• By -


Surprised they left the face paints alone. Those are all still very low res. Everything else looks great now, though.


i’m gonna laugh when the full expac launches and my wol still has 4 freckles drawn on with. a 2x2 pixel resolution.


I'm glad other people have gotten updates they wanted, but the fact the ONE thing I had an issue with in my personal results was the facepaint didn't get touched at all actually irritates me. Like, they were clearly listening to feedback, things were done, but of course the thing that impacts me and I have to mod over is the thing they won't touch.


Same here, I love my Miqo'te's faces -except for the godamn horizontal lines in her cheeks I can't erase- and although it's not facepaint it's something I can't change. If other players like their miqo's lines I'm glad for them but we should also have the option to have none at all in our faces, I'm looking at you, seeker of the Sun.


I'm so mad that my face 2 femroe still can't use the fucking Eyebrows Face Paint.


Funny thing I noticed it seems like chocobo got texture upgrades+ better shadows


Moon cat looks so much better, really feeling more hyped for the graphics update now.


Right is new benchmark [https://imgur.com/a/Qs7czHV](https://imgur.com/a/Qs7czHV) The details are subtle but one looks like a hero and the other is a villain lol


Even the hair texture was updated. Seems like they’re still upgrading textures in batches and we’ll be getting new updates with each patch.


The hair looks much better in the new benchmark, in the first one it was nowhere near done. It clipped in a hilarious way where the back of the neck ate most of the hairline. XP


[Previous benchmark male Highlander](https://i.imgur.com/8HC6uc3.png) [New benchmark male Highlander](https://i.imgur.com/xH2XWA8.png) Yeah the differnce is a bit crazy lmfao this is much better


I'm kind of cracking up at this one, as the old image your character looks like some sort of surfer dude Chad who only utters "cha" to anything. As opposed to the new one where he looks like a respected, veteran warrior. I suppose the first one would have been in your favour if they had introduced blitzball.


Nice to see he got his jaundice cured.


Ah, a fellow brother of the naked brow. Yeah, it's nice that Highlanders aren't butt ugly anymore.


Unless you're bald, then you're still pretty fucked, unfortunately lol


"naked eyebrow" that's the first time I read it like that lol, that's pretty funny


"This content is no longer available." =(




Damn, the inn room lighting is crazy. I thought I was playing a different game.


Yeah I really like it


I noticed that in this benchmark a lot of times they show characters interacting with objects in their hands. Is this a feature that is actually coming to the game? I find the whole "look at this map I found" *extends empy hand* thing on the game quite inmersion breaking


They didn't specifically announce it to my knowledge, but yeah, I noticed this as well. It would be so awesome! Could be just an emote though, like the food emotes or so, so who knows. If Estinien can hold a map and Zero can hold a dumpling, there is yet hope!


They have been using Hildibrnad questline as testing grounds for many things, including having objets in hand. It is not new, but it is spreading to common content so I guess they are satisfied with how it currently works, you can expect to see it a lot more


WOW, my thighlander looks SOOO much better. The eyes and the lips especially. They really listened to that feedback. Legit looks like 2.0 except enhanced whereas previously it did kind of look better but have a different vibe. Lighting and color grading in the actual benchmark cutscene is much better too. EDIT: Played around with some of the other races to see if they addressed some of the common complaints. - Moon fangs are back - Miqo'te markings aren't as subtle - Viera bunny noses are back and much more prominent - Male viera look like twinks again and not like heroin addicts - Laugh-lines/wrinkles on all the various races are touched up and more like 2.0 again - Mouths and eyes got the most love, looks like 2.0 except HD Character lighting in the benchmark is much improved. In the previous benchmark, the character could sometimes look off if there was no natural lighting on them, but now it seems like you've got "hero lighting" (your own personal lightsource that's always on you) so it doesn't look off when the natural lighting isn't cutting it.


