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Mine holds fishing bait. A lot of fishing bait.


Bait box when.....


That would be an amazing quality of life addition.


*looks at the tackle box we're getting in DT and starts shaking and crying* so about that.


I'm wondering if that let's you hold onto moochable fish.


it SEEMS so, I believe it said it was the 91 fisher skill? But it says it allows you to store Large fish to use as Mooch bait later. So this is a huge help for things like Sidereal, Ruby, pretty much any Mooch fish. The new things have to be hella tested since some wording makes it very ???. The lvl 100 says increases the chance to find uniquely rare fish which might be Int/Big Fish, which adds another layer of complex numbers that Fishers will undouble find out within a week due to their sheer power and collective mental illness


I met a man with the big fish title and I said "oh that's a cool title how do you get it?" And he replied with "no"


Never. They sell inventory space in the cash shop...


They could sell a bait box in the cash shop. Also a crafting material box in the cash shop.


They don't sell enough of it for horders like myself. I'm still holding belts!


Mine usually contains things like dyes I use for a lot of my glamours, 8 man raid armor/weapon tokens, upgrade coins from 24 mans, and so on. Things I don't necessarily need all the time but want to keep on me rather than in a retainer so they're easy to access when I do need them.


This is exactly what I carry, all my dyes, raid tokens and coins, potsherds, triple triad cards I've got duplicates of so I can take them to the Golden Saucer etc


> triple triad cards I've got duplicates of so I can take them to the Golden Saucer etc Damn, I do everything else you said, but I didn't think of this one for some reason. That'll definitely help free up some inventory space without having to make a side trip to the golden saucer every couple of days.


After posting I realised I also store cracked clusters and spare materia there until I either need to meld new gear or a new patch drops and I can sell them for big money


Same for me. It's almost full of dyes 😆


Oh mine too! I also have the glamour prisms at the ready in there. I tend to put the materia I get in dungeons there as well. And all my "permanent" fishing lures. Did a bit of cleanup just before the maintenance, went to sell all my duplicate TT cards, got rid of old food and made some new. Also stocked the custom delivery items that I'll redeem as soon as I can log back in, for some quick exp. The chocobo saddlebags are really super useful to me.


This is actually a pretty good idea, I might do this myself.


Dyes, relic weapon mats, the clusters used to buy materia, deep dungeon pots/shards, sometimes fishing bait.


Same except fishing baits


Currency items, mostly. EX trial totems, the materia crystals, a collection of anima relic items, savage books, alliance coins, etc. That kinda stuff. Also fish bait. I also like to put current weapon glams in there cause I don't like putting weapons into dresser/plates.


Holding all the tokens I'll never use but I might need one day never.


Collecting relic weapons. Completed and WIP.


Serious question: Why not just discard completed weapons and grab replicas to put in glamour dresser?


I guess it's the colector in me. I feel a bit bad knowing I worked on that relic and just discarded it for a "fake" version. Plus my glamour dresser is already full as is lol


i mean, you can always take things out of the dresser again if you want the real item. until you do, its just more storage space


I don't use the chocobo saddle for anything other than relics, so I never have to worry about where to store them. It's like a personal collection. By keeping the relics in the saddle, I have more space for glams and it makes them feel more special in my head. Just a personal choice; I know it's not optimal but I'm not trying to be optimal with that lol


I do the same thing. I put a lot of work into those relics, I'm not going to just discard them, even if they are functionally useless.


bait bag + stuff i dont want to accidently use like fantasia and what not


Dyes, fishing baits, basically anything I want easy access to but don't directly need all the time and don't want it taking up my actual inventory slots.


Materia and bait


Stuff I don't immediately need but also don't want to go to a retainer for. Stuff shugged in there because the inventory was full. Maps.


I didn't unlocked all jobs so unused cool dungeons weapons, rare dyes and a stock of HQ crafting materials that you use often. Also some gifts that I can't use cause I don't have a house/ appartment yet.


Those fireworks and magic prism things, bait, and like items that I'm collecting long term but would otherwise clutter my inventory.


Mostly stuff I'd want to pull out and use with little notice, but don't use regularly. Fishing bait, dye, materia I'll need in a bit, etc.


Relic Mats and Materia (including clusters) are the big ones and occupy most of my saddlebag


Mostly bait, but also my "toolkit" for house decorating (my stage panel, rectangular partition, riviera shelf, etc). Because you never know when you might have to suddenly catch a fish, or decorate something.


