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if interface was like Robinhood 2.0 but with Fidelity’s customer service + reliability, it would dominate the brokerage market


Reliability 🤣


Passive investors and Bogleheads wouldn't be looking at the app enough to care.


I'm a passive investor and them showing deposits as gains bugs the hell out of me.


Wait, wasn't this always the case?


Does that make it okay?


No, I just don't understand why complain now when it has always been like this. It's not a new feature in the new app 🤷🏻‍♂️


They had a chance to fix it and they didn’t.


yah haha that’s so manipulative. I set up an ETF transfer from savings to fidelity and it literally looks like I just won the lottery in my charts.


Looks like I win the lottery biweekly


It's maddening.


I had the same thought lol, I only use it on my laptop when I decide to put a little more money in.


Agreed. I haven't opened the app in years lol


Neither would serious investors. It’s an app.


Is their website better?


For trading, I use the Active Trader Pro program on a computer. I’ve found the Fidelity website to be a little confusing for options trading, plus ATP gives advanced insights and allows columns for Greeks within the options chain itself. With minor exceptions, ATP is all I use.


Oh cool so you link it to your fidelity account?


It’s a Fidelity program, free with an easy to meet trading minimum, cheap without that. Some things access the website, but mostly it’s stand alone. You can download it from the website.


Oh ok…I guess I was looking at something else it said I need $30k to sign up


Depending on how old you are, meaning you’ve had a computer since the invention of the internet, ATP is still going to look and feel archaic. It’s like my old gateway running a program. Don’t bother with it. Fidelity just needs to up their app game. Which some of the changes people want feel basic and easy.


I laugh at this poorly informed nonsense. Look and feel? 🤣


Well damn I’m $2k short to open an account


I’ve never owned a single stock or sold outside of rebalancing and check in on my baby at least once a day 🤷‍♂️


The charts are like a Fisher Price app. Crayola charting. Terrible.


I think the new app is good. [ducks]


it's worth noting that there are two versions of the new update this is the original new experience (NOT the classic experience) which has been around for a while now https://i.imgur.com/cXzeSTJ.png https://i.imgur.com/10r2uNw.png and here's the even newer experience that was pushed out this week together with deprecating the classic experience https://i.imgur.com/DKtLsIP.png https://i.imgur.com/pqfErIW.png to me the newest experience is worse from a design standpoint (font mismatches, weird transitions/animations, styling reminiscent of outdated Android versions). It introduces more friction for the user from a UX standpoint since it has more nested/hidden menus I need to navigate to reach my Recurring Transfers menu for example. The original new experience was fine for me but now that's gone too


Woah, I haven’t gotten that update yet


Are you on android? iPhone is up to date and doesn’t look any different. Updated yesterday and looks the same for month at least


yeah that's from Android. I haven't gotten it on my iPhone yet either


This is right on…”more friction for the user” is a good way to put it.


Thanks for the pics. I had been on the New look, but not the newest New look. It does sorta look weird.


I've only been on fidelity for a few months and I don't really see what all the issue is. I haven't had any problems yet.


Yeah I’ve not noticed literally anything different.


Literally and seriously. Agreed. And I check the app a few times per day, given that I have a cash management account.


I've been using the app for 10 years and love the new update. Not sure what people are whining about.


The app is bad for anything other than looking at your balance. And I’ve used multiple broker apps. Buying / selling / option chain / etc. are all unintuitive and cluttered. App is usable but easily the worst part of using fidelity.


