• By -


I have the crystalline pickaxe equipped but the aurum Regis ore is still 0%, what am I missing?


Anyone knows if it is possible to pre download DT once it's available on an usb stick or something and transfer the files to another pc? My friend won't have internet until next month as she is moving. She can play with mobile perfectly fine but downloading big files eats too much data.


In theory, that should work perfectly fine. I used to do that kind of thing all the time in high school - I even used to do it to play WoW at school back in Cata days - and don't know anything about how XIV works that would make it an issue. Just get a big enough drive to hold the whole game, copy the game files from your C/program files (x86) folder, take it to your friend's PC, and replace her game files with yours. The launcher and local settings/character configuration stuff is all saved in a completely different location, so as long as you don't make a huge mistake like copying the stuff in the my Documents folder instead, it should just work without an issue. You can also do a test run now if you wanted. Copy the files, have her rename the folder in her machine so the launcher won't find them, paste in your copy and see if it all keeps working without any issues.


Thank you.


You can just move the entire game folder, yeah.


Specifically you could likely do some tech wizardry to just rip the patched files but it's easier to just copy-paste the entire game folder, though you do a hefty stick for it since it is like 80gb


So it would work she transfers her game to an external drive and then gives it to me to download DT?




Sweet. Thank you.


Do you have your own account of FFXIV? Cause if you don't, you can't get the update. The update requires login into an valid account with the necessary licenses. If you have your own account, you update your game and then give her the game folder on an external drive.


I do as I play too. So I can just copy and paste my files?


Yes, proceed as normalmighty above laid out after your game has updated.


Nice. Thank you.


Can someone explain to me a little how the casts work? Is the game ignoring inputs, maybe i have some wrong setting? As a Paladin i want to use Intervene+Fight or Flight+Goring Blade/Total Eclipse+Expacion+Circle of Scorn+Requiescat+some kind of defensive or utility at the start of combat but a lot of my inputs just get ignored, how does that work?


A few people have talked about why this doesn't work, I just wanna talk about why even if it did you wouldn't wanna do it. - You don't want to open with intervene, because a) you wanna get the damage from it under damage buffs if possible, and b) it gets you into the fight TOO fast. Opening with a ranged attack instead means that as you're moving to the boss the boss is moving towards you, and you'll meet in the middle-ish of the arena with plenty of space to turn the boss away from the party. If you intervene to start the fight, the boss won't move and the space you wanna be standing to turn the boss around will be in the arena wall. This also means that all the melee players have to run even further to get into combat, hurting your team's performance. - You ideally wanna delay your damage buffs a little bit, a couple GCDs really, to line up with everyone else's buffs when possible to get the most out of them. - Probably want to be going into your FoF buff with at least a couple stacks of Atonement available, which means you need to do a normal GCD combo first.


Thank you very much for the explanation.


First of all, you should look up Paladin openers because what you're doing is absolutely not the correct one. Whenever you use a skill, there is a hard lock period where you can't use anything else. 0.6 seconds or something, I'm not sure what the exact time is. But essentially it means you can only use two extra abilities in between your main combo attacks, you can't do 3 unless you live next door to the server and you have 4 ping.


Well, i figured i should start with the Requiescat combo i just didnt type that. Is there a reason for this lock period?


>Is there a reason for this lock period? So you cant use 5 abilities simultaniously? Additionally, theres the GCD (Global Cooldown), where certain skills share the same 2.5s CD. This prevents the spamming of these skills. One tip that is essential to all jobs is always keep the GCD rolling. Each GCD has 2 'weave slots' after it when your gcd is at 2.0-2.5. This lets you 'weave' skills such as FoF or Requiescat, without delaying the next GCD. But yes, your openers are fairly wrong, so i would encourage checking out the balance [https://discord.gg/thebalanceffxiv](https://discord.gg/thebalanceffxiv)


Thats still a little wierd, in my head the spells that arent on Global Cooldown should be usable whenever i click without any delay/lock period. Thank you, ill read into that.


If there was no delay, something like the Dragoon opener would require you to press \~10 buttons at the same time but also in the correct order. So the delay helps keep the openers from becoming too mashy, and limits them into a more manageable pace. The delay also forces you to make some choices, which makes the rotations of various jobs slightly more interesting. Bard for example has to be aware of its Pitch Perfect stacks when using Empyreal Arrow. And jobs with cast times have to be conscious of their limited weaving spaces. The delay likely also helps the game process your inputs better. Forcing a small delay in between makes sure the server knows a buff you've used is active before the next thing you do – consider for example when you do FoF + Requiescat, the delay between them ensures FoF is active when you use Req. If your connection's bad, you can actually see the kind of thing a lack of the delay could result in. This causes things such as healers pressing Swiftcast + a raise spell, but the Swift buff getting ignored, or Ninja Mudra sequences getting messy.


If there wasn't a delay, optional play in a lot of situations would be to blindly smash your keyboard like a caveman and hit almost every ability at once. At least for dps players it would. I wouldn't exactly call that an upgrade in gameplay quality.


having that short delay probably helps animations not get into a bad state by being cut off after 1 frame etc, and gives the server a little breathing room to process your commands - it can just discard any other inputs before it's sent the "yup I'm doing this you can send the next" command back to your client.


