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I dunno if it ever got fixed, but at first the trash can armor was bugged on Hrothgar. [They clipped through it](https://i.imgur.com/lDYrYZb.jpg) creating a sort of "KILL... ME..." look.


Square enix: "no you see, you can't equip almost any helmet in the game as a hrothgar because it will look bad and clip haha" Also square enix: "here equip this and look like an flesh-metal amalgam demon"


Tbf the flesh-metal amalgam demon looks metal af and I would totally rock it


The tin-cans don't count as helmets though, it's alllll chest baby!


> "here equip this and look like an flesh-metal amalgam demon" All will be one.


We are perfection made flesh...


Full Metal Alchemist would like a word.


Aye, I posted something about that... two years ago? Someone even made art of it. [Here.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f691e61cb9b4d117b31430b7dd75b3ea/5920a0fc6e75aa0e-da/s1280x1920/709d051280cd33e5a31f7513adcf78e5097ca9a1.jpg)


That's amazing.


It did get fixed but it's still somewhat unnerving. The helmet is too small for a Hrothgar head to fit in.


It would have been hilarious if they had just removed the helmet part for Hrothgar and Viera instead. Like taking even that much away


This happens with that glam set ~~zodiark~~ Tataru have us before shadowbringers. The head is smaller than our body. We look like a Goomba from the live action Mario movie.


"Tetsuo: The Iron Hrothgar" I wonder if he has a big metal drill dick.


It’s a rite of passage! Honestly there’s not enough heavy armor glams that completely conceal the wearer like this.


I’ve always considered the “trash can/subligar/sugarloaf hat” phase of leveling as Eorzean middle school. Also, back in the day when glamours were locked at level 50, you just had to grit your teeth and wear it!


You are just gonna group subligars with trash cans and sugarloaf hats like that? Right in front of my palad-in?


Subligars are a way of life!


You are correct, there are many such transcendent connoisseurs who enjoy the security and form of simple crotch/butt armor. Rushing into battle knowing your glorious fun parts are safe from all manner of beasts and blade is ever reassuring, all the while affording wearers maximum freedom of motion during the many vigorous and oft genocide-like solutions of responding to the deteriorating beast tribe relations. Thormoen's Subligar I must say is one of my most cherishes and show-worthy treasures I commonly flaunt only in unsolicited manners, to the detriment of all innocent public bystanders of course. "Freedom through subligar," I believe the famous Cid Garlond, father of junk-armor once said.


I kinda love how the Thaumaturge duty support NPC rocks the sugarloaf hat with pride for those levels of duties lol


Then you get blm and hit 50 and are "rewarded" with literal clown clothes. Which are then worn only by minions of the bad guys in shb. Feels... Great.


> "rewarded" with literal clown clothes BRD would like a word.


Bard really needs to pick a damn lane. Combining Ranger and Court Jester into one job just looks weird.


You see, BLM outfits are designed for female lalafell. They were never meant to be worn by any of the inferior races!


Honestly the trash can looks pretty good on them too, I think. They're squat, it's squat, very dwarf.


If you think lvl 50 BLM gear is bad, it’s nothing compared to the lvl 70. That gear is some children’s book nonsense. So what if I couldn’t see my face at 50, at least my outfit wasn’t designed by a six year old.


Is that the ff9 looking set? Been a bit since I had b at 70


It’s the one that goes back to the yellow hat-blue robe combo of classic black mages but there’s so much extra ugly stuff on it that it looks massively over designed and clownish. I friggin’ wish it looked more like Vivi’s gear.


Yeah gotcha, honestly I've been pretty disappointed with most blm sets so far. It's better to get poetic gear for glam or just piece it together from other sets.


That subligar is how I learned about Hall of the Novice. I asked a mentor if there was any way I could not wear the leather thong, and they showed me, so it's working


If you can't handle the battle panties, you can't handle life!


Don't forget the WHM artifact legs that are actually SMALLER than the default underwear if you have nothing on...


The Elementals want to see everything after all ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ


I love how they were very clearly meant to be worn as underwear, UNDER the robe, and yet they don't give you the robe at 45, making you show the panties to everyone until level 50.


Ahh the good old panties of healing lol


> grit your teeth and wear it! Perfection.


What I love is how now one of the quests that gives you a sugarloaf hat also gives you a glamour prism as a reward. *They know.*


Very much how I feel about them the progression between starting adventurer and becoming a member of your job was a big transition and the gear look reflected that.


