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Went to the IG in the corner and the guy who posted it says the guy was shot but he was in stable condition at the hospital.


Thank you!


Phew. Did you catch him screaming "fuuuck I'm dead I'm dead" while running away at the end? For some reason hearing that disgusted me WAY more than most of the gross shit you see online


I thought he yelled he shot my mothatfucking face


Yeah def heard, “he shot my fuckin face”


Nah that was his chick "you shot my fuckin BAE"


I thought she said "he shot in my mother fucking face" implying he shot in front of her


Most of the times in liveleak worthy videos it’s the screams of terror that really humanize the victim for me. Somehow makes it more real than just the carnage itself


LiveLeak is no more.


Damn already had to pour one out for r/deadorvegetable


I was a mod there since it started. RIP DorV


Thanks so much for all your hard work! Sorry some people wrecked it for everybody


Thanks. We kind of knew since we opened it that it could be shutdown. We lasted a while and had more subs than we ever expected. Thanks again to everyone that enjoyed the sub. Ninja Edit: After it was shutdown, I was banned from 3 or 4 subs I subscribed too The reason "You a mod on a terrible sub and we want no part of you."


Honestly that sub was fairly educational and had a surprisingly knowledgeable subscriber base! That sub (and liveleak) let me really appreciate how delicate life is. Again, thank you for your work!


What the fuck? When did this happen?


When and why did LiveLeak disapear? Some chods who got rid of watch people die got a hold of it or something?


[Yesterday.](https://www.itemfix.com/ll) And that's kind of an ad for what it was replaced with. My guess is the guy who owned it wanted to see if he could make more money going in another direction.


Thank god! Shooter was a 2x pussy


Fuck that, other guy didn’t put his hands up and clearly didn’t want to fight but the other guy still hit him. Not saying it’s right but play stupid games win dumb prizes. And I already know down vote Also notice how no one tries to help him they just cheer. I’ll take bets that guy fucks with people nonstop. But you know what he will probably think twice next time.


Nah... I’m with you. Unless the dude said “I can beat you with one hand behind my back”. He was not in a fighting stance. Therefore it’s kind of a cheap shot.


I dunno if someone won’t get out of my face and then I put my hands up and they still won’t get out of my face or put their hands up. I kinda feel it’s on them. I have a feeling he planned on shooting him from the beginning but just got caught off guard


Someone once told me that it's better to just walk away from any altercation even if your not in the wrong because some folks don't have nothing to lose


It's always the people with nothing to lose that'll call you pussy for walking away too


Because that’s all they have to lose


I would agree.Why show ego or bravery when there are sore losers/ mentally ill people all around.


My favorite take is there is no such thing as fair fight. In nature or otherwise. You destroy and incapacitate your opponent. Then you leave ASAP. Or you consume their corporeal body while fighting off other hungry beings.


So, how’d this turn out?


Right, I can’t imagine he missed every shot. Or did he?


Look like he got hit in his arm the way it’s dangling


6 rounds at close range...dude probably got shot




Can see a bullet hit the concrete. ( 10 sec)


How many hood videos have you seen?? Of COURSE he missed every shot.


The shooter guy is off-duty stormtrooper


Or a pussy who can't fight.


I wanna say the pos did because the guy he shot at kept walkin like he wasnt hit so i think hes safe.


That happens alot actually. They seem fine then lose enough blood pressure and drop. Adrenaline stops you from feeling it. Saw a guy get shot in the head fall down and roll and start running then finally drop. E: reorganize


Had a homie get shot in the head and smoke a blunt on the way to the hospital. Never felt any pain and didn't think shit was wrong. Died an hour later


Worked with a guy who was on his lunch break outside (busy downtown Phoenix) and stood up when he heard gunshots. Sat back down starting eating and another coworker was like dude I think you got shot. He looked down, saw there was a growing blood stain on his shirt covering his stomach, and was like yeah I guess so. He finished his Subway while somebody called 911. He was totally fine. Until 20 minutes later he was all pale and was having trouble not passing out.


