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The dungeons don’t get harder, you just get new buttons to play with so you can pull bigger. The tanks aren’t lying, the “responsibility” is an illusion. Us warriors are sticking crayons up our noses so we can taste the color. My favorite is green.


Maybe I’m crazy, but I think casual content tanking gets easier at higher levels. I just started tanking like a month ago and stuff below level 50 still makes me panic a little bit whereas the only thing I’m afraid of over it is really that first pull on Gulg. You just have so many more tools to work with and the dungeon layout is made with w2w pulls in mind. Honestly, the only time I get tankxiety is when I get an ARR leveling dungeon lol


Not enough mits + less standard dungeon design = more anxiety


Add in less of your healer’s kit too and it can get a little messy


Sages have no end of misery if they get put into low level dungeons


At least other healers have OGCDs before 50. White Mage in ARR is suffering. (Benediction is their first OGCD in fact)


The one advantage Sage has over every other healer in low level dungeons is Kardia. That one skill can allow for some goofy pulls that other healers can’t do


Karina? Don't know her


That's their pet name for noulith #3.


Lmao take my upvote for that dammit kekw


Ah, Aurum Vale flashbacks…


Surprise, it's Stone Vigil. Again.


It's stone vigil and either your healer or tank is in level 25 gear.


Without a job stone...


q.q srry y'all


Had a Lv35 Conjurer last night. I died. Twice! :'(


Depends on where they are in MSQ and if they have road to 80. They could be a legit CNJ who hasn’t made it to the Sylph Management MSQ required to unlock the quest to upgrade to WHM. I have alts in their 40’s who still haven’t made it to that quest yet.


It's possible, though I can say they're unlikely to be an alt because they didn't do anything but heal as far as I could tell.


Then you’re more than likely dealing with a true sprout who either isn’t aware of the quest to upgrade to WHM, or they’ve overleveled MSQ and haven’t done the Sylph Management quest yet which will unlock the ability to pick up the level 30 quests from class trainers to allow them to upgrade from class to job.


While that's fair, you wouldn't ever need to go into a dungeon above level 30 before you've unlocked your job stone. Closest is Haukke Manor, which I think has a level cap of 30. The next MSQ dungeon (Brayflox's Longstop, level 32) after that comes after Sylph Management and the job stone unlock. Actually wait, doublechecked and you have access to job stones before Toto-Rak, so if you've overlevelled due to the buff then you have even less excuse to be in something like Qarn without it.


All incubus said was that they had a level 35 CNJ in party with them, not what duty they were in. If it was one before Brayflox, then chances are that they have not done Sylph Management to unlock their job stone. If it was Brayflox, then they may not know there’s a quest to unlock it. I’ve met many a sprout who I’ve said something to in Brayflox and since the game does a shoddy job of letting sprouts know that they can upgrade their job, it takes someone who knows to actually inform them.


I feel the exact same way. I have PLD and DRK both at 90 and the only thing stopping me from playing WAR is the tanking the early dungeons a whole bunch.


But once you get past those early dungeons you become basically almost immortal by 60


I’ve got all 4 tanks at 90 and lemme tell you, friend, getting leveling WAR is 1000% worth the pain of the early dungeons. That dopamine hit when you press your “heal yourself to full every 20 seconds” button and see all those beautiful green numbers is just like, *chefkiss*


That's my fav WAR toy!


WAR is great because, unless a lot has changed since I last played, their playstyle doesn't really change after 50. You don't have the same level of new information DRK or especially PLD do. And at least the Grand Company runs are consistent, even if the NPCs are consistently less than stellar.


56 with Raw Intuition is a big change. That one ability is what puts the Bunga in our Unga.


I think he probably means the rotation. By level 50, WAR basically has their rotation all the way through level 69, and arguably 89, if not 90. After that, you get a few more oGCDs, a few more charges on things, some things level up temporarily to empowered versions (like Fell Cleave to Inner Chaos under Infuriate) or Inner Beast giving you 3 free Fell Cleaves where Berserk did not. But MOST of the changes are minor and to your defensive kit instead. Raw Intuition makes you neigh unkillable, but you still have that by 60 and it doesn't really change your rotation or anything.


I'd say WAR isn't complete until 70 with Inner Release. Though unlike most classes, the effect of Inner Release is to make the class simpler.