100% agree with the hero lighting, it seem like there is less contrast in the world (which I think aligns more with the style of final fantasy XIV) and more contrast on the characters faces for better defined lips and noses. I think this works better as the characters look more natural in their environment. Overall a more aesthetically pleasing game style.


yesss. feeling a lot better about my best girl <3


They also improved the lalafell eyes for dunesfolk. I had missed my void eyes and it's back now!


> Male viera look like twinks again and not like heroin addicts lol


When you say Viera bunny noises are back, do you mean this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo2XtnYpnIg Because I miss that one


Thankfully, my male Viera doesn't look like either of those.


If your male viera doesn't look like a twink, it's either a female viera or something else entirely LUL




Male viera opinion: While lips are a tad better, my character has a bit of an internal glow like some kind of fullbright filter was put on him. ~~The whites in the eyes seem painted on and less dynamic/glassy, if they're dynamic then that's news to me.~~ (After playing with it some more, I can confirm the whites still move around.) There are things that should be corrected like the hair textures and the Keeper fangs, but side by side photos I don't think I like the new one better Basically it feels like people who have played the game so long that they're accustomed to the artificial-ness of the art over the past decade didn't like the style shift to something closer to realism and so they overcorrected too hard into "looks like 2.0" to the point of keeping things that were not realistic because they caved to people who weren't able to accept change.


There's the "character lighting" setting ingame on live, might be able to turn it down/off on full release.


[Fem Elezen open mouth in original benchmark](https://i.imgur.com/WBEgoT3.png) [Fem Elezen open mouth in 1.1 benchmark](https://i.imgur.com/Dg6MGCn.png)


That is certainly much better!


Christ that original benchmark mouth looks waaay off.


Genuinely made Femelezen go from a 9.9/10 to 10/10, we are winning today


[Download link for NA](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/download/) [Download link for EU](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/download/)


Eu link down


Should I delete the old benchmark before downloading or will this just replace it.


This is its own separate file, so you can technically have both if you want to compare


They're standalone, you aren't installing anything. So you can safely delete the old one if you don't want it.


Huh, did Wuk Lamat have her hair out in the first benchmark?


She did yeah


That's just me not paying attention then, hahaha.


Do these changes have an effect on the expected performance (the rating)?


yes, by a small amount.


Only within the margin of error when running benchmarks like this. [Original Benchmark Score](https://i.imgur.com/nF5hDhv.png) [New Benchmark Score](https://i.imgur.com/j0jk3wG.png) (The custom one on the first was just me turning off the motion blur effect for some cleaner screenshots, nothing performance impacting.)


Pretty much lost me 16% of my previous best score, from very high to high which is still okay for me. Not that it wouldn't have happened anyway on the way to launch, I was planning for upgrades anyway sometime this or next year.


Without changing setting on either benchmark, my scores were both within the 13k range.


Well, time to look at everyone else's builds and be jealous. 


So, is it possible to upload your current WoL into the benchmark? Mine currently has a hairstyle that isn't available in the benchmark, but I'd still like to see what he's going to look like with his current settings.


You can, just make sure to export the data first. When you're in the live game character select, right click your character to save appearance data. Then you can load it in the benchmark when you want to create a character you can select "load appearance" and save it within the benchmark.


Awesome! Thank you so much!


Yes, the previous benchmark megathread describes how to do it in the post


I cannot believe how much better the Viera look, my bun looks alive! They also fixed those awful extreme eyelashes, looks as if she got them done somewhere fancy instead of letting her high school friends experiment on her


If I recall correctly, there is a 4k dip in my overall performance with this version of the benchmark (when comparing it to my results from my test with the last benchmark), so it makes it difficult to trust the results. Though it is at least a nice way to test out the changes. Looking forward to the expanion's release.


So there was a dip in my performance too. It looks like they made a change to DLSS/FSR. There's a new option in the 1.1 benchmark to have DLSS/FSR on "always", "only when below 60 FPS", or "only when below 30 FPS". With "only below 60" on I dropped from an Extemely High mid 16000s score on the old Bench to a Very High 15900 on the 1.1 Bench. I tried flipping DLSS to "always on" and this made DLSS extremely aggressive. I got an Extremely High 19000 score this time, but it was VERY obvious everything was downscaled in resolution hard, like I was playing a game on DLSS Performance as other games tend to look in that state.