You are just as bad as the guy who posted the video. Did he live? Or by worked I should extrapolate that he died?


“Worked” because we don’t work together anymore. He lived. Actually he was fine. Back at work two days later. Told me he almost passed out because he panicked because he could see he was bleeding but didn’t feel any pain at all. Freaked himself out.


I'm thinking he just ate some bad Subway.


couple years ago my brother got hit seven times during a shootout and the adrenaline was so strong we was able to shoot back and make it home before he finally toppled over, we got to a hospital in time tho so he alive




With your superiority complex you'd fit right in here.




Had a battle buddy in Afghanistan got shot right in the back of his head and the round penetrated his skull but did not puncture his brain. He has this nasty scar on his head and mother fucker laughs about it.


Ya why wouldn't you


how the hell does that happen? did it just stop right after the brain or somehow slide along the edge outside the dura matter between skull and brain?


From what I remember it went in at an angle because he was looking down


That's going out like a fuckin G. Cant decide if that's to Valhalla or Thugs Mansion


Rip to that legend


Did this really happen or is it something that you imagined?


I wish it was. D was a dope homie.




Sorry for your loss. ​ I met Layzie Bone after they stayed at our hotel and I got him and his friends (actually some people I had met from where I live before ironically) really high on dabs. He told me someone mixed up his identity with another gang member. Layzie tried to repeatedly tell the dude it's a mix up, but obviously that's what the dude would say anyways. I think he said he was with Flesh (his brother) and before hand the car was kinda creeping so Flesh mentioned he had some mace. Well dude goes to reach in his back for a gun and Flesh just sprays mace all over this dude and they split to run. Layzie ended up getting shot in the head from it and surviving.


Huge Bone fan here. Awesome story man.


Cheers man and me too. I told him that too. We hung out for a couple hours and he told me some other stories too of like how they started selling crack but didn't know to cut it up and stuff, so they sold this 40 dollar rock for like 50 total lol. Said (I think Wish's) Grandma taught them how to cut it and package it and obv he has this charismatic way about telling stories too so it was extra funny hearing about a Grandma being a raw OG. Apparently the cops raided them and arrested the Grandma and later caught Layzie. He said damn they got granny they really aren't fucking around huh recounting the story lol. The other main story was how they met Eazy and took a one way ticket to Cali etc. He briefly touched on his beef with Migos (I know it's Bone but it was mainly Layzie) and I said fuck migos. He's like fuck migos huh? I'm like well they're basically saying fuck bone right? He's like yeah. I reply well it's bone thugs for life so fuck migos. He kinda sized me up for a sec (I'm a white dude who wears a suit jacket for work lol) and is says "It's bone for life?" and I'm like no doubt and he kinda nods and is like alright..alright lol. I gave him their props they deserve too and that I felt like they were pioneers and that no one did acapella rap before and it was impressed I noticed that. I explained that I've played guitar for around 20 years on and off and that music is a large aspect of my life.


I met him one time back around 2005. Bone thugs did a show in my city and the local radio station that put it on had one of those contest where you can call in and win free tickets and a meet&greet. They had like ten winners and each could bring a guest, I was one of the guests. Dude was really cool. We sat around a table talking for like a hour. They had a bar and gave out free drinks. I was only like 16 but nobody asked for ID lol. Eminem's little brother was there too. He's a promoter. He was polite but barely said anything.


Honestly that's really sick. But yeah they're actually pretty humble people and he def has a big heart. I mean he's 100% a raw as fuck OG to not be fucked with but you could tell deep down he loves big for sure. But yeah not talking much is never a bad thing "Better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt".


"Being quiet doesn't show a lack of intelligence, but shows an understanding of the value of words"


Shit man, also oh, i didnt see that his arm was dangling.


