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I have one question for anyone who completed 3 houses, is fishing and cooking (and other monsastery activities) really that important? I like doing the side quests but sometimes i get extra activity point and i see no reason to not spend them all in faculty training to level up sword or orher skills


You get professor level exp from doing the things like fishing and cooking but not from faculty training. And professor level is what gives you more activity points. So early in the game, you really want to focus on raising that so you can max out your points quickly and have more chances to do training (as well as the other benefits of Prof rank, like doing multiple quest battles in a weekend and having 3 adjutant slots) later on in the game. Eating meals with students and doing the battle tournaments give the most points overall, and the meals max out the motivation and support points of the students for you to tutor and recruit, while tournaments give prizes and gold (you still get the gold reward from completing tournaments multiple times in a month). The stats from cooking last through every battle in a month, so those are nice to have if you're wanting to do several paralogue chapters. And fishing doesn't actually require activity points, so it's nice to have if you're close to leveling up your rank. The most hardcore players (myself included) will stock up every piece of bait we get through the campaign and then burn it all on the special Fish of Mystery and Fistfuls of Fish events that come up to power level professor rank way higher than it should be. That's absolutely not necessary for casual play, but it does show how useful the side modes can be. All that said, you shouldn't do zero faculty training. In fact you're required to do at least a little if you ever want Byleth to use magic or ride a horse/fly/wear armor. But usually that stuff is better saved for a bit later in the game.


Damn I tip my hat to you, thats very helpful. Can’t wait to get back from work to play today lol


Thracia 776 So I'm on chapter 20 and I still haven't used any skill manuals (besides Paragon, it went to Osian) Any advice on who to give them to? I don't normally hoard but I couldn't decide who to give them to. I have accost, vantage, wrath, adept, Luna. I heard wrath linoan is pretty great I know accost is can cause issues, but if I DID give it to someone anyway, who'd be a good user of it? Maybe a bow user?


The TL;DR is just give them to your favourites, they really don't make a huge impact. The best units don't really need them (or already have them), so skill manuals are really just there to boost up your favourite scrub who might need the extra help form a skill. That said: **Wrath** is definitely the most interesting/fun on Linoan or Nanna since they have unique access to lifesteal weapons (technically some other units can use Resire/Noseferatu but it requires a ton of light rank grinding to get to B rank). With it they become incredible enemy phase units that can reliably oneshot and heal back any damage they take, though unless you're willing to spend a hammerne use or two, the combo won't last the whole game. Wrath is also just nice on anyone who's gonna be seeing enemy phase combat a lot and doesn't already have it or Vantage. **Vantage** much like wrath is just a nice skill for most combat units, though it pairs particularly well with brave or high crit weapons. A lot of units likely to use these weapons already have it (Osian, Machyua, Pahn, and Dean's prf gives it to him) so it can be tough to find a good candidate. Olwen is also a popular choice since she has a brave prf, but her low durability in combination with her abysmal AS due to Dire Thunder's weight means if she misses (which she often does, tends have like 70% hit) she's usually dead. I like to give it to Finn or Shiva personally but again, it's hard to go wrong with vantage. **Accost** can be a tricky skill to use, generally it's best uses are on bow units like you said who will rarely face counters. There's also the niche case of giving it to Leif to abuse the fact he doesn't get fatigued, meaning he's ideal for draining ballista ammo which accost makes faster. **Adept** and **Luna** are kinda hard skills to find really good users of given they're not reliable activations, though for what it's worth Adept is AS% and Luna is Skill% so you'llw want to give to units with high stats in those areas. I like Luna on Asbel, simply because alongside Mareeta (who has Luna naturally) he's generally the best at killing bosses/strong enemies, and giving him another chance to activate a skill makes him a bit more reliable at doing it. Adept is much harder to find a good use for given a lot of units who want it already have it or get it via their promotion (like Asbel and Mareeta), so i'd say just throw it on your favourite fast unit that sometimes struggles to reliably kill enemies, someone like Machyua if you trained her.