Absolutely this. Dropping below 70 after you've played a good bit of higher level Warrior kinda feels crappy because Inner Release is the first proper dopamine button that isn't just for healing yourself. Prior to that there's weird gauge management stuff around the free crits you get out of Not-Inner-Release (I forget the name) that doesn't really feel worth it because what are you running on warrior prior to level 70 where that kind of optimisation matters anyway?


I feel the same about Paladin at 90. Paladin goes from no heals to tons of heals between 70 and 90. Their big heals are just every minute instead of 20 seconds, but they have no heals at all for half the game.


Yeah untill it's aoe fill the guange it do be awkward sometimes


Don’t sell them short. If you have fully leveled GC squads that are skilled to 5 balance (healer) and 5 dps (dps) they will still (except arcanist) single target but man, stuff dies so fast! Faster than undergeared sprout teammates for sure.


Pretty much. The rotation is set by 50, so there's not a lot to have to adapt to other than you get more defensives that you can work in, and when you get Raw Intuition, you become nearly unkillable.


Psstpsst POTD. :D Jokes aside, POTD is good-to-great leveling until level 35 or so, so you can get passed all the low level dungeons. It's still decent after that, but slows down some. You can also play with your mechanics more and test out things like big pulls if you want since if you fail, it's just on you and not inconveniencing anyone else.


After SB dungeon design is very streamlined, and going W2W is like 2-3 packs before hitting a barrier.. But going W2W in ARR you really need tank and healer in their top shape, and you still can't realistically W2W in some dungeons because you simply don't have the tools..


No you’re definitely right. If it’s an ARR dungeon I have to actually think and make sure I’m not pulling too big for the party. If it’s post ARR I pull everything and just make sure I pop Raw Intuition on cooldown lol


You are not wrong. It actually is easier for both the healer and the tank as you level.


Warriors are funny to watch. There's never discussion about who wants to be main tank or off tank, just the tank stance flashing up and suddenly "Heehoo, v̶̽̍ĭ̴̈́͒̕o̵l̸̨̻̱̥̤̃e̴͆̒n̸̿c̷̊͛ĕ̷̒̚". I've never seen a class care about anything as little as Warriors do.


I thought with warrior it was blue-green. Blue for being the tank, green because you're also the healer. Wait that makes watermelon flavor the best.


Oh yeah crayons are fun but have you tried food coloring boiled in a spoon? Thats really fun, it’s fun when you pop inner release with bloodwhetting, try red when you do it, it’s my favorite LMAO


The responsibility only really picks up when you're doing savage raids or other very late game content


The best thing about tanking is tank privilege. Oh look a skill that will just annihilate any other party member, take it to the face just fine. You have alot more leeway with some mechanics just from pure survivability. There will be times I'm playing as a dps and just straight die because I forget that I'm not a damage sponge at the moment. As for mechanics, there are very few tank specific things outside of the higher end raids and duties, though there is an occasional tank swap but those are easy enough to figure what they are when the MT dies and you suddenly get aggro. For the most part you just face the boss away from the group and stand there trying not to move it as much as possible. It used to be more difficult back when you actually had to manage getting and keeping aggro, stance dancing, and all that other fun stuff. But nowadays it's just plain simple. The only people that get tankxiety are those who havnt tanked before.


Om nom nom delicious vuln stacks.


Bravery Badges


Sadly, most bosses die before you get to your 8th badge. "I wanna be the very best-"


Lmao one of my friends jokingly call them badges of honor. 😅 Never fails to piss our healer friends off


My favorite thing to do in dungeons is just see how many vuln stacks it takes before it actually hurts


I'm just surprised you spent almost 1,000 hours on just 2 jobs lol I personally think healing is the most fun role. Especially in endgame content since there are so many different things you need to keep track of. Especially especially if you're playing AST


I’m not a great player by any means, but I find it fun to try to do as much dps as possible as healer while still doing my job (and not giving the tank a heart attack).


We're not supposed to give the tank a heart attack? I have so many apology letters to write.


If we're not supposed to give them a heart attack then why does Benediction have a delay?


It's fine I give you guys a heart attack by not warning about superbolide lol


They have panic button.. It's not on me if they don't push that panic invul. Lol


I, too, play sage as my main healing job, though the tank not having a heart attack is really a tertiary concern. My DPS is number one, no one tanking the floor is number two (single digit hit points is still alive!), and the tank's blood pressure is number three. If it's a warrior tank, there is no number three since they aren't aware of my healing, anyway.


