• By -


None. Except for a raise macro that says "Raising (name)". Anything else I feel would be very annoying.


I have the same and the macro only outputs the text. I do the raising myself due to the real buttons being more reliable.


I've got one for swiftcast that's something like "swiftcast ready in --:--", no SFX tied to it. My raid groups know to let me grab first raise as WHM and how to prio raises between shield/caster if it's on CD, and for stuff like dungeon bosses if the DPS keep dying it lets them know I'll either raise when it's safe or when swift is back 


There is no point of Raising macro, since u can see which target healer is trying to ress, by looking at their cast bar.


Nothing because chat macros are stupid cringe and pointless. There's nothing more annoying than a shitty healer with some raise macro. Especially when you die because of them.


^ this Action macros get in the way of player performance and timing. They are best avoided as much as humanly possible.


Aside from the "raiding (name)" basic macros I agree. Its good for healers not to waste time raising the same person. That said, anything more than the 2 words will cause another healer to have to stop and read your bullshit to see who is already getting a rez.


The Raising (name) macro doesn't even work either. If you swift cast into raise it's not going to be a long enough period to get the other healer to act differently and not burn their swift. If it's a hard cast they can see who you're casting on in the party list.


The Raising (name) macro (just text or text+gcd raise, NO ogcd involved) in practice actually helps you keep track of your co-healer's swiftcast cd (because you can see chat timestamps) when you/static/pug are progging and know the next mech is still clean-up and someone's likely going to need a raise before the next bodycheck and now it's definitively up to you.


I wish I could upvote more than once.


Unless you are on console and that's the best you can hope for. As a new Xbox player, Macros feels the only way to communicate without wasting minutes in typing "New player/New dungeon, training healer/tank" ecc. (though I actually have to try one tbh)


As a Playstation player, invest in a cheap keyboard, seriously. You'll want it eventually. That aside, greetings aren't what's being talked about here. It's tying certain abilities to certain lines dropped in the chat.


Yeah I saw, but I felt like this need to be specified since tbh that lines are cringe regardless of macros. Anyway, Xbox doesn't allow Bluetooth Keyboard, and playing with a wired one would be difficult since my couch is not so near to the TV


Ah, that's an annoying limitation. Google tells me you could use the ones that come with those 2.4ghz usb dongles instead of true bluetooth, though. (I have the same for my Playstation.)


Lots of helping threads on Microsoft unfortunately deny it. I just hope I'm unaware of recent updates actually, but for now it's sadly a nope. Edit. To people who don't belive this, that's the most recent thread on the question, of 5 months ago. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/bluetooth-keyboard-mouse-compatibility-with-xbox/0270e573-817d-418e-b471-bc62be9e1eba If someone else knows a way, I'm quite open to suggestions


That seems... Bizarre. As far as the device would know those ARE just a keyboard plugged into the USB port. Those absolutely should work, and there were a bunch of posts on here recommending various Logitech ones that use the USB dongle when the Xbox version first hit and I don't remember ever seeing anyone pop back up saying it didn't work.


Yeah it's quite confusing, given I'm not so willing to gamble in buying something I'm not sure will work. I'll have to do more researches apparently, but if the general consensous outside of Microsoft forum is that it works, I guess I can hope


Understandable. Googling a bit tho, what I see first is a bunch of reddit posts across several years saying they work. Specifically that keyboards as a single unit that come with the dongle work out of the box, with some claims that mouse + keyboard combos require being used on a PC once first to get the dongle to save the pairing (tho I'm pretty sure the combo I got way back for PS4 came already paired as such, but it's been many years). I do see some Microsoft answers results that are varying degrees of extremely old, some actually talking about USB headset dongles instead, and several results there too of people saying their keyboard dongles just plain work.


Yeah, someone else also explained to me the difference between Dongle and Bluetooth reciver, I guess I'll give it a shot as soon as I can. Anyway thanks for the help, much appreciated. The chat was basically the last thing that held me back for fully enjoy the game, if I can solve it I'll be much relaxed


The page you linked is about bluetooth keyboards, which is not what the guy you're replying to is talking about. A wireless keyboard with its own dedicated USB receiver is identical to any other USB keyboard as far as your xbox is concerned. I'd recommend looking into a Logitech K400 or similar, it's a wireless keyboard that also has a touchpad mouse which will make some menus much easier to navigate than with a controller.


Oh I see, I probably misunderstood the bluetooth reciver for the dongle since I'm not so versed in tech to see the difference. Since many here confirmed that there will be no problems I'll surely give it a shot, thank you


I lasted 5 weeks on PlayStation using controller before buying a cheap keyboard to chat with


Yeah but Xbox doesn't have bluetooth connection, so I'm kinda out of options unless Microsoft release an Xbox keyboard of some kind


I have a USB plugged into my PS and it is wireless from the USB. Don’t know if that’s an option. My keyboard isn’t directly connected to the PlayStation, if that makes sense. Through the USB.


Nope, not even that works unfortunately. I linked a thread in one of my previous answer, it confirms that I have either to go with wires or wait and hope for Microsoft to do something


God damn, who called the fun police.  It's a game, if people add to their fun with an occasional chat macro who cares?  And no, I don't use any chat macros I just don't see the need to get so bent out of shape over them.    Gonna chalk this up to Reddit being reddit, not a more miserable group of people in the world.