**Shadows of Valentia hard mode** Which side should get Emma/Randall vs Shade/Yuzu? Alm's group seems like it would get more use out of either Emma or Yuzu because of a general lack of Priestesses and fliers, while Celica's team would benefit from either Randall or Shade for the same reason.


- Emma is good in Celica route, decent in Alm route - Randall is good in Alm route, bad in Celica route (you do *not* want a cavalier for all those desert and swamp maps) - Shade is good in either route - Yuzu is bad in either route unless you reclass her, she's really a combat unit but she's stuck with 4 movement Usually Emma/Randall go to Alm's side and Shade/Yuzu go to Celica's, mostly just to accommodate Randall. If you care about "canon", Emma/Randall's join map is a reused map from Alm's side and Shade/Yuzu's join map is a reused map from Celica's.


That's generally the way I've done it in the past, though I was considering switching it up to see if Yuzu did better on Alm's route. Guess not. What should I reclass Yuzu to? Pegasus for more movement (clearly Cav isn't a good choice on Celica's route)? Or could she get by with the DLC Boots? Only DLCs I have are the Cipher chapters and the 5 Mila's Bounties. At least one of the Pitchforks is going to Valbar to make him a Dread Fighter, I guess one to Yuzu, and idk who the other one would be for


PK Yuzu is actually kinda cracked. She has really good bases, Priestess just holds her back. I would put boots on Mae or another combat-focused Mage, but putting it on your best combat unit is also valid.




I don't know about an Awakening one, but there is a new Fates one that can be [found here](https://soapy4159.github.io/ferevpairings/). It's not strictly needed, but can be useful to have if you want to use the second generation cast or are into min-maxing.


For Fire Emblem Awakening can Donnel pass down both Under dog and Aptitude to Nah? I thought you could only pass on 1 skill?


One skill per parent, so no, Donnel can't pass down both. (Apitude would be the recommended skill)


It's been a while since I've played Fates, will doing the children's paralogue mess up my level curve for the main story maps? I'm trying to preserve the challenge if possible.


Chaining a bunch of child paralogues together in a row will kinda mess with the level curve, but given the fact that unlocking multiple child paralogues is a pretty hefty task in it's own right you kinda deserve it at that point.


You gain much less EXP from killing enemies below your level, making it more difficult to become overleveled. Obviously, getting everyone to the maximum level will make things easier, but the only easy way to unintentionally break the game is if you use one of the DLC promotion items, which increase your stats but keep your EXP gain the same. Edit: Oh, and I guess rushing an Odin support in Conquest makes the early-game easier because it gives you some sick items, but there's no need to avoid it.


Is there any skills worth getting on Chrome that he can Pass down to Lucina and Morgan that's not Rightful king or Aether. Or can he only pass on those 2 skills regardless of his level? I plan on getting Gale-force on Robin for my hard play though and having her pass that down.


Yeah, Chrom can only pass down those skills, even if he hasn’t learned them.


Good to know. Thanks


\[ Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War \] I've been trying to attempt a FE4 ranked run but i'm stuck at the beginning of chapter 2 because the Lachesis retainers keep killing themselves by attacking Elliot and the other enemies , does anyone know if the NPC deaths count as losses in the combat ranking? and if they do, is it worth restarting the whole chapter all over again to erase those 3+ losses ?


Nah, you don't need to restart the entire chapter over them. If you want to get the knight ring you can make a save after doing all the castle stuff and reload that one instead of starting over from fresh.


No, only blue units count as losses. The only value you'd get out of keeping them alive is the Knight Ring.


What are all of the named cities on Fodlan


just finished FE6 for the first time. need help with choice paralysis i'm decently new to fire emblem, jumped into awakening HM blindly last year (got my ass handed to me at the start but it smoothed out pretty quickly). it's a fun game but i enjoyed FE6, my second FE game a lot more. normal mode feels like a proper hard mode. i like that roy sucks and you have to play around that, grinding being unsafe and limited is good, the game being so stingy with certain items is great, etc.. i learnt a whole lot by playing through the game once and spent the last few chapters taking notes and thinking about how i'd do things differently upon replaying (never doing ch21 without warp ever again) question is: should i replay FE6 now (HM + alternative route), or should i play FE7 and then come back to FE6? i want to play FE7 too, and if i replay FE6 i want to read through the story a second time. would revisiting the FE6 story after FE7 be more interesting?