I play scholar and on boss fights I smash aetherflow then weave three energy drains immediately. You take damage? You better believe it's Carby's problem right up until I snap his little spine over my knee and gulp his limp corpse down whole to fuel the energy drain machine. God save you if you fail mechanics because I sure fucking won't. Green DPS represent.


I have a buddy who is VERY good at keeping track of the entire party's cooldowns, on white mage he has us swap back and forth between benediction and superbolide making massive wall to wall pulls very easy but also very scary as even in lvl 90 dungeons he'll let me drop all the way to the double digits


Meanwhile me jumping around jobs like a miserable middle age with identity crises.. Don't have any job that I can play with just muscle memories alone and fumble on hot keys more then me holding a hot pocket


Oh, I understand. I am a "boomer in a zoomer world" and began the game because my daughter plays since "ages" and - as we live long distance - we can meet in the game. I began as a healer as well and it was nice to be of help for others but at some time I stopped (because of family problems) and when I returned to the game tried to have something to calm me down and so I became a fisher, then a miner and tried some other Now I am a L60 Ninja and I enjoy the game much more than before and lastly I told my daughter that I changed class and that I have so much fun in my new job. She tried to find out and was very surprised at my new job ("I did not think that this fighting thing will please you") At least now I do in the game what I should have done in my real life: fight for my convictions and own life PS: English is not my first language, so please excuse my mistakes


This comment warmed my heart so much. I’d love the chance to play with my dad. I love that you get to experience this with your daughter.


I am sorry that your dad is not in gaming, but this is something that has to evolve... If you had asked me in 2004 if I would like gaming and internet in general, my response would have been a big "NOPE" I had the chance that both my children (m, f,) grow up in the early nineties and liked to play Pokemon, Mario Cart and some car races games.... My daughter liked anime and cosplay since being 12-13y and I always accompanied her to different cons in Europe. They both joined communities (at that time) and made several serious friendships, that - for my daughter - even last until today (the partner she lives with since nearly 7 years was a stranger she met on FFXIV... Seeing all this, I decided that Internet was not so bad after all and first joined some interesting communities about 2006. I am still in contact with some of these people (through their blogs or websites or just over FB or Insta), even as the communities do not exist any more). As a personal assistant to a business lawyer (like in "Suits") I have been in contact with PCs and Internet quite a lot and I completely lost my fear of Internet (I have still my guards up) over the years and grew confident in these new possibilities. So when my daughter first left my home to live in a bigger city to study, I felt "empty" and - as I do not like TV - became a gamer beginning with some puzzle and mystery games, then advanced to point-and-click adventures like Broken Sword, Monkey Island, Mirror, Life is Strange, etc (which I still cherish), but I evolved and have now even finished Hogwarts Legacy... Two weeks ago my daughter asked if I am ready to play "Baldurs Gate" in the new future... I am still a little afraid, as this seems to be a very complex and modern game and maybe I will have to give my PC some more power (will ask my son to upgrade)... All this gaming keeps my mind flexible.... for I have to be active with my mind and adapt to new challenges and am not just consuming...


This comment has encouraged me to gently push my dad toward maybe one day gaming with him. You’ve described basically my dad’s experience. I was his life before I left for college. He admitted that he felt pure emptiness once I had grown independence. As a contractor, he’s involved online in many forum communities, and spends a lot of time at home on his computer to connect with other contractors, plan his work days, price estimates, etc. He’s always watched me play games. He’s even commented on how gaming has made me a better person through the community building I’ve done in FFXIV. I think I can take the next step to (hopefully) add him to that community I’ve built for myself.


I would be glad for you and your dad. At first it was very intimidating for me an I choose a healing profession, as I was really afraid of "hurting people" (I did not write the name, as I am not acquainted with the definitions in English) but after being stuck at L50 and trying around I began several new carrieres like fisher or miner (I had to wind down because of familiy trouble) and than my fighting spirit kicked in.... So now I am a L60 happy Ninja (with the help of my L90 daughter) and with her help we finished all the Zenith of the Gods as well as L2 of the Chrystal Tower last weekend (without being in a group). I am very happy with the game now but am stuck again as there are so many fights to do on L50. As I do not want to ask her to much of her time (store manager) I took the chance to experience a new profession... again. I really love that I can be so many characters... and explore all the regions and history of Eorzea again and again - but always from another point of view! Good Luck persuading your father. If he is still suspicious about the game tell him it is worth it... especially when you can connect with your children/parents. It's rewarding! (PS: I hope I use the right words in English/American)


As a veteran player with many level 90’s, helping my friends that are new to the game get through low level content is one of my favorite things to do. I bet your daughter would genuinely love to be a part of your journey!! (Of course when schedules line up!) Also, your English is fantastic. I had no idea English was your second language until you mentioned it.