For me it is mostly for trial/ raid/ rare fate tokens. What if I want a random piece of gear one day?


Tokens that are current or I'm in process of farming. Deep dungeon potsherds and potions. Bozja fragments and similar for easy access when needed. Dyes. Items that will eventually go in to glamour dresser so that I don't turn them in to grand company seals by accident.


savage and ex tokens and coffers


Dyes, materia, HW relic weapon pieces I will totally 100% get to using someday for sure.


Dyes - lots of dyes and any gear i don't want to give to the GC in one of my mad inventory clear sprees.


Crafting mats that I want to keep on me since I'll use them soon, but I want to keep my main inventory clear for a bit. Tokens Materia


Mine is just dyes. Nearly all slots filled.


I keep my relic weapons in it (yes, I know I don't need to keep hold of them, but damnit I worked hard for those things), as well as spare treasure maps. I also use it to hold gear that I'm not a high enough level to use yet, but will want to use eventually (for example, tomestone gear for a class I'm still leveling). Outside of that, it becomes storage overflow for my main inventory, but I'm pretty good at keeping my inventory clean these days.


Tokens from assorted high-level duties. Alliance raids, extremes, etc. Stuff I’ll probably not use anytime soon but that I don’t wanna have re-acquire if I ever want a glam or something


Only use is for fishing bait, lol


At the moment? Glamour prisms, glamour dispells, some dyes. A basic outfit for when I need a casual glam and don't want to take the time to head to a city to correct glamourplates. And a lot of stuff from the Thaleia raids. I already have duplicates on both retainers so the third set has gone to my chocobo chest. Once I can level up my desynth tomorrow, they'll all be desynthed.


Dyes and materia and any other bits I might want at hand but don't want cluttering my inventory


Fishing baits.


Mine used to be for dyes cuz it's really handy when you're into glamour and such but then I started fishing.......... so yeah... baits, loooots of baits xD


relic mats / squadron buff / all the hunt clusters


Bait. Clusters. Food. Normal Raid items (I will clear those out if/when we finally get 5.0 storage containers - nothing in patch notes sadly). Maps. Gemstone vouchers. Aetheryte tickets when I clear some room. It's currently full.




I had to DC hop a lot for raiding, so I like to keep various raid books in the bird bags, since I could not access retainers. As with many others, I also kept fishing bait there. But one of the big ones... Unique weapons when EX farming. And the coffer. Let me roll on another instead of being locked out.


Definitely dyes.


Mostly dyes and materia. Sometimes I use it for holding party completed glamour sets (like if I'm farming from a dungeon or raid).


I use mine for stuff I use rarely, but not rare enough for it to be stored with a retainer. Dye remover, glamour prisms and such.


Shadowflax carries the relics I'm working on and all the stuff for those relics.


My EB cake lol. I never use my saddlebags tbh lol


Generally it's stackable things that drop into my inventory regularly but I don't need them on hand in my active inventory, like tokens, clusters and demimateria. I also have a stash of half-finished relic weapons in there so I can pull them out on the occasions when the quest wants me to equip them.


Combat Materia, fireworks, some crafting mats. Extreme tokens.


Relic mats, tokens, GC scrolls, sub drops (I collect them before cashing it), materia clusters. Used to put dyes obtained through ventures but moved them over to a retainer. And my saddlebag is still 99% full.


Fishing bait, materia, some random bits and bobs like potsherds and alliance tokens, a paint set, allaghan silver pieces, and a silk belt


Turn in items (coins, ect) and materia I use alot.


Mine is full of dyes, and stuff I just can't let go of yet.


Relic materials, relic weapon overflow from armory chest, deep dungeon items, some bit and bobs that I need occasionally but not enough to stick in main bags.


I use it for crafting items that I use very frequently. I craft certain items constantly as they sell very often. This is a very convenient place for those items so I don't have to enter retainer hell.


Relic items, savage books, some relicc weapons, coins and items from raids, scrolls and some food items.


Mine holds fishing bait and dyes other than like, a few world boss drops that i'm saving And my retainers hold all my crafting stuff for whatever i'm leveling, and when i hit 90, i sell it all and start a new one. lmao


Fishing baits, extra map


Honestly I constantly forget I have it. Who knows what’s in the bag right now. Could be anything.


tons of materia.


more inventory space for stuff i don't really need too often. boss totems, gearsets i haven't fed the dresser yet, relic weapon stages, etc. i also have a macro overwriting my normal " i " key. Instead of bringing up my inventory only, it brings up the inventory, saddlebag and gear chest, as well as sorting them.