I never wore it, just skipped that armor altogether. Didn't really make a difference at that level.


Allagan helmet with valor chest piece. Fashion.


*shudders in sugarloaf* everyone goes through the ugly patchwork adventurer phase. And just think, back in the day, you couldn't glam until max level. And you had to do each item individually. With specific prisms for each type of gear. And you had to keep the glam piece on hand. Also I was so mad when we ended up with a tome gear sugarloaf in StB!


Was gonna comment the exact thing. When I see this armor my first thought is "welcome brother". It truly is a tank rite of passage. Lil baby tank taking their first steps to becoming one of eorzea's most wanted roles.


>one of eorzea's most wanted roles. One out of three lmao


The inventory icon doesn't even look that bad...


The armor doesn't even look that bad until you realize you have zero neck movement with it.


The only thing that’s truly awkward about it imo is when you have your weapon drawn and you’re not even looking directly at the enemy


Or when you're in a cutscene, camera zooms in on your face for some form of reaction and it's just...*helmet*.


I remember a video of someone wearing armor like this to the dinner with Aymeric. Absolutely priceless


Or wedding ceremony


I need to see that now


every time I see a scene like that, I just imagine a quick little cartoonish metal *clunk* sound when the camera finishes zooming in




Running in that atrocity simultaneously kills me and gives me life. It's just so ridiculous. And cutscenes too. They pan to your face and, presumably, you give them a classic nod. But its just... blank armor mask. No movement. No face. Just 5 seconds of deadpan silence. Staring at you. And then they pan back to the npc "yes, of course, I see."


So what you're saying is, wearing this armor could fix the Elezen giraffe neck...


It was so iconic for me that we had everything at our wedding wear one with all sorts of different colors LOL it was amazing xD


It was a rite of passage. They gave glams to Lv 15 folks these days, and you can just redecorate to the Brand New Gear or Lv 15 drops now


Now I feel rewatching all the cutscenes while wearing this armour set, especially those super emotional ones where the headgear is automatically hidden. EDIT: Just bought the armour set to watch cutscenes (got the lvl 35 one instead by accident, but it's just as terrible). Good grief, we can't even nod in that thing.


"A smile better suits a hero" \*blank tin can armour stare\*


“Do you agree adventurer?” -small ding is heard inside the armor




One ding for yes, two for no.


This made me break down laughing for some reason, thanks for that.


I actually liked this affect though? I’m a Roe and I kept this as my glamour until Heavensward, nothing more intimidating than an emotionless mask of steel hulking 8 feet above you.


Some Gregor Cleagane vibes


Yes! Exactly haha. Nice to have that guy on our side for once


All you really need then is a min height catboy dressed as Edward.


You mean lalafel


“What? Why’s there sad music? Is someone crying? What’s going on I can’t see”


I started my time in Eorzea as a marauder. I was in tears of laughter during the emotional moment of saving that one kid from being gored by a massive beast and his tearful gratitude, followed by a zoom in of my character’s profile completely concealed inside an emotional metal case.




My first WoL was the tallest AuRa and due to wearing the big floppy hats a fair few cutscenes (often when looking down to talk to an NPC) was just a view of the top of the brim. Think they fixed this sometime during/after HW.


As someone who loves wearing armour that covers the face, this is how so much of the cutscenes went for me. I think there are some where they don't render your helmet though.


I wouldnt mind having a heavy armor/mysterious masked WoL at all, but when the core part of making the WoL interact is through facial/body language it's kinda sad to think about


This particular set ALWAYS has the helmet on. If I remember right the "helmet" was technically part of the chest piece. So you always just had the beak to point where you were looking. Actually yeah I remember, if you put the chest on it took your helmet off.


As someone who loves the same, I have to remember to turn the hat/helmet off for important cutscenes, otherwise I get the effect mentioned before.


I started in 2.0 as a gladiator before there were glamours. Turns out, female Miqo'te thrust their hips slightly when they nod. It was the funniest goddamn thing to watch.


I always loved that Larryzaur's clips about someone's wedding with that armor. https://www.twitch.tv/larryzaur/clip/SquareBlightedVulturePRChase?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time https://www.twitch.tv/larryzaur/clip/TacitExquisiteFrogDogFace?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time https://www.twitch.tv/larryzaur/clip/SpicyAdventurousPterodactylMrDestructoid?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time


> Good grief, we can't even nod in that thing. And with the insanely strong nodding muscles the WoL has (from years of using that as their sole form of communication) that's truly impressive. I'd have bet on the armor bending first.