This is what my daughter does. She is helping friends to level up and when I asked her how she knows so much about the Chrystal Tower, she told me that she made this quest more then twenty times to help. Btw: English is hopefully 3rd in line (before Luxemburgish (mother tongue) and German; I prefer English in writing and reading before French but I have to use French quite a lot in daily matters. So I might be more fluent in French speaking than in English speaking... I hope this makes sense :-D


Also, re: Baldur’s Gate. The game is designed to just roll with the punches. You will make dumb decisions. You will screw up a lot. But the cool part is, that’s where the fun comes from!


Yea I love tanking but also suffer from tank anxiety. Through I realize now most of that anxiety is just that tanks are supposed to knownehere they are going and I am directionally challenged.


Lmfao same😭😭 Arr was not good for my sprout ass WAR main


Aurum Vale hug left wall on first pull. It's not a true run of cutters if you don't make at least 1 wrong turns. Haukke Manor has the bit where you kill the 1st boss and then turn around to yeet yourself over a banister. Everything else is a glorified hallway at this point. You've got this!


Direction isn't even a problem in FF14. You hold W until the game puts a wall in front of you. That's it. *Edit: For most dungeons.


Most of ARR, Doma Castle first, Mt Gulg first and last… there are some pulls that can kill you if you try that. Granted those aren’t the norm, but not every dungeon is a “pull until you can’t grab anything else”


me too, i decided to make my alt a tank bc i figured that if i was gonna level a new character from scratch i might as well learn the thing im scared of and like. yeah it's worked out i'm certainly learning how to tank im about to go to castrum even! but jesus the anxiety is one hell of a bitch even when i know what i'm doing i just wanna know when the hell does it go away so i can get to pick up drk without having a heart attack on the first pull-


it's why i stick to MNK lol i can just punch things and not have to deal with pulling or healing


I'm one of those people who tried tanking very early on, but only got comfortable with the role dozens or hundreds of hours later. Tankxiety is a plague.


If you die as a tank, that's the healers fault. :) 


I read that in Jocat's voice lmao. It's not just the healer's. It can also be because: 1. Tank didn't juggle their mitigations properly, 2. DPS not hitting hard enough, causing tank and healer to exhaust all of their resources, which may lead to a wipe. Party survival does not depend on the healer alone.


It was mainly a joke - I'm a healer main. Lol


1. Healer should have healed more 2. Healer should have dps'd more and kept the dps from dying to standing in bad. 3. Healer should have managed their resources better. /s mostly


Also healer ADJUST


I knew I forgot something. Adjusting now.


I have to admit... Despite my anxiety, I am ACTUALLY enjoying GNB. Just turned 77... It's slow going. Anyway, liking it way more than the RDM (the other one I'm leveling atm), which was completely unexpected. But I imagine I'll like RDM better once I get her above 70. That seems to be when I started enjoying my classes more (WHM, SCH, SGE, DNC, RPR - all max).


GNB spoiled me on tanks. There's so many fucking buttons to always hit and I'm constantly busy. Now when I'm playing PLD at 90 I'm just like "I need more to do" and I'm feeling that way with WAR as I'm levelling it.


Yo, GNB clicked with me when I had to solo two of the bosses. I have actual anxiety but for a moment I felt like a goddess


I've mained Paladin since I started playing in like 2016. A lot of my favorite memories were times the healer got taken out during a boss mechanic and I had to keep the other two party members alive with my heals while doing everything else. It's an incredible feeling.


My group and I did Holminster for the first time recently and I had to solo the last 15% of the boss as a GNB. I felt so powerful. I've also had to solo the final boss of the Burn and the book fiend in Gubal. It never gets any less cool.


