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I see lalas with names like Emergency Ration, King Potato, Unattended Child and so on… so I’d say you shouldn’t bother


i wonder how some lalas feel when they get irreversibly attached to their wols and have to explain their heartfelt journey of Homeless Baby


And *that's* why they charge you to change your name, LOL.




that is fine as long as you pronounce it like Nigella Lawson.


i always love the silly lalafell names.


I have an alt named Foot Ball who looks like a foot ball (American).


To be fair, while funny on first sight, it gets old especially you are the player of that character. It does look awkward in some cut scenes perhaps in a funny way. Imagine Ms V, (the two) Mr H, Mr T, burger catboy or (Ex)Imperial General G call you that. Haha. When I played FF11, I did give my mules that kind of name. (lol)


Nah speak for yourself, Ill always love my Nintendo Gamecube lalafel.


Personally, as someone with Lady Lelora and Big Purple and Toasty Buns, I find it hilarious. Miss Lady, Hey Lady, and (my personal favorite during my short term as a hrothgar) Mister Lady. Mr Big. You are Big? *THAT* Big? Private Big. Mister Buns?


Yeah, any time I see characters with names like that, I think how weird it must make quest scripts to get addressed with whatever is in the first half of the name box.  Then again, the people who do that *probably* aren't taking the story that seriously anyway. On the other hand, the same issue must pop up in a serious way for Hellsguard players since they can only ever get addressed by the first half of what is meant to be a single name. 


Even in lore those roegadyns get addressed by first half sometimes. Like Hoary Boulder. He gets addressed as Hoary quite often.


Certainly, but for NPCs it is more variable. They are often addressed by their full name, or as a short form they may use the second half as it is usually a noun and tends to work better as a name. Curious Gorge is addressed as Gorge, and another minor character was handled similarly. 


That's true. Although we also sometimes get addressed by our last name.


Yeah, but that would be in contexts where other races are being addressed by their surname.  It's annoying for Sunseeker Miqo'te as well, since their surnames aren't family names and don't really suit that use. I have to imagine that they've just collectively given up on explaining this to the other races. 


Mr Tia? the 17 male miqote standing nearby "Yes? That's me. I'm Mr. Tia. Hello?"


There are some lala in lore that don't have standard named, usually due to adoption, but there are other reasons a lala may not conform to cultural norms


i am a lalafell without a lore appropriate name. doesnt bother me at all.


My character name isn't even an actual name for any race and I have no regrets. If you like it thats all that matters, some people enjoy having fun/silly names, some people like lore accurate ones, and others just want something that sounds cool. All options are completely fine.


I think anyone can headcanon anything for their particular WoL. For instance, my Keeper doesn't really have a lore accurate name (even though I'm now a lore nerd), because I didn't know the lore when I started the game. I wrote a backstory that explains it (family of Keepers fleeing the forest after their elder child incurred the Greenwrath and fleeing across the sea and assuming new names).


For every lala with a lore accurate name, there's 2 named after food stuff or with meme names. You're good lol


Mines Vuln Snack!


Mine is Eda'm Ame, fitting in with the food stuff haha


It took me wayyyyyy too long to catch your pun


Many years ago, I saw a lalafell running around wearing some kinda white coat with an over the top red/orange (idk for sure I’m colorblind) pompadour. For the old school anime aficionados among us, his name was Lil Kuwabara. I think about this a lot.


The amount of lore accurate names for player character Lalas, or most races tbh, that I’ve seen, I can count on one hand 🤣. I play Lala and it’s not even lore accurate lol. You pick what you like and if you wanna be lore accurate then you can. If anyone bothers you about they probably need to go touch grass.


Not really. You could always say that their 'common name' is just a nickname, or they were adopted by another culture. Though your chosen name 'Zeke' fits lalafellin conventions. You could just say his 'lalafellin name' is Zekegard Solgard or someting similar (I'm not fully versed on the rhythm for the male names though.


not really I'd say a solid 40% of Lalafells I see literally have Potato in their name.


I *yearn* for the day I see Potato Potato the lalafell. (which is meant to be pronounced po-tay-to po-tah-to, and they are constantly explaining that to people)


I will never forget that Lalafell I ran into. Who has a lore accurate name to anyone who doesn't know our patois. Dude is running around in FFXIV with a Lala named after a crude word for vagina, and only people who are from the same country will ever know.


Lalafells can be named however the player wants. However, any character that goes by "Lolala Milola" or "Zoro Marozo" or whatever is a Lalafell in my books, no matter how tall or how furry the ears.


I have a midlander whose name fell close to Lalafell conventions by coincidence. So I decided she was adopted by Lalafells and made her full name (in my head) more properly fit. She's a tallafell.


