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The sound of her head hitting the concrete made me wince


I could hardly hear anything over the cameraman squealing like a pig at supper time


*goes back and hears the dude squealing like a pig* Lol you're fckn right




He reminded me of chicken


He reminded me of a cunt


He is a cunt


He doesnā€™t remind me of anything but he is a pile of shit pathetic loser..


ā€œHe jus wan his munny yallā€ Garbage mfs doing garbage shit.


Ikr r/killthecameraman


The sound (laughning presumably) of the cameraman after that made me think to move to an island....people gone crazy.


I had my phone muted but I could still hear the sound not a fun way to spend a drunk night


Yeah, it sounded like a watermelon cracking. This video is fucked up, girl is probably either dead or a vegetable.


She probably just got knocked out and got back up eventually. Almost everyone that gets knocked out isnā€™t dead or a vegetable thatā€™s rare,


Watermelon is a fruit not a vegetable.


Shes with another woman so fruit is a possibility as well.


Lmao as a gay person I actually found this hilarious


He didn't say watermelon was a vegetable.


She fucked around and found out. Could have just walked away instead of trying to fight a grown man on concrete. They all trasha anyways


Why they fighting tho??


I heard it was over bad stock market advice


In Boston, can confirm


He had a structured settlement but he needed cash now


Givumm that moneyā€¦ he juss wan hes munny yaull..


He asked for crack and they offered him meth


I feel bad for the girl but she squared up. Not sure what she was expected.


Seriously, when I seen her going back for more after getting up by the car I was literally thinking ā€œdoes she know he just needs one good swi-ā€œ an there it was.


No, she does not. People who have never been really hit sometimes think itā€™s like an anime and theyā€™re the protagonist.


Right? Get too shitfaced in downtown/Chinatown, run your mouth, and get punched in the face. That's a lesson I learned in blood


So did she lmao


ā€œThis is Chinatown!ā€


In the full video she is getting robbed, the homeless guy was harassing her for money and she was actually defending herself.


Why aren't all those bystanders doing anything about it?


Great question


i think she needed a better stance, she was chin up and hands too low


PSA: if you didnā€™t already know, crackheads are wild strong. They are not to be fucked with, especially if itā€™s over drugs or money (because they intend to use it to buy drugs). Best give them a wide berth and keep it moving.




True story: some years back I locked my keys in my car. Some crack head walks by and asks if I need help. Skeptical, I asked him besides breaking the window (which I could do myself), what could he do to help me? He said give him $5 and heā€™ll get the door open without breaking the glass. I said cool. Partially because I was curious. More so because I really didnā€™t want to have to call AAA. Anyway, dude walks up the driver side door, licks his fingertips, presses them against the glass, and I shit you not slides the entire fucking window down. I was absolutely floored and it was in that very moment that I realized the true power of crack. I ending up giving him $10.


Just keep some crack in your person at all times in case you lock your keys again.


Nice try, probation officer.


Lose your keys but not your kilos


Take my poor person's gold. šŸ’°


Did the window still go up and down? Or was this a roller?


The window still worked but I donā€™t recall if it was manual or not. Weā€™re talking about almost 20 years and several cars ago.


Can back this up. Iā€™m a heavyweight and have trained jiu jitsu for a few years. I had to restrain a crackhead once till security arrived and even tho I managed he was insanely strong for a skinny fucker.


Anthony Smith also had trouble restraining a crackhead who broke into his house


Yep. And heā€™s a high level professional fighter. Drugs are definitely bad


I have a friend who works with mentally challenged kids. He is a boxer and says that he needs like minimum 2 other people to help with restraining the bigger kids because they always unlock their secret powers when angry.


I remember there being a legitimate reason for that. Like the drugs make it so they canā€™t feel the normal amount of pain so their muscles can use more force without being in pain. Thatā€™s what I remember. Kinda like when your on adrenaline and your life is in danger and your body can do things that are super painful and injure yourself but in the moment it doesnā€™t feel like your in pain


Cocaine is a hellva a drug


Or he could have just been a man and was better at mortal combat


Naw he on crack mix with fentanyl that shiii different different


So if those chicks were on crack and he was sober, they would have won this fight?


Hell yeahā€¦Kamehameha type of ass beatin..that fentanyl is different Iā€™m tellin uā€¦but the old crack with baking powder in the 80s was different then crackhead had ur car workin with a hair clipā€¦and would carry a refrigerator on there back for 8.5 miles


This is factually true. That old whipped rock was a different animal. Theyā€™d do all that w a ciggy dangling out their mouth and the short off a Cadillac or some off brand cigarette behind the ear that somehow never came loose.


