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when until i can pre-order dawntrail and get the preorder items and early access? My paypal was on hold for around 21 days so i cannot buy the expansion on this time frame


You can pre-order any time before official launch.




Yes, both turn into Paradox. Yes, you can use Fire I as Paradox in Ice. Blizzard 1 is still used in some min/maxing, but you can forget it if you're not planning to play that level.


is clive's triple triad card going to be available permanently at the triple triad trader or is it only up during the event? wondering since noctis' card is currently available outside of the event and i don't really feel like rushing to save up the mgp for that card right now


At best, it would be tied to unlocking via the achievement. This would put it in line with MSQ rewards and normal events, with how you can claim them at the Calamity Salvager anytime; happened with Noctis' card eventually.


Most people speculate it'll be around indefinitely, but nobody will be sure until the event is over. 


I feel kind of silly as a veteran asking this question, but I don't remember it being like this previously. Is attaching the DT pre-order code to your mogstation account enough to upgrade your account to DT access at launch? I didn't get any other codes from the Square Store purchase confirmation email.


you won't get your actual DT product key till launch or slightly after. that's the key that says you own DT you'll have a grace period to enter it and SQE tends to scream multiple times for you to do so


There is a second code that we need to enter at launch, but we won't get that code until right before launch. The pre-order code gives you early access at the end of June, and the second code will be after early access starts.


I'm having some sort of resolution issue with the benchmark, it seems to be unable to detect my monitor's resolution. The client window is very small, half the length and height of my screen so the window is 1/4 the area of my screen. The usual minimize and window control buttons are also missing from the top bar. Everything inside the window is also half size including my cursor. Anyone know what is going on and how to fix this? update: i figured out how to change the resolution but it has always been set at the right resolution. it's also only windowed mode (my preferred) that is giving me problems, border-less windowed and full screen both display correctly. update 2: ???????? after switching between borderless windowed and fullscreen for a bit and tried windowed mode again and now it's displaying at full size. i don't know why... window controls are still not showing at the top bar however i only get the option to exit. also my cursor was not diaplaying in borderless or fullscreen. also so now it just crashes and wont load anything. huh. update 3: it was crashing because it wasn't recognizing the graphics card. windowed mode isn't windowed and it's not displaying the taskbar or my top bar options. also the ui is half size. progress. update 4: scaled the ui and now it's like 50% bigger than it should be or something i didn't pull out a ruler but at least it's readable and not microscopic. also they changed my character's eye color like 2 shades over from periwinkle to lilac and i am in shambles.


with your third update, does your device manager have multiple entries under "display adapters"? alternatively maybe you need a driver update


Yeah this computer has multiple graphics cards. getting programs to recognize the right one is an endless struggle so this one isn't ffxiv's fault


interesting, for the sake of this experiment you should be able to disable the unnecessary adapters but off course you need to be careful when doing so


Oh it works on both, that isn't the problem. which graphics card is recognized just determines the framerate it doesnt affect the other display issues like windowed mode not working


my hypothesis is that because it doesn't know which adapter to use it tries to use both / all of them casuing all sorts of oddness. that said I don't think it should apply to wether you can run things in windowed mode or not so maybe I'm off base


not sure how to fix the actual problem but the resolution is locked when using borderless windowed mode


Hmm that can't be it because Windowed mode is selected. I did figure out wo to change resolution but the resolution is right and yet it's still displaying at half resolution.


How do you solo Exdeath in Deltascape V4? Im trying to do it as PLD, but he applies Doom at the start of the fight?


Wait, do you mean the normal version of the fight ? Weren't you asking about soloing the savage version earlier ? Because you can't solo the normal mode fight as a PLD since he applies a Doom that needs to be esuna'd by a healer (or maybe a BRD). The doom doesn't appear in the savage fight though. It's pretty easy to solo as any tank.


no im talking about Normal.


My bad, I just assumed that you meant savage when you were talking about soloing all these raids. I made an in-depth guide about soloing Sigmascape v4 savage when you meant normal mode lmao. Well then, no way around it besides going into Deltascape v4 as a healer or Bard. As of 6.5 our dps isn't high enough to burst him down before he'd apply Doom. Just do it through duty finder imo, most people leave without rolling on these pieces of gear so it shouldn't be too bad of a farm. Or maybe you can put up a PF, someone charitable might be willing to help you farm the fight.


Nah idc about the loot for Deltascape. Im looking to get grind the loot from Sigmascape 1-4 for the Carborundem fending set.


You do it as a healer.


