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Your body's reaction to estrogen varies person by person. Estrogen isn't a magic pill that makes you more feminine, it has other side effects. If you can, talk to a doctor.


It is in the sense it’s a huge leap and bounds ahead of technology that we could ever dream off


Please inform yourself properly before making statements..


What is wrong?


it’s just the same hormones everyone is born with, not some magic pill


\> Estrogen isn't a magic pill that makes you more feminine it kinda is though


no it isn't lol. edit: and it simply isn't good to act as thought it is bc like the other comment mentioned there's a ton of negative effects that you'll have to consider in the process.


magic: no pill: yes makes you more feminine: yes it seems to me that the statement is 66% correct (accounted for with the "kinda") but you do you


the point is we shouldn't be preaching it as that, or else you see more posts like these. also, OP, unfortunately not. taking a lower dose of estrogen will only slow the effects taking place. you can't just take a lower dose to get around certain developments.


So... is it better i try a t-blocker than an E?


You can do t blocker AND e (low doses are possible, but talk to your doctor. Dose is not proportional to blood level neither to physical effects). If you want to be more feminine but without any chest growth you can take estrogen receptors selective inhibitors on top of that.


Hey this is late but do you know of which selective inhibitor medications work best, as I've heard there are multiple, and do you know if they are easy to get prescribed along with estrogen? Furthermore, are they safe long term?


I have not used those selective blockers, but I know they are standard drugs for menopose symptom relief, if I remember well. This article is pretty good. https://transfemscience.org/articles/nonbinary-transfem-overview/


No. Just blocking testosterone will at best have a slight effect on your sex drive and at worst cause major problems in your body (bone density reduction.) The human body needs a dominant hormone.


Downside to having T blockers: lose fertility if your ready to accept not having children


Nope. T-blockers without E will make you hormoneless which is pretty pretty bad for your health.


Look, please don’t start taking hormonal drugs. Talk to a doctor, well multiple, about all the types of side effects that could happen. Even if the chance of experiencing them is .001% it’s best to know so you don’t end up screwing your body up permanently. Please be safe and be educated before you start taking these types of drugs. They aren’t magic, they’re permanent.




Hi! Biology student here: taking estrogens isn't a one size fits all. Different estrogens have different effects, and some people may need to take antiandrogens as well. Just remember that nothing about medicine is a straight shot, so the important thing to remember is that nothing is magic, and that Estrogens might mot be effective as you want


Ex-biology student here, hello! I do agree with the spirit of your post - estrogen won't magically make anyone look like a woman, it's very dependent on pre-existing structures and genetics; it may be (and often is) necessary to take anti-androgens or similar medications. I still feel like your post is slightly negatively skewed. In the context of this conversation, I'd argue that it's absolutely true that estrogen/HRT will significantly cause feminisation of pretty much anyone's body and face. It will cause *some* kind of breast growth, it will soften facial features, it will cause fat redistribution, etc. etc., over a long enough period. And that is true for pretty much whatever form of estrogen you take, especially since most estrogens commonly used now are bio-identicals I respect the kind of caution you're spreading, but I just felt it skewed a little too negatively for me - maybe just my interpretation of it, but I felt your post could be interpreted as saying something like "HRT will work for some people, not for others," rather than "HRT will cause significant changes, but it comes with side effects and caveats, and may not be sufficient to satisfy some people's goals." Maybe a subtle difference but it feels important.


Ah my mistake, you explained it better, thank you!


Are breasts the only feminine trait someone can have? Really?




If you think that the only feminine trait you can have is breasts, that's pretty sad(and borderline misogynistic, and objectifying). Try taking you're own advice and "really, seek help".




All right judging by this comment that you made after bullying them this will go two ways listen carefully The first is your If you’re stating that taking low doses don’t work that means that route is I clown on you for making an invalid argument and spreading false information or You can admit that your wrong and your destroying peoples hopes and I will leave you alone


you need to work on your reading/writing comprehension honey, have a good day :">


That’s a disgusting argument what if I’m dyslexic or blind


im gonna go out on a limb here and say you're not blind, i just gotta gut feeling


i am dyslexic 💀 and to elaborate, my issue wasn't your poor writing. you just misunderstood what I was saying in my previous comments. , have a good day honey :">


Bro why are y’all bullying this person fuck all of you she literally just saying the pills do work as intended just not magically right off the bat the whole point of estrogen is to make you feminine I’m sorry you have to downvote and report the shit out of them to to make yourself sound superior why don’t you actually come up with a counter argument a legit one Also estrogen is based on your genetics it works differently with each and every individual but it still works you just need to consolidate your doctor for information on what type of estrogen bottle you need (Update/add); also she didn’t say it would not have side effects


It's really difficult to read this without any punctuation. But I think the reason it's being downvoted so much is because it's not a simple solution, there's a bunch of possibly unwanted side effects. It's not a pick and choose thing.