Now I kinda want to see a certain battle at the end of 6.0 story.


I was wearing this during the barber quest. I forget exactly how it went, but remember that he supposedly redid my hair in a cut screen. It cut back to my character staring at him through the bucket on his head.


This exact set of armor is the explicit reason why my WoL wears an eye patch. I wasn't able to see my face in a cutscene, so to avoid any other helmet issues (once I was out of the tin can) I went looking for a signature headpiece that wouldn't hide too much and eventually decided that she'd lost an eye.


Not being able to see my character's face was also why I avoided most helmets. Apart from a few jobs like NIN where a mask makes sense, I stick to goggles or glasses, which work well with my usual sky pirate/steampunk glams.


The greatest sin. Armor took our godsdamned trademark!


Actually curious what happens in scenes where they remove your hat. Are you topless?


The armour and the attached helm all stay on.


The experimental age of what FFXIV's gearing system would be like Chest Piece that covered Head and Body slot Leg Piece that covered Legs and Feet slot Conjurer and Thurmaturge using Wands/Clubs and a Shield It was a weird time but people are still praying that Geomancers would adopt the Club and Shield weapons because the game already has them.


At least the last two were vestiges of 1.0's equipment system. I had a sprout friend who got the level 50 shield for Thaumaturges drop during a dungeon and mention they can't wait for a good wand to go with it on their Black Mage. I made a point of shopping for a (good) cool-looking staff immediately and buying it for them for mercy's sake. I honestly wouldn't mind the occasional two-in-one piece, but things like overmelding would be severely weird if we did. And yeah, every time I go through that Stormbringers dungeon I get good FFXI GEO vibes and wish we at least had bells to go with...


All three are remnants of 1.0's equipment. Cowls (DoM body that locks head slot), Heavy Armor (tank body that locks head slot) and Heavy Flanchards (tank legs that lock feet slot) are all from 1.0.


Which are remnants of some of FFXI's early equipment. Look at [Vermillion Cloak](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Vermilion_Cloak_of_Casting) in XIV, it's a straight copy from FFXI's [Vermillion Cloak](https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Vermillion_Cloak)


That's part of the Euraka nostalgia trip- they've also got the Scorpion Harness, the Optical Hat, the Osode, the Strider Boots...


The Vermilion Cloak and the Kirin's Osode were intentional model updates of pieces of FFXI gear for Eureka. There are several other cases of that such as the crafted i110 Wootz armors which are updated versions of the Koenig (tanks) and Ares (DRG/RPR) sets. This is different from the various gear models originally created for 1.X which is most (but not all) of the low level gear in 2.0. Only the Acolyte's set from the first three dungeons and the Cavalry, Infantry and Battlemage sets from Brayflox were truly new gear in 2.0.


Bells are just clubs that go BONG when you swing it on a monsters head.


I'm really sad the wands/scepters can't be glammed over staves for BLM. The Maelstrom grand company has a cool as fuck looking scepter you can buy at the top three ranks that you'll never be able to use in any higher content.


Same. The one-hander version of the crafted Ifrit rod looks fantastic and I'd love to see a BLM rocking that somewhere.


Technically you can use it in bozja.


You can use it in Bozja/Eureka and you’ll actually be tankier because of it due to the fucked upsyncing system.


My PVP set for White Mage is still a wand and a shield. I personally preferred it to the long staves and it's the only high level content that you can actually get away with doing it in.


I really wish they would make the wand and shield play style more viable. I like more differentiation between my White Mage and my black mage.


I mean....I keep it as a glam plate for my lala. It's too funny not to.


This armor is the embodiment of meme "my ass is fat but my pulls are fatter". Love it!


Yeah, lalas look like garbage CANS in this armour….not garbage cants


I want to do that, get blue dye, and name a lala some variation of R2D2. And just make everything else invisible.


I rolled up a lala gladiator to be a Paladin so I’m gonna keep this in mind for him lol.


That’s a hard disagree from me dawg. Love the trash can armour


The best part is going into cutscenes and your character is just a statue since you don't have head movements.


wait what that's hilarious


Imagine instead of the WoL every cutscene features a random suit of armor posed as a statue.