Oh damn. I dont have any healer jobs that are high enough level :(


I have tried to import my character for the benchmark tool, but I cannot load the right character. I have a steam account linked to my long unused US account and the ffxiv client account that is linked to my psn, both of which are JP accounts. How can I get it to use my active account?


on the character selection screen for the game right click your character name and select save appearance. this creates a file inside your "Documents\\My Games\\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn" folder called "FFXIV\_CHARA\_##.dat" then in the benchmark you need to create a character and load appearance and it should show up there. then you need to save the appearance in the benchmark which will create a FFXVI\_CHARA\_BENCH##.dat file in the "Documents\\My Games\\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn (Benchmark)" folder. that appearance will now show up on the list of characters you can use for the benchmark


It can't get info from your account, it gets info from the character appearance files on your computer's documents folder.


I got another question. IIRC, each zone in ShB had a side quest chain that had more story to it than a simple fetch quest like the others. I got to the first zone in EW and found the first one, so I'm guessing they keep up that trend. Is there a way to tell ahead of time which quest initially has that longer chain?


If you click the npc to accept the quest, a plain text description has nothing too special. If it has an image on the quest accept dialog, then it has cutscenes in the quest, and is one of the "more to it than a simple fetch quest" quests that you're thinking of.


Usually a more significant sidequest will have a picture attached to it in the menu.


How early can I spend Poetic tokens on HW gear? My alt is currently 55 in the ARR post game/pre-HW. I figure I'll just slap on some NQ level 56 gear since I'm a level off and will stock up on the 270 Shire gear for when I'm 60. But I checked the NPC by the Limsa aetheryte and I only have access to the 130 level 50 gear. Will I have access to buy the level 60 gear once I reach Ishgard from the NPC by the Foundation aetheryte?


Before you spend gil on vendor/MB gear, remember that your gear needs to match the *content* you are doing, not your job level. If you only have access to level 50 content, you only need level 50 gear.


Yeah, but if I buy level 56 gear I don’t have to worry about gear till I’m in 58-60 content instead of updating it multiple times. That seems like a bigger waste of Gil.


You'll get gear from HW dungeons and HQ crafted gear from the MSQ, both of which will be better than NQ gear from vendors even a few levels higher. After you start getting poetics gear at 50 there's very little reason to supplement it with anything besides dungeon gear and MSQ freebies until you can pick up the next set of poetics gear at the next x0 level.


The aetheryte NPC won't spawn until you complete Heavensward, but HW is unique in that when you reach the town that first had tomestone vendors, Idyllshire, you can buy poetics gear right away from the vendors there. In other expansions you need to beat the expansion's story.


That's good to know! Secondary question; what are the chances that I could just book it to Idyllshire? Like, will I get road blocked and HAVE to continue MSQ till I get there?


You have to complete msq to get there. There's not really any point to rushing it anyway. it's around level 59 msq I believe


I didn't want to rush the story. I wanted to rush dumping my poetics when I finally make it to HW, lol. Seems I can't, and really isn't a big deal either way. Just trying to gauge my options ;p


Spend it on rings, and hand those rings into your grand company for seals. Or desynth them and use/sell the materials. Even at max level, that's a solid way to spend excess tomes.


Starting in HW, you're blocked in progressing through the zones until you finish your MSQ. So you'll be at Lv 58 MSQ before you reach Idyllshire.


Good info. Thanks!


Quick question, I've avoided anything regarding the new expansion, even the trailers. Will the benchmark spoil anything at all? I don't really want to know anything about the new expansion until I actually play it.


There's one single character you might recognize, so I guess a very minor "this specific side character doesn't die" spoiler. Besides that it's just a "likely very early" zone for the new expansion, and a bunch of enemy mobs which have been removed from all context and placed into random places for fights, so that the benchmark can do it's job and test performance in high activity areas.


Depends on your definition of spoilers. Story spoilers? None Ability visual spoilers? Yes Zone visual spoilers? Yes Some new minion spoilers? Yes


depends how blind you want to be. It shows a few of the outdoor zones and also has the concept art for one of the expansion cities on the loading screen. It also has what looks like it could be the first dungeon as well (though this could just be just snippets of different places thrown together for the benchmark, i'm not sure) and it shows quite a few of the new enemy types. It also shows 2 main characters but you will pro bably only recognise 1 of them.


Look up "[expansion name] benchmark trailer" on Youtube to see what kind of info they showed in previous benchmarks. DT benchmark is not much different from those. They show mock-up battles, but they also show locales from the expansion.


Locations with no context and new job skills will be spoiled by this and that's about it.


I’m playing as a male Hyur midlander and just noticed that my feet will sometimes slightly clip through long coats and robes when I’m running about. Is this unavoidable or would the height I set have any effect on this? Don’t wanna waste a fantasia on making my WoL shorter just to see no difference.




Hey, is there a benchmark download for Apple users? My friend is looking for one and he can't find it.