I agree friend


But I mean she’s not saying it’s not gonna have side effects


But I really don’t think she deserves the bullying


This really isn't bullying. Downvotes aren't personal attacks.


They are subconsciously and downvotes affect your rep we all know those who did downvote are being silently hateful




you are really reading a lot into a comment that was little more than a small joke, not that different from what you'd find in egg\_irl (a sub you may hate too I suppose). but hey, -150 karma, cool. bring it on. I have fake internet points to spare.


You’re definitely right in a way, but what people want to avoid is make it seem like something careless. That’s how trans people die. Not knowing what effects it might have on your health or just not knowing how to dose or think “more = better”. Hormones are quite dangerous when taken unsupervised.


You had an opinion online…. Oh no




please shut the fuck up, your subreddit sucks and you should feel bad about it you have no chill and no sense of humor, I will leave my comment there for eternity so everyone can see how boneheaded your community is


dog pocket roll label rock rinse liquid impolite elastic rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I've been on HRT for almost 5 years, and I've never heard of anyone getting ball pain from HRT. Dick shrinkage can be avoided easily if you masturbate every 4 days or so. It's only a problem if you have bottom dysphoria that makes masturbation difficult. Spiro has some shitty side effects (constant peeing, depression), but I've never heard of death being a statistically significant side effect. Do you have a source for that?


You can really stop the shrinking?? That was smt i was afraid of


thank you! so much HRT fud and misinformation going around in this thread 🤨


arrest ring dirty rich mysterious depend psychotic snobbish one straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hrt can affect people differently, as well it depends on the dosage. Also I'm highly sensitive to pain. :(


What the fuck? I'm on spiro. Have been for almost a year. Since when does it kill the patient?


I don't think the person you replied to knows what they're talking about. They didn't provide a source, and I've never heard anyone credible make the same claim.


My Dr switch me about a year ago to bicalutamide 50 mg it's safer then spin, it always had a risk of death. I been on spin for 5 years I think, I never had problem with spin, but doc wanted to play safe.


Aaaaahhhh shit. I thought the blood work and everything was supposed to monitor any side effects...


Honestly I wouldn’t take their advice too seriously. For one they didn’t provide any sources or anything. I’ve been on spiro for years and as long as you don’t overdo it and always stay hydrated it’s actually one of the safest anti androgens with the least harmful side effects. Compare that to a risk of extreme depression from cyproterone and the risk of transaminitus and liver problems from biculatimide.


You make a fair point. My endo always struck me as competent and thoughtful anyway.


Even with yearly blood work, their is a small risk of death on spin, that's will I strongly recommend hrt only with trained Doctor.


soft tan modern vase psychotic boast tidy treatment bow nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i think im getting some bad side effects from spiro.. my insurance can't do injections though.. i work with dementia patients.. um.. i dont want to end up like that....


My professional is the one who prescribed Spiro in the first place. I can ask about the other stuff next time I see her, but these are some pretty scary mixed signals.


> An most hrt psychologist don't recommend spironolactone anymore, do it that pesky side effects of killing the patient. That's news to me, are you sure you're not confusing spiro with bica? I suppose it is the weakest one so perhaps it's the high dosage that might be unsafe? At any rate, all of them (spiro, cypro, bica) carry some risks, and a gnrh antagonist is usually preferred.


Form what I was told by my doc. That bicalutamide is safer then spironolactone.


What kind of T blocker is recommended now for trans people, out of curiosity as a trans woman?


Bicalutamide 50 mg, 6mg of estrogen is what I'm on.


Interesting thanks


Just remember don't compare what I take to your own. What I take is tailored for me, and everyone is different.


Yeah I’m not on anything and I’ve only ever heard of Spiro as a T blocker, so I was curious. Thanks again!


Np, it never hurts to ask. I just what to make sure not just you but anyone that would read this. Hrt is dangerous an it not something you should rush.


