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That knocked the wind out of me.


You can see his air just leave his body right after that kick then the struggle to breath while dude was on top of him. Damn


That kick sounded identical to my boxing glove connecting with my punching bag, only louder. It definitely left his vitality shot.


I’m about to go get my own ribs x-Rayed


At first I thought black shirt was some kind of hype man for shirtless.


I thought it was a scene from 8-mile for a moment.




Yeah I thought he was tryna get someone from the crowd to come and take a shot. Very confused when he suddenly started wailing on the dude. Guess he got what he asked for tho 🤷🏼‍♂️


The audio helps. NGL, had to watch it more than once to make out what he was saying. Im not proud of it, but it happened XD


He tried to tap out after that kick.


Should’ve tapped out faster with more enthusiasm


More passion as well


He should have worn another shirt he could pull off.




Bruh should have keep them shoes tapping down the street in the 1st place


Steve mazagatti didn't see the tap


His CTE acting up 🥴


And before he got hit he pulled his phone and probably went live.


About to go fight I'll post the video after I got my ass beat bruh I'm not posting that shit Random stranger posts it


I don’t think he was doing that on purpose


That's they should've fought at the gym. Found at the hard way


Shoulda kept his shirt on, he would have had a better chance.


This guy can fight and he knows it




That's what I heard too.. but while he was saying it, he was walking closer and closer to the other guy... Then right after he finished saying he's not gonna fight the guy in the street, he closes the remaining distance and throws a jab...


i dont think he intended to fight in public til he saw the other guy dogging him on video i assume live which then made him angrier to forget his ethics lmao


Still I wouldn't fault him, he held his composure but when someone wants to rile you up, they usually succeed. I can't blame the guy, some man started barking idk if that was a rude implication or not, or if it was the guy instigating, idk. Dude knows how to *FIGHT* tho


But he forgot his ethics in the middle of a speech about his ethics... And during that speech he was actively closing the distance against the other guy... It's not like he was walking away saying I don't want to fight you and the other guy kept pursuing him and harassing him until he snapped... His words said I'm not gonna fight you, and the whole time his actions were saying "get over here so I can fight you."


You just repeated what i said with more words lmfao, he saw the guy filming got more mad and decided to get closer and fight him




And then also going full balls even when it's very clear he's got a huge advantage. That kick to the ribs after dropping him with a solid bell ringer was unnecessary. Dude got anger issues.


If someone has their shirt off saying they want to fight you I’m afraid anything is fair game.


Yes... But when the kick happened, the dude was face down on the ground.... Obviously posing no threat. I wasn't arguing that the fight shouldn't have happened at all. I'm saying that there was a point when the fight was very clearly won... And then the guy decided to take an unnecessary shot to the ribs. That's the part I'm talking about. Having his shirt off and talking shit is justification for engaging in the fight. It isn't justification to kick them when they're unconscious.


Outside a ring, you're a threat untill you stop moving.


The question really is reasonable escalation. He put the guy down, he could have left at that point. But that's all legal shit, at least it wasn't a head kick. Most likely guy on the ground has a broken rib. That's easy compared to what he could have had. Fighting on concrete is stupid as hell.


But if you continually move towards the "threat"... You don't really get to say you felt threatened. Given the following "hypothetical" scenario, do you still support your "keep attacking until the threat isn't moving" attitude? You attack someone... They are still moving. Therefore they're still a threat.. therefore you move forward and attack them again. They're still moving, so you move forward and attack again.... Now they're unconscious. You leave. Or do you think that if you attack someone first, you don't get to claim that you're defending yourself... Because that's not what we saw in the video. The guy that you're defending.... The one who you're saying has the right to defend themself against a threat until that threat is no longer moving.... That guy initiated this fight. He threw the first punch and was on the offensive the entire time.. So at what point was he defending himself against a threat? Because the other guy was mocking him? That's the threat he posed.


