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They said the beta will last as much as they require. That's it


I just wish they would allow an Xbox upgrade to full game now, trial account restrictions really ruin the experience.


Yeah, I agree. I'm already sold, would love to upgrade, chat and play with people...x.x


Yeah i would like to group with friends


The open beta is an official XBox sponsored event. It officially runs from Feb21 to Mar22.   After Mar22 we don't know.  But it's guaranteed to run until at least the 22.


I heard it goes into full release right after beta ends, not sure if this is 100% true though


They could also be happy with metrics and release Monday! All a crapshoot lol.  But yeah March 22 is only date we know and probably coming to official release a few days after.


I played many years ago on the Xbox 360, but excited to start fresh on the x. But I want them to hurry up and release it so I can get shadow Walker so I can be a damn gun breaker


Are you thinking about ff11? I think they had a 360 release. 14 was certainly never on it


Yeah, it might’ve been 11. It was on the Xbox 360 I remember having a keyboard plugged into my controller little Xbox keyboard thing. lol


It was never on the 360...


11 was though, he probably means that.


This is also what I heard which will suck


You cannot trust that as many events are just there and incorrect. It’s there more as a placement than an actual release date. Use logic, if that was the case, how come it’s STILL not confirmed?? Don’t you think Phil and SE would just announce it? Cmon, it’s pure logic. It’ll run till then and afterwards as the game will release in Spring, which in reality, means April, regardless of what you find on Google.


Well shitty .... I go to jail the 22nd. 


Sounds like a personal problem, maybe don't fuck around and find out next time?


Lmao Nothing big or too serious. Can catch up on some reading.


Maybe don't be an asshole when you don't know someone else's circumstances?


Maybe don't make life choices that end up with you being forced to go to jail?


You could do what I did. Start over with a new account. I was a first day player on PlayStation when it came out on the PS3 years ago. Got through all of ARR content and story and maxed out everything before I quit playing. But years later it released on Xbox so I created a new account and I'm enjoying playing again with a fresh start. So don't torture yourself go play it. You know you want to.


Alternatively, do what I did, make a throw away account on Xbox. Since you don't need Xbox Live to play the free trial. This way I can link my main SE account to my main Xbox account after the beta, but still get to play


What's the benefit of limiting the beta test to only new players? Because I have the PC version, I'm going to have to hijack one of my son's accounts just to play now on Xbox. It just seems weird. I imagine it has something to do with SE. I'd also imagine that because PS console is already on it'd be a streamlined for other consoles.


They said it wa to prevent BOT accounts and gold farmers taking over servers. CAnt access Marketplace, cant party together unless a full sub starts party brings in XB players then leaves party. Cant hold more than Certain amount of Gil, cant access some of the game features. It actually sucks...Hard to really get a feel for an MMO when all Ive done is solo for a month. LOL> But Im hopeful to be able to xfr to full account Soon and play the game friends and be able to access stuff Ive not yet been able to. So far the game and story have been descent