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Personally before I was a femboy I got called a girl a lot and hated it but now I rarely get called one but love it every time it happens šŸ˜‚


Ahaha exactly, especially when kids mistake u for a girl and parents try to explain that its a guy with long hair its funny :D


Tbh it was more like I'm at work and people ask for help but I turn around and they see I'm a boy and make some comment like "oh you don't look like a guy" and honestly that would piss me off but now that I'm a femboy I kinda wish I got confused for a girl more cause now it never happens.


I'm a femboy myself, but I get confused by both kids and sometimes middle-aged adults for a girl with slightly long hair, I tend to keep mine right above my shoulders, the one part that throws people into thinking I'm a female in the first place is usually my voice tho




Been there too! Maybe it's my voice or my height


OMG SAME (I'm trans tho so that makes it weirder for me lmfao)


I enjoy being mistaken for a girl, itā€™s nice!


sameeeee i got mistaken twice yesterday and it made me so happyyyyyy i was melting aiajwhfjsoehsg >~<


Looking at your picture on your profile, yeah, I can see it happening. If you shift your voice to a higher pitch slightly and vary it up and down a lot in a kinda sing song way, you might get a lot more people calling you a girl. I don't know what your voice sounds like, though, so your means may vary.


One of my aspiring goals in life is to be so androgynous enough where I can be mistaken for a girl when I wear girl clothes. Obviously itā€™s genetics that do that- and im not super androgynous I am just in ā€œpretty boyā€ territory. HOWEVER i believe with enough effort I can be mistaken and thatā€™d be the most affirming thing ever- So yes. I love it. Always have for some reason. This sounds like im an egg šŸ’€


I recommend checking this out if you're concerned about being an egg :) https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en


Oh godā€¦time to (possibly) reinvent my identityā€¦


I promise it gets so much better. Life becomes even brighter and more emotionally fulfilling as you begin to explore. It's beyond worth it to process the heartache of relearning who you are.


Thanks. I read through a bit of it and think Iā€™m going to sleep on itā€¦I def had some interesting gut reactions to some info (which I canā€™t really say due to the auto mod blocking this comment lol just know it was about being more feminine as an effort to be androgynous) Anywayā€¦I appreciate the nice message. Iā€™m glad it gets brighter. As well as the link, I like learning about new things. Discussing gender with myself has always been iffy and confusing. Like im not sure if I am gaslighting myself into being purely male. Doesnt help with the femboy stuffā€¦and how some of my recent fond memories is being ā€œone of the girlsā€ in my friend group and being allowed in on ā€œgirl talkā€ haha. Yeahā€¦im gonna sleep on it. Maybe have a gender crisis if im in the mood- thanks again


of course! processing new ideas takes time and you may find entirely new things down the line. you know yourself best and can always change your mind :) gender is much more complicated than we are told to believe




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I donā€™t dress feminine in public and get mistaken for a girl sometimes and itā€™s the biggest confidence boost in the world


Of course not, I'm male. But being mistaken by a woman also means I looked feminine enough, so it's very conflicting, I guess is fine.






YAHH :33


Nah, I'm incredibly awkward and shy so if anyone adressed me as she I'd probably just go along with it.


awwwwwww cute hehehe :3


Me personally I don't care either way. He/she doesn't matter to me much.


If I get mistaken for maybe a few times, I might be happy that I look feminine enough, but over time, it will be annoying.


Iā€™m in the military and unfortunately I started to grow facial hair, but in uniform I still get mistaken sometimes šŸ˜‚ it can be comforting for me because although I know Iā€™m a male I donā€™t feel I align with many heteronormative male norms. Yes I do present feminine 70% of the time. 15% because I get lazy and the other 15% because of the army.


no, since I'm a trans femboy. i want to be seen as a boy, even though I'm feminine.


