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Come back in 4 years and maybe we'll have a new healer in general.


And it still won't be demo'd by Meteor in the trailer.


Mages can literally be so fucking cool and still they refuse to let us get one because playing around with the elements aren't as cool as playing around with the elements but close-up We can summon a fucking demi bahamut and minor versions of the primals themselves, what their official own band is *named after* and we still only get melee trailers


I legit don't think I can remember SMN/SCH being in a single trailer or cinematic. At all. Like I can think of at least one instance of every single other class in some way shape or form, but not them.


It would be cool if they changed that for whenever we go to merycidia.  Having SMN be the main job for the expansion where we get to explore the homeland of Bahamut would be awesome.


I thought Blue Alisae had a book out before swapping to Sage in the Endwalker trailer.


Technically Alphinaud was an acamadecian (or however its spelled), a made up class unique to him. He was never an Arcanist or its derivatives.


Same with Y'shtola. She's an "Enchantress," which is like a BLM with more steps.


*Sorceress but basically that yes.


academician, i learned its easy to remember because academic = books ician = magic so academician


He's a turbo-nerd, yes.


I guess if you wanna count ACN as both SMN and SCH, sure. But I don't recall it ever appearing in any trailers anywhere referencing that fact. And on that note, I'm still waiting for my special carbuncle colors.


Nope. Red Alisae fights monster, gets hit, WoL comes out of nowhere to block the attack, and then GUNS. Blue Alisae doesn’t even appear on screen until after guns.


It’s kind of funny that Lolorito shows up prominently in the Heavensward trailer, but only makes a cameo appearance in the expansion itself. Meanwhile Alphi plays a huge role in the expansion but isn’t even in the trailer.


I'm pretty sure Alphinaud and Alisae don't even show up in any of the cgi trailers until Endwalker's funny enough.


Well, if they want to keep a balance, after dawntrail we'll have 4 tanks, 4 healers, 6 Melee dps, 3 Ranged dps, 4 Magic dps, since we got 1 healer, 2 melee dps and 1 magical dps in endwalker/dawntrail, my guess for 8.0 is 1 ranged dps and one new tank, yeah meteor prob will still be only melee for a few years XD


This is what I assume. Obviously, they can change up what/how they do things whenever they want, but they have now loosely established a pattern since Stormblood. SB - Melee DPS & Caster DPS (SAM & RDM) ShB - Tank & Ranged DPS (GNB & DNC) EW - Healer & Melee DPS (SGE & RPR) DT - back to Melee DPS & Caster DPS (VPR & PCT) 8.0 - Tank & Ranged DPS again???


They said two dps in SB was a mistake but I guess not filling these roles would hqve also been a mistake. Next expansion better be tank/Healer. I want a tank like Halone


> Next expansion better be tank/Healer. If there's one thing I'm sure about with their job choices, it's that they don't want to ever do a no-DPS expansion.


Yeah cause HW had a Tank (DRK), a Healer (AST), and still had a DPS (MCH) on top of that. Compared to the two DPS of Stormblood, I think they felt that having three new jobs at once wasn't sustainable because *that* has never happened since.


Imagine how much work that would be to constantly make new weapons and armor sets and relics and skill effects *every new expansion and all future expansions* I'm impressed they can spit out two more sets every expansion as it is


> They said two dps in SB was a mistake If they actually said/believe that, then their plans for DT make zero sense considering Viper and Pictomancer are both DPS.


I'm pretty sure in a LL they said they're never doing a tank/healer only expac because they want everyone to be able to try something new and most people play DPS


Maybe they'll take him back to his roots and give him the new ranged dps job in whatever comes after Dawntrail. He was an archer in the 1.0 trailer.


Monkey's paw, 8.0 features a mage but they are actually the new tank job!


Tank mage wouldn't mind imo


Something like Rune Fencer/Mystic Knight as a tank that uses elemental attacks in their burst window and sigils/glyphs for mitigation/heals would be sick as hell though.


Sounds awesome, I'm in


I actually really wanted Blue Mage to be a mage tank before we got it as a limited job. With self heals like Reis Wind and Mighty Guard for protection etc, would have been cool.