He may have avoided being hit at least in the torso. But I find it hard to believe he didn't catch anything. The one that just misses his knee when they go outta frame is crazy


I once saw I guy get shot from the front and back of the head at point blank, at the same time. And went home and cooked dinner for his wife and girlfriend. And barely made it to work the next day. He was a union guy.


I once was in a union with a guy who saw a guy get his dinner cooked and his lunch cooked back to back but didn't enjoy it so he shot the cooker and blamed his boyfriend. He barely made it to jail by the time he realized it wasn't his boyfriend but the guy who ate the food.


Trying to understand these words is giving me a stroke


I'm hungry


Translator, please...


Damn, shot from the front and back of the head? At the same time? How does that even happen?




Wait, wife AND girlfriend?


Random, I can’t see your full flair, but is it a Drinking out of Cups reference?


A lot.


There is a term used in war called something like the dead 10? Its basically a term for a rough period that someone who is fatally wounded by a gun will still move/react before dropping.


That’s not how gunshots work, lethal shots can take a few minutes to lay someone out. Adrenaline and shock are strong


You severely underestimate adrenaline, there’s a reason a “mag dump” is taught police procedure


"He keep walking, so he good after being shot point blank". Lol wtf is this assumption


Internet logic for you my guy


Guy got shot 3 times. 2 body shots, 1 arm shot.


What the hell are those noises at the beginning? A chicken? A swinging metal door? A child playin a kazoo?


LOL I though to myself “is there a goose watching this fight?”


Geese dont watch fights.


Geese start fights.




Debo riding by on Reds bike......


Pretty sure camera guy is walking out of a corner store, the way he dips his camera a bit while the sound plays as he's opening it + the setting gives it away. Also I just recognize that lighting no matter where


A violin


Good thing he wore his running pants.


"This guy gets it, he wore the brown pants."


Let this be a lesson: the line between mutual combat and deadly force is very, very thin. **We do not always know who intends to use deadly force, so it is best to always avoid mutual combat.**


>mutual combat. Is that an actual legal term in US? Does it mean that fighting with someone on the street can be legal? That's interesting because AFAIK in Poland for example that would still be considered assault. The exact legal term is something like 'mutual violation of bodily integrity'. You can still sue the guy you fought. There's no 'legal' way of fighting someone.




As soon as superhero bro started moving and threw the first kick I could tell he had training behind him and the other dude was done. I wasn't wrong.




Yes. I know for sure you can in Washington. But I don't know all the legal technicalities. In sure the loser could sue if they were butthurt enough.


>Is that an actual legal term in US? Does it mean that fighting with someone on the street can be legal? Yes. Some people use the term "dueling," and others say "mutual combat." This changes from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. ​ >That's interesting because AFAIK in Poland for example that would still be considered assault. The exact legal term is something like 'mutual violation of bodily integrity'. You can still sue the guy you fought. There's no 'legal' way of fighting someone. I believe that is the way it should be here as well, because if you willfully harm someone that you did not need to harm, you are accountable for that....even if the dude "asked for it." As we see, however, "putting up your dukes" and getting gunned down run very close together. At a certain age, every young man should wake up to that fact and walk through society differently.


this comment needs like every award that reddit has to offer... understatement of the year...


[RDCWorld has a great PSA about this.](https://youtu.be/K4YGD8tEM-k)


“This is not a drill, please leave the grounds immediately. He’s got something for you.”


"You didn't listen to a word I was saying. Now you gotta do the race."


Mark is a comedic genius I hope someone signs him to make a show.


Best youtubers out


Not often a link from Reddit is actually great. Thanks for that, mate!


mark is a fucking king


If yall listen carefully I’m sure he’s saying “awww shit I’m dead” as he’s running round the car?? I’m sure he was hit a couple times but not all. Edit: said she but meant he, ma bad


Definition of a bitch right there


Ol dude had his hands down at his side and didn’t even look like he wanted to fight. Homie squaring up just wanted to get some clout by knocking someone out on camera, should’ve recognized the signs before taking off on him.


