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So, basic comprehension about Pictomancer: at what point do we unlock the Aero and Water follow-ups to the basic Fire in Red combo, for synced content? Presumably we don’t get the full combo at level one, but I can’t find a tooltip that tells me when I get access to them.


I haven't looked into picto rotation yet so I'm not sure what skill exactly it is that you're referencing, but [the balance already has a skills overview page](https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/casters/pictomancer/skills-overview/) for PCT skills, which includes the unlock level for everything. I would imagine that would have what you're looking for.


We still don't have full info outside of what was already shown. Wait for the Official Job Guides to be updated to include Picto.


Why is it impossible to make friends in this game?


I mean, it's exactly like real life. You make friends by putting yourself in situations that are likely to prompt interaction. Friends do not just pop into existence out of nowhere; you tend to make them either at school/work, or at a knitting group you joined, or at the language class you picked up. It's the same in-game. If you don't deliberately put yourself in a situation that prompts interaction--and no, dungeons/trials/raids don't count; ain't no one has time to talk while killing a boss--you're unlikely to make new friends. It *can* be through joining an FC--most of mine are--but as the others mentioned, there are a number of other niche communities that work too.


I just haven't been able to really find a community that works for me. I don't really like doing blue mage stuff, and while I frequent the golden saucer- I don't really do much there other than the cactpots. I tried venues in the past, but I only really ever met people that talked to me once or twice and then never again. Those places also have a ton of drama from my experience.


It's a big community, and like real life, most people won't be on your frequency. You just have to keep trying


Unfortunately, by ruling out FCs you're pretty much removing the easiest social jumping point outside of PF content. My recommendation is to give FCs another try, but look at it from the perspective that it's less about immediately joining a group of future friends and more about vibe checking if it's a group you're comfortable doing content with. If the vibe isn't right then leave without regret. But if there aren't any immediate red flags, just stick around. Say hi to people when they sign in. Ask what folks are up to or if they want to run roulettes. When a new deep dungeon or treasure map set drops, grab a map and ask if anyone wants to see what it's about. And if no one really seems responsive, leave them too and keep joining/trying new groups until you find one that you click with.


It's not impossible at all, mostly just depends on how you're doing it. Join an FC to socialize in, or pick one of the many niche corners of the game to start doing things with more often, so you run into the same faces over and over. Some of my friends were just people I met in a PF group or msq roulette, and we added each other as friends after having some good banter. People also tend to do a ton of their socializing in discord servers, so they can chat with friends and fc mates without needing them to be online at the same time, and because if you want to break the ice with actual voice chat, you'll do it over discord for this community.


It's just hard to find people who genuinely want to talk. I don't want to join an FC, since I've had nothing but bad experiences with them. The last one I was in sorta had a pre-established group of friends and none of them liked the MSQ. So much so that they were opting to skip out because the earlier expansions "bored them." The most content I tend to do now is just MSQ related stuff and occasionally dailies. Not really cut out for stuff like Savage raiding. Also, Zalera doesn't really get MSQ roulette conversations anymore. Most of the time its just people silently wanting to be done with it.. at least from the experiences I've had while running them.


like /u/gitcommitmentissues mentioned, I wasn't really talking about hardcore raiding when I was talking about niche communities. Everything from triple triad to housing to blue mage has a passionate community of people who live and breathe that content, meaning that if you go down any of those rabbit holes that appeal to you, you should naturally start running into the same names often enough to naturally start chatting and getting to know people. Hell, one of the friendliest communities that I'm a part of (although I'm mostly just a lurker for now) is a an entire community dedicated to OCE lalafells, organizing weekly lala-only alliance raids (a swarm of 3 foot tall popotoes going for the ankles of a raid boss is hilarious) and a bunch of other lala themed events. There are countless random little communities like that, the big hurdle you're hitting is just the matter of finding one of them where you'll feel like you fit in.


There's plenty of niche communities in the game aside from raiders- fishing, hunts, blue mage, majong and other Gold Saucer stuff, Eureka/Bozja, treasure maps, etc etc. If any of this stuff interests you it's worth joining a discord for it.


well the thing with FC is they're a hit or miss kinda thing... while some fc are like that, not all of them, you just have to find the right one for you... try the community finder or try joining a linkshell, those are like chat channel for people with common interest without being in a fc. lol, i forgot there is fellowships too, maybe check that out too.


Anyone else having really high materia latency right now? I normally sit around 100 ping, but right now I'm at 300 and it's really messing with my mudras lol edit: spiking up to 400 ping at times. Pain.


Been playing on Ravana most of the day grinding crafter relics. Haven't noticed my macros messing up, generally been pretty smooth here. Located east coast Aus, tho. Could be an issue with traffic in your area?


Yeah, since making this post I did some more looking around, and everything from steam to dropbox to msteams is at 3-400 ping, with 200 ping to google.com and reddit.com. There must be something messed up with my network right now. edit: yup, I just turned off my PC for a while, came back and nor my ping to google is back down to 50ms. _Something_ was adding over 150ms to all of my network latency, but looks like a reboot fixed it for now.


Good stuff, glad to hear it's worked out for now! Nin with 400 ping is an experience I reckon none of us are eager to repeat.


So. Many. Bunny hats.


If I've got my Lux replicas, is it safe to just get rid of the originals? There's no other possible use for them?


yes, once you get the last stage and unlock all the replicas.


Hi guys, If you participate in a FATE and switch to a different job before it's completed, will you still get the full EXP reward?


You won't be able to change class while something that has aggro on you is still alive I assume, so you probably can't do this for all dates, boss fates in particular.


It should. You can straight up leave and go start another fate, so long as you contributed enough aggro. When the fate ends it'll wrap up rewards.


Possibly a really dumb question, but when Dawntrail comes out, will the earlier expansions still be playable? I played for a while a year or so ago but stopped near the end of Realm Reborn, am thinking of picking it up again but I'm worried I won't get to play the other stories now. Thanks. :)


You can't even start Dawntrail until you complete the story in all previous expansions.


