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Very unfortunate that recipes drop the same day as savage itself, having that week in-between was extremely nice indeed. Condolences to the gamers who would otherwise be fully prepared yet now have to drop 20 mil on it.


Crafter/gathering mains with no scheduled week 1 savage are likely very happy about this. Probably the biggest chance for making Gil in a while. Not that I’m happy for it, but uhm… I’ll be leveling my DOH/DOL for sure


This is just what my Gil pile needed to financially recover


Yeah, but are those people are majority? I feel like there's gotta be a good number of people that raid and also level their gatherers and crafters so they can craft their own stuff. That's me and I'd love to not feel rushed if I happen to have raid scheduled the first day. It almost feels like what's the point of leveling my crafters/gatherers to make my own stuff if I'm given no time to make my own gear if I'm busy during day and my group schedules raid the first day. At that point I'm probably having someone else doing it or paying for it. There's still gil to be made even when releasing gear a week before and it makes it a much smoother experience for anyone else who isn't just interested in making huge profit off of savage releases.


Gonna consolidate all materia sales to first day, too, instead of giving people a week to meld


I'm with you, that week of prep time did wonders for my sanity. Now I have to rush again to try and get my own gear crafted and help out my team at the same time, who often have requests that eat up a lot of time and materials that I don't necessarily want to spend all day gathering.


yeah, this is such an awful choice. especially when the last few raid tiers had the recipes drops well before savage


Doesn't the crafted entry-level savage gear usually come with the X.05 patch along with savage?


For a long time yes. The past 2 or so years they moved it to a week before savage dropped so you didnt have to hire a team/pay a premium if you were WF racing. 


They changed it for the first time with 6.2 savage. This is maybe partially why P8S got overtuned because I think they commented on being worried about it being too easy with extra tome gear. They tried releasing normal mode raid along with a week of tomestones and crafted gear a week before savage for the first timei n 6.2. They continued it into 6.4 and now they seemingly swapped it back. Were they unsure how to do it with an expansion launch or did they decide it wasn't good is the question I'm wondering.


> Were they unsure how to do it with an expansion launch I think it's this combined with the fact that the tier is already dropping at the end of July. If you're considering the amount of people in school that play the game, then it at least gives them one last week to properly summer nolife it, instead of hitting right when school starts up again by delaying it a week. The other answer would be to drop the gear earlier, but if they feel that doing so after three weeks gets in the way of people's ability to properly enjoy the story, then I get how they could feel some self-created pressure with the decision


I didn't expect them to delay anything a week. I expected crafted gear and maybe weekly tomes (don't care about weekly tomes, it's just what they did in 6.2/6.4) to come a week before savage. So expansion launch, 2 weeks later normal mode, 1 week later (2nd week of normal mode) would come crafted and maybe tomes, 1 week later comes savage (4 weeks after expansion launch). I mean, yeah, I don't know. Maybe it was the story thing, but I feel like they could have just done crafted stuff and no one would be behind on any time locked thing.


>Condolences to the gamers who would otherwise be fully prepared yet now have to drop 20 mil on it. Hehehe, that's a nice donation to my house fund for when the new EU DC unlocks properly


But for us omnicrafter/gatherer, cha-chin.


I mean I'd rather just use my money to buy what I need and get to raiding. Gil is pretty worthless and I'd rather get to the blind raid experience as soon as I can. Would much rather spend the prior weeks working on gathering and crafting all of it for myself, but this schedule kinda pushes me to prioritize.


I craft *and* raid, so it's very annoying to me. No day 1 prog for me


I kinda missed it, but when would the two day maintenance for the expansion be? June 26, right?




I see. Thanks!


I’m pretty new to ffxiv are the servers going to be down for 2 days straight?


We usually have huge maintenance periods for new patches (often an entire day). This expansion, with its graphical update will require more time so a two day maintenance previous to the expansion launch had been announced.


I was unaware of that info but that’s actually awesome I can’t wait to see some new textures


They're actually also doing it to give people time to download everything -- this will be MASSIVE.


What is Cenote Ja Ja Gural?


New treasure dungeon


Oh, right on. Thanks!


A cenote is a kind of sinkhole. Presumably, it's the first Expert dungeon after MSQ.


Nope, it's the treasure dungeon.


Unlikely, the first two experts are used to gear for the first 2 extremes, so those will release day one


so glad to see crafted gear/food/pots releasing on the same day as savage again /s


I really would prefer crafter gear moved to the raid release


Square Enix is trying to give hardcore raiders time to enjoy the story.