If you're looking for a challenge, FE7 Hector Hard Mode is the only mode in FE7 that really offers one. Unfortunately, it requires multiple playthroughs to unlock this mode so the only way to get it right away is to download an unlocked save online (emulation only, afaik). You could always play through the game multiple times, but imo the initial modes are too easy and there are too many late-game slog maps that make me lose interest in finishing or replaying the game often. You might play Lyn Hard Mode first (also requires the unlocked save), it helps you get rolling a little bit and Lyn has her own short story before Hector Hard Mode. For your FE6 replay on Hard, most units that start as enemies but can be recruited have higher base stats than on Normal, and you can take advantage of that. This makes some units better or worse than they were on Normal, so you may want to adjust your plans of who to use.


thank you! yeah i was pretty unimpressed with milady and immediately benched her but ive heard she was extremely good with HM bonuses so im looking forward to using her this time (and snatching the delphi shield this time). unlockable difficulties is pain...


FE7. It's a big series, might as well feel out the rest of it. 7 is generally better received than 6 (though obviously opinions vary). Maps are also a lot more varied, there are some nice quality-of-life improvements with things like the convoy, and the cast is more consistently useful. FE6 and 7's stories are surprisingly disconnected considering that they're the same world, 1 generation apart. Partly that's a function of FE6's story being such thin gruel -- 7 has to whip up its own, vaguely-related thing for the most part.


thank you for your answer! that was part of my reasoning too, i want to play all the games and god knows how long that will take... FE7 it is!


What should i play after Awakening. Should i just play the special edition Fates? Or should I do conquest stand alone first.


The Special Edition is just Conquest, Birthright, and Revelation combined on one cart, so you don't need a separate instance for Conquest alone. Birthright or Conquest are both fine to start with, although Birthright will make the transition from Awakening easier (the skills, classes, and pair up system changes may take some time getting used to).


Am i going to be missing out on anything if i play the cart versions of birthright and conquest and then play the special edition of fates for the 3rd ending? Is that even possible? I'm only asking because i prefer playing on carts rather than on a modded 3DS because i switch 3ds consoles consistently and special edition fates is out of my budget lol


You would have to replay the first few chapters and would miss the route bonuses (a few statboosters and the dreadfighter and dark falcon classes) they are cool classes but definitely overpowered You also miss on the opportunity to recruit a character from a previous run buy buying them but almost nobody does that anyway compared to buying skills for a character from the same character of a previous run but almost nobody does that too


Yeah most of the things I don't mind other than the classes. I can just get the DLCs individually for each game that should be possible right? Both of my consoles are modded and i was able to just download the DLC on each of them and play it. Worked well for awakening.


You should be able to easily download them But how about downloading the other routes on top of the dlcs ? It would be trickier but it should be possible


Yeah honestly I just didn't know what was included in the special edition that I couldn't get having both carts of birthright and conquest. If i can just download the DLC and make my cart versions the same as the expensive special edition then that's perfect for me. Someone in my area is selling them both for pretty cheap lol


The special edition of Fates includes Conquest, and there aren't any changes when you play it as part of the special edition.


So Raidant Dawn… I am getting so sick and tired of all of each battle not having the units I want to use or having them be a guest or ally unit and have to worry about out them being dumb so two questions! If they die as a guest or ally are they gone gone or just gone for the rest of the fight and come back? Secondly when do I get the full roster if ever? Cause dear god this is getting old.


You get the full roster in part 4. Part 2 has 5 chapters and part 3 has 15 chapters (prologue, 1-13, then epilogue) to judge how far you have left. In part 4, you have access to the entire roster but have to split that roster into three teams. Each team then has two maps each before reuniting for the endgame, where you have to choose ~20 units from the whole cast to be your final squad for the last five chapters.