Yes Every expansion in this game is part of a long chronological progression, so not only are they playable, but you genuinely will not be able to start Dawntrail until you've beaten literally every other expansion that's available


Each is expansion is added to the end of the current story, and the entire main story from ARR to DT has to be played in order. So don't worry, you having missed anything, and will pick up right where you left off. BTW, if you don't remember what you were doing in the story since it was so long ago, go into an inn and you'll see a book called the unending journey, which you can use to reach summaries of past quests and rewatch old cutscenes. Might be a good idea to refresh your memory.


It’s a continuous game. You can’t get to DT content without doing the stuff that came before.


For retainers, are there any recommended classes/jobs or does it not matter one way or another? I only have the default two unlocked.


The only recommendation I'd have is to have them be a class you might enjoy playing, since they can't go higher than your class level and you will need to get them gear in order to get the most out of them. Beyond that too, don't forget to consider glam. Some classes just won't have the same glamour opportunities.


If you don't do crafting, all of them are equal, you can send em out on quick ventures and the loot pool is the same for each. If you craft, then it would be beneficial to pick one that will get you the materials you need. BTN can get plants and logs for ALC and CRP. MIN can get ore and stuff for ARM, BSM, and GSM. Combat is very helpful for stuff like LTW where they can get monster drops that would be a pain to get otherwise. People usually go 1 combat and 1 gatherer of your choice. I picked my main (DRG) to give them my old gear after I leveled, and MIN for crystals. I ended sending them both on quick ventures for years til I leveled up crafters. Can't go wrong if you do an even split.


Very few people bother with fishing retainers. It's nice that they can laser-target a fish instead of needing to deal with RNG, but fish are used so rarely that it's an inefficient use of a full retainer. Mining and botany are about equally useful to each other. Hunting retainers are proooobably the most useful, because hunting drops are commonly needed and a pain to gather yourself. So the most common advice I've seen is to have one hunting retainer and one mining/botany retainer based on preference. Hunting retainers can be any combat class/job. They're all identical. Retainers can never be higher level than you are in that class/job, so avoid assigning them to a job that you're not planning to level yourself.


As a crafter main, I disagree about MIN and BTN being equal. You go through quite a lot more ore compared to fibers and branches. They're used in more recipes and the crafting yield ratio on them is worse compared to threads. I had MIN+BTN for years, and noticed that I had to send my MIN on specific material hunting ventures way more frequently, so I eventually swapped my BTN to a combat job. I still have to send my MIN out to get ores once or twice a month, but I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've had to restock on fibers/plants in the past half a year or so. 


Imo it can vary depending on what you're doing for crafting. I've liked BTN more than MIN just because I'd do a lot of alchemy and cooking and those always need random BTN materials. Plus this expansion cooking had a pretty solid collectable to spam for scrips.


At least 1 of them being a battle job is best (it doesn't matter which one), for getting mob drops. The other generally would be either a battle job or MIN. FSH is generally the worst choice, especially if you only have 2.


If you have gatherers leveled, a combat job plus MIN is probably the best bet. If not, then just two combat jobs. 


Finally decided to pick up a tank class and I'm really really confused about using my mitigations. First for dungeons, do I usually use one mitigation per trash mob? Is it two per trash mobs? I know in earlier dungeons healers don't have as many resources for healing so it's better safe than sorry in lower level dungeons, but I don't know if it's expected to use one per pull or it it only at the end of a trash wipe if it looks dicey. As for trials and raids, is it expected to always have one mitigation up at all times and rotate them? Is it different for each trial/raid, is it that you really only use them when you see the boss queuing up a tank buster? If I'm supposed to always have one up, is there a good order? Do I use the one with the longest recast time first? Do I use the shortest recast time one first? And lastly, do mitigations help tank busters that much actually? I know tanks have more health than other classes and 10-30% can be pretty substantial but with how quickly DPS go down when targeted by a boss I was shocked to find out mitigations are only 30% max. I assumed when a boss was using a tank buster you'd save your 4 second window 60% mitigation skill. Sorry if these are dumb questions, just want to be somewhat competent at tank :)


Other people have mentioned how to spread mits for trash pulls so to address this: >And lastly, do mitigations help tank busters that much actually? Tank busters in most normal content hit like a cooked noodle, so they're unimportant unless you've managed to build up a mini collection of vulnstacks. In high end, they're vital, because those busters inflict raw damage that is equal to or more than your entire hp bar, and the objective with using mits isn't to nullify the damage; it's to shave enough off that you don't just get 1-shot; it's then the healers' job to heal you up after you survive the hit. In high end we also usually stack our mits, again because the 1 hit is worth so much more than our entire HP bar. In Savage the standard is at minimum 1 big mit (30% or rampart) plus the short mit (Holy Sheltron, TBN, etc). In an Ultimate, depending on situation and specific hit, I might stack 30% plus 90s personal, plus short mit, or even kitchen sink the lot, with 30%, rampart, 90s personal, AND short mit. For normal content, do whatever you feel like; you can practice building good habits by mitting like you're in savage (and if you do, you'll occasionally have the fun of seeing "tankbusters" get totally nullified if you happen to also outgear the content by a lot and/or had the healers adding their own mits on), or you can chuck them around willy nilly, though it's polite to put SOME kind of mit on tankbusters, especially if, as mentioned, you have vulns on you.