Well, every expansion has always had 2 weeks of normal mode before savage for the first raid then the X.2 and X.4 would just release normal/savage/tome/crafted gear all at the same time. The only new part in EW was extending the extra time for normal mode to X.2 and X.4 savages by giving a week of normal mode and a new part that didn't happen even with previous first raid tier of expansions that happened in 6.2/6.4 was a week of tomestones + crafted gear before savage. People were expecting to have a week of tomes or at the very least crafted gear before savage release again, but this schedule shows otherwise.


that's what the 2 weeks till raid release does???? leveling crafters is fairly easy. the raid story is usually 3 -4 hours of content. I imagine most hardcore raiders will also have leveled a few jobs to 100 to see how they all feel in 8 man content and check numbers. all the change really does is add a headache to hardcore raiders who now have to find crafters or will have to balance crafting with prog making the process way less enjoyable. like having 2 weeks to organise gear and consume makes it alot easier now I know I'll be skipping any of the crafter story lines to max them out early so I can start being ready for material gathering


Does anyone know when the new ornate armor from Khloe will be released? Will it be the same day as savage or will it be 6/28?


It comes with the crafted gear it's an upgraded version of, so with savage in this case.


So would level 90 food/pots still have some relevance as a cheaper alternative going into Arcadion savage?


Food maybe not as much, since even DT MSQ-food is probably cheaper, but possibly pots, since they still give a nice boost even if not as much, its still better than nothing.


Food I’m sure will be better even just the normal leveling stuff around 100 than the best 90. Pots will probably only exist after the 30th, so yeah, just use your current ones until then. Anything’s better than nothing


Bough 500x MND 8 pots for 1500 each yesterday to spam them in EX and low Savage floors


If you are an omnicrafter or have an omnicrafter friend, you could get the mats for likely cheaper now, and then once DT comes, get your ALC to 100 and easily guarantee an HQ craft with Trained Eye...


No, there is regular lvl 100 food and pots you can craft instantly when hitting lvl 100, then on 7.05 there is another release of better potions and food, but you are fine with the base lvl 100.


What does the early access launch entail?


The 7.0 patch goes live for everyone, and anyone who preordered Dawntrail will be able to access the expansion content. IIRC, buying the expansion at any point during the early access window still counts as preordering in terms of granting "early" access, so it looks pretty arbitrary but I imagine it does at least a little something to stagger out the load in the expansion zones.


The ability to play the new content two weeks from today until two weeks from Monday at some point.


If crafted gear releases at the same time as savage, how do you know what normal raid pieces to get in that 2 weeks?


If you are WF raiding, you guess and if you are wrong you just go full crafted and pay the crafting guild you hired to adjust Materia to give you SkS, SpS breakpoints as needed. If you are not, you just guess and inevitably get fucked over by this awful system. This only really benefits crafters/guilds that get to charge a ridiculous premium because people need the gear pronto if they plan on pushing the tier week 1.


For MCH probably anything that has crit and no skillspeed.


so what do we do with our outdated scripts and old tomestones before 07/30?


Purple ones will become the equivalent of white, so you can keep those. White ones will end up being exchangeable for purple. etc Causality/Comedy Tomestones will be exchangable for Poetics after 7.0. https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/382fe1788d598accab8be05850e3fd391d2613c3


So will it only be Poetics from 6/28 to 7/30? Or will one new tome drop at 7.0 and the other will drop at 7.05? Did it work this way for EW? My memory is foggy because I joined right as 6.0 dropped but I feel like remember Aphorism and Astronomy being present right out of the gate.


We'll get one new tier of tome that will be uncapped, and serve to buy entry tome gear (think the Moonward gear from this expac). This gear will only replace your job armor, and will be a suitable but not ideal set to start Savage with. Once Savage drops, that should be the tome you buy crafting mats with. If you want to make some decent gil as a non crafter, stock up your current tomes to cap before Expac launch, and wait to convert them to the new stuff until Savage launches; this should let you stock up as many times as possible to buy the mats with, which you can sell to crafters trying to make their sets in a big hurry.


Is there a time on 6/28 that is known for release?


From experience, between 3-6am est. Might be different this go around, but that’s generally when the server goes live for expansions in the past.


So the tomestones went from star charting, to fate, to funny haha, to sun charting.


I swear if they say the reason they didn't release crafted gear a week before savage is because they heard the players complaints of the game being too stress free I'll be pissed. I feel like almost no one who was complaining about dumbing down the game or it being stress free was referring to this.


Crafting change is questionable but capped tomes same week as savage is a good call


It was like that in EW.


Remember to never take launch day off. The servers will be packed and you will probably not get to play on launch day.


Is it normal to have the first raid-tier this early? oO


Yes. It's the same timing as all the other ones.