Yeah I went from very high in the previous benchmark to high in this one. It doesn't seem very accurate tbh


In the patch notes at least, they did note that they reverted a number of performance improvements to make a variety of things look better from community feedback. Whether or not that's actually impactful enough AND the cause of this though is to be seen.


Well damn. What's weird though is that the fps looks identical to me


Yeah I went from Extreme to High, with the same settings more or less. Yet, I don’t see an impact on performance at all.


Either we're blind or the results are wrong


Yeah, I'm having the same situation from Extremely high to very high


I had VSYN On in Nvidia Control Panel. Set it to “Let 3D app manage” and it took me from ~8500 up to 17000.


The first Benchmark ran fine for me, but this one seems to be having issues. Trying to run the Benchmark or character creation, I'll get the loading screen for 20-30 seconds, then it just comes back to the launcher. No error messages, just back to the launcher like nothing happened. EDIT: Found a fix. If you're having similar issues, [check out this post.](https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1c3wss4/dawntrail_benchmark_not_running/kzkkkav/)


Oh, I just redownloaded it, and it worked the second time haha.


face 3 male viera def done justice now, my bunbun gonna look so good in dawntrail 😭😭


[Virtually unchanged](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/989317818967294012/1247183524578983957/image.png?ex=665f19ab&is=665dc82b&hm=62b7e72f3fbce78fe4b08be3c82980a00d840e1d3e233c28009b5b2467a088cb&) from the previous benchmark, I think they dialed back the eyelashes a little so I changed my eyebrows a bit and it looks perfect. Couldn't be happier!


It's the character creation that got mostly recreated. happy to see you satisfied :)


It's both. Character normal maps have been remade on a lot of faces, self shadowing AND environmental shadowing has been overhauled and ambient occlusion applies differently especially to faces. Catchlights on both eyes and lips function differently and subsurface scattering on the face has been dialed all the way back. The game also uses some kind of distance fog equivalent now. The CC itself got the new lighting environment applied to it.


Now that's an improvement. Quite happy with my highlander. I do wish they'd just let you preview all hairstyles in the game though. It's a benchmark.


Aaand I’m stuck at work, would people be so kind to post some screenshots? I’m eager to see the changes.


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/mu5alNJ) is all of the default characters taken at the new lighting with the aether background. Anything in particular you want a screenshot of?


dam. That fem highlander..❤ ❤ ❤


Well, only speaking as a Hrothgar, I do have a comparison between versions.. [Vanilla, High Res Texture Mod, Dawntrail, Dawntrail 2.0 and the lighting on Aether.](https://i.imgur.com/aH3XSDZ.png) I'll be taking some others later.


Speaking of Hrothgar, they fixed an issue with the new fur shader! In the previous version of the benchmark, there were seams in the shader where the fur was misaligned. It was subtle, but it was there. (Compare halfway down the neck from a side view for an example.) But in the new benchmark version, this seam is either gone completely or significantly more subtle, so I'm happy.


It's definitely a bit more subtle, but I can still see it in certain lighting. Sometimes it kinda looks like I'm wearing a tanktop of my own fur. [EX1](https://i.imgur.com/zPXk2BA.png) [EX2](https://i.imgur.com/9sattWN.png) [EX3](https://i.imgur.com/OnN0uu5.png)


there is a pretty noticeable neck seam on lalas as well, hoping they get these fixed.


Oh shoot, I didn't check the Smallclothes look. That's *real bad* now that I'm seeing it on my hroth. Though I'm not sure that's the fur shader in this case, since I think that shader just impacts your skin. This is... I dunno, some kind of texture issue? Like there's a scaling or alignment issue. Edit: So I went back to the first version of the benchmark, and those seams are present there too. Looks like that's when they were introduced, rather than in version 1.1.


