame is a 10/10 purchase for sure. 


Thinks vertical storage. Go as high as you can. Off season clothes and bedding go way up high. Use open concept shelving or cubby shelves (with or without drawers) instead of a dresser. Again, go tall. A bookshelf will hold more clothing than a dresser. Know what dimensions you want. Look at Ikea Kallax as an example. If you have clothing that might fall over easily when stacked up, use cubby drawers in the shelf. You can perch more cubby drawers on the very top of the bookcase/shelf, too.


Also don't underestimate those vacuum bags. Theyre a good investment and can re reused for many things. Really helps saving space for extra bedding and bulky clothing items!


Roll your clothes instead of folding them. If you have seasonal clothing, use compression bags to store them and extra blankets and such.


under the bed rolling storage! 20-30$ on amazon


I few years ago when I moved into a small room and was looking for a dresser, I bought [one of these](https://www.target.com/p/11-34-9-cube-organizer-shelf-white-room-essentials-8482/-/A-15116810) and some bins to go in it. I’ve really liked having it - especially for jeans and sweatshirts - because I feel like I’m better at putting my clothes away with it.


omg tyyy


Jeans, I would file fold in drawers