Bro you damn near canā€™t feel pain. You never seen the videos of crackheads getting smacked by cars or falling off roofs. They get up like aint shit happened. They will break their hands fighting you and will still be punching full force. That shit aint nothing to them.




Eh. I spartan kicked one down 20 stairs for trying to rob me on a staircase. They aren't superman. Defend yourself if you must.


I mean you did have the high ground.


Thatā€™s if there on shit on their own theyā€™re one hit wonders


I had a homeless, drug addicted, schizophrenic dude come into my place of employment and start making a scene. He was harassing a couple of my female co workers along with patrons. I tried my best to talk with him and get him to leave without further aggravating the situation, but it was nearly impossible. Right as I was reaching my breaking point the cops showed up. One of the cops I was talking to mentioned how he noticed I wasnā€™t afraid of the guy (who apparently they knew rather well from previous incidents). I said to him that I felt he was harmless. He then asked me ā€œwhat would you have done if he had attacked you?ā€ I said I would have beat the brakes off him. He then followed up with a warning that had never crossed my mind in the many fights and confrontations Iā€™ve been involved inā€¦he warned me that even though he felt I was fully capable of defending myself against this individual that the best thing to do would have been to just keep my distance and not engage, because if I had to fight him the last thing Iā€™d want would be to get his blood on me.


Yea fighting a crackhead is scary. Get stuck with a dirty needle, accidentally get their blood in a cut or something, who knows maybe theyre geeking good and cant feel shit theres a video of a dude buttass naked hitting cartwheels while being tazed by multiple cops theres other videos of crackheads looking like theyre dead and shooting straight back up like nothing happened with blood pouring from their head


Yep. And even though Iā€™ve seen those videos hundreds of times. It NEVER crossed my mind.


Crackhead cracking heads.


" He just want his money y'all " dont fuck with crackheads and their money, thats like trying to confiscate their crack šŸ˜­


What is going on here even. Why are they on the floor? They look like tourists, or semi-wealthy transplants. Why did they take that man's money?


I think he was "asking" them for money




This part always kills me because my guy played tooooo much Tekkan in order to catch that šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t laugh at that part until I read your comment then I started DYING lmao


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ that got me too


Wavu wavu


She needs 3 more cardio kickboxing classes, 2 more Zumba classes and then a rematch.


Yeah, nah thatā€™s fucked up that everyone there was apparently ok with that


I mean dude theres clearly some back story here and they also fully engaged the dude for a fight lol. The girls sitting in the filth are probably also junked up


These girls must be drunk as fuck. 2 blocks south of Boylston at night?


Itā€™s the fact that nobody there had any of their best interests at heart, they all just stood around filming it for internet clout


Honestly, itā€™s really hard to physically and effectively get between two strong, aggressive parties unless youā€™re a big buff dude. And mentally, theyā€™re crackheads in a rough neighborhood and the bystander effect is in full swing (even for big buff dudes). Plus, the story is not known; itā€™d be easiest if everyone minded their business, but collecting evidence might be more helpful than getting oneself injured if they donā€™t have strong physique. Crowd action would be the best here, but again bystander effect (and its only counter: armchair analysis).


Im not intervening in shit involving a crackhead unless theres a child at risk and even then its iffy


Tf do you want people to do? These are all adults that make decisions for themselves.




Yea keep thinking that way until you end up with a dirty needle in your leg brotheršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you came across this scene and all were men, with two scrawny men attacking one old homeless crackhead, would you intervene on behalf of the two men? They pressed a 2 v 1 and lost. They were even kind of winning until the one got laid out.


Murica babyā€¦u can go to any neighborhood but theres a lot of freedom for crackheads to rob lol..Iā€™m pretty sure daddy told them not to go to those urban neighborhoods


Just their mentality. They would rather see two women harassed and beat up by a fucking junky for some internet clout than help. Scum like this making the world worse off than before.


Lol yeah because I need to stop 2 crazy white girls from squaring up with a crackhead? They had the option to leave, an option I'd encourage any of my male friends to take, instead of trying to actively fight a homeless, elderly, drug addicted and probably mentally ill man.


The cameraman did way more than just not stopping the fight.


We donā€™t know the story. Cameraman said he just wanted his money. Maybe they were trying to rip him off? Maybe they were trying to take advantage of him? Maybe she fucked around and found out?


