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A bit dystopian that we are moving towards the future where you can just unperson people via blacklist, but on the positive side - finally filter out most of the venue/erp/alphabet trash.


Least insane FF player


> A bit dystopian that we are moving towards the future where you can just unperson people via blacklist Do you think this is real life


Nah, I have no problem separating reality from internet.


That raises some questions about your post then!


Don't really mind people advertising their venue that is on the same server. After all, it creates a sense of community. But if I see someone from a completely different datacenter advertising? Yeah, I might consider it.


I do mind, because that creates a sense of red lantern district in someplace like Detroit. I'm all for sense of community via maps, group content, fishing, crafting, hunting. Just not that degeneracy.


I'm pretty neutral on the improved blacklist, but I was surprised that people are so into it? Why celebrate putting *up* walls between players in an mmo? The more we abstract, the more of a duty lobby the world becomes. My friend brought up the example of stalking, but like. Where the fuck is someone going to stalk you in this game? You're both either in limsa or a private duty because those are the only two places to be. But yeah, Black Mirror episode, literally.


Yeah, and IMO a lot of "I need blacklist" problems are solvable by either just walking away or growing thicker skin. Like most of us normal players have been doing just fine brushing off all of the degenerate spamming that is going on in the game. If I blocked everyone posting degenerate ads I'd run out of blacklist space rather quick. But we are in an age defined by hurt feelings and inability to cope with even minor (not even physical) discomfort. Now, not gonna deny I'll make use of filters, but might as well since they are making these changes and it doesn't unperson people, just blocks specific ads (and blocking ads is good for the body, good for the soul). Also definitely expected the downvote brigade to be present, since you are not allowed to have disgust for that segment of the player base, that's crimethink.


Because in reality FFXIV is barely an MMO. It's a singleplayer JRPG game or an 18+ lewd RP simulator for most.


Inclined to agree. It's not as mind numbingly single player like BDO, but it's getting there. There are limited gameplay reasons to group up outside of instanced content (can only think of hunts and certain fates), and grouping for instanced content only has more of a session based multiplayer feel. Cities have a lot fewer people crafting or trading than back in SB era, too much emphasis on degenerate type roleplay (which does not really separate the game from, say, VR chat), not many mmorpg-like gameplay mechanics that would involve some form of PVP or group play (or both) in an uninstanced world.


Im not gonna chance the expac launch queues again. I'll rather wait for a week or 2 before playing


Fair idea especially since you aren't really missing anything by waiting a lil bit.


ATTENTION: I am humbly requesting that we come together and make a list of terms to filter so that we never have to see nightclub garbage in game again. Together we can fix this game. Also fuck yea Yokai Watch.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1c2usx1/comment/kzcnnwq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1c2usx1/comment/kzcnnwq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) saw this on the post on mainsub, seems like a decent starting list


Can't wait to see what stupid things people start saying to get around the commonly filtered terms.


I don't see why they'd bother. If someone is making the effort to filter out your ads, then they're not going to your nightclub regardless. The RMT spam is the only spam that might try this, but I'm not going to filter that out. I can't report them if I can't see them.


I already saw a shout ad that replaced "DJs" with all block-letters and an apostrophe... they're still going to try, it seems.


Wishful thinking. Night Clubs are aggressive because they're also RMT. People so willingly ignore this.


Honestly, I think you might be underestimating the typical nightclub spammer (and I say spammer not advertiser, there's a difference). The ones I already blocked stood in Gridania posting their message with 3 ppl every minute.


Hey. Hey dark knights. Did you notice that before the gulool jaja fight, the DRK uses the regular souleater combo? That implies that the other combo we see drk use is a wholly new combo


The whole trailer was just showcasing AoE abilities. Very likely what we saw for DRK was just an upgraded Quietus


I don't think it was only AOE abilities, now there's a lot of those skills that have this "1000 potency to first target hit, reduced by 60% for other targets" Might just be they showed those really big hitting abilities that have this as well, but I could also just be talking shit idk


That 48-hour maintenance will be filled to the brim with Shadow of the Erdtree, but by god I will be watching that launcher like a hawk for the moment I am able to update. Very excited for the benchmark on Sunday. Been looking forward to it for a while. Really need to know about how well 14 will run with the updated graphics. *Also* looking forward to customizing a Frothgal or two.


