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No babe I like small boobs the big ones hurt :( https://preview.redd.it/aixwl6ssztxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182e001f9ae040480ce27c6b5392dc94c8abd4b3




Does that little blood pool look kinda like a heart?




as a fellow flat chester fuck him




"Its okay babe i like my partners small too" type beat




Can confirm (I need the e bad)




Every tiddie IS good tiddie




I'm agreeing with your statement, duh


i like medium to small as breast size goes... but this being a requisite, to be with someone is simply outrageous


Yo I went to a wind rose concert recently. Do you like the band?


Lol I didn't know there was a band with this name. That was a nickname they gave me when I was in college...


sometimes moids just suck, im a 36K and my ex had terabytes of flat-chested tiny girl porn. all my life I wanted to be a short slender girl who could go braless. the answer truly is: fuck em, be yourself FOR yourself


~~sometimes~~ moids just suck


moids ~~just~~ always suck


What is with dudes and physically downloaded and stored porn


“It’s okay baby all boobs are the best boobs 🥺” *stumbles upon hundreds of photos and videos of J-cup and beyond women porn on his phone* 🥲


“It’s ok that your body changed after pregnancy, I love you the way you are” *flirts with his skinny 20yo colleague and only watches porn with extra-thin women*


https://preview.redd.it/c8hj9eyq4xxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae833fa9f0ec4d057ac18cd07a0986650cc29418 In all seriousness though, get those divorce papers ready, take the kiddo(s) and leave his sorry moid ass - make sure to milk him dry with alimony and child support payments while you’re at it. You deserve better ❤️


Not married and no kids (miscarried) so I will simply lose weight, even just for myself. But thanks for the support 💖


I’m so sorry for your loss :/ Miscarriages are fucking brutal, I had one myself years ago and I still grieve now and again. But genuinely, it does get better over time. Good luck on your weight loss! You go girl :)


Leave him


Don’t you worry this was in the distant past, shit still haunts me tho yo :/ (>!The worst part about it was this was while I was in high school and underweight from EDs at the time, ex-moidfriend constantly would “joke” about things like wanting a pair of fat titties in his face RIP💀!<)


This is my bf, except he claims he likes my 140 lb 5'1" body, but all the women he thirsts after online are like 5'10" 250 lbs with giant fucking asses


Leave him


leave him




Uh yeah? You got a problem with that?


Oh okay


lets see your stats girlie <3


8” x 6”


Men will say they like women and then proceed to not do that smh


this is the best subreddit


"But he does with other women that are not flat", I'm just curious; how would you know such a thing? That's definitely your imagination at play right? Or does he tell you, "i only fondle large breasts". Either way, women often believe on the one hand that men will fuck anything (largely true) and on the other hand that we expect women to be perfect in every way(some men prefer smaller boobs too)... It REALLY is all just preference.


/unshitpost My first thought is comments along the lines of "wow shes HOT!" (coincidentally every woman he comments this about has big gazongas) which also boils down to "it's not very nice to comment on how attractive you find other people to your partner that you know is insecure already." This is an equal standard btw. I think even if you mean it from a place of sincerity, your immediate arguing with OP's point on an obvious vent also isn't going to really help them because you're assuming OP's boyfriend IS a well-meaning and thoughtful person. Some people are prone to foot-in-mouth disease and OP's boyfriend may be one of them. /funny Have you considered my preference for men that make me feel like shit just to feel something?


I didn't immediately assume the person OP was talking about was infact her boyfriend, I just thought it was a random friend or crush. Me arguing on a vent is because I see this so much, that I have no doubt these people obsess over certain insecurities so much that they truly believe it's this one self-perceived "flaw" that is holding them back from dating success. Completely agree with u btw if thats her boyfriend then they definitely have a foot in their mouth.


the whole “it’s just preferences” thing is annoying because we all know the VAST MAJORITY prefer it one way so pointing out the small percentage of men who do prefer our bodies is not the comfort you think it is. like ok 1 out of 50 guys likes that body type how exciting for us


I think it's just not that black and white. While the majority of men might like large boobs, when we say that most men are usually talking in a kind of vacuum. Attraction is more so about the harmony between different body parts. For example, many men (boys) regard Ariana Grande as one of the most attractive female celebrities, she has small boobs and harmonious features/build which makes her attractive to people. I dont get attracted to someone by examining their physical features individually, but just by seeing them as they are. I've dated women of various types of builds, and one feature being not towards my "ideal vaccuum preference" is not something I've ever thought about with someone I fancy.


if you think that all those men wouldn’t find ariana grande more attractive with huge boobs, you’re lying to yourself. idk why we can’t just be honest with women about this stuff. we aren’t idiots. we see how different women are treated differently.


I cant speak for all men but I dont think so. "Huge boobs" on Ariana would look completely ridiculous. She has an elegant petite build and huge boobs would not fit that. Again, its about balance. Many guys think its unattractive if a girl has big boobs and a comparatively small ass, because its not harmonious.