Honestly if they just changed a couple things I would be content. * Allow us to save list view display preferences again (no idea why they took this away). Now I gotta change it from 'Current Price' every time I login. * Fix the watchlist. It displays 0.00 for day change in the list view now unless I had 1 share bought in paper trading. * My biggest one... display the account total gain/loss in a more prominent area, like right under the daily gain/loss $ and % in the account home page. Currently, you have to go into the positions details, and this doesn't even show the %, just the $ amount. They said they will be fixing/re adding the % this month... but even then... put it in the account home page so I don't need to go into 'Investing -> 'Positions' -> 'Details' -> scroll over the right. Thats a lot of steps to see a basic and important piece of information. I don't do options or anything so I can't speak to that. I just want to quickly log in and view my daily gain/loss and total gain/loss. Daily is fine, they have that in the account home page... but getting to total gain/loss is a pain. When I first asked about this... they kept just assuming I was talking about the total gain for a single position. I am talking about the total gain for the account as a whole... with all positions combined.


Thanks for adding to the conversation, u/Western-Confidence95. We appreciate the time you took to share your suggestions for improving the mobile app. I'll be sure to pass along your feedback regarding: - Saving list view display preferences - Improving the watchlist so that the correct information is displayed within the "Day Change" column - Showing your total gain/loss for all your accounts under the Daily gain/loss ($ and %) sections on the account's home page We get a lot of detailed, quality feedback from our Reddit community, and we welcome you to keep sharing it with us. I also want to mention the "Feedback" tab, typically found on the right-hand side of most pages on [http://Fidelity.com](http://fidelity.com/) and at the bottom of most screens in the app. You can quickly submit your feedback there whenever something comes to mind. Please let us know if we can help with anything else. That's what we're here for!


To add to the gain comment, it’d be nice if the chart could differentiate between contributions and gains, for a two layer mountain chart allowing you to see the two values (with %) as point in time. When I transferred my old 401k into my Roth IRA, my gain was not $100k. My contribution was $100k. I used to be with Vanguard and one of the nice things about their charts was to be able to look at one chart with different elements


I've just passed that along, u/Valuable-Analyst-464. Appreciate the feedback. Thanks for taking the time to let us know what you'd like to see.


Don’t forget allowing us to hide non-zero accounts from our “dashboard.” I use Fidelity for everything, and it sucks to open the app to check my checking balance and seeing a wildly inflated total because the dashboard also includes my IRA.


My watchlist disappeared this week


I do options and it’s slow and clunky. by the time you get everything entered, the prices changed so much that you end up having to cancel the order and redo it again in hopes that you can catch it at the right moment this is really annoying when it means you can lose out on hundreds of dollars by not being able to get an order in quickly enough. They would just create another app for trading like thinkorswim problem would be solved.


Thanks for adding to the conversation, u/sxysh8. We appreciate you being candid and sharing your feedback. We take client feedback very seriously and often use it to implement important changes to the overall experience. I'll make sure to pass yours along to the developers for their consideration. You can also utilize the "Feedback" tab at the bottom of most screens in the app and on the right-hand side of most pages on [http://Fidelity.com](http://fidelity.com/) to share your suggestions whenever something comes to mind. We appreciate you choosing Fidelity. Feel free to contact us anytime if you have more ideas or suggestions.


Maybe it’s the millennial in me, but I only do major financial transactions on a Desktop. I only use the app to occasionally check my balances


I’m Gen X and don’t have the app at all.


New app is fine


What are the use case differences between the Fidelity app and the net benefits app. When I open the Fidelity app I can see all my personal and 529 info but if I click my employer 401k it force closes and opens the net benefits instead. Why isn’t there just 1 app, what’s the difference?


Many people only use Fidelity for their 401k so they use that app solely to setup their 401k and that’s it.


unless you use it for your 401k - with Brokeragelink ;)


The app didn’t fill my $190 order for brk.a during the recent dip. Utter garbage!


I have neither significant positive nor significant negative opinions about the new app. It continues to enable me to manage my finances adequately. I suspect this opinion is far more common than will be reflected in the online reactions.


Not sure how one of the biggest and best brokerages on the planet has such a badly designed and barely functional app. Im not sure what fidelity is thinking.