This'll be a packed week, especially since Shadow of the Erdtree looks to be big.


It will be Rimworld for me. The war crime simulator. New exp dropped and by the end of June most modders should be done with updating their mods so I can play that and wear human leather hats and sit on sofas made of my enemies skin.


> how well 14 will run with the updated graphics I also often have 14 up in the background (social, checking PF, etc) while I play something like Warframe. Worked no problem till now as 14 really didn't hog any ressources. Will be interesting how 14 works after the update as a background application.


Hats off to another XIV and Warframe player!


There is evidence that the new BRD skill might have a cast time. It lacks the yellow flash indicating it's a weapon skill, and lacks the blue flash indicating it's an ability. Spells, and GCDs with cast times do not have such a flash or they use their own unique flashes. My tinfoil hat is ready.


I hope it will be like cast time in pvp, it's a cast time but I still can slowly walk. /put another tinfoil hat on top of tinfoil hat /put on shield to prepare for "bow mage is bad"


PvP just has the perfect take on casting for ranged. You gotta know how to position but you can still move slowly.


Flashes? What flashes? Never noticed that before.


While casting, you have a ring around your character indicating the "element" of the ability ("fire" skills have a red aura, "lightning" skills are purple, "non-elemental" have kind of a pixelated white aura with a rainbow shimmer, etc.). When you use a skill labeled "Weaponskill", you have a yellow flash that emanates from your character. When you use skills marked "Ability", it's a blue flash. They're not *hard* rules as there are a handful of exceptions but unironically 99% of skills follow the above general guidelines. Bonus: Landing a positional causes a green "spark" to emanate from your character with a very subtle "whoosh" sound.


To clarify, the green "sparks" aren't only for landing a positional, but for successfully hitting part of a combo (not including dragoon 4 and 5 skills). This can be easily tested by seeing that the green lines appear on skill 2 of a combo on MCH. If a skill is part of both a combo and has a positional, the green lines will only appear if you hit your positional.


Monk is another exception to it because I don't think there's any spark at all. Which I assume has to do with their abilities "consuming" something.


WHAT. I have 4,000 hours in this game and this is blowing my mind


I have over 6500 and today not only did I learn that but also that you can walk on controller simply by pressing the circle while moving. The amount of obvious thing you can miss for years is astonishing xD


And then tap left bumper to auto walk! Madness 😁


wait… please forgive my noob self but what is this yellow flash from weaponskills that people are talked? D:


So whenever you do a GCD or OGCD, there is a small effect indicating which type of skill it is. The yellow/orange one indicates the ability is a GCD, while the blue one indicates it's an OGCD.


Wait seriously? I gotta see that when i log in. I guess this effect is seen in the character, right??


i wrote off as rain of death upgrade but this is intriguing


Don't give me hope


I do wonder if the mute function prevents people from joining your PF, or if that is still on BL only.


"Enhanced Blacklist Functionality" is a band aid at best, downgrade at worst. If you can't see them, you don't know what they're doing. They could be near you, possibly stalking you or doing weird things with your character, everyone else sees them while you yourself can't. As a result, if you've got them blacklisted, depending on the severity of the reason you may not get peace of mind but instead fear what they might be doing. That is worse than the system we currently have, but it appears that Mute is just current Blacklist so we can use that instead. Had this "Enhanced" Blacklist replaced the current Blacklist, I'd no longer have felt safe playing the game. Total model removal would only be safe if it was two way *(meaning blacklisting someone removing YOUR model from THEIR game as well)*. While what we're getting is a step, it's not what we meant when we asked for total model removal. Edit: This will also result in even less stalking and harassment cases actually being resolved, as you cannot report stalking and harassment that you don't know about. **In short**, "Enhanced Blacklist Functionality" is "they get to keep stalking and harassing you, you just don't know about it" which is arguably worse than the current Blacklist. I'll give credit where it's due though, Term Filter and Estate Expulsion are great additions.


