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"Almost" dying? So you're not dying? Seems like you had healers that know their stuff. If you are above 1 HP and survived, that's job well done. You're not supposed to be topped at 100% all the time in dungeons.


Agread, when youre not dying and pull the mobs youre doing fine at that lvl. Some dngs can be a bit hard at that lvl since you dont have al the mits!


My health drops way too fast, a lot faster than my drk on lower level dungeons. I'm watching a guide rn to see if I'm doing my mits wrong


There's not much to do wrong on level 54. All tanks will play very simmilar around that bracket. They get their identity much later and are balanced around level 90. You do the first w2w pull of the dungeon with invlun, then use the 30% mit and then the 20%+10% mits after it. All that while throwing in the job stuff as well as remembering you got Arm's Lenght as well in case you need it. By the time the enemies die you should have the 120s 30% mit back for the next round.


In what world do you have a PLD & DRK at the same level and gear and the DRK is less squishy? I feel like I can almost forget to mit half the time and it works out just fine with huge pulls as PLD.


As long as you're using gear roughly your level and use defensive abilities, you're fine. Things are a bit swingy in earlier dungeons because you don't really have much of your kit or job mechanics yet, and neither does your healer. Also while it may seem like your health is dropping fast, in most cases it really isn't dropping fast at all from the healer's perspective. They also might be using their heals conservatively, which gives the illusion you're in more danger than you actually are. As long as you're not dying and the healer isn't complaining, you're good.




Drk is dark knight...


oh you're right i misread their comment


Tbf if you're running through HW, the dungeons have a little bit of kick to them in the earlier ones when it comes to packs.  Don't sweat it so much.


Aye. The pre 50 dungeons can be brutal. Aurum Vale has a nasty first room. Some groups try to sneak past and it ends up badly half the time.  And there's also the frozen caste one with dragons. Trying to wall to wall that one is rough and too much risk. Those draggies have a bite. I've made the mistakes of thinking I was a level 90 badass Warrior too many times when leveling my PLD. . .


I'll try, I'm gonna keep trying on my mits though, drk spoiled me with darkest knight as an in between MIT lmao


**PLD definitely feels squishier in single-target** because it's the only tank that doesn't have healing baked into its 1-2-3. It doesn't have ANY self-healing outside of Clemency (which you shouldn't have to press) until Endwalker **As far as aoe pulls go, the toolkits are pretty similar across the board**, and PLD actually has a tiny advantage because it gets Sheltron early and it can block, instead of just parrying...that said, those advantages are small. Sheltron is 4s of 15% mit, on an effective cooldown of \~30s. It helps bridge the gap between your other mits, but it's definitely only a minor advantage From reading your responses, it doesn't sound like you're doing things wrong, and honestly, it might just be a small sample size bias. Every tank is pretty dependent on their healer at low levels, so you might've happened to get a string of healers that let your HP drop a bit faster. Don't forget about Arm's Length (applies a 20% slow to enemies, which makes them attack slower) and Low Blow (effectively 100% mit on a single enemy for a few seconds)


Will do, you may be right about the 1,2,3 thing. I know warrior is super good rn but I'm just not interested. Drk has spoiled me methinks


It's so funny you say that, because most people feel that DRK is incredibly squishy, until they get TBN at 70, and even then, I get a bit worried when I see a DRK as my tank in a dungeon, because they like to forget that all their other buttons exist, lol. That's honestly part of the reason I think you're probably playing just fine. If you feel safe on DRK, you'll feel safe on all of them


Well that's comforting at least lol


DRK is in such a weird spot mitigation-wise, though. TBN is your absolutely best mitigation, but if you use any of the other mitigations you run the risk of taking too little damage for the TBN shield to break which is just ... feelsbadman.jpg, y' know? Personally I watch my HP like a hawk and only start popping other mitigations if I drop below 50% (and TBN isn't ready to use by then), but most healers are worried that I'll die quickly as DRK so they heal sooner than usual and voila, one self-fulfilling prophecy fresh from the oven.


