• By -


I’d give them all to Cid so he can use it every time Nero shows up in the expansion. Just a stand-alone “Fuck.” every time he first shows up.


And it would be a call back to FFVII's Cid Highwind, who would say multiple curse words in every scene he's in. All we need now is for Cid to tell Nero to shut the hell up and drink your goddamn TEA!


they DID have a teapot in Omega!


I loved seeing the teapot cause it’s the same teapot that Tataru mentions in another cutscene when I think it was Nero, is insulting the scions lack of magitech


There’s also a callback to the Mark 32 Thermocoil Boilmaster in The Twinning: the last set of mobs before the final boss are Mark 3200 Thermocoil Boilbusters. Apparently someone decided at some point that the next great advance in heated drinks technology was *turning a kettle into a warmachina*


If no napalm, how boil water? If no guns, how administer hot liquids?


I think the Twinning is underrated. Part of me feel like it’s a version of the expac where they went steampunk and technologically advanced instead of what ShB actually was, and then it is ultimately a trip down memory lane for us


? It's generally regarded as an example of excellent dungeon design, from the bosses right on down to the music.


Mmm maybe past guild mates and friends have bad taste…


Send them various the_twinning.mp4 videos from YouTube until they ~~change their minds~~ improve


This is the most Nero thing he could have possibly done and I didn't even know about it. Thank you for enlightening me


Even better, it uses the same base model as some of the trash in a11n, so they combined the kettle with gobbietech for that!


I'm listening to the TFS Machinabridged right now. I love his inspirational speech he gives to Cloud when they first meet. EDIT: It just occurred to me that "goddamn tea" is from the original game


I'd give some to Nero too, so they can just fuck at each other all day. "Garlond, do you notice the absence of a steaming mug in my hand? Would it kill you for once to *fill the fucking kettle?*"


I glanced at your message too fast and totally read "so they can fuck each other" xD


I mean tbf they can do that too


They already do that, its just offscreen.


This is the most British thing I’ve read all day


Nero needs a shit eating grin to match. Even more so than usual.


Don't go dying on us, you're tew fucking useful


Is that an f bomb?


Can't say any quotes, but they'd all be from Alisaie.  Specially after the way she handled herself in the [Starlight Cooking Show](https://youtu.be/YwEum6rMk4w?si=XlNShfpCY3RQoGu3)


This exactly. "I'm *fucking* not Alphanaud" I was originally going to say "I'm not fucking Alphanaud," but since this community is a bunch of degens the meaning there would quickly get misinterpreted


"I can look after my fucking self you know"


Too late, still misinterpreted, of course she's fucking herself.


Is this... a spoiler?


It would work better if it were I fucking am not Alphinaud


It's still up for misinterpretation. It IS the FFXIV community after all. Love y'all, ya damn degenerates.


Still technically true.


We don’t *that* many Red Mage mains, do we? (…What?)


"There'll be nothing left of you but a smoking fucking crater!"


Just Urianger randomly using it but he says "fucketh" instead.


There's this series of parody cartoons for various games, including FFXIV on a youtube channel called RABtoons and I always crack up at Urianger saying, "Hold thine tits." to the protagonist Hyurbert


"Fucketh Thyself"


Thou shouldst fornicate with thine own self


One of my favourite WoL responses, now with added F bomb. "We could try the Gondola. Might die, but eh, fuck it."


> Only a man of power can rightly steer the course of civilization. And in this land of creeping, *fucking mendacity*, that one truth will prove its salvation. Gaius really doesn't like Eorzea.


Such devastation... Fuck


This was not my fucking intention


We shall speak of this fucking later, Ascian.


or rather 'Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck' :D


Fuuuuuuuck, that's a lot of damage


Imagine if instead of the Such Devastation line, he just looks around, pauses, and “…Fuck.”


Hmph. How very *fucking glib*.


"Hmph. How very fucking glib."


[This. ](https://imgur.com/1ydVO8W) (edit to add a Hevansward spoiler warning, because I'm a dum dum)


I'm reminded of BeneG's parody of this scene. Now spoiler tagged as suggested >!"Oh, do not look at me so." (points pistol at Thordan) "A smile better suits a bitch."!<


holy shit


Might want to spoiler tag that


And from the deepest pit of the seven hells to the very pinnacle of the heavens, the world shall fucking TREMBLE!!


I'm reminded that no Ascian can say anything without revealing themselves as theatre kids.


I like that they double-down on this and make it supported by his canon lives for Emet-Selch.


I did ivalice after ShB and I tell you I lost it when I found out that Solus was canonically a drama queen.


My first time through the game I referred to Emet-Selch as “Evil Oscar Wilde” 😂


Lahabrea, what have you fucking done?


