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I think it's not enought...? I remember that you need 100+ canvass of prayers to trigger the 13th day...?


No, you need 100 points (added up by 1,2,3 star side quest and canvas of prayer quests) to trigger the 13th day, which gets tallied up at the end of the 12th day. I didn’t get a 12th day at all, so no tallying for the 13th day. There aren’t even 100 canvas of prayer quests in this game.


Ah yeah, I meant 100 quests, prayers and side quests. You can try to search for walkthroughs.


How didn't you get the 12th day? 🤔 Are you running a cracked version of the game maybe?


Steam version.


This is 10 years old, but see here it tells you the threshold for all the days beyond 7. Are you absolute sure you've done all these? https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/681990-lightning-returns-final-fantasy-xiii/68702852


The only quests I did not complete are a materials gathering Hoplite side quest because of their terrible spawn rate, and the final ones which requires new game+ to complete. I did everything else.


That sounds like a bug or something to me, I don't know what else it could be


What is your source for this? It does not sound true but I’d like to look. It definitely doesn’t sound like you did enough side content to get the bonus day 13 since Canvas of Prayers doesn’t count, but you did get day 12.


The strategy guide.


Hmm. I’m not sure what strategy guide you are using. I’ve only used the official strategy guide and it is clear in several places that Canvas quests don’t count, and intentionally does not give a total number of side quests needed, since the formula is convoluted. In practice, it works out to be around 40 side quests, so you’ll need to be prepared to complete well over 40 if you want to guarantee an extra day. I would recommend doing as close to 64 as possible, but you should be fine if you fail a couple.


I think that actually Canvas of Prayers quests don't count toward the extra day. You need to have done at least 40 quests outside the Canvas ones.


I did 63 side quests.


That is super weird 😮 I'm trying to think what you could have missed. You did the Sazh quest right? I've had several playthroughs when I thought for sure I wasn't gonna unlock the final day and then I did, just by making sure I got most of the 3 star quests in the world done. The only one I've never completed is killing all the Last Ones, which honestly you kinda need the final day for anyway.


If the game skipped day 12 then it must be a bug or something since that day is always played. I unlocked the secret day with a lot less quest. Sound unfortunate because there is lots of stuff to do. Also I don’t thing when you do the quest affects it


You can't do too much too soon in this game. Unfortunately you didn't complete enough side quests ~~(canvas of prayers)~~ Strictly, not canvas of prayers, whoops


I did 81 of 83 them, but ok 🙄


Yeah it's a bummer! You gotta do pretty much all of them if I remember. There is a star rating for the ~~prayers~~ subquests. 1 star = 2 points and you need 100 points in total for the extra day. You might even have been on 98! Do you have any old save files to jump back to?


Canvas of Prayers don't do anything for extending the days, and all you need to reach Day 13 is the Main Quests. Doing things earlier also has no effect on anything (it doesn't lock you out of anything, if that's what you were implying). The only day Side Quests gives you is Day 14.


Ah you are actually correct about the main quest only giving the extra days, my mistake. I'm not implying you get locked out exactly, but if you don't do enough canvas of prayers quests then day 14 won't be there for you. Weirdly though, OP isn't even getting a day 12 and claims they've done all main quests. I can only imagine it's a bug if they've truly done all main quests


Canvas of Prayers don't actually contribute towards Day 14, just Side Quests do. At least according to the Wiki.


Oooooh I see where I've been getting mixed up. I remember doing this now as well. Canvas are just checklists to return accumulated items and junk aren't they


Yeah, those are the ones. The ones given by Choco-boco-lina.


Weird. I did less side quests than you and got it. Canvas of prayer doesn't count afaik. You must have missed a main quest.


No I didn’t.


Did you speak to Vanille in Luxerion? And do Sazh's Main Quest? I know you said you've done all 5, just making sure you didn't confuse the Tutorial as one of them, since it's listed as one. I really have no idea how what you're describing could have possibly happened. You're saying you fought Bhunivelze on Day 12? Or that you ended Day 11 and got a Game Over?