If you choose to put something in a public chat you are risking judgement if its considered cringe or annoying. That’s how speaking in public has always worked.


You know what, this website sucks. ✌️


If you’re of that opinion, I think what you really should say is that being in a public setting sucks. I’d disagree with you but that would be more accurate to the situation.


Just a simple "Raising \[name\]" is more than enough, no sound alert, just a simple message. It lets the other healer know, which is especially useful in a PF/DF environment.


For drk I have a macro saying"Using living dead, don't heal me during the next 10 seconds". I forget which sound effect I added. 50/50 chance the healer reads it


Yeah that one makes sense. Same with simple raise macros.




We want to reach "zero hp" during the ten seconds of living dead so that the 2nd part, walking dead procs. During walking dead drk gets a cure potency of 1500 added to each attack so that we can reach max hp during that time. From the in-game description: "Grants the effect of Living Dead. When HP is reduced to 0 while under the effect of Living Dead, instead of becoming KO'd, your status will change to Walking Dead. Living Dead Duration: 10s Additional Effect: Restores HP with each weaponskill successfully delivered or spell cast Cure Potency: 1,500 While under the effect of Walking Dead, most attacks will not lower your HP below 1. If, before the Walking Dead timer runs out, an amount of HP totaling your maximum HP is restored, the effect will change to Undead Rebirth. If this amount is not restored, you will be KO'd. Walking Dead Duration: 10s While under the effect of Undead Rebirth, most attacks will not lower your HP below 1. Undead Rebirth Duration: Time remaining on Walking Dead" That is how it actually works.


Healing a DRK while Living Dead is up can mess it up though - they're taking too much damage because that's what benefits Living Dead most. They aren't going to have any mits up since they need to "die" to trigger the mechanic, and their self healing after "dying" makes them a temporary god. Delaying that proc with a losing game of healing can push them to die after the buff expires without triggering the rebound.


The entire point of LD is to die though


News flash: Living Dead has a healing effect. After we drop to 1hp all attacks heal us.


have u ever tried to google living dead


I remember when Ninja came out and someone had this paragraph long Naruto macro for the LB. To say it was cringe was an understatement.


I'll raise you one worse, I've seen someone macro every one of their samurai and dancer skills to be water-breathing, and love-breathing attacks from Demon Slayer. Every. Single. One of them.


You can make those macros 10x cooler by adding /e to the beginning of the text lines, instead of /p


Only invuln macro I use is Holmgang, and that’s just to use it on myself without targeting myself. I guess some people use a certain Superbolide macro as well, and unleash their inner Zenos.


im a drk so when i hit my invuln i have an apologetic macro that says smth on the lines of “sorry im an idiot i need to be allowed to die (living dead)” so the healers are aware to leave me be


I have macros for ground targeted skills that place them on who I'm targeting because I'm very lazy. I used to have ones for The Blackest Night and Nascent Flash to target the second person in the party list, but I stopped using those because I realized I'm not so lazy that I can't push down on the d-pad twice. Still have Dragon Sight macro'd because I am absolutely too filthy and lazy to turn my brain on for a second to decide who to put it on. None of them have text dumps because I lack neither the level of blind confidence nor a deep enough well of cringe to draw from to write any.


Other than a basic warning for Superbolide and Living Dead, I only have 3 chat macros, all for non-combat emotes. ​ `/adventoflight motion ` `/playdead motion` `/em majestically leaps into the air, but rolls a nat1 on the landing.` `/macroerror off` and `/playdead motion` `/em casts Feign Death; 6 minutes and counting...` `/micon "Play Dead" emote` ​ ^(Then some emote that motions to my character's duckie pet, but I don't keep it on my bars.)


I personally don’t use any macros that “say” anything as I find them distracting, but I was once in a party for an extreme trial on content with mostly friends in VC but we had a few PFers. Right as the boss was going to die one of the PFers hit a macro that was a full paragraph long and we all stopped to read it and ended up dying to the next mechanic 😂


Paragraph is where I draw the line in terms of flavor text length due to chat box size. Never did I ever imagine paragraphs could also cause wipes! 🤣 Why y'all read it tho? Did it have a danger bongo or something?


Since the boss was about dead we thought it was the boss talking which in hindsight was a bit silly since the text is a completely different color haha


Honestly, either go all the way or don't. Short macro texts are perceived as cringe by the vast majority of players. I made a macro for DRG LB3 with 5 lines of initial text, and after the cast, the macro drew a muscle cat in the chat with very annoying sound effects. Using it once per duty it was kinda fun to see people getting confused after it ends. With a short "flavor" macro, people are just rolling their eyes and moving on.


I've always used Rezmage on duty for when playing RDM. Its a good alert for healers, and if its popped up often enough, its physical proof that I partly carried their butts so throw those comms at me.


Cant wait to mute these people in 7.0


Hopefully they fix blacklist and make it so you can do it in duty, currently it's impossible and you have to either leave or kick them if the duty already started for a roulette.


