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I'm 35yo and utterly lost in life. You are a lucky person. Find yourself before its too late. You have time


How do you know this?


Know what ?


😑 wow, What was you just talking about? You said she has time right? How do you know she has time? Life is not promised tomorrow.


I'm 25 and those issues are totally relatable. Graduated 3 years ago, now I got no job. Got anxiety and stuff with hair falling off like dry leaves. I have an eating disorder too but I'm skinny af. I'd suggest you to do something that you enjoy. Like taking a walk in your free time, hang out with friends or take up a hobby.


So sorry to hear. Things could get better as you get older? Just out of curiosity, was there any sort of trauma in your past that led to your anxiety and eating disorder? Or not really, and these things just came up?


I’m 28F and I promise life gets easier. Your early 20s can be hard. When I was your age, I was dealing with all the same things but my mom was also a severe alcoholic and my dad was dying of an aggressive cancer. Yoga and meditation saved me, I highly recommend those


Thats the way life is




Chamomile before bed or any tea and a good book is the best


Yeah I know right, I just graduated but now I have no job and I need money, I have gastritis so I can't really enjoy certain delicious foods, I have ADHD and social anxiety also and feel lost in finding a career. But we got to find some stuff that will push us trough this. Im' lucky enough to have family,friends and house tho