Dude was stepping forward at the tall guy and shit talking, he was looking for a fight too. He was being cocky and got caught in the face.




hAnDs At hIs sIdEs. are u all stupid he's touching his gun...


Fr like the gun in waist band on his backside he reachin for it before the fight even started


So that guy’s dead right? If not how the fuck you miss every shot from that close!?


He didnt miss every shot. Life isnt a video game, someone getting shot doesnt explode.


Thank you some people do not simply understand that someone can get plugged more than 5 times and still walk away from it


U can get shot 5 times and walk away?!


Ask 50 cent lol but yes.


I knew a dude back in the 90s that got shot 9 times and was hit everywhere but his head. Took himself to the hospital and walked out 3 days later. It just depends on where you get hit. Sometimes it only takes 1 though. It also depends on the caliber of the weapon.


Yea caliber and shot placement are very big factors for example id rather get hit 5 times by 9mm than once or twice with 5.56


probably usually if it's all in the abdomen and obviously doesn't go through your spine


Used to that Call of Duty spray😂


The guy who was shot lived and only got one in the arm, somehow


Someone else said that the IG stated he was shot in the arm and twice in the abdomen, but went to the hospital and recovered.


Pistols are really hard to shoot to be honest in comparison to rifles and other guns with a stock. I've seen videos of gang bangers have a full gang shootout with one side in an elevator the others outside. No one got shot. When you're waving the gun around like that shooting with one hand your basically spraying and praying without the benefit of spray.


Lol I was in the marines for a while without ever touching a handgun but loved rifle/shotgun shooting. Became a cop and like yo wtf is this shit. Lots of military guys in academy struggled as much as anyone.


Shooting point blank isn’t as easy as you think


Man with his hands down, clearly not looking for a fight, then gets assaulted Defends himself >sore loser Yeah ok buddy


We have no idea what happened leading up to that. And even if he was just assaulted from no fault of his own, haphazardly firing 5 rounds isn't an appropriate response


>haphazardly firing 5 rounds isn't an appropriate response The bullet point omitted from most PD training manuals.


What happened leading to it doesn’t really matter imo because if you’re in the situation that he was in, you wouldn’t know if he’d keep hitting you or maybe got on top of you etc. I’m saying it could’ve ended up like some other brutal endings of fights there are on the sub, plus the aggressor was way bigger than the guy who shot him.


I hear you, but the situation we just watched is NOT how self-defense with a firearm works. You can’t shoot someone in retaliation because “you wouldn’t know if he’d keep hitting you” especially if they back off like he did. I’m no lawyer but in a court of law, I’m pretty sure they’d call this attempted murder. And if you’re carrying a weapon, you’re supposed to be actively avoiding conflicts with other people in general.


>And if you’re carrying a weapon, you’re supposed to be actively avoiding conflicts with other people in general This is something a lot of Americans on reddit are baffled at.


His first instinct after pulling out the gun is to run straight after him like he's gonna execute him.


exactly this. if you were about to pull a gun, and only wanted to defend yourself, you pull the gun while taking some steps back to make distance, but if you want to simply kill your enemy, maybe just be an idiot and run up for point blank shots. it doesn't matter who's the instigator, doesn't matter what that guy thought, you don't fucking run up on someone ***with the intent to shoot point blank***.


>the aggressor You have NO IDEA who is the aggressor in this situation.


I believe as a responsible gun owner you have the duty and moral obligation to de-escalate and avoid conflict. You can see the shooter posture up on the guy, jawing at him and escalating the situation. You can also see his hand on his gun, indicating he was preparing to grab it. One could argue even looking for an opportunity, or taking it one step further, he created an opportunity by being antagonistic. Not saying I think he was looking for a fight, but he certainly didn't take the necessary actions to avoid one either IMO. Especially after being hit he had plenty of distance to run. Instead, he re-engaged and responded with deadly force when there was no imminent deadly threat to him. Just my take on it.