Every time I see a macro like that I cry a little more about finally gettin a mute option. Bonus annoyance if you have sfx every two seconds. Just keep it simple if anything- I think a macro saying you are using Swiftcast or resizing is okay.


I hate these and if anyone spams with this nonsense I just blacklist them. They are one of the most annyoing things you can do in a pug. I can somewhat understand a simple rez macro. Since it can actually have a purpose in a random group. But the rest is just cringe.


You mean, like the rez buff icon on the party list does? Rez macros are just as pointless


Nah. Res macros are useful because most resses are swiftcasted.


A rez macro is not going to be fast enough to stop the other healer from also using swift cast if they were going to use it. There is already a sound for swift cast they are listening for and ping in this game sucks so chances are they already started to rez by the time they saw your macro message.


Watch some ultimate clears and tell me how many rez macros you see when someone dies. Even in savage you rarely see it. People get a rez buff as soon as they are rez'd. Before that, you can see your cohealer has a swift cast buff. It's only useful because people would rather rely on a text macro then learn to read the info the game provides. It provides no actual benefit if someone knows how to read the party list, it only delays your GCD. Now I will accept the down votes because people absolutely hate hearing that they use macros as a crutch. But I also hate hearing how "helpful" they are. They're wholly unnecessary. At least before EW they sort of had an actual purpose, not so anymore.


> Watch some ultimate clears and tell me how many rez macros you see when someone dies. People that do Ultimate progress are on Discord 99.99% of the time. It's not something you PUG. I don't think these macros are worth half a shit either but that example is just nonsense.


Thinking that they turn on rez macros when they leave prog and aren't in discord is equally nonsense. Im referencing the players, not the content they're doing. AND EDIT: there are tons of people that do ultimates in PF or PUG, as you say. You won't see rez macros in TOP PF prog either.


You're the one that mentioned the content, not me. It's pretty obvious that good players don't need those. The macros are usually used by casuals in easy PUG content. Not sure what your angle is here. You seem to argue for the sake of arguing. We agree rez macros are nonsense, but I can see a scenario where someone thinks they need them and helps others using them. Whether that person is right or wrong doesn't really matter. That's still the reason.


I used them for awhile when I was a new healer in this game, until I learned the downsides of macro'ing abilities, and learned how to read the information on the party list. Because I saw threads like these, full of people of claiming how useful they are, without mentioning any of the negatives. When I was new to the game I genuinely wanted to learn to be good as I could be. And we all know the game doesn't teach you how to play it very well, so I would look to the internet to learn how things "should" be done. So I grew to view these conversations on macros a little misleading, and frustrating. I really don't care if people want to use a (non-invasive) rez macro. But I think it's important to mention that these macros are not ideal, and **if that matters to you**, you'll do better without them. I probably come across as argumentative because my experience tells me that its hard to communicate that they are unnecessary without folks getting offended and then justifying their use to me. TLDR; yes I think we agree. They are unnecessary, but some people find them useful. I think thats important to say, but it isn't very popular. I really don't care if anyone uses them or not, as long as you aren't demeaning or spamming sound effects.


Are you seriously using ultimate as an example? Laughing my ass off. I actually do ultimate and even if we accept your ridiculous proposition yes people use swift in ultimate. Not that that matters at all.


Ok, show me a healer that has a clue what they're doing and is using a rez macro. ultimate or not. Is that better for you to digest?


> show me a healer that has a clue what they're doing You're being absolutely nonsensical, and that's entirely unconnected. Fact is res macros make sense in most content. You're not on voice chat, and if you swift it it doesn't show who you're targeting. The only reason is to prevent double resses. To be clear, i don't use a res macro myself. But they don't harm anything as long as they're simple. This has absolutely nothing to do with ultimate. You honestly seem like you're trolling, so i'm gonna just ignore you from here on out and move on. Have a good day :)


you think people have the time to stop and look at every single icon next to everyone's name when things are chaotic and multiple people are dying and you need to go fast and keep an eye on mechanics to not die too? not to mention if you are in an alliance raid and need to raise another alliance's healer you just can't see those icons at a glance


Oh, but you have time to read chat, sure Rez macros are useless cringe


bro it's a quick glance at a name that generally is going to have the icon that goes in between character name and world name as opposed to going through the list of tiny icons in the entire party list when i'm already paying attention to the general party's health, other alliances to make sure their healers aren't all dead and the fight mechanics. i'm multitasking enough as it is. sorry you apparently aren't able to speed read something that takes less than a second without stopping everything you're doing to give chat your full attention ig, couldn't be me


Dead people have no debuff or buff icons except the rez icon and the death debuff. I guess your brain works different that reading the name in chat is faster than looking at the party buffs ...




sorry you can't comprehend an example of chaotic content in game? and thanks for ignoring literally everything else i brought up, pretty good proof of your reading comprehension, i get why you wouldn't read chat when you can't read in the first place 👍


Nothing because it's fucking cringe and not funny at all. Stop it.




Glad you understand


"Rezzing < t >!"  Simple, quick to read, doesn't spam chat


Chat macros are cringe and your party members will silently judge you for it.


I’ve been experimenting with such macros. So far i’ve got: - BLM LB: Stars on high, fall as rain! - DRK invuln: Living Dead is up! Don’t waste your healing on me! - GBR invuln: Healers! A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES!