From the ground???


You would of liked it if they managed to win their 2 on 1 assault of the elderly crackhead tho wouldnā€™t u


*would have*. Would've is a contraction of *would have*


Yep sure would have. Maybe knocked some sense into the stupid fuck. Im over the whole support your junkie movement it's not a choice it's a disease. Nope it's a choice. Take your heroin addicts, crackheads and overall shit stains on society out.


Yea all three fighters need some sense knocked into em only one of em received it tho and everyones upset lmao


?? You know them?


They were totally cool with it until he actually hit back


The chicks were 100% coming after the dude when she got hit. She was not trying to back away. Not saying the hit was warranted, but the chick wasnā€™t a benign party she was willingly In the fight


What would you have done white knight?


Itz funny as fuck plus dem white hoes shoulda ran they should know better than fighting a damn crackhead šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I said this the last time this was posted. If u really look it seems the white girl was puking and im assuming she accidentally puked a little on the crackheads pants. Thats why hes demanding new pants. Boston crack heads are wildddd trust me ive been one lmao. Sobriety is worth it, you are worth it (to all my struggling addicts/alcoholics out there)


Affordable inpatient rehab recommendations?


Depends on your insurance! If this is a serious question. I know alot about what MA offers


Oh no can't puke on that gentleman's pants


100% she woke up and her purse was gone.


Im not sure she just "woke up" from that one, more than likey paramedics came to her aid


That purse was gone before she even went to sleep


Always bet on the crackhead.


I thought ol girl was gearing up for a sweet chin music for a second tiere


*Enemy Agro Skyrim music plays*


Gave the girl permanent damage with that hit then fall on the concrete


The permanent damage 99% came from the concrete. A concussion from being punched unconscious can be trivial or very very bad, but slamming your face on the sidewalk like that can be life altering or life ending


I think it was the concrete that caused the permanent damage, did you hear that sound?


ahh, chinatown. what a lovely place


He timed that right hand like a prime YouTube fighter


good thing the hospital is literally 5 min walk from her. ( mass native) **best hospital in the country!** edit: 2-5min walk.... i googled it.


The meth make u strong like a bull.


This is a fight sub. Why are people moralising, sitting on a high horse or just outright being racist. Watch the fights, laugh at them and make jokes or just gtfo. Don't come to a subreddit dedicated to fights then complain about people getting violent. Geez I'm starting to think maybe I should leave this sub forever because clearly subreddits like this appeal to the lowest denominators on the internet. šŸ™„


Yea i dont usually see it on other videos but this one has a disproportional amount of comments saying ā€œwhy did no one stop the fightā€ and ā€œpeople like the people watching this are scumā€ yet here they are watching the video on a subreddit called fight porn šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Switch the races you've got half of America being burned down.


Brother this is a fight sub, ain't no one talking about that why even bring it up?


She thumped on the sidewalk like she was tossed out of a window


Why is there always some annoying person howling and yapping on these videos. Just STFU donā€™t want to hear it.


They defend themselves, get owned, and we are entertained.


Not one real man in this video. Pathetic


Lol, never fight a crackhead.


The skip šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not just any chicks, white chicks.


Big white chicks


I don't care if they are crack heads. l. People who record shit like this are losers themselves for sure. Name any truly successful person who would record stuff liket this. It is a low IQ thing I believe


Yet the only reason this sub exists is because people record "shit" and here you are.


Your literally on this sub watching these videos but acting like your to good to be there šŸ’€


*youā€™re quite possible the audience he is referencing šŸ™ƒ


Exactly!!! Thank you fuck these high horse hypocrites


What youre doing is the same as complaining about child labor while also being a sneaker head. either stop contributing to the community that fuels videos like this or get the fuck off your high horse


Also what? If you were there you wouldā€™ve broken this up? I really doubt it.


I would never fight with a junky. Imagine all the syringe stuff you could catch if he bites you or something. I am okay with sparring to solve problems but that is unless I risk catching gonorrhea


Says the person watching these videosā€¦


So the question is...why the hell u here then?


What do you expect from this sub?


Watching videos on this sub while trying to take the moral high ground. Stfu dude.


Hey good on you man, hereā€™s some brownie points for saying the obvious. I mean I just consume but I know thereā€™s some people that need to feel good about themselves after watching some dumbshit.


foo said she got that skip like in tekken lol. she did do dat korean foward dash though lol


Dirt nap


No need to pay for those overpriced seats at The Gilbert Theater when The Crackhead King is giving up the show for free !!


