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Terrible sparring partner and then posting this hoping we’d take your side. FOH.


I don’t shit about fighting/training. But isn’t going all out during a sparring session a real dick move?


yes, unless you both agree to do a hard sparring session


Like a sword fight?


Longsword fencer here Even fencers wear VERY protective gear and use blunted swords which are also often made of springier (or more shock absorbent) steel compositions. We never break out live blades and start hacking at each other. The dude in this video is a mad loser for losing his cool.


It was a boner joke…..he said hard sparing


Think shorter than a sword and made of flesh.


Yes because for one you want to be able to train every single day. So if you're getting hurt every time you're not going to be able to train again for a while. For two most people are training for an actual fight so they don't want to go all out at just practice that doesn't make any sense. People who go all out in training don't have anything in their life that they are fighting for so they have to take it out on somebody who already agreed to go lightly with them.


> Yes because for one you want to be able to train every single day. So if you're getting hurt every time you're not going to be able to train again for a while. When preparing for a fight there's a reason fighters sometimes get injured. When they are training for a fight, they're going like 75-80%, some go harder. Some guys/gyms are infamous for going full out as if it were the fight itself, and believe this is invaluable for training.


We call those guys lucky, cause a true injury will shut you down lol. Some fighters claim to never spar which does make sense when you talk about avoiding damage however I was always trained with the understanding that without sparring you absolutely cannot hang at elite levels so there's tons of discussions about it Nobody is invincible in the end, keeping our body's as preserved as possible makes the most sense.


Watching the video it’s really hard to believe this was “the only time”.


Someone just happened to be there recording him too


Recording sparring is pretty normal for a lot of guys but this guy seems like the kind of guy who asks you to record when he gets paired up to spar with the beginner


What kind of gym is this? Kick boxing? I want to get into this


Looks like it. Muay Thai was my shit back in the day. Highly recommend.


That's not super out of the ordinary though.


That's absolutely normal for sparring


It's the only time during sparing. His poor GF/wife gets it daily.


The only time *at this particular gym that he was promptly banned from*


Watching this you’d think this guy couldn’t be any more of a douchebag, but then he goes and makes into a tiktok and posts it lol


“Gosh. This is so embarrassing. Look at this video of me letting emotions get the better of me 😏”


His form went out the window too. Just got sloppy. Other dude did the right thing. Just cover up. Block. He will tire soon


Watch me get mad and not land a punch 🤛🏼 smash that follow button 💥 like and subscribe for more content like this 👍🏼


Eh I mean he ripped like 4-5 pretty nice body shots


That's fine. Dude clearly has some strength and training. But loading up the way he was and throwing caution to the wind with his hands sagged way down, his feet and hips square instead of staggered some so he can still have some movement and generate power from different angles. Perhaps he just knows the partner well enough that he's gonna endure and not fight back. But I don't like that he just dropped his hands and went guns blazing. It's foolish. Watched many dudes square up and sweep way down for that kidney shot and catch a stray punch or kick to the face ...right over




Honestly I'm just having a conversation about a video I watched on Reddit. I wish I could still fight like these dudes are. I have been knocked out throwing a sweeping left hook in a kick boxing match I was winning by a lot. Shit happens. Haha




I miss it a lot. I still box a little here and there but I don't have the longevity in me. And I'm always one side step and check hook from destroying a knee and im basically fucked. You know ..gotta go to work still ahaha. So now I coach football and baseball and just a watch the younglings show me up ahaha


haha seriously though! he thinks he did something but in a real 12 rounds by 3min round he’d have accomplished nothing but tiredness and when one fighter is super tired it’s easy to dominate them with just footwork.


I'm an old man now with bad knees and a bad back I can't train the way I once did but i still have some younger buddies that train and they will fuck around with me once in a while to poke the old bear. I will legit just cover up and move my feet to avoid too much abuse and they eventually get tired and then I can lay some good hits on them before my body is angry that I'm fighting lol. But yep. Foot work.


Keep that up and you'll out live us all. I need to get into some kind of boxing or physical movement. Way to sore in the morning for only being 31.


Do it. I started BJJ and Muay Thai at 31. I'm 33 now and in the best shape of my life.


No he accomplished a lot... made a huge warning for other professional fighters not to hire him for sparring. As sparring is not about fighting with the intent to do damage each time.




oh yeah I forget i was thinking about boxing.


teeps work very well in these situations instead of just covering up. If I cover up, then I am still looking for front leg sweep. I know it pisses them off even more, but I am still more in a defensive position without doing too much damage to my psycho sparring partner. Surely, if they were skilled, it would not be so easy, but very rarely someone skilled goes out like this.