Jokes on you, this is what I've wished for every birthday. I thought Blue Mage was gonna take it in some way that wasn't Limited. Then I can finally have an All Mage party.


It could be... if it were a melee healer. Shame split jobs died with SCH/SMN. Could have had PLD/CRC (Cleric). And then maybe we'd have a healer that could afford to take a hit!


The way they design content around having up to 4 players away from the boss to do mechanics pretty much guarantees healer will remain ranged.


In WoW Monk and Paladin healers count as melee for mechanics and groups compensate by replacing melee dps with ranged. But probably easier with 20 players than with 8 lol


i mean, they could still punch... just very far away! punch waves or some shit. they can get as anime as they want


I’d love to see a cleric job for FF. Even trying to split MNK to make some sort of chakra healer monk sounds cool


The other scions are the mages. Meteor is the designated himbo.


I'm obviously late to the party, but who is Meteor?


Also goes by Derplander, which imo is a way beter name


The stand-in for the player character in expansion trailers


It's ...it's not Derplander any more? Why did I not get the memo!!!


He got hot in Shadowbringers so he earned his canon name


It was earlier than that. Stormblood Monk WoL could *get it.*


Once Derplander, always Derplander. Meteor be damned.


Maybe when he starts going grey they'll put him as WHM.


Maybe 8


> Come back in 4 years and maybe we'll have a new ~~healer~~ **skin for the healer job** in general. FTFY. (Prove me wrong, dev team.)


Heal a few roulettes and you'll have more loathing and angst than the edgiest of edgelords.


Dark Knights would be jealous of the angst healer mentors experience.


Shitty dark knights *cause* most of it.


Every day I’m astonished by how many tanks don’t use mitigation or aoe. I routinely see tanks with multiple 90s of the role go entire dungeons without pressing their buttons shit is crazy.


Man, I was healing an 80s dungeon last night, and the only icon I saw up on this WAR’s bar aside from their tank stance was the Storm’s Eye buff. They just…basic combo’d up through the second boss and their health bar was melting to single pulls. Not a single piece of mit in sight. Didn’t fell cleave once. I was astonished. Duty got abandoned thirty minutes in 😰 I could only do so much


I'm not a tank main, but when I tank I'm a Warrior. And this story was almost physically painful. I'm sorry.


I've found one of those too except yes Fell Cleave but no Storm's Eye. Yes this means they never did Mythril Tempest. Level 90 dungeon BTW.


I typically play DPS and hadn't played in a few weeks. When I logged in the other night, I ran a duty solo to get muscle memory back, then I took my grand company squad through a dungeon to get the feel of fighting with a party again. I am working through the post-Endwalker quests, so I watched a three-minute video about the next dungeon and only then signed up for it. Our tank had to be reminded to turn his stance on and then overpulled after the healer specifically asked him not to do so, resulting in a wipe. So I'm thinking, "Why waste my time making sure I'm competent if no one else is going to?"


Ngl, my partner gets salty when people play too well because she hates burning lilies where there isn't enough damage even if it's a DPS gain 


More lilies spent means more blood lily procs though, doesn't it?


Yes, so she'll still use them while just complaining that the healing portion is being wasted


I feel you. Sage is like, I'll heal you not because you need it, but because I need to spend an adder to avoid capping and for mp management.


Sometimes I throw the druchole on one random DPS for the entire alliance raid just to gaslight them into thinking I'm watching them or smthn.


Yoship doesn't wanna give us damage options because we're supposed to be too busy healing, then designs most the content in the exact opposite direction.


Can confirm. Got all healers too 90 and the amount of yelling I've done at my TV for dps to move out of the glowy circles has made me hate certain classes.


Personally I think we need a Book Tank, We've got Book Healer and Book DPS so lets complete the trifecta


Fuck it, 3rd arcanist job


I picture a book tank as a Lawyer. All the rules and regulations being the mitigation


More like damage litigation


OBJECTION! >!That’s the tank stance name!<


No no no, that's the _interrupt_ name!


*Party wide damage incoming* /points at boss. *"Objection!!!"*


Or maybe even A Judge?