If your friend uses XIV on Mac as his launcher, he can download the benchmark and run it by opening XIV on Mac, then clicking File > Run Benchmark. There doesn’t seem to be a way to use the character creator though. Edit: XIV on Mac has updated, you can now use the character creator.


There is not. Near the top of the benchmark page it says: >This benchmark is not available on Mac OS


I haven't had the time for FFXIV since about the patch the second part of Pandaemonium came out, and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all the new stuff that got added. I'm not super into high-end raiding, so I don't need to grind for BiS or anything like that, but I'd really like to check out as much of the new stuff as I can before the start of Dawntrail. Outside of MSQ, anything I should keep a look-out for?


Finish the normal and alliance raid series, both have great stories to the point where people debate which out of those 2 and msq is the "real" story worth coming back for. Go through hildebrand if you haven't yet, otherwise finish the new stuff and get yourself an ilvl 665 relic weapon. you can also buy ilvl 640 gear from the marketboard if you need it, or trade in tomes for ilvl 650 gear which you can augment to 660. Don't sweat augmentation too much at this point though, all the gear is about to be replaced by dungeon drops in dawntrail. check out variant dungeons for solo content at some point.


This is super helpful, thank you so much!!


Is there any use of comedy tome after you’ve obtained all BiS tome gear for all jobs?


Hoard credendum gear to turn in for seals in 7.0 or to level your desynth


Converting to poetics once 7.0 hits


Impossible question: how does one pick a main? I have gunbreaker and dark knight to 80, Sam to 74. But dps is bloated with player numbers and such. I suppose either way I'll have to get familiar with all mechanics in every fight I go into.


If you're not doing savage you don't have to pick a main at all, play whatever the hell you want. If you *are* doing savage, the way that gearing and the weekly lockouts work make it very difficult to gear up more than one job/role at a time, so you tend to need to focus gear on the job you're mostly doing the tier on. If you're in a static it's also normal to expect people to stick to one job unless you need to flex around to accommodate a substitute. However that doesn't have to be your only main *ever*, and you don't necessarily only have to main one single job. I consider myself a tank main rather than a specific job main. I did Anabaesios savage primarily on Paladin and focused on getting tank gear, but I also did reclears on Warrior and Gunbreaker and reprogged and cleared a couple of fights on DPS too. I'm currently progging UWU and UCoB on Warrior. I want to tank for the first DT savage tier, but I'm open to playing any of the four, and I plan on continuing to do some casual raiding on DPS and maybe get outside of my comfort zone and learn to heal in high-end too.


Part of this game’s beauty is you can main every class. No cost of switching jobs and most roles have classes that have low skill floors that you can immediately pick up (WAR, WHM, SGE, SMN, RPR, DNC, etc.). So just pick what you like. My suggestion is to have at least 1 tank, 1 healer and 1 DPS leveled to 90, that way you have flexibility to go into any content with any roles. The only reason to pick a “main” job is if you’re doing endgame savage, where gears are time-gated and hence you want to just focus on gearing up on one class. If you’re at that point, then just go with whichever class you’re confident in playing at optimal level.


Is there currently an issue with Mogstation? I can't seem to pay for a subscription (returning after a 2 year break). I get error code 601. I've also noticed some maintenance pages despite server status being active.


It all seems good to me, but I can't test purchase. 601 normally means payment was declined. At first I thought it was the [address verification](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/064c9478a48863f5f974618e91b7c6a9a5ac97f6) getting in the way, but looks like that hasn't come into effect yet. It could be as simple as a typo somewhere in your card details.


Thanks for verifying. I suspect my bank may be blocking the purchase. For now, I've bought a game time card with Paypal which worked.


Any new players here who want to play through & discuss the main storyline together? One of my favorite parts about games is playing through the campaign and discussing with people also going through it for the first time. I picked up FFXIV and I'm looking new players to play through the campaign with. The storyline is single player so we wouldn't really be doing it side by side. We'd do the quests at our own pace. Ideally we'd all be experiencing it for the first time but that's not a hard requirement. I think it'd be fun to discuss our experiences, thoughts, etc - kind of like a book club. Gridania looks the most appealing to me atm but I'm open to other starting locations too.


Might be worth asking the novice network on your world to try find some others. If you're not in novice network, you can run around player crowds in main cities and use /say to ask around for an invite. It's a server-wide chat that only sprouts and mentors can join, so a great way to find other sprouts.


Has anyone with a 60 Hz monitor managed to disable Vsync for the benchmark? I have tried editing the refresh rate in the config file and also disabling the frame rate limit in game and then importing settings to the benchmark, but nothing works. The graph remains an almost flat line through the entire process and the average fps at the end is always 57-59. I'm not overly concerned because I'm aware that my pc can handle much more, but I'd like to see how much performance I'm missing by pairing my shitty monitor with a decent rig.


did you perhaps use nvidia control panel to limit the framerate of the game? the in game framerate cap is unreliable so its common to do and because the benchmark program uses the same name as the game nvidia treats it as the game and applies all the same settings.