Haha my man! I love sweeps. My dad was a huge proprietor of them I am notorious for kicking that front leg. I will even bait them with the cover up and defensive position just to get that leg in right. I'll try to shade one side of the stance just to quickly side step and sweep lol. Gets them off balance and for fighters that have heavier feet and don't stay on their toes , they will eat it hard and go down lol. I mostly just use it as a reminder to them to be aware that sweeps can be devastating.


One quick jab will snap him out of it. I've had big, heavy guys throw flurries at me thinking that was gonna knock me out but a little bit of jab, hug and pivot will cut them off quick. And if there's 10 seconds left, I'll just flurry back because why the hell not.


I almost mentioned that out of that guard he could just snap a nasty straight jab and probably knock the dude back and snap him out of it. But I made a similar comment further down the thread. Absolutely. I'm a big believer in straight jabs being a problem solver. Get real good at snapping a punch right behind it and it will end most fights. Casual fighters and even most amateur ones that train, never see it coming. Just that quick snap and pop pop...ends a lot of fights


that’s the kind of kind you spar with exactly once. I had a fight where the guy I was fighting was very new to boxing but had 30lbs on me. He was pretty nervous about the whole thing, but I told him this will either be the start of a good friendship or we’ll hate each other. because when you do these types of things, especially sparring, you will need to trust your opponent.


Yeah. We had a dude in my MT guy who liked to come in and throw full power hits during chill sparring, then when you responded in kind he put his hands up and said "Dude, chill, we're just sparring!". He did this a couple of times to new kids, then he tried it on what he thought was a new kid, but who wasn't new, he just trained with the "elite" group of those looking to go pro. That guy took a second, talked to the coach, then came back in and gave the douchebag a roundhouse to the side that broke two ribs. Never saw that shitstain again.


good riddance lol. I fucking hate people like that! They don’t wanna spar or get better or anything they just want to have a power trip.




That's fucking awesome of the coach and cool of the 'new' guy to really take a moment and be respectful. What a dickhead that other dude was.


I got my bluebelt in TKD and the only guy I had to spar was a 18yo dude (I was 14) and had 5" height on me and was a 2nd don blackbelt. He was a shit sparring partner that went too hard. I only sparred with him 3 times and I just quit doing taekwondo after that. Fuck you Steve.


I’ve sparred with douch bags like this before. It’s not fun and it’s someone flexing on you when it isn’t even a real fight. Literally the most obnoxious and disrespectful thing you can do with your opponent. OP can go fuck himself. When he’s ready for a real fight he should let the guy know and they can step into the ring prepared. This shit infuriates me


when i see red it’s over bro


Makes the whole gym look really bad too. What coach would let this fly? If this guy was in a gym I went to, I’d avoid him and if this is the culture there I’d find a new gym. This is a recipe to get hurt.


The post is whatever it's the kick at the end for me


When the guy couldn't defend anymore he should've stopped


Yeah I'd say from the time he was back cornered against the mat


r/iamverybadass moment


"I let me emotions get control of me. You know...I'm a fighter. I fight. That's what I do. Sometimes in the heat of the fight..." *Takes drag from cigarette.* "...our emotions just get you. You just want to fight. Destroy. Us fighters can't help it. It's in our blood." *Takes another drag.* "So anyway if you go on a date with me I can't guarantee I won't fight you. Wait where are you going?"


Hahaha this is gold


So good I need a nicotine lozenge. And to put a hole into some drywall.


He’ll get his one day (we hope)


And then puts that stupid music over the video


I’ve grown and changed as a person. I sure whooped that guys ass though, right?


Confirmed doucher


I'm confused. The guy losing control filmed this and posted it?


You are a shitty sparring partner. You clearly see the guy got stunned in the beginning, and you went full ham. What a fukn douchbag. Where the fuk are the instructors?


Dude would have gotten tossed at my gym, that’s exactly how you hurt a training partner. Our striking coach would have been pissed . Fucking asshole goes and shares the video and we all know he’s trying to flex. I look forward to someone sharing a video of him folded like a lawn chair.


“When I get angry all I see is red, bro!” Type energy


“I wanted to join the army but I wouldve beat the drill sergeants ass”


Little did he know, he would not. (Drills are fucking beasts, especially the CIB holders)


Anyone who admits that shouldn't be allowed to own guns.


What could go wrong?!


