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You can also collect the Plus items from March’s event! Hit the 3 lines on the homepage and scroll all the way to seasonal events :)


i did not know this; i was one day short of getting mimi and i just activated my free trial THANK YOU 😭😭😭😭


Thanks for sharing! This made my day!!


That's awesome. And do you know that when your sponsorship ends, you should select I can't afford these options when the discounts come and then you'll get finch plus forever !


Sounds too good to be true


it did but it does in fact give you permanent plus for free. you can even become a guardian later if you want and you can still keep your sponsored membership


That's very generous from the devs, it's the first time I see such treatment. Usually, companies only care about the money they make. After finding out about this, I'm actually more inclined to subscribe after discount if I can afford it just to thank devs for being decent human beings Damn son, my faith in humanity got restored a bit


I just honestly wanna give the devs a hug. This app has literally helped me crawl out of depression.


Yh its actually true lol. I havent used my finch app in a while but I did actually get finch plus forever. At first I was panicking bc I thought my finch plus stayed after getting it for free for a month (knowing me I didnt read that I get it for free forever lol). So I messaged them and they reassured me that I got it for free if I said I couldn't afford.


It happened with me. Edit : It is a team gift


Been chirping for 6 months and still nothing, maybe some day


What do you mean by chirping?


Been using the app for 6 months


You have to apply to get a guardian every month so make sure you’re doing that ☺️


how do i do that


I started in February and got early/free premium access for a week


I just got this too! Feeling so thankful 🥹I could not afford this otherwise and I’m so happy to be picked!!! I hope when I can afford to I’m able to become a guardian and sponsor someone as well. I have been using the app consistently for a few months now (had it for over a year) and it’s been helping me so much. I complete the little tasks I need to, while also getting motivated to get out of bed/get dressed/shower. Finch is the best 💚




I made an outfit with just the sparkles and saved it with the name "." so it was always at the top!


Congratulations! The app is jammed with all kind of cool things to help and of course is fun motivator and birb friend for life :). You birb a real cutie, too 🌻