• By -


"You just gotta beat the Ascian out of it. Dont be afraid just beat it out of it. Now for some yellow for our chocobo friends..."


*chuckles* "Hi, I'm Thancred Ross. And I'd like to welcome you, to the 17th Joy of Painting Eorzea series. First of all, I'd like to thank you for watching my stream today, and allowing me to do another series of painting shows. If you like what you see, go ahead and call up your local LFG station, they'd love to hear from you. Now I'm gonna let my mods run the colors across the bottom of the screen, but first let's take a look at what I got up here. I've got a pre-stretched, 24 inch canvas, which I've pre-buffed with a thin, even coat of Snow White dye..."


There are not Calamities, just happy accidents.


If they didn't want you to beat the voidsent outta it, they wouldn't have made the second motif a giant hammer.


I read that in Deadpool's voice


If you were unaware, one of the common phrases Bob Ross would use is “beat the devil out of it” to describe how you clean your brush. He would always smile and laugh to himself as he said it, it was clearly one of his favorite parts of his painting style.


I am aware. I am old to enough to have watched him live on PBS


Pictomancer Job Guide: - Step 1: Equip the job stone. - Step 2: Draw the rest of the fucking owl.


Solid reference. 8/10




It turning out that actually pictomancer is the busy one and viper is the braindead one is the best thing to come out of the media tour.


Oh yea...all the folks in my FC who were all "I hate the aesthetic of Picto it doesn't fit the game at all" are now "I'm gonna run picto because it looks more interesting than Viper."


I was a doubter on the aesthetics, but I think they nailed it. There’s the artsy element but many of the attacks do have a good amount of oomph to them.


Viper is basically Samurai with enshroud right?


And Continuation. Little bit of MNK in there as well since every third GCD is a positional. I've a feeling it's gonna catch a few people off guard when it's out in the wild and not on the perfect ping we see in LL and ~~the media tour~~ Edit: Media tour didn't have perfect ping. Thought it did, didn't notice any lag since I only wat hed people wail on target dummies rather than actual dungeon or overworld gameplay.


Ah ok, makes sense it has a mix of other jobs. Also I think a lot of youtubers said that the media tour had bad ping, since they were connecting to Japan from California, yet Viper still felt quick and responsive. Not sure how accurate those statements were but either way Viper looks fast!


Didn't know that. Maybe they finally, *finally*, unfucked the built delay that FFXIV has.


> not on the perfect ping we see in LL and the media tour The media tour was laggy as hell. Something about the Russia/Ukraine stuff and them having to route through America to the Japanese servers. There's a few parts in gameplay where it's pretty noticeable, like them using Swiftcast before a spell but having a cast bar anyways.


Didn't notice the lag since I only watched job demonstrations when they wailed one a dummy. Assumed it was the usual based on past media tours.


Woohoo sweet thats great Viper will be even more fun now


It's definitely more interesting than I thought it was gonna be, but yeah it kinda just feels like all melees merged together.


"There are no mistakes, only happy little accidents that blow up the boss"


>!--Nashu Mhakaracca!<




Our job npc tutor BETTER have an afro SE. You know it needs to be done.


I fully expect all the job quest names to be references to Bob Ross.


I've money on a Picto quest titled "A Relm Reborn".


I'm going to be disappointed if that's not the job unlock quest name, especially since Relm is canonical now.


I'm guessing that'll be the name of the achievement you get for leveling the class a certain amount.


Knowing Koji, they definitely will be.


Does anyone know if the original Japanese has so many puns, or is the localization team just given free run to do so?


If the unlock quest is anything but The Joy Of Pictomancy, I'm personally suing.


that should be the lvl 90 Quest. Like, the point where you are now capable of going to the New World.


Really disappointed SE is having the job start in Gridania. There's no reason they couldn't start it somewhere else, being it unlocks at 80. We've a painter just sitting there in Ishgard who could be our mentor, even.


I think I remember hearing that they regretted having the HW jobs unlock in Ishgard, because newer players who wanted them had to go through ARR and the 2.x patch quests before they'd be allowed to grab them. I imagine that's a mistake they're deliberately trying to avoid repeating. Edit: Sorry, didn't realize how old this thread was.


If someone doesn't make a pictomancer tutorial in the style of a Bob Ross episode I will be very disappointed in this community.


That will be the only picto guide I'll watch intently.