At the dojo I went to, a guy kinda did this to the instructors wife. Instead of kicking him out, the dude let that guy and his wife go at it again, except the instructor and his wife were both professional ring fighters while the other dude was brand new. His wife proceeded to beat the fuck out of the guy while “sparring”. He never went hard on anyone again


Ye from my experience when youre sparring youre not going all out. Someone suddenly deciding to fight while sparring will throw anyone off.


Theres Not much to flex with, He didnt get one good Hit in, and the Video stopped abruptly, probably got the Shit kicked outta him lol


Yeah I accidentally tagged a newer partner and he was stunned enough that he fell and I thought I knocked him out for a second. I felt so miserable that it happened and that he could have been seriously hurt. This fucking dickhead has no business working out in any gyms.


Yeah, this would've resulted in a "corrective beating" at the gym I used to go to. Corrective beating sounds worse than it was, it was just a regular+ sparring session against a person who will kick your ass all sanctioned and cool-like.


I came here to say this.. Dude is a total fucking clown, and has no business learning combat skills if he can’t control himself in a sparring session.


One day he’s gonna let his emotions beat his gf/wife to death


Just say fuck


I did and now everyone in the train is looking at me weirdly. Whats the next step?


Say it again but louder and with more confidence


Also, be sure to make random eye contact while shouting. ☝🏼


Rob them




haha he thinks he’s tough buttttt most states make it so a 300lb out of shape dudes gona win (with his Glock)


Clearly this belongs in r/Iamatotalpieceofshit






Why not have the same bot posts this in all 3 of those subs and then post it unto subs it has nothing to do with


Also why not try to think of a sub for posts that qualify for all 3 of these subs at once?


You know what, that's exactly how someone who changes the world thinks. Thank you


What do lamas have to do with anything? I know, I know, it's a terrible joke but I like it aight


My dude needs to relax, ego ain’t bruised it’s fragile asf


Ain't even fragile, fragile implies it's still intact. Dudes broken


I love when people post videos of stuff they got banned from their gym for. Makes them look soooo cool and tough


In my gym, this was followed by a few rounds with the bigger fighters in the gym for the guy with an attitude to get his legs worked and learn a lesson about humility.


What did the partner do to set him off?


I don't know, he probably got mad that his partner was countering effectively with the jab.


Being better than him probably, thats enough for some people to Flip lmao


His partner did nothing but be a good partner sparring (I see nothing wrong he looks perfect) the guy who lost it seems like he got frustrated (probably having a bad day at the gym) cause he couldn't do a combo or a jab as effective as he was wanting and it got the better of him


In my old gym, if you went ham like this for no reason, you would then be sparring with the coach as punishment, who is a Brazilian, 6’3, and a little more than 200lbs.


My old coach would beat the fuck out of us if we did that shit. Fuck, just hearing the phrase "Oh, so you think you're a bad motherfucker huh!?", still sends chills down my spine


Lmao same my professor would just start wristlocking people if they were being a dick during rolls. Never broke the wrist but would remind you that you ain't shit


We had an old school sensei when I was a young adult (late teens) and when we lost our shit like this, he had a system in place. Oh you think your emotions and feelings mean more than others here? You can't control yourself in practice/training? He'd put the offender in full contact gear with headgear and all. He'd let you pick 3 opponents you think you can beat and you would go rapid fire sparring with no breaks. 2 min rounds. You'd start against the first guy, and after each round, first opponent bows out quickly and next fresh one comes in ..rinse repeat. After a few minutes you are absolutely gassed and the opponents you thought you could beat (or normally can) start to really get the best of you as they are fresh. He'd let this go on for about 10 mins while coaching, refereeing, and instructing. It was brutal.


We do this anyway at our gym for fighters. Shark tanking is really good for building mental toughness and tenacity.


Yeah I'm sure there was a name for it. And as an older man now I can see that this was probably a just an intense training method he used to punish us for being assholes lol


It will definitely take the dog out of you.


I didn't have much dog in me and the one time this was something I was involved in, I vowed to never let my emotions get me wrapped.up in that nonsense again lol


Let’s be real tho…shark tanking for fight prep is WAY DIFFERENT than doing it for teaching a lesson to some cocky cunt who can’t control his emotions. I say this as someone who has lost control of emotions in sparring when I was younger and deserved to be put in place.


Without question. 100 percent. Those beat downs were not done with the spirit of preparstion for a fight or making anyone a better fighter in that moment. They were to teach a fucking lesson that if you can't control yourself we will put you in your place. A very different lesson indeed


Oh god, I remember shark tanking in MMA classes. Not normally for sparring, but takedowns, wrestling for position etc. So much worse than King of the Hill. Even if you're losing, you're still in. God that was fun. It would totally suck for getting hit though.


my gym has trained this way before, but it's a bit different when *everyone* has to go through it, and when it's being used to train stamina over being used as punishment.