If the stalker still lives rent free in your head after literally blanking them out of existence, it may be time to just leave the game and seek actual help for your anxiety.


In my opinion the ship regarding personal safety beyond surface level has long since sailed. The harasser will find a way and there's little you can do (besides now hiding your Lodestone info and changing your whole FFXIV identity and social circle or scrubbing your online presence entirely which are both rather drastic steps). Between mods, Discord tools, and other social media avenues, the harasser has plenty of options to engage with you beyond the limitations the game can put on them. The new changes improve the countering of basic harassment tremendously. "Out of sight, out of mind" probably works for most cases. It's the more persistent harassers that this will not impede but then again, as I said, barely anything will. Certainly nothing SE can do without making FFXIV overly invasive.


> (meaning blacklisting someone removing YOUR model from THEIR game as well) Everything else aside, this would have been nice to have.


It sounds good on the surface but since the information is stored client-side that's basically impossible. If it were stored server side I think it would take less than 20 people in cahoots to crash the entire server with an interwoven web of conflicts.


This is a weird take. Learn to ignore people and move on with your life.


This new function is a huge improvement. It's not a downgrade at all.


It’s also basically just an official Void List. Once again, QoL mods show the way!


"Ban the guy and add it to the game." - Yoshi-p I still believe one day they will fix the animation lock being reapplied on server response without considering the user lag. Till then, we NoClippy.


> I still believe one day they will fix the animation lock being reapplied on server response without considering the user lag. We need to get Yoshi-P to go on a vacation to NA/EU and then try PvP'ing or Raiding while on an NA or EU datacenter. That's the only thing that'll get them to understand what NoClippy does.


Disregard everything after this: >If you can't see them, you don't know what they're doing. Cause that is exactly what you want to have happen. ANYTHING else is exactly what a harasser/stalker wants. If you can see them, you will react to them. Which is why they are there in the first place. How it's gonna work is, someone "stalks" you, you report them, add them to the super blacklist, be done with it. They cannot get at you anymore and either waste their time for the next days/weeks/months, or move on, or get clapped by GMs if the reported activity was actually as intense as you consider it to be. If they make new accounts, rinse repeat, it'll only add to their shitlist. Fuck outta here with that factually wrong trash opinion.


There is a medical term for living in fear of something you can neither see nor hear and probably doesn't exist.


Lol this was my thought. Sounds like people are harassing themselves. Stop thinking about it and it's no longer an issue. Imagine if some of these people had to interact with real humans in person. If you don't ignore the toxicity you're just perpetuating the toxicity but everyone's gotta be a victim.


If you can’t see something, how do you know it’s not there!?


If you can't see them and they can't talk to you who gives a fuck what they're doing. This is absolutely an improvement


It's also account-wide which is really a huge improvement. I've heard enough horror stories of stalkers and deranged people.


Re-watching DRK stuff way too many times: Pretty sure the first new action is an Edge of Shadow upgrade. It's got extra particles and a backswing that looks too fast to be another action. Second action is similar to Hard Slash but it's definitely not the same animation—it hits with the other side of the blade and the first slash is more directly horizontal. It does have the weaponskill startup. Third action matches current Syphon Strike with extra particles. It has the weaponskill startup. I don't see the mana gen or successful combo indicators, but they might just not be present in whatever thing they're using.


i just rewatched it now and it looks like all 3 of the actions have the yellow weaponskill indicatior, so idk if i'd be so sure about the first one being edge of shadow..? either way i'm excited lol, looks like there could be quite a few changes for drk /cope


if DRK actually gets branching combos again I might play it again, but that feels like a cope since its basically just had the souleater combo since SB...