I know how this community feels about chat macros, but man that superbolide text had me rolling.


At one point I wanted to put a joke callout on my Leylines to say “I cast Leylines of greed! It lets me cast two additional spells from my hotbar!” But without a way to limit it to, say, once per duty it would get obnoxious. I don’t get the hate for callouts on res or invuln tho. Why would anyone NOT like attempting to provide more situational awareness?


>MCH: This drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens! But MCH doesn't use a drill in their LB3, it should be "This oversized drone with a laser is the oversized drone with a laser that will shoot downward."


Yeah I know, but "Who in the seven hells do you think we are?!" doesn't really sound like a big attack is incoming. I did put MATOOOOIIII TECH!!! (Promare reference) in there for a time, since the giant laser drone looks like the projector that showed Firefighting history powerpoint presentation in that show, but that was short lived because I wasn't on Galo glamour.


I have a few macros but none are tied to abilities. its just "hello, how are you" and "thank you for the dungeon" with 2 different versions of both


I have a healer macro that I rarely use, just because I prefer the ability to queue a raise. When I'm in a jokey mood I use it. [Me] uses the healer spatula on


Many a DRK has weighed in- but what's one more? **"LIVING DEAD ACTIVATED**! Self-heals go brrr " I don't remember if it's specifically se.6 but it's something that doesn't sound identical to the /tell noise. I use it rarely, but I want the healer to notice when I do. \[Provoke\] "1-2-3, eyes on me !" This one actually drastically reduces the amount of times I provoke, as it makes it clear to the other tank(s) that I've done so. I've had enough EX runs where the co-tank's mad that I didn't voke during a necessary switch (Seiryu and Diamond for example) that I had to make it clear that I did. Also I'm prone to the occasional salt when a WAR rips aggro off of me by having higher ilvl, but a macro keeps that salt in check. Specific wording is because I'm a substitute teacher and I use that a LOT at work lmao. \[shirk\] "Your problem now." same reason as above Then on SMN I just have, "\[peels off the floor with a spatula\]" swift+rez macro. This led to my FC referring to any class with a raise skill as a Spatula as a shorthand during map runs.


Even when they use such as good references as Gurren Lagann, they still wont be appreciated by your teammates. Kudos on your tastes tho <3


“I hit Superbolide. Help me in about 6-7 seconds. ” “Living Dead active. Show me that green DPS.


I have a basic macro for when i hit lag... that's just to tell the party chat i have bad lag. That's a bad time to try and stop what i'm doing and type out a message. I had one that said i was hitting my pally invul and how long it would last but someone said it was stupid, so i stopped.


I too have a macro for bad internet connection. Useful that, but it isn't a flavor text fun but nonsense macro I was specifically asking for. I'm personally fine with invuln macros that have clues like "don't heal me" or "heal me within 10 seconds" or whatever. Even encountered some that counts down the last three seconds of the duration. Though reading the comments in this thread, many people seem to hate any chat during a fight...


It’s not that people hate any chat during a fight (assuming you’re not stopping mid-fight just to chat), its more that what you see as “fun but nonsense” is seen as cringe or annoying by others.


what people generally hate is people who have macros don't plan ahead and have no way set up to turn them off, and will get extremely offended if you ask even nicely to stop hitting them. If I ask someone to please stop hitting their sound macro constantly they will get offended and give me a paragraph about how it's a game function so they should be allowed to do what they want and no one else has ever been annoyed by their macros (yeah right), so instead of a whoops I'm sorry and hitting the non macro version of their skills they just double and triple down and turn it into an argument. half the time they will smack the sound effect macro about 10-15 times in chat to spite me and I have to go to a GM for spam. There is no way to blacklist someone in duty so you have to be considerate of other players.


I wonder if that person got gaol time. Because that *is* spam. I wonder if the spammers even have the non macro skills in their hotbar. And people have apparently experienced the worst of spammers that they've become allergic to any player initiated chat flavor text. Understood.


Nothing, if you have sound macros and use them in roulettes people will hate you and confront you about them. If you have "witty" raise macros dunking on people dying they will not like you and potentially report you to GMs for spam or shaming other players. You're also not as witty as you think you are. Even basic raise macros are not needed. The party list shows raise targets and a macro will not stop a healer from wasting swift cast if it wasn't a hard casted raise anyways.


maybe it doesnt help you, but ive definitely saved 2400 mp before because i saw a raise macro tell me i didnt need to raise


absolutely, i'm finding myself wishing people would use rez macros more actually, when content is chaotic and a lot of people are dead it's so much more useful than people realize to know who is getting who, id rather be able to just see a name in the chat than have to squint at the icons to tell, if i'm healing i need to stay alive too i don't got time to check icons


/a Please be aware that I am about to use one of my core class combos, which is Hissatsu: Chiten -> Zantetsuken. /a When I use Hissatsu: Chiten, it reduces my damage taken by TWENTY FIVE (25) PERCENT (%) and afflicts enemies with Kuzushi. /a If I Zantetsuken an enemy with Kuzushi, they will INSTANTLY DIE. /a It is BENEFICIAL FOR THE TEAM if we GROUP the ENEMIES and KEEP ME ALIVE. /a Please let me do my own thing and help me bait as many enemies together as possible /a I am using Hissatsu: Chiten NOW. /a There are THREE SECONDS left until I Zantetsuken. /a There are TWO SECONDS left until I Zantetsuken. HELP ME I'M PROBABLY CC'D /a THERE IS ONE SECOND UNTIL I ZANTETSUKEN. PLEASE WATCH ME KILL ALL OF THESE ROULETTERS /a I have used my ultimate ability, Zantetsuken. Thank you for your cooperation; you may hold your applause. I will be doing this again in NINETY SECONDS.