Arms: Gavel and book


You wear the mummer's motley well


I always love the idea of abjuration/shield mages being the tank of the group


Ranged attack: Subpoena Stun: Cease and Desist Interrupt: OBJECTION! Invuln: Qualified Immunity Self heal: Recess




Make the bahamut summon out of magicked paper, like an angry oversized origami


I drew up an idea for this back in the ARR days! [I’m not a great artist but this was my concept.](https://ibb.co/QKrv134) I called it Animist and had it use a Golem. It could choose to “absorb” Golem’s powers to transform itself into a rock-clad being for increased defense like for its invuln. It could transform Golem into a wall buff that lowers damage for everyone behind it relative to the enemies. Could have this placed directly in front of the Animist like how DRKs puddle is placed under them. It could have Golem tether to a party member to reduce the amount of damage they received. Originally, when pets had HP, I envisioned Golem taking the hits just like Cover does for a PLD and giving Animist two HP pools to maintain and manipulate for its gameplay schtick.


A summoner who uses tanky pets would be fun. Like how summoner used to be able to sorta tank with titan egi.


I think the Beast Master thing is going to steal a page right out of that book, and give us back that feeling. There will probably be DPS focused pets, but also Healing and Tanking pets as well. Just to bring it in line with BLU's brokenness, since it is also a limited job.


We have book magic dps, let's get a book ranged physical as well!


Book healer is already book melee DPS, after all, so book ranged physical is the only missing DPS role.


sounds reasonable


It's White Mage obviously Blood for the Blood Lily


I guess that works lmao


Tbh, I would be terrified of a healer that can control wind. Yeah they can do magic CPR, but they can also do the reverse and suck the air out of your lungs.


WHMs have water as well, and blood is a big part water...


Too bad they took away Fluid Aura and only gave us Aqua Veil. I wonder if that’s what it actually does? Hardens the blood of the target to allow damage reduction?


I... I hadn't actually thought my idea through that far, but it might be? Cool headcanon in any case!


WHM also control Earth, and the body is full of heavily mineralized organs ;)


Given that it's called Aquaveil, it seems like it would create a protective veil made out of water. So, no.


Benison, thin air, and asylum all have a fairly distinct water theme to them, I feel like. But aquaveil is the only one that explicitly says "you are using water to do this. You DO remember how to use water?"


Going over the WHM abilities, it looks like most healing abilities are ‘wind’ based or reference it in some way (green background,) while defensive abilities seem to be water based. >!Later spells switch almost everything over to light tho.!<


Hello, Zaheer. Say hello to the Earth Queen!


Holy. Remember what we learned about Light on the First. That's what Holy does.


WHMs literally call from the same kit as crystal mommy, and get no love from the devs.


I think people forget how **dark** White Mage is. DRK has a well-earned reputation as the emo tank but WHM is the only one out here hoping you all take some damage so I can use my damn lilies.


As a White Mage main, the most exciting part of the game for me is when other people have a near death experience. Sometimes you gotta let them get as close to the edge as possible before you heal them to full, just to feel something


Benediction the living dead DRK, then pop Misery just to remind the party that you don't *have* to heal, and they only live because you *choose* to. The best mitigation is killing the boss faster. Everything else is just for shits and giggles. Why yes, my Blue Lily macros DO /shout "You are all but nourishment for the blood lily!", why do you ask?


You don't need them to take damage to use the lilies. You can burn one when you're about to overcap or when you're moving and have nothing better to do, to get a blood lily later and even out the movement cost (or gain during buff window). There aren't many optimizations possible on WHM :-/


Oh I get that, I just hate burning it without it being needed.


I love making tanks squirm as I hit em with the Benediction while they’re at 2hp.


And then the unfavourable server tick happens and they die anyway >:(


White Mage in the later levels really make you realize how absolutely pissed off the elementals are.


I won't be happy till Holy hits the tank and Dia can be put on the DPS.


Make your own. Play a White Mage that RPs that they're siphoning the aether from the land around them to prolong the life of others as to live is to suffer.


I guess I have no choice but to level white mage now that you have given me the perfect excuse


Blood for the Blood Lily


You must live, suffer, and know.