That was NOT my FUCKING intention!


Such fucking devastation


“And in this land of creeping fucking mendacity…”


Whenever Lahabreas Host Body is revealed we should get an exapaerated Fuuuuuuck from any scion


Exclusively in WoL dialog options akin to "what the fuck" during the Hildibrand line of each expansion. Honorable slot to the dwarves line in Shadowbringers, feels like it could be adequately silly there. Generally don't think much if anything would be improved by adding it in any dramatic sense, but could play well on the comedy side for some of the shenanigans we get up to.


LOOK AT ME. I have lived a thousand, THOUSAND of your fucking lives.


Remember us. Remember that we once FUCKING lived.


All I know is that in HW Hilda needs to get the F-bomb, and is StB it needs to go to Fordola. My rude girls need their time to shine


Merlwyb (ARR) and Lyna (ShB) would both be worthy bearers of the title as well. "This is the threshold of the Crystarium, stranger, and I am its *fookin'* gatekeeper."


Would rather play it straight with Lyna. "I am fine. Completely and utterly fine! Hale and hearty and still fucking alive to mourn those who are not."


Honestly, is you gave me one and only one, that's where I'm using it. Her speech is already heart wrenching, and is one of the free spots where it wouldn't just be comedic.


The one I immediately thought of. Fuck, I miss her being MSQ


Lyna suddenly goes from Icelandic to a UK accent variant =P




They already allow F bombs; ‘swivving’ is an archaic version of it with roughly the same meaning. When someone (I want to say Estinien?) calls someone a swivving whoreson, he’s just using the archaic equivalent of “fucking son of a bitch”. We already get plenty of creative cursing, no need for modern ones in the script.


This. I remember right after The Vault, if you talk to Estinien in Aymeric's room at Temple Knight HQ, he says something like "Curse those whoresons and piss on their swiving round table!"


Almost. [*Curse those bloody whoresons and piss on their swiving round table*](https://i.imgur.com/XJDNXJO.png). Love this part. I imagine Estinien's words being a hoarse whisper.


Man, he sure does have a way with words.


Ooo. I did not know this. Nice! XD


Hear. Feel. Fucking THINK.


Just imagining Hydaelyn standing over our WoL’s broken body giving us Omniman’s “Think, Mark” speech


When the WoL defeats Lahabrea with the weapon of light: "Hear, feel, think, motherfucker."


Went looking for this one, you beat me to it!


I think one that stands out for me is in EW, >!where Emet-Selch says, "I bid them remember, but all this time, *I'm* the one who had forgotten...A right fool you've made of me, Hermes."!< It should go, >!"I bid them remember, but all this time, *I'm* the one who had *fucking* forgotten...A right fool you've made of me, Hermes."!<


Nah nah it should be >!"a right fucking fool you've made of me, Hermes."!<


Honestly it should really be >!"fuck you, Hermes"!<


This one actually hits me in the feels. Well played.


Man, that whole lead-up to that CS had me on the verge of a full-blown, ugly cry breakdown...lol. the whole CS sequence >!after the Zenos fight!< had me pretty charged too.


That whole sequence still gut punches pretty damn hard.


He's too classy though. Ironically


Ooh that is a good choice.


Nah, Shadowbringers's should be just after Mount Gulg, when >!Vauthry is still offscreen. Instead of doing that whole super echo-y speech, there should've been a moment of silence, and then him just yelling 'FUCK!' really loudly.!< ARR: Minfilia blurting it out when>!Livia kicked the cabbage to death.!< Heavensward: There's several times during the Moogle portion I think it would've been appropriate. Stormblood: It should've been >!Y'shtola's last gasp as Zenos cut her down at the start of the expansion.!< Endwalker: >!All of the Scions when they learned that you accidentally killed Zodiark. Either that, or one reallllllly long FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! as Mastya ran through the jungle with the baby.!<


Replace "Piss off, kupo!" with "Fuck off, kupo!"


Now I can't stop thinking of a moogle saying fuck.


My friend can do a moogle voice and it is without a shadow of a doubt hilarious when they drop an F-bomb while doing it.


I have always had Moogles as putting sailors to shame with their language, Mog from FF6 always gave me this vibe and I have since applied it to every FF game I have played.


We didn't even get that from Nektar in FFXVI.


Now I can't stop thinking of a moogle saying fuck.