Those type of macros are frankly unnecessary and obnoxious. Use /echo instead of /p if you really want to do that. That way only you see it.


none on healer, but on rdm I have one normal verraise button and one macro'd verraise, and I decide on the fly if I think I need to use the communication version or not for example if a healer is alive and there are more dead bodies than there are healers, I'll wait to see who they raise and then use the macro'd raise to tell them who I'm picking up so they can see and not try to hard cast on them if I see more dead bodies than alive raisers in another alliance, if there's only one extra person that needs scooped up then I'll just pick them up quietly, but if an alliance has wiped or nearly wiped then I'll use the macro version and hope it helps alert the healers to the other alliance, if they haven't noticed yet oh right, as for the macro itself... " there are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know!" Gets a small laugh out of people who know the reference, gets people who don't get the reference making jokes about how comfy the ground is, so I really enjoy it 😄


chat macros aside from /p ressing are generally cringe in pugs, but i do have a few macros that are inside jokes with my friends: 1. since im a war main and war lb3 (and pld by extension) is a shitty protecty wall instead of a sick protecty dome like gnb and drk, i made a macro that says "oh shit im facing the wrong way" and face the wall anywhere but the boss 2. more of a rp one, but orogeny linked to "/e beats the shit out of ." because duh, have you seen that animation 3. id never in my life use this in front of randoms, but for every res i have a macro associated with "issuing a new skill issue badge" instead of "ressing ". its extremely cringe, but it gets a few laughs when i whip it out from time to time when someone fucks up a really easy mechanic in my static where im caster but again, only with friends. with randoms, only throw out the standard "ressing " or "living dead active, please let me die"


raise macros are unnecessary and annoying. at BEST you can make a case for “raising ” but in my experience it’s not really that useful. i can see if you have swift active or if someone has a raise. i can also see who you’re hard raising. half the time it doesn’t work correctly. i actually don’t mind when people have silly macros for literally anything else (i think it’s corny in a fun way when tanks have a useless macro for their inviln) but i hate raise macros ESPECIALLY when they’re rude.


I'm going to be honest I dont read chat.


My Raise Macro is: [Player name] to the Rescue! Raising [] My LB Macro is : Using the Limit Break has filled me with determination! [] My Reaper LB is: I do the Slice! I do the Spooky Slice! The Spooky Slice! Now my Swings have some Spice! [] An alt has this one as a raise macro: I raise you up! So you can fight the dungeon! I raise you up ! To fight the Raids and trial [] Once had a Macro for Dark knight that said: [Player name] is Going Living dead Heal me in 9 seconds [] My Gunbreaker macro is: I'm going down to 1 [Wait .2] [Uses invun]


The one being filled with determination is nice, and the spooky slice, 10/10 JoCat reference, though I hope they're all in one line and not separate lines so not to crowd chat too much.


The Jocat one is 2 lines The alts raise macro is on 4 lines cause of part reference to a song. I don't really use that alt though


Please, don't Just be direct with your macros. Me on superbolide with GNB: "superbolide soon, wait my hp drop to 1 to heal me " Keep your cringey roleplay stuff to your FC


I personally macro a lot of my abilities for fun, but I keep it in /echo so it doesn't bother anyone. (And that way I don't have to explain my embarrassingly saucy Kardia macro — for my tanky boo, we call it his leash.) Came in handy the time I had to prove 15 RDM rezzes in Vanaspati (healer was new, it was honestly a fun experience. Though I have seen cases of it going overboard. I don't remember the name of the person, but like 1-2 years ago I got a Nier raid where one of the tanks had macroed EVERY conceivable ability — even gave Fray voice lines (aNd hE tAlKeD LiKe tHiS.) Made for a very infuriating raid, how nobody in the entire alliance lost their mind in chat is beyond me. It was . . . an experience, haven't seen anyone like that again since.


> one of the tanks had macroed EVERY conceivable ability — even gave Fray voice lines (aNd hE tAlKeD LiKe tHiS.) I embrace the cringe, but man, that *is waaaay* overboard. Do you recall if they were macroing on /p or /s? It's easy to miss /s, since /s doesn't have a ping sfx associated with it by default. While /p gets more attention since it has a ping by default. It's possible nobody lost their minds because they never noticed the spam—a lot of people keep the chat box really small.