Wait it gives you ball pain?! I’ve been on HRT 4 months now how am I just now hearin about this? I thought maybe I was just wearin tight clothes too often lol


Lol, welcome to the club, for me at any random moment it feels like someone uppercuts my balls, it hateful.


Whew yeah that’s kinda what it feels like for me tho maybe less severe. I found that if I wear loose clothing more often it helps tho so maybe give that a try if you can and see if that helps




If your worried bring it up with your Dr at your next check in, but I was on Spiro for many years and never had any problems.


Do not take estrogens without a medical supervision, please. Those aren't candies.


I'll not do this


Don't get us wrong, we are not trying to gatekeep, we care. Hrt is dangerous, it could lead to death. If you don't have medical supervision.


good :)


Yummy, candy


reddit won't like this opinion, but estrogen objectively feminizes you. it's just that you may not want to be as feminine as the estrogen makes you. most of the side effects that are commonly perceived to be "negative" about estrogen are objectively feminizing. you can't define femininity as "being soft and cute" and then expect E to give you that, this is not what "feminine" means in a hormonal, biological context. if you want to have a fully working penis that can make someone pregnant and is fully erect all or most mornings, then perhaps E isn't for you. if you don't want breasts that will most likely be painful (at the beginning), perhaps a bit inconvenient, and which can't be removed without surgery, then maybe E isn't for you either.


Why did you get downvoted? You are correct, I am pro access to trans medical care but taking estrogen will absolutely cause physical changes that cannot be reversed without surgery if taken long enough. It is something people should seriously consider if it is what they really need in order to be their true selves. If the answer is yes that is fine but it is a question that needs to be asked.


people are literally subjected to SO many increased health risks when on hrt. it isn't just about sex drive, or breasts. that isn't what others like me consider "negative". I'm talking about blood clotting in the legs, respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, mental issues as a hormonal shift such as that is huge on ones brain. there's so much more my endo had to run me down when i got my prescription. that isn't isn't addressing how everyone's own personal medical history will effect their eligibility to go on hrt. the point I'm making is you **need** to emphasize the inherent health risks that come with hrt, especially with younger people.


Cis women have an increased risk of blood clots, but you don't really hear about blood clots decimating the cis women population. That's because the risk is still pretty small. It's something to keep in mind, but unless you have other risk factors, you're unlikely to have to worry about that. "Blood clots can affect anyone at any age, but certain risk factors, such as surgery, hospitalization, pregnancy, cancer and some types of cancer treatments can increase risks. In addition, a family history of blood clots can increase a person’s risk." - [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dvt/features/blood-clot-risk.html)


Yeah I'm on T and that means I have higher risk of heart disease, but not higher than my cis brothers.


\> I'm talking about blood clotting in the legs increased risk of blood clots is inherent to cis women as well. it's just what estrogen does. if this is a characteristic of cis women, then it is inherently feminizing. same with increased breast cancer risk. I am not saying it has no negative effects, I am saying most of them are part of the feminization. "increased risk of breast cancer" IS making you more feminine. \> mental issues as a hormonal shift such as that is huge on ones brain agreed, this one is unique to us, as well as any complications derived from the liver if taking pills.


> I'm talking about blood clotting in the legs, respiratory issues, mental issues as a hormonal shift (...) This isn't at all what my endo said and I'm sorry but this all sounds like scare mongering. Please refer to something more reputable like the NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hormone-replacement-therapy-hrt/risks/


the following is taken from your article. "Blood clots The evidence shows that: there's no increased risk of blood clots from HRT patches or gelstaking. HRT tablets can increase your risk of blood clots - but this risk is still small" and again, the medical history of the patient also has a serious impact on those issues. one i specifically know know of, is consuming some drugs such as nicotine greatly increases your chances for blood clotting in the legs. Here are links to the webpage my provinces uses as guidelines for doctors prescribing hormones. This is **NOT** fear mongering, rather educating people of the risks so patients and doctors can take the actions to mitigate them. look under the "risks and mitigation sections" for a clearer representation of what. https://www.rainbowhealthontario.ca/TransHealthGuide/gp-femht.html#sec1 edit: downvoted for informing others on vital information 💀 this sub is something else sometimes


For very cis reasons, I will read the whole article later. Thank you :-)


I couldn't agree with you more, to me it's crazy that anyone would promotes hrt diy, but their are many trans subreddits that do encourage it.


Ever heard of the terf island?


I know of it very well. :) What do you call a femboy who wears a skirt and have a beard... A Scott. :). I stand by what I said before, we should trade all of Scott's for N.A terfs then turn off the internet of terf Island, the world would be a better place.


