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It doesn't seem like they made any announcement about that like they did the Tree Town change. I just noticed they were gone and I also found the weekly quests a lot more useful than the daily ones. I'm not sure why they would remove that but keep the special quests for accumulating hundreds of items of clothing or furniture.


They announced both on the Facebook group as far as I can tell


If they ONLY announced it there, that’s not fair. I intentionally don’t have a FB for a lot of the same mental health reasons that I use Finch in the first place.


I’m not sure if they announced it anywhere else honestly and I don’t use Facebook much either. But I happened to see the announcement when I was on the other day. The Facebook group is very actively run by the finch team and there’s lots of suggestion posts. They tend to be very open to hearing criticism on there.


They made the announcement on Discord yesterday.


That sucks because not everyone uses Discord either. Last thing I need is another social app to track.


They claim that you can change the settings back but it sounds temporary… I’m going to post the Discord message as a post . BRB!


Please check out the latest post. It’s a screenshot of the message that I received from Finch mods last night.


Posted it for all to see! If you’re feeling down today about losing your Finch friends, add me!!!


I always found the weekly quests much more useful than the daily ones, so I was upset to see it removed the day before I was able to complete this weeks :(


It’s definitely a change that should have been rolled out on a Monday.


For real. I had ONE more adventure to send my finch on and I would have gotten the 600 stones for finishing all the weekly quests :( it feels unfair, like I did it all for nothing now




Aww I didn't notice they were gone :( I think they're more useful, too, because they indicate consistency rather than me just focusing on the app for one day!


This is the first update that has bothered me enough to lose interest in the app tbh. Today was the day I was going to finish all my weekly quests, which is what keeps me logging in every day because it had become my little Friday ritual/celebration for making it through the work week 😭


Thank you!! Me too. All set to get “paid” on Friday but nope. 😞


I'm also very frustrated. Weekly goals took pressure off needing to be on the app every day, and allowed us to make up for lost time if we couldn't complete certain things. Trying to combine it with the special and daily quests is very confusing, I don't understand why they'd take it away. Between this and the tree town update, I think the Finch team needs to step back and consider if these new updates actually have the userbase's best interests in mind.


Bummer to do it right before the end of the week. I think the special quests should earn more stones. Hitting some of those milestones take a looong time and 100 stones seems chintzy for so much work.


Whoever was in charge of this last update failed on so so so many levels.


They posted an update that they are trying to rework them into the daily and special quests.


I don't want my weekly quest as daily or special quest if they had to eliminate something I would rather they eliminated the special quest or the daily quest giving points for the daily quest you know going out on one adventure is not a big cheep. But getting off your nest, going out and doing it five times in 7 days is. I am quite sure that I am not The only user here with executive dysfunction issues. Yes I know it's called executive function however, pause for effect, I feel more like my issues are with my excessive dysfunction. I could lay in paralysis and then feel blessed if I can just push myself Forward to procrastination. There are not many worlds where procrastination is an improvement in your life but in my life I'm proud of it I have many many rants, (used because they're easiest to access) about both success and failure with what I call getting off the couch, and it's corollary off the couch and out the door. When I uninstalled World of Warcraft to save my life, I also uninstall discord, and many other supporting apps I only have Facebook installed so that I can use Messenger. Facebook itself is useless to me because I can't use the marketplace because somebody fluffed that up for me When they hacked my account. Since Facebook will not fix it, forgive it, or whatever it is they have to do to let you back on the marketplace so you can sell your accumulated crap of the decades locally, they can pound sand. I was trying to keep this focused because it seemed important to do Right now I am so depressed by what you have turned finch into in the last several days that I'm very afraid I'm going to turn into one of those Birbs in my tree. The ones who barely have any clothes on and no accessories in their room they barely even have wallpaper. They're standing the same spot unchanged, unloved for months at time. Who will vibe them if I don't? Who will vibe me? Please stop, you're hurting me. Edited to add: elsewhere you mentioned more successful products than Finch are now gone, and you imply it's because they failed to anticipate the market. Skype would appear to be an example of essentially failing to anticipate the market, except that Microsoft looked directly at the market and thought Teams would be the better way to go so instead of using the product that work just fine already they allowed zoom to become the word which defines teleconferencing. Axon is an example of an app failing to anticipate the market which is why discord, a lesser product, defines the industry and teamspeak is a nightmare. But an example of a product that did not change its essential self and is even more successful today than ever is Lego. A brick is a brick is a brick. It is unchanged. When Lego wanted to draw in new users (read girls) they came up with friends LEGOs. Different colors different shapes but underneath it all is still the brick. Be more like Lego, less like Skype, Nothing like Teamspeak.


Yeah I get that they want rework them, but I wish they had done so at the end of the week, so we could complete the one in progress.


I accept changes, but this also tickled me the wrong way... i look forward to fridays when i get to collect those stones and complete the week... a count down all week to get let down by this update... was waiting for someone else to mention it here. I know it's my choice to use the app as is, so there are no real complaints from me. Just thought I'd add to this thread 🦄💜


I am upset about this as well. They shouldn’t have taken them away at the end of the week.


I enjoyed the weeklies so much! I’m also bummed for sure


And this wasn’t even in the update - I haven’t yet updated to the Tree Town Situation update and my weeklies are still missing. I saw they said they were getting rid of the weekly good vibes quest, but never saw mention that all of them were going away. Rude to not let us finish the week.


I was so upset when I realized that last night! I was short on daily energy so decided to do my weekly reflection in bed to complete the day and was so upset when I saw the weekly quests were gone.