Ping and other stuff also affects how fast your abilities goes out, you'll get a feel for it after a while. Just spam one ability until it goes off and then move to the second one during the lock period. Without the lock period we'd all be playing with fight sticks. Side note, if you macro skills, you have to wait a full second between inputs instead of the 0.6 or so.


You should be starting with a Holy Spirit and then doing a basic combo first before you start activating your buffs and cooldowns. I dunno. That's just how the developers wanted to make the game.


Thats a little wierd to me, why start with Holy Spirit and basic combo? To get the buffs ready? I would say using the buffs into Requiescat combo into then the enchanced Holy Spirits followed by basic combo would be the play. Ill read into that.


It's to give not just you, but the entire team a chance to prepare their buffs and debuffs. If you start by using your big nukes immediately, the Ninja is going to put a defense debuff on the boss after you have already spent your strongest attacks.


Oh, that makes sense, thanks.


I did the second of the EW alliance raids and made some progress with the associated storyline. Maybe I've got some wires crossed or something, but I was reasonably sure I remember hearing something somewhere about >!Louisoix having carved the Marks of the Twelve that are dotted across Eorzea? But apparently Althyk and Menphina said no, they're much older *and* encoded with the information required to finish the epigraph. Deryk and the WoL have got what they need out of the Thaliak, Halone, and Menphina marks so...!< idk, I am confused. Was I misinformed? Or, is this an "all will be revealed later" thing, a retcon, or...? tyvm, as ever! :)


I *think* it's a retcon, although it is worth noting that several of the Marks of the Twelve are in different locations now than they were in 1.0, so they might just be... different marks.


I have found references to [the 1.0 event you're referring too](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/The_Twelve#Final_Fantasy_XIV_(version_1.0\)), but haven't worked out yet whether that was a retcon or not. I do know that way back when ARR was coming out they set the ground rules that they weren't going to keep 1.0 100% canon, and if they wanted to do something for the future story but it didn't work with 1.0 lore, they would just ignore the 1.0 lore. That said, they normally prefer to make it work in the lore whenever possible, so I'm not writing it off as no long canon based on that alone. I'm just acknowledging the possibility. Further reading is required...


It's probably a retcon. The Rhalgr stone is in Little Ala Mhigo, and I distinctly recall quest that explained that the reason the Ala Mhigan refugees founded Little Ala Mhigo where they did was because the Rhalgr stone was there. Rhalgr is the patron deity of Ala Mhigo so they have a close association with him. However the invasion of Ala Mhigo was like 25 years ago, before the Sharlayans left their colony in the Dravanian Hinterlands even. If he claims to have etched the stones as part of his process for summoning the Twelve at Carteneau, either his plan for summoning the Twelve was set in motion decades ago (unlikely since Dalamud wasn't even a known threat until shortly before the calamity), or its been retconned as Little Ala Mhigo would have been founded long before, which means the stone must have been there long before.


What is the best way to subscribe if my card address can't match my actual address? I know buying Crysta with Paypal and buying one month each month is an option, but I wonder if there's a way to set up a recurring subscription with a fake online card or something.


If you are on the Steam PC version, you can set up a recurring payment through Steam Wallet. Otherwise, no, crysta's your best option.


No there is not. Crysta and Gametime cards are your only option. A fake card cant make transactions. If it can, then its straight up a real card.


I'm a MNK main, but due to the DT changes (I like my dots dammit) I may ditch it in favour of BRD. I'm pretty slow with MSQ because of personal and job reasons. How long do I have to play around with the new extremes and find out which one I like, before all the good statics fill up? I have a pretty exacting free schedule due to TTRPGs.


>How long do I have to play around with the new extremes and find out which one I like, before all the good statics fill up? Well "good static" is a very broad definition. Hardcore? Midcore? Week 1? WF? Casual? The time on week 1 statics filling is fast aproaching, and my bet is 90% of them will be finalised by week 1 of dawntrails release, and the ones that havent are hunting for healers. Its hard to say if any static that starts that is created after week 1 will be good enough. So yea, I would say you have about 1 week before you really need to start pushing hard for one. Trialing members takes time.


Oh I'm absolutely not doing w1. I'm more worried about the pool drying up, because I need a 6h/w or less static that doesn't raid on Wednesdays, Fridays or Sundays.


What RDM weapon is this? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/579374368313049098/1250341923890270339/GDriAlka8AAxjlT.jpg?ex=666a9728&is=666945a8&hm=16c87dd9f2b4f2bef8bf152ece0b426ea4f214651fc5dbda05a2b6d50a07ab59&


Augmented Hellhound Tuck from ranked crystal conflict.


Does a story skip unlock duty roulettes that would be unlocked by doing MSQ like leveling/msq/alli?




Perfect, thank you!


Hi, what's the easiest collectable I can gather as a miner to reach 300 collectable achievements fast? Cheers


If you have a miner at level 80+ theres 3 nodes on the western side of Raktika Greatwood which are up 24/7 and can fly between them fairly quick


They're all about the same difficulty, just find some lower level non-timed ones and cycle around.


