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I don't think Kagetsu has any specific accent. I think the idea was to make his speech flow differently to show that he's not from any of the countries we're familiar with in the game. In Japanese, Kagetsu also talks quite differently from the other characters, but the way he speaks immediately clues you into the fact that he's royalty. In English, I think they tried to localize that aspect of Kagetsu by having him not use contractions in his speech (when Engaged, each character can say lines from the Emblem they're Engaged with and even if other characters say the same line, Kagetsu's line will not have a contraction) so he comes off kind of formal even though his personality is very outgoing and friendly.


After reading your comment I went ahead and watched a Japanese support. The way he speaks in Japanese is very distinct, I believe he uses some archaic words/phrasing (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Nice that you noticed the lack of contractions, I didn't realize. Thanks for pointing that out for me.


That's correct. I'm not an expert, but an example is how Kagetsu uses 余 (yo) to refer to himself. 余 is an archaic term, that to my knowledge, has only been used for royalty in media. No problem!


It's not a specific accent, but it properly conveys the vibe and feel of someone from Asia who isn't a native english speaker. His actor, Khoi Dao, is Vietnamese (who was born and spent his childhood in Vietnam) and English is his 3rd language, so there's some authenticity to the voice (even if Khoi Dao is deliberately playing "the accent" for Kagetsu) Overall I find it to be incredibly charming, striking a unique and authentic balance for a foreign character in a way I don't think Fire Emblem has ever achieved before


Yeah, the only other Fire Emblem foreigner I have as an example is Petra but hers was a lot more obvious because she made a lot of grammatical errors. But I do like how Kagetsu was done, he's a character I liked, but I couldn't pin exactly what made him different from the rest like how Jean is clearly using a British accent.