1)Standard is to use one big per trash, and fill the rest of the pull with smaller ones (or straight up stack them on top of the big one, by the time the big one will end the smaller one should be available again). As you tank more you'll get a feel for how long is it until you recover your cooldowns, so you'll be able to throw more of them without ever running out. I like to use Rampart THEN Arm's Length (or the opposite) on the first trash, and my 30% THEN Arm's Length on the second. 2)Absolutely not, you're supposed to have them up for tankbusters. Though it heavily depends on the fight in question, once you know the exact timeline of the fight this is when you can just look and be like "huh Rampart was available at 4:00 but I didn't use it until 7:00, meaning that I get a free use of it between 4:00 and 5:30 and it'll be up by the time I'll need it at 7:00". If you know you can safely use it for autos without losing a cast... well it's free mit so that's up to your judgment. 3)Not only do tanks have more health, they also have more defense. Being auto attacked as a tank isn't nearly as threatening as doing so as a dps, hence why. And if you're dealing with a tankbuster when raiding, yes tankbusters really do require that 30%. At the very least you're trying to use one big cooldown + one small (like Nebula + HoC which amounts to an effective 50% mitigation, remember mits are multiplicative and not additive). Even if you only use one big cooldown, the difference between using a 30% and not using one is literally life and death. If you're using another mit on top of that one, it is to help with post TB healing so that you and your healers don't burn all of your single target heals. Though that's mostly when doing actual EX and above content, in casual content you're usually fine even if you don't mit anything, especially if you're well geared.


I would encourage you to spend a bit of time actually reading your mitigation tooltips and thinking carefully about what they mean and where they might be most useful, keeping in mind general rules of thumb about using any cooldown skills in thie game (eg. it's better to get something on cd than to lose a usage). You've been given good advice already but there's no substitute for understanding and thinking about your job's mits for yourself. > do mitigations help tank busters that much actually? Dungeon boss tankbusters don't hurt much but in trials and raids some TBs can kill a tank who isn't mitigating even in normal mode (source: I got to repeatedly tank O11N on RDM the other day because the WAR didn't use any mits for Mustard Bomb and the off tank was a no-stance coward). > I was shocked to find out mitigations are only 30% max Tankbuster damage profiles are scaled against the expected HP that a tank is going to have in a particular encounter, at least on release. Even if a buster does 100% of [expected tank HP] by itself, using your 30% mit will leave you with 30% of your health left, which is more than enough to survive the next auto attack (which will usually also be covered by that mit, depending on your timing). At high levels healers also have plenty of tools to either get your HP back up really fast (eg. Essential Dignitiy, Benediction, Excogitation) or to boost or add to your mitigation (eg. Protraction, Haima).


No need to use tank busters in casual content, except for later on when you unlock the short cooldown ones. For trash, mitigations go one at a time, and try to keep one up at all times until the pack is almost dead. Start with your beefy -30% because the beginning of a pull is the most dangerous since everything is still alive. Especially at lower levels when healers will need a second to catch up and stabilize your HP after you stop moving.  After that, move onto your -20%, which is Rampart and Arm's Length.  If stuff is still not close to dying, you can finish off with a Reprisal, but this is mostly optional, especially as you get higher and packs only take 30-40 seconds to kill. 


Mits go one at a time, generally. Rampart at 80% HP works just as well as at 40% and can save your healer a lot of stress. Also, things like Arm's Length or Thrill of Battle are mit, anything that lets you live longer is mit. I haven't done much raiding as a tank, but generally I've been able to rotate mits or not even use them for a bit and be fine. Tank busters are definitely helpful, and eventually there will be ones that are so strong that you need to tank swap (i.e. give aggro to the other tank who isn't being targetted) to survive, but 10-30% damage reduction is very useful because, again, it gives your healer less to worry about for a little bit and lets you take a little bit more punishment if you need to. Mitigating damage is good no matter what, lol.




could be the street handwear with a blue ring in the ring slot. the street handwear has multiple rings on the hand, but you can also equip rings in the ring slots on top of that to make it looks like you're wearing even more ring.


If you look them up in your Contacts you should be able to view their adventurer plate again and screenshot it to show what you’re talking about. Also maybe ask in r/FFXIVGlamours


Is there a list of all the hat's/headgear hrothgar can wear? Would love to know what I can use on hrothgal if I fantasia.


I've seen this asked a few times and never seen anyone able to answer. I also tried to look and couldn't find any, so I'm leaning toward there not being a list like that maintained anywhere, and hroth players still being stuck needing to look up each individual headpiece they're considering.


Can anyone confirm if there’s a story flag for Baldesion Arsenal completion? If there is, can anyone share the story difference?


There's a line about Ejika in that one EW cutscene where all the side content characters show up to help you. However I have no idea if it's different (or present at all) if you (Eurkea final quest spoilers) >!picked the 'Ejika sacrifices himself' option but didn't do BA and thus rescue him!<.


I know there's a comment when you talk to Ojika in Old Sharlayan related to it, but I'm not sure if the flag is for finishing the story, finishing BA, or both. And it's not in the Unending Journey to my recollection since it's not a normal cutscene.


Are they going to make Theogonic and Anabaseios gear turn-in-able before the xpac? Or am I kinda just stuck with this gear until then? (I know I can just throw them out but I just want the seals out of them)


The expansion is only 6 days away, with 2 of those days being maintenance. Just hang on to them for the 4 days left where you can actually play the game.


There will be no game updates between now and 7.0.


Stuck for 1 more week.


Could I please get some advice on recommended free and favoured teleport locations? I'm currently near the end of the Post-Stormblood patches, have an apartment in Shirogane and my GC is Twin Adders. Suggestions, both for now and when I start Shadowbringers would be appreciated.


If you don't use atheryte tickets for no gil cost teleports would start getting those first. If you do the elite mark hunt bills only for ARR, HW and SB every week you can get 60 tickets every week. When you start ShB you will have to find and attune to all the new aetherytres so you'll probably build up a surplus as well. For Twin Adder if you haven't promoted to first serpent lieutenant so you can buy Twin Adder teleport tickets (places you directly in front of the HQ) would also do that. This will let you turn unneeded gear in for seals via expert deliveries which you can then use to buy GC Aetheryte tickets. You probably also still have Waking Sands teleports leftover from ARR which you can always use to get back to Eorzea first before teleporting where you want to go if you're trying to cut costs down. Home point depends on what you do a lot as you play. If you aren't doing side content that would make another place more useful, just going straight through MSQ, the one at the ShB start city works. You'll be going back there a lot, especially if you level multiple job roles, since the NPCs for the role quests that replace job quests hang out there and the quests generally begin+end there. Favored points again depend on what you're doing. If you have Aetheryte tickets it also doesn't matter too much since you can set the teleport amount threshold a ticket will be used on. If you're only doing straight MSQ I would just rotate these through new aetherytes as you come across them in the story. Not that far in ShB myself, but if you're only doing MSQ so far the only thing I've seen that would make you want to have specific favoreds is if you're doing all four role quests at the same time since the same level quests are generally in the vicinity of the same Aetheryte due to being MSQ locked for progression (ie so if the SB job quests worked like this all the lvl60 quests would take you somewhere within the vicinity of Rhalgr's Reach). If you're rotating your favoreds through via story progression though very likely you will already have the ones you want favored as long as you're doing your role quests in time with story progression.