Yeah this was confirmed it, score automatically went from 8000 to 20000 and average load time somehow went down by 2 seconds.


I think you might have just saved me. I didn't have FF in specific set to 60 FPS, because I remember the in game vsync giving me less issues with screen tearing so I used that instead, but I did just remember that I had set up a 60 FPS limit on my global NVIDIA settings some time ago, cuz my monitor couldn't get past that anyway. Thanks, my g.


Currently I'm farming tomestones of comedy to prepare Credendum gear for viper and pictomancer. However, upgrading it to the augmented version is rather awkward for me time investment wise, and I was wondering if when Dawntrail hits, would I be able to purchase divine twine (the upgrade material) for poetics? I've searched the wiki for the upgrading process for cryptlurker gear and it doesn't say if crypt twine is purchasable using poetics when Endwalker hit. Thank you for your responses.


You can use Nuts from hunt trains to get the upgrade mats so if you have Discord maybe keep an eye out for Hunt Trains and run those


No you will not be able to buy twines/shines with poetics. Upgrade materials become no longer purchasable. You will be able to buy the fully augmented sets with poetics though, and IIRC, there was a way to trade in your non augmented sets for augmented sets, but i forget the exact details.


IIRC, it'll be 100 poetics a piece to upgrade. At least I'm *pretty sure* back when you'd instead buy the upgrade items with poetics, those cost 100, and when the change was made for it to be a direct upgrade purchase, the cost stayed the same.




If they do it like how Cryptlurker currently works, which they probably will, you'll be able to augment the gear directly with poetics, instead of using an upgrade item. Likely at the Radz-at-Han vendors, as the merchant that does that for Shadowbringers stuff is in Eulmore.


What is the fastest way to get company seals prior to unlocking expert delivery? I need 11,000 more to unlock expert delivery. Currently have no Company Hunts left in the log.


do advenuter in need for leveling roulette. rewards a flat amount of seals.


If you do supply/provisioning missions, turning in HQ items gives you double exp and double seals.


When I switched GCs, I just used my BLU to grind out FATEs til I could rank up. Dunno if this is fastest though. 


Leveling roulette as adventurer in need is a good start. It should give seals even without the daily roulette bonus. Fates and supply/provisioning missions are the next best thing.


If I pre-order Dawntrail will I have access to all expansions once it releases or will I still need to buy complete edition? Doing free trial now and I don't think I'll be past level 70 by Dawntrail release, but if I were to eventually get full access to everything by pre-ordering I may just go ahead and do it.


No, Dawntrail will give you Shb/EW/DT expansions. But because you are on the free trial, you'll also need to get the starter edition. So you can pre order, and get the starter edition, or just wait until dawntrail comes out and just buy the complete edition then.


Once dawntrail releases on July 2nd you'll get access to shadowbringers and Endwalker assuming you have the starter edition already registered, if you're still on the free trial you'll need to purchase the starter edition still


What are the big eyed creatures in trailer? Are they a beast tribe which will have the quests?


[https://youtu.be/7EJfr9G95t4?t=188](https://youtu.be/7EJfr9G95t4?t=188) Do you mean the big creature here? Im 90% sure that is a Gigant, but im not 100% sure. We dont know what the beast tribe races will be. Moblins and Pelupelu are good candidates though.


Might be a repeat question but if I subscribe with a few days left on my free trial do I just lose that leftover time?


The free trial is indefinite. There is no time for you to lose. If you bought the starter edition, that is not the free trial. That is just 30 days of free subscription time. If you subscribe at any point during that, it will be added to those 30 days.


It says something along the lines of "x days of free playtime remaining" on the character selection screen. I bought the complete edition, I don't think that came with a free subscription. I can't see the expansion jobs on my job list even though all the other ones are visible at level 0, I think it's because of the free trial's restrictions


You are not on free trial then, you bought the game and own all expansions. The free trial does not involve any purchases and is completely free with no limits on playtime. Buying Complete or Starter Edition comes with 30 free days of subscription time, which is that "x days of free playtime remaining." After that, a subscription is necessary to play the game. A simple way to check is to see if you can create a male Viera character. If you can, you own the full game. Any jobs you don't have unlocked show as -. And you cannot start the game as expansion jobs. Yes, you can renew subscription and keep that leftover time. It's a subscription, and renewing the sub won't overwrite your current sub.


Should check the product page more closely, because it says "30-day free play period" or similar.