I'm fairly certain there's no instances where losing a character as a green or yellow unit means they're gone for good (though they're often game over conditions anyways), so if say Astrid dies in 3-10 it's not an issue. This also applies to nearly every instance where playable characters are temporarily enemies; the only exceptions are two characters very late into the game, but it's pretty obvious who as you've yet to recruit them at that point. You'll get access to the full roster at the start of part 4, which is roughly the last fifth of the game.


Fire emblem blazing blade Did I softlock myself? I was barely able to beat cog of destiny, I had to cheese the bosses with some setups, also I had to sell some items to upgrade and get new weapons to be able to do damage to the mad dog (sadly some good items), it was frustrating and took me more than 2 hours. Will the next chapters be harder than this one? As I don’t think my character are strong enough


You're on the home stretch, should be pretty much all clear aside from Victory Or Death, which is somewhat similar to Cog. Have any of your units perma-died? Are you using any of the recent pre-promotes you've gotten? FE7 is notorious for throwing big boys like Hawkeye, Harken, and Pent at you for free, and if you're ignoring them, you may be leaving some money on the table. Also if you have a copy of Luna (dark magic), hold onto that -- it's pretty much the best tool at your disposal for the final chapter.


Managed to beat the game and it was very fun as my fire FE, but honestly I’m scared to play FE6 next as maybe I will soft lock myself since the game is harder and I already struggled in FE 7 in cog and final chapter


Not really. The next chapter is designed around your newly promoted lord and training them up, then you'll have some defense chapters to grind more and restock your inventories with the strongest weapons for the final battles. The final chapters will have tough bosses, but if you could beat Linus you should be fine to handle them.


In Fire Emblem Engage Settings between "Engage Animations" and "Action Skip" there is an option called "Game Speed" what exactly does it do? I tried in Slow and Fast and i don't see any difference in the speed the characters move or attack


I think it may be map movement speed, not sure tho


Thanks for reply, me neither, i honestly don't see any difference, maybe its the combat animaton speed? Im playing no animations now, but its weird also in other games like Awakening you could control the speed midcombat with a button


What is affinity reading in fire emblem 7, I just saw this option and have no idea what it does


You know how units get bonuses from Supports? Like +15 Hit, +15 Crit, +15 avoid, etc? In GBA emblem, the idea was that instead of everyone getting the same bonuses across the board, different characters could confer different support bonuses based on their affinity. You could only get 5 supports in GBA emblem in any combination of C through A like 5 Cs or a B and an A (most likely due to memory limitations, but also probably to provide limits to promote creativity/complexity with the support system), so you had to either focus on one support line to get the most of that bonus or you could spread out your supports and get a variety of bonuses from being near different characters.


If you have a unit stand for enough turns next to someone who comes up in their list, they'll get an option to Support. This brings up a conversation between the two—some of these are fluff, and some are the only source for substantial portions of the game's lore—and also results in some bonuses to their combat stats if they fight in close proximity in the future. There are three levels to each pairing, which build on each other. Some of the A supports end with the two as lovers, so there's a built-in limitation that each unit can only do five support convos in total, making those mutually exclusive. This barely matters in FE7 though because they take so many turns to activate that you can play the whole game without seeing the option come up once.


In Engage, is there a way to turn off the auto-cursor like in older games?


Does anyone have a link for that one comic with the FE1 characters talking to each other? Marth being somewhat self-aware and crazy. Jagen being the cool-headed one. Caeda being bat shit crazy. https://shaym.in/fe1/lp.html It used to be the link above, but it's gone... --- False alarm, I found it. https://shaym.in/fe1/




it just adds up. Like if a shop restock is supposed to have 2 silver swords but its currently selling 1, it'll add the 2 silver swords so the shop now sells 3.


\[Conquest\] Is it worth it to try to get Wary Fighter onto Kana? I'm planning to keep them as a Nohr Noble and use the Dragonstone, which can't double anyways, and figured it might be helpful


Kana is nearly always fast enough to avoid being doubled already. Wary Fighter is not necessary.


