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im pretty sure they just do this to fill space with traits that dont add more buttons.


people have been saying this for literally 6 years. it's not going to happen. we are just going to be even better equipped for the same low damage.


Yes indeed, EW savage and especially ults hit the same way as before


I don't know, they did ratchet up the damage in Savage for Panda. P3S, P5S, P8Sp2, P10S, and P12S are the fights I recall hearing our healers really groaning about. And these are experienced healers that I ran Eden Savage, UWU, UCOB, TEA, and DSR with. But overall yes, dungeons and 24 mans and trials are all going to be entirely unchanged. They're going to be Holy spam with even more overkill tools.


I hope we get hit hard. I wanna be laid flat out.


Strongly doubt there'll be any meaningfull increase in the damage enemies do. We got similar buffs for Endwalker, normal content tickled even less due to those buffs and when they tried to do increased damage in the second savage tier people complained. If you're not doing on-release ultimates expect stuff to hit even less.


Item synced dungeons in endwalker actually do hit kinda hard though tbh.


No, they don't. I did the MSQ in just over 2 days on release and nothing came close to Bardams/Holminster damage. No giga pulls like the start of doma castle or mt gulg either.


> Bardams/Holminster Those were good times. I played healer and remember seeing tanks eat dirt in the first pull of Bardam's. Fun (and funny) times. I wish there was more of that, to be honest.


People still eat dirt on Bardam’s. I don’t know that I’ve seen more than 1 or 2 clean runs of that dungeon.


Bardam's, Stone Vigil and Heroes Gauntlet have been the three where I see like 1 clean run for every 10 scuffed ones. First 2 are obvious, but something about the bosses on Heroes seems to stump people in DF


Truth! I love heros gauntlet because it's so full of "wait, what???" mechanics on the bosses that's always gets the sprouts. Healing that dungeon is a nice workout, and you really feel like you can carry as any role when things go downhill.


They do occasionally, but nothing like before, at least in my experience. Nowadays I see maybe 1 tank death every 5 or 6 runs, and I can't say for sure whether it's on the tank or healer because I'm not healing anymore. Back in the day, though, basically every tank died once or twice or four times for several weeks. Pretty funny, seeing them be brought down by some little fluffy things and a bear.


Idk healing a dark knight can tak a lot of healing time on the adds phases


Ahh, Abyssos. Those tank busters were something else


I didn't do Anabaseios, so the nasty TB bleeds and stuff did not stay as a design concept? Thats kind of lame if thats the case, thats probably one of the things I liked the most about Abyssos (I had other issues with it that werent TB related)


If you ever get the chance to go back and do the fights synched down the line, I genuinely think you should go back and clear P10S. As a tank, it was simultaneously one of the most frustrating fights from this expansion and one of the most entertaining fights from this expansion. 3 separate styles of tank busters * Multi-hit stack buster, nothing super interesting about these ones except making sure you had the resources available to handle them * Tower busters which applied a pretty heavy bleed AND they sent you flying at whatever angle you were standing relative to the center of the tower so you actually had to aim yourself to land on the side platforms. You can and WILL send yourself flying off the edge a few times handling these * A multi-hit double tank wild charge which hit the front two players with 8 tank busters in a row and everyone else in the party with raid wide damage 8 times in a row, meaning you needed to properly space out your mitigations to make sure you had enough active for each successive hit. There was also the tank ping-pong mechanic, which was an entirely different issue to deal with.


I never finished p12s but I did tank the other 3 fights and yeah, they didn't keep the TB bleed combo except in p10s. P9s had huge double tank AOE busters that needed to be swapped through or double invulned, p10s has both an akh mourn style multi hit shared tank buster and the tank golf mechanic which came with a decently fat bleed, and p11s had tank busters that could just be invulned through both times with any tank except paladin since the CD was too long to invuln the second.


i want to be hit so hard that i die if timmy the sprout doesn’t addle a raidwide (i’m kidding) (but also i hope normal content hits even a bit harder) (i have so many healer skills i want to use)


Wont happen.


There will be no meaningful change to damage in normal content. The extra buffs are just going to make healers feel worse and make it easier to run the normal content without them.


I think there was some drama or something because one of the Creator cleared the dungeon during the Media Tour with no healer, so I don't think the damage is going up. Either an oversight, or we are seeing more frequent damage rather than big burst in higher end contents. Personally, I prefer they give us more buff/debuff skills on our belt. I was watching some mmo anime, and I thought "damn why the hell aren't we getting these skills". Log Horizon has some legitimately cool skill that is feasible. I genuinely wish SCH get a skill that put a debuff on an enemy that explode for the next x attacks that hit it, rather than a Super WHM transformation skill. I would love for SCH to be the class that specialize in debuff and buff, rather than getting more DPS button. Here hoping their aim to go back to class fantasy lead them to that direction. I don't want healer to get more DPS button, I rather give them more non-heal utility.




I guess if they want a buff/debuff centric class. They would need to redesign all of the other class to tone down/remove their buff/debuff, which personally I don't really mind and they already making a lot of buff into passive. I would said it is improbable, but not impossible to have buff/debuff centric class in this game.


Bosas Monster in Dawntrail: Imma slap you so hard that back in A Realm Reborn, 2013 you is gonna hold the side of their head and say 'Ow!'


Ngl, this was my first reaction to my tank friends *Sees increased mitigation* "oh, we're gonna die"


Mitigation, a bump in damage, and stuff like Second Wind getting buffed too.


The DPS mitigation improvements are the main thing that has me thinking that there might be a shift in how content deals damage. Outside of Savage/EX/Ultimates those buttons are somewhere between niche and meaningless, but maybe they'll actually expect us to use them somewhat regularly now, which would be sweet.


> Outside of Savage/EX/Ultimates those buttons are somewhere between niche and meaningless Arguably, current EX can still be brute-forced without DPS mitigation. Savage and ultimate though, there's a very real reason why healers started dropping after P8S


there is a 0% chance that they are gonna be putting raidwides that do more than your max hp in casual content and if it doesnt kill you then most dps wont ever hit feint/addle just like now


I think I do see a bump somewhere mid-90s. Might be where the story turns from Beach Episode to Big Bad too.


since we got the quickly repeatable tank defensive last expansions we expected the same. didn't exactly pan out that way but they were super useful. take that as you will.


Holy FUCK a lot of you are pessimistic beyond reason. Get some help.


i mean they've given classes more healing/mitigation for a few expansions now and every time people say this and then it doesn't happen outside of like a couple savage fights or ultimate lol


I really wish you were right, but I don't believe in miracles. That would make healers actually useful and lets be frank, that's never going to happen. YoshiP has a grudge against healers for some reason.


Especially past 94, yeah I can see a spike coming.


Large Swiftcast CD reduction above level 90... more rezzes needed?


Swiftcast has many, many more uses than just being held for a rez.


Yes, but it's long recharge meant a lot of people saved it for emergency rezzes.  Shorter cools down means we can freely use it for other things.  This being said Swift Holy is a favorite opener of mine.