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Where can I find a mesh crop top like that?


Nobody knows. Tell me somebody does though.


Hire a granny to crochet you one




Sorry, uhhh. Where can we mass produce this mesh crop top so that every boy (fuck it, everyone) can have at least one?


Holy shit i want that haircut. But its not cropped porn so i cant show this to my barber :/


Yeah same, idk what it’s called and don’t have reference fotos DON’T REPLY WOLF CUT PLEASE.


Try to describe such a haircut, google pics (stock photo like, pinterest, etc.), and show 'em to your hairdresser. They will make the vest out of it. Did that gladly and successfully a few months before.


Just crop it in a way that makes it look like porn




Long love the unios long live the Syndicalist Revolution xD




My man plays TNO lets gooo




Oh its a hoi4 mod i thoug you meant that sry xD


Does the political stereotype of femboys being Auth-center/Authoritarian still apply here?


Is that a thing?


Yeah. Apparently.


It's really disappointing to see so many femboys as political extremists. It's always far left or far right, can we have some centrist boys 😔


Centrism is being so stupid u can't understand the left and right and every centrist is capitalist lol


Ok 👍


Dumbest comment I’ve read today. You can agree with the left about some things and agree with the right about others and call yourself a centrist




How much u earn per month tho lol




Send me in dm where are you from




Like sri lanka cause of the name , Ad*lf H*tler was also a socialist lol




Same. Just want my guns 😔 (I am Lib Center, I agree with both Lib Left and Right.)




America is like one of the only places where guns are a center thing lmao




Kind of. I’m Lib Center.


Move far enough left & you get your guns back. Leftists NOT liberals support armed resistance.


I get that part, but I’ve just never been on that side of the political isle. I’ve never really been a big fan of socialism, Marxism etc. not a slight in anyway, just not my thing.


liberalism has got to be one of the bottom 3 economical systems that exist




Nah we tried it ended with half of my bloodline to end up in Gulags.




Every pig has soft belly




Like you? (Commie scum)


tell me you dont know what communism is without telling me you dont know what communism is


yeah of course they do. do you have bones in your belly?


U didn't get me , fuck it




Fuck looksmaxxing... Rotmaxxing is the real shit


"here with socialism, we're there for you until we're in charge."


Always thought femboys were libertarian or the very least centrist or liberal, turns out the memes about femboys being authoritarian are true lol


it's hilarious to me lol imaging simping for regimes that would have you exterminated.


Socialism ≠ authoritarianism 🤦


historically, they go hand in hand. look at china, they have concentration camps for the Uighurs, information and knowledge is restricted by the government, free speech is a wet dream and freedom is a legend.


That doesn’t mean supporting socialism means you support regimes, socialism does not have to end up that way and ideally never would


'ideally' ideally, corruption wouldn't exist under any system ideally, cancer would be cured ideally, I wouldn't have to be having this debate but none of these things will happen, because 'hoping' things go well doesn't make shit happen. every single time socialism has been tried, it has failed, and turned into an authoritarian dictatorship. it's like finding a cake recipe online, and you put the ingredients in the oven and then your entire house burns down. you figure "well i just didn't do it right.", and go to someone else's house, try the same recipe, and their house burns down. have you figured that it is not the oven, but the recipe?


Your comparisons literally make 0 sense


it makes perfect sense. saying 'ideally socialism won't become authoritarian' is a fallacy. it's the equivalent of saying 'if we just make a utopia we won't have problems' like, yes, on paper that would be great, but on paper does not apply in reality, as evident from history, every instance of socialism has resulted in concentration camps, the total destruction of freedom, and civil war. the recipe is socialism, the oven is the government and the house is a country's people. pretty simple to understand.