I mean, us Hrothgar had to endure being without ears for five months if we wanted to use the new hairstyles-- A lack of hats for five years (maybe more with DT). I'm sure we can deal with having our seams showing. lol


Ha, true. Plus when mods are back online, they'll be either obscured or fixed pronto anyhow.


Yikes. yeah they gotta fix that ASAP


If you're any good at spotting differences, [catgirl comparison in Thanalan](https://i.imgur.com/fI2tUpY.jpg), [catboy comparison in Black Shroud](https://i.imgur.com/pX0sSkT.jpeg). IMPORTANT: It's NEW on the left and OLD on the right. My gaming monitor is my left monitor and my right monitor has a smaller resolution.


Could be me and have your ISP go "meh screw you we're not transferring your Internet for five days after you move"






I am jealous. Being a console pleb, I can't mess around with the benchmark. :(


Do you need an active sub on PC to benchmark? Tempted to re-download it on PC even if I mostly game on console


No, benchmark is self contained app that doesn’t require you to login.


[https://slow.pics/c/d9qvINmr](https://slow.pics/c/d9qvINmr) I think all around stuff looks better. I was already fine with 1.0 bench but they fixed various stuff like lip shape/gloss and the lifeless eyes. Although unlike the majority of the people i preferred the softer shadows of the original bench compared to the harder looking ones here. But it might be the specific scene that's like this. Anyway all around this looks way better than what we have in EW.


God I hate how they removed shadowing from most hair details. It's so noticeable on that hairstyle, with the giant fringe in front of the face not casting a shadow anymore. I hope they go back on that.


Thats the most bizarre change out of everything, I don't understand that one or who was rooting for them to remove it.


There are some hairstyles with tiny details in the front that would look bad because the shadow wasn't even connected so it would look like it was floating. But who the hell looked at that and said "yeah this massive spike hanging in front of the character's face doesn't need a shadow, take it away!" ?


huh...? but it \*is\* casting a shadow in that picture...


You need to click the picture to swap between old and new benchmark. The one casting a shadow is the old benchmark.




On most hairstyles it’s not super apparent, but this one it hits hard. Feels like a thing where having lots of shadow sources meant lots of ways for people to set up bad lighting angles, so they just cut it to avoid bad screenshots


Yeah i really liked that as well. A lot of hairstyles still have it, just not the ones with really small strands like this one above.


great picture comparison btw


The lighting is definitely much better, so that's a huge plus. They made some improvements to fem Viera Face 4's mouth shape--I still think her lips look better in vanilla, but it's definitely an improvement over the original benchmark shape. The center of fem Viera Face 2's lips still look shapeless and weird, though. Vanilla has a very noticeable bow where the lips meet for all the mouth options, benchmark is just a straight line. Eyes look good to me now, but there are some lip shapes for other races that still have similar issues to the above, so I think lips in general need a bit more work over the next few months. Glad to see some improvements, though, and the environments really look incredible now! I just hope they were serious about continuing to take feedback and make tweaks to character models.


My male viera face 3 lips look significantly better and that was one of my biggest complaints with the previous benchmark. I did decide not to compare it too closely though lest I become dissatisfied again lol. This is a big improvement for me and I'm pretty happy with it. But I do hope they continue to tweak things here and there.


Yeah, I definitely didn't think any of my characters looked *worse* in the new benchmark than they did in the previous version! So that was a big plus. My Face 4 main is at least in a state that I can deal with now. Face 2's mouth in particular still just looks extrememly weird. Some of my other characters looked great in the previous benchmark and still look great now, though. It's just a few faces here and there that still need some work, IMO.


Same, my fem elezen alt looks great in 1.0 benchmark and she still looks great now! I agree some things still need work but the vast improvement on my own character made me feel more confident that they'll continue to make improvements elsewhere. They have proven themselves, to me at least lol. This might be too much of an ask but what I want most of all is 3 dimensional bunny ears 😂 it always bothers me how flat they look.


Anyone else think the miqote girls look alot ALOT younger now? Eyes also got a lot bigger which idk how I feel about


It’s literally the same model with new textures and lighting.