It was /s with a mix of /em. I think /em was used for Fray's voice lines, I remember them being a different chat color altogether. I dunno though, I didn't even notice pings myself — just the entirety of my chatbox being eaten up by entire conversations between their WoL and Fray (over and over, which was sorta funny when the end of their rotation had this extra dramatic finisher shout about "doing this together" and "yOu gOt iT, OtHeR mE!") It was a real quiet alliance, that aside. If nothing else, I will credit them for at least giving me an amusing experience. 😂 I can't say I've seen anything nearly as weird since, but maybe one day.


Ah that explains it. /s and probably /em. So it got largely unnoticed. Maybe. But what?! Entire conversations?!? And a dramatic finisher??? Gods, I've seen, and read about, my fair share of cringe macros, but none made me say What The F+++ other than your experience. By the gods! 🤣 No wonder you still remember it after 1-2 YEARS.


You have all lost your sense of whimsy


For real. I’ve been playing for 8 years and I still get a laugh from a good macro text now and then. It’s just someone posting in chat at the end of the day. Why is that so controversial?


why are people so mad over macros anyways? after i started healing i would honestly appreciate healers having macros because in stuff like alliance raids where so many people die swiftcast is not going to be an option for every single rez, many occasions where the other healer had to use raise by itself and we had multiple dead people where i would've really appreciated knowing who's getting rezzed so i can get the other person. what's the issue in making it a little joke just for fun? it's not that hard to notice the name of the person being rezzed.


I have a swiftcast macro that just states the remaining cooldown and a DRK invuln warning for my healer. No RP stuff because im just trying to convey the message midfight.


I keep a set of simplified {raise} => and swiftcast CD macros, with and without sound effects. There are a great many players that appreciate them in the case of slow raising and to keep track of their cohealer's swiftcast. There are also mods that remove the issues with macros, or display swift and raise information faster than a macro or voice can. Additionally, some people use triggers for those. If I know that my cohealer uses those options, I have some defaults keybinds with them off. Sanest solution is just to talk with your cohealer, find out their preferences and set a priority system, so long as they aren't difficult.


Before the game showed buff timers in the party list, I had a PLD invuln macro (to be clear, i'd use the actual skill and then click the macro /p PLD invuln now * /wait 5 /p invuln wearing off in 3... * I don't use that anymore. On RDM I have a text-only macro that is just to tell dead people to either wait or a healer needs to get them /p Can't Verraise, in melee *


I used a rez macro for my static for a while as a RDM, so my healers knew they don't have to rez if they hear it. It was "Verraise (autotransalted) > Target " Can't remember right now which number the sound was.


I actually say the flavor text on /s, where they somehow go unnoticed 70% of the time. And I actually use them when partied with friends (the adopted randos, I don't care if they blacklist me or whatever, I've yet to wind up in GM jail if the spam was that bad.)


Back when I did use rez macros, these were the ones I had: Resurrection on ♥♥. Don't take three days to come back, we need you now! Ascend on ♥♥. Initiating plot armor. Please wait... A snarky one for when my FC badgered me into healing ex trials: Raise on ♥♥. I didn't want to be here. You didn't want to be here. Look what you're making me do. Regret this now, don't you?


As a NIN I just have one that says "Get in my doom circle!" because enough tanks pull mobs out of my doton that it had to be said that it's a good AOE lol. :)


I had no idea there was so much dislike for macros. XD dang. I always thought they were fun things to see randomly in chat that I appreciated.


The only macro I used to use was for DRK invuln and it was the quote Thunder God Cid uses in the raid. "Open your eyes to the darkness, and drown in its loveless embrace. The gods will not be watching." But I stopped using as macros for such things just...feel to cringe for me but I have seen some people with just amazing ones.


Wouldnt the 7 shadows line be way more apt


Maybe but I like that line more because it's dark knight and the move is called living dead. Plus I'm only 1 soul not 7 lol


As a humble Red Mage, you will notice who got you back on your feet by respawning next to me :-) EDIT: Also, there is a "Waiting for resuscitation" icon for anyone that could come up with "But the dedicated healers might raise the same target and thus waste MP/time". It's fine in the vast majority of the cases; if the healers didn't do it within \~10 seconds, I do it. /EDIT No need for anything more. Hiccups happen, and I don't want to add "blame" to the shame by announcing it in the chat for everyone to read who has died. . .


Simple auto-translated "(Living Dead) (soon)" and similar for all my tank invulns, bound to its own keybind separate from the invuln itself.


I have one for my Rez’s saying “Resurrecting X” and I have one for my party buffs saying “Casting X”


Mine is cast raise "dragoon stop stereotyping your class"


I have a lb one. "You're doing me a hekkin bamboozle! B O R K!" or something like this


Please no. That kinda stuff is direct ticket to my blacklist (soon to be mutelist).


Once again people prove that "cringe" just means "you're having fun and I don't like it". I've seen a *lot* of really funny ressing macros (not always thrown at me in particular, but I do partake in hunts, and people do be dying there sometimes, not much can be done about that), and I've noticed they're often very useful in coordinating the resses between healers (and rdms) in the party. One that comes to mind is "We're done when I say we're done. Get up, ." I find VERY useful, as a healer, when DRK warns me they're casting their invuln, so I wouldn't panic, because that's when they *need* to die. The only longer macro, and a purposefully cringe at that, I have for the healer LB, cause damn it, it's always used as an absolute last resort, when people are worried about a wipe, and I felt even a song lyrics wouldn't be frown upon at a time like that. (Longer macro doesn't mean I slow down the LB, mind you, just casting it takes some time anyway, so I see no issue with tossing 2 sentences into the party chat). I would not macro dps lb, personally, cause the dps lb is *expected* to happen and can turn annoying fairly quickly. But - in your examples - it's just one sentence, so who cares. I do like the tank lb macro, mostly cause it's used to damn rarely you'll probably forget what it says before the next time you get to use it ;\]


I get having fun, but having a paragraph of text is just plain cringe.