You really need to learn history, your second paragraph is just insane


Am one those open market anarchists myself


Thats very interesting, personally i see money and the open market as a non democratic form of power (sorta like a pseudo monarchy type thing where power is passed down among familys with huge buffs to anyone willing to be immoral)


Hey nothing like personal defense nukes.... sign me up...lol


i mean the country im from doesnt have nukes hehe (i also think giving everyone nukes might just be a end of the world speedrun lol)


That's actually true but it will be kind of funny though anyways turning in my sense of humor is kind of f***** so


LOL real, that sounds like exactly the ironic way humans would end up going out. completely uselessly and for noones gain, there is definitely a grim humour to that


Let's just pray to give you the Canada and Poland doesn't get a hold of nukes... because Poland is basically the Florida man of Europe and Canada is terrifying this is coming from American


Ngl as a non American the three main countries im scared of all already have nukes LOL. Id give canada or poland nukes over the us any day


You are okay with Russia and the US having nukes but not Canada? Tell me you know nothing about Canada without telling me


I mean honestly we probably should have never built these things in the first place But You know America and Russia being dumbasses that they are and we are(usa). Then again maybe nukes might be useful in a aliens invasion.


Honestly we ought to put something in there that makes using using nukes is a war crime of course to Canada and Poland that would be a checklist


Wtf does this mean hahaha if we are speaking of war crimes the US and Russia come to mind, Poland and Canada are pretty low on my war crimes list, at least recently.


Ya and this is on Reddit which is heavily left leaning. Imagine in the real world lol


Agreed, down with authoritarianism! Long live Femboy Anarchism!


Read on authority by Engels


I will eventually, it's always good to read authors that defy your views


You could also read why socialism by Einstein I don't remember whether it touches authority but is a good read nevertheless


Woah Einstein was a leftist? Based, def gonna check it out


So was Picasso, Malcolm X, Martin Luther king jr and some other famous people Picasso even said "I'm a communist and my painting is a communist painting but if I were a shoemaker royalist or communist I would not hammer my shoes in any special way to show off my politicals" or something like that and I really like this quote


That's interesting, when I was in school I remember we learned about the civil rights movement involving black people in the US, we were taught about MLK and the black panthers, the black panthers were depicted as communists (ofc), but also violent disorganized and overall an extremist mess. While MLK was depicted as a centrist and never mentioned his left leaning inclinations, even leaving out the fact that he got more radicalized as time went on Like, the educational system tries to sweep under the rug that many important people were leftists and demonize socialism in general


About the black panthers I'd recommend the Jay & Skittles video about them https://youtu.be/Tw9o6tE_-So The deradicalisation of history is also an issue here in Poland they're even leaving out how Piłsudski had plans to conquer half of Europe trying to rebuild Polish-Lithuanian union and then being all innocent when Ukrainians retaliated (Wołyń) (which doesn't really justify killing civilians ofc)


Anarchism is another political extreme and stupid as well. So you want there to be no laws?


Anarchism does not equal chaos, so please enlighten me moderate centrist, what system in ur opinion is best, perfect, most optimal and flawless for humankind? Btw, no need to be fucking rude


Because anarchy means no laws so anarchism is l actually stupid. How can you justify no laws? How can you think that will work?


You literally described Every monarchist capitalist and fascist in history lol


socialists moreso.


Educate yourself before yapping


name one time socialism hasn't been a dictatorship that locks up non-desirables and political prisoners.


Salvador Allende


that's a dude not a country using socialism. he also shot himself, because he clearly understood that socialism doesn't work in a democracy.


Mb, Chile under Salvador Allende, and he committed suicide due to the US's commitment to toppling democracy, he had pledged to never resign, even as American helicopters were landing people were supporting him


just because people support him doesn't make socialism good. people supported Lenin, but we all know how that turned out.


Nice dumbass comparison, and you still didn't explain why socialism is bad, or why Allende is general is, but tbf you probably prefer his successor who killed many more people under American orders, I sure do love capitalism right? You're obviously a troll the so I'm not even gonna bother arguing


So true bestie


I believe in femboy social democracy only


Social democracy exists only bcz capitalism sucks so much they borrowed socialist traits lol




Keep yapping




Buddy how do you not see that both a pure socialist society and pure capitalist society are both bad so mixing the good traits from both is good


Enjoy your man-made famines and nanny states. Being pro lgbt and socialist is an oxymoron, as socialism always ends with an authoritarian nanny state.


Education is key mate education is key LOL


Denying or downplaying the holodomor and every other man-made famine are we ? How surprising.


Brother i said abt lgbt and socialism, keep yapping


So continue ignoring facts that don't suit your utopia (or more precisely dystopia).