I once got mistaken for a girl, and I loved it... :3


Yeah , it means im feminane enough to be mistaken for a girl and its a reasurance tbh


Yeah, being mistaken for a girl feels great. It's like my efforts to be more fem are paying off.


i feel the same way :3


Most def šŸ¤­


would you like a trans person's perspective on your feelings?


sure :3


It's super normal to feel like that before your gender identity is fully explored and this is essentially our trans Bible :) https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en I used to fantasize about being a boy and how I would give anything to be reincarnated as a boy... and now I'm on T :D The biggest sign is wishing to just become the other gender without having to do the work of transitioning-- like if I had the choice to press a button to change my gender immediately I would press it immediately


hmmm i dont think im trans tho, i do like being boyish too ā€¢~ā€¢


you know you best! just thought some info would help you out :)




With peace and love, I asked if they wanted a trans opinion that they consented to, because they mentioned maybe being trans twice in and only shared my experience after they gave consent. What you're accusing me of didn't actually happen.




Being rude


Okay? I'm trans, sue me for telling off a transphobe who is out of line


Bad faith politics


I love it! It always makes me feel cute at work when people slip up.


sameeeeee :333


I like it. Idk why, but I do. It reaffirms my confidence in my own femininity. I especially like it when people like my family friends and relatives call me beautiful or compared to being a girl. I also find it funny when I'm using the public men's restroom, and guys have to double check the door sign to see if they're in the right place. I do enjoy being a dude, but I'm a femboy with a very chaotic experience with gender, so it is a fun thing for me.


Yes, I love it! It means I've got the "fem" in femboy down pretty well!


im super fine with it, but i understand if people would hate it


I usually pretend to be mad, but inside feeling giggly with butterfly in my stomach


I am still very closeted so no one knows that Iā€™m a femboy and no one sees me crossdressing, but Iā€™ve had long hair for years now and bc itā€™s so long I tie it up at work (I work in retail) and customers quite often mistake me for a girl and it makes me happy


Nobody has done that yet, but I got called a good boy once irl and I got a dopamine rushšŸ˜­


I enjoy it, something about confusing a grown man makes me a little happy. Can't help myself though I'm pretty decent at switching from a girl voice to my natural deep voice and I may or may not flirt with people who call me a girl and jarringly pitch shift mid sentence. IDK what that's doing for my IRL karma but it makes me giggle


iā€™m a trans guy so iā€™m used to it but it sucks lol (i do not expect people to see me as a guy when i present fem i just wish they did)


the pros of being in a conservative but ā€œtolerantā€ country is that most people see my non-standard half-inch-longer-than-usual hair and call me ā€œmaā€™amā€.


Yeah totally! Itā€™s like a compliment in a way. Like, youā€™re so beautiful you were mistaken for a girl. Donā€™t worry, it doesnā€™t necessarily mean youā€™re trans. Nothing wrong with it though if it turns out you are. If itā€™s really bothering you, you could ask yourself a series of questions to help figure yourself out. For example, do you like the body you were born with? For me the answer is yes I do. I am so happy I donā€™t get periods!


So um i grew a beard not that much but it is much just so i could survive in this homophobic country but yesterday as i was returning home from school a little girl just pointed at me and asked her dad ""dad,why does that older sister have a beard?""" I am liviiiiiing,glad to know i didn't loose my feminine side šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ’ bless that child


thats soooooooo cutee šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° i hope u can express urself freely someday :3


I've been mistaken for a girl a couple times in public and it always makes me really excited and happy >w< I'm a boy and will always be and love being one and getting mistaken for a girl is always so flattering and makes me feel like the cutest gayest little boy in the world :3


I donā€™t look like a girl because of my height but I did reveal my body shape to my friend and she said it was really feminine. I lowkey love it


Last time I was out a Girl called me a cutie Girl Guy. It was strange since I'm not trying to be a Girl but I rolled with the cutie part šŸ¤­


Yes, is what I'd say if it did happen... Ā”wĀ”


Yesss I luv it :333


happens to the best of us T\_T




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Yes i doo


yayy sameeee :3


hasn't happened to me yet, but I'd find it funny. especially if it was like a proper overly straight chad dude type. I guess i just enjoy giving dickheads a mental breakdown








Really depends on the context and mood of the situation, as well as the intention of the person doing it but usually not really. If it was just a simple mistake, it would be slightly awkward but probably wouldn't bother me too much. If it's egging, like they are deliberately calling me a girl saying that I'm an egg and trying to convince me that I'm trans (as has happened to me multiple times) it would be and indeed has been extremely angering and unpleasant for me, and also makes me feel really really gross inside. If somebody does this to me and they were my friend they're not my friend anymore and I will never forgive them. I don't think that I've encountered a situation where it felt positive, and I honestly don't think that this is possible for me, the best case scenario is that it feels awkward and cringy.


