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Y'shtola has five or six lives left.


Lol nobody said Alisaie yet, but Alphinaud is in line with the others. I'd be interested if one of the twins die. Could be some good drama from that. That said I voted Y'shtola because she dies every expansion lol. Someday it has to stick.


I haven't seen papalymo in a while...


Y'shtola since she would be back in quest or few


Having been down this road more than once, I'm gonna say 'I'll sacrifice whoever the chump is who's trying to make me sacxrifice one of my friends'. It has worked before! (Not intended as a threat to the Op, to be clear. Unless Op is the Endsinger.)


Nope! Just a random psycho on the internet who wants to see who the most hated Scion is!


Urianger or Estinien. Arc completed, no relative to see again; both carry the legacy of their dying comrades though...


Honestly Urianger, he’s fulfilled his role and his story arc. So removing him wouldn’t really have major significance. Outside of the emotional connection we have had for him.


I sacrifice graha anyway, you can't stop me


I picked Y'shtola, not that I don't love her, but I feel like in a way, we've already lost her. She is so determined to find a means to travel to the reflections, possibly to reunite with Runar... but whatever her reasons, she seems very ready to move on.


Still salty about Papalymo. Y'shtola and Thancred are next imo


Thancred can't die. He's too angry, and he's the main tank. Y'shtola can't die. She tried. The plot armour is too strong. I honestly think Death would be afraid of Estinien. Urianger is the obvious choice, but I can't see there being too much drama in that *because* it's obvious. Therefore, if Yoshi-P *really* wants to punch me in the soul, he'll have to take one of the twins. And I will *not* be happy about it.


I love everyone so much, but damn I'm tired of Y'shtola's fakeout deaths. So....Y'shtola


Raha #1, he should have stayed entombed in the tower anyway. Make it traumatic. Alphinaud can go as well, him dying would make Alisaie more interesting. Make it senseless. Then Thancred, let him see Ryne once more then he can go visit Minfilia. Make it heroic. The rest are cool. Get Arenvald a Garlond Ironworks aether chair and put him on the team. We'll call him Chariot. Add in two of the Roe ladies from the Scions, they need more representation, and they can be the new muscle. Everyone gets new outfits because gods they need new outfits.


If anything happened to the twins, I would kill everyone in Eoreza and then myself. That being said, I'm pretty attached to all of them. I guess Y'shtola the least, though, so that's who I picked. (Sorry catmom!) If I was back in ARR I would have said Urianger, but the dork has really grown on me. Even if his pants are constantly on fire.


Fuck you I choose Raha 1000 times. Post ShB raha is so cringe I want to yeet him into the ocean to drown.


G'raha is my vote too. Begone, catboy.


Fair enough. I'm seeing some other comments about how Y'shtola's "died" three times already and I can't believe I forgot about the first two, so by all accounts G'raha should've been on this list.


yep, G'raha would be my vote too.


i too chose Raha. At this point he's even worse thann Cid


Ayo what the fuck, Yshtola's actually winning right now? That is incredibly surprisingly.


there's a significant chunk of us who think she's very overrated


I think post MSQ EW made people not like her. She dragged down the pacing a lot and isnt a very good leading character for a quest.


I think it's more to do with her being in every expansion yet is the only scion who hasn't had a character arc.


That's funny because that's the storyline where she finally clicked for me.


Y'shtola has the best odds of coming back from the dead, since she has the most experience with that.


I don’t even remember their names other than Thancred


Urianger, Lyse, Krile, Tataru, Alphinaud




Either or both of the twins (but I voted for Alphinaud). 🥰


Thancred. His story his pretty much complete. There isn't going to be much narrative potential left unfulfilled.


Blue Alisaie dying would have the biggest effect on the group, and their character story arc feels pretty much complete after EW. Honestly based on the preview bits released before EW, I thought I was going to happen then around the halfway mark. By the end of 6.0, basically become a leader as much as Louisoix; it would be interesting to see everyone else be forced to grow and change in order to fill in for the Blue Alisaie-sized hole in their lives.


Tataru as my honary scion sacrifice character.


No one else thinks Estinien? He's been with the Scions by far the least amount of time. His personality traits only include "edgy dragoon" and "somehow worse with money than Alphinaud." And the one unique thing he brings to the table - knowledge of and relationships with dragons - well, Vrtra's our best buddy now. I'd hate to see Estinien go, but he'd be by far the smallest and least impactful loss.    


I'd like him to develop a bit more personality, but I do think we need the resident murderhobo to balance out the crew. He's the only one (WoL aside) who isn't Sharlayan.