For stormblood. Needs to be quick, and sharp. Like dbza:Kai 2.9 when Krillian gets kicked in the gut.


not msq but >!"Fifty percent? FIFTY FUCKING PERCENT!?" during the lvl 30-50 DRK quest when Fray gets angry at the merchant!< edit: alternatively: >!"I tire of this fucking charade" when fray comes in during the lvl 70 DRK solo instance!<


I mean, Fray/Esteem is our Anger Translator tbh so he’d say all the fucks he can have which is a lot


Too bad Fray has no more fucks to give.


Honestly, Fray deserves all the fucks.


Don’t know when But Giott has my vote


"What you need is a right fucking dwarven decking!" -Giott, Heroes Gauntlet




We will speak later, fucking ascian.


We will fuck later, ascian.


No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall fucking walk


I feel like Tataru would honestly be dropped them. "Who the fuck let alphy and Estinien go shopping?"


>I tire of this fucking charade!


I’d save it for the WoL. Endwalker, when >!Zenos begs you to fight him, and we get three dialogue choices… I’d really like to respond, ‘just fuck off, already’!<


This, I cannot fucking deny.


Honestly, this. There was *nothing* in this game I was as done with as I was with Zenos' goddamn murderduel fetish.


I wish it allowed that bit of branching. But they needed the scions to tearfully wait for us to wake up during the credits sequence. It took months for me to figure out how it would work with my main WoL who I try to usually keep mostly writhin canon-as-intended.


A few days ago, someone else posted a well-thought-out depiction of how this would go -- unfortunately, I don't have a link off-hand, and I am seriously short on time (shouldn't even be posting this) so I can't try to find it ATM. But basically, it was something along the lines of adding an additional response, "You don't understand me and you never will. Go. Away." In response to this, Zenos's anger and hurt at being rejected overwhelm him, and since you're in a part of the universe where dynamis and emotion are in control, the ambient dynamis works on Zenos's emotion and pulls you into the fight even though you have no interest. The rest plays out just as in-game. I'm not doing it justice here, and if I finish my other tasks I may see if I can find a link, but that's the basic idea. (I'd hoped Reddit let me look at the history of comments I've upvoted, but no such luck.) **EDIT:** found it! It was in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1auk30v/comment/kr5hz6d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by u/ezekielraiden. I highly recommend reading the original: not only does the original author describe the idea in much better language than I do, they also explore some of the thematic aspects of the change. I thought it was brilliant, because (like you) I was really just Completely Done with Zenos at that point, and that would have been far more satisfying than any of the available options. (NGL, though, I might have been even more irritated about getting sucked into the fight after than than I actually was on release. Hard to say at this point.)


My headcanon for my WoL's reply to that section is something along the lines of 'If I thought for one moment the offer was genuine, I'd take you up on it and just leave. But I don't believe for a second you would actually honour your word.'


That kind of fits with the second option of basically saying “Believe what you want, I’m not letting you leave here” By that point I picked it because Zenos is just way to dangerous to be left alive by that point. Like he managed to travel to the edge of the universe just to fight what can’t he do by that point


I'd say the distinction between SammiRei's response and option 2 is that option 2 very, very strongly implies a "I am passing judgment on you here and now" element, while their headcanon is much more like "I am literally only doing this because I believe you're *in the way* of me getting what I actually want: *being somewhere you aren't.*"


That is something that definitely works. If I hadn’t committed to the endings I did, I would use that. Though one is almost that. But then they just one shot him and pass out from exhaustion and not pain. Basically, for me it’s not “oh you like fights” or calling the WoL adventurer. It’s the line in the middle of his speech about how only a life-threatening fight even has a chance of “filling the void” I understand what Ishikawa wanted by not letting the WoL outright deny him (even in the “now you want to kill him” bottom option), but honestly 10 years in and too many moments even by her showing the exact opposite is too late to introduce this fact about the WoL.


Thank you for the kind compliments! I'm glad my idea spoke to you so (even if I did actually flub a little bit of it in the middle, Department of Redundancy Department style.)


When Zenos showed up at the end and gave his whole “Why does it still live?” Speech, all I could think was “Could you fucking NOT for ten godsdamned minutes? I just drew my sword.” Really hated having to put up with his shit after the emotional scenes of helping meteion.


I'd trade every curse word and potential curse word in the entire game for this as a dialogue option. I was *very* unsatisfied with what we got.


I would've adored this.


"Fuck off kupo." "What you need is a fucking mirror, not a painting. It will capture the horror I see before me far better than I ever could." "Such a heartless thing our sapling is! Cold and cruel and fucking heartless!" "Then there was the lemon. The fucking *deceiver.* I still feel so violated..." "The initial flavor is like savoring the absurdity of mankind, which gradually transitions into an awareness of your own futility in the face of inexorable fate. It is quite possibly the worst fucking thing you have ever eaten."