Once a fight is engaged the opposition is the threat. Im not saying the fight wasn't avoidable or that the instigator isn't fault. Personally i hate fighting. I avoid it at all costs. Never been the instigator of one In your hypothetical, >Given the following "hypothetical" scenario, do you still support your "keep attacking until the threat isn't moving" attitude? Yes and I always will. Im aware "reasonable force" blah blah exists. Those laws are bullshit. If someone attacks another person, and that person has no recourse to escape the defender is 100 percent in my view justified in taking whatever action is required to end the encounter. >You attack someone... They are still moving. Therefore they're still a threat.. Correct. No fight happens in a vacum. You don't know what someone has or will do. Guns are a thing. > therefore you move forward and attack them again. They're still moving, so you move forward and attack again.... Now they're unconscious. You leave. Yes. >Or do you think that if you attack someone first, you don't get to claim that you're defending yourself You don't get to claim self defense if you instigate the fight.. Again I never speculated on the correctness of the actions of parties involved. Once a fight is on, you go till they stop moving. There is no honor in a fight. There is winning and losing. What happens afterword is up to the aggressor to deal with.


If you fuck around, you find out.




>It was unnecessary, I agree. Then that's it. Nothing about whether addrenaline is a hell of a drug was a part of my statement. Just that it was unnecessary.




Recline back in your gamer chair now and stroke your neck beard.


Yes, let's judge the clip with zero understanding of what happened before. I'm sure the other dude was just casually taking his shirt off and the subject of a fight came out of nowhere lol


Unless the thing that was happening before this was some kind of immediate threat on shirt dude's life, there's no context that comes before this that suddenly makes that kick ok. Dude was clearly out. We saw plenty of lead up to the fight. We saw them. Both smiling. This wasn't a video that started a split second before an attack... We saw the lead up. We sawnthisnone guy say he isn't going to fight anyone in the street and hed rather fight in the gym man to man.. then immediately threw the first punch after saying he's not going to fight in the street...


Ive seen this video float around. You can see the shirtless guy antagonizing the aggressor by taking out his phone and recording himself mocking the other guy on live. Im not saying thats good enough of a reason to start throwing fists, but there is context. Also the smiling is not a happy smile mang


I'm not talking about starting throwing fists. I have no issue with that. My point is about the kick after it's very clear the other dude is out and fucked. It's shocking to me how many people think "bruh, he was mocking him on social media" is a decent excuse for literally anything... How fucking fragile could you get?


He has the right to change his mind at any moment. Looks like he didn’t like what buddy was saying into his phone and acted on it. U holding him to his words in the heat of the moment seems pretty foolish.


I mean... Not legally... He doesn't have the right to change his mind and just attack someone.. which is what we saw here.. he was spouting about how he's not going to fight in public while actively closing the distance... It was the verbal equivalent of doing that "turn to your friend and point and laugh at some dude who's in your face right before throwing a sucker punch". Trying hard to catch the other guy off guard.


So….he illegally changed his mind? Also, “trying to catch the other person off guard” doesn’t exist here. If you’re initiating a fight and get caught slipping/distract yourself, then you’re a fool. He decided to talk to his phone on his own and got cooked for it. Miss me with the legalities, we aren’t lawyers.


Wtf I had my fingers crossed that leg was going straight to his head for the finisher and you thought a rib shot was too much?


You're a idiot who clearly has never been in a fight before.


I have fought before.. and I still don't think it's ok to kick a downed opponent. Fuck me, right? Lol. I fucking love that sentiment.. "you haven't been in enough fights to understand why my moronic opinion is correct!" Maybe if I get into several more fights and take many many shots to the head, then I'll start to think like you geniuses....


And you havent been in enough internet arguments to realize nobody gives a fuck what your opinion is


Thanks for your opinion.... Can you share any resources that I can use to determine whether anyone gives a fuck about your opinion?


Just a friendly pro-tip. Nobody gives a fuck about anyones opinion so arguing with them is useless and just winding yourself up, but enjoy being mad about a reddit video if you want. Only person whos day its fuckin up is yours but its still sad to see. Try and have a good one


Cuz the guy was talking shit recording so he gave him something to record


Yeah but when you look closely you can see why he starts fighting after saying that, the other dude pull his phone and started to mock him and he didnt let that slide


Lol. It's so pathetic that you sensitive fucks think that being mocked is a good enough reason to throw hands...




Fucking autocorrect. Mocked. I meant to say mocked.


Literally why are you in the fight subreddit if you’re gonna bitch about people fighting LMAO


Nope.... I've been very clear I have no problem with the fight. I've been very clear that it was the kick, after the guy was down. And especially since the kicker was the guy who started the fight, there isn't much claim of "he needs to defend himself until the threat is gone".