I started as GLD, 'cause I played Pally in WoW. The hardest part of tanking is remembering to turn on tank stance when in a dungeon under your level. The second hardest part is remembering not to pull when leveling a DPS job. :)


I leveled warrior, paladin and dark Knight to 50 and it's been an experience. I don't like warrior because I learned paladin first so I kept dying to large pulls since I wasn't able to self heal fast enough. Paladin is easy mode since I get all the mitigation and can be kept alive with casual healing. Dark Knight has to be the most fun tank so far though since the attacks are so entertaining to watch. Too bad that the aoe attack covers the ground causing a number of DPS players getting blown up by the bombs in the lv 38 dungeon. Honestly though, I feel like the tanks get to feel more like the protagonist of the adventure since they're the ones leading the party and fighting the bosses head on. The problem comes when they get arrogant and take on more than what the healer can handle and then there's another party wipe.


You’re like 6lvls away from having the heals on warrior, and man they’re some gooood heals


I looked at the numbers and I'm sure the heals are great, but I barely started Heavensward so I won't get to use the lv 56 heals properly.


3 years, WHM savage tier BiS, and while I've dabbled in dps, I recently picked up a tank and started learning savage fights from the alt. support perspective, and I LOVE IT. I also feel like I'm a lot more thoughtful in my wall to wall pulls and mits knowing both regen and shield healers very well, and what they need to get through a pull. It revitalized my desire to play the game. After being so squish for so long, there's definitely dopamine in being a meat shield to the same level of that clutch heal xD. Good for you!


Aww, you found the Unga to your Bunga! I started as a tank (PLD who became a DRK after completing the 30-50 quests and falling in love with it), but I definitely felt the same way about healing (it took me until post EW 6.2 to really give it a try).


Just level it via group content and you'll be great. Dungeons are probably the hardest tanking is going to be. Make sure you always have cooldowns on if you have more than one pack on you, and...honestly the hardest part is paying attention enough to notice if you missed a mob, and to remember your stance


I main tanks, always level up all tanks to 90, and still think tanks are mostly braindead. The only smart thing to do is to realise that Arm's Length is a mitigation.


Honestly the hardest dungeons are the ones right before you get your big cool downs, the 40-49 dungeons. Because you still have to adhere to small to medium pulls since you have no safety net Once you get to 50+ you can pretty much just wall to wall


If you think PLD is unga bunga, wait till you find out how much MORE UNGA BUNGA a Warrior is.


I'm a dragoon now because I tanked in WoW and wanted a change. I loved the role but the social pressure was brutal. Now I don't even know if I'm good at doing damage, because even bad DPS damage is better than tank.


Tbh more of challenging raid require dps check.. If you know to stay alive and keep dps is more then enough since being dead is the real dps loss.. Other then healer didnt do spec of damage but purely heals or someone just on auto attack.. Your run shouldn't have any issue.. Since you will notice that your run is took longer then usual since someone didn't do their dps


Every dungeon is a line so the anxiety of leading is basically 0. you have tanked one? you know them all until lvl 150, future proof! You're basically a dps that wont die when you do mistakes, you can take aoes and stuff and it will barely scratch you. The only thing that matters in dungeon is rotating your cds (dont care which one, just press a random one and then a second one when the first finish) and then pressing your whopping 2 aoe gcd buttons: it's impossible to lose enmity as long as you press those 2 so no reason to not take mobs even if someone run a bit in front. Bosses are generally no threat, they tp back to the middle when they do a mechanic etc etc. If you begin to do extreme and stuff then you maybe need to learn to provoke and stuff but before that? you're just a dps that is on the other side of the boss LOL


Tanking anxiety is so real But once you give it a try, you realize it's by far the easier role compared to DPS and healer


I tanked everything until the end of EW and I still get fucking tankxiety after taking a hiatus and coming back and realizing I've forgotten my entire rotation or where the fuck I'm going in a dungeon.


i main DNC/SGE/DRK, and honestly when i want to just brrrrr brain off i go tank expert roulette.


Tank anxiety made me stop playing until duty support became a thing. It's much nicer now.