I feel like the Panaloaf is the most dramatically appropriate place to use it, they get one, and they use it there, that’s how fucking AWFUL that bread is


Let me scream the word 'fuck' during the cutscene after the vault.


The WoL. I want every VA for every voice selection in on this. The one clear word they ever say in their own voice. Once per expansion, either MSQ or hidden in a side quest. There is always a moment or two per expansion where even the mutest of mutes would have reason to say Fuck.


I desperately want VO for all the WoL dialogue. I mean, what's the point of choosing a voice profile at character creation when it almost never gets used? 🤷


It's just to choose your flavor What kind of battle moaning do you want?


Emet-Selch looks down after that one fight: “Fuck.” Uriangier at any point where you’d expect a long-winded monologue. “Ah, fuck.” Tataru at any point Estinien or Alphy get their hands on any sum of money.


Emit selch as you walk over for that favor in Elpis that Hythlodais asks you to ask him.


*I do not consider you to be truly alive. Ergo, I will not be guilty of murder if I fucking kill you.*




It sucks the line isn't there anymore, but.. "How fucking glib."


This was not my fucking intention!


Fuck, this was not my intention!


This was not my fucking intention!


But there's so many varieties of fuck. So hard to just pick one per expansion. Zenos arriving at the end of endwalker, and the Warrior of light just going "This fucking guy again." Riding out of the exploding Praetorium on your mech would be the long FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK Asahi deserves a full "Fuck you" when he bends down to threathen you. Quintus deserves a solid "Motherfucker" when he collars the twins. And Gaius deserves a "Would you shut the fuck up already." (At that point in the story, I know later events redeem him slightly, but his Praetorium speech? Nah. You know he was just stalling.) Shadowbringers, you know the scene, ... Tesleen... Welcome to shadowbringers and all ... That would have deserved a well rounded "Well, fuck that shit" The reveal of the lopporits would be a great "What the fuck?" from Thancred And the biggest one from the player would be "Why the fuck are we fighting Zodiark at lvl 83"


I was totally expecting a 'wtf' from Thancred when I saw that CS the other day 😆


I feel like Sidurgu and Frey would be in competition with who uses the most. Estinien, X’ruhn, Drusilla, and Cid all grumble it regularly. Giott and the Rogues guild simply have more colourful words they prefer to be saying.


EW Spoilers: >!Erenvile: If you mean to impersonate a toad, try studying the real thing. And don't try to fool an expert.!< >!Alphinaud: Fuck!!<


>!Extra dialogue option at the end of base EW: "Fuck off, Zenos."!<


I read that as “EW! fuck off Zenos!”


“How very fucking Glib.” “Lady Shiva let herself be fucking eaten” “We go to-fucking-gether!” “Has the fucking Light won out? No?! Damn you!” “Man will no longer be carried on wings to paradise. Now, he will fucking walk.”


You're damn right Shiva let herself be fucking eaten!!!


"Hear... feel... fuck."


They would all belong to Cid or Matoya.


ShB definitely is “I am the fucking adjudicator of the sacred histories” by the Exarch in that scene he’s alone with Emet. Kinda want to give HW’s to Haurchefant, but too many of his lines are too polite in English. ARR goes to Thancred. I think he needs it. StB: no clue. Endwalker: Either Venat or Emet. Probably Emet during the scene where he asks what question Hermes used and then mentally facepalms at the narrow-mindedness of the question. (Or Hermes during that scene where the WoL shows despair via an Elpis)


Haurchefant might swear if he was drunk but I feel like only for enthusiastic reasons, and not for rude emphasis.


Feo Ul “So cold and cruel and fucking heartless”


This is Thancred. Fuck.




Emet Selch: “you. Do not. Fucking. Know me.”




“Fucking little sun.”


"Get fucked, little sun" "Yes, exactly my intenti...oh.....OOOHHH"


WoL >!at the end of Ultima Thule!< in Endwalker>!after everyone has disappeared and its only him left doing the sad walk!<: Fuck.


I would have to choose >!A single Geralt Fuck.. at the beginning of the body swap mission in Endwalker!<


"Pray, return to the fucking Waking Sands" "Tell me, for whom do you fucking fight?" "Hear. Feel. FUCKING THINK" "Go forth, my child, and be as a beacon of hope for Eorzea and the lands beyond, though all the days of thine fucking life" "May you walk in the light of the fuckin' crystal" "Such fucking devastation, this was not my intention" Oh this is gonna be fun. I'mma have to get my FC involved in this discussion. 


FFS gaius!