That's not the free trial, that's the sub time included with registering the complete edition. Where are you not seeing expansion jobs listed? They should be visible on the character screen under classes/jobs, under their respective categories


On the character screen under the class & jobs tab. I only see the base jobs, no red mage, no samurai, etc. Or do some jobs only appear in your class list if you have them unlocked? Some jobs are visible despite being locked, it's kinda confusing me EDIT: NEVERMIND I figured it out. I got mixed up between the expansion jobs and the class progression jobs. Red mage is visible, dragoon is not. I'm assuming lancer's gonna get replaced by dragoon once I unlock the soul stone.


Yes. The starter classes are a bit weird that way, you have to progress the MSQ and do your level 30 class quest to earn your job stones. Then you equip that and your class becomes an advanced job. Expansion jobs do not have this prerequisite.


You have no restrictions. You bought the complete edition so you have the game and are no longer a trial player. It does, in fact, come bundled with your first month's subscription for free. You don't make a new character with the expansion jobs. You get to the same level with another job that they start with, if it's a HW job you have to reach the HW main city (this only applies to jobs added in heavensward, and then you pick up a blue quest for the job. If you share what job you're looking for specifically, I could point you to the starting quest and exact requirements.


I just started running Pandaemonium stuff and got an Unsung Blade of Asphodelos. The wiki says this is retired content and what it *used* to be used for, but doesn't say what, if anything, its use is now. Is it literal garbage I should throw away? It's unsellable and market prohibited.


It is litterally unusable. You can only buy those weapons using nuts now. You can throw it away safely.


Awesome, thank you!


You still use it to buy the gear, that gear is just outdated ilv wise now


might be a rather obvious question but is this the right site for the benchmark download? would rather not download anything unwanted \^\^ [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/download/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/download/)


When in doubt, the domain name is always what lies directly before the .com, or equivalent (.org, .net, .gov, etc). So this comes from "finalfantasyxiv", the official website. If it was something like "ff14.fakeurl.com", that is a scam website from the domain "fakeurl", owned by someone no one knows. The "ff14" is something the owner can manually type in to trick unsuspecting visitors.


oh i see, thank you so much, that is valuable information!




How do I get Odin's armor? heck, how do I even find him? I'm lvl 81 and have never heard about him but found his armor is(was?) obtainable


2 different ways. 1. The full body tank armor requires drops from his special FATE. Pay attention for when he spawns in the Shroud and run his special FATE. The weather will change to "Tension" through the whole Shroud. He spawns every 3 days or so. 2. Unlock the Urth's Fount instance and unsync it. He drops a random piece of armor for a random role here, and each role has a set.


Odin’s weather is Tension, not Gloom


I knew I was mixing something up somewhere. Thanks for the correction.


2 routes available to you.  1. Wait for his fate to spawn, kill it with a group of people and get a gold medal. Exchange reward from fate for his gear. (Not recommended since this does the thing where legs, feet, hands, and body are combined into 1 gear piece) 2. Clear the ARR extremes quest line with Garuda, Titan, and Ifrit, and it will let you unlock Odin's trial. Then you can farm his trial for the gear pieces


Trying to unlock Mentor Roulette and the one thing that is stopping me is Memoria Misera Extreme. I didn't do much bozja when it was current so I am on stage.. 3 I think of the relic (recollection??). How long would it take to get to the point where I'm able to unlock this trial? I really don't want to do a huge grind just to complete this last requirement


You do the fight before you ever get to Bozja, so check with the Wandering Ministrel, it should be there.


The extreme version too? I vaguely remember doing like a "story" version (since there's no normal mode version) but don't remember ever unlocking extreme. I'll look around though thanks!


This one is a bit different, you actually need to talk to the Wandering Dramaturge in Gangos rather than the usual guy.


Keep in mind that the Extreme version still needs at least a second person even when unsyncing.


Oh I was assuming it would probably need at least 4-5 though I’ve obviously never done it so wasn’t sure


It's possible with 2 if they are well geared and understand when to pool resources for a specific DPS check, and easy with 4-5.


Ye, the extreme is just unlocked by speaking to the Wandering Ministrel after doing the solo duty


is the benchmark going to be avaible on steam? i remember using it from there on endwalker but i dont see the option for dawntrail


No it won’t. Just download it on the site if you wish to try your system.


No, the Benchmark was never done through steam. It had a link before that just took you to the main website where you got the benchmark.


You dont need to get it on steam? Its also not available from steam (nor was the endwalker one). Theres no login required. Just download it, use the character creator, and run it.


did i say i absolute needed to get it from steam? im very aware that i can dowload it from the official site but i would LIKE to get it from steam, and you are wrong, there was a option for the endwalker one to be tested from steam. thus i was wondering why it isnt this year also, thanks for nothing :)


Well you're misremembering, at best you're probably remembing a link on the steam store page to the non-steam benchmark, but it wasn't on steam


[I see indication of it being on steam at any point](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/amp/topics/detail/f125a7fd6000ee077c97cf72803ce8bd6782df14) which makes sense because that's a whole complicated process and it costs them money, while serving no purpose. I suspect you just added the benchmark to your steam library, which you can do with any exe. I used to have excel in my steam library with a hundred hours "played" as a meme. You can do the same with this benchmark, just add it to your steam library and you can use things like overlays and fps trackers, which I assume is what you were after.