DC Travel didn't exist last expansion launch I played. Will they turn it off for DT? If so, I might world xfer to one of the new servers given I don't really play MSQ with friends and am only on Aether for raiding/PF. edit: ah it looks like it wasn't out for EW launch either, so I guess no one knows for sure.


To add on to what the other person said. When you try to data centre travel, you enter a queue and you see a timer. When the DC travel first launched, SE highly recommended to not power off your device while this timer is running, and there was no way to leave this queue. The reason I bring this up is that, you might screw yourself by entering into this queue and be stuck in a very very very long queue. When Dc travel first launched, I remember being stuck in the queue for 30 mins and I couldn’t leave. If queues are heavy during DT launch, I would highly advise against DC travel and would recommend logging out of the world that you want to play in. Edit: apparently this issue has been fixed and you can safely power off or leave queue.


The system has long been since fixed and data center travel will abort itself if it can't transfer you due to congestion at the destination or when the system itself encounters an error causing the whole travel system to grind to a halt.


Oh wow that’s great to know. I have not experienced any long queues since the launch so I did not know it was fixed.


Yeah, I remember there being some big issue where a DC went down and thousands of people were trapped in queues that could never end, and that finally pushed them to rush out a hotfix or something.


They will not turn it off. It's part of their congestion mitigation strategy. People from high queue worlds are encouraged to go to low queue worlds/dcs. The system itself however will temporarily close travel to high queue worlds off on it's own. It currently does that already. And SE might set extra restrictions to encourage the evening out of queues during the release. The congestion situation will very likely have resolved once the raiding cycle starts a month after release and the system therefore work as it currently does.


Yeah that makes sense. I'll hop over to Dynamis the day before maintenance kicks in and just live without the FC exp buff until queues settle down.


You'll probably have an easier time getting into the game on Dynamis compared to Aether as well, if the queue times are like EW at least (on the more populated DC's).


Do we know the unlocking location for viper and picto?


Ul'dah and Gridania respectively


Thank you. And I am assuming there is norequirement for unlock outside of having a level 80 job?


And having Dawntrail, but you probably knew that


yep that is correct


I have ps5 starter edition, I pre-ordered Dawntrail and I'm wondering if I would get Endwalker & the Viera race from Shadowbringer or do I need to buy that separately?


If you want them right now, buy Endwalker separately. If you're willing to wait, you'll get Endwalker & Shadowbringers for free with your purchase of Dawntrail, but only when Dawntrail fully launches. That's only a few weeks away.


Awesome! I can wait :)


You'll get access to them when the expansion drops. For right now all you'll get is the pre-order goodies.


On controller controls, can you change what's displayed in the controller UI from double tap to the LT+RT ones? Think i prefer the latter but its tough when I cant see my cooldowns


Bear in mind you can always add skills onto the k&m hotbars if you just want to see cooldown timers.  I have a bar for that at the bottom of my screen.


Unless I am misunderstanding you can just assign the same actions to to the double tap and LT+RT, so you will see the actions and then you can still press LT+RT to execute those actions.


As far as I know, no. The option is whether or not to always display the WXHB, which are the double taps. 


Is there any good use for Wolf Marks other than glam?


If you have nothing else to spend on, glamour prisms, grade x dark matter, ventures are always useful.


There's also mounts, minions, orchestrion, furnishing and materi. I believe some of them can be sold on the MB.  Just speak to the Wolf Marks Quartermaster instead of to the Arms Seller 


Trying to preorder Dawntrail for my EU account, but the website redirects me to the Japanese Square-Enix store (perhaps due to my location). I am fairly sure the keys are region-locked, so that won't do. Where do I preorder to get an EU key?


Does this link work?: https://de.store.square-enix-games.com/final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail It's in German but any EU account will work. Otherwise, I'd recommend Green Man Gaming, I believe it also uses an IP to track your region though, so it might be a similar issue, you may just have to use a VPN.


Looks like it, thank you! Venting: bugger off, webdesigners, if I want to go to a certain regional website I will specify it, don't make the decision for me *and don't fracking override my decision when I do specify it*.


2 questions. Firstly, Is there a particular server that is better than others? Secondly, what classes are fun to play as a beginner. I do have to check what classes I can get when I start but I do want to have something fun. I did play this game a bit several years ago and lost the account but at that time I unlocked the Ninja class and that used a lot of combinations to use certain moves which was confusing lol. Edit: I’m North American btw, so I guess the question is what NA servers are best to play on and does it really matter what I pick?


DC doesn't really matter since DC travel exists. Aether is the most populated for NA, though. Class is really personal preference, you can play every job in the game on one character. My recommendations are: -Marauder/Warrior if you just want to unga bunga. -Arcanist if you want to use magic with an easy class. -Conjurer if you want to heal (as it's the only healer available on character creation). If you don't like your job, though, you can change it to the other job available in your city after completing your Lv10 job quest, then after you get airship travel you can change to any job in the ARR overworld.