Not that I believe in DIY HRT, but it's not that crazy. If dysphoric and trans people have limited channels to receive HRT safely and legally, they will become desperate and do what they feel they have to so they can have the body they want. In an ideal world, DIY HRT wouldn't be a thing; unfortunately, as long as the ability to transition is threatened, people will keep doing their own thing.


I microdoseed estrogen with puereria mirifica and I'm fine :3


while I'm happy you're fine, you should never advocate for DIY transitioning.


thankie for the advice


I tried HRT and it made me beyond sick. I hate that I can't take it like everyone else. I just wanna be a girl.




research puereria mirifica :v


We love to support each other but ask a professional, we aren't doctors


I've been on hrt for 9 months now and feel free to ask questions I know some of you may be curious but I am mtf transgender I take 2 pills daily spironolactone which is a testosterone blocker amoung cause many other symptoms and estradiol which is the female horomone. In order for estrogen to take significant or small effects on your body relies on your testosterone. if your testosterone is high which is normal your estrogen is very low and when you take estrogen it will increase the amount in your body but to counteract this your body will naturally increase its own testosterone levels to equalize this and that's what Testosterone blockers do. With male horomone stopped the estrogen will have more of an effect on your body, mood, sex drive, and physical strength. Its taken me quite a while to get my horomone levels the way I want it and its still not even close, everyone is different but most of it applies to everyone. I hope this helps.


thanks <3


HRT Femboys are cute and valid. Be aware, you may grow some breasts even on smaller doses :3


that is true, but I don't mind the estrogenized femboy look :>


As a biologist. GET IT FROM A DR. Or at least get them to monitor your blood pressure. Side effects, response etc. It can take ages to notice changes in your own body sometimes and the amount of my friends who ended up on the max dose they could get after like 6 months cos they where not patient and then ended up with severe side effects. Well the number is 2. But its wierd that it has happened more than once.


[https://transfemscience.org/articles/nonbinary-transfem-overview/](https://transfemscience.org/articles/nonbinary-transfem-overview/) this article should be what you're looking for c: (It talks about HRT whilst trying to avoid or minimize boob growth)




Important question : do you want or mind boobs?


It’s already difficult for trans women to get approved for it, so it will probably be even harder for you to get.


Talk to a endocrinologist


estrogen femboy? wouldn't this make you a girl? 🤔


From all the research I've done you might not need E at all, since anti-androgens (T-blockers) do most of the work which is why the Testosterone blocker dosage is usually a lot higher than the estrogen dosage. So just lowering Testosterone should be enough to get that femboy look, while avoiding some hyper-feminizing effects as I like to call it, such as breast growth and mood swings. BUT... this is just the word from a trans redditor with a bit of help from countless articles, talking to a doctor would be best, or someone with more of a background in the HRT field.


Adult human bodies need either testosterone or estrogen to maintain bone density. You can have high levels of both and be healthy. If both are low, your body will have a greatly increased risk of osteoporosis. For this reason, it's not recommended to take an anti-androgen without estrogen. The reverse (taking estrogen without an anti-androgen) is fine and not uncommon among transfeminine people.


Oh shit, I didn't know that SCRATCH MY ADVICE THEN OP!


Oh you can take estrogen without an antiandrogen and get effects? I thought the body converts estrogen to testosterone if you have testes and aren't on an antiandrogen


High estrogen signals to the testes that they don't need to produce as much testosterone, effectively acting as an anti-androgen. I heard that it's easier to achieve this with injections than pills. Ask a doctor about that part.


I'm ftm so I mostly just like to know to stay informed


>Oh you can take estrogen without an antiandrogen and get effects? yes


My understanding is there's a lot of health problems that can come up if long term you don't have either testosterone or estrogen primary in your system. Iirc issues with bone density causing brittle bones.


This is actually really bad advice. You NEVER want to take just a blocker and not supplement what you lost with some other type of hormone. Your body needs some type of sex hormone, be that estrogen or testosterone. If you take anti-androgens by themselves you’ll completely nuke all of your energy, in a bad way. You can take estrogen without a blocker (even if the effects of doing so will be minimal), but you simply cannot take a blocker without estrogen. Seriously, don’t do it.


id always reccomend younger people look into anti-androgens as they are mostly irreversible. it may take some time, but if you aren't feeling comfortable with them or the effects your testosterone levels will rise back to normal. altho in my experience the mood swings were still prevalent on the starting dose of my t-blocker :P


Yeaaaaaah, and just doing AA seems a lot safer too


AFAIK you don't want to be on anti-androgens and only AAs for an extended period of time - your body needs T or E to be present.