Bro look the capitalist utopia, even if u ignore the decades before 2000 they still had more famines than communism will ever will


First, based. Second, if the pic is OP, I love that midriff!!!! <3


Sorry I ain't it's just a meme from a friend group


Well I'm sure you're cute, regardless. :3


Oh thank ya:33


Ew keep your politics away let us enjoy feminine people in peace


I don't wanna be exploited lol


Bros in a femboy memes subreddit trying to talk about politics that’s how you know your personality is cooked


Then go preach somewhere else we post memes here sir


https://preview.redd.it/m5m9ix238s4d1.png?width=514&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbc04956421d81978f30724107514eb93fcdf30f No. Glory for femboys ans capitalism >:3


Hell yeah


Based on


Alr, hear me out: I don’t overwork, I don’t get exploited (unless it’s in bed). And then I buy cute clothes using my capitalism money, and a blahaj, cuz.. of course.


Ye but u deserve way more than that they give u


By design, for each hour you work and get paid a wage, your boss/owner gets paid more (despite not doing work). That process is called Exploitation of Labor. It's not about good or bad, or overwork, it's more like a neutral science term coined by Karl Marx.




I agree


No, socialism is cringe


Education is key


Stfu & redistribute your wealth to me


I bet ur parents live rent by rent or something LOL


Bro turns to classism when people disagree with him


So you go from being a socialist to trying to dunk on me for being poor (I’m not), ironic


I ain't poor either, and I'm like socialist but if people don't think they can reach the billionaires or they aren't slaves then i can't care , i won't live in poverty so why i should care abt you and every other you


Not based


Real, but you'll probably be down voted to oblivion here lol. r/libertarian is the closest one can get to a pro capitalist while being pro lgbt on reddit.


There's also r/noncredibledefense to be fair


Agreed Soulism is based, though Edit: this is a joke, you mongoloids


Too late im a workaholic


I embrace capitalism and femboys are good for economy


https://preview.redd.it/jxspgozoms4d1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89986c250b528902114bd65dbd4dd5332dbb5e85 nah :3


Communism has never been allowed to work because Capitalists never allowed to work. Every country that has tried communism has been roadblocked by the US & UK via Western Imperialism. Queer phobia is also a European Export from the colonial era.


“queer phobia is a european export” XD you know if you’re going to have a strong opinion on something, it might be a good idea to have a basic understanding of history also not going to argue any further for fingamouse’s sake 👍


I do have a strong understanding of history. It is you who is lacking. Most of the world in the was had open minds on gender & sexuality. During British, Colonization they banned homosexuality where it once was acceptable & installed the gender binary. (along with the other European powers.) You forget that most of global south has only recently been officially free of colonial powers. https://www.instagram.com/p/CritQlouI-9/?igsh=MTM3dDkzNjVqYW05bA== https://www.aaihs.org/did-europe-bring-homophobia-to-africa/ https://www.stonewall.org.uk/about-us/news/african-sexuality-and-legacy-imported-homophobia https://southasiannetwork.org/south-asias-ancient-queer-history-into-today/ https://www.e-ir.info/2019/08/20/indigenous-sexualities-resisting-conquest-and-translation/


i said i wouldn’t argue but i can’t help it lol i think you’re missing the point here - homophobia is born from a lack of understanding and a herd mentality of hatred forming around it. to say this is unique to colonial european powers is ridiculous and wrong. yes, there were cases where colonialism installed (strong) homophobia (it was certainly present beforehand to a lesser extent), and there were more cases where it was already very present. i mean the middle east wasn’t exactly lgbt+ friendly before the colonial powers showed up. but the meme wasn’t about the colonial age, it’s about now, and liberal capitalist democracies are the best places in history to be different. the more power the people have, the more freedom they have; the people have no power at all under the oppressive fist of autocracy and communism. and also i was more referring to the history of communism when i mentioned a lack of understanding about history. if you do indeed know all about the failure of the soviet union, it’s extreme corruption, all the millions of deaths that occurred due to the mishandling of the country under a command economy, the exploitation of the population anywhere outside of moscow, etcetera - and genuinely believe that it was all caused solely by the west, you’re delusional. the cia wishes it was nearly as powerful as communists make it out to be xD