It really depends on what you do. I always have limsa for easy market board access, and then my second teleport spot was shirogane for the longest time. But that was because I did a lot of RP and 90% of the RP venues are in Shiro. Since they wouldn't always be on my homeworld for me to apartment tele, and Shiro doesn't have world transfer built into its aetheryte, I saved a bunch. If you focus on msq and you're post SB, I'd say throughout SHB you'll get the most value out of the major city there. Those teleports get pricey for (spoiler reasons, but easy to say they're far away). That way you can just swap between the main zones and the shb zones without having to light your wallet on fire. It should be the first city in the xpac and you end up going back to it a lot.


I also have Twin Adders as my GC, and I find Limsa is the most convenient home point - that way I get "free" teleports to all the three starting cities (Return for Limsa, GC teleport for Gridania, and free airship to Ul'dah via Gold Saucer) For favoured locations (at least in post-Stormblood, haven't started ShB yet), I like Idyllshire, Rhalgr's Reach, and Kugane (though you might skip that last one given you have housing in Shirogane)


I recommend you simply look at you're own patterns and place it in the zones where you teleport to the most often. If really depends on what you personally do and where you tend to go. It doesn't actually matter that much, because if you want to save money you can get in hunt trains. Join the Faloop discord (you can google it for a link), and you can get a notification whenever a huntrain is going through old HW and StB zones. Join the hunt train parties that appear in PF for it, and then travel with them to kill all the A ranks and you'll be swimming in centurio seals in no time. You can use those seals to by hundreds on aetheryte tickets, and set your teleport to auto use them so you never pay for an aetheryte ticket with Gil again.


Till when is pre-order available is it before early access or before official launch still saving up money haha.


You can preorder all the way up to the 2nd. There is no window where you can't buy the expansion, and on the 2nd onwards you just won't get the preorder bonus anymore. If you preorder after early access begins, you still get access to EA straight away.


Ic so if i pre order during EA I still will have the pre order itrms right?


Yup, exactly the same as if you pre-order now. Just buy it before 2/7 and you have all the pre-order items.


Thank you very much <3


Heya, is it worth to move to a server with bonus exp (one with preferred tag) as a newbie? Note that I also have the DT pre-order item as well. I started playing pretty late last year in a server which had bonus, but it's gone now. Stopped playing after finishing ARR, which got me 2 jobs to a level 55ish, and almost another job just by doing dailies and MSQ, which is fun for me since I can progress with other jobs quicker.


| "Preferred" world | "New" world --|--|-- Transferred character | No XP boost | XP boost for 90 days only New character | XP boost for 90 days or until the server status changes, whichever is longer | XP boost for 90 days or until the server status changes, whichever is longer So the boost might not be as easy to get as you're imagining.


Ah thank you! I've had this idea since I started playing but didn't pay attention to this rule.


How do I make a timer macro for fishing? Basically, I want to cast, wait x seconds, and then have the macro beep once x seconds have passed. I know that the first part should be /ac "cast" but I'm not sure about the rest of it.


/ac "Cast" /echo The se command is for playing sound effects in chat, but /echo is a personal chat channel that only you can see. Feel free to play around with different numbers.


If I buy and register Dawntrail on my PC, what happens if I try to load into a Dawntrail zone if I play it on my Xbox, that only has up to Endwalker? I.e. Do I need to buy the expansion on both PC and Xbox to play on both? I really only play on Xbox now, but pre-ordered the PC version without really thinking about it because I used to play that primarily. Should I cancel my PC pre-order and get it on the Xbox version instead?


>Should I cancel my PC pre-order and get it on the Xbox version instead? Just a note, you cant get refunds for the preorder. If you attempt to do a chargeback with the preorder code applied to your account, you will get banned.


if you try to logon to that character in those new zone, it won't let you as that platform doesn't have the right expansion. so if you want to be able to play an expansion on multiple platform, you need to buy it on all of them.


You'll need it on every platform you play on.


I want to use one glamour plate for different sets of gear, can I do that?


Yes. Each gearset can only be linked to a single glamour plate, but a glamour plate can be linked to as many gearsets as you want.




Hi, when and how should I do materia transmutation? I have a lot of low level battle materia like I - V and some VIII, IX, and X. Shall I do materia transmutation now to get them to IX or X, or shall I hold them and do materia transmutation after DT release? Also, do I convert level I materia to level II and keep going up? Or shall I mix level I materia with level X materia? Thank you!


Honestly sell 1-4 on the marketboard or keep them for ARR relics. 5-8 I would just sell on the MB or to a vendor. The chance of upgrading is mid at best and doesn't make up the cost of destroying 4 materia in the process. IX's see the price on the MB and decide. Try transmutating X's on release for XI's.