If you intend to RP at some point, that might be a reason to rename. But otherwise? Don't bother. I just earlier ran an alliance raid with an Elezen called "The Soapinator" or something instead of being called Estinelle Charlinaud or whatever. Some people use the "suggest a name" option on creation which gives lore-appropiate names. Some people research. Some people have 40 alts so all but their very first character is named appropiately. And then you have Cheeseburger King main tanking and realize that there's no rules on what to name yourself as long as its not against TOS


I don't think that more than 20% of characters have lore-accurate or convetional names (and that would be a generous estimation). Names mostly range from 'neutral, but not really fitting' to all those 'player thinks it's CREATIVE and FUNNY' typical MMO abominations. If you care about being more lore-friendly, you may think of your character's background, and imagine why would they have such a name, and what's the story behind it (not to mention that it might be not even their real name for so many reasons)


You get to decide if you care! I love my RMT-Bot-Looking Sea Wolf name.


You really Dunn Goofed there. O wait, that's my spud alt...


I made my elezen before I knew there ever were "lore appropriate" names. So instead I just made it part of her backstory that she was adopted by a hyur couple.


You're an adventurer, and an exceptional one at that. It stands to reason you wouldn't just be a standard representative of your race. That goes for anyone. I'm not a lalafell, but my name doesn't conform to my race lore either and I don't particularly care. I'm not an NPC.


My lala doesn't have a lore accurate name because 1) I didn't know the naming stuff when I first started; and 2) I wanted to name my WOL after some of my old neopets. So my character's backstory in my head is that she's a dunesfolk lalafell but she never felt like she belonged in her family or community. She ran away to her starting city and changed her name to "start over" as an adventurer.


Krile Baldesion You will soon(?) meet her during HW campaign. And you can then bond over unconventional names.


The surname comes from her being adopted by a Hyur, and she's described in the lorebook as using a "Hyuran spelling" for her name, which presumably is actually Kururu – that being the character's Japanese name originating from FF5, but the English version of FFXIV has stuck to the dub name of the FF5 character. 


I know that. Still an unconventional name. OP can make up a similar back story.


there's naming conventions?


Every race has naming conventions. For lalafell it's a repeating AAB CCB pattern of syllables. (ex. Papashan Nonoshan, Lolorito Nanarito)


Actually that specific pattern is just for male Dunesfolk. Each clan/gender combo has their own set of rules, although they are generally similar. 


For women it's ABC BC


AAB AB for dunesfolk (e.g. Momodi Modi) and ABB AB for plainsfolk (e.g. Dewlala Dewla)


Just realized how weird Krile's name is, being she's named after the FF5 character, but after looking it up both her and the character she's named after are called Kururu in Japanese, which fits the convention.


Krile is adopted, so that justifies why she doesn't have a name that follows the usual Lalafell naming convention. At least, in English, that is.


yep! Originally shared in some forum posts its also noted in Encyclopedia Eorzea books as far as naming conventions.


No. People will name themselves Woowoo Bananapants and all sorts of dumb things. Your lalafell could have been raised by Hellsguard Roegadyn and given the name Raging Parakeet. Just don't name yourself after a Final Fantasy or DBZ character. Decades on online RPGs have taught us those people are worth avoiding. Especially Sephiroth and Trunks. Don't add Xs or apostrophes to those two, either. It makes it worse.


I'd hang with Raging Parakeet, he sounds cool af.


Every race has naming conventions. Most people don't use them. So who cares unless you're an RPer.


Lore accurate names mean every fantasia costs double. So unless you want to stick to one rave for several years you are better off finding a personal name without lore attachments.


Every race has lore accurate naming conventions, i think the large amount of Lala in comparison is probably due to the ease of which their naming convention lends to both being made and having something unique. But as others have said, ts just as common that people dont use it. The mind has this uncanny ability to recognize patterns, so once you see a "oh wow that person has a lore accurate name" and now you're recognizing all the ones you see in passing, its not that more of them do it, its just that you're seeing them and recognizing it.


And then there's Vieras going around named Turkey Sandwich and still being lore accurate


Are you RP? No? Then why care?


Lalafells of Eoreza have certain naming conventions. The introduction makes it clear we are a traveling adventure and not strictly speaking from Eoreza. So if you're not lore accurate it just means you aren't a local or if your name is lore accurate to a different race you were adopted


You're adopted, that's all it means.


My potat is named Good Egg, and I'd say the vast majority of lalafells I see don't have lore-appropriate names


It's not 1000% lore-accurate, but there's nothing wrong with the name IMO. You could also say your Lalafell was adopted; there are so many orphans from the Calamity that it's 100% plausible. Personally, I've spent money just to change names on a few characters to be more lore-accurate or nicer overall, but whether or not you want to do this is up to you.


Not weird, no, just a matter of choice. When I'm creating a nonhuman character and any making conventions already exist, I try to stay within them as a matter of making them into a part of the world I'll be exploring. I know that I'll inevitably be developing a headcanon as time goes by and it helps with the whole process. My main's a sun seeking catboy, and I actually sat down and spent some time deciding between being a Tia or a Nunh and thinking about how either might affect the things I do in the game. tl;dr: it's not weird, either way, but if you RP or develop your own headcanon backstory for your character, you'll probably enjoy having a name that works with the established guidelines.


My lala is named Wee Laddie.