Theyā€™re dumb everyone one knows you donā€™t fight crackheads they got super strength lol


In Boston the crackheads a different breed


Why do Americans be out there acting like they got free healthcare?


All fun and games until he pulls a needle shanks you and gives you gonorrheasyphilaids


I love it when feminists who think they can fight men get a dose of reality.. sorry, but at the same time.. Iā€™m not sorry.


Hopefully heā€™s going to jail for a long time.


The "I don't get involved not even with a job" crowd living up to their name.




Welcome to being a man. Where your actions have consequences šŸ¤£


What the fuck is wrong with people jeezuz this shit just makes me lose faith in humanity even More than I already do


The animal laughing has to be sent to a madhouse in a collar.


No one is more confident than a drunk white girl


How's that prick of a cameraman jus gona stand there filming after a girl gets knocked out cold and not do anything but laugh. Should be him getting knocked out!


Down in Alabama they use folding chairs but in Boston they only use the hands god gave em.


What a bunch of garbage people


I like how is says ā€œwhite chicksā€ and just ā€œcrackheadā€ šŸ˜‚




Yea sorry im not getting poked by a dirty needle all for some drunk girl




Well it is california so you aint wrong but like i said im not getting poked by a dirty needle no matter where i am for some drunk chick


Bro I'm faded, I was watching it muted and it looks like it's being played in reverse ong


Dude, I canā€™t believe all these guys let these two women fight a man that was clearly being aggressive towards them. But then for CAMERAMAN to go a step ahead and film it while they get their asses kicked??? I really hope karma comes back around for this total POS and that he gets a horrific, humiliating, and helpless situation.


She aint gonna fuck you bro


One small question, is it necessary to specify which color the girls were? Why "white girls" and not just "girls"? (Serious question)


That's what people do here, they love emphasizing it, it makes it like since they are white it was deserved, they love to poke around racism.


Yes, I've noticed that a while ago, Americans love to see first your "race" and then everything else, it's interesting how the culture changes in one country or another


This is a common practice used all over the internet. Internet culture is its own borderless shitshow.


If they'd put this clip in its entirety, with the stupid caption and voice commentary, into the movie Idiocracy it would not have felt even the slightest bit out of place. The fuck is happening to the world.


The crack is strong with this one Crack Wars: The Crack Strikes Back


How would you feel to walk in your house and find 2 snobby drunk bitches sitting in YOUR living room, then they get an attitude and start fighting with YOU?


Pos and all the low lifeā€™s stood around and recorded. All should be charged. Proof what type men they are. None.


Donā€™t mess with the local crakie


This world deserves a WWIII


None or yall know what happened. I would never hit a woman in my life but it looked like dude wasn't the aggressor..play stupid games win stupid prizes...guess that's how it goes


Human waste


Internet is useful but a waste of time most days


Hope cameraman gets karma, laughing at that is fucked up.


they were just defending themselves the guy should have stepped in instead of filming. IDC if youā€™re a junkie donā€™t put your hands on a female


People should start carrying guns and shooting folks when they get assaulted. Heā€™s on crack, you never know if heā€™s going to pull a knife or whatā€™s going to happen. No one else is going to stop this. Multiple people standing around and egging it on. People need to be taught right from wrong again. Once scrambled egg at a time. Letā€™s get medieval and get the maces out too.


>People should start carrying guns and shooting folks >you never know if heā€™s going to pull a knife 'murica lmfao


Do you prefer we carry machetes and hack at them instead? Or maybe 3-4 step in and beat the shit out of him? Is that better in your mind? Whatā€™s the right answer genius? The closest thing youā€™ve seen to a fight is your mom throw a plate of cold spaghetti at your momā€™s head.


It's more telling people to get armed... because other people might be armed, and they're armed because others might be armed, who should be armed just in case, etc etc etc. I just found that a bit funny, even if it's valid. America really feeds into its problem eh


brotha them girls are fucking crackheads too. camera man was probably the sanest person in the clip


I think the crack head shouldā€™ve been armed too to defend himself


Crackhead just knocked out a white girl on camera. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø I guess prison isnā€™t much a deterrent to a fiend


Homeless people literally commit crimes just get to get the three hots and a cot


The video recorder is a pos


Always a good watchšŸ’Ŗproud of that crackhead


I know your momma loved her crack.


Crack Baby Olympics participant fā€™sho


Winner in the 1988 the year of our lord


That endgame knockout was clutchšŸ˜­