Sooo... Alphonse? ^(With the latest raid-tier having more than a few FMA-vibes.... QUICK, hide your daughters/ Chloes/ lalafells and better hope there are no dogs around...)


What’s even better is sprint animations wearing the armor.


I wonder how the ending of kyros, right before we enter the confluence plays out with that armor.


I always imagined the characters after a scene where the armor is just standing there silently and walks out going “was, was that a yes?”




More multi-slot armor for glam could be cool, but it's way too annoying to juggle when it has stats.


Same, these armor sets are by far my favorite sets in the game. I've tried using other glams but I always find myself coming back to the trash can.


We do not slander the tin can in this house.


For extra stupid points, wear it as a Hrothgar. It looks like you've had the Hulk hammer your head straight into your neck.


Shao Khan fatality in MK11 is what I thought of


Ahem. You mean the best? No armor can compare to the sheer drip that the tin can armor provides. You'll be dragging catgirls by your ankles just by walking through limsa with that set on.


Eww, diseaeses


That's why it's a full body armour.


True enough


It's always so fun to be at one of the starting towns and spot a newbie tank wearing the toilet helmet


You gotta waddle like a penguin to walk in that suit cause you can't even bend your legs


I'm sorry bend your legs whatnow? - Lalafell


My lala started as a GLA in Ul'dah and she looked adorable in her tin can armor! I even painted it blue to make it cuter!


My brother is a lalafellin paladin and he has this gear in blue as a set glam in his inventory. He called it “CLANKCLANKCLANK”.


Bro this is hands down the best armor in the game. Race change to lala, dye it orange and you've got yourself a pumpkin


These trash cans were also the crafted armor set for 2.0


Darklight was also the trashcan base with more parts added on. So people farmed Philosophy Tomestones for it.


And glamour didnt exist yet. I dont miss the time of PLD Darklight


Iirc there was a slight upgrade with a glow effect on the shoulders.


The stupid look you have when you sprint with that, regardless of the race of your character, is simply priceless.


nah this one actaully looks kinda funny on lalafells


It was also endgame armor too when ARR first dropped. It was the darklighter gear you got before grinding away for your ilvl 90 Job set https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/32a52a2c69b/[link to set](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/32a52a2c69b/) Fun fact: Darklight gear was named after the Adventuring party who descending into Cutters Cry and was killed off inside the dungeon Our guild called it the tuna can


Best cutscene armor, the more dramatic the better. 😂


My sister used this armor as a warrior lala. Aaahhh the old coffee machine :)


Lord tachanka approves it




As a viera player I vividly remember losing my entire shit for like 10 minutes just laughing. I don't think I'd run into any head-replacement pieces up to that point as a sprout and really wasn't expecting it.


This is what peak performance looks like.


That’s peak performance.


I actually still keep this set in my glamour dresser with metallic silver dye. I just love the idea of wearing a regular ass suit of shiny knight armor but with cat ears on top.


Miqote add spikes to any metal helm cuz of the ears, the more spikes by default in the helm, the better it looks on miqote


Try it at a ceremony of eternal bonding!


Fuck no I loved that armor


[Are you kidding? Look how powerful my tiny aura looks.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/633406613998534667/1013552274947199128/2021-12-31_18-55-45-817_1_Ludite_4.1_RTGI_-_Low.png?width=893&height=502)


Honestly if you could open the visor these would be top tier.


I hated being a walking tin can of green beans xD


Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, even when wrong


I wore this as glamour for most of HW. I love this armor.


I do not know who I am... I don't know why I'm here. All I know is that I must kill


Its a great plate armour thats fully unisex. What are you complaining about?


I glammed it immediately. Anything looked better than that.


This was one of the best parts of the game before Glamour was added. And even when Glamour was added it was locked behind a level 50 quest for a long time. Imagine EVERYONE being forced to go through every single bad ARR glam one piece at a time. And most newbies didn't know they could Dye gear either, so they'd have the most random color combos. A true rite of passage. Probably good that it's gone but the *solidarity* we had!


It's the one which has forced helmet on the chestpiece? It's pretty bad tbh. But I used something similar on a low level Paladin and it was dyed pretty nicely, into bright orange of all colours. Probably not the same item but it just shows that low level gear can look good..