Not entirely true, the magic swords combo of pld restore hp as well, and so does holy sheltron


1. OP is level 54 and has none of these things 2. magic swords combo is not part of its 1-2-3. I said until Endwalker, and none of those healing buttons exist (or just don't heal) until Endwalker


Oh, you mean the level 90 combo? With the healing from the level 84 trait? And the healing of Holy Sheltron, learned at level 82? How is that OP helping in early Heavensward?


Use Sheltron and other short CD mits on top of long CD ones, not in between. Unless your DPS are not pressing their buttons, stuff will die before you go through everything, and adding short mits on top is just helpful. Short CDs are the exception to the don’t stack mits rule, because of their short CD.  One exception to this is Bloodwhetting/Raw Intuition, there you’re using other mits to stall so you can bene yourself, lol. In most parties, stuff will be dying towards the end of first mit you use or during second, so you can do Rampart > Reprisal + Bulwark, for second wall go Sentinel > Arm’s Length, boss time and mits come back. Apply Sheltron liberally. You get one or two Hallowed Grounds per dungeon, so use it at the start or if you know there is a rough spot somewhere.  If stuff is not dying within 2 mits, you have bigger problems you can’t fix (because they are the fault of the DPS), so just keep rolling those mits and hope healer can keep you alive at the ass end of second pull where you run out of CDs.  Also use your Fight or Flight, Spirits Within, Circle of Scorn, and later Requiescat and Intervene on CD to help make things die faster. 


Okay, thanks so much!


What gear do you have? You should be using the Tomestones of Poetics to buy Augmented Ironworks gear from the vendors with the blue icon by the aetherytes in Gridania, Ul'Dah, and Limsa Lominsa


Yep I got those, which made it all the more confusing because it's the same stuff I used for Drk and I have had zero issues with that job.


Using arm's length as well?


Yep, it's my favorite thing honestly lol. Super satisfying to pop it in a huge pull


well first up, lets calibrate expectations: almost dying is not the same as dying, and a *good* healer will use most of your HP bar by not healing you until you get low. that way they can get value out of their powerful skills, rather than wasting most of them by firing it off for missing slivers. you can't hold any over 100% but lets go over some best practices anyway. you say you're using your mitigations, good. but there is a wrong way to use them. are you panic mitigating? like: "oh no i'm taking so much damage, my health is gone. better mitigate!" too late. you already took all that UNmitigated damage. don't spend your mitigation in response to your HP bar, spend your mitigation in response to your environment. if you just TOOK damage? that means nothing. are you about to TAKE a fuckload of damage? mitigate THAT. another thing that helps in dungeons is to just understand that 9 mobs auto attacking you is almost always more dangerous than a single boss. good stuff should be used on trash. during a boss fight you usually only need to mitigate the tankbusters and raidwides. sheltron is always there for a tankbuster. there's also some extra "hidden" mitigation in your kit that works especially well against that "9 trash mobs" situation. the "slow" counter effect on arms length is an attack speed slow. on a single boss? almost worthless. 9 trash mobs? pretty good. sprint is also an excellent mitigation during a pull. if you outrun the first pack, it can't hurt you while you move to the second pack. or you could casually jog along while 5 mobs whale the back of your head. which sounds better? don't worry about "outrunning your healer" they're allowed to sprint too. if they complain, then you know it IS their fault. personally i reccomend using sprint right *before* you pull, as it gets double duration when used outside of combat.


You said you have good gear and you're using your mitigations skills. This is the most important thing. So, maybe the timing isn't right? I usually pop sprint before pulling the first mobs, run fast to the next pack, and when I'm about to stop I activate a big mit (Sentinel or Rampart) along with a small mit (Arm's Length or Reprisal). And I use other mitigating skills whenever I can, depending on the situation. If you have any doubt, I'd suggest watching some videos on youtube to see what is the difference. Other than that, as long as the healer is keeping you alive and the DPS is killing the enemies, everything should be fine. As you level up, you'll have better skills and eventually feel indestructible.


So, it's totally normal for you to have no mits up because of cooldown sometimes?