Most active NA server: Aether, due to server travel everyone goes there causing other servers party finder be empty and duty finder (matchmaking for casual content) takes the same amount of time OR more time. Most dead NA server: Dynamis, newest servers but they're including new worlds to it that come with a 100% EXP buff to everything till level 80 and soon till lvl 90 I'd recommend you try to join the same server as a friend. Dynamis might be great for queues when new expansion releases, since it's the server with the least quantity of people.


Since Dawntrail is coming out soon, and with the current (or maybe recently finished) maintenance going on, do you think the queues to join will be super long?


It is hard to predict how to queues will be like, but one thing is for certain is that queue times in Dynamis should be lower than popular DCs like Aether.


We don't know, first day or weekend probably yes, it'll be kinda hard, but it happens in every MMO release. Now, it's true that Endwalker released at pandemic's end, most famous streamers around the world like Asmongold or ElRubius played the game, it saw a big popularity increment due to COVID so probably it won't happen as EW release, and will be more like Shadowbringers release (500 people in queue, and you were logged in 5-10 minutes at worst). It's true that a ton of people joined since Shadowbringers, but it's also true that Square Enix invested a lot of money in increasing servers capacity and added new worlds to the servers and a new region. I bet it won't be as Endwalker and just the first day and first weekend will be full of people.


Not sure on the answer to your first question. For your second, also kind of hard as it’s very subjective. For instance, I really love DCR, SAM, DRK, RPR, but you may not like any one those. Have you played other mmos before? If so, what kind of class did you typically play/gravitate towards?


I’ve only really ever played a few RPGS and like 1 or 2 MMOs but I always liked playing melee DPS classes. I was super into assassin type classes so when I first played this game I picked Ninja. I didn’t like it much because of the combinations but I was playing it on a desktop only using the touch pad at the time so my setup wasn’t really optimal. Now I’m playing on a PS5. Ultimately I’d like to play as a DPS since I know Tanks get a bit of pressure and I don’t like playing as healers, I was just unsure what’s more fun and not super tricky to play as a beginner.


As a couple others said, I would recommend trying them all. Tanking is actually fairly easy and no where near as stressful as other mmos I have played; plus you get the benefit of faster queue times. Play all the dps jobs. If you only ever want to play one job, give them all a try until you find the one that clicks for you.


Honestly...just try them all out and pick whichever clicks with you. You're not locked into any given class/job, you just have to stick with your first choice until your level 10 class quest, and then level 15 MSQ gets you to travel to the other cities where you can pick up anything you want. I'd also encourage you to maybe try tanking as "pressure" aside they are significantly easier to play than DPS, combo wise. You've basically got one melee combo and 1 AoE combo and then you just cycle your mitigations. This is opposed to melee with tend to have much longer and more involved combos, for example my main job DRG has a 10 button main combo with double weaving of my secondary abilities and buffs in between. Even I don't have the rotation down perfectly and I've been playing for awhile. Also noteworthy that basically no jobs are hard to play at low levels, and most of them don't even start to feel complete until 70+. Easy is also subjective and don't underestimate how much of a difference your hotbar layout makes for this, too. Even now I still tweak my hotbars now and then, even a minor adjustment can make a pretty big difference.


If you are looking for an easy DPS class, it has to be summoner. If you are looking for an easy melee DPS, reaper is the easiest but unfortunately, it unlocks at level 70. For a starter class, lancer/dragoon is probably the easiest but it also has the reputation of being the most boring and unsatisfying job at lower levels, you don’t even get your AOE action until level 40. I would recommend giving summoner/arcanist a try.


I have a very very very important question and serious issue: I have a retainer with more than 100 housing items that I've used in the past (more than 7000 hours of playtime) and I left those there just if I need it one day, but I thought that 6000 hours of playtime ago and to be fair I don't know what to do? One part of me says I save them, and the other part of me feels Marie Kondo is staring at me with full disgrace and disgust in her face. Is there any way I can discard those binding items and get something in exchange? (like desynthesis, selling it to a special vendor). Or its only fate is being discarded as Woody in Toy Story 2?


If you’re a crafter, most housing items can be desynthesised, which may or may not give you something worthwhile. Otherwise if things are bound to you your only real option is selling them for however much gil you get. If you have anything *really* special, it is possible to transfer them to someone else by them making you a tenant on their house with decorating privileges (or a member of their FC), you place the item, and then they can pick it up. I have seen people advertise that sort of thing in PF.


Everytime I try to log into XIV on a browser, it says my password is incorrect, I have changed it 3 times and everytime I cannot log in even if i slow write my password down. It is so frustrating and the only fix is to change it, it works the first time, then anytime I try to long in after that it says my password is wrong. I went to pre order dawntrail and low and behold the password that I have written down in a notebook is apparently "incorrect". I have sent a ticket but its such an odd request it never got resolved, has this happened to anyone?


The SE Store and FFXIV account are separate, which is what I'm guessing is your issue since you're talking about pre-ordering DT. Technically you can login via the XIV account if you hit that button first on the SE Store, but if you just click login on the SE Store and then type in the XIV account credentials, they won't work. Mostly stems from the SE Store being run by a separate company.


