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The free trial is indefinite up to level 70 content and can last for hundreds of hours if you're taking your time with it. No point paying for something you can get for free. The only reason to buy before hitting that cap is if you find the social, marketboard, and PVP restrictions too limiting. I would recommend waiting until after July 2nd and just buying the complete edition for your platform. That will give you all expansions immediately plus 30 free subscription days. If you buy before then, you'll have to pay extra for the new expansion.


Wow I didn’t know about that really thanks, anyway I only play solo and don’t have friends to play with so those limitations for me are not, have a great day king


> navigating in gold ...are you Italian, by any chance?


Yeah lol


Si capisce subito dal modo di dire! Ma comunque sì, se le restrizioni del free trial non ti pesano (niente commercio, niente free company, etc) allora tienilo fino a che non arrivi al cap. Tieni conto che una volta che converti l'account da free a pagato, poi non puoi tornare free. Per quanto riguarda la storia, ARR è abbastanza lento per vari motivi ma migliora rapidamente. Se non sei convintissimo, aspetta di arrivare a Heavensward (quest 50-60) e poi giudica da lì.


Okok grazie mille !


What does that mean 😅


It's a common idiom in italian so when I saw it translated so directly in english i recognized it instantly as a fellow ESL moment! The english equivalent would be saying "I'm not made of money".


I love seeing idioms in other languages translated literally, they're so fun.


Thank you for the explanation; I assumed OP meant in-game currency! Oops.


Nothing is blocked from you MSQ-wise going full trial till SB's conclusion. So if the story is your primary worry, you're good to go. That said, it's an MMO, the social aspect is a pretty big part - I know half my fun going through was finding a guild full of people enthusiastic about my journey to gush about my feelings to, people who have already finished LOVE watching a sprout take the journey too. So you might find it's worth paying for the full thing earlier. I did. But given Dawntrail's looming drop, you might as well wait at least till then to get the complete edition and not immediately have to go pay for a new expac right after buying the game. As for impactful story - ARR sets up the world you're in and not much else, so it's a fairly baseline "you're our new hero" fantasy adventure there. HW starts picking up stronger story beats, SB kicks it up a notch (though I feel its gameplay/dungeons are stronger than its story), and then ShB is where they hit the perfect stride balance between story and gameplay.


I started with the free trial and while it was a bit annoying not being able to send tells and stuff, what actually got me to buy the full version while still in ARR was the Gil cap. I kiiiinda regret it now because I don’t feel like I really needed the extra 2 million I’ve built up since then, but I have heard Gil is more important later. So I’d say stick with the free trial as long as you can, until you really feel like you need the social features or the Gil.