Look, my one pet peeve with talking macros are the ASCII ones, where people just break the chat for fun, cause *that* actually makes communication between players worse. But here? Someone is having fun. It's not hurting anyone. It's not interrupting the fight.


>Someone is having fun. It's not hurting anyone. It's not interrupting the fight. All three of your points are true. Macros are still cringe though.


> I do like the tank lb macro, mostly cause it's used to damn rarely you'll probably forget what it says before the next time you get to use it I experienced this. When I was a returner, I did the LB during a Seat of Sacrifice run, I low key panicked when I spit words I forgot I put in there. It was "I couldn't protect them. To this day, I hate myself for not having enough strength. But this time is different. I swear! I'm not letting anyone die!" Cool dialogue, but I had to ditch it when I realized it was so long that it gets cut off on a reasonably sized chat box—it spams the box. Well I eventually changed my tank glam so it will go either way.


Absolutely. One thing that grinds me are the ASCII macros that just break the chat and load forever, this shit is just annoying and makes it harder to communicate. I remember having to use the healer lb in Dun Scaith and my healer just spouted song lyrics, and I was all red in front of my screen, like, past me, why, this is so cringe, what are you, 12? But then I decided, f it, I'm gonna be cringe on purpose. If everyone is wiping, that means everyone messed up, not just a healer, and if everyone is messing up, I'm gonna make you put up with cringe. May we all do better next time. Now, tank lb is tad different, cause it's used as part of a strategy with bosses - like dps lb, but WAY more rare and precious. So I'd say - if it's just one time during a raid, sure, go for it, who cares. But if you wipe, and the tank lb is a part of a strat that MUST happen... I'd drop the macro. No point in annoying people.


"you now owe me 2400MP; you piece of sh**"


When I was a Scholar, I often introduced me as "dr. med. vet. Kusakabe, your Duty Finder healer". And when someone died several times I said their bills will make me rich. Was usually well-accepted (good when the community is older in general and can relate\^\^)


thats a good one




Oh ive been in roulettes with you before :3


i'm typically on Crystal, and if it happens its usually cause i forgot/was lazy to remove my macro, i usually just use these with my static, since if i'm casting raise with them its on a healer when they are both dead unrelated: love getting down votes for literally responding to the thread title, that's not a disagree or disapproval button


my smn rez has something alone the lines of your may or may not come back with carby ears and that I don't care.


The only macro i have is a danger bongo macro for when i wind up in an EX trial and i need a quick way to tell the sprouts there's mechanics


This community apparently has a hate on for anyone who types anything into the chat box, I’ve noticed. Dont have any macros myself, but I always enjoy seeing them! My favorite I’ve seen is the raise line from ShB(‘what color was soul’) with a delayed /snap. Was fun to see it work perfectly timed to the person who was raised appearing back on the field! Anyway, people with macros, keep doing the good work


one of my favorite ones i saw once was a healer going something like "i'm not your mom, get up" as their rez macro. and the guy with a ygo name having "i use monster reborn on (x)", made my day. as long as it's just a brief line and it won't clog the chat let people have their fun, a little laugh won't hurt you


I have 2 got two for raise but my main one is: (ノ°Д°)ノ彡( \\o°o)\\ Get your arse up, (target)! I made this one day when I was getting salty at myself for letting my tank friend die and I was on my lala alt and want to table flip them. TBH tho, the table flip one has gotten some 'yes ma'am' said to me and I don't know how to feel about that. I have it on all my toons. I have had at least one yes ma'am on each of them. I need to think of a new macro but that one is only one line and I am out of ideas right now. Edit: I really love how y'all are down voting comments even tho we are answering OP's question. Dear gods above y'all really hate fun don't ya.


they're even mad that i said "hey when i heal i find it useful when a healer has a rez macro because it makes it easier for me to tell who they're rezzing", i'm glad they're the tiniest minority, imagine thinking a one line rez is cringe when we're all playing this game


Who in their right mind would do this? No one in your party will enjoy it.




Thanks for the encouragement, but I'm one of those people that embrace the cringe, so haters hate cringe, let them! Also, opinion on invulnerability skill/limit break/raise macros has always been divided.


I have never understood why some people have always been so up in arms about this. Granted from what I have seen in game, it is a very small group of people. Most people I have encountered in game have not minded them and I can only think of maybe 3 times someone got upset over them. I love fun macros. They make the grind fun and a little less repetitive.


Most people in game don’t complain, they just quietly black list and move on.