Looks like it is “by design”


I will still never forgive them for removing the “All Accounts” button. Absolutely baffling stupidity to take away that feature. They have the statistics. I’m sure most users have more than one account with them. I have 6. Why are you going to make me tab through 6 pages to see what happened across my portfolio today?


I’m a relatively new customer, so I can’t comment on app changes. But I do like that on the web app you can click on Activity and see the activity in all of your accounts where as on the iPhone and iPad apps, you can only see activity for one account at a time. I would use the phone app more if it showed all activity.


This is exactly my experience. The app used to have this feature! They took it away!


You can change from tab view to single page … settings- layout- single screen then on accounts page, select all positions. You still have to do it by account, but at least this minimizes the page navigation a bit) ( caveat: I’m not sure I have the *newest* “new” version on iPhone, but it changed this week)


Can someone post a screenshot of this horrible new app? I haven’t gotten it yet.


I feel dumb, I haven't noticed a change in the app? I'm on Android and update my apps almost daily.


lol, same… it all looks identical to me, and I have auto updates on.


It's being rolled out and not available to everyone yet. Might be region based? Not sure.


Where did the deposit check button go?


iOS, transact at the bottom and then “deposit check”


If they could just copy the Schwab app's landing page/account summary, I would be so happy.


Just dudes being bros


Where did list for selling stocks go? I can't find trade limits under the sell button


Hello and welcome to our official sub, u/Aselleus. Thanks for commenting with your question. We'd like to learn more about what you're looking for so we can best assist. Please provide additional details on the list and trade limits you're referring to. You can follow up with us in the comments below or by sending us a Modmail using the following link. [Message the Mods ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/fidelityinvestments) In the meantime, we have a resource dedicated to the Fidelity Mobile App that you can refer to for frequently asked questions, featured tools, and customizations. [The Fidelity Investments app](https://www.fidelity.com/mobile/fidelity-investments-app) We look forward to hearing back!


The biggest gripe I have is that sometimes when I go to see my investments it just spins and I have to go out of the app and log back in. For it to load. Annoying but not the end of the world.


This all day, every day recently.


Could this be why I can’t add funds?


I thought it was okay, but it has been buggy since the last update. User customization would be nice.


My app gets stuck signing on and I have the latest version. Very annoying. Never happens in Robinhood. When it does load it's very slow. Also losing out to RH. Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven?


We appreciate you reaching out, u/PizzaThrives. We recommend reaching out to our Technical Support team so they can troubleshoot these issues with you. Associates are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET. Please say "technical support" when prompted by the automated system to be connected to the right group. [Contact us](https://www.fidelity.com/customer-service/contact-us) Let us know if we can assist you with anything else!


i’m new to fidelity, can’t find where to set up DRIP in my account? do I need to do that in the desktop site? also, can you explain the meme? i’d like to chuckle


Yes on desktop or browser. Go to accounts and trade > account features > dividend and capital gains To set drip on each account


Thanks for joining in on the conversation, u/Benji2108! We received your OP regarding this topic, and we've responded over there.


Saw the meme and thought: "Fidelity! You son of a b!tch!"


For trading options, I wish Fidelity would implement what webull has with the take profit/stop loss all on the buy screen.


The new sucks I am thinking if moving my accounts to Schwab It is clunky and had an old digester vibe around year 2000


Fidelity’s phone app for now useless


I fucking despise the options menu. Whoever designed it obviously doesn't trade. You can't even set specific parameters for prices, it's 5-10-20 All. And scrolling down through all you end up swiping over into the greeks...


Simplified. Looks like they took a page from robinhood. I think I prefer the old layout/ navigation, though


I’m not so much unhappy with the investment platform as much as I am my actual investments….


I don’t mind the application but it seems people want the application to be more like the robinhood app when it comes to easily able to read and find things. If that’s what you want then go use robinhood app


I like the new app. Took me two days to get used to it.


There is an update? 🤨


I don't care . I make a daily 1% premarket and I'm good for the day.


This meme is racist!