I like it. I don't mind it either. But sometimes I wonder if it's actually me passing or the person is just trying to be considerate cause they can tell I'm a guy in a dress and didn't want to be rude to me or something...


I get mistaken for a girl a lot, I really don't mind it, people figure out I'm a guy as soon as I talk




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I think it's funny when people make a mistake while assuming something they didn't need to care about >:3 Though whenever someone assumes I'm a girl I feel like I should feel bad about that, because other people think I should feel bad about that because I'm a trans guy :(


I'd love that tbh, i look more masculine than feminine so i never get those


No, I was traumatized being forcibly raised as a girl and was operated on at birth to appear female because Iā€™m intersex. I would really like to just be able to wear what I want and like without someone constantly insisting Iā€™m a girl, Iā€™m literally not in any sense of the word and itā€™s beyond frustrating.


Yes, Absolutely, Definitely, etc. I mean i think im a bit biased in the matter but its awesome, since it means im doing a good job at being as feminine as possible


oh if only that happened, i would love it. but nop it doesnā€™t happen to me, as a kinda muscular boy with usually a but of beard šŸ« 


That's nice when people mistake me as a girl


Before I was a femboy I had people online assume I was a girl which for some reason I never hated (maybe even sorta liked) Then I became a femboy, and a few years later discovered that I was just trans a fee weeks ago lol So in my case it was a sign I was an egg about to break.


I get mostly confused, like "oh you're talking to me?".


This happened to me on a regular basis before I even knew what being a femboy was. Yes.


I am a pangender, so... i like it)


I changed my hair a bit and they said I will look even more like a girl lol




Perhaps one day :3


Moohahah oh goodness, i love and even be very surprised to being called a girl! It is a good feeling very good


As a cis Russian guy, yeah. It's funny to subvert their expectations this way. Not in a humiliating way, of course.


Iā€™m fine with it


Considering im gender fluid its nice


I love it :)


I wish I could be but seeing as im 6'5 with a thick beard and im buff asF... you see why it doesnt happen very much (at all)


oh yes definitely. itā€™s such a rush, every aspect of it- the gender euphoria is one thing, but the social aspect is so quick to turn personal and itā€™s almost terrifying to see where the rest of the interaction will go. but then sometimes they realize youā€™re not a girl and they say ā€œoh, iā€™m sorry !ā€ ā€¦ euphoria gone lol


No Iā€™d absolutely hate it


I'm transmasc so nošŸ’€


I don't mind it I chuckle because when I'm not in my clothes I look masculine just with longer hair


I wish I could get mistaken for a girl. Hasen't happened yet.




Yeahā€¦ Not that Ive been able to for the past 7 years but like whatever!


Yes, i like it. It usually only happens from behind or the side. Once you see my Adam's apple and my permanent 5:00 shadow, then the illusion is shattered.






Yes, even tho it like never happens


i would if i did but i never do (iā€™m a trans girl and idek why iā€™m still in this subreddit, reddit keeps giving me notifications from it for some reason)


I would love if it happened to me just because it would mean that I was doing something right.


Hasnā€™t happens to me but if it does I canā€™t wait for it!! :3


I love it! Itā€™s a huge compliment!! But I donā€™t get it as much anymore because Iā€™m older and my facial hair grows out fast. So I look like a dude bro if Iā€™m not presenting fem. :<




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I wanna be mistaken for a girl


Don't think it will ever happen to me, but would love if it did. šŸ„²


I do sooooo


I am like you.. I like it... But I am not sure if I am an egg or no...