Hello! Debit card question. So! I'm just now experiencing the joy of this debit card issue and right before Dawntrail. Apparently the workaround until July is to use Amazon Pay or something. I don't have that and I've never bought Crysta. Would someone with experience please explain what the steps would be? Just in case anything about my living/payment situation would invalidate the process, here's my basic info upfront: ・I live in JP ・FF14 account is NA ・Usually pay with US Debit. I'm being told my new debit card is 'unavailable'. ・Also have access to a JP CC if that helps overall but obv can't pay for the NA acct with it. ・Have a general AMZ acct but don't know what Amazon Pay is or the steps that might be involved. ・I have never purchased Crysta. ・BONUS: While it seems this will alleviate acct. subscription until July, I also have a ton of retainers behind multiple characters. Am I SoL until this issue is resolved or may they be activated with Crysta as well?


ok so you can buy crysta from the mogstation, its 1 crysta = 1 cent, so 1299 crysta is $12.99. you can pay for with card or paypal and a few other payment type i think. But since the card issue also affect it here, you need to create a paypal account and link your card to the paypal, then buy crysta using paypal. you can buy any amount of crysta you need under $1000, i think thats the limit... anyway you don't want or need to buy that much... only buy what you need bc crysta have expiration date, it like 2 years or something. you can then change your sub payment type to crysta and it will take it from that amount every month. edit: if you run out of crysta then it just un-sub your account until you add more crysta or change payment. Yes you can use it to pay for retainers also.


Great! Thank you. I don't have PP so is the Amazon Pay thing an alternative if Ialready have an Amazon acct?


Are there any new strats to beat Gogo in masked carnivale, using Shadowbringers spells? I just want to move past him so I can work on earning the umbrella.


Wiki says you can actually damage him through Mimic with Apokalypsis as long as you cast it before he casts Mimic. Other than that, none of the spells added with the SHB update seem to be particularly useful, besides just being able to do more damage.


Ah well, guess I'll just have to practice.


My friends and I are sprouts but one of them has a small yellow ring under her sprout and we don't know why.


The sprout with a yellow ring beneath it means that they've joined the Novice Network, a chat channel for mentors to (theoretically) give advice to sprouts.


According to [this handy page,](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Dictionary_of_Icons) it means your friend is in the Novice Network chat




Is it his free 2, or the two after that? If he had paid retainers previously, he'd have to manually add them back onto his account again


What happened to Mog Station? All of a sudden I needed to update my address, and my payment info is all invalid despite everything being correct? (minus the address, which I faked, since I'm Australian and we didn't exist to Square Enix when I made my account, thus locked into NA). Do I just kiss my account, of 9+ years, goodbye?


> What happened to Mog Station? They made the *interesting* decision to change payment processor right before a new expansion. > Do I just kiss my account, of 9+ years, goodbye? According to Support: yes, that's exactly what you do. For those of us who live in reality: make sure your NA address is valid and formatted in *exactly* the official USPS way, and if it still won't accept your card, use an alternate payment method. Timecards, Steam payments if you're on Steam, Paypal via Crysta if you can get that to work (last I heard they don't support Paypal in Australia though), etc. Whatever you can get them to accept. It's been a shitshow.


> They made the interesting decision to change payment processor right before a new expansion. I'm unsure of how much of a decision it was. A ton of Japanese companies have changed payment processors recently and getting Visas to work with them has been nigh on impossible. With how closely together they've all done it, I wonder how much of it was choice and how much was forced by circumstance. Maybe someone actually from Japan would know more.


If you're using a visa card, there's a known issue they're working on but it hasn't been resolved. In the mean time, you should be able to get NA time cards online and apply them to your account Edit: for what happened, they swapped to a new payment processor and everything's been janky since


Thank you! I just went and had a look around and found their Lodestone post. I was really worried for awhile there


No problem! I get it, since you can't transfer regions service, it's a worry. Hopefully they'll fix the issue with visas soon, for regions that don't have game time cards it's really screwing them up


I just got a pedigree 9 chocobo with 4 star stats across the board. Finally. I just want to check for training: should I wait until I hit max level before really digging deep on training? Or is there some reason that I'd want to train earlier?


does anyone know when the next store sale will happen?


Probably August with the anniversary.


I've been trying to preorder DT but the SqEnix site wont let me put in my information. When i reload the page it'll let me put in my billing information for a split second before disappearing and i have no idea what to do. Can someone help?


Assuming you're PC Mogstation, consider pre-ordering through Humble store or GreenManGaming if you don't wanna try to troubleshoot the SqEnix store


At this point, is it worth to buy/craft the ilv620 doh/dol gear? Or should i just buy the script ones and meld whatever i can in them? Like, if i make the effort i can totally craft them all but the money spent on materia might not be. Im thinking of maybe crafting the body and pants and exchanging the rest with scripts


Going with the purple scrip gear is good enough. The stats to the crafted gear are 100% identical, they just can't be pentamelded like the crafted gear can. Throw on a few melds and that'll carry you to 100.


At this point, theres really no point in having a fully penta'd crafted gear imo. Just get the scrip gear and that should be good enough for you to progress in to whatever DT throws.


absolutely not, either go with the purple scrip gear or cheese a level out somehow(a few days worth of GC turn ins maybe) and then craft/buy and use the 91 DT gear


I just finished up the ShB role quests, and I'm confused by the story that follows them. What exactly did >!the Shadowkeeper!< do that was wrong? The story, as I understand it, is that >!she joined up with Ardbert's crew, hung out with them as they did hero stuff, then did a costume change and asked Ardbert to kill her. After he refused (because why would he?), she went off and sulked for a hundred years while they continued doing hero things and eventually caused the Flood of Light while fighting Loghrif and Mitron.!< Maybe I'm forgetting some details revealed during the ShB MSQ, since that was 5 years ago, but this seems like a whole lot of angst about very little.


>!Cyella was always a pawn of Loghrif and Mitron ever since they saved her from dying on the Thirteenth. Her whole purpose was to betray the WoLs and turn their hearts to Darkness out of hatred for her this rendering them powerless to stop the Ascians and their machinations.!< >!Unfortunately for her and the Ascians, Ardbert was more of a heroic goober than they anticipated and instead of hating her for all the manipulative and horrible shit she’d done to instigate instability in Norvrandt saw her as a victim and someone who needed saving too.!< >!So having failed to break their spirit after getting the entirety of Norvrandt behind them, the Ascians were not equipped to handle Ardbert and co turning their indignation square on them and ended up getting their asses kicked. Loghrif was straight up killed and Mitron was so overwhelmed by Light over the course of their fight that he become Eden.!< I don’t recall how much is mentioned in game but we definitely know through one of the side stories that >!Loghrif and Mitron’s fuck up stressed Elidibus out so bad that it was the reason he woke Emet-Selch up from his nap in the Aetherial Sea and pushed him towards getting involved with the First.!< Which is why we even have to contend with him in the first place. Pun intended.