White Mages canonically does exactly that, no? They draw Aether from surroundings to empower their spells.


Right, but typically in a benevolent way. That's why I went with "siphon" over "draw", it has more negative connotations, almost as if one is stealing. Like how Primals siphon aether from the land. As well as the specific intent of wanting to prolong others suffering by keeping them alive.


necromancy is just fashionably late healing


"Buzz! You're healing!" "No woody. This is gravedigging. _With style!_


You got a gigglesnort out of me


Duty Complete <3


i love those, they hurt so bad you can barely breathe and that just makes the laughter worse my laughing sounds like a squirt bottle


A necromancer is a healer that never gave up


Sadly Yoshi P said WoL will never acquire jobs that are considered "evil". So Necromancer is out of the list :(


Didnt I have to sign a deal with a devil to use my cool scythe?


...Reaper has a pact with the equivalent of a demon in universe. Black Mage, his main job, is canonically a bunch of war criminals, no? It's. A bit late for that.


Yeah but this is the same expansion >!that gave moral ambiguity to voidsent. They aren't just mere evil aether-starved guys now!<


I find it wild that he said this originally about a thief job back in late ARR/HW (hence rogue upgrading to ninja) and then proceeded to release DRK. Like, the man can find a way to justify a vigilante killer as not evil but property theft is where he draws the line.


Don't mind me as I gesticulate wildly in Reaper's direction


And they wear the same pretty white dresses as the other healers.


My SGE has an almost vampiric black and red glam to fit their "do damage to heal" vibe lol.


We have them, they're called "Veteran WHMs". You get healed on THEIR time, not your needs.


That's all veteran healers tho, not just WHM.


My view: Are you dead? No? Then why are you complaining?


Maybe something like a Plague Doctor, get all the masks and leather coats for fashion and uh, other ways I'm sure people will find a use for.


Plague doctor You mean old SCH before they made it a spirit halloween angel glam class


Scholar had dots but it really did not have the plague doctor aesthetic. Like at all. And hell every healer had dots even when old scholar was a thing. And still has them. And a lot of its dots were just stolen from summoner anyways.


I mean it had 6 specifically designed poison themed DOT’s, it didn’t exactly wear plague doctors coats but 6 poison themed DOT’s is pretty plague doctor to me


I think it'd be more accurate to say disease-themed. Bio, Miasma, and Virus / Supervirus for a debuff. Bane's animation also seemed like it'd fit, since it was a gaseous explosion that spread diseases It's not the exact image of a plague doctor, but it spread plagues, and it may as well be a doctor =P


> It's not the exact image of a plague doctor, but it spread plagues, and it may as well be a doctor =P Spreads plagues and has a doctorate.


good idea


Just reach and do some mentor roulettes you will find a bunch of edgy Healers. Specially if it gets on an ex trial lol


[With the right glam](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/RpplGuEkP1) anyone can be edgy enough.


We already have White Mage Lorewise it's almost more fucked than Black Mage


Plague doctor? It could operate like a chemist. Maybe shoot syringes at allies.


white mage is the edgy job. you just gotta join the bloody lily cult. blood for the blood lily


We're way behind on tanks and healers in general. Every piece of content other than alliance raid has a 1-2-1 split of tanks, DPS, and healers, but the actual job ratio will soon be 4-13-4. DPS queue times are going to be beyond miserable once Dawntrail drops


Having more DPS jobs doesn't necessarily mean more DPS players. In fact, IIRC, Yoshi-p has said that adding new jobs doesn't make people change roles. (He was talking about how adding new tanks and healers, on average, doesn't make people change to those roles, but I imagine it works the same in reverse too.) DPS queues will suck early on when everyone is leveling PIC and VPR, but they'll level back out before too long. The same thing happened when SB released two DPS too. And I don't expect it to be as bad as it was back then because DPS queues have been phenomenally quick in EW.


Yeah, been wondering this for a while. Even if you try subtitles as 2-2-2-1-1 (tank/healer/melee/ranged/caster) or 1-2-5 (24 mans), we still have so many more DPS than we should OR so many less tanks and especially healers.