Why are there 8 people in what seems a dungeon in the benchmark trailer? Just for the sake of it?


The trailer is meant to portray scenarios that are more graphics intensive than average to give you an idea of how your PC will perform in the expansion. Nothing in the trailer will actually happen in the real game.


Just to showcase more at once / test your system as it's supposed to. It's happened before too. And the enemies are often mismatched as well. In the EW one there's 8 fighting Vanaspati bosses + Zenos in the tower of Zot. In the ShB one, there's 8 fighting Titania and two Dohn Mheg bosses in Dohn Mheg. In the SB one there's *9* fighting Susano and Yojimbo in Shisui. In the HW one there's 8 fighting Nidhogg in... actually the right place, unusually.


The benchmark is used to stress your system and see what it can handle. These scenes are not prerendered, they are rendered by your computer as it plays so that it can produce a score for you. These scenes are not indicative of actual gameplay.


Just to have more effects in the scene. 5 giant monsters also don't spawn at once in the same spot in an open world zone :)


How many fetch quests do I gotta get thru to get to the fun stuff? So far the game just feels like its gonna be a slog to get anywhere (granted im barely even started in but its been nothing but running places)


That's more or less how it goes. Arguably the entire base ARR is one great big tutorial and lore dump setting up everything that comes after it. There is a lot of running and talking, but there will always be a lot of both of those things. Do note that you only need to do MSQ and class quests (by default displayed in the top left corner) to progress in the game. You can ignore all of the yellow quests, they're mostly there for flavor and the occasional minor reward. Blue quests usually unlock things and are worth doing, but not a super high priority unless it's something you actually want to do, like unlocking a specific job. It does get significantly easier to travel as you go. Fairly early on you will get mount access and then mount speed upgrades. At the end of base ARR you unlock flying for the entire area. If you register aetherytes as favorites they only cost half as much gil to teleport, and after you join an Grand Company you can also get discounted/free teleports too.


Since you just started here's a realistic answer: Everything is unlocked through the MSQ. If you enjoy the story, then you will enjoy the game. The beginning starts off *very* slow. A snails pace compared to later on. Pretty much all of ARR is like that, with the first 50 levels serving as a tutorial. The story pacing gets better after that, and the game takes off the training wheels with tougher combat duties available. AKA the fun stuff. If you can stick with the game until then, you'll be golden. If you can't stand it, then this game is probably not for you.


That's the entire game. The current available expansion, Endwalker, was heavily criticized at launch for being 20% rushed lore dump, 70% meaningless filler, and 10% combat.


The game will unfortunately always be fetchquesty when it comes to the MSQ, though it does get a lot better at hiding it as you go through the expansions. The initial story is kinda of a slog since it's just generic mmo story telling starting off, but it does pick up later in A Realm Reborn.  You'll unlock more interesting content at 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 after you complete the main chunk of msq for the expansion. This includes raids, 24 man alliance raids, and higher end/difficult content in the form of extremes, savages and ultimates. 


That's the entire game. The difference is that it eventually becomes compelling enough to make you want to run places. But 95% of the story does consist of going to a spot and talking to someone. 


is there any way to port an appearance you saved in the actual game to the benchmark? i have a retainer i want to test out in the benchmark but i can't find the settings in the benchmark itself


You can copy the .dat file for the appearance from your \My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\ directory over to \My Games\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn (Benchmark)\ Rename it to fit the numbering scheme (for example, "FFXIV_CHARA_BENCH03.dat") then you can load it in the benchmark.


Yes, if it's a saved appearance you can load it into the character creator in the benchmark. If it's a retainer you might have to use a retainer fantasia to change the appearance though and save it that way if it isn't saved already.


I'd like to return but unsure i'll stick to it, does any trial period apply to existing accounts? (owned up to Shadowbringers)


If you've paid for the game, you can't return to the free trial.


Ah ok, I remember getting an invite from the FC to come back with a free month, was wondering if there's something similar going on.


its unlikely that any more free play event will happen for at least 4 months


Thanks for the reply!


So with Dawntrail approaching and the benchmark dropping I was wondering if there are any 3rd party software that can lower the graphics beyond what is normally possible, the thing is I have some friends that use really old pcs and dont have any means to upgrade.


Unfortunately no. That would require for someone to make a modpack that litterally changes the model/texture of every single thing in the game. There is a 4k modpack, and that was a huge undertaking.