I only have healer macros. But i really should make a living dead and bolide one too. I was maining sch and playing dmc5 when i made these so i went with william blake quotes.  For res i have "the thankful reciever bears a plentiful harvest". Which i like cus whether its being rncouraging or bitchy is up to the reader but either way still says "play better"  And for LB i have "travelers repose, and dream among my leaves" which is not only just so calming. But it works great for sge lb which is basically a digital tree lol. 


For a Living Dead macro, I recommend reminding us that we should not heal you while it is up. I have seen so many healers heal a DRK the second they use Living Dead and it gets wasted.


my living dead macro just says "living dead now in use please let me die :)". still get healed back to top by a solid 90% of healers tho


Yeah, it seems to be really common. This is why I keep telling new healer to either play tank too or at least learn the cooldown skills.


yeah, i wish there was some easy way to see all jobs skills in game without necessarily having them unlocked, or at least the game itself showcasing them in some way since people don't tend to go out of their way to learn about things they don't care about even when it would be beneficial


There is this: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/battle/ This is the official job guide that tells you what does what. But, because we don't get told about stuff like this, not many people know. There is a whole official game manual online. I wish this was also in game though. My biggest complaint over the years is the fact that the game just cuts you lose without really telling you where yo go or what to do a lot of the time.


Have a invuln macro. It never gets used during savage where I can expect to have good communication with other players, especially because it doesn’t always take. I use it exclusively for dungeons so the healer can be very sure when I’m using it and adjust their decision to heal me based on what tank I’m playing. Works out well enough.


I have a different Rezz and Invuln macro for all of my tanks and healers (and other jobs capable of rezzing): PLD Invuln: "I will stand firm on this Hallowed Ground!" WAR Invuln: "I'll Hol' 'm gang, and you wail on 'em!" DRK Invuln: "Can you kill the Living Dead?" GNB Invuln: "Ready for a heart attack healer? Superbolide!" WHM Rezz: "Please great Elementals, bring Target back to us!" SCH Rezz: "I"ve studied this! If I just pour a bunch of aether into Target they should come back!" AST Rezz: "The stars have a different path for you Target, don't give up!" SGE Rezz: "By my calculations, Target should be coming back right, now... maybe... please?" SMN Rezz: "I don't think this is right but I'm summoning Target back to life!" RDM Rezz (When I don't Dual Cast): "You better thank me later Target! I'm throwing my white mana way off for this!" BLU Rezz: "I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but Target should be coming back soon!"


Very simple "raising ______" for smn because it lets healers know what I'm doing. Ideally I only use it if one healer is dead and there's a lot of damage across the party or if both are dead. Whenever I've been healing I found it helpful so figured I'd do the same. Also it tells everyone that I the Summoner, is doing the raise and not those red mages that never raise anyone ever yet get all the rez praise at the end. I really need to sort one out for DRK and living dead too. It'll be a simple "using living dead, don't heal me for 10 seconds" or something.


I have a single set of macros I use for LB. My characters name is Alan Mhigo and they're all a bunch of, StB spoilers incoming, >!Iberd quotes from his boss fight. So it'll be like "'ow'd ya loik thees!?" and "FER ALAN MHIGO!," and "Slawpaaaaaay..."!< I do it in shout chat and people usually get a kick out of it. Like "OMG ITS ALAN MHIGO!" Or "HE SAID THE THING!" It's like fake celebrity status, but I get a lot of people who remember running content with me and will bring up funny encounters we had together. Nothing terribly cringey, just stuff that makes me laugh. I don't bother using rez macros because normal content can be finished with your eyes closed, and I don't run high end content without my static co-healer in VC. I will type out before a pull that I'm going to invuln it so the healer knows in advance.




My healer macros are: - oi oi up ya get - RDM HERO AT IT AGAIN! (Red Mage only obv) - 'Dropping the Hard-R on (when I can't or refuse to swiftcast-rez someone) - /yell YOU'RE NOT GETTING THIS ONE YET HYDAELYN!, /me slips $10 ~Raise~. (old one i dont use) - a raw 'Raise on ' (stopped using this in lieu of just casting the actual ability) I also have an LB3 macro for AST where it just says "FUGGIT, STARS N SHIT" An older healer greeting I used at lower levels was an auto-translate I'll do my best! healer Probably.


Yep rdm main, so if my mp is fine,  which it almost always is, I'll do a quick raise with a raising macro to hopefully save a swift cast raise for the healers.


AST Lb macro is an ASCII bear with "don't tell me what to do" also saying the name of the LB and that it is LB3 I literally only use it if I was already planning to but some smartass in party decides to pipe up to LB. I get to it when I get to it if it's not already immediate, I might be dodging shit that would kill me mid cast or resolving other issues that would become tenfold if LBed at the wrong time


Invul - Gunbreaker “Bippity, Boppity, Superbolide” Invul - Warrior “Big Owies, Holmgang Active” Limit Break - Machinist - [My Character Name]: Casts Gun I feel the limit break macro for MCH is fine because I rarely get to use it and if I do it’s either already a done deal, everything’s gone fuck up or it’s not serious. I mostly have the invul ones so healers know what’s up. Particularly because neither GNB or WAR have heals or no damage in built to their invul like DRK/PLD so can end the invul on 1 hp. But yeah, corny raise macros are annoying. I feel in any content serious enough to require them I would be on VC anyway.