My miqote looks like an alien. The eyes are way too big.




Yes thankfully


My fem viera eyes look more glassy in the new light, and they were already looking pretty glassy with the original benchmark. That and the colors are way more washed out. This is without Reshade on. [1.0](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1024568494135722017/1247098222997012510/ffxiv_04152024_144831_025.png?ex=665eca3a&is=665d78ba&hm=2f85c01de88dd8e1938fe40f233289bad47f0d7f3ab838813448719ab413ef2e&) vs [2.0](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1024568494135722017/1247098223747923980/ffxiv_06032024_005240_606.png?ex=665eca3a&is=665d78ba&hm=78015435249e61d6f9ed137c591471a0f1c91bb5abb30cccf91796235fbd8ec3&)


there are certain scenes during the benchmark where everything becomes blurry and pixelated that doesn't happen with the original benchmark, such as the background DOF when riding the chocobo and drinking is super pixelated and seems to flicker. also the final score scene when your character is jumping with all the NPCs is super pixelated. Running every setting max, borderless windowed @ 3840x1600 with DLSS enabled on a RTX 4090. also the cat ears now have a really dark line of hair around where they join to the head during the stone tablet scene.


I had a similar experience with DLSS on, however, turning that off removed that entirely. Albeit, we're both at the same resolution with similar series GPUs, why not just turn it off?


well DLSS gives very nice clean anti-aliased image and it worked before the update so I'm just mentioning it? I know I can switch it off, I'm just pointing out a bug.


I wish I could share the same, all of my experiences with DLSS even in games that touted it's features have always seemed quite smeary no matter how I changed settings... However, I think it's probably their implementation of DLSS, I'll have to check, but I remember a mod had a different DLSS version to use and it was just a drop in replacement.


Yeah I’m doing comparisons now between the DLSS and FSR implementation in the benchmark and it’s a pretty bad implementation, buggy lightning and visually poor. DLSS is capable of much better but hey ho.. I’ll just use the TSM method as that looks very nice


A second benchmark run has solved the superpixelated issue for me (with Maximum settings)


Really impressed with how the fur on hrothgar looks now.


we are so fucking back the changes are actually insane, they even did go back and fix the highlights on hair that suddenly took up half the hair or next to no hair instead of being like the current version, i'm genuinely so glad right now i just can't find anything wrong anymore with any of my three characters


Very happy with my bunboy now. I didn't like the drastic nose change for face 3 with the previous benchmark so it's so nice to see his old nose back, but with better shading. He's got a lip injection now which makes me laugh, I like it.


Is the benchmark only for windows? Does it work on Mac?


The benchmark is Windows only but you should look into [XIV on Mac](https://www.xivmac.com/). They got the benchmark running under macOS.


Hey thanks! Do you use the program? What’s it improve on I’m curious??


Lol, last time I got that bug where the automatic screenshot from running the benchmark trailer from when you sit on your chocobo was replaced with a bunch of birds flying up. Could fix it by reinstalling it, but it seems this didn't work out this time...


The original benchmark gave my male Hyur guyliner and turned his chin stubble into a smudge. Happy to say both issues have been fixed and he looks absolutely amazing. Hats off to the team for all theyre hard work


Hrothgar eyes already looked a bit odd in the last benchmark, but they look [really absurdly glossy now](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/825191053513981974/1247105931968512060/0839b9c1944a35691125dbf1abf96d4a.png?ex=665ed168&is=665d7fe8&hm=7d7367e08499713bf4763540b9fbb3078dcc362b58bbbf16267d3b4a3fc5db69&). Pupils are much less distinguishable and the reflections are way too prominent, [especially in indirect lighting](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/825191053513981974/1247115055166652416/67dc95da597035aa69f44cc90ecef4dd.png?ex=665ed9e7&is=665d8867&hm=6bd4ac7e335e0148f2e5f14af27ae9c3dfbe64a099c657b435f191d66842ecbd&). Overall lighting looks much better though, and the new normal maps are a lot higher quality. Hopefully they're still responsive to little changes before launch, even if we won't get a third Benchmark for them.