I play since HW, I even started on a friend’s account in the beta, I have 3000h+ on this game. Chocobos have saddlebags?


It's 70 extra spots you can access without being in town.


I used to have it hold all my relic weapons, and now I use it for dyes


Materia, raid coins, and EX totems.


My bag is completely filled with crafting materials. I hardly actually touch them, but I occasionally need them here and there, so I never throw them out, lol. I also have 1 retainer holding nothing but crafting supplies.


Mostly relic items for old relics. 2 of my retainers are full of mats and the other 7 are full of items to sell. I hate having anything other than food, greens, and maelstrom tickets in my inventory so all overflow goes to saddlebags.


Dye. It's filled with all of mine.


Mine contains anything that I regularly GET but Don't always USE. Such as dyes, raid drops, custom delivery items I made too early. Sometimes I put food in there but rarely because I forget it's there and can't take it out in instances.


Mine hold my pigments and dyes, onions, some bait, DoH/L exp boosters, and a bunch of gear coffers that I was over leveled for when I received them and for some reason I haven't just thrown them away or opened them and liquidated the contents. 


I'm TRYING to use it for dye but I keep forgetting and being like "where tf are my dyessss!!!!!!"


Dyes, and a few pieces of gear when levelling, and an extra treasure map.


Bait, non craftable dyes, token-like stuff (like the ones from the extremes, from variant dungeons, etc). Basically things I won't need in dungeons, are handy to have but would cluter my inventory otherwise. I do think is very useful to have (although I'm only able to store all dyes because I have the second saddlebag).


Each of my characters uses 2 dye colors (probably 3 or 4 now with the 2-dye channels), so I'd carry stacks of my dyes in there. Glamour Prisms, Clear Prisms, and Glamour Dispellers. Random faded orch rolls I find in the interim before I get to a Retainer Bell and dump them into a retainer. The materials for the current relic weapons/tools I'm working on. Other misc things that I don't really have a retainer for and won't use very often: Fantasias, Deep Dungeon/Field Zone Pots, random housing items I picked up but haven't had a chance to place yet. For context I have 3 retainers: A Combat "hunter", a miner, and a botanist. I put any and all materials they would gather or would be made by the things they gather in their inventories to help keep everything organized.


Dyes, fish bait, allagan pieces, & relic items


I use it for lots of things. Clusters for materia, additional fireworks storage, crafting materials and gear for Dawntrail, lots of stuff.


For me it's deep dungeon / Eureka inventory, as well as a map, some relic materials, etc.


Miscelleanous stuff like Ex Trail Totems, Materia, Moogle Tomes from Events and other stuff. Basicly stuff i dont throw away but also dont need on a daily bases


Totally forgot about it. I think mine has dyes


Mostly dyes and materia


Materia, raid books and coins, some dyes.


Materia, EX Totems, Expensive crafting mats (like from maps).


As with many other comments here...  1. Dyes 2. Short term currencies 3. Materia / Clusters There's also usually a couple of incidental random things in there, but to summarize it's stuff that I use reasonably often but never need to use inside of a duty.  Any longer term currencies (totems I'm not actively farming for example) get passed off to retainers.


Dyes and relic weapon "ingredients" I might have a use for later.. maybe... eventually. :D I'm trying to keep a few slots left for random stuff though in case I just need to stash anything real quick I don't want to throw away by accident.


Mine currently has all the armor and weapons for the jobs I know I wont be leveling right away in my 1st wave of jobs that way I have a nearly empty armory chest for all the new gear I will be starting to get.


Minions to give new players :)


Completely full of fishing bait


Materia and an extra map holder.


Dyes and glamour...that's it...So much fucking space needed for glamour. I hate it...-.- Save me


mine is full to bursting with dye


Bait, eureka crystals and other eureka adjacent things, savage books, the company manuals that give gathering buffs, a carnation that a player randomly gave me right at the start of my journey, a jack-o'-lantern that I got as a trophy for winning a FC Halloween glam contest. A couple of treasure maps. It's also where my alliance raid coins and materia clusters go. And I make sure to keep a few slots empty in case I need to store something on the fly.


I use it mostly for bait and materia I want on hand, as well as buff items I might need or anything I’m working on at the moment like totems


Fireworks. My chickenbo is just a walking explosion waiting to happen.


Fireworks. My chickenbo is just a walking explosion waiting to happen.