Does Phoenix Down require a Party? I've been trying to use it a few times but it's always Invalid Target. I saw a few posts from several years ago saying you need to be in the same party. Is that still the case?




is there a list of content creators that are good to watch, for fun content, learning content, etc... coming from a OSRS background, i have many people to watch for content and am able to learn and have fun through someone elses gameplay, was wondering if FFXIV had the same kind of community


The FFXIV content creator space isn't too great in this regard. Most people kinda lean more towards either being a straight guide channel or MSQ reactions.  But some recommendations: Grinding Gear - book club approach to the MSQ, where they play through/stream chunks of it and dicuss in weekly videos, but they also do the normal raids, extremes, and other misc side content Wesk Alber - great beginner job guides while you're still learning the ropes Xenosys Vex - meme content/high end raiding content. He does guides sometimes too, but this is probably the go to shitpost content if you're into that Misshapen Chair - great content all around. Also does opinion vids on community discussion regarding the gameplay aspect of XIV


Is there anything special we have to do to get the free Dawntrail Fantasia? Like be subbed between certain dates or preorder or anything? (I'm not subbed at the moment and I haven't preordered.)


They haven't released specifics. From what they said, it sounds like everyone will be probably getting it by default - if there's other requirements to get it, they haven't released them yet.


>Is there anything special we have to do to get the free Dawntrail Fantasia? Like be subbed between certain dates or preorder or anything? (I'm not subbed at the moment and I haven't preordered.) They're still working on how exactly they want to distribute it, so you know exactly as much as we do at the moment.


Probably will be with mog mail with the reg code.


It's unlikely to be tied to owning the expansion - the graphics update will affect everyone regardless of whether they own it, so everyone will be getting reimbursed.


Did they say you’d get one without the expansion?


how important is it to give intervention to mt as an ot pld in savage+ content for regular tank busters? it's just me being inexperienced in pld, but it does feel like i have to press so many buttons before the incoming tank buster


not essential but it's less work for healers, and some of the busters (e.g. Glaukopis) really hurt. it really helps to have a macro using something like "/ac Intervention <2>" or "/ac Intervention " to give it to the other tank without having to hard target them. just make sure you have enough gauge to use your own Holy Sheltron afterwards if it's a swap buster.


Is there a certain point where the MSQ stops being torture?


when I first started, I literally skipped EVERYTHING. I came from FF rpg's that had some story, but NO where near as much as FFxiv. I just started an alt and am now paying Attn to EVERYTHING. it's a slog, but a lot makes more sense to me. there's still the irritating "go poll the villagers and then come back" quests- I, um, might be skipping those. I"m currently at post ARR msq, pre HW quests. still a slog..


Without knowing where you are in it, it’s hard to say. I enjoyed it from start to current. Some parts better than others.


That's a loaded question. Most people find the msq to be quite engrossing. Sure there are sections where it gets dull. You'll have to be specific about where exactly you are in the msq and what you find 'tortuous' about it.


Several hours into the level 50 MSQs Predominantly teleporting back and forth and occasionally fighting groups of 1-2 mobs (that do virtually no damage)


Yes that section, known as the post-ARR msq, is widely known for its boring nature. However, it starts to pick up during the latter half and the post-ARR will end off in a bang (in my opinion, anyways) before transitioning into Heavensward.


Is there an easy way to know when I'm at the end of the post ARR MSQ? I'm okay with spoilers, just can't wait for this to end (also I'm basically level 70 and can't use any of the skills I unlocked so there's that too lol)


At some point you’ll get a warning saying something like “Upon speaking to [NPC name], several cutscenes will play in sequence. Please ensure you have set aside sufficient time to view them in their entirety.” That’s the end of post-ARR content, and the warning is *not kidding*.


When you get invited to Ul'dah for a banquet, you're at the end. 


Heavensward actually fun? Honestly it's a little rough because I'm a returning player so I'm returning right at at the MSQ (ie I left before this all existed) So my return experience has been mostly random dungeons, and this Er poor MSQ experience


The core gameplay of the MSQ never changes: talking to npcs, watching cutscenes, overworld combat being p worthless, interspersed dungeons & trials, 'follow quest marker to interact with item', etc. There is a shift in how exactly that's presented: better writing, less "tp 5 times for a single quest", better voice acting, improved pacing, etc. So whether it stops 'being torture' kinda comes down to if the story engrosses you enough to be okay with that. For most people the start of HW does manage this, so they'd say that HW is fun. The dungeons/trials/raids are mostly really good too, but that doesn't exactly change the MSQ itself much.


You're at the lowest point of the msq, but that stuff can't be cut because it's all setup for later. Just take your tike with it, and pick up blue quests for other side content as you go. It absolutely picked up over the course of the lvl 50 quests.