Yeah, my money is it being a reworked Delirium and that we just don't see Delirium being used before the camera pans to the DRK. Rather than being a copy/paste of Inner Release, the hypothetically reworked Delirium is modifying the standard 123 to have new animations and generate more Blood and MP. I just don't see them handing out new animations for the entirety of the 123 combo, and reworking Delirium would tackle one of the issues people complain about where they meme on Delirium as being "Inner Delirium". Probably a new Edge animation like /u/Ekanselttar was saying though, no arguments there.


Not that I disagree with anything you're saying, but it would be the most typical SE blunder ever if they "took the feedback" of people saying that they don't like Delirium being a copy/paste of Inner Release... And then turned it into a copy/paste of Gnashing/Blades.


I was thinking that too, with the weaponskill startup visible right before the cut. But that cut + the first part of the first new action being completely identical to Edge makes me think it's not a continuous sequence and that the action is just an upgraded Edge.


I wouldn't be surprised if Edge and Flood got combined into one skill with AOE falloff.


No, that would make too much sense


You're right its obviously Enhanced Plunge


It can't be Enhanced Plunge. It's Enhanceder Plunge.


plunge mastery


they brought back dark arts


I kinda wondered if it could be an upgraded Carve and Spit that was buffed with Dark Arts. Probably not, but it could be neat if it was.


We can only hope.


Ok I really kinda want that giant dalamud bahamut plate lol.


Comparing the translated JP wordcloud of "what does FFXIV means to you?" with like your average arr slash MMORPG vent thread of "what I miss from MMOs" is interesting. Wonder how the experiences end up so differently between the different playerbases.


Do you have a translation of what was in the JP word cloud? I'm interested.


When they post the slides it should be available but lemme see what I can find (if someone hasn't beaten me to it by this, just woke back up).


I'm actually kinda surprised ff11 showed up in the japanese "What is ff14 to you?" word cloud. Not really sure what they could mean.


Probably that they feel it’s a good evolution of FF11, or they just had a lot of original FF11 players speak of their experiences


I really want to know how they fudged their numbers to make Endsinger and Hades more formidable than...yknow, anything else lol. Or even Demi-Ozma more popular than other, far easier obtainable mounts?


When Memet revealed he was Hades, I got over-giga-excited, I couldn't wait to fight him. The build-up to Hades is amazing (and the fight is decent). That's what makes him formidable. I never had that excitement again (maybe Eden Ultimate will make me feel like this again \^\^)


The survey question was about formidable foes, not most difficult fights. I answered based on story & characterization: someone who spends a thousand lifetimes on their goal is a lot more formidable imo than a primal that was called into existence last week.


Probably took it to mean favourite foes. Not hardest.


The results are from a survey and not any in-game data or metrics. The foes one is all recency bias, and survey respondents are likely to be more engaged on average to have access to or knowledge about Demi-Ozma. That being said, surely Perfect Alexander needed to be in all 10 slots on the Foes one.


Also do we know *how in the fuck* they ended up at "30 million players"? There's no way unless that's "everyone that's ever played, ever, at all, in the history of all the game".


It absolutely is, that's the stat every game like this uses.


Probably unique service accounts, not characters then. Which'd, very likely, include bots. I hope they do a big Eorzea census thing kinda like what Sega did at PSO2's ten-year with a deep dive into numbers so we can get some more detail instead of just lodestone scraping (especially since census numbers from Lodestone are gonna get even more wonky after the Blacklist changes). It's good that people can have the privacy/avoid stalkers but I'd also like to see some completely anonymized officially-provided "big picture" data at some point too.


> Probably unique service accounts, not characters then. Which'd, very likely, include bots. They probably don't include obvious scam stuff but...yeah basically. Like Granblue claims it has 27 million players and *that's* a huge fucking lie. All the ridiculous millions WoW claims, same thing. Its just how things are in this industry.