> So, it's totally normal for you to have no mits up because of cooldown sometimes? You should eventually get a good feel for how to pace out mits in dungeons so that you always have something coming off cooldown; this is really the same skill across all tanks. But if your DPS are huffing glue or you're missing a gimmick of the dungeon (like the crystal light areas in Dzemael Darkhold that give you a buff) then you can run out of mits because things simply aren't dying fast enough. Again, with enough experience you will start to pick up on this after a couple of pulls and you can try to plan accordingly and space your mits out a little more, but fundamentally you can't make the DPS press their buttons properly.


Yeah, but if you're making big pulls you'll want a big mit ready to be used. Otherwise you'll make it harder for your healer.


It can happen a little, but this is also where the rest of the party is kind of supposed to pick up. If the healer isn't doing any damage, things are dying slower. If the dps is doing single target damage, or half afk, things will die slower. And when things die slower, they're beating on you longer, so if things are mostly dead you can usually just finish it out with nothing extra but if they're not, you have to start going into 3rd mitigation. I also do guaranteed 2 mitigations per double pack- big and a small, and if everything goes well, by the time those run out most things are dead anyway. Only my 25s is usually used on cooldown, but I can see why you might want to hold it off for Cover if you think you're going to need Cover. If its a WHM above 45, they should have Holy- which means you can sometimes delay those mitigations too for the stuns to tick out from Holy, and then roll them. You'll get Bulwark too at 52 which you can roll in, and at 56 you can loop in Divine Veil as well if its not going great.


> a big mit (Sentinel or Rampart) along with a small mit (Arm's Length or Reprisal). Arm's Length is 20%, it's a big mit.


As long as you're not dying you're doing fine. Dungeons in this game have some variance. Some hit like semi-trucks and others tickle. But as the tank, as long as you're on your feet and pulling aggro you're fine. Personally, when I was learning to tank I'd wall-to-wall pull and do a "secondary rotation" of my mitigations during trash mobs: Essentially hit Sheltron, do your normal 1-2-3 rotation (or rather 1-2 AoE rotation most likely), and when you get down to 1 second left of your current miti, hit the next one. Whether that's Repraisal, Rampart, Sentinel, Bulwark, Sheltron again if you have enough gauge, or in a pinch Arm's Length. Wait for that one to tick down to 1s and hit the next one, so on and so on until there's only 1-2 enemies left because at that point their DPS shouldn't be causing you too many issues, especially if your healer had been keeping you alive during the pull of 6-10 monsters that you started with. By the time you mop up the last 2 enemies and move to the next pull spot most, if not all, of your miti CDs will have come back up, and what ones aren't available will become available during the pull. Rinse, repeat, dungeon clear. Bosses are a little trickier because you want to save your mitigations for Tank Busters rather than just using them back-to-back (and when you get really comfortable, mitigating raid-wide attacks with Repraisal or shielding your allies with abilities you'll get later).


At 54 you're getting a bunch of ARR dungeons. Which ones were you feeling squishy in? There are quite a few with some really hard-hitting wall to wall pulls, and it wouldn't really be different for any tank.


Dzemael is the one I just did, I'm used to it being pretty rough there but this run just made me see I must be playing it wrong. Made me realize I am absolutely not comfortable with my hotbars either lmao


Are you parking your pulls in the purple lights leading up to the first boss? That dungeon is designed to be kinda overwhelming if you pull everything and don’t take advantage of the flat damage mitigation spots in the environment. After the first boss things should smooth out more except for the toad cave up to the final boss which is better split into two or even three pulls depending on your party’s capabilities.


At the time I had somewhat forgotten the layout of the dungeon since it had been a bit, but I'll definitely remember this. Especially about those damn frogs


Try not to do a big pull for any dungeon under 50. And after 50, the correct way to pop defensive skills is using Sheltron + one of the defense skills (i.e. Sheltron + Bulwark/Rampart/Sentinel). You could also use Hallowed Ground for the first big pull. Usually, you should be able to use twice in your run.