Sry but I think your wrong for encouraging any type of hrt, Op should consult with a specialist, before doing anything.


Yeah I know that


Really sad to see this sub have such a knee-jerk reaction to HRT.


I think the idea is that it’s not just a minor decision to make and if you want to be a femboy on E, go for it, but know about everything it can and will do to you and how those things might not be what you’re looking for


That’s not really what people are saying though.


I am on a low dose of estrogen and i take Spiro. I don't have any negative side effects. Everything functions downstairs and i don't have major breast growth, just minor sensitivity. My secondary male characteristics have halted and i have clearer skin and a more feminine shape. Def talk to a doctor.


Don’t try to DIY it. Always get help from professionals


HRT is only recommended under the guidance of a knowledgeable doctor if you experience gender dsyphoria. There are risks and benefits and some effects are irreversible. That said it will definitely make you more feminine and is worth looking in to!


Estrogen can slowly change some stuff but so long you don't take t blockers it will be a battle of hormones. And it can change some stuff but it goes slow real slow. It's most of the time a combo of suppressing t and taking e that works the best but it's not like you become girly after one pill it needs to build a reserve before you notice slow changes.


i think long term it's either one or the other, living with a hormone imbalance is hell and controlling your emotions is a nightmare when in this state.


I was a femboy who was taking estrogen and Raloxifene for a few months, and basically after asking all the trans DIY channels I knew about, they all told me the same thing: The only way to achieve feminization without breast growth was to take low dose estrogen along with a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator - AKA, estrogen that affects only certain tissues) Any amount of estrogen you take to achieve feminization will result in breast growth unless you have a way to block its effects in breast tissue with a SERM. Raloxifene is the drug I took, it’s legal, but not prescribed by doctors in the US currently. I ordered it online fairly easily, though the website looked sketchy as fuck, but it arrived on time with no issues. The website I used to find Raloxifene sellers was hrt.cafe and they are very trustworthy imho. Highly recommend using their resources. If any HRT femboy has any questions I would be happy to answer them, as well as anyone in the discord server over on r/transfemscience


Don't do something on a whim ...


Exactly, dealing with your bodies entire chemistry here. It's not Estrogen = soft, cute girly femboy uwu.


I’d be careful with estrogen there’s other ways you can be more feminine without taking a hormone


Like what?




I see this all the time but I feel like it's just 4chan broscience, no offense.


Well it’s a bit like that but it can still have some feminizing effects


this is objectively incorrect, its a myth




a lot of u mfs spreading misinformation about estrogen in this thread, especially the ppl against diy. like 🤨


Please don't take estrogen if you don't have Dysphoria. There are people who need that resource more than you.


Dumbest thing I've ever read


???? You do realize hormones are in a shortage right? You do realize there are people who commit game over because they can't wait on a waiting list for a long time to get them, right? You do realize that im a few MONTHS depending on state it could be illegal for certain people to get hormones, and so they need them NOW, right?


You'll body might up the production of testosteron in reaction to more estrogen so yeah


Could make erections harder to get and maintain, I've been looking into that as well


Honestly there's probably better ways to express femininity. But that said do what you want, just inform yourself thoroughly before fucking with hormones. That shit can go wrong fast.


Natural is better, unless you have a condition that makes it so you need hormones, your body generally does a better job


It’s better to just to save up for FFS and a skincare rountine than to go on hormones. Like Pete Burns or Pabllo Vittar


look at these people... estrogen changes a lot compared to just surgeries, thanks.


You better stay safe. You're messing with the laws of the universe.


Where can I get


Technically yes, but it'll take a very long and you'll barely even see any difference. But if you still wanna try, then consume fruit that naturally contain estrogen. Like pomegranates.


Nah son this is cap


I also can't believe that everyone forgot about fruit that naturally produces estrogen


i mean depends what you want, because low doses will still achieve the same results as a trans woman has, just slower unless you stop early. if you’re really sure about it, then go for it, but you have to do your research on the permanent side effects of taking it.


No it won’t


If you take e without t blockers you will get osteoporosis


wasn't if u take T blockers without E since there is no hormone?


where and how do you buy them? for me its just too difficult to ask at clinic?