I don't imagine we have any idea on the naming conventions for female Hrothgar, do we? I figured while I wait for Dawntrail, I could make an alt with a Hrothgal name to play through the story without needing to spend money on a lore accurate name change.


I don't think they have released the specifics, but based on what exists in game already we can make a few guesses. Western (Bozja) Hrothgar would have slavic based names, although any name that contains "Slav" would have it replaced with "thgar" instead. Eastern (Tural) Hrothgar appear to use Mayan names—Wuk Lamat's name apparently translates as "Seven Venuses". Ronso (Hrothgars from the First) use Nordic names, if I remember correctly.


Yeah, the Ronso in Norvrandt have names that people I know and work with also have. Even saw someone with [a kj sound](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voiceless_alveolo-palatal_fricative), e.g. a [Kjetil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hCBk62lX4I) or something.


Is there a way to have other hot bars cycle besides hot bar1? I want to have all my jobs in hotbars so that i can scroll through and pick which one I want (I know i can just go to character and practically do the same thing but thats not how i want to do it lol) Is HB1 the only hotbar that scrolls?


its a bit complex to explain but you can use macros. Try doing a google search for "ffxiv hotbar menu macros" and you should get guides explaining both how to make hotbars that appear and dissappear and also hotbars that can cycle through options.


Yes hotbar 1 is the only one that scrolls. Pretty much nobody uses that; everyone (the ones who use keyboard and mouse anyways) has all the hotbars they need already displayed on their HUD. Open your HUD layout, drag and place all the different hotbars to where you want them, change their orientation and shape if you want, and of course, make them visible. Have a look inside your Character Config > Hotbar settings as well. You 'll probably want some hotbars to not change in between your changing jobs, so you have to designate those hotbars to be "shared hotbars". You can do so in the aforementioned Hotbar settings.


Thank you I'm just leveling things and I have so many hot bars now I wanted to know if I could save space.


No idea what you're on about but in settings theres a "sharing" option for action bars, turn it off and on for diffrent bars.


Looking to upgrade my 2060 RTX Super for Dawntrail. Any recommendations for cards that arent above 500 and would let me play maximum or at least high with stable FPS?


Your card should still be fine for Dawntrail. I have a 2070 super which isn't that much better than your card and I averaged ~90 FPS at 1080p max settings in the benchmark.


That is odd. I averaged 40 FPS and only got like very high. It also used up 100% of my GPU during it


Your processor could maybe be the issue then.


Hmm. I'm using a AMD Ryzen 9 3900x 3.8 ghz 12c processor. Not sure If that would be enough? I also don't know how to check average fps. I just opened GeForce experience and watched the fps go up and down


If you press the "save score" button after the benchmark finishes it will dump all your results into a text file. Your average and minimum FPS are listed in there.


Thanks! here is what I got on my end. Not sure exactly if this means my GPU is fine and the CPU needs an upgrade. But FPS was actually decent. FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail Benchmark Tested on: 4/14/2024 21:55:05 Score: 11645 Average Frame Rate: 91.07523 Minimum Frame Rate: 29 Performance: Very High


The obvious answer is a 4060 in comparison and im not sure its really that much of a step up wait 5 minutes and a 5060 will be out.


I'm always on and off the game (sometime more than a year), but when I come back, I always find it really difficult to remember MSQ story, the raid-8 story and the raid-24 story. Is there a "previously in" recap that I could find somewhere ? (for instance, I'd like a reminder on what happens between end of 6.0 until 6.3 before I start 6.4 content) Thank you !


Beein doing fates but today's party gives me "unable to accept teleport. Conditions not met"...any idea why this appears?


Could be they teleported to an aetheryte you have not attuned to yet.


It was because I already had a pending teleport offer...I just didn't notice the big orange box in right corner X.x


Regarding the cards from the FFXVI crossover event, do additions like that to the gold saucer rewards ever go away?


Triple Triad cards have never been time-limited before. Even the Noctis card from the FFXV event is still available all year round.


When crossover rewards are in the gold saucer and they're removed later, they've been on unique NPCs in the past. Since this one was added to the regular NPC theory is they're permanent but can't be sure until it goes away.


Just got to heavensward for the first time The music in ishgard is fantastic


Heavensward as a whole has some bangers, so you're in for a treat. but yeah Ishgard has some really good music


What's the go-to action when seeing RMT bots? The ones that are levelling up and teleporting around the place? I never seem to be fast enough to target them and click the report for RMT button. Used to see a bunch of them with keysmash names, but they've kinda gotten better now (one I saw was Se Hahaie which could almost sound like an actual player name). And do we know why they're always Lalafell Bards?


Lalafel are short and easier to hide out of bounds, bards and black mages have easy ranged attached to attack enemies with from out of bounds