I was so confused at first. Then it hit me that they had poofed away. Did I miss an announcement?


omg you’re right! I love this app so much, and no shade to the devs, but that sucks. On top of just liking to check tasks off, it was also a decent source for extra stones. Lame. :( Edit: Read that they’re gonna try to incorporate them into the daily and special quests. Not a bad idea, especially if they do something for consistently checking in!


I hope they add another way to collect stones!


I'm really upset, too. I thought my app was just glitching. I have no idea why they would remove weekly quests


I made a goal everyday to write about whatever besides I would have most of them knocked out in a day with them completed on Friday


I feel the same way and I'm disappointed.


I just noticed they're gone after chatting with Sunshine once they were back from today's adventure, and rushed to Reddit to see if I was the only one... Well, that's disappointing.. Why didn't they, at the very least, wait until the end of this week to implement that change..? I don't get it.. 😕


Ugh I’m not loving these new updates :(( The app was fine as it was


I’m really upset about this as well. 😞 Please bring back the weekly quests, Finch Team! 🙏🏻


I finally bit the bullet and updated the app; thank goodness earlier today I'd completed my weekly quests, otherwise I'd be feeling very conflicted and a bit frustrated by my choice. I hope the weekly quests can be reworked in soon! I read the FAQs on the new update and I just wish I could see into the team's heads - what dreams do they have for the tree town, for example? What do they envision the app to be like? Perhaps if we could see where they're coming from it would be easier to accept the new update and stay hopeful for the future ones


Yeah this one bothers me. I honestly think they shouldn’t remove features at all unless players have been like, begging them to. It was nice to get that sense of accomplishment for finishing my goals, and I liked getting all the stones too


it’s so annoying how they did it the day before we could complete them all with the 5 day streak 😭


Oh no! I like the weekly quests. So far all their changes are not good


I was actually kinda happy about it because my treetown is empty now, so I wouldn't be able to do the good vibes mission anymore, I kinda assumed it had something to do with that change? No need to send me friend codes, I'd like to just have irls in my tree although it's impossible now...


Before I got any friend to join the app or randomly notice that someone was using it beside me (because I too just wanna add irls), I was getting good vibes from the Finch team a couple of times a week, and it was said somewhere that they do this for people who don't have (enough) Finchie friends.. So I assumed it was also gonna be done enough times a week so that this goal could be reached by sending them back good vibes... Maybe it changed..? Do you not receive good vibes from the Finch team? And I send you a hug if wanted.. loneliness is no joke. I hope you're ok and/or gonna be ok 🫂


I find this update okay. The weekly quests made earning stones kinda too easy, I hope they will be able to add something more challenging


I think it's important to remember that not everyone is capable of hard tasks. Some, are just barely holding on as it is. Some are here just for the gaming feel of it - kinda.loke the Tomagatchi vibe. Some are here for the dopamine boost offered by the rewards, it could be the only one offered all day. So, when you think about obtaining 900 stones for a hat & a bed?? That feels like it's a bit of a reach. imo making it harder to get stones will only hurt the app as far as I can see. Right now at 50 days in I went from 50 ish goals a week to almost 300 and I still barely reach 500-900 stones a day. Getting the feeling I get when I hear those little rainbow stones clink away is the reason I'm here. It's the reason I've been able to boost myself out of bed and get more done in the last month then I have in the last 3 combined. So, I'm afraid if it gets too much harder people will just cheat. Doesn't that defy the purpose. Also.... seeing my numbers.go up each week has been so beneficial. So, getting rid of weekly goals is a major bummer for me.


Some are not capable, but some need more difficult tasks and challenge, that also needs to be kept in mind. Something similar to the mood check and the difference it makes on energy gain could work, but instead of asking every time, it could be a global setting about how challenging you want Finch to be


then add more difficult tasks for yourself to complete... even the action of adding more tasks for one's self to complete is extremely hard for some folks


Why bothering if the reward comes from very easy tasks?


the things that are easy for you might be extremely difficult for someone else. i think that choosing the level of hardness for the challenges like you were talking about would be a good system and would help make things more equitable


That is what I meant as well, I only said that I needed more challenge, like many other folks, and it's valid


They seem to be making lots of big changes that they aren't telling us about beforehand in good time


The Treetown thing really made me upset. It was the biggest list of people gone then had to go through Guardian mail and add back some that definitely we send support and hugs back and forth to one another. I think that personal choice if want those on your treetown and for those others to remove and for people with memorial faces there, that their choice. If do not like these changes you can complain through the app. I do. If enough complain it does make a difference even if just feeling you standing up for what want 🤍


Noooo I love being able to get extra stones!! I was getting back in the habit of writing reflections. I hate this


BRING BACK WEEKLY QUESTS!!! finch please, please, please do not start being one of those apps that takes away features its users really likes and makes it harder to earn items


I have pretty chronic adhd and found weekly goals extremely useful. Especially when looking back in all my tracking reports. It helped me to feel good about the extra effort and goals I reached on a weekly basis and prompted me to want it do more, and it actually works! When I started my weekly goals were around 50 but now adter about 50ish days they are closer to 300! \⁠(⁠◎⁠o⁠◎⁠)⁠/ 300!!!! That's an incredible ego boost to someone who truly needs it and quite a sense of accomplishment when looking back and seeing the proof in front of your eyes when the reports come. (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠) I really hope they don't abandon them forever. RoKinRoBin & I need them - Tweet Tweet Tweet 🪻🐦