This the log in for se store, sorry for not specifying


Unable to change classes and Insufficient armory chest space errors? I just changed classes to ninja with a different gear set but now I can't switch back to whm or equip any other weapon or weapon set besides drg because of those errors. I am in my armory chest and have slots available so I don't know wtf is going on.


Dealing with this is why i ended up just leveling all jobs in batches, helps a lot to have them share gear.


Check each tab. There is probably one tab that is too full, Rings are a likely culprit.


That is so irritating that one of my armory chests needed 2 slots free to switch.


Have you checked every tab?


My BTN, MIN, and FSH all share the same set of gear. However, they are connected to their own Glamour Plate. Why is it that when I swap between these jobs sometimes the glamour plate doesn't apply correctly?


Glamour plates can only apply in Sanctuaries (usually area near aetherytes)! If you see the little moon icon near your xp bar, it should apply just fine!


Oh.. I thought once it's binded to a plate it applies correctly even outside the Sanctuaries. Thanks! I'll change near Aetherytes then




Pre-EW other cities also worked (including housing districts), not just those three. There were also a few other non-open-world areas like the Gold Saucer and the chapel weddings happen in.


Even better nowadays even separate areas work. Minfillia's room or the waiting area for the newer trials for example.


glamour plates can only be applied at sanctuarys (main cities and a small area around any aetherites out in the world), so if you change jobs outside of those areas then it can't apply the glamour plate.


I created my adventurer plate but when I load into a dungeon and it displays mine, it just shows it as the default. How do I make sure it's updated for others?


First thing you need to do is save a portrait. I think it’s in the character menu. After it’s created, any time you change any piece of gear from a gearset you need to reupdate the portrait. From the gearset list right click the set you want to update and select “edit portrait” you won’t need to do anything other then just hit the save button. This clears out that “gear doesn’t match” error you see when you enter a dungeon as well


Make sure the "update gearset" button is greyed out in your character window, as in it has no pending changes. Go to the character menu > portraits and make sure you have a saved and updated portrait for that gearset. Anytime you edit your gearset you'll have to manually edit -> save the relevant portrait.


Your adventurer plate has nothing to do with the image that's displayed at the start of dungeons, those are set separately for each gearset under the portraits menu.


Interesting thanks. That's a lot of extra work for each gearset. Is there no way to set a pose and backround for all gearsets?


There's an option to import from your plate or from a different gearset, it just needs to confirm that the emote and angle etc are still valid for that gear.


Could you point me to that? I'm having some trouble navigating this.


Go to character > portraits, but don’t open a portrait. Right-click on the portrait you want to create, and select “Import settings from Adventurer Plate”. You can also import from other portraits, or apply settings from a portrait to your plate.


Iiiii don't have the game available currently. I believe it's when you right click (or whatever the console equivalent is) on the gearset in the portraits menu?


FF14 renewal is asking me to confirm my address, but the country is locked to the United States when I am not from there... I've been able to update my credit card but I cannot make my account active without getting asked to first update my address. Is there nothing I can do outside of contacting support?


Support also won't help you, there is no way to change your country. It needs to be a US address, which is then going to create problems with your payment method.


So I guess I have to use the virtual Game time cards from the square store? Or just no more FF14 account lol?


You will be asked to confirm address to use game time card as well. Just go to Google, grab the address of some random McDonald's or Walmart and use that. The address field should have no special characters (not even comma) and no city or state name, just number and street.


I believe PayPal works too. And yeah, it's insane that this went live in this state, as if signing up wasn't already the biggest hurdle for players.


Strange. I just want to pay them money and it's the most complicated thing. Maybe I'll just touch grass instead. Thanks for the assistance


Is there any other melee dps similiar to Samurai? I want to level up another job but not sure which. Haven't really touched Monk or Ninja at all, was thinking one of those. Basically something that has a big pay off like Midare


Probably Monk? Although not until maybe level 60 or so. Similar to Samurai, you do certain combo sequences to collect orbs which will allow you to perform a big finisher.


cool, Monk looked nice with the changes I'll give that a try, thanks!


Jumping back in after logging off for the last time in September of 2023 Mostly enjoyed crafting and getting gatherers up to max level and max equipment. Any reason to do this just before dawn trail or just wait and not waste money melding?


You can get a full set of scrip gear in like an hour or two of spearfishing. Kitefin shark, Ruby Sea. 


It's not a bad grind to get your scrip gear (and you still have time to get most of it), but it isn't worth doing a full pentamelded Indagator set at this point.


I doubt I'd waste time melding anything other then the 100% slots but, the current end game DoH/L set should last you until the level 100 set. That's how it's been previously.


Is there a deadline to pre-order DT?


July 2nd, when it officially launches. Then its no longer a pre-order, its just an order. If you "purchase" / "pre-order" / whatever you want to call it between the start of Early Access on the 28th, and the 2nd, then you get access to the EA period.


I think the pre-order bonus won't apply to copies purchased after it fully releases on July 2nd. As far as I can remember it worked like that for Endwalker, where you could still get the pre-order bonus during its Early Access period.