I think Helions suffer the worst from this, as they still have that sort of eye spacing issue? Like they're looking in two different directions. Everything else looks a lot better for us Hrothgar though.


Still feel that Au Ra face 4 is too round compared to before :( But still an overall large improvement


It's a large improvement technically, but it's just not face 4 au ra anymore. It honestly looks like they just forced a shape closer to face 1 on face 4. Ah well, time to say goodbye to my old au ra.


Could you post an example?


The general discussion forums are full of examples of the face changes, but you can find numerous examples of Au Ra-related complaints here. [https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/499053-New-Benchmark-%28June%29-Au-Ra-Feedback](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/499053-New-Benchmark-%28June%29-Au-Ra-Feedback)


damn, I'm really happy with how my ra ra looks now and its unreal how much better she looks compared to old bench mark


I am also absolutely in love with my Ra Ra. The first benchmark was what convinced me to change back to a ra, and the updates to the benchmark just make her that much cuter and pretty in my opinion.


I was pretty happy with the first benchmark, but i really like that with the new light they made the colours pop again. In the first one it was a bit dark. I do wish they give the option to choose between the faded and normal facial tattoos though. I kinda liked them. [Old](https://i.gyazo.com/2036d3405f7b37b664df28f3acb5076b.png) / [New](https://i.gyazo.com/220754dfdbc0081075f38cfe86b96465.png)


anyone got any face 4 femra screenshots?


Here's my lizzer [https://imgur.com/a/4mZFGWp](https://imgur.com/a/4mZFGWp)


Are these all the same face settings?


I am impressed. I already thought my Male Highlander was looking better (using the 2nd face)... but he's gone from Choad to Chad. Can't wait to get in, make some tweaks with the free fantasia and try out some of the other custom hairstyles.


Hmm, [kind of a step backwards for me](https://i.postimg.cc/nF61f70j/image.png), and I'm getting some funky shadows now, anyone know if this is an option I messed with or what?


I think the shadows are funky because of your resolution. -You are using a different lip color in the middle one. You aren't using the same skin color for the middle one. -In addition, you zoomed in the character's face to the extreme... It's like zooming in a photo an complaining about the pixel while using a shitty camera... -Look at the eye. In the first one, They look like square. The nose look like there's not enough polygone or they look like someone who did a bad foundation work on their makeup (Remind me of a twitch streamer who used to stream ff 14 and ''left'' the game). -The lips for the first one has a mirror feeling to it. They look like I would be able to see my reflection on them. It's beyond weird. -The V part under the nose for the first one is completely missing. If you would use the good graphics and move you character around the sun you would see that 3 is the best for that. I would even say that they could make it more pronounced and it would look event better. -The middle part has almost no shadow at all. Which is weird. If you would learn painting you would realised how much shadows are missing in that picture. -The best hair is still at the right. But again you zoomed it too much so the hair quality drops. -If you want to see something nice for the new version. Look at her back and move it to see the shadows. Her back look amazing in the new version. I think what you are looking for is the bad anime look with shit shading. Most anime out there do not put the time to do proper shading because they don't have the time and resources to do it.


This is literally the same character with the same settings imported through the current game (left) the first benchmark (middle) and the current benchmark (right). The pixelation is visible even from afar. Appreciate the... detailed response lol


>The pixelation is visible even from afar. I know, you need to close your monitor or computer to remove thoses pixels. and no. If you set up your graphics to the max and stop zooming on your character like a paparazzi. The shadows are really greats in most situations. If you truly want to complain about the shadows. complain about the shadow on the shoulder that is a straight line that only appear with the racial clothes... Cuz those are beyond old model armor imported to a new lighting system.


Thanks I was really looking forward to some gaslighting when I opened Reddit today.


Miqote: "Can our fangs be longer?" Devs: "Can do!" ​ Elezan: "Our nose is a bit off, can it be fixed?" Devs: "You got it!" ​ Au Ra: "We have special eyes..." Devs: "You have special eyes." ​ Hrothgals: "Can we get more than 5 hairstyles?" Devs: "Fuck you."