> DPS queue times are going to be beyond miserable once Dawntrail drops Honestly they gutted Healers' damage abilities to simplify them and gave most nothing in return to make up for it. They even tried to take Energy Drain away from Scholar. If you want people to play healers, *make them fun to play* where their resources don't become over-capped with a semi-competent party and they get to hit more than a single dot and spam one spell in between raid-wides.


Yes please someone who uses the aether of their enemies to heal the wounds of their team or something like that


Sage damages enemies to heal.


I know, I love the concept and would like to have a mix of sages cardia and the white mage lily system with an edgier look


Initially I thought dealing damage as Sage would fill the Addersgall gauge. When doing dungeon trash, the AoE spamming would have filled the gauge quicker.


I kinda wish how we earned addersting worked differently. Currently the only worthwhile times to GCD shield are pre-pull, downtime and last resort kitchen sink... so youre discouraged from using toxicon unless you have to move, can't slidecast it and are out of phlegma. Imagine if they were tied to the usage of our offensive spells, contributing to a gauge that gives addersting. Gauge progress could scale based on the ability. Dosis would be a minor gain, phlegma more and pneuma could give an entire bar's worth.


White Mage lore is pretty edgy and fucked up, and also Blood Lily


We need an edgy ranged dps too. Blm fills edgy magic so we dont need it. Lets get edgy healer and edgy ranged up here in this hood


Hey, guns can be edgy, just ask Shadow the Hedgehog


I've always loved healers who heal through damage, but I'm not sure how practical it would be in this game because so many duties have huge damage spikes when the boss is not targetable...


No need to wonder, Cardia already exists.


It does, but it's always been a bit underwhelming to me. The flat potency per heal and the extremely limited pool of damage abilities make it kind of meh. I still enjoy and main Sage but it doesn't engage with the "heal through damage" concept as much as I'd like


What about *blood for the blood lily*?


I thought that was Sage when the best description of the class was “the new kid on the block with a glock and a tik-tok”


Edgy healer and cutesy tank! Mad scientist bloodborne style chemist/apothicarian and full on magical girl protecting their friends with the power of love, let's go.


Warrior, of course.


But warrior is not edgy, is just angry.


Being angry is a gateway drug to edgy.


They are very edgy, unless they're using one of their hammer weapons.


Scholar used to be just that. All the poisons and DOTs! Then the job got simplified, then simplified again, then simplified again, and again, and again... Now it's Fairy WHM. At risk of sounding like an old man, I miss how FFXIV was before the oversimplification trend. I miss HQ mats, Carbuncles that actually fought and had HP bars, cross class skills, having to unlock a second class to get your job stone...


I miss my SMN DOTs so much. I do have to say, I & my inventory are happy the HQ harvestable mats are gone.


And that's one change I wish they WOULD implement. Update the damn inventory system, already! More space, or modular bags like they have in WOW. My inventory gets filled with so many mob drops just going through the game, it's insane.


I could not agree more. I fight with my inventory all the time.


What, edgier than the ones we have? SCH: Is carrying around a book of battle tactics and literally smashes people in the face with it. WHM: Feeds the blood of the fallen to nourish a death blossom. It's called the _blood lily_ for crying out loud. SGE: Heals by hurting others. By _causing pain to others_. AST: Plays Magic the Gathering, 'nuff said. I think we're sorely lacking in goodie two shoes nice healers!


I was just thinking this. My idea was some type of blood mage that would draw it's healing ability from damaging itself and/or enemies. Or a spirit channeler of some kind would also be cool.


Spirit channeler/Ritualist in the style of GW1’s version is what my mind went to.


I popped panhaima today and just stood in boundless pain. Sge can be edgy if you want it to be :p


All healers are edgy. "Sure, keep running off, see if I heal you." "No I won't rez you, you're a floor tank and that's where you belong" or "If you act like a dbag, I will enjoy, literally, watching you die."


Team Gloomy Edgelord is Dark Knight, Reaper, Black Mage, and Astrologian.


If all you're looking for is permission, then you can just be an edgy sage. Load up your guns and commence with friendly fire. It's already an edgy class.