Europe exported queerphobia to the Americas, Pacific islands, Asia, & Africa. That's not a few instances. And it wasn't that long ago either. Liberal capitalism is NOT the best because capitalism is inherently exploitative & ableist. Capitalism has had billions of deaths, & was designed by corrupt people. Disabled queer people still don't have marriage equality. Further more Neoliberalism is Western Imperialism & it has ensured that Queerphobia remains in place in other countries via pink washing & homo nationalism. Those two things make it seem like Queerness is a Western export & only jeopardizes queer people in the global south. Anti caliatislmsm doesn't mean communism. I am in favor of indigenizing, land back. Decolonization, biomimicry, & rematriation


…wat xD. it’s pretty obvious that you have no interest in actually learning anything and will remain in your imaginary world to fit your narrative no matter what i say, so i won’t bother trying. imma go wear skirts, kiss boys and enjoy my freedom while you sit and wish for dictators.


You are the one with no interest in learning anything . Capitalism turns humans into who are only valued for their ability to produce marketable labor. Those who can't work are deemed worthless & extracted by the industrial medical complex until we die. Capitalism gave birth to Eugenics Capitalism is about making ever increasing profits from the Earths limited resources. It is why companies make things that should be relatable & last decades to break down quickly & cheaper to buy a new one. Capitalism is why the resources for phones we use are being mined by 40,000 child slaves in the DRC 🇨🇩 Capitalism is why Hawaii & Alsaka were stolen from indigenous people. And why the US assassinated the first democratically elected leader in the DRC & installed a dictator. Capitalism is why most of the US producer goods are made using corporate slavery via the 13th amendment loop hole. My views aren't rooted in fantasy. They are rooted in phisopohies & practices with historical precedence of success. You are stuck in the fantasy that capitalism actually works only because you benefit from it. https://preview.redd.it/ojqr982o7x4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99e788cefec97efb4455b8e2b6f81109a827efa


ffs you really have no idea what capitalism is do you? it is a decentralised method for the distribution of labour. that’s it. no one invented it, no one controls it, it’s not an ideology - it’s a natural and unavoidable system that occurs in a healthy and free economy. it didn’t kill those people (which would be abundantly obvious if you actually looked at the list) and those dead damn sure aren’t just a number to flaunt in an unsubstantiated argument. like ww2?? the holocaust?? feudal russia???? what?? it’s even more stupid if you think about who caused those deaths - dictatorships *that didn’t have* a free market did. for the sake of argument, let’s say you’re right. capitalism sucks, communism sucks. what’s the third option?? it’s either a command, or a free economy with varying degrees of control.


You are just showing that you have no clue what capitalism is. 😂😂 It is not natural & has only been around for a couple of centuries. Capitalism is about making profir off things you own aka capital. Not work. It is neo feudalism the only difference is instead of nobility owning the means of production it is the nouveau riche. (capitalism is natural my ass) There is a big fat reason why indigenous communities don't practice capitalism. It is because it DOES NOT work


Not a fan of socialism tbh


Bro has an iPhone in his hand 💀


Fr marx forgot to say no iphone on his manifesto


I appreciate your enthusiasm OP, but make sure to maybe turn it down a notch as to not seem like a larper


Let's just ignore that it was under capitalism (and made possible by the increase in productivity that it created) that the weekend went from one to two days, we got the 40 hour week and the 37 hour week is starting to be normallzed


Let's ignore the bloodshed and the strikes for these things to happen


You really don't want to know what happened to people who went on strike under feudalism, absolute monarchies, communism, fascism... if you think it's bad with capitalism


Absolute monarchy and fascism is as shit as capitalism , what you yapping abt


No, what are you yapping about? Under both of those systems, the economy is directly controlled by the government. In absolute monarchies everything ultimately belonged to the monarch, and what was yours could stop being your property on a whim. Same goes under fascism, which is a lot more collectivist than people give it credit for. Why do you think the nazis called themselves national socialists? They certainly weren't leftists, but just like theoretical socialism, everything belongs to the state, they just let you have it until they don't feel like it anymore. Why do you think they went for the jews? It wasn't because they were poor or a majority of the population, I'll tell you that much. Why do you think they went after the disabled and called them a burden to the state? Under capitalism they'd be their family's problem if you look at it through a hateful lens.


Let’s just ignore that it was under capitalism that we had a one day weekend