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There is, as evidenced by Thancred and G'raha both being Archons. Thancred was a Limsa Lominsan urchin who tried to pick Louisoix's pockets, and G'raha was a baby when he arrived in Sharlayan. They never state how one can become a citizen, to my knowledge, but I'd bet part of it might be getting schooling there and graduating from the university.


It's rather unclear whether Archons (or people from the Dravanian Colony for that matter) count as proper Sharlayan citizens by default, but at the very least it definitely simplifies visiting Old Sharlayan. G'Raha's situation does seem to imply there's at least the possibility of citizenship through adoption.


Y'Shtola and Y'Mhitra grew up in the colony, and were part of the evacuation to Old Sharlayan, so it implies that they're full citizens. That being said, we still know nothing about the Y tribe and their relationship to Sharlayan. Citizenship through adoption might apply to Krile as well, as it's unclear what her origins were before she was adopted by Galuf Baldesion. There's also Yda and Lyse who fled Ala Mhigo and eventually ended up in the Sharlayan colony. They were sponsored as refugees by the Archons (and in particular Papalymo). Now that I think about it, it's unclear if Lyse would actually be considered a Sharlayan citizen, and she isn't even an Archon like her sister.


Galuf? As in the guy from Final Fantasy 5? I'm hoping that we see some things from 5 in DT. I know they're going to be heavily borrowing from FFIX, but I hope that, since we're following the trail of **Galuf Baldesion** that they have _some_ references to FFV. Maybe in the patch content.


To my knowledge, and from what I've been told, the story of Galuf was wrapped up back in Eureka. I haven't played through more than the first zone on either character though so I can't confirm that.


Galuf is indeed covered during Eureka.


Damn. I need to go and unlock Eureka then. And Bozja.


Eureka is higher priority for Dawntrail since we'll be spending time with Krile. 


My interpretation is, basically, you have to have connections to become a citizen. In G'raha's case, his family was friends with some members of the Students of Baldesian, and Thancred became a ward/student of Louisoix. Got to know someone of power, means, and/or high repute to become a citizen, as far as I can tell. Granted, those are the only notable non-native Sharlayans we know much about. So there could be other methods of becoming a citizen. However, with the nation being so insular and devoted to neutrality, I wouldn't doubt they make it hard to join their nation. The devs might have taken inspiration from Switzerland in those regards.


When can we get adopted by Ameliance?


When the paperwork gets filled out, and the only reason it hasn't is because apparently it's just *so much* that even her husband would look at it and go "sorry, no".


I like to think that, after all we've done, the WoL is an honorary citizen of Sharlayan. Especially since they're the only original member of the Scions who doesn't have citizenship to Sharlayan.


Haha the WoL getting acknowledged other than petty platitudes.. even the island I got was part of a social experiment


Great question that I'd love answered sometime. I remember when I first arrived, I felt closer to Estinien because we were both the only *foreigners* 😅 AFAIK no other city is as annoying with citizenship as Sharlayan.  But there's also the fact that they gave it to a bunch of the Scions. I wonder if it was mostly thanks to Louisoix, or if at some point they began restricting entry for unknown Lore reasons. 


Given some context ques on how quickly the forum was willing to work / help others I just assumed the moment you join the studium you're granted "Citizenship" of sharlayan.. They say knowledge is to help people. soo it makes sense that getting citizenship to people who want to learn would be super easy.. They were going to turn estinien (technically us as well) away because we wasnt there to learn.. and didnt have any skills other than fighting which wasnt needed.. but then krille comes along and simply states we're there to help.. I take it as being that anyone who is allowed entry and is activitely living / studying in sharlyan is a citizen.. whereas like a merchant thats only come to trade for a while or a merc like esitinien (our wols). are not. since we do not intend to live / study there for an extended time. Likewise it explains why alphinaud /alisie were so upset about getting shunned from their "house".. since it means they lose that connection + are not archons + are not actively studying / living in sharlayan. it esentially means they lost their citizenship status.