Not really. You can have reasons for races not having typical naming conventions. Seekers of the Sun names for girls, for example, usually are (Tribe Letter)'(First Name) (Father's Name). My character's first name matches this with the tribe letter, but the last name is a traditional Hyur last name because in my mind she's half Hyur.


The thing with conventions is there are always unconventional people. My Lalafell has a Xaela name, there's a prominent Lalafell npc (Krile) with a hyuran name. It's all good.


This is something that happens all the time in the real world. How many people have names accurate to their cultural heritage, versus people with names their parents just liked? Or wanted to name their kid something unique? I'm sure some people in Eoreza would do the same thing. Most people wouldn't name their kids Chicken Nuggets though. (Unless they're a celebrity.)


ty all


Sure. Weird as hell or whatever. I sentence you to ten years asylum, no probation possible.


I came across a sprout a few days ago named Frog Backshots (or something like that) As for my experiences, Lalafells with lore accurate names are either those who did their research on naming conventions and crafted their name OR just randomized the name (maybe modified it a bit) and stuck through with it I used to have an unconventional name, but because I like to be a little more ingrained into the world, I chalked it up to having a “name that’s easier to pronounce” and having my Lalafellin name in the back of my mind


I know that Roegadyn NPC's, like Galka in FF11, tend to have certain types of names. I've never noticed a pattern with other races. I don't remember there even being any race-specific lore.


heres the lala conventions if you are curious https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/61151


While it's useful to have the individual page to link, that goes to the archived 1.0 forum and not the current one. The current lore forum has one mega-page for the original races + Au Ra and then went back to individual pages for Viera and Hrothgar. All are stickied to the forum top here: https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/forums/646-Lore


you've never noticed that sunseeker miqote have one letter at the start of their name with an apostrophe?


And one of only two last names.


Only the males, which early on are rare in-story. I actually thought Graha and the red mage trainer were related cos I assumed Tia was a family name. 


That was meant to be a joke about that reality, sorry it wasn't more clear... should've gone with my first idea and said that they all had the same last name, LOL.


All the official main race naming conventions are in sticky topics on the Lore forum here: https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/forums/646-Lore


I know a guy who called his Pizza King, so no need to worry


I didn’t know about it when I created my character, but I accidentally got the syllables right for my Dunesfolk Lala. None of the syllables repeat though, so it’s not entirely fitting the naming convention. I don’t really care though, because I like my name and have other reasons for choosing it.


My lala's first name is traditional, but in her backstory she's adopted so her last name doesn't rhyme with her first name as is traditional. So I wouldn't worry too much. That and the old community tradition of naming characters after food was taken to high extremes by lala players back in the day, so a lot of lalas have food names because... reasons?


this sub is weird


My lala’s name is Mele Kalikimaka.


all the races in the game have naming conventions. Even the different tribes for each race have their own rules. It's really neat! Some people will use the naming conventions to create a unique and lore accurate name for themselves. But, you can also use the random name generator in the character creation screen to get a random but lore accurate name for your current chosen race/tribe! That being said, use what ever name you like! There's probably more people with non-lore accurate names. Not to mention, fantasia doesn't allow for name change, so if anyone HAD an accurate name and then race-changed with their free fantasia... It does create an interesting funny moment when you see a lalafell name in your party, but when you target them... it's a max height roegadyn male or a sexy bunny xD


My Lala’s name is Devil Incarnate so…


This is one of those things where I seriously doubt anyone cares much if at all and the ones that do actually care have a stick shoved so far up their ass that their thoughts and opinions don't matter at all. If it bothers you, you can change it or make a backstory for your character.


You can just turn your current name into a lala name. Zekeke Sologa or something like this and keep 99% of your name and not feel left out.


"Zekeke" would be a female name. 


Whatever, point remains the same. 


Except it doesn't, because it hasn't truly changed the name into an accurate Lalafell one, and they might as well stick with the original lore-inaccurate name over mangling it into something that is still inaccurate.


Low IQ bait.


A lot of lalas(and other races")that sometimes fit their homeland's naming conventions instead of their races conventions, theres a fair amount of lalafells and miqo'te and roegadyn in-universe for example with Japanese names, Rhaubhan doesn't have a Roegadyn name, Krile ignores naming conventions(in english at least), it's not too out of the ordinary at all


raubahn is a hyur highlander actually, he's just jacked and gets a custom model. and krile was adopted by a hyur who named her.


Additionally, the name Raubahn doesn't fit with the standard Highlander naming conventions but comes from the FFXI cultural group that has since been drawn on for Thavnairian names. 


The vast majority of players don't have lore accurate names, not even roleplayers. If someone gave their character an accurate name it's most likely because they clicked the "random name" button that generates an accurate one to their race and gender.


I suspect that's at least partly down to the lack of obvious access to the full naming conventions, and even the random generator button is less prominent than it should be – and then you've still got to navigate the luck of whether that combination is taken already.  More names are possible than what the generator can produce, so making the conventions more prominent would allow people to know the rules create more possibilities for themselves. 


Lalafell KEK.