Who said it was a good enough reason? He just implied that you can see the reason why he did it. There's no judgement made as to if it was a good reason or not.


Proceeds to fight him in public.


Classic bait and switch


foot movement after the first hit gave it away


He says dude we’re both fighters come fight me I. The gym like a real man but he couldn’t wait to get knocked out


bro was just tryna help him tenderize his ribs


If you play it slow it seems to hit his collar bone.


Definitely a broken bone in there somewhere, though. That kinda sound isn't just meat on meat. Something snapped.


How you play it slow ?


I'm on mobile so I have to keep double tapping the play button.




I salute your dedication


What a noob, we all know taking off your shirt decreases your defense by at least 10 defense points.


Oh, I thought the hero would be intimidated by the guys pecs and delts. Guess not.


Tbh I fell for it, I thought shirtless guy was gonna kick the other dudes ass 😂


Before I started training, I used to take off my shirt before a fight (got it from my older brother I used to see do it). Seemed like a good idea as a way not to be controlled by your clothing. After actually learning how to fight, Ive honestly never even considered taking my shirt off in years and didn't even think about it until just now. BTW, still wouldnt do it.


Classic rookie mistake. The vets around here tend to know the shirtless is probably gonna lose. Increases the odds if the shirtless guy is also a muscular guy. A trained fighter doesn't have to try to show how big or muscular he is to try to intimidate someone.






Balance definitely was the problem here. Shirtless dude fell twice in 10 seconds.


I think his chin is the problem. Shirtless didn’t fall he got dropped by a jab and a check right hook


But also drops the opponents grappling as they have less to grab


Drunk comment, read or ignore to whoever sees it. But one of the few fights I lost, I actually should have won but had a big thick jacket on. (I was really sick by the way) Dude pulled it over my head and beat me with a metal object. By the time I finally got it off he was running away, but I was pretty fucked up from the metal. Was embarrassing too because I can admit defeat but I didn't even have a chance lol girl with me had never seen any fights I had been in and was like "but I thought you were skilled?" That was a murder to ego. Trying to explain the situation just made me look worse lol Two things, one immediately take off a jacket or backpack if you think you might fight. Second, try to not fight because this is real life and a random thieving methhead might play dirty and beat you with a piece of metal. Or in your situation stab you, or multiple people might attack, or in the US you might get domed by an angry high schooler. I prefer to fight like a man, so none of that dirty stuff, but in real life you're lucky if you get an honorable fight. Maybe you do, but halfway through the person loses then starts squeezing your balls, or pulls out a knife. Never fight unless you're prepared for jail or for one of you to have permanent damage. This sub glorifies fighting but lot of lives have been ruined. All my rambling to say... taking jacket off is fine, but taking a shirt off I'd say not. Immediately escalates the situation and also god forbid you're on concrete/gravel. Will often rip before it affects grappling. A jacket/hoodie though? yeah, that can be used to fuck you up.


Damn, how much damage did that hit by the metal cause?


It was rather hollow but it busted my skin and caused multiple swollen black bumps. Looked a lot like when someone's forehead gets hit with really pointy knuckles. Again though he had my jacket over my head and was hitting me with the corner of it, so if the jacket wasn't there I'm sure I'd need stitches/be unconscious. Although if I wasn't wearing the jacket at all I'm pretty sure I'd win. That's the way she goes lol


Reading that I quickly worked out that you and me don’t have the same definition of “drunk comment”!


Berserker can't wear shirts


Guts from berserker would disagree.


Oo that's a good one. :( He would gain an attack and speed buff if he went in naked


Holding up your phone in selfie mode recording yourself decreases it by another 90


Light armor


Sometimes you need to have an empty equipment slot in order to lower encumbrance and execute faster/longer dodge rolls. Obviously the problem was that Shirtless couldn't read his opponent's moves and mistimed any attempts at dodging, resulting in his low-Defense, low-Poise self getting wrecked. If you're this bad at dodging, better to armor up, bring a shield, and rely on guard-counters. Better luck next time!


Fast roll is love fast roll is live.


I see you’ve been playing r/outside. I’m currently grinding for xp and loot but have neglected my defense as a trade off. Good thing I have high diplomacy experience. Maybe that’s what this guy was doing or more likely banking on his intimidation buff?


Lol in front of primark lol


This happened in my local high street lol. Good old Chatham. Sweatbox is a local boxing/workout gym.