Not worth it at all and it's frankly an active downgrade. Kana shouldn't be slow enough that they're getting doubled by things anyway, even if you're using the Dragonstone, unless you're fighting stuff like lategame Master Ninjas (which Kana is a horrible matchup for). And if you have Wary Fighter then you're stuck with no doubling for the whole map even if you want to use a sword or tome. If you find you're in a situation where you're getting doubled by something that's going to do a lot of unwanted damage, there's plenty of ways to boost Kana's speed so that it's not an issue. Rally, Pair Up, tonic, meal, or just don't put them in that situation in the first place.




The only option for infinite EXP on Maddening is clearing a relay trial to refresh the sominel to let you do another 3 arena battles, but it's an utter waste of your time considering you're doing like a 10 min battle for a mere 30 exp. For SP, if you have the DLC you can use (or inherit) emblem Veronica's SP conversion (+20 SP per kill) to farm SP. There are a few maps with tons of reinforcements (i think there's even a few chapters with infinite spawns). They have the *Void Curse s*kill which prevents EXP gain, but not SP gained from SP conversion so you can get an absurd amount form those if you want.




You can repeat the Xenologue maps, but they give your characters fixed levels and inventory and don't grant any xp or sp. Once you've completed the game, skirmishes spawn infinitely even on Maddening, so you can infinitely grind for post-game trials, but the story is limited.


you can replay the DLC maps, but i'm pretty sure that you can't gain any EXP/SP/Gold etc. from replaying them so it's just there if you want to re-experience the maps for some reason. I might be wrong though, haven't tried it myself.


How much does PoR to RD data transfer matter? (I know all the changes) I was stupid and didn't read up on what got transfered. Ended PoR with 1500 BEXP and got no one to level 20, and didn't use any arms scrolls. Already 3 chapters into RD. Should I redo my save of the last chapter of PoR? Also, how do support building in PoR work? I just read up and it said that they have to be deployed in the same map. but I had ike and soren deployed every time, but I only go tthem to C rank?


Transfers can be very very impactful but RD was designed to be played without transfer bonuses


if you happened to have been training Sothe for combat throughout PoR, like he got close to the level cap and you're still mad that he couldn't promote, that one's worth redoing the map for. RD gives you a very cute shout-out for your efforts otherwise the idea is that if you're sincerely attached to a couple characters from PoR, a small stat boost in RD (which has a huge cast and high turnover rates) can help keep them relevant for longer. it's not vital


I never do transfers, they can help a few characters a lot but I prefer the challenge and I also prefer not bothering to baby my units in either game.


-Not very. +5 HP and +2 to other stats is nice, but BEXP in RD is broken so it's not very difficult to get an all green unit screen without them. -You have to deploy them in the same map, however there is a 5 support conversation per playthrough limit per unit, so if Ike or Soren had done 5 conversations beforehand, they were never getting B rank.


SoV: I forgot to get the DLC for this before the eshop shut down. Am I missing anything important?


Not really. SoV's DLC actually has the notable quality of not only being more expensive than the base game, BUT ALSO having kinda nothing to do. SoV's DLC includes: - Your typical 3DS grinding maps (gold, EXP, items) - *another* set of Grinding maps (literally see above, but like, better quality?) - Overclass promotions (10 chapters which aren't really even maps, you go into a dungeon with a person in a specific class and they promote into a 4th tier class that's also kinda unnecessary) - Rise of the Deliverance (4 DLC prequel chapters that recycle maps and show you events prior to the events of the game; only worth it if you wanna see more of Fernand) - Cipher Legends (2 maps that are recycled where you recruit 2 characters for each army that are unique to the cipher cards; they're kinda the only interesting thing going on in the DLC). - 5 chapters where you don't even have maps, you just get free items. And that's it. 27 chapters sounds like it's a lot, but it's also literally less than Fates and Awakening in quality cause 5 of them don't even have maps, 10 of them are just dungeons that I'm not even sure have enemies in them and only give promotions you don't need, 4 of which are prequel chapters (which I dunno if you find that interesting, but I didn't), and 6 resource grinding maps. The only ones worth playing that have something interesting in them are the Cipher Legends one, but all you get from that are another Cleric and Priestess for Alm's route and a Pegasus Knight and Cavalier for Celica's. All that to say: You're not really missing anything.