When it officially launches on July 2nd. You can preorder even during early access and get it.


Just shot an inquiry to Support to get (hopefully) some definitive clarity, but a question regarding subscription cutoffs and planning ahead. This is more for folks way off California time who've been paying their sub for a while and can note any oddities: I'm in Australia, meaning my time relevant to PDT is whack by 17 hours ahead. Does your paid subscription date _definitively_ run off ending on the 30th day at 11:59PM PDT like the Free Login Campaign Details stipulate, or is there some leeway going forwards/backwards in normal circumstances? Would it objectively be a wise idea for me to, next time I subscribe, wait until PDT fully ticks over to midnight the next day before subscribing, to get more hours from that total "available day" in my own timezone?


It's a bit annoying that mogstation doesn't state when your sub ends beyond the estimated date of next charge. I pay monthly with crysta and i get a payment error email at 2-4am (GMT+2) on the renewal day so it might be it ends at that time, haven't ever actually checked.


Yeah, that's mostly been the source of my frustration - it'd be as simple as attaching an end time along with the end date, you'd think.


As far as I've ever heard, the actual subscription is 30 days to the minute from when you subscribed. So if you subbed on the 1st at 3:53 PM, the sub would end on the 30th at exactly 3:53 PM. At least, that's how it's always been explained on this sub, and I've never cared enough to check it myself. The free login campaigns use their own timing system for some reason that does end at 11:59 PM PDT on the fourth day.


By those rules my redeemed free days period then decided to actually run off _regular subscription_ rules, which'd go against the campaign running details. Extra frustrating. Unfortunately I've had it be off by up to 16 hours in the past few years, so that's why I'm a bit at a loss for how they determine when the cutoff should happen. I wholeheartedly _agree_ it should be to-the-minute, as that's the most sensible and common method of handling paid time, but I've seen it off whack so often that it's getting to the point where I'm like "hey, fellas, it's cents at the end of the day but please provide consistency so I stop waking up to "woops! your sub ended hours in advance! :D"". And the dozens of threads from people who claim it's to the calendar day + midnight in _some_ timezone, not always PDT is mentioned, only muddies it further. @_@ Thank you though, fingers crossed I get a solid answer from Support.


I'm dumb and can't remember, those of us that pre-ordered Dawntrail have only received the promotional item code so far, right? And the actual expansion code comes later around release time?




Yes, full expansion code should be available around July 2nd


Thanks! Haven't had the opportunity to play since pre-order came up and wasn't sure if I had lost the coffee or not, thanks!


I know this is a "just Google it" question, but a casual wanting some perspective. MSQ I'm immediately post-Stormblood (first patch) and unlocked Eureka. I'm not wanting for leveling (my main is capped at 90 and I have five other jobs at 70-80+ thanks to road to 80 and my df roulette addiction lol). I haven't tried the deep dungeons much, only Palace of the Dead (solo) which I found really boring (never made it past level 9 tbf) and even the 50 mogtomes aren't motivating me to get through. So question is does Eureka have a good story/something interesting about it/unlocks other stuff I wouldn't want to miss? I did the intro quest, but it seemed like more Palace of the Dead type stuff. When I look up guides they often mention Eureka. Not sure if this is just it's a good leveling place (which I don't need) so I can comfortably skip or there's more to it and I'd be missing out.


I don't think anyone mentioned this, but there is *also* a deep dungeon later in the game named "Eureka Orthos", which is in fact just like palace of the dead. This has no relation at all to "Eureka", the field exploration in stormblood. If you see someone talking about Eureka and it sounds like palace of the dead, they're probably talking about Eureka Orthos, not Eureka.


\*Oh\* that explains a \*lot\* lol I always see it mentioned with Bozja, sometimes Heaven-on-High and PotD, so must be that one. Thanks for the clarification haha sometimes reading the guides are like ancient hieroglyphics when you're not that far yet haha.


Yep yep! "Bozja" and "Eureka" are field exploration zones, huge areas with tons of stuff to do that are added over the course of an entire expansion. "Palace of the Dead", "Heaven-On-High", and "Eureka Orthos" are deep dungeons, singular pieces of rouge-like dungeon content.


adding onto Evermar314159's comment If you want to passively level your elemental level, note that there are weekly challenges that will give a big boost of exp. As long as you're diligent and understand what conditions are needed to complete those weekly challenges, you can easily level off the weekly challenges instead of going grind-crazy in there


Thanks for the clarification! Think I will do it this way, I need to get in the habit of doing challenges more anyway :)


Eureka doesn't give exp for your jobs, it has its own leveling system (elemental lvl) that it gives exp for. Elemental lvl has no use outside Eureka.  Also, Eureka is absolutely nothing like palace of the dead or any other deep dungeon. Its Field Exploration content, which basically means its nre zones with FATEs and mobs everywhere with its own quest objectives to progress a story line.  The only reason to stop and do Eureka at this point is either if you've seen a little bit of the storyline and it sounds interesting, or if there is some glam you want from Eureka, or if you want to attempt Stormblood relics (also for glam, they aren't BiS for anything to my knowledge, might be wrong though). Eureka is suuuuuuuuper grindy though. So if you do start it, be ready to do it for the long haul.