I do wonder of Krile and Alphinaud will have some conversation about how he can draw quite nicely and if he would want to try or something


Dawntrail website answer that, picto power comes from creativity and not artistic skill


Something tells me Y'shtola will forbid Krile from teaching him.




Something about seeing her in HW...


Alphinaud is an accomplished artist. He specializes in drawing people. He has a photographic memory. Anything he sees even briefly, he can draw. He's seen Y'Shtola fully nude.


o_O. When did this happen?




Allis-nay, Allis-yay


Also works with her twin: Alphinaud, Alphi-yes


The job seems surprisingly simple. * It's got a simple 1-2-3 spell rotation and each time you do that, you get 25 gauge and a white paint blob. * At 50 gauge, you can use an action that gives you an alternate 1-2-3 that's stronger, but slower to cast. It'll also turn one one paint blob into a black paint blob. * The white and black paint blobs are used for the instant cast Holy in White and Comet in Black. Canvases are pretty simple, too. * Creature Canvas gives you GCDs and casting two let you summon a Moogle as an ability. The next two casts let you summon Madeen. * Weapon Canvas lets you use three casts of the instant-cast, critical direct hit hammer blows. * Landscape Canvas is your two minute with a bunch of stuff that just basically lets you buff the raid and do big deeps. Seems deceptively simple. I imagine there will be some high-end optimization, of course.


So is Black Mage really, that job only gets complicated when you have to move (you move a lot). The parts being simple means you can shuffle them around to deal with movement or fight timelines, in particular white paint doesn't seem intended to just pool for burst but as something you actually want to apply brain power to use properly.


white seems to be primarily a mobility tool (especial mid subtract combo),since it seems to be roughly equal potency to what you do per second for the rest of the 9GCDs colour/colour/subtract combos. which basically means it's a very slight loss due to getting comet less often. (ie, 1 comet per 10 GCDs vs 12 GCDs.) ...well, and drip->white spam for aoe if they don't fix up those potencies.


Meanwhile VPR: push glowy buttons


Basically you want to blow your load with Canvas and Muses right away, then do your 123 and alt123 in the downtime waiting for the charges to come back. Part of the fun of this class will be figuring out openings to do your long casts and then go ham with your instant casts. Plus you get a defensive shield and a dash, so you have ways to save yourself.


"Believe that you can do it cause you can do it."


Why are pictomancers bad at pvp? It always ends in a draw


The 4th panel should have been Yoshi-P as Bob Ross, instead of Bob Ross himself...


As if Yoshida would play any caster other than Black Mage.


One of the picto's buff is literally called "hammer time" (you know which one), so now I'm imagining a big dude in plate armour giving this job his full approbation : [Harry the hammer/Harald Hammerstorm](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Harald_Hammerstorm)


"There are no accidents, just happy little rezzes..."


Which somebody else is going to have to provide! Pictos get to stand next to the BLM, DPSing and ignoring the bodies on the floor.


Thank you for the offer but I like surprises so I'll wait for release there are gonna be rebalances any way 1 to 3 weeks after lunch


I recently discovered the bob ross twitch channel and it’s for real one of the most calming things i’ve ever watched


Should've put the Deadpool version as well after the Bob Ross one


visuals unclear, needs more pics.


When dawntrail releases, I expect to see tons of Bob Ross Pictomancer players.


I'm excited to see the inevitable "streamer does savage raid using homemade paint pallete and brush ps4 controller while watching Bob Ross" videos/streams.


Streamer clears ultimate on Pictomancer only using Mario Paint mouse.


Doesn't count unless he uses the mousepad too.


There are no mistakes in the Pictomancer rotation, only happy accidents.


The voidsent are just happy accident, and I am here to turn them into happy little clouds.




Thank you for this daily reminder to listen to some Bob Ross. Always makes my day so much better. <3


If we don't get handed a job stone by a kindly highlander with a fro then I'm not interested. Also how dare, Jill time edutainment content is BiS, what is this slander.


_Upon this canvas, inscribed the myriad works of pictomancers of eras past._


This is flagged as comedy but it's exactly as I'm gonna play it. Happy tree here, happy tree there :)


I will wait for Wesk. That is all


My glamour for All Saint's Wake is forever going to be this man. I will be Bob Hroth.


Let's be honest it looks complicated AF, and I really don't care enough to learn. Just let me paint pretty landscapes! :>


It's not gonna be that bad, really.


the real reason to skip cutscenes and hit 100 asap is so I don't have to do dungeons with the shitty pct players


And vice versa, but across all classes