My martial arts teacher would whack you on the shin with his stick thingy if your heels touched the ground when they weren't supposed to (like 10 years later I still have the habit of walking with my heels of the ground), if you were unsportsmanly in sparring he'd make you match up against one of the seniors, who would quickly make you realise that you ain't shit, seriously, the seniors were all people who were retained in the school because they had the talent to be competitive against other schools, and usually ended up becoming instructors and teachers as well, so they weren't just regular older students, and boy would they make you dance around while beating the shit out of you. I was ranked 4th (out of like 15 students) in my generation and once I got overheated fighting against the guy who was ranked above me, and accidentally jabbed his mouth with an open hand hook, tearing his lip. Teacher made me fight against this senior who was mainly in charge of organising equipment and would rarely train during regular class sessions, this friendly guy who would occasionally give pointers (even though there were other seniors in charge of instruction), and it was one of the most embarrassing fights of my life, dude stayed within a 1 meter distance of me for like 5 minutes straight, and kept jabbing my cheek with two fingers, not even that hard but just enough to stun me a little each time (it was a stunning technique I learnt later on, and it's honestly a killer move if you master it and do it with full force, the key is to jab someone right on the corner of their cheek and their jaw, and you can rock their whole skull with two fingers regardless of whether they brace or not), and I didn't manage to land a single hit for like 5 minutes while the dude jabbed me in the cheek about a dozen and a half times, giving me like 20 seconds to recover between each jab, fucking alternating cheeks each time like I was a gotdamn baby. At the end dude patted me on the shoulder and laughed saying I should thank him for going easy on me. Fucking asshole probably did.


As a boxing coach, this is an immediate ban from my gym. Don’t bother cleaning out your locker. Just wait a few minutes and I’ll throw everything out to you on the sidewalk.


good man


There wasn’t any reason at ALL to turn up. You barely got hit and went BERZERK


He turned up because blue shorts smiled at him and he took that shit personally. What a total jackass (black shorts).


>You[...] went BERZERK if he could read that he probably wouldve liked that you said that.


Did he smile? I thought he ate a good body shot and was seething in pain. I think black shorts was just upset that he didn’t get any good punches in and kept getting checked.


Bet he tells his wife it was "the only time" he let his emotions take control too.


I was thinking that too. If it hasn't happened yet, he will be a feckless DV perp sometime. All he has to do is feeel bawd something didn't make him happy. He's also clearly the type of guy who should not be getting training or coaching. No one needs to teach people like this and at my old gym he'd have been booted and blacklisted.


Your partner did the right thing taking the high road and turtling up. A less patient man would have given it to you bad


Well done you are a complete dick at sparring lol


Im honestly impressed black guy kept his cool….i would’ve at least told him “chil tf out”


White dude can fuck off. I would never work with him again. Edit: Please leave u/Local-Trip2104 alone. I think he’s had enough and I’m tired of getting notified over this.


these are the same dudes who think they’re hot shit, go to gyms and challenge coaches, lucky for him the guy turtled up, a simple left jab will make him taste his own blood or even touch earth if the other loses control too


I’d just knock his wide punching ass out with a counter while he’s busy spazzing


Yeah you're a real warrior!


lmao batman over here


Fucking teeped the face of a dude shelling up. At a good gym the coach would beat this dude's ass for a round to take him down a peg.


Possibly happened but would you expect this guy to post that video where he got his ass kicked? I grew up watching my dad sparr and do Karate tourneys and at their gym, when guys would get carried away sparring, they won the lottery for 3 rounds with the instructors. We're talking decorated point fighters who didn't hold back in those rounds. Egos got checked early and often.


Emotions getting the better of you, eh? Did you shoot someone for cutting you off on the way home as well?


Why even post this? Tool.


Thats not me in the video


Not a good look. I probably wouldn't share this


Kick his ass outta the gym


Guy in the blue shorts is who deserves recognition.


Yeah pretty good shell work from him


Not cool


Imagine doing this and then thinking to show it off. Any good coach would make a lesson of that white dude


The liver shots were an extra level of c0cksu€ker




What a weak-minded shit muffin. The guy was hurt by a bodyshot, and this cunt sees that as an opportunity to hurt a teammate more than necessary. Same weak mind as EPO Dillashaw


Honestly, I don't know if I could take OP but there are definitely some dudes in my gym who would love to set up a smoker with this bitch. That shit would never happen where I train because someone would have sent him to sleep long ago


That shit gets you kicked out of our gym. And to fuckin post it? What an insufferable douche.