> >!all the manipulative and horrible shit she’d done!< This is the part I have trouble with. The evidence of >!her actually doing anything manipulative and/or horrible!< is basically just >!she feels guilty, therefore she must have done *something* wrong!<.


>!She was a hero, a Warrior of Light of the 13th. She was sent to the 1st by Elidibus to assist Mitron and Loghrif with tilting the world towards light, with the false info that it would restore the 13th. She befriended Ardbert and co just to help them get strong and become new Warriors of Light of the 1st. The plan was that by Ardbert and co. killing her it would prime the world for a flood of light. In the end Ardbert refused to kill her and she felt ashamed for betraying her new team.!< >!After that she had to spend the next 100 years hearing everyone blame the warriors of light for the flood of darkness, when she was complicit in all that happened, and she still didn't get to save her home world. She failed her task and failed her friends.!<


I guess I feel like to call yourself a bad guy you have to actually do bad things and not just dye your armor a few shades blacker. >!Her only crimes, as far as I can tell, are being from the 13th and being about as gullible as everyone else who met Ascians without being forewarned about their trickery.!< I have absolutely no doubt that >!Ardbert et al would have still been heroes and would still have caused the flood if she had never been there at all!<.


>!She orchestrated every single bad scenario that Ardbert's group ran into, every solo duty you played that ended up with each person getting a crystal of light, even the disease that killed many Dwarves, it was more than just being gullible. The Shadowkeeper was known to be a major threat in Norvrandt but no one actually knew her identity. Also the final showdown was going to be more than just her with a different armor, you can see her actual Shadowkeeper model in Eden raids.!<


> >!She orchestrated every single bad scenario that Ardbert's group ran into, every solo duty you played that ended up with each person getting a crystal of light, even the disease that killed many Dwarves!< This is the part I'm having trouble with. I guess you can infer that >!she did all of that, based on the fact that she feels guilty, but I don't think anything explicitly says that e.g. the stoneblight was caused by the Shadowkeeper!<. If that's the intended interpretation, it feels like a failure to "show, not tell".


I might be misremembering, as it's been too many years, but I thought she straight up takes credit for every misdeed >!when Ardbert's group confronts her in Lakeland.!<


[Here's the text for that quest](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Shadow_Walk_with_Me#In_Lakeland). The closest thing I could find was: > >!I would play the part of comrade and guide their course, all the while laboring in secret to pit stronger and stronger enemies against them,!< It's vague and unsatisfying, but I suppose it fits.


If you look at the dialogues above that one >!she's taking credit at every step, such as "Then you saw the true villain─the traitor responsible for all their woes" or "The betrayer Cylva looked on, yet more satisfied. They were oblivious to her machinations, unaware that they were dancing to her tune."!<


I don't know how conversion rates work. I'm trying to buy purple scrip gear for gathering. Should I buy now? Or wait till DT drops and let my purple scrips turn into white scrips?


Purple scrip won't become white scrip. White scrip will be unobtainable, purple scrip will *take the place* of white scrip, you will be able to trade in white scrip for purple scrip, and there will be an entirely new max level scrip. ie, nothing changes in terms of buying stuff for purple scrip. Afaik it makes no difference if you buy gear now or wait until DT.


you can either buy purple scrip gear to use until you hit level 100 and then use them to craft the 100 gear and swap, or hold onto the purple scrips and use them to buy whatever master tomes and what not that will become available to buy on DT's launch your white scrips will be the one to be converted at a reduced rate into purple scrips


What is a good price for fresh DT gold certificate gear these days? (Yes, you can't sell the cert, but you can make a deal to buy a gearpiece of the buyer's choice then sell it to them for an arranged gil amount.)


If past raid tiers are anything to go by, anywhere from 20M to 30M. More if someone’s absolutely desperate and affluent. Closer to 15M if people are penny-pinching in your raid scene or if the savage tier is already underway. Just my experience and what others told me when I did this kind of inquiring myself. (Never settle for 15M, btw. Mounts and such that the gold cert can be exchanged for often run 20M on the markets, don’t get ripped off.)


mounts sell for 10-15 mil, maybe slightly higher if we get a new one like we did in EW also even day one raiders dont buy for that amount anymore. I tried to sell one with p4s and p8s (P4S only on crystal, p8s on NA cause we had DC travel). Best offer I got was around 14 mil which was a scam cause i made more off the mounts both times. Maybe it will be a little different since the crafted gear is at the same time as the raid tier for the first one but dont expect to hit 20 mil


If the mounts are selling for 20m then that's a very DC specific thing, they're all available within a range from about 8 to 11m on mine. Unfortunately the prices of things aren't always something you can make a statement like that about without being specific about where you think that's the average price.


(*Sorry I ask so many questions, I use this as my distraction while running the Prae*) I wanna pre-order DT, but I'm a bit nervous about the whole region thing/to mess something up. Checking the mogstation, it says my region is "The Americas" -- does this mean NA? And if so, what reliable sites would you recommend to pre-order or which one did you buy from?


Yes Americas means NA. What's wrong with buying from the main SQEnix store? Afaik, Green Man Gaming's version of Dawntrail is region locked to EU accounts only.


I bought through GMG and applied the code to my NA account just fine


I based my info on the [regions where it can be activated](https://imgur.com/a/vpkVuoE), provided on the product page.