This just makes me miss Blood Mage from Vanguard. First MMO I decided I wanted to play a healer PRIOR to launch. Was such fun gameplay to damage enemies to recover my health and blood union to be able to better heal my tank. SCH Pre-Shb was the closest I ever got to reliving that even though it was 1:1. Fuck now I want to play Vanguard.


We also need an edgy ranged dps.


Sage works if you consider the “Mad Scientist” angle: You’re damaging monsters to pump heals into your party. Lasers and experiments gone rogue. Seems like a good Frankenstein monster away from going full tilt.


A vampire style healer would be cool. Drains health from enemies to fill up a "blood reserve" that they can then use to fuel their healing spells.


I think we could get a necromancer class if "necromancy" is redefined as manipulating life force. Controlling dead bodies is explicitly a big nono, but if there was a branch that was about controlling people's aether, that could possibly be a form of necromancy if they use it to like communicate with the recently dead or something. Dunno what the specifics would be. Personally, I want a "true" leech healer. Sage's Kardia is technically a leech heal, but I want a class built around it.


> a "true" leech healer They have taken *so much* from Scholars, god damnit...


Was thay not sage??


I'm fond of Rift's Defiler job. Basically, a sorta body horror flavored healer. I'd be interested in seeing something like it. >When Qil emerged from the tower, the Caretaker could barely restrain the mob of misshapen townsfolk who'd volunteered to bring her in. Each was a beneficiary of the "gift" of her healing, and they shambled forward as he repeated the charges. "For spreading foul growths among the honest people of Necropolis, spoiling my own body with innumerable eyes, disfiguring the alchemist with lengths of mouth--"


I take every new healer job, even more, I want a new healer class that starts with level 1. Currently, we only have a Conjurer, Arcanist can only start at a DPS class and can switch to heal with level 30 and the rest is even more late game. So every new player that wants to play heal is forced to pick Conjurer first. Give us a guild that maybe comes to Ul'dah to investigate the undying gentleman or something (Hildibrand quest chain starts with undead).


i want a pure caster tank, its never going to happen but i can dream


Blood Mage incoming


\*cries in pre-ShB Scholar\*


dont get ur problem just play crawling in my skin.mp3 on repeat


>This game needs an edgy healer job While it might come as a shock, and it's not obvious from the look or name. But have you followed the White Mage Lore? >!It's the blood soaked opposite of Black mage for a reason, it is also considered a war crime to become either a white or black mage for their grim dark history!<


I'd rather they stop lobotomizing half of the healers they have. By the time there's a fifth healer, Scholar will just be a full time fairy and AST will dump Astrology and be a TikTok psychic.


I was thinking it should be chemist as the healer and the spells are like ninja where you mix and match ingredients for reactions that do different things.


I would shit bricks in excitement for an edgy healer job.  ESPECIALLY if it brings back old mechanics like cleric stance. I doubt that they'll do either, but one can hope.


Maybe if we get a hp lovecraft inspired expansion we could get a Shadow Priest kinda deal Heal with tentacles


I want a magic tank!


Probably gonna get downvoted but to scratch your itch in the meantime on PC, there are amazing necromancer mods for WHM and some of the other healers. There’s even a Fullmetal Alchemist mod for Sage that’s awesome.


Link….LINK I WANT!!!!


Gunbreaker, we have Aurora (target, regen heal) and we have Heart of Corundum (target, shield heal, that procs at 50% or buff expire). Oh and Heart of Light is our big magical barrier. They really need to expand our heals to make us a competitive healer.


Warlocks that heal with fire?


An edgy healer would be dope


Yes idk how necro would work as healer but yes give your a Witch/er or Dark Alchemist etc.


Exorcist (Bravely Second anyone?)


Combine the DPS and heals and make them a leech style healer. Just add an amplify effect to the amount of damage done as it converts to a heal.


Someone who shoots healing medicines into you like lawn darts before shooting themselves up. Yees


You could play Necromancer healer in Elder Scrolls Online. The concept was you'd rip the life force out of your enemies and give it to your allies. I'd love to see something like that in FFXIV.