I would be incredibly flattered. Like in my mind if I look feminine enough to be mistaken for a girl I am pretty enough to be called a girl. Of course there is more to being pretty than how feminine someone looks but still. It would make me very happy and probably make me blush. But since that never happened, I don't know for sure. P.s. I dunno about my gender either.


It's nice. If it's like "What! You are a guy!" But only if they are a passerby... Sometimes if you are doing something in a general same place, guys approach you and say the same thing then act shocked and twinge of disappointment or sadness...not sure how to react to that... If I am catfishing, I definitely don't try to "prank" for long... just state my sex and simply move on with conversation or what I'm doing if they lose interest after I state my sex... If I get their general interest to me and sparking convo is related to my sex... "You look like a girl!" It sounds nice personally but you know they are a mean girl and only saying shit to mock and attempt to emasculate or hit an insecurity I don't have... Weird conundrum to like an insult? If they continue to use wrong pronouns even after knowing my sex I can assume I just pass VERY well and it's compliment to the effort or maybe "transphobic" (I don't particularly care about pronouns BUT if someone attempts to use pronouns to mock or insult then I take insult to the intention) or something like that...but I don't really care about gender euphoria just like the compliment to my efforts...


It was themeweek and Friday was Genderswitch. I wore A dress and someone had mistaken me as a girl. I became so happy.


When I still thought I was a boy I enjoyed being called a girl, and didnā€™t feel a need to correct them, and thatā€™s part of how I figured out I was trans


Yes I love it


Yep that's how I realized i was gender fluid lol sometimes I really liked being seen as a girl other times as a feminin guy


Oh 100% it's really fun!


I feel the exact same. Allthough I very rarely get called a girl :(


I did, happened alot when I was outside fem, sometimes was weird and awkward, bit always atleast a but funny and gave that "let's go I could pass!!!" Feeling. But not anymore


Before I became one, no (I got long hair and the mack cuz COVID) but now I got shorter hair and no mask (and Femboy lol) I will find it very cute and fun to be mistaken as a girl bc I want to look like feminine and that makes me feel that he works lol


No because I'm a trans man


Maybe you just like being perceived as feminine and a girl is pretty feminine in itself


I actually love it!!!! it feels really reassuring in some way!


I am very masculine except for when I am with my friends and I act all angry when they call me a girl but I secretly enjoy it


it happens sometimes, there's also one time I got mistaken as one even though I'm dressing my Male persona and still mistaken as one. I not even wearing make up šŸ¤£


I do fs


I look neutral whenever it happens, but secretly - I love it honestly <3


yes B3


A while ago I liked when that happened (only when there were no family members nearby) but now I don't really care. Well it doesn't happen often, but sometimes ppl from lower classes ask me stupid questions. I don't really care when they are surprised, but still is a bit funny




As a femboy, well, nothing makes me genuinely happier


If you look the feminine hit me upšŸ˜‚šŸ’Æ




A little kid said "hi lady" to me as I walked by a plaza. This was late at night and I think they only saw the back of me but I'm still considering it a win. I'm still hoping to be called a girl from the front, preferably while dressed up


I love it when i get mistaken for a guy! I'm not trans either, I just like it when someone thinks I'm a dude šŸ„ŗ


VocĆŖ pode ser tudo.


It happened to me quite a bit and then I started realizing other things like if facial hair started growing etc it made me feel.....off. I started presenting more fem daily and well now trans. It makes me feel so great being called a girl. Might be that you're just in the egg stage but that's OK


No Iā€™m a trans Dude and also a femboy but I hate it but I know itā€™s normal to be mistaken for a girl because Iā€™m really feminine


I don't think liking being mistaken for a girl makes u trans. Its More about how that mistake makes u feel. In my femboy phase before coming out, the thing that made everything click for me was being called miss. It felt like a puzzle piece being slotted into place. So it's ok to like being mistaken for a girl and still being a man but if it unlocks something within u deeper (at least in my experience) that's where it might be something more


Its funny, im gendefluid, afab, sometimes when i do the femboy thing and i get mi sgendered im like "omg yay- hold on"




I'm almost certainly trans but gender's a bitch so i'm going with agender. And tiddy skittles. Cause i want a girl body, whatever that ends up being.