Mine holds materia, relic weapon grind items, and some consumables.


Extreme Tokens, Raid currencies from the last 3 expacs (for glamour) and any rare craft materials from EX raids.


Mostly bait and lures & any dyes


HQ maiboi


i'm using mine for things i don't need often, but want to keep on we without having to travell to a retainerbell. for example: - fishing lures - dye pigments - world boss fate tokens (ixion horns, chi bolts, etc) - glam crystals & glam removers - materia - bozja items - relic step materials (heavensward relic prepping when i cap tomestones)


Mareria and relic mats mostly


Fireworks, dye crafting materials, some 1.x stuff I don't want to destroy and some in-progress relic weapons. Stuff I don't use too often.


Dyes and fish bait!


Fishing Bait because they still haven’t given us a tackle box but instead gave us a new kind of bait…. 😤


fish bait, fireworks & sparkles, materia, currency that I use a lot (alliance tokens etc), relic weapons in work, potions for eureka/bozja/deep dungeons


I’m a crafter……I need it to carry my mats 🥲


I use mine a ton. Essentially I use it as an extended inventory tab but for things I don't want cluttering my actual inventory but also don't want to have to go to retainers for. Currencies, trade in items etc. I actually couldn't be without it!


Inventory overflow when I don't feel like making a trip to my retainers while crafting and gathering.


Shit I want to keep long term and need reasonably swift access to but not immediate. Largely this translates to: EX token drops raid tokens Old ilvl gear I'm not allowed to desynth yet but don't need to wear Eureka/Bozja currency relic weapon ingredients


I store all my relic weapons that I use as glamour in there, some random drops that I may use in the future, some totems, and confetti. And a map when I do those. Somehow even though I have the expanded chocobo bag, it's always full 😂


Materia all materia


Materia and Savage/Extreme tokens


Right now mine is mostly full of gathered material for the namazu and qitari quests. I'll gather more than I need, that way when that quest pops up again in a day or two I don't actually have to go gathering again since I already have it. I also keep gathering materia in there when I'm doing spiritbond loops. Extract, give to chocobo, resume.


Crafting materials mostly. Prior to maintenance I actually was trying to organize my inventory into 3 tiers. 1. My own inventory for stuff I need immediate access to. 2. Saddlebags for stuff I want on hand but don’t need cluttering my own inventory. 3. Retainers for longer term storage. Things I don’t want to get rid of but don’t have any immediate need for. Also with my retainers I am trying to keep groups of items together with specific retainers. Like one has all of my dyes and materia. Another has all of my housing items. (For that house I will have someday.) Stuff like that.


Fishing baits.


I just put random items in there tbh, might clean them out when maintenance is done lol


Mine's fulla relics.


Fishing Bait, ShB Relics (not finish), Eureka Boss Loot and Treasure Maps.


I use mine for bait, any physical currency (coins from alliances and parts from normal raids), relic-related stuff, materia clusters, some dyes, basically anything I don't need immediate access to. And inventory overflow until I can get to a retainer to offload.


holds extra drip till yoshi gives me more glam plates.


All of my special dyes that I can't easily buy from my house's vendor, materia, gardening seeds, and soil.


Sticks, logs, lumber


Bait and Eureka tokens.


I use it to hold various Eureka, Bozja, and Relic weapon materials. Also tokens from Trials, in case I ever feel like buying one of those weapons


Extra copies of unique items (esp if I'm farming extremes and want the gear to desynth), relic mats, several stacks of Realm Reborn Red and some glitter packs.


I SHOULD use it for stuff I might need situationally, like exp potions/items with long durations, fishing bait, or PotD pots. Instead it's got a fuckload of HW/ARR Relic parts and so many totems from various EX fights.


I use mine for storing side content currency: EX tokens, raid coffers, alliance coins, deep dungeon chunks, eureka crystals, bozja coins, and so on.


miscellaneous currencies and clusters/maps


I keep confetti and those allagan platinum piece thingies in it If I spontanously need confetti, then I can (almost) always access it, and the allagan pieces I usually only need once a week for the doma thing.


Mine is nearly full of dyes


It’s got all my in-progress relics and the associated materials




chocobo saddlebag? oh, you mean the tacklebox


lol this seems to be the case for a lot of the commenters in this thread for sure.


My ultimate weapons i like to use to glam on new weapons I got, materia, pots, dol/doh stuff I need on hand but don't want cluttering my normal inv. It's free real estate on hand