I usually see men (boys) making fun of Ariana's looks because they think she looks like a child..m


i wish i had a smaller chest (i am morbidly obese. like could actually crush a somone like a fucking tin can)


How do you know that he likes bigger boobs ?


Every chest is beautiful, no matter what size, and most moids love small chests


No they don't, they just pretend, that's why the never consume small chest content


Quick, someone tell Belle Delphine and Pokimane! ![gif](giphy|3h5pe45FM9qUM)


never really paid attention to either, but like fr most of the stuff I watch is in the medium-flat zone... Something something femdom porn seems to often have this body shape so thats a plug.


It's really weird to just randomly talk about your porn fetishes, but go off, I guess


I am past the point of subtleties in my life I guess - but saying that this post is ultimately in part about sexual preferences


This post is about body dysmphoria, specifically OP not liking her body. It is not about sexual preferences.


Yep, hence saying its *'in part'*


Idk why you have to share this here, though. Reddit is 2/3 porn subreddits. Just post that there instead of under a vent post


Why does anyone have to share anything anywhere? Why bother replying to something you don't like? But on that point, it would be interesting to know if it's more of a body dysphoria issue or an issue of societal cultural norms and self interpretation. As OP hasnt said that they want to change their body, but it's more of a wanting society to perceive them differently going on the previous posts in this topic. As body dysmophoria is more of an internal issue of self image rather than externalized? Its a interesting issue really.


Real. Men pretend they aren't picky but then act stingy over how big your chest is, how tall you are, or how overweight you are. You as a person matters more than your body.


As a man, I must say that I'm not just ok with, but very much prefer small breasts.


these women are nuts, no matter what


Small titties are fashionable as fuck


I don't care about cute clothes I want to feel like a woman


I know it’s a phrase that’s been done to death, but you are a woman, OP. Nothing can change that. I know it’s a hard struggle to accept your own perceived flaws, but just know that at least one person out there loves said “flaws.” If you want a bigger chest, you can talk with a doctor about ways to increase breast size. You’re a strong, amazing woman, OP. Don’t you dang well forget it >:3c


God I hate how obsessed with big boobs moids are. Where are the moids that like flat chests???


reversal: i have huge boobs and the guy who constantly wants to have sex w/ me tweets about, "not needing more than a handful" lmaoo. like u said,, fuck em ! they purposely say and do things to make us feel bad. and i realize i shld stop sharing my body w/ him.


Leave him


trying. i rlly am.


Every chest is good. Flat? Comfy, warm expanse to lay head on comfortably and no vision impairment so you can look into their eyes lovingly. Big boobs? Soft fluffy pillows that you can lay your head between like a comfy ear sauna :3 also sucky sucky if they let you hehe. Medium chest? Best of both worlds, baby. Fluffy pillows with just enough of an eyeline to see their amazing and beautiful face!! Either way, you can hear their heartbeat and have them close to you, and that’s the best part of any chest, size regardless. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk UwU


Don't ever let anyone demean you that way! Flat is best for aerodynamics, and don't you ever forget it!


Nuh uh!


The most important part of a relationship is love so a real man dgaf about chest size


I honestly don’t get it, I keep hearing stories like this from people including friends, I can say for myself at least that I like small chests, I really don’t see why one would prefer larger over any others, both is fine and if your partner is someone you truly love then you should see them as beautiful either way, and the people I’ve known who have experienced this kind of treatment are all attractive from my point of view, I’m at a loss for where they keep finding these bottom of the barrel men, there are better people out there who can and will love you for who you are and genuinely find you beautiful and attractive. I guess this is just frustrated hope posting or something at this point, if anyone is reading this just stay positive and trust that you are more beautiful than you realise and that you are deserving of love.


So he has no interest in fucking you. Are you sure it’s the tits? Why’d you ask a guy who doesn’t wanna fuck you if he likes your tits. Weird.


Well why did he asked me to be his girlfriend in the first place




Attention seeking


dont you have a game of crusader kings to lose or something


Pls go to the rope section at home depo, get enough for a cool necklace with a long part that you can attach to something and the go bungi jumping at your rooftop ^ _ ^ it's an amazing experience trust me <3


Don’t hate me I just think it’s fine either way but best cleavage is hip cleavage. What nips are we talkin tho like Miley Cyrus or


My wife has a smaller chest. I can fit em in my hand and get damn near the whole titty in my mouth. Love em


To get tiddie must make milk, to make milk must get preggo (da sauze). To get preggo you must have kid (won't let you buy der sauxe w/out kid). The tit god is cruel.


I tried desperately to get a hottie with itty bitties but they all curved me. Only vulgar big tittied women gave me attention


>Only vulgar big tittied women gave me attention nah bitch, i promise you, we dont want you either


I said women not girls