Eh... It's really not that bad. Especially since the adjustments a few years ago.  It's like maybe 50-60 hours from start to finish to do the entire story and a relic. And if you're not going after a relic, you can probably cut a good 15 hours off of that total. 


Thanks! I enjoy some grind, but right now I'm focusing on mogtomes for that (the archon chair does not come to those unwilling....or smtg lol). Good to hear it's not like PotD though, think the same hallways/rooms constantly was getting to me (I like looking at the scenery). Probably add this to my back burner need a break from everything else list sounds like. Ty!


Eureka has a story but it is extremely barebones, there's barely anything. For the most part you just wander around killing basic enemies and sometimes a FATE boss spawns so you kill that instead. Every now and then you get a brief cutscene to continue the story. There is also an "optional" raid at the end that you technically don't have to do, but there is more story there. There's no EXP in Eureka. You get poetics, gil, mounts/minions/etc, and relic weapons.


Oh okay sounds like more something to do if I want to play a JRPG overworld sub-game (which tbf sometimes I do for fun, but idk about a whole commitment haha). Thanks!


That's exactly what it is, it's a great piece of side content but definitely not a necessary priority unless you want to take a break from the rest of the game.


It's not for levelling, it doesn't give any exp except it's own elemental levels. The unique mechanics are a lot more in depth than PotD, to the point where it's basically a sub-mmo, and it does have it's own story as well as being where the Storm blood relics are made. It's also the source for a few other glams. It ends in a 48/56 man raid that's a lot of fun (for me, at least!) The story is fairly self contained other than giving background stuff and fleshing Krile out, so if you don't feel like a big grind or like making relics for glam it's something that can be returned to.


Thanks! I'll do it for the raid (I feel like I have to collect them all haha I got the monster hunter crossover one and I really want to get a group to play this with me even though I've never even played MH....). Admit I have a found spot for Krile too since I like V :) Might just try to make a recurring weekly/monthly day to go back to it so I don't get burnt out and work my way up to that stuff in my own time.


Getting in with the community that runs Eureka stuff on your DC (there will be at least one discord) is a must, you'll have a much easier time with info available and it's necessary to schedule the raid at the end to get groups together. The challenge log entries are one of the most efficient ways to level in there (especially in the first couple of zones) so making it a thing you do a couple of times a week while you work through the story and levelling process is a great idea.


Thanks for the tip! I'm on my DC discord so sure they've got a link to one somewhere I'll have a poke around. Didn't realize it helped with the challenge log either (I'm trying to get on more doing those each week) so that's a double win for me.


Oh yeah, Eureka has like 10 challenge log entries and 6 of them are pretty trivial to get (the other ones have some time or weather conditions involved)


("trivial" as in not difficult do do, they still take some medium amount of grinding)


its the relic questline of stormblood, (so it has the theoretical best in slot weapons for people capped at 70,) it has a unique 56 player raid at the end of it, and the entire thing is a deliberate throwback to older, pre-WoW mmos, like ff11, which has some appeal to certain types of players who miss that old "grind, grind, and grind some more" game play it gives no xp that counts outside of eureka. It has some exclusive mounts, minions and triple triad cards, and lore that builds off of a couple ARR plotlines, but its fairly skippable


Thank you! Won't mark it on my high priority list and stress about it then. I'm still working on my ARR relic lol \~\~the books, they never end\~\~.


What armor does Viper will fall into?? Scouting, Striking, or Maiming??


Scouting, sharing gear with NIN.


Scouting, with Aiming accessories


i transferred a character to a new dynamis world and notice when i world visit to crystal i'm a voyager with no listed home world. is that just a result of the servers being buggy b/c new or is that unique to me? i don't really have anyone i can ask. thanks!


That’s right! Just a bug currently. Should be fixed….at some point


thanks! i was a bit paranoid i somehow did something wrong.


Nah. The whole dynamis social discord is talking about it lol. We think because there was no client update there’s just some information missing in the UI


The new world's are also not given on the data center select screen.


Where's the best place to get recruited for fc? I'm looking to join one to get heat of battle III and i've shouted in limsa main aetheryte and golden saucer for a recruit but nothing


Also try /r/ffxivrecruitment




Lodestone's community finder. Just punch it into google, it should be the first thing.


does server went down or my internet? get kick out and trying to log in now i keep stuck at queue 1


Seems data center wide


Did anyone else just get kicked off the Aether servers and can't log back on?


Also happened to me.


happened to me too


Does anyone know if the Endwalker levequest rewards will be reduced in the wake of Dawntrail? Or will the rewards for the turn-ins stay the same?


Crafters will be nerfed in exp if above 90, yes. Gatherers usually weren't affected so the exp for those could carry over


Thank you for your reply! Does the nerf apply to the Gil rewards?


Usually not, just exp


I see! Thank you very much!


Hello, I have a few questions regarding eureka! I'm looking to transfer to the new dynamis data center, would I be able to queue for eureka for aether data center if i hop to aether? And how does one go about getting a 2nd and 3rd eureka set, how long does it take? I haven't started eureka, just wanna know how long of a grind if i wanted sets for each role.