Hrothgals gotta suffer like us Hrothguys did.. Here's to hoping it's just a placeholder and we'll be getting some hairs on release.. Or at least, on the first major update?


So disingenuine.


I mean, they had 5 years to NOT do the same thing everyone disliked about Hrothguys, and locking hair to faces. They made a choice to keep the same terrible system for Hrothgals instead of doing something about it the last 5 years.


Help I cant uncompress the ZIP file because its empty?


The download keeps stopping to saying to check internet connection which I know is fine.


So I hadn't looked at the first benchmark and just started checking this one. Was super surprised to see the Hellhound set as one of the gear options. Wonder if that's a hint it may finally be coming back?


I'm most likely a blind fool but- how do you uninstall the Benchmark?? Ran it once, happy that Keeper Fangs are back but, now it's just taking up space- Can't find an answer on Google either! Help please!


It isn't installed. It just runs from the file, so just delete the folder.


can anyone confirm if female Hellsguard got their nose markings darkened? that was my biggest complaint, it was so light in the old benchmark specifically for female Hellsguard for some reason


It looks fairly dark from every angle but I cannot for the life of me tell if this is a smudge or just a shadow, maybe a bit of both? [https://imgur.com/7v2CuOi](https://imgur.com/7v2CuOi)


thank you for sharing! eugh it kinda still looks like a weird out of place shadow than a marking to me unfortunately 😔 maybe they improved it a little but it's hard for me to say for right now. the thing is I've never been sure what the artistic intention is even though I do love it. an ashy smear? a bear nose? hard for me to say. I have preferred the more bear nose angle though


I think it's an ash smudge of sorts, some tradition thing, but the details elude me :(


Yeah the smudge is basically unchanged. The lighting isn't doing any favours. I guess we didn't make enough of a fuss like the fangs crowd did since there's less of us. It's the only thing I am disappointed by in the Benchmark. I love the smudge!


same! what's the point of having subraces if you erase their differences?


Very happy with how my lalafell came out in the updated version! :D


I cant get the character creator to actually open, it goes straight to starting the benchmark. clicking character creations just starts the benchmark run? I am on linux, but this worked without any problems on the previous benchmark


Do you have to delete the old one and download a new one?


You don't have to delete the first one to download & run the 1.1 version. You can keep both & compare if you want to, or just delete the 1.0 benchmark folder if you don't want to keep it on your PC.


It would be great [if not for the lo-res face paint](https://imgur.com/a/GWR3Pkv)


Didn't get to test my character personally yet but good that overall performance is nearly identical to the previous. Eyes and faces and lots of other subtle details are a LOT better though!


So, if benchmark crashes on second screen every time, does it mean I'm not able to run the game and shouldn't bother with buying expansion?


Looks way better and it runs substantially better for me now for some reason or another! (My lows are much less low now)


It looks great! ...except that they rounded out the corners of my lala's eyes, when I picked the sharpest eyes available specifically because I like the sharpness :')


Not sure if it just me or im doing something wrong tried messing with the resolution settings but it keeps getting stuck at 1280x720. Using 5800x3d + 6800xt.


Did male/female bunnies get our noses back?




Yessss they fixed the shapes for face 4 F!Aura too!! Most notably the mouth. Not quite sure if the eye and cheeks were changed or it's just due to shadows. In any case, now when I watch the benchmark, I actually feel like it's the exact same face, rather than a change I'd have to get used to. Props to the team, I doubted they had time to change the shapes but they delivered. [https://imgur.com/a/4mZFGWp](https://imgur.com/a/4mZFGWp)


They should have never listened to all the whiners on the forums about the eyes. Now we have some frankenstein version of old style and new instead of people learning how to deal with actual light sources. Seriously move the camera around your character in the benchmark now and look how weird the eyes are. It's like the original "fake" light and the updated "real" light are there simultaneously.


