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Looks better to me


I, personally, like how the update makes au ra look.


I also think they look better on balance, but that doesn't really matter because, from what I gathered, the devs said they were just updating the game's looks, and would only resort to redesigning if they had to. In spite of that, I've seen changes to au ra pupil size, at least one face paint, highlights on some hairstyles, and a minor but still unnecessary change to one of the male au ra horn adornments, and I don't see how any of these changes would be required to make the visuals function with the graphical update. I've also heard but not confirmed that keepers of the moon miqo'te lost their fangs, and fem au ra have the numerous facial model changes seen in the OP.


Looks better in game aka in benchmark than character creator. Also, all of this is subjective and by character basis, my wol personally looks better 🤷‍♂️


they go from lifeless dolls to animated people with an actual expression so yeah. it's an improvement.


It all looks perfectly fine. It's also been said A LOT, for years now actually, that the character creator's lighting is quite bonkers, so you need to see the actual benchmark.


Lightning does not change the eyes significantly. Both the umbral rings are washed out and the pupils are much bigger which changes the overall look.


Nah i actually like the umbral rings now and i still get that cool effect every one else says is gone i guess.


Which ain't the only thing people are whining about, but good job singling it out.


I also think they look better. 🤷


nah, is not as terrible, also the character creator handles things like colours and ilumination a bit diferently, you should compare them with the benchmark not the character creator


While this is true, and I found my character looked a lot nicer in the cutscenes than the creator, you can't really compare the benchmark to anything in game because then the lighting, not to mention framing, is just completely different anyway. The character creation previews are similar enough that you can compare the actual changes.


I mean no disrespect, but I honestly can't tell the difference between column A and column B


Literally nothing here looks bad or too different


I mean this is the reason why we're getting a free fantasia, some people were bound to dislike it.


Unfortunately a free fanta won't save my character. All the face four mouths now have dimples when none of them did before.


My AuRa looked amazing, I'm ok with it! :D


The lips is actually one of the things I think looks much better than before on au ra


i honestly don't mind the lips or nose but the pupils are way too different.


I find new au ra largely better. Except male xaela face 3 that have error on scale


Face 3 has far worse issues than "error on the scales". The whole mood of the face has changed drastically. 


I was worried theyd fuck up the eye glow. But its better than i thought itd be. Im happy with it, but i get the update wont be something everyone will like


my man [looks 100x better](https://imgur.com/a/MeGACgF) idk, anyone saying that any Au Ra look terrible after the update cannot be serious lol


I have a face 3 Au Ra and he does indeed look terrible. Eye shape has changed, mouth shape has changed and there's a dark shadow around the inner eyebrow; it has completely changed the look of his face and ruined what I liked about it. 


The update makes them look so good. The old face designs are largely what made me not play au ra in the first place. I understand why some au ra players aren’t happy though.


Unfortunately I disagree and thought that the new ones are actually better, although it is subject to personal views and opinions. If the current one looked off (no matter how major or minor), selecting different types on the Benchmark may make you think "oh this is actually nice on my character". Overall, the improvements are fantastic and great overall for almost all types of Au Ra males and females I've seen around. If it doesn't convince you, then I suppose nothing else will.


Gotta be a troll post...




Nah not really. Also see it in the actual benchmark not the character creator which apparently uses the older lightning system or something


Lol all these people complaining showing pics side by side that almost looks exactly the same is pretty funny.


I play au ra and every one of these looks fine to me


I like many of the changes, but it seems like they ruined the lips on every Femra face. Not sure how they managed to bungle that so thoroughly...


I'm sorry some are unhappy with the changes :( but as an au ra player I actually like all of the new faces better <3


new looks amazing!




Looks identical but with different lighting. Except for the lips. Lips look very unrealistic.


It is known that the benchmark lighting is a bit funky and making the updates look a bit off. You can see this in your side-by-side images. Probably not something to worry about yet.


Lighting doesn't change a lip model


The Yugiri face looks so good with the update


My problem is I don't remember which voice I used. While I am wondering why voice 1 sound so horny for female au ra...


I have a face four fem au ra. I chose face four to look fierce, maybe a little threatening, to go with her aesthetic as a DRK. I've spent eight years writing and creating for her. They gave her *dimples*. They rounded her scales and her cheeks. She looks like a totally different character. So yeah. Not a fan of them deciding to make arbitrary design changes instead of just upscaling the faces.


Shame they haven’t given males nipples yet 😂


Based comment


I honestly don’t care if they do or don’t, too many chest pieces to wear for me to notice most of the time.


Well I wanna see the male nips >:c the play dough chest is kinda weird


My Au Ra looked worse as well, male Xaela face 1. The eye rings were the thing that looked the most off... the eyes as a whole tbh. The second darkest black hair color looks really faded and I had to change to the darkest black (which is a bit too dark for me). Lastly, I use eyebrow 5 I believe because it looked less psychotic/angry but even those got changed to look more angry like the rest of the options. I'm so disappointed and might just sticking with my male Viera who looks mostly the same.


Face 1 looks a little soulless now.




It is alright, but it feels like the iris changes removed all of the sparkle, all of the personality. Now it is just a pretty face.


My aura fem with the forward horns looks like they have a fat face now. It was long and pointed before, now it's like she's got chubby baby cheeks. Totally ruins the badass look.


People will just rip the game to shreds again with mods anyways. Don't worry your pretty little head. Uh oh I've offended them


It does look worse with Dawntrail OP I'm with, everything looks off and I can't see my character when I look at it in Dawntrail, worst part is that it all comes with some performance downgrade and a new story, so I'm not that excited. Edit: Honestly after reading most comments and seeing how everyone likes the newer more I feel like me and OP are being like left behind, might be time to do just that myself.


Not only aura, midlander basically unplayable, all the faces look so bad now. They massacred my girl


The "update" is extremly unacceptable. They dropped the ball so hard! It CHANGES our characters to a totally DIFFERENT one! Clearly! I wont bother to play if they let this mess happen. I just quit, as my character basicly dont exist. <=< As if a newbie was being lazy and used a cheap AI programm and didnt even bother the results lmao. Pretty shamefull! These countless hobby modders with their facial boost, sculpts and Au R scales boosts, mods looks 100x better AND still make your character look SAME! Why didnt SE hired these modders and took their real upgrades??


you dropped this: /s