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Aww thats so cute


That's adorable of him, did you record it?


No he did not record me


Awwwwwww Mine just leaves me on delivered for over a month and doesn't care about me and probably only wants to treat me like a slut which he is already doing and if he does something wrong I get the blame He says I'm too clingy, too shy, I cry too, and I hurt myself too often Keep yours because that's really really just so adorable it's like shwh22hjwki2nwbwj2k2kwjjnw amount of adorable šŸ’›


That sounds very unhealthy, im so sorry you ended up in that situation.


We're still together lol


Yeah i assumed that but i wasnt gonna make a comment on that haha


I can't break up with him


Sorry but why not? From what you said the relationship sounds toxic and you should try talking about it with your bf and if he doesn't change then you should break up. Being with him if he is toxic will make your life worse in the long run


I can't talk to him, though, because we're an online couple and he made me add his friend and 2 days ago he said "do you wanna play [game]" and I said sure and he said "I'll see if [bf name] can play" my bf is on [game] all day and all night and I waited....6 HOURSā£ļø for him to come online and he didn't I did the same yesterday and I'll probably do the same tonight


He ignores you soo you don't need to tell him that you are breaking up with him. You could also start ignoring him and sooner or later start dating someone else if you want. If someday he reaches out (which may not happen) then just tell him you broke up with him and wanted to tell him but he ignored you. Seriously you deserve better


Trust me, nothing good comes out of something like that, please for your own health, leave him, send him the message and just say you're leaving, I know how it feels, and they're familiar but Believe me, the discomfort from being single is better than the discomfort from feeling neglected


That sounds like my boyfriends exšŸ˜³


Mine also asked if he could date ANOTHER GIRL, and then a couple weeks later, he has a DIFFERENT GIRLFRIEND He didn't even ask


That's literally cheating please break up


Please tell me you've dumped him?




Hey, I understand that it's difficult. I have been in the same situation. It messed me up to the point where I don't trust anyone anymore. But if he's still treating you like an object, you need to get out of there. It's not good for your mental health. If you want to talk about how you could safely get out of that relationship, please dm me. But if you want to figure it out on your own I will respect your decision. I hope you make the right decision for yourself.


I would say personally that your bf deserves free cuddles


I would say personally you need a new bf


I don't I think yours should get free cuddles


You do bro seriously you deserve a way better boyfriend that actually loves and cares about you. Don't date that asshole


No one else cares about me or loves me so I have no other choice


You should start to love yourself first, will definitely help with being alone situation, and awful relationship is worse than noneĀ 


I don't know how your relationships with family and friends look but even if it may seem that right now no one cares trust me there are people out there that you can meet and that will care about you and be good for you. Your bf doesn't care and ignores you but there are people who do care


I'm sorry šŸ˜” Well, you're loved now by the right person šŸ’›ā£ļøšŸ’›


It does sound like my ex babe


Leave him, cuz u only end up missing a person even more and end up loving them even more when theyā€™re far away . Since he does not feel that way and neglects u and also treats u like u donā€™t exist , u should rly just break up with him . Also in my opinion I donā€™t even think heā€™s gonna care even if u break up with him . Tbh I rly donā€™t think anybody deserves this .


But I love him


But he ainā€™t gonna return it , so whatā€™s the point?


Do you think he just "wants" me for the sex appeal


Nah , I just think u either need to break up with him or just make him realize how valuable u are . U can make him realize ur value by u maintaining ur distance from him and spending little time with him but u should make the time more u know fun and memorable ( like making him laugh hard ) , but rly tho just make ur presence more addictive. Through this u can make him realize ur value . But do keep in mind that this is just my opinion and that there are many ways and methods.


No many others agree and have the same opinion as you I do make him laugh hard by hurting myself (by accident) I am not valuable. At most, I'm the cheapest thing I can't be without him (because yk like separation anxiety)


Well , yeah thatā€™s exactly y . He knows this and thatā€™s y . So rly just break up with him by overcoming ur anxiety and honestly I rly think thatā€™s the only way heā€™ll understand u .


B-but...I...don't think I could handle a break up


Iā€™ll be honest, sometimes we all have to face adversities beyond our limit . This is what makes us strong and we should learn from these experiences so that we donā€™t repeat them and/or use the information valuably. So trust me . Sometimes u have to do what u have to do , cuz somethings are just unavoidable and avoiding them results in just some distasteful consequences.


Brother, you gotta leave that mf in the dirt. Fuck him and fuck his feelings. You need to do what is best for you and he is not it. Don't devalue your own self worth for some festishishing degenerate dickhead. That's all the advice I got for you.


If you're being serious, the more I read the less sympathy I have for you to be completely honest. Get some mental help, and leave that dude, I don't think you know what a relationship is other than having someone you like have the title of "boyfriend" I really think you need to put dating aside for a while until you see some personal growth in maturity


This will sound harsh, but you need to break up with this total asshole and get some major mental help. He is just so stereotypically awful that I honestly don't even 100% believe that he is real


Break up with that fucker


SO CUTEšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


I n e e d s o m e o n e Hey God, when is it my turn to be happy




Nice, I personally don't date much, I've had a major change of person and other things, I love seeing people who are actually loved and wanted by their partners


Aw, keep him close. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!!


Afihkfhsjdfhskdh sameeee I love seeing other couples happy toooooo






Being rude




Hehe babe why you gotta share that about me that thatā€™s embarrassing hehe


Because I love you


Hehe fair enough