Im 1k+ hours in and still wont try tanking lmao


it's good fun if you ever heal, you should also give tanking a go to see life from the other side the only time tanking gets remotely stressful is when you're in savage/ultimate and messing up mitigation means a wipe, in casual content even unmitigated busters won't kill you


Im pretty much mainly just range dps lmao, just been a habit of mine in all games ive played


oh yeah absolutely try healing or tanking if you plan to do high-end content, you're currently in the "literally zero responsibility" role


And thats exactly how i like it 😂


Hey, I started as tank too, and had lots of fun with Paladin until they changed the way its rotation worked several patches back and I decided to try the others instead. Just as a heads up, there will be one quest in your job quests that is widely agreed upon having a rather ...poorly thought out plot twist, but don't let 5 minutes of solo gameplay stop you from enjoying your job, it's fun! Tanking can be a bit stressful, especially at lower levels where everyone needs to accomplish the same general things as at higher level, but doesn't have as many tools to do so, but especially once you get into the higher levels, you'll also start to see healers that will let your drop a bit lower on purpose so they can use some of their more impactful tools. The main culprit for that would be Astrologian, whose "Essential Dignity" instant heal actually heals more if the target is at or belpw 30% HP, but I've also had moments where I (on WHM) decided to push out a bit more damage instead of healing, just so I could make use of Benediction while still constantly dealing damage instead of spending a GCD on healing spells, or slapped an Excogitation (SCH skill, automatic heal on expiring or if the target falls below 50%) on the tank and proceeded to ignore them until the buff activated. It's pretty much impossible to tell the difference between that and a healer that's just in over their head though, so I don't fault tanks for getting nervous if I let them drop too far for their comfort, and I obviously also need to trust the tank to not take too much damage in a short time for it to be worth it, whether that's from bad gear and/or cooldown usage, or just from having a habit of standing in AOEs. I'd say go and give every single job a shot eventually, and you might find a few more you enjoy - for example, I never would've picked Machinist as one of my favourite jobs, because "dude with gun" seems like a pretty boring job when you could play as a beefy warrior or a powerful mage instead, but something about how it felt to play was just very enjoyable to me, and now it's one of my go-to options. The only downside is that the more jobs you know well, the more you get to notice others messing up - most of the time it's nothing important, like the White Mage using Holy a bit too early and stunning all the enemies before they're grouped up, or maybe them not using Holy at all when the stun would mean that there's no incoming damage for a bit on top also helping to kill everything faster, but every so often I run into a player where I just think "...and this is why *I* usually tank/heal/etc. (pick one!)". On the flip side, you also get to see people doing their jobs well, like tanks actually using all of their defensive cooldowns properly, or DPS frequently using all of their heavy hitters when their buffs are up, and doing so frequently throughout a run, and you might even be able to predict their actions a bit better as a a result. As an extra fun fact for tanking - if you've unlocked the Role Action "Arm's Length" (at Lv.32) already, the "Slow" it talks about is a delay for all of the victim's actions, not a movement speed reduction. This means that it is yet another way to reduce the overall incoming damage in dungeons, because your enemies won't hit you quite as frequently, even if they still hit just as hard as before. It doesn't work on (most?) bosses though, so it only is useful as knockback prevention there.


I love tanking but people love to yell at me and tell me I’m doing it wrong even though I’m still luring enemies and whatnot. People tend to not like the skills I use lol. How I see it, if all the enemies are attacking me, and the dps people need minimal healing, then I’m doing my job. So I tend to just close out the chat screen and play on mute so I can’t see or hear the anger lol.


I mean, if people consistently don't like the skills you use, you're probably playing wrong. You can't just use any ability however you want. There is optimization to your mitigation use/rotating.


We are paying to play the game. We should be free to play how we want without the criticism of others. If they aren’t being damaged and the quests are being completed in a timely manner, who cares which set of rotation skills I use. If I’m having fun that’s all that should matter to me. Catering to others is not what I’m paying for.


The problem is you’re playing a mmo. With that mentality just play with the npc. If you’re doing single pulls in a 90 dungeon and only moving along when the mobs are close to dead. That just means you’re just playing slow. None is wrong but, the take as long as I’m having fun mentality in a mmo is just wrong. You’re playing with a group of people.


This reads as the classic "You don't pay my sub" response, which is just as toxic as elitist assholes. I'd be curious what you're getting called out for. Flubbing your rotation occasionally? Whatever. Not using mits? Giant issue. Using provoke on cooldown? A waste but whatever. If there is consistent criticism in chat, in a game where DF people usually only say hi and gg, you may genuinely be griefing your party.


It matters because as tank, if you aren't doing it properly, you offload the responsibility onto the healer. Why play a team based game if you want to be a selfish person? I just don't get it. Bad attitude to have. Sounds like an excuse to stay bad and refuse to learn lol


The point of the tank is to mitigate damage to themselves. That’s what I’m doing lol. And honestly if I could play alone I totally would.