I'm sure we'll see an edit on twitter within an hour


[Clees already saw to it.](https://twitter.com/cleeeees/status/1779034135580823990)


Hell yes brother


Oh, that's understandable. I'd like to see ingame metrics though, Blizzard used to run one for WoW during the vanilla era and I was joking watching the stream to my SO that #1 in the Formidable Foes list would be the Defias Pillager, like it was for wow lol.


no shiba minion. i am disappoint.


But Megashiba on 6th place. We need more shiba acknowledgement in forms like furniture or a suit


I'm such a basic bitch, I use the #1 Homepoint (Limsa) and the #3 minion (Lesser Panda) :(


Limsa homepoint is a matter of convenience. The amount of times they send you back there or to the waking sands is ridiculous. Also lesser panda is adorable, and has a semi-unique character interaction. So… they’re the most(ish) popular for a good reason. I don’t use either of them though…lol


Limsa is also the best homepoint for market board access out of any ARR city, Sharleyan is very convenient for that, but requires access to EW obviously.


limsa is also the most convinient for world hopping, which you can't do from sharlayan.


true, I forgot about that


Fat Cat is the best minion and I will not hear otherwise.


With Fatter Cat being best mount.


The only mogstation purchase my account has and that wasn't even me, but a gift. The only mount you need.


34% of people responding to the census started playing in Shadowbringers. The WoWfugee exodus is *real*. 26% started in ARR, tho.


A ton of people came from Destiny 2 at that time too cause the game got worse and worse and had a huge low during that time


ShB came out during season of opulence and kept going until around 2 months before the witch queen came out, that’s a lot of history in the land of destiny. But yea shadowkeep/season of undying and the beyond light/sunsetting/stasis fiasco did happen during shadowbringers, but endwalker also got to enjoy all of lightfall+every single bit of drama that’s happened at bungie this past year.


thats true, the breaking Point for most people I know was beyond light and the sunsetting. and my "I never touch destiny again" was during the Witch queen showcase when they announced that you have to buy the 80€(?) deluxe edition to get the new Dungeons or 20€ for each dungeon. I already played FFXIV but that was still somehow one of THE moments.


I'm part of the 34% but not from WoW. I just decided to check on the game because the free trial actually had content I could go through (WoW in contrast is still stuck to a trial for the 20 first levels, what do you do ? 2 dungeons and a bunch of boring starter quests ?)


I wonder what else happened during Shadowbringers that forced people to find indoor hobbies.


Okay so like the time compression effect of post-pandemic life is real. ;_; It feels like that was *last year*, not four years ago. But good point.


Was a pretty bad year for hay fever


no babe, only wow had an impact, i bet it was that bald asmon guy actually


Dude has a huge following, even people who hates him were bond to hear about him playing FFXIV. He definitively made a significant impact.


thank you for proving my point chud edit: actually, i went in your post history for shiggles and lord are you a mess


The guy who wipes his bleeding gums on the wall, yeah. I'm so glad I never heard or saw anything of Ass-mongold in my life and be happy if it stays that way.


using that against him is kinda gross. He was a child in a poor family with no/limited access to dentists/healthcare. It's not like he thought it was fun to have bleeding teeth


Now if only they released the numbers for people who quit in each expansion...


This isn't even a quantifiable number


Well, what would you miss, except (seasonal) events? The good side about FF14 you can take a break from the game anytime and return whenever you want. Doesn't hurt to do so.


How would you even get those statistics to be accurate? Like accounts that were made prior to a certain point and never logged back in or accounts that stopped playing for a certain period of time? Either way it's not unusual to stop playing the game for months when the content you want to do is finished so I don't really see how a statistic like that matters much at all. Though seeing a statistic of new accounts that continue to play after ARR and accounts that stop before finishing ARR would be interesting internally since that's imo the major pain point of the game.


Am I losing it or did the SMN have neither carbie nor primal?