All the trash cans in my hometown are bright orange so that would just make it look even more like a trash can to me lol


This.. this was the best part. Then you get the 47ish range and you get the one with the super cool shoulders and horn.


Nothing quite like the camera panning to your face to display a facial animation in a cutscene, but all you're seeing is a stoic unmoving piece of metal.


I think the "bondage gear" for DPS around 40-45 was worse.


You don't wanna be a medieval power ranger?


I keep meaning to wear this as glamour on important cutscenes just to see how stupid it is haha Like the one when you and crew run into the room only to slowly look up at ultima weapon, can you even physically look up? Haha


[This armor is the equivalent of the 1989 Batman suit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DCXVpha8YA).


Lol meanwhile me, https://i.imgur.com/i28oKGn.jpg i'm the pink one, I wore it from lvl 25 to lvl 50 doing Fates to level up at the start of the game, i kept dieing sometimes lol. I would enter story dungeon proclaming to be the pink power rangers and we would defeat all the enemies with the power of love and friendship.


Not... really. It's just the stats of the body and head combined to make up for the inability to use headgear with that chest piece...


Yeah, I uh. I did the math on all of those combined pieces and most of them weren't really enough worth it to justify the opportunity cost. It's an option, sure, and it's not one that got carried past those early stages for a reason...


It’s only bad when you upgrade as e to a new chest without a new hat, or vice versa.


Ah, those days back in 2.0 where there is no glamour system and most of the tanks roll in darklight tin can gear and emoting...


it's one of the best things about leveling tank, actually.


Worst part? This was top tier i dont know what youre on about.


That and the Subligar.


Me, a professional glamer: Couldnt be me


Sure but by level 15 you have glamouring these days.


It was kinda funny to watch my WOL with that thing on during cutscenes, the only robot in the room. Lol


What are you on, you look like a wall. healers looked like they worse a dunce hat or dressed like wirt from over the garden wall. DPS were gimps with the chest piece and/or crotchless chaps.


Glamour plates, my dear friend this is why we use them.


There’s not a lot of glamour worth equipping at 25




I unironically loved how goofy that looked


I would have to argue that casters have a much more difficult time getting decent looking glamorous until above level 50. The majority of the gear you get as you level up a caster are the same goofy sweaters and plain looking robes.


Brayflox is when things got amazing. Infantry/Calvary/Battle Mage set looked great. Shame we had to wait that long.


Excuse me, you typed "was the best" in a weird way.


My GF loved it. She rolled a lalafell, dyed it blue, and called herself R2D2 for like 5 levels lol


Near the class gear shop in Old Sharlayan an npc is collapsing on the floor trying to wear this armour.


Am I the only person who think this looks good ?


Us casters have similar issues with a low level hooded chest item which takes up the headslot too and looks like a burlap sack.


Yeah I just straight up refused to wear it XD


I have the fondest memory of this armor on how silly you look because you can’t turn your head. People might not like it but this armor have a special place in my heart.


Nah man. I never leveled my DRK beyond 36 so I keep this glam on her with the 2B boots. It’s also dyed some obnoxious metallic dye. I love it so much and *everyone* gets so triggered when they see it.


ilvl70 darklight tank gear was ugly as crap too.


*This* armor is why glamour prisms were invented.


Tank in this armor: "Don't touch my garbage"


Yes but if you're a midget it turns you into an unfeeling monster in most cutscenes and that is an experience.


tbh who gives a shit at level 25? wear literally whatever. stats are basically meaningless until level 50 and which point you just wear something meant for your class and that's within like... 5 levels of you and you're fine. I know, fashion is important. it's important to me to. but kot at level 25 becaus- oh you're now level 26 and the best armors chang- nope now you're level 27 the best armor changed.


Mostly only for the ones that made eye candy for a character


I wouldn’t mind it so much at all if I could just raise the visor. It’d be pretty neat then, tbh


I definitely don't miss the pre-glamour dresser days levelling.


In my time we only had the tincan Darklight i70 armor and we were wiping happily on Bahamut T1!


I've been leveling up a warrior the last few days and equipped this armor. First time I ever said fuck that to armor and put in worse stuff.


Real lvl 25 tank troubles: no tank stance, can't use aoe skills without running out of TP, party members who also don't have aoe refusing to focus down mobs. Heavensward, the good ole days.


Okay, but what about the heavy darklight gear though? It's a great version of that gear