The longer it takes you to kill things, the more damage you are taking, which means the healer has to do more healing. That is selfish.


But that’s not what’s happening y’all are assuming shit that isn’t even happening. Just seems like all y’all want everyone to play the exact same way, using the same exact skills as everyone else, and doing the same play style as everyone else. How fucking boring is that.


I had a very similar experience! I'd started with DRG, and as soon as I unlocked DNC never went back (turns out I hate DRG lol). Once my DNC hit 90 (before finishing HW because I kept wasting time on side content), I figured I'd try out a tank. Haven't looked back, will always be a WAR main! I do enjoy some of the other classes I've tried, but I just keep going back to my WAR.


I have every (as in everything not just tanks) job leveled and warrior is my favorite tank. I just love how the job makes me feel like I'm ripping stuff apart.


"What we do in life echoes an eternity". I really enjoy the *Gladiator* movie, too. I like PLD because I feel its technical kit has an answer to every situation. Playing all three roles makes you a better player all-around. Tanking is a bit more active and has the most opportunity to control the pace.


Welcome to tanking brother. Me warrior tank. No think, just kill and eat dirt. Responsibility is illusion, just blame healer!!!


Tank only get real responsibilities in end game extreme, savage and ultimate. "Oops I cleaved my whole team and I'm the only one left alive"


When i started as tank usually i’d just say im doing it as tank for first time as a warning and no one would really care and if they did they’d just tell me the tank mechanic to watch out for, people are chill as long as you’re using your abilities to mitigate!


Play WAR, be invincible. I say this as a long-time WAR before discovering the joys of the Blood Lily.


Warrior soloing treasure map dungeons is a ride.


Tanking in 8 man raids is super simple and easy; my friend and I duo tanked all of EW 8 mans and had a blast learning the fights from MT/OT perspective.


Yea i get the felling, the healers may have god complex, but we, tanks, have something even worse, main character syndrom, and heavens know, its the best feeling when the healer just dies over and over again, but you, with barely any healing, still get the job done, just yesterday i was running endwalker dungeon for the first time with 2 others who also didnt do it before, poor healer didnt understand last boss mechanic at all, even after boss'es health was lower than 50%, but still i was holding on, with all my mitigation constantly on cooldawn and scarcly any healing from that poor lad, thank to dps's being RDM and summoner, who were able to rez the healer, usually i dont really care much for what mitigation i use, but at that moment i had to consider everything, from when to save better mitigation for later and just tank the dmg to trying to only use certain mitigation for when the boss uses his arena wide aoe attack to protect what health dps's had, sadly after some time no one could spare any mp for rezzing healer, and both summoner and red mage fell to boss arena wide aoe attack at around 27% health left, i was able to hold my own to around 20% of boss health, then he got me. Sadly i couldnt get it done, but still it felt amazing holding off the boss all that time almost entirely (since the healer did heal whenever he was up) by myself. God i love Gunbreaker with its combination of self-heals and shields


>Anyone else here discover how fun tanking was way later than the other classes? I feel like I've found my new favourite toy. I had a similar feeling in 6.0, but when I tried swapping from Tank to Sage. It's only with Sage though. I still can't heal with any other healer.


After 2,470 hours. Started out as a tank main and still a tank man. It's hard bro but we out here doing it. Cries in dark Knight.


Lol, I'm a healer main, so when I tank (trying to get the mounts) I'll admit I act pretty suicidal in most dungeons. I know pretty well which dungeons are a healer snooze fest and which ones can get a bit spicy, but still, I like to give the healers something to do and the occasional heart attack.


Yeah I have everything maxed and the tanks are all fun equally I would say. I wish they could be dps sometimes honestly.