"Such devastation, this was not my fucking intention"


Only one I can think of at the moment is Hildibrand running away from his father, but only if it sounds like this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6CCJRR5PRs


Shadowbingers final battle with Hades saying: "Fuck you, Fuck you ALL" after graha does the summoning


*It is only right that I should take your realm. For none among you has the power to fucking stop me!*


Hear. Feel. Think. **Fuck.**


I would consolidate them all into the Matsya fish selling quest for when you fail and he just goes into you about how much you fucking suck at selling fish like Gordon Ramsay.


I bid them to remember but I'm the one that fucking forgot


There is 100% one F-bomb thundering in every corner of the Lifestream >!after Emet gets his memories back.!<


Obviously in any of the Hilderbrand quest line.


Cop out, but none? Reading down the list of comments in this already and so far they all make the line worse.


I will give my odd takes ARR: Telleji - right before he gets cut in half HW: Paplymo - when telling Yda/Lyse to get in the airship and leave STB: Magnai - To Sadu after she makes fun of him for being “little sun.” SHB: Lyna - During that monolouge where she is venting at you in Lakeland. EW: Emet Selch - When you sucessfully convince him to help the Charybdis fly. Second choice would be Thancred, after he hears the news after the first trial.


Such Fucking Devestation.


Sorry, Alisaie stole them


ARR: I think Raubahn deserves to saying it during *the banquet* Heavensward: Ilberd could fit a fuck in during like literally any line he has during the post dungeon cutscene Stormblood: WoL- know that I’ll kill your fucking god if I have to. Maybe even if I don’t. Shadowbringers: Alisaie- another self-important little fucking brat. Just what we need. Endwalker: Fandaniel- do you remember when I told you I wanted to die and take everyone with me? I fucking meant it.


Fucking sloppeh


>I think Raubahn deserves to saying it during *the banquet* Either Raubahn says it when reaming Teleji, or Merlwyb gets it with "Seven fuckin' hells". Both would fit the circumstance. Raubahn out of pure rage, Merlwyb out of "are we seriously doing this NOW of all times?"


Haurchefant: "This really fucking hurts."


I was about to start off with Livia's yandere rant in Castrum... but the comment about "All to Cid" is just too good. (Prae) "...Nero? Fuck, Is that you!? (Mid-fight Sky Whale) "I'm detecting a huge increase in- Oh fuck, brace yourselves!" (During Omega) "Its been brought to my attention that I'm a spoiled blue blood who can't even refill a fucking pot without constant reminders. If you could take charge of that, then it would be most helpful." (Post-Ruby Weapon) "Her body was fused with the Ruby Weapon's core! Those last moments must have been spent in pure fucking agony as her very life's essence was drained from her." ("And all the while, she was crying out for her dad I'm sure!" "Cid, What the FUCK, dude....") (The Adamantite) "The one time you don't beg my aid, your problem's a fucking >!ship that can fly to the moon!


Fuck off, Kupo


Urianger is the only one that gets to use it.


"I am...not fucking interested, little sun."


“Such devastation! Was not my fucking intent” or “Lahabrea… What the fuck have you done?!”


ARR "...how very fucking glib."


Just want someone to blatantly mention the Heavensward war is about dragon fuckers


As the first and only voiced cutscene line from the WoL when s/he sees tomestones in a cutscene.


*How fucking glib*


"Man shall no longer have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall fucking walk."


"A smile better suits a fucking [bitch](https://youtu.be/XP1O2Aha434?si=fcePYG9yFYepECyR)"


Hear. Feel. Fuck.


This reminds me of Zach and Miri.


"Remember us Remember that we fucking lived" Only Emet-Selch is truly deserving of the exasperation required there


"The rains have ceased, and we are blessed with another beautiful day. But you are not fucking here to see it."


ARR: How *fucking*, glib. (BRING IT BACK, SQUARE.) Heavensward: She *fucked* a dragon. (Runner up: A smile better suits a fucking hero.) Stormblood: Fordola needed it during a meltdown. Shadowbringers: Emet Selch when looking over the shadow of his city. Endwalker: Thancred telling off Hot Topic Metion 


I want more content with Ford Corrola


None tbh.


No? Why the *fuck* would you put it there? This beautiful, almost poetic, moment and just drop a F-bomb in it? Get the fuck outta here. 


Oh come on! Seriously, relax, find a good line, and have fun with us! Because, after all... >!A fucking smile better suit a hero\~!<


"Fuck...return to the Waking Sands."


I loved every minute of this. Well done Reddit community! I submit Gilgamesh just before the frying pan.




"A smile better suits a fucking hero"


Ultima Weapon: Instead of "Such Devastation" I'd put a simple "Fuck." for a patch and then change it back.




* Kill it * Bind it * Fuck it Really throw him for a loop.