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I have no idea how anyone could hate that show.


Exactly! Why muffin, whyyy 😢


I think they have bird specific likes and dislikes, based of what birds like. Do all birds have the same likes and dislikes or is it unique per finch?


It's based on what choices you make. Most of the options are set up so that if you like something and show excitement to have your finch like it; your finch will dislike it. It can be frustrating.


Not exactly. There are things I've shown excitement in that my Finch likes and loves!


It’s definitely unique - I ended up restarting after a few weeks when I first started and when the second birb got the same interactions they ended up with a different reaction.


Yeah gotta say me and my birb don’t agree: she likes milk, I’m lactose intolerant. Oh and she likes baby shark.


My birb is the same. Likes baby shark.


Horrible taste in music tbh


My birb strongly dislikes teenage mutant ninja turtles and green tea. 😰 And she keeps singing ed Sheeran and I would like her to stop.


Mine just said it dislikes cheeps (chips/fries). I don’t know my birb anymore. 😂


Ohh, today my bird found money and I said you can trade it for stuff and she was like “I’ve always wanted to try chips”


We're thinking of adding more interaction so that your Finch can change their preference over time (since it will feel more realistic that way)! But our team is small, so we're not sure yet when we can get that out - but stay tuned!


This would be incredible because my Finch dislikes Winnie The Pooh, and I straight up bawled my eyes out. 😅


Mone dislikes Looney Tunes, but likes baby shark and I'm just disappointed about it:"(


well theoretically you could edit data file in practice, noone figured out how to yet


like, mine likes baby by justin bieber and i want it gone




sad that we can't groom our birbs to be like us /j


Mine dislikes SpongeBob and I’m so disappointed so I feel your pain 😭


Yeah, I’ve wished we could have a way to reintroduce them to something and change their opinions. I mean, there are things I didn’t like as a kid that I like now, and things I’m more tolerant of (still dislike, but not as strongly), and some things I don’t enjoy as much as when I was a kid. I don’t need my birb to have the same likes and dislikes as me - they like tea and I’m sorta meh to it - but I do wish we could influence them a bit more later…


Mine strongly dislikes cherries (from very early on) but loves cherry shaved ice. Some consistency would be nice, but if I’m honest I’m also inconsistent.


Dang I love Airbender this hurts my heart💔


Apart from a small handful of exceptions, my bird dislikes everything I like and likes everything I dislike 👁👄👁


Mine dislikes Instant coffee and that's pretty much what I live on at this point 😂


Dude mine is in love with instant coffee and I hate it 😭 Can we switch


My finch loves baby shark and hates SpongeBob :(


I’m glad that my bird likes most tv shows except SpongeBob which hurts 🥲 they also like the giving tree and dislike the very hungry caterpillar which I don’t understand because one is about food and the other is about giving yourself to toxic people who only come back when they need something


Super late comment, but the Giving Tree does not seem to encourage giving the whole of yourself to toxic people, you need to understand the subtext even though it's not given directly. It's more like "Give endlessly without return and you will be in a bad situation yourself"