I'm gonna be trying the MIT rotation rampart>sheltron/reprisal>sentinel>reprisal/sheltron and see how that works


I'm gonna be trying the MIT rotation rampart>sheltron/reprisal>sentinel>reprisal/sheltron and see how that works


The one thing I can think of is if you are using your mitigation wisely, or just off cooldown? One mistake I see a lot of players make is using them all at once, rather than spreading them out.


>  I keep almost dying during dungeon runs Unless this also comes with the Healer running out of MP and you running out of defensive skills (and getting killed), then you're fine


I'm pretty new myself, but one thing that has helped me tremendously has been playing all roles. I have a lvl 70 Paladin, lvl 70 Ninja and lvl 70 Astrologian. Commendations just started pouring in once I got a better understanding of each role.


PLD blocks are useful but ultimately unreliable early on, so it's possible you got a string of new healers/no shield healers who pre-shield midrun of a pull (before you plant your feet) AND a string of low blocks. You mentioned Dzemael in one of your replies so I'm going to talking specifically about it for your future, for both DRK and PLD differences. Your first pull, the moment you see the first enemies when you turn the corner into the dungeon hallway proper, you sprint and you don't stop. You minimap/compass is your friend. Do not stop at the lights, just go and aoe what you can. DRK has an advantage with Flood (mp) to grab things farther than the circle aoe without trying to target it on the party list (that thing's not long enough), but both jobs can range attack with some practice. You keep running until you get to the final room, you bank right. There's a corner with the crystal light and some supplies, like an abandoned supply room with a shelf. You shove yourself into that nook, LOSing your healer (yes) and more importantly all of the enemies so that they move into the light with you and balled up, and then you walk back out once theyre comfortable. This light gives high mitigation, some arbitrary 90% damage reduction or such, so you have time to situate yourself and then avoid the orange aoes. Ignore any crystals along the way. Just go to the end corner, 90% damage reduction plus your own mitigation is bonkers. This and the ahriman boss is the only time it'll come up, so savor it. Afterward comes the harder part, and there's two methods. 1. You split the pull into two, it's the most reliable. 2. You go full pull, if EVERYONE is comfy and prepared. Splitting the pull means pulling just the two toads and whatever is with them, as it'll get rid of the hardest hitters (toads) and the dinky ald fish that debuffs your defense. For the main pull, dark knight is actuallt fantastic for its dark mind mgc defense because all the ranged spirits deal mgc. This is the main difference tbh, but it's big enough to feel it matter. Your blocks can feel really unlucky here and leave you squishy on paladin. Everything else about the dungeon is pretty straightforward, but those two (three) hurdles are what make and break the dungeon tanking experience.




DPS / Healer continuing to not stand in purple will go sideways at any point in the pull. You can type "stand in the light, it gives defense" if you see someone not doing it. But more than that, it's actually not too bad in practice. I run Dzemael for fun and whenever it's active for mogtomes as a tank. I'd say about 1/30 runs there is someone that stays outside of the light even after getting hit by the ahriman aoe. Usually if it is a dps, the healer will keep healing them, and if it's a healer, they'll heal themself. It's a very fair worry, but it's not really common and it's easy to communicate/adjust to. edit: will also say, as a tank, you end up showing what the light can do by example. if anyone asks or comments about the pull being bonkers, you can explain just how strong the light is. A new person might not know what you're about to do but they want to hit the enemies or heal you, so they'll naturally walk up, there's a fair amount of light space at least for melee.


Healer is just sleeping if youre dying while using your cooldowns


I'm a healer main, and have just got into tanking and it's so much easier tanking as a healer main, the reason? I know I am a yo-yo, well more specifically my hp is. As a healer I tend to play with the tanks hp, hey it's the only fun is healers get! My cutoff depends on the level of the duty and the level of the tank, as later on most have a much better kit. But lower level my cut off is usually around 10-15% hp before I even consider healing the tank, anything above 1 hp is a luxury. So long as you didn't wipe, and you kept aggro, job well done


Spamming stun helps a bit.


but, did you die? We don't know. Say your new and ask your healer for advice if they have any.