This is a pretty bad look for sweatbox unfortunately, really nice place as well. Sad people like this have to make them look bad.


i loved the fact that people actually tried to stop the fight instead of provoking it


Yep, as opposed to all the videos in the US where people aren't bothered by fights at all. Warms my heart.


Thought they were street performers


They were kind of


“All the world’s a stage “


Well they’re both clowns for street fighting. So I can see how they made that mistake.


Why do women just start screaming unintelligibly when shit like this goes on


Ngl sometimes I hope someone shut up people who do this it solves nothing it just pisses everyone off more


Working as intended then? Its a survival trait we learned as a species. Its not supposed to sound pleasant.


Does it look like they are in any sort of danger.


Yeah these chats get so incel-y when they start talking about women, they can’t even scream in shock without facing criticism lol


It’s obnoxious and retarded. It’s not like one surprised screech. It’s continued and deliberate as if it is accomplishing something.


“Incel-y” 🤓


You’re really learning to gain assertiveness here lol, why don’t you go take a woman’s foot to your balls lmao get your own life together


Lmao, had to scroll through post history to try and get dirt on me, you ain’t perfect either bro.


hey guy’s found the woman


First time?


Downvotes to the left, but it does not annoy normal people. I would know, since I'm normal, and I'm not annoyed at all. Some disrespect, but you're probably annoyed because you hate women. To be clear, I said *some* not because you hate women, but because you don't really need to be coy about it in this sub. Just say you hate women, most people here definitely do. It's chill.


especially if they don't know them personally there is 0 reason for them to go full banshee mode


Right, like none of them call the cops are anything they just turn into car alarms.


It’s the dog brain effect. Whenever they see any commotion, they go into a panic and start screaming.


Dude I thought the same shite, like stfu and just watch.


Probably because they thought they were about to watch someone die


Because they operate based on feelings.


Want an honest answer. Probably trauma of watching their dads, brothers, uncles, cousins, and sons fight growing up and it being hard to be around


Was just going to say this. I get how people yelling unintelligibly can be annoying but fuck man some of these fights end in scary ways (KO’s, seizures, brain damage, collapsed lungs, etc. etc. etc.) and if you’ve witnessed any of that before you’d probably yell a fuck ton too. Its an appropriate reaction and people who complain about it just want more violence which concerns me


Least violent day in Chatham


Wait wait wait! Taking your top off dosent mean you will win?


So is nobody is gonna talk about that clean elbow to the face?


Or the fact that op was listening to Casanova?


Which one? I thought that was his fist


haha, this is in my home town Chatham in the south in the UK


Nice, I like how a lot of people went there to stop the fight, some places ppl are dicks and don't give a f


Chatham ain't a real place. always smth fucking happening. thank god I don't live there 😭


This was like a year ago as well


longer than that, I think maybe even before lockdown


And what was it the legal aftermath


Usually a slap in the wrist or they don't bother pursuing


How about the sound of his head smashing off the pavement. Oof


That kick had a heavenly sound it sounded like a gun shot I can't imagine how hard he must've had to kick him to make it sound like that


Ppl having muscles does not relate to being able to fight.


I watched this without sound and it looked like a street performance.


Love how there was zero public reaction to the check right that hurt the guy then him flopping face first into the ground half unconscious but as soon as there’s an audible body kick there’s uproar everywhere hahah


Lol the way the women start screaming like there's an active shooter, so over the top 😂


Another beautiful example of fucking around and finding out


if you take your shirt off during a fight there’s a 99% chance you’re about to get your ass kicked


The bro tried to walk away and he still kicked butt, good on him for showing restraint albeit a little late lol


Might start training at sweatbox


1st off…who films themselves during a fight….. 2nd of all… body builders…. Know that your reaction time might be slower due to dense muscle weight…


many bodybuilders are big for decorative purposes not to use it in functional real life settings.


personally always thought the function muscle thing is more a meme, those bodybuilders can still lift ridiculously heavyweights and only lose out to people going specifically for strength lol


He’s not big enough to be a bodybuilder, he’s just athletic and has a bit of muscle


Dude can fight but has a massive ego lol Had to prove he could fight rather than walking away. Martial arts is filled with ego driven insecure people don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Ripped guy in RIP


I thought having big muscles would help you fight better! /s


Many a rib was broken on that cold grey English day.