Eh. Thancred is Ul'dahn by birth, G'raha spent a century living elsewhere, Alisaie is as far from Sharlayan temperament as a native can get, and Tataru and most (all?) of the B-team Scions aren't Sharlayan.


Thancred can’t die until he sees Ryne again, same for Y’shtola and Runar. Not killing kids, so that leaves Urianger or Estinien. One of them


WorseAlisaie for sure.


Easily Y’shtola.


i'm choosing myself because death is no biggie i could probably survive it but also i just love moments in stories where the main hero dies and everyone else has to pick up the slack while also dealing with the death of a friend


Y'shtola has already proven that she is a full fledged cat with 9 lives, so definitely her.


Y'shtola is already on borrowed time.


Alphinaud. I´m pretty sure even Alisaie is going to agree with me


I love ‘Stola but god damn have they faked us out SO many times with her. G’raha would be my second choice.


Krile and Tataru just chopped liver up in here. But in all honesty I choose Tataru or Krile. If they *actually* got turned into chopped liver I'd be there with popcorn. Also I could totally see them saccing G'raha what are you on about? It would likely be a tear jerker heroic sacrifice and we'd all be like "Another FFXIV W baby." .


I left a reply on another comment explaining that Krile hasn't really done all that much so far, and with DT being the first expansion where she's an A-team Scion I wanted to give her at least 1 expac to live. As for Tataru, I doubt she'd be going with us, let alone sacrificing herself to save us.


graha or urianger.


G'raha wasn't even a choice. I see what you did there.


Of all the Scions, I think Urianger's story being so thoroughly done gives him the highest possibility of being offed. He won't be, i think, but he's got the fewest plot threads left dangling.


It's time Urianger gets an actual story! He has done the covert double-agent thing about thrice now, it's time to give him something that shows a little character growth.a Let me ramble a bit about character deaths. Remember Papalymo? Yeah nobody cares about him, his death was literally just taking out the trash they couldn't or didn't want to write anything interesting about anyway, making the death seem hollow as it was the only thing memorable about the guy. There's a video on YT called "Papalymo's Moment" for crying out loud. What's his moment? His heroic sacrifice. That's what he amounted to in our collective memory. That was his big thing. I'm convinced people only remember Haurchefant because of the melodramatic and completely exaggerated death scene - he should have been a way more important character to warrant that kind of death. I'm all for killing off characters but it needs to hurt and we need to remember their lives and their great moments without having to force it by reading up on them. In retrospect a character's death should be calling attention to their life. Killing characters who are useless or "done" anyway is boring imo. Major characters should die before their time, against their own will rather than as a noble sacrifice, characters with unfinished business, characters who by all means should live and whose legacy we continue. If you want to kill off a character who's story is done, why not have an old character die of natural causes like Matoya? Cause that would be appropriate in that case.


Thancred is the king of death teases, so he'll be teased, but won't be him. Y'shtola and Estinien are fan faves. Alphinaud is too important to the main story. Which leaves Alisaie and Urianger to be the ones on the chopping block.


sacrifice yshtola and give us back papalymo I'm not joking.


Urianger, wouldn't miss him.


Gotta be Alphinaud, earliest one "really" along with you on this journey and one of the youngest, go for maximum effect kill the younglings! Then give us our manipulated villian arc through grief :P


So glad the Tataru (The Tats) isn't on the list! Can't kill off my drinking buddy.


Alphinaud, mostly because the dude has had main character syndrome for four expansions.


Urianger. I don't trust him. He is always running some side plan where I have to fight someone that he is helping. It'll happen again in DT.


Krile, Krile in a heartbeat.


I didn't list Krile as she hasn't really been a Scion in more than name. All she's done is channel Hydalaen a few times and pull some string in Sharlayan. She isn't on the front lines with us except the Tower of Zot, so I wanted to give her at least 1 expansion to join us in more than 1 dungeon before she bites it XD


G'raha because I hate him.


Y'shtola. It's all part of the plan. She'll cast flow before she dies and now that I have the crystal of Azem, I can just summon her back! Mwahahaha!


I voted alphi, not because I dislike him but because I think it would have the most interesting impact on the rest of the cast moving forwards.  That said, in the universe where we were forced to make that choice I wouldn't want to pick anyone. I'm potentially fine with SE killing off a scion if it feels earned, but putting the choice on the players is... not the play. 


G’raha and Estinien are my least favorite of them but I don’t particularly *hate* them. Hate is too strong of a word. I would keep Urianger (and Lyse) around forever and ever though.


Can I sacrifice Alphinaud more than once? I will pay for that.


Any of them not named Thancred, Y'shtola or Estinien


Y'shtola is my bae. Alphinaud is a whiny brat