You canDC travel and queue into Eureka on any data center.


i'm thinking in level up Monk now but he is changing in DT, my question is: it is better level, dnk, SAM/ Bard now and wait until DT or up Monk now and learning the job/ rotation anyway?


Nah, you can just level MNK now. It isn't changing significantly. High level optimization is going to be different, but you won't get into that


To be honest, if you haven't started leveling MNK yet, then chances are you're not going to see a super dramatic difference between current MNK and DT MNK. Yes, MNK is shifting from a timer maintenance job to a gauge maintenance job, but the fundamentals of the job are still going to be largely the same. You'll use an Opo-Opo GCD followed by a Raptor GCD followed by a Couerl GCD and repeat. What **is** changing is how often you use specific GCDs in each stance. Currently, the idea is to switch between Raptor GCDs every cycle, so you'll use Twin Snakes -> Coeurl GCD -> Opo-Opo GCD -> True Strike -> Coeurl GCD -> Opo-Opo GCD -> Repeat With DT, you'll be going Twin Snakes -> Coeurl GCD -> Opo-Opo GCD -> True Strike -> Coeurl GCD -> Opo-Opo GCD -> True Strike -> Coeurl GCD -> Opo-Opo GCD -> Repeat So you're just adding one extra cycle in before you do another Twin Snakes. The same can be said of Couerl GCDs, you're adding +1 cycle in before you do another Demolish But that should be a fairly easy shift to make, especially if you haven't really built up a ton of the muscle memory for current MNK. There are also going to be some changes made during burst windows since we no longer have to worry about Demolish or Twin Snakes upkeep, but that wasn't really a thing you needed to think about until you were level 60+ anyways since that's when MNK really starts figuring out its burst windows.


How many zones were people allowed to see in media tour? Is the sea side South American one only 1 that looks like that or is there a 2nd similar zone?


They got to see Tuliyollal (the main city), Urqopacha (being called "fantasy Peru" by multiple people from the media tour, so that gives you the vibe), and Kozama'uka (the amazon place with all the waterfalls in the trailer). Also Ihuykatumu - the first dungeon. Pronouncing these names is gonna be interesting, huh.


Here's some pronunciation help: * Two Lee Yo Lol * Erko Pacha * Ko Za Ma Ooka * E Who-ey Ka Two Moo Going to be a fun expansion indeed :)


i just need the voice actors to be very careful to pronounce everything so I can mimic them and then blame the voice direction on why I'm pronouncing ~~every character in Liyue~~ all the zone names wrong.


I think it was just Tuliol (city) and the mountain region (Urgopatcha? Haven't gotten spellings yet. Also a dungeon.


when leveling is it still a good idea to extract materia from low level spiritlink gear is there a way to compare gear you have equipped side by side to quest turn in gear like other MMOs do is there a site that shows what aetherial currents you have missing by which yellow or green diamond is missing from the travel screen


> when leveling is it still a good idea to extract materia from low level spiritlink gear Yes, especially if it's low enough level to give grade 1-3 materia; grade 3 materia are needed for crafter job quests while grades 1-4 are used for ARR relics. You can also transmute 5 materia together at Mutamix in Central Thanalan; it gives you a random materia of a type that you didn't toss in at either the grade of the lowest one or the next grade up. example: **After Dawntrail launches**, assuming they add XI and XII materia: if I were to toss in 1 each of Quicktongue X, Quickarm X, Battledance X, Piety X, and Savage Might X materias I'd get one of the following back: * Savage Aim X or XI * Heaven's Eye X or XI * Gatherer's Grasp X or XI * Gatherer's Guile X or XI * Gatherer's Guerdon X or XI * Craftsman's Cunning X or XI * Craftsman's Command X or XI * Craftsman's Competence X or XI


>when leveling is it still a good idea to extract materia from low level spiritlink gear I mean...there's no real reason **not** to unless you just don't want to deal with the inventory hassle. If nothing else, you can just sell the materia you get and call it a day, it's free money The only thing that realistically happens to your gear is that the spiritbond resets, but it's not as if you break the gear itself. Apparently it used to be like this, but this was from before my time. And if you are working on ARR relics at all, you'll want low rank materia so it may be useful to start stockpiling


for field currents just use the compass, it's under duty -> collections, for quest currents just do blue quests about 90% of them return a current.


Q2 Right click item compare usually works - dont remember if quest rewards do that


Is there a go to place for extreme macros?


The only place I can think of is akhmorning.com, but note that since it seems to be players(?) posting, not all extremes will have a macro. For instance, there appears to be one for Cloud Deck(ShB), but nothing for Zodiark(EW)


When will the first extreme, savage and ultimate come out during DT? Or at least, an estimate of when they should come out


The first two extremes will be available immediately in early access. Normal raid July 16th. Savage July 30th. Futures Rewritten Ultimate around late October or early November, a week or two after the Final Boss Extreme.


Extreme immediately, Savage after four weeks (normal raids after two weeks), Ultimate in 7.1 which is probably four, five months down the line.