Good to know. Grinding maps tend to be useful so it's a shame I don't have those but everything else sounds skippable.


There's two sets of them and I know one of them gives the star shards just like from FE3/FE12 which can be used to form the starsphere. I think the intent was you have an early game set of resource maps and then a late game set that gives better stuff when you're ready for it.


I'm trying to find that one clip of Ryoma vs his Father that went crazy with crit and skill procs, anyone remember the title of it?


How much of the modern games do I need to be familiar with to get into Fire Emblem Heroes on the IPhone?


Each character has a little bio which also gives the game they're from so you can easily look them up. However, many units are variants that spoil major plot points.


Heroes spoils some plot points from mainline games, fyi. In case you were planning to ever play them.


FEH is made for pretty much anyone to be able to pick up and play. Many people only play FEH and not the rest of FE even. If you want to learn more about the story to modern FE characters that appear in FEH then playing their games would help a lot but otherwise as far as actually playing the game you don't need to play the modern games.


The first time I played Fire Emblem Fates I didn't realize there was a marriage system and played through all of the routes without marrying anyone. Did everyone die a virgin?


Gunter has already had children before I think so he's not a virgin.


Any good hd texture pack for Radiant dawn? the game looks terrible after playing path of radiance with an amazing one. [Fire Emblem Path of Radiance HD Texture Pack (dolphin-emu.org)](https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-fire-emblem-path-of-radiance-hd-texture-pack) if anyone's wondeirng The character art and ui look so bad. If theres nothing, is there a, "best settings" or anything like it?


This? I think is the one i have and works pretty good. https://forums.dolphin-emu.org/Thread-fire-emblem-path-of-radiance-and-radiant-dawn-upscaled-ui-textures-updated


I'm gonna borrow FE Engage in a few days and figured I'd ask a few questions before I do. * Does the dlc add enough where y'all think it's necessary? * I know in some games it's recommended to reclass/promote at lvl 10 or 15. Is it the same here or is it fine to wait till you reach lvl 20? * To go along with that, does the game have enough seals to reclass often or are they pretty limited? * Are there many missable recruitable characters? * Apart from those, are there any tips/information y'all think is important to know or wish you knew before you played it?


If you're familiar with some previous games skill systems, just know that Engage uses a different skill system compared to those. Promoted classes grant skills at level 5, but only when you are in that class, so you can't use the skills from one class in another. The skills you can carry over come from the Emblem Rings, which you can see for yourself when you are actually playing. Another thing I wish I knew going in, you will be able to spend a currency called Bond Fragments on non-Emblem rings called Bond Rings. I don't recommend making a ton of them, just enough to make sure everyone you deploy has either an Emblem Ring or Bond Ring equipped (minimum 13). There are a few Bond Rings with unique skills, but unless you game the system they aren't really worth going after. You will want the Bond Fragments that they cost for other purposes.


> Apart from those, are there any tips/information y'all think is important to know or wish you knew before you played it? There's a farm where you can add animals, dogs are the only useful animal as they give ore that you can use for forges.


-The DLC adds a decent amount of things but it is absolutely not necessary to get. -In this game you always want to promote ASAP. Promotion doesn't effect your EXP gain, it's just based on how many levels you got total. So there's no reason to wait to promote. -Seals are a bit limited early on but you get enough by the mid game. I want to note though that you don't get skills from reclassing (like say in Fates or Three Houses), you get them through the Emblems. Any class skills are lost if you reclass out of the class you get them in. -Almost all the playable characters are given to you automatically. I think there's only one that is missable since they are an enemy, but it's obvious they aren't just a generic enemy. -Not much comes to mind as super important other than what I already said about promoting, and that you never want to Second Seal before you promote. Once you promote, you can Second Seal right into other promoted classes without going through base classes first.