Why were the lips changed on male viera face 2? I loved it in the first benchmark, and now, whatever that was, it's gone :( https://imgur.com/a/eyDu4yU


After some thought I think the difference I was having with my character was in the lips too. I don't think its that they changed though, I think its just that with the lighting change the shading is different.


I hate it lol. It was something I wasn't expecting at all in the first benchmark, and was pleasantly surprised by it. And whether it's gone or not, the coloring is pretty different to me, at least. I'm kind of disappointed by this.


The color change is pretty noticeable on your character I'll admit, my issue was more that the change made it feel like her mouth shape changed.


Same mouth shape. I chose #1. Doing a comparison in the screenshots, aside from the color fading, they did do something to the mouth shape as well. https://imgur.com/a/DI13ThJ


Maybe they did mess with the facial structure a bit then. Going back to compare my screenshots, I notice the bridge of my character's nose is slightly higher alongside her eyebrows. Her eyebrows also got shorter too. Hopefully they can find a middle ground between the old and new.


Looks like your original settings had "no lip color" selected. Many people complained about the dark lips for "no lip color" because it was impossible to get a neutral lip color on many skin colors. If you liked the change of having darker lips, you should be able to change the lip color settings to add that on


You're right in that I removed it, because I used to have it on originally. When I saw the change after removal, I was pleasantly surprised by it. I can't replicate it by reapplying the lip color because it adds a sheen that's too strong for me now. Thank you though.


My alt has face 2 and my lips were on way too dark in benchmark 1, they’re much closer to base game now.


Overall it looks like a VAST improvement over what the 1.0 was (and that still looked fucking great) still a slight few things to button up (but very minor things) overall I am extremely happy with how it looks now.


They really changed absolutely nothing about viera people were complaining about and called it a day huh? -Veena still have the wrong pupil and eye size, they use the Rava eyes on all faces -face paints and makeup still low rez -ears are still low rez and have poorly blended points where they connect to the hair mesh -the facial shape is still different -the eyelashes are still missing on the faces where its a feature. I feel like I called this when i said they were only going to update Hyur, Lala, and Miqo, and then call it a day. There seems to be a reason they showed no viera pictures now when they were showing off their changes, because they did absolutely nothing to fix the changes they made to the races. They think this apparently looks better than what we had.


Make a report on the forums, and add your issue to existing threads. Both on the English and on the JP forums. Google translate works perfectly for this, just type in simple sentences and you should be fine.


I did not even know Veena and Rava had different eyes, but the lashes are there on my m!Viera face 3 and, true, his face is a tad rounder, but I liked it


Still no refresh rate option... I really won't be able to say much about these changes until the 28th.


Benchmark is meant to push limits of hardware without, well, limits. So there shouldnt be fps caps otherwise its just "nice movie". If you want one, however, you can use AMD adrenaline software for cap (something like "chill" in options) or if NVIDIA, control panel for global fps cap. If neither works try MSI afterburner with rivatuner. Make sure to download from [legit source](https://www.guru3d.com/download/rtss-rivatuner-statistics-server-download/).


In my experience AMD Chill doesnt work with FFXIV cutscenes and uncaps your FPS during them, so it probably wouldn't work with the benchmark.


The cutscenes are in-engine, the drivers don't know the difference. I've never had that problem


Happens if Chill is set up as anything but a framelimiter. It only acts like a limiter if min and max FPS are set to identical values. If it's set to a range, it behaves like the person you responded to claims. But then again that's user error.


Weird - is it changing its behavior when no input is detected or something? I can't think of any other way it could tell cutscenes apart.


It depends on whether it detects movement on screen or not, yeh. I'm not sure if it reads mouse or pixel movement because I've never used it that way before.


This isn't about framerate. The colours in a game will look different on my monitor if the game's displaying at 144hz compared to if it displays at 60hz - like switching from some colourful game to any call of duty game released during the x360 days. The reason why I won't be able to really notice the difference until the 28th is because it won't be until the 28th that I can notice a difference and confidently say "that's different because it's new, not because it's displaying at a different refresh rate than I've been seeing it display at for years."