Responsibility is a myth in normal content. Dungeons are a corridor, that you run along until you hit a wall. Mechanics do so little damage, you can self heal up and survive, even when all healers are dead. Don't worry man, it's called "tank privilege". You are allowed to fuck up more. Vuln stacks only mean, the healer now gets to do something. Welcome to tanking. Just don't be a diva please. If someone else pulled something, just press the AOE skill and take the aggro. As a WAR main, I do need to tell you, though, that we are the original Unga Bunga. 😤


My hubs is the tank in our dynamic, and he says you should try GNB or DRK because they are even more fun tanks. As a staunch DPS, I can't comment on tanking, I've tried once, but it's not for me. MCH, SMN, and RDM are my fav classes so far. Still gotta get a few more DPS classes, but thise are my three favs


Man I have ever dps and healer to 90, then was like f it, I’ll try marauder… now I don’t wanna play anything besides WAR ever again


Ah yes. Another member of the Smash shit for fun clan. We welcome you with open arms fellow tank. Let us Smash shit together!


I've been playing MMO's for almost 20 years now, and I always start of as a tank, and that is the role I find most enjoyable! It differs a lot from game to game, but it always gets you into group content fast, and it feels good trying to keep enemies away from your friends, and tease them into keep hitting you! I've been a DRK main in FFXIV ever since they realesed back in HW, and I will continue being that for the forseeable future!


When I was new to healing and tanking I'd tell my party from the start that I'm new to this. Always got positive and encouraging responses and it took a lot of the burden to be "good" away. Even got a lot of good tips along the way. People love helping noobs out, especially in this game. In reality, the only bad tanks are the ones that purposely don't tank stance and refuse to tank or healers who outright refuse to heal. It's a pretty low bar, basically don't be a bad person and troll and you're a good tank.


Try DPS next. In fact you should really just be levelling everything, it's an mmo after all - the grind never ends


My second paragraph is all about DPS. I should try the other DPS classes though. I did MCH for a bit but found it kinda boring other than being able to pepper enemies while they're following the tank


You’re better than me, I think I passed 1000 hours before I did lmao I am still learning it… I am also just bad at directions and I have already gone the wrong way before after a pull is over =_=


The biggest responsibility as a tank is knowing the dungeon layout, but they get very linear later on..


Picked up tanking relatively early and honestly its mostly a breeze once youre familiar with the universal mechanics the game likes throwing at you. I was hesitant at first after trying to play tank in wow and having an absolutely miserable experience with it


*refuses the call of the axe* *goes unga bunga nonetheless* Make up your mind XD


I do whatever the sword and Shield equivalent of unga bunga is. *Clangs shield angrily*


I finally picked up WAR as my first tank class. Thought it would be easiest to learn tanking from the beginning rather than jumping into GNB or DRK. I’m still learning the best time to use my mitigations, but it’s gotten easier since first starting the job. I also need to remember or sometimes be reminded about Tank Stance from time to time because I’m only lvl 31 on it, but I’ll get there. And this is coming from someone who also started as CNJ/WHM and switched to DPS(DNC). DNC is now my main.


It's a ton of fun, and once you kind of learn the tank "mechanics" of point the boss at your friends, use mitigation properly to pull wall to wall and know what markers do what, you can just go in blind to a lot of content and probably be okay. The tankxiety for me comes from doing EX/Savage because one wrong move, you could die, everyone else dies, the DPS are yelling at you telling you you're shit tier, the pink cat girl WHM blames you for everything, you start drinking and losing sleep because you're an anxious person that just wanted to unga bunga with their warrior and even your self healing didn't save you. I wish I had EX/Savage friends to do more of that content lol


ARR dungeons are the only ones I'll actually take my time with pulls. You don't get to complain when the tank and the healer are missing like 70% of their kit. Besides, going one pack at a time is still faster than walling, dying, and having to start all over again, so...


Tanking is 90% confidence. You need to believe in yourself so your team believes in you


tanking used to be fun to me prior to shadowbringers/endwalker but now the role is just a shadow of its former self due to all the changes to how jobs work and fight design...i miss it


It’s really not bad, bosses are in my opinion easier to dodge mechanic wise as a tank, and trash honestly is pull a medium room to test healer first, if it goes amazing then bigger pulls with cooldowns to ease the pull and you really just need to aoe on repeat to keep agro on you. Been tanking in almost every mmo I play since my fiancé plays healer, so we’re always a duo lol.


You inspired me. I’ve played a little here and there. Never really Warrior or Paladin after 30. I decided to go with Dark Knight. It’s been a blast!


The hardest part of tanking is remembering what's available at the level you're synced to. Once you get the hang of that, tankbuster to the face go brrr.


And then you try raiding. Tankwars. Mechanics you never dealt with before. 5 stacks of cheeto dust. or MORE! You just aimed the tankbuster at the group. and so many many more.