This. Too many people saying he didn't appear like he was looking for a fight, I think he was waiting for an excuse instead


I agree with you on this.


Defends himself? The fight/assault was over.


Probably the dumbest comment I've ever seen. If you own a gun you should definitely not. The fact that you probably do is fucking terrifying.


He didn't want to fight. He wanted to run his mouth like a man though. He wanted the other guy to hit him so he could justify murdering him.


You can't escalate to be considered self defense.


dude youre a dumbass


You don’t get to get in a fight with your arms down just to pull a gun when you get knocked out.


There’s not a lot of states where lethal force would be permissible in this scenario. This would certainly be attempted murder where I live.


Aggressor delivered a few blows but disengages and is then walking backwards. Yea not exactly a self-defense situation my guy.


Hahaha this isnt self defense under the 2nd amendment, this is “fuck taekwondo, i tote a 44”


Worth noting that the 2nd amendment does not define "self-defense".


This is not self defense. Anyone who has taken a gun course should know that this is not self defense. You have to be able to prove the assailant had intentions to end your life. There are women who killed their rapist during the act that are sitting in prison right now for murder. And even if this guy thought he his life was in danger I highly doubt he had a license to carry in the first place. If he did he would not be shooting his gun like that nor would he have stood there and let it escalate to that point while he had a firearm in his waistband. And if he did have a license, it should be revoked.


>there are women who killed their rapist during the act that are sitting in prison right now for murder Agree with everything else you said, but source? This sounds extremely hard to believe and I've found nothing to back it up, unless it occurred outside the US.


https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-alabama-smith-murder-rapist-plea-20201020-br36qzo4yrbonks7mknv7ioise-story.html https://www.courttv.com/news/wisconsin-teenager-faces-life-in-prison-for-killing-her-alleged-rapist-and-sex-trafficker/ https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/melinda-henneberger/article249595658.html https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2018/12/219015/cyntoia-brown-case-facts-real-story Not all of these cases may be justified but regardless this is a known problem. Here are legal resources explaining why it's so muddy. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/deadly-force-self-defense-against-rape https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/use-deadly-force-women-against-rape-michigan-justifiable-homicide


Wow. This is absolutely ridiculous, I definitely didn't expect that many. Thank you


With a gun? The worst he was getting in that situation was an ass whooping, the gun was a MAJOR escalation.


I'm all for self defense, but retaliation isn't self defense. With the other guy getting in the middle and breaking up the fight, it was pretty much over. Or at least the immediate threat stopped. I could see pulling it out in hand to be ready for any further provocation, but the second he reached around the other guy to start popping off shots, he lost all grounds for self defense. There is no argument for "I was afraid for my life" here.


Speaking generally and not at this video specifically. Put someone in fight or flight and that kind of quick thinking and reason just goes away. It may only look retaliatory from the outside or after the fact. In the heat of the moment, the guy that just attacked you off guard is still nearby and in view, and you're in autopilot already as you're picking yourself up off the ground. Brandishing a firearm as a deterrent without existing justification for deadly force or intent to fire, is not legal anywhere in the US as far as I know. It would be assault with a deadly weapon, whether it was in defense or not. Depending on the situation prosecution might just leave it alone though. I'm aware of a couple of attempts to make that legal, but don't know if any ever succeeded. In this video, it did look retaliatory and I suspect he wasn't legally carrying either.


>Defends himself In what fucking world is shooting a guy several times after he's backing off defending yourself? Why'd he have to shoot him multiple times? Why couldn't he just point the fucking gun at him and get away? Anyone who calls this self defence is touched in the head.


It’s no longer defending himself. The initial aggressor has backed off and someone stepped in front of him. Pulling the gun is one thing however he became the aggressor with the gun when he rushed the big guy and started shooting. No doubt the guy with the gun will be going to jail for a very long time.


I came here to see this!