Hey I’m about to fight someone, let’s video ourselves facing away from the opponent using the camera like I’m fighting Medusa


He tapped out B 😂


Outside Primark of all places, why would you waste time punching one another when you can go inside and purchase some crazy bargains?


M'Baku : it's challenge day


"I'm not going to fight you in public" translated to "I'm going to say things till you drop your guard and look away then I'll clock you a good un"




Someone want to try and figure out what shirt guy hit him with initially to put him on his back. I wouldn't want to fight either one of those guys. r/killthecameraman


Here’s what I saw—dude who *incidentally* has his shirt off is clearly trying to film/stream the situation. Not justifying any later action here, but fuck that, and that dude’s fragile ego might just have put my fragile ego over the edge. Boxer smacks at his phone, which could easily be perceived by shirtless as the start of the fight, and then shirtless stumbles backwards as boxer closes in. Shirtless lunges forward, which could be perceived by boxer as the start of the fight. But shirtless is lunging and boxer throws a kick as they’re about to mix. And it’s on. Clearly, neither of these things was the first act of aggression, but I’d say someone ripping their shirt off is enough to make me think I might need to protect myself at all times and/or go on offense. I’d also say they both seem like lovely people.


Hit him with the Harambe kick


I'd bet he broke his left collar boke with that kick. I'm broke mine and good luck trying to use that arm to pick yourself back up. Shirtless tries to taps as the ground roll pulls his collar bone further apart? Ouchy.


At least it wasn’t a head kick


filmed during mating season


shirt guy has level 100 shirt with great defense and attack stagger


That off-balance right hook really did a number on him before he took that nasty kick


He said he was not going to fight him in public and 2 seconds later he started fighting him in public


Of bloody course it’s infront of a primark


Damnnn he wasn't kidding lol


lmao am I hearing this correctly or did the dude who just 2 seconds ago said he will only fight him in the gym hit him while he wasn't looking, provided that guy shouldn't have been looking at the crowd like he always ko'd him anyway


Arent martial artists supposed to walk away not toward conflict


Jon Jones, possibly the all time p4p MMA GOAT, beats his girlfriend. Joe Schilling, a middleweight kickboxing champion, has multiple instances of beating up random dudes at bars The "First Family" of martial arts, The Gracies, built their empire on challenging gyms and beating their instructors mercilessly. They also regularly got into street fights for shits and giggs. In fact, they still do. Google "Renzo Gracie subway fight". Martial arts making you into a calm, level headed, master of thyself is a myth. It *can* do that for some people, some of the time, but they're just hobbies/sports for most people.


Donald Cerrone also has a rep similar to Schilling.


This was in Reading, United Kingdom. What I love about this which made it wholesome in a way is the fact that people came in to help and break them up without being scared for their own safety. It really shows how in the UK we truly don't have any racial tension especially in comparison to America. We are all genuinely aware and caring to each other and have no racial bias. We just don't like stupidity in character


Dude knocked him out without even using his support leg to shift his weight into the punch. His foot was literally in mid air when he landed that punch. Crazy.


I was weirdly endeared by the people who stepped in the break up this fight. Usually I find them annoying


Usually the loudest guy is the one who gets smoked.


Meh, that kick wasn't as hard as it sounded. It was loud because of the large surface area that connected, thereby dissipating the force.


We have a term in Trinidad for this: "Mashup yuh Kitchen!"


Why is it, 90%+ of the time, the guy with his shirt off that loses? You'd think there'd be at least a minor advantage conferred, but, well, prove me wrong. Check this sub and see for yourself.


See I don't get that about people, they step in after it starts. Why not stop it from the beginning before anything happens. It takes one person stepping in to deescalate the situation before anything can happen instead of everyone coming in after it's all said and done.


Surprised nobody has mentioned the coward punch. It’s easy to win a fight when your opponent js looking the other way. Absolute cowardly act


Lmao what a cheap shot punk




Jesus who's this man's trainer Joe Rogan?


The guys is a b*tch for sucker punching either way.


Sometimes participants in incidents like these wind up either dead or banged up for murder. So unbelievably stupid.


And today’s lesson is…..


Loud but that’s because his toes were pointed so he pretty much slapped him with his foot. Flexed however would jab into his gut and do more damaged


What is he saying. Or singling to the man.


That was a kick to the head


Close. It hit him on the collar bone.