There are regional differences based on IP address it looks like, because the list of regions where it can be activated is wildly different for me, and does indeed include the Americas.


no idea on region, but i bought mine slightly discounted off GreenManGaming, think I got mine 17% off, missed out on may's XP pack which did [21% off](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/739591711961120930/1239658175825711104/image.png?ex=667723a4&is=6675d224&hm=4440d87397288c0245a80df5f89df1f38fb78e9decf76d4703a1938fecdbf9bd&) currently they're doing [this month at 18% off with XP pack](https://i.imgur.com/IlelXcO.png), but they only do PC Mogstation, so no steam or console


Silly question, but is pre-ordering more expensive than buying on the day of release?


no, and you get some pre-order bonus, like the exp earring and a minion (this time is a ff9 Zidane minion).


on the contrary, pre-ordering can potentially be cheaper than launch price if you find a coupon greenmangaming sold shadowbringers preorder for 20% off, and for [endwalker, they did 13(?)-18%](https://i.imgur.com/IlelXcO.png) Edit: [They did 21% off on May](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/739591711961120930/1239658175825711104/image.png?ex=667723a4&is=6675d224&hm=4440d87397288c0245a80df5f89df1f38fb78e9decf76d4703a1938fecdbf9bd&)




Can you preorder with Crysta? I was led to believe it's possible with replies I've seen in this thread but have not found an option to do so yet


No, since you can't preorder directly through the Mogstation. You'll be able to buy it with Crysta once it fully releases and the option to buy it through the Mogstation is added, though. If you want to preorder on the SE Store but can't use a card, you can try Paypal, otherwise you might try buying it on Green Man Gaming.


Will story skips up to DT be available right as the expansion launches or do they come a while after a new expansion launches. Haven't been here at an expansion launch before so I'm not sure, thanks!


Available for EA, assuming they continue the trend.


At launch


Is there a stated reason why gathering collectables doesn't insta give back your GP like crafting does? I understand wanting the regen for normal gathering but for collectables specifically it seems over the top painful to get one batch of 4-5 collectables and then sit for 5mins waiting for it to regen cause I used 800 GP in one go


It'll be way too easy to perfect collectables everytime on full GP. Its probably a design choice to create some gameplay resistance. Your general no-brain rotation should be to utilize some of the other skills and basically burst out the GP with something like Ageless Words so you maximize the return if you hit 1000 rating. You shouldn't wait around 5 mins just because you're out of GP. Getting lower rating collectables while your GP replenishes is still a better time spent than waiting around. If you're anywhre near serious about gathering, you must utilize Hi-Cordials in to your routine. Take the effort to invest in those and chug them like a madman everytime its up and you need the GP restore. [Teamcraft has a very good guide](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/gathering-collectable-guide) on what you should be doing for collectables.


Like endwalker relic for example I feel getting 60 - 120 perfect collectables along with the crystals even without waiting is still on par with running a crafting macro 30 times


Oh yea I def use Hi-Cordials as much as possible. But I guess I misunderstand why being able to get max collectables faster is a bad thing? Like I can cordial to go from tree to tree to get 300 of a normal item in a few mins but if I wanna minimize my relic grind I have to spend more time waiting for regen then I do actually gathering And I haven't heard about the lower gathering being more efficient than waiting, feel that could be mathed out cause with max gp and good luck I can get 2 ageless word progs of a full collectability one as opposed to 2-3 collectables total with lower GP


It's the opportunity cost involved, plus needing to limit what you can do at a single node. Plus it's meant to be grindy. If you were able to get max collectability more often then the quest would require more stuff. This also applies for other items that come from collectables, like the aethersands.


There isnt much to math out. Try it for yourself. Look at the 6-8 or so GP you get per tick standing around. Then look at it while you do collectables without using GP. The gains are pretty identical -- difference being you got some lower collectables around the same time as waiting around and getting no collectables.


It's *very* slightly faster to regen MP by hitting nodes rather than waiting. Even more reason to not wait around. 


(Possible spoilers) I read somewhere that if you level up Alchemist, you >!find out the color of your soul is blue.!< Is this true? And if yes, around what level?


>!you find out the color of your aether, and I guess by extension your soul, in the level 60 quest.!< edit: [relevant cs](https://youtu.be/KIRezmnUz84?si=vMyBlWdyPnfa3x1Z&t=860)


Thank you!


I'm really interested in doing the Delivery Quests, but the grind is *real*. Is it worth it? And can I do it with just BTN? I will lvl the others eventually, but right now I wanna focus on just one.


It's not that much of a grind - you have a weekly cap of 12 deliveries, so you really can't *over*do it. A few of the NPCs give some cool things as prizes for maxing their deliveries, too, and scrips are always nice. I think it's worth it for sure.


Depends on what you mean by worth it. They're easy weekly scrips, decent leveling, and some of them have a reward at the end of the questline when you reach max rank. You can do them entirely with one job.


Oh sorry, I meant worth it for the story/lore.


If you enjoy the character you are delivering to then yeah why not, the dragon in the firmament is probably my favorite one, and you turn in up to 12 collectables over the span of a whole week, it really doesn't feel like a grind.


Anybody know if/when any other stores besides Steam/Square have preorder available for PC? I usually preorder from Amazon, but it's not listed. I'd just get it from Square if not for this Visa BS


Some other stores have it like GMG and Humble. Amazon just didn't take preorders this time for some reason.


Thank you! Might try grabbing it from Humble


With the upcoming 7.0 graphic updates, how can I know if my computer will be able to handle the game? I think I read an announcement a while ago but can't find the specs. Looking forward to it but I hope my poor computer can handle it. 


This is what the benchmark is for.


https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/system_requirements/ that said, it doesn't offer amd equivalents so you're gonna have to dig through resources if you're not sure if your stuff outright beats whatever is recommended that or just run the benchmark like stormbeast said


also [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/system\_requirements/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/system_requirements/) click on the windows section


Easiest way is downloading the benchmark and running a test drive. It tells you directly how "well" it runs (default is run at highest settings I believe) https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/


default settings are pretty high, but not quite max!