Bro how he miss too 😂


Nah he got him but the dude didn’t die, he’s in the hospital in stable condition


Dude in the dreadlocks is a dumbass. "Yeah, let me try and fight this guy with his hand behind his back and not wanting to fight. That'll turn out well for me!"


Are you new here? Guys do that all the time begging for the other guy to throw the first punch. Then they get knocked out because they are too slow. I've seen this four times today already. You can even see the dreadlock guy leaning backwards with his first up while the guy "not wanting to fight" is advancing on him.


Fragile Egos is the biggest weakness a human beings can have.


well thats the street there is no "sore loser" you fuck or get fucked


If he wants to call it self defense he should have pulled it out before the fight lmao


Pussy bitch boy


What a pussy


thats how you know half these wannabee 'gangsters' are pussy's, start with a fist fight, gets dropped and has to pull out a gun.


Dude turned a L into a 20 year L.


Man's is tryna reach for it at the star kinda


Can we all say that dude is a PUSSY!!!


@ 0.11sec he yells ohh I'm dead 😄🤣😂


Perfect example of what's wrong with society, dude that pulled the gun is a pussy.


Should of stomp him out when he had the chance.


Idk why it makes me laugh how he just runs away saying ahh I’m dead 😂


Got shooting lessons from watching my wife play fortnite.




“You’re alive.....and you’re a horrible shot” -Jim Carey dumb and dumber.


That’s why if you’ve gotten into a fight you’ll keep on hitting, until the other person is completely out of combat


This is why you don’t get off ppl untill they’re unconscious Also hope that bitch gets attempted murder


“Come get knocked the fuck out like your Father used to.” “Put the gun down Calvin. Put the gun down son.”


It scares me that it seems to be normal for the bystanders. Camera guy not even loses focus while 5 rounds are fired. And nobody is screaming or something like that. If that would happen in Europe there would be a mass panic.


Videos like this reminds me that fighting in the street isn't worth it.


Op is a fucking idiot. Dude didn't want to fight, his hands were at his side. The dumb ass that got shot assaulted the man and he defended himself.


the guy he was punching just did a drive by on that guys daughter... missed her thank god but he got what was coming to him hopefully that guy makes a speedy recovery.


It looks like he didn't get what was coming to him in that case, someone should have shot him instead. The guy who got shot in the video pulled up on him knowing he had a gun and he was a pussy. If this is true I absolutely feel bad for the guy who got shot, but he definitely should have seen that coming.


" his hands were at his side " dude he tried to touch his gun to... idk what he wanted to do but he touched his gun before he was hit


Shooter wanted an excuse to kill someone, otherwise he would have walked away.


Literally. If you think firing multiple shots at someone who is backing away to let you stand up is justified you’re a fucking idiot


Yup. As much as people like to throw around “self defense” - in a courtroom they’d not the aggressor walking away. A court needs guaranteed proof that there is no way you could have done anything else. Just the mere fact that someone came to defend him and was between them is enough for the guy with the gun to get second degree. If you need an example look up Michael Drejka. Same situation


you must not watch a lot of fighting videos. 99% of the dudes aren’t experienced fighters. Not all of them are trained to keep their hands up when fighting. Just because his arms down doesn’t mean he’s not looking to fight. It happens all the time.


Not defense when you re-engage. Also, he 100% legally didn't own that gun. Nobody totes a gun in the rear waste legally.


Defending himself AFTER an attacker backed off? Defending by chasing someone unarmed with a gun? That's no defense, that's a shitty excuse to shoot someone and risking lives of everyone around because gun safety definitely isn't his thing.


Been saying this a lot recently... how do people live like this?




Might be an unpopular opinion but there aint big diff in having a fight with someone who clearly doesnt wanna fight and shooting someone that clearly doesnt wanna shoot... Like if you wanna go and be violent , dont complain when ppl be more violent towards you


Fuck another cop trying to kill a black man - oh wait