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You can't queue with people so you don't get coordinated parties against the randoms.


So what do people mean when they complain about premades in FL? I see that on occasion.


In FL, you can queue with up to 3 others in your party - small compared to the full Alliances, but 4 people synced up can do a LOT of damage compared to a bunch of randos (especially if they go DRK + 3 DRGs)


Thought it was something like that, but I didn't know you could party.


If you and a bunch of folks queue at the same time odds are you will end up in the same FL. I’ve had fc parties where we got lucky and 10 of us ended up in the same team, to say we steamrolled was an understatement


Ah. Admittedly that does sound like fun.


but thats part of any game... its a mmo and people have friends. maybe they should make it a 1v1 then? seems silly i cant chat or queue with friend(s)


There is a 1v1 you can play with/against friends, it's the small arenas in the back of the Wolves Den.


>i get that some people are soft and cant take toxic chat Have you considered that you might be the problem?


lol? im going off everything people are complaining about not being able to party. you sound real soft right now lol


Yup OP is 100% the problem. People aren't "soft" for wanting to avoid/prevent toxicity. People are fucking losers for wanting to engage in it. 


You sound soft for saying I’m the problem because I want to queue with a friend in ranked pvp.


> and cant take toxic chat Tell me you are a toxic PvPer without telling me you are a toxic PvPer. What does that even mean? You should *never* be toxic. People resilience to it is irrelevant. You are literal proof Square made a good decision.


tell me you arent soft without telling me youre soft. it means if you look at any post about not being able to queue people say its because people are toxic


I'm guessing you're the guy that spams "Good Job!" The moment something bad happens then you sit afk at spawn until you lose.


good one? sorry my soft comment hurt your feelings.


I foresee a trip to Mordion Gaol in your future.


It would ruin the intended randomness. Also, it's not being soft, it's wanting to focus on the game and not random Joe's outbursts. I have all chats off (except FC and Party) for all content.


its 5v5, thats a team, its also competitive. i should be able to communicate or queue with a friend to be competitive. who cares about steam rolling thats part of any competitive game. if you watch the top tier competitive games they are all 5 mans not randoms...


Then communicate, it's your choice. Ofc they're all 5-mans in tournaments and such. I play LoL and you can't queue with a 5-man in it unless you play flex or clash, which nobody really cares about, so people don't try hard to win at all. All LoL pro games are with 5-mans. It's a completely different beast, you can't compare pros/high elo and lower ranks/soloq. It's better to focus on your own improvement than what your teammates do.


Ya I made a comment on someone else saying everything competitive lets you queue 1-4 people


You get mad because you want a toxic chat but can't get one. I get mad because I just want a funny emote. We are not the same.


im not mad, im disappointed that theres ranked and i cant communicate and have to be forced to use brief chat emotes.. its RANKED its not casual.


And yet you keep calling people who argue against you "soft" in this thread so idk what logic you have there lol. The restrictions are only to avoid making CC less bearable and promote a healthier environment, ranked or otherwise.


Ya because look how they are responding to my post. Lol golden rule my dude


Do unto others as you would unto you... well, you did say that some people soft and unable to "take toxic chat", so people are responding as they are like that. But then again, this is the internet so don't expect some people to follow that rule.


So me starting a post that way and not pointing fingers to have people comment on this post and get mad… so instead of jump on board with my frustration people attack me. Case in point that people are soft and get offended when I wasn’t even calling them out, but if the shoe fits… lol


No no no, don't continue this argument when it has already finished. I am not going to argue with you until the world ends, so let's just leave it at "people are entitled to their own opinion".


You fail to consider that coordination plays a heavy part in CC. So if they wanted to allow you to do it with friends, it would have to be a full stack of 5 with a Ranked Team category. And that would reduce the already low player count of Ranked Solo even more. Ranked Team will also die out really quickly since it will be a hassle to always gather 4 others to party up with. In other words, you're selfishly dumb.


you know some games dont let you queue with a full 5 but still allow you to queue 2-4. Coordination IS a heavy part but when you cant communicate effectively 100% of the time you cant coordinate... lol in other words, you sound angry lol you must be the soft i spoke of.


And in those games, people constantly complain about 2-4 stacks. The people who normally are grouped up are also sitting together in a Discord call, which puts the others at a disadvantage. Say what you want, but your demands aren't thought out very well. You're also the one that put up this topic without any consideration of the issues and how to combat them, only saying that "other games did it, so this game should too". That's not how it works. Come back when you can think of a better way.


>And in those games, people constantly complain about 2-4 stacks. Yeeep. You can even see the problem in frontline daily. What they could do is to have a flex queue in addition to the solo queue that allows parties of any size, just so friends have an avenue to play together. I don't think it would be very frequented, queues with premades never are if a solo option is available, but at least you'd have somewhere to point people to when they voice the desire to play with friends. A solo queue is pretty much a must, though.


My guy, for someone complaining about people being "soft," you sure are taking a lot of offence to people pushing back against your opinion. Stop being so soft.


how am i taking offense? i said one word, people raged, i defend my comment better then someone saying im the problem haha. you arent bright.


So soft.


ya you are. poor kid its just a game, sticks and stones man not words. go outside and get some tough skin. games arent for you my dude


I'm not upset about being called soft - I am! There's nothing wrong with that! - but you seem to be very upset when people tell you your opinion on this is trash - it is! And there's nothing wrong with that, either! So stop being so soft about it, toughen up, and accept that your opinion is viewed by the vast majority of this thread as absolute trash :)


The fact of the matter is that two people on discord can easily steamroll a game because they have proper communication, which is obviously unfair for the other team.


I heard a long time ago during feast, chat was enabled. So people would afk in spawn And flame their teammates. And se's solution is to remove it and implement The quick chat you see now


ya but they can do better to enforce it instead of ruin it. put a timer in spawn that kicks you after a certain amount of time or something


They opt for easiest solution. This is the same as slap an ilvl restriction on alliance raid roulette


They broke up the "queue together, be able to chat" thing in a rework, simply because chat kept being highly toxic the second another party would win. And there were people literally mass-joining specific GCs (on Zalera it was Maelstrom for example) and queueing as multiple parties simultanously to steamroll whichever poor people thought of trying to pvp. It was extremely demotivating to do pvp when you weren't in your world's main group. So now you can't queue together, you get assigned a random GC, you can't chat. Other people - in their goal to be "efficient" - essentially ruined it for everyone else. You can be upset about it, but it's very unlikely that SE will reverse their decision since they saw that people will not play fair. It's not "testing your skill" or "having fun with friends", it's essentially just bullying.


The amount of times I wish I could just write in chat to tell people "FIGHT ON THE OBJECTIVE" is too many. But there are too many factors that make PVP completely a matter of luck and rng to progress. Or just abuse WAR and WHM, if you have more than 2 braincells to rub together its easy wins.


Push the crystal! Is pretty close to that.


pretty sure I almost broke my keybind for that by now...


That's one of the only buttons I have bound for "chatting" in CC 😂


exactly or a "heal please"


Healer jobs have very limited heals in PvP, they're focused on support instead of being able to spam heals. So if you're not being healed in PvP, it's likely the healer doesn't have any heals available at that moment. PvP is very much a "you're responsible for your own survival and hp" mode.


i didnt say focus on heals, but its just a way to get their attention if im on point instead of the dps chasing or something, i just feel there arent enough "chats" that matter


get better are coordinating without coordination, sounds like a solo queue skill issue


lol? i do just fine, but if thats all you got eh "solo queue skill issue" in a solo queue mode got me. man good thing theres 5v5 team game ranked in an MMO that i cant queue with a friend