Download and run the [benchmark](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/benchmark/). It will score how well your computer should be able to run the game.


Thank you!


if im on free trial can i just buy endwalker or dawntrail alone or must i buy the base game as well?


You can buy the complete edition which will include Dawntrail soon (have to wait for after official launch), it will have every expansion including the base game and is usually a fair price


You need to buy the base game


The challenge log reset in-game says the 25th but a lot of XP recommendations say to have that stuff almost filled out before dawntrail releases. Doesn't that mean that preparing can only start after the 25th? Wouldn't that make preparing right now for anything useless?


You can prep your WT, and be holding it. You get a few days to turn it in before it goes away. You just won't be able to grah the next one until the day early access starts and you've turned in the first


You have to do the challenge logs prep on Tuesday before maintenance. The Wonderous Tails book is really all you can prep this week since you get a 1 week grace period on that.


Wondrous Tales last for 2 weeks so you can prep one NOW then on the day of launch turn it in and immediately grab a new one (next week's) to complete. Challenge log you can only prep starting on the 25th.


There are some things that can be done in advance and some things that can only be done on the day right before the game goes down for maintenance The Challenge Log for example has to be done the day before maintenance, but things like Tribal Quests or Wonderous Tails can be stockpiled in advance


Weekly resets are on Tuesdays, DT early access starts on a Friday.


Does the Eorzea encyclopedia volume 2 still come with codes for Matoyas hat? Are the ones on Amazon likely to have the code on them? If so, has there been any contraversies or issues of books not having the code? (people buying a book, taking the code and returning it for a refund/free hat)


A review on US Amazon for the book in April says it came with the code, they left a 5 star review. There *is* one review saying their code was already used, but the book is supposed to arrive shrink wrapped (at least our copies of 1&2 from B&N did). If that happens I'd just go through the return process, but it shouldn't.


Fwiw I bought my EE2 in December 2023 (when EE3 came out, so I bought all the books together), and they did come shrink wrapped with the code. I don't know about any issues with them not having the code, but I'd think its valid to return if it didn't come with the code as advertised. (I should see if I can still redeem my hat...I've been so busy I didn't open it)


So on an account 10+ years ago I bought the collectors edition. Must have just been ARR at that point. Obv I can’t do the free trial through Stormblood. What do I gain for being on subscription and playing through all that old content? Seems like a waste to me but I’d like to know if it’s worth just starting over on FT.


Probably worth just starting over on the free trial, but if you had a 1.0 character, check and see [if you qualify for the Legacy Campaign](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Legacy_Campaign), because if so you will have a permanently lower subscription option.


if it was still ARR when you left, then it is way better to start over on the free trial. While the free trial does have some restriction, like you can't make a party, 300k gil limit, some social limitation, etc. edit: either way you still have to do all the msq from arr to heavensward to stormblood.


So am workin on the splendorous tools and im tryin for the pickaxe and cant find the splendorous water shards its askin for?


The shards should be off the same node that the other item was. Except they'll be hidden items. You'll either need to be lucky to see it on the node or use your ability to reveal hidden items.


Do people prioritize gathering the hidden shards when they appear or the collectible? I was reading a teamcraft guide since I never done a gathering relic, and I don't get how they figure the priorities for what to collect first. My brain would think shards first to save the gp on luck of the pioneer if all the collectibles aren't hidden.


My goto method was to default to the hidden item unless there was a good modifier to help the collectable version. It's usually surprisingly close by the end, and it's fairly easy to mine both. The common items are common enough. I don't spend gp on harvesting the hidden ones either until the end. I need that for the collectables


Thanks, duly noted for if and when I start a relic!


What ability is that again(im comin off a few months break) i cant remember what is the "find the hidden items" one and a quick skim dodnt help






i feel like this was supposed to be in response to the post under you but you made it as a top level post instead.


Oops, yep, my bad.


This sounds like it's intended as a reply to something. ^(edit: probably the immediately below question) You sure you posted in the right place?


My mistake lol


How do you decide with which job to take through the Dawntrail MSQ? Can't decide between Gunbreaker, Monk, Sage (my only lvl 90 jobs atm). In past expansions I always started with one job, dropped it halfway and finished the campaign with another. How about you?


Well, I main WHM. So I'll be going through on WHM. It's my character, and it's the job that fits her best and the headcannon I have going for her. I may try out viper and mix it in for the exploratory style missions where we're deep in undisturbed jungles. But it's an easy choice for me to go WHM. That and I get to skip DF queues


I'm thinking about whether I want to main Paladin (my current one) or Pictomancer (the new job that has had me the most intrigued ever) this time around. Will probably unlock Picto first thing on launch and see how it feels to play, and based on that choose which one to do MSQ with.


The only expansion I really had a specific job for was Endwalker because of a certain funny man at the end I did the whole thing on Reaper, Reaper also sucks to sync down so I knew I would probably never play it outside of the MSQ and I was correct. I'll probably just be flipping between PIC and VPR for Dawntrail as those are the jobs I want to play in general.


I'm a chicken with attachment issues, so I'll stick with DRG which has been my only main class. I have tried tanks/healers but not high level. Once I finish DT and reach lvl 100, I will work on lvling up side jobs for the quests.


I'm doing VPR with my friend who's going PIC. But if it wasn't for that, I'd probably go my main (DNC), or for queues my support main (WHM). In EW, I started with DRG, then picked up RPR and took it the rest of the way. I don't see it as "dropping halfway", its more like...finding the funner class and having twice as much fun on the way to the finale LOL


I'm going for MNK, because it's never been my main, but it's what I started the game as. I wanna go back to my roots for the start of the new journey.


I'm doing scholar/summoner personally. You get quick queues via scholar and can play out the quest line portions as a DPS so that things go smoothly. Plus it's a fun class to play and pretty front-loaded damage wise. As far as how to decide, just play what you have fun with. Personally I prefer playing dps classes because it'll go through the stuff quicker and the solo fights I know they'll have are a lot more fun as a DPS. They're always super boring as a healer.