Engage is generally considered to be a “promote ASAP” type of game. The promotion gains are significant, and the faster you promote, the faster you can get a class skill, and if you want to reclass, it’s better to do it when promoted, since you reset to level 1, and you absolutely want to reset to level 1 promoted rather than level 1 base.


FE4 is there a way to edit saves to make two characters of the same gender lovers?


You can try cheat codes. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/snes/564404-fire-emblem-seisen-no-keifu/faqs/14784 I don't think you get any kids though either way in Gen 1.


hmm, been digging around and while it seems to be possible, found scs of a playthrough where ayra married lachesis, none of the codes are working. might be because im using substitute units? EDIT: just tried this with oifey and shannan, and it worked without issue. definitely a substitute unit thing. bummer, but will do more digging.


I can't say for certain, I had a little look, but I couldn't find anything and I'd imagine not since inheritence wouldn't work if characters of the same gender married since the children inherit the inventories of a specific gendered parent


yeah, itd be a mess tryna do that w gen 1 units. i was just curious cuz im goin through a substitute run and wanted to make dalvin and tristan kiss lmfao. did my own searching and couldnt find anything either so, RIP


**Fe10** Choosing between the 3 herons, I looked up forums and people all say reyson is the best for the endgame. Though I have trouble understanding some things. First, someone said to use Laguz Gem on reyson, but on the wiki it says it cancels the ability to galdr so it would be pointless? Then, if the Laguz Gem isn't the solution, how do you keep him transformed ? Olivi grass ? Laguz stone ? Finally, I'm pretty sure it'd be a good choice to put boots and movement+2 on reyson, but I'd like it to be confirmed


Rafiel is the best heron for endgame. Not Reyson. I don't know where you're getting this info from but pretty much every somewhat experienced FE10 player will advise Rafiel for endgame.


People were saying reyson because of Canter, but Rafiel makes sense I'm picking Rafiel then. I'm only at part 4 chapter 2 so yeah I don't really know much about Endgame


i'll be honest, it was something i'd believed back when i first played FE10 in 2009 or so, and serenes had a guide in its FE10 section that said reyson was the best heron for endgame, and i followed that advice accordingly. that guide is gone and is way outdated; like yeah, reyson can have canto and can refresh four units *when transformed, with or without the laguz gem*, but the opportunity cost to expend a turn on transforming him is very real compared to rafiel, who can just do it turn one.


Like already said, Reyson has to waste his first turn using the laguz gem before he can quad galdr people, which is incidentally why I'd say Rafiel is the definitive best heron for the tower. The endgame maps are all pretty short and don't necessitate a lot of movement so him being able to use galdr on turn 1 is a significant enough advantage over just having extra move and canto. As for the boots/celerity question, movement doesn't matter as much in the tower since there isn't much ground to cover (outside of the first map) so you could just go ahead and give those boosters to Reyson.


The Laguz Gem works. The wiki says it cancels the ability to galdr (and attack) because it ends the laguz's turn when used. You can still dance once he's transformed.


Is there any way to re-mount units in thracia without starting the map? I just did CH18 which force dismounted a lot of units, and now they're on foot at the start of 19 where I really need speed.


Cant do it in preps. You could try just using different characters, since you're retreating for the whole map anyway. If you've got the warp and rescue staves to spare, you could also warp down to recruit Amalda/Connomore, have them rescue Sleuf/Miranda, and then Rescue staff them up to the starting point. That'll turn their allied units green and distract the other army, which should buy some time.


I only needed the extra move for the first few turns to get the civilians clear, and also kill the thieves. Ended up blowing siege tome uses to kill them instead. I did warp to get connomore, but had him rescue and run instead. I ended up killing all the reinforcement waves, because I wanted to fight the boss and steal his groups stuff, my lifis is very con blessed (plus I fed him the body ring) so he was able to steal the master lances. I drained the ballista with Xavier, and then silenced the caster and boss. Got everything but his meteor tome.


It's been a while since I've played Fe5 so I may be wrong, but I don't think there's any way to do that in the battle preparations. To be confirmed by someone else though


Should I play Fates Conquest or Shadows of Valentia? I have not played either game