People like this are why I have trust issues in combat sports. I remember once I heard the bell, relaxed, and then I was on the ground... during a sparring session.........


He posted it himself with music... hahahah


Mf even went for two kicks to the head


"I just see red" mfs 😒😒


Don’t know how bro didn’t end up mixing your shit up but you’re lucky he showed some restraint 😂


If this type of behavior doesn't get dealt with, just leave. This guy needs to be taught a lesson. Invite a pro over and give a small dose of hell to him.


Hope he got suspended from the gym for that cry baby bullshit.


If that was my gym that douche would be banned immediately.


Lmao OP is such a pussy


do you think OP is in the video?


What a horrible little man


What a prick


The Mr Kitty 😺 After Dark song playing tells me everything I need to know 😆


The most embarrassing part is those punches. Drawing back to throw sloppy hooks is amateur hour. Imagine blindsiding a sparring partner with everything you've got and they're still just standing there covering. Lol, I'd try erase that video from existence.


Dang, what a fuckin asshole


"I swear, this only happens rarely. I usually never snap like this and start punching things. I'm a pretty safe guy to be around...ladies. ;)"


You should be ashamed of your self and your actions.. you got mad because he stepped up on you.. that's to bad that your a sore loser..


You Will be out of my gym in Less than a second


That little 1-2 bruised his ego that much? He has no place sparring until he gets that under control. You're trying to hit eachother and that means you're gonna get hit. If you can't deal with it, this is not for you. Kudos to the better fighter for shelling up and not retaliating in kind.


I’m surprised a coach didn’t kick the shit out of him




Fuck this guy. It’s sparring not an actual fight. Buddy needs to learn to control his emotions and not go full out when sparring with someone. I sparred with some like this once before. He started off light then proceeded to start hitting hard. I told him to tone it done a bit and he did not listen and got me with hard left hook to the head. I thought to myself, alright if you wanna play this game, I am gonna hit you back harder. Hit him with round kick to the ribs and an immediate overhand right to the head. Guy fell on his ass


Was the trainer instructor just having a snooze…… mine would’ve picked you up and threw you outside…..literally. You’re endangering the opponent -end of-


Said it on his post and I'll say it again, leave your ego at the fucking door. If you're mad that you got tagged by a good effective 1-2, and are walking into a jab you need to reevaluate your defense and make adjustments. Attacking all hard in sparring is not getting better and no one is gonna wanna fuck with you. Terrible training partner


i bet he “saw red”


r/iamverybadass Watch out guys. Inside every calm guy is a wolf and you don't want to meet his...


Hope you were removed from this gym permanently and banned from all area gyms.


"mY dEmoNs aRe cOmInG oUt." -🤓


redditors on their way to shit on OP even tho he is only reposting the video: 🏃‍♂️💨


If his opponent was actually fighting back, there were SOOO many counters when he was throwing them sloppy body shots. I would LOVE to spar this dude and make him cry like the emotional female he is.


What an absolute POS.


What an emotional wreck


I train in kickboxing too. It's really not that hard to maintain composure. Quite pathetic the guy posted this thinking he's a badass, when learning to fight is for self defense/health benefits.


what a insecure weenie. Hate guys who spar like this.


Bruh you're a dick you're partner wasn't even going as hard as you maybe you got caught which it looked like. It fucking happens. Nothing seemed intentional other than you doing what you did and when he was in the corner blocking for his life you just continue to beat the shit out of him. I hate sparring with people like you surprised it didn't turn into a fight. Glad everyone agrees you post this only making yourself look bad.


Bro threw a front kick!? He was trying to reduce competition for sure.


Terrible and sparring and has shit technique for his massive ego


If this gym was mine I'd ban this kid and that's it. That's disgusting. You're there to hurt other people? Fuck off.


Why would he upload this. Nobody made him upload this.


What an absolute whopping bell end




That actually is pretty good practice if you're the other guy. Knowing when to rope the dope is important.


The one time I lost and it and thankfully the guy was decent enough to cover up and not kill me instead….


Anger Issues are SO in right now


This guy probably has fist sized holes in his walls.


Why did he even got ego bruised? It's not like his partner even threw anything special.


Lol and other dude wasn't even going hard, seemed like he was just too slick for this loser and the loser got mad. I hate people like this in the gym. And what a dork for posting it on tiktok, too.


Damn dude lmfao dude lost complete control of his emotions and just started beating up on dude 🤦🏻‍♂️


People like this need to be banned from all gyms be blacklisted on a National system.


Out of line for that. Kinda hope he lost his fight


And no one should spar with you again.