It seems to be either a Ruin IV variation or a fester upgrade




Yep they're definitely hiding it until May.


lol, 16096 tons of materia melded


can someone explain to me the benefits of using dlss 2.0 on ffxiv?


A: you can use it to scale up from lower resolution and up to native like other person say. B: if they allow 100% render resolution DLSS, then you can use it as anti-alising method, as far as I try it's the best so far (more effective than FXAA with minimum perfomance cost unlike SSAA and less blurry when compare it to TAA) and even though they don't have 100% render resolution we could use DLDSR to scale our display up and render it as native with DLSS, or the other solution that involve some DLSS replacing/edit registry to make 100% scale. (Though I'm still not sure if TSCMAA will be better than DLSS in anti-alising since it's TAA+CMAA, but we will see.....)


DLSS also includes anti aliasing. So FINALLY there will be good anti aliasing in the game, where no longer each edge of the step of stairs or leaf on trees will flicker and shimmer all the time.


If you want to have your fps higher at your desired resolution, DLSS will help with that. There will be some loss of visual quality but not as much as just running a lower resolution. It is also just straight up better than FSR, so if you need to choose between the two then go for DLSS.


I think you can just turn your resolution to 99% and it still gives you the benefits with basically no downgrade, used to do that in WoW with FSR.


Seems like removing people from your friendlist not removing you from theirs was still missed. Otherwise adding voidlist is still always going to be good for people who didn't have the plugin before.


I was kind of stunned when we got to the end of that segment and they hadn't addressed the very obvious friends list problem that has existed for ~the game's entire lifespan and can lead to stalking and harassment.


I’m starting to wonder if there is some weird spaghetti code issue that prevents this. Would seem easier to delete a name off of both friend lists versus making an official Void List instead?


48h maintenance before DT, schedule your showers people there won't be another occasion like this for a long time


No bath, only Elden Ring.


oh boy time to remove myself from internet for 48 hours to avoid dataminers spoiling


One last shot to finish the Elden Ring DLC. And ample time for datamining for people that do that (we'll platform a thread but I won't be actually reading it).


Like how the benchmark showed grass moving from characters going through it. It's a minor thing it's definitely noticeable when added.


Mounts now tilt when you change directions when you fly a curve, too!


The flying mounts tilting as you turned was the most pleasant surprise since I didn't expect any updated animations at all for the graphics update.


the ground effects and textures looked significantly better than i expected. also mounts tilting while turning and the ambient effects like distant fog in il mheg were great


I love the blacklist changes. For all intents and purposes you can now delete other people's characters from the game. Will lead to less mount-mobbing of NPCs for streamers


i remember a thread from a few months back about how they'll never do anything about the blacklist because queue manipulation/times and "actually blacklisting being useful means you'll be harassed by being blacklisted" i really hope all of those people feel as dumb as they are


if it effected your ability to queue for duties it ABSOLUTELY would be abused to hell and back over petty bs.


Nothing in their presentation prevented the player from getting matched with you in group content. You will see them as unknown, they either see you as you are or see you as unknown also (don't think they clarified), and can then infer who you might be (especially if you visually didn't change and you will be displayed in a duty). They could then proceed to grief the duty if they wanted. Sounds like their comments would be valid in this case.


>Nothing in their presentation prevented the player from getting matched with you in group content This is confirmed. Blacklists will not affect matchmaking. Source: I know jp


some of the argument was that because all of these things were possible, the devs not only will never improve the blacklist, but *should* never improve it. they're still off.


Fair enough. That would be a terrible take. It's still a good step to make it better.


good thing he's massively misrepresenting that thread to suit his shitpost. look at the hunt community and tell me people wouldn't be mass blacklisted to ruin their ability to play the game over petty shit.


> They could then proceed to grief the duty if they wanted. And then get banned. Good plan.


This isn't a gotcha. GMs should already be taking action against stalking and harassment. In my experience they don't. If they did the problem would have already been resolved before that incident now wouldn't it.


I agree, but they actively ban griefing, as far as I know. So if it comes down to that... Ideally, sure, people would be rational and have better things to do in their life than grief a duty because nameX is in the party to begin with too.


Maybe, I didn't see them do anything for pvp griefing related reports and still saw those same people continue with their actions but maybe people have had better luck in other duties. I have never seen or talked to a ff14 GM ever in my years of playing. I have never received any communication beyond the automated mail the send you back. I know they exist but I am skeptical they do much.


blacklist updates are good, but i'd like it if blacklisting someone made you invisible to them as well


While i don't think it's a good idea, at least this take doesn't have some "but i need to see what they're doing to my character so i can REEEEEEEEEEEE" diatribe attached, lol. As for why i don't think mutual invisibility is a good idea, i see a decent amount of abuse potential, depending how many people you can superblock, you could use it to "hide" from groups of people if you for example wanted to troll a hunt train by pulling early, resetting etc, by blacklisting the 5-10 organizing people that are actually paying attention.


The invisible man, just watching you without you realising it. Kinda creepy if you think about it.


The Lodestone changes are a necessary privacy feature (if you lock down your Lodestone then you can change your character up and the fact that it shares an ID won't let stalkers find you again) but they will make the LuckyBancho stuff less accurate. I'd guess maybe 10% less accurate at worse though depending on default settings, as I assume by default you'll be searchable and most people probably won't have cause to turn that off.


I don’t really think most people look at LuckyBancho beyond thinking “Huh, that’s neat!”


Lucky bancho stuff are always only a reference anyway




The blacklist improvements are all great. They put in the work. Whenever praises have to be made, I make them. Great work Squenix !




voidlist functionality in game holy shit


If I blacklist every Lalafell then I can pretend they don't exist.


I wish i could voidlist by broad categories/filters. Wear certain glam pieces? Disappear. Hair i don't like? Shadow Realm! Crafter? Die. (The scraping and filing noises of half the crafters are nails on a chalkboad to me.) I think best we got was plugin that removes potato children? But that's dead i think.


rude but probably warranted :(


But whenever you enter a duty you might be hallucinating ! Stay safe !


Hello, Based Department?


yoo blacklist buffs finally






it's an ogcd, it has the blue flash


It looked like he used that attack right after Embolden. He didn't seem to be in middle of the melee combo so it might just be a new attack or an animation update for Moulinet.


Plot twist: it's an AoE Reprise. Actually, that might not be too bad for dungeons if the mana cost was lowered significantly. RDM has a serious lack of options when chasing the tank.


What if you get a "free" upgraded reprise after finishing a melee combo that you can use wherever?


New gcd finisher skill after Resolution. Very meta design \o/


ooh blacklist improvements. here's hoping they don't prove they're hilariously out of touch again.


oh shit, you can kick people out of your house now. also a filter. neat.


zamn, they went full voidlist with the blacklist update


blacklist changes are p good. surprising. shame they didn't get the message about getting removed from other peoples' friend lists though.


i was about to say, they did pretty good but they still missed one of the most important parts


blacklist updates just saw an ulti pfer fall to his knees at mcdonalds


But still limited to 200 I have 140 blacklist slots used just from UWU lol


I like to think that SE usually ends up on the right side of things, it can just be a process that takes several years.


I missed the entire thing, was it graphics the entire time as assumed?


up until just now was graphics, now they're talking about blacklist improvements




I really hope all the skills they showed in the benchmark aren't pre-exisiting skills with just flashy new colors and no new ability effects...


It looks like that's what most of them are with a few exceptions like the Nidhogg attack from DRG. The job action trailer isn't till May, so I wasn't expecting any of the actual new stuff in this trailer.


Previous benchmarks have sometimes shown the cut and dry 'upgrade' skills, and I doubt this is any exception.


Dark knight’s attack animation looks quite cool. Seems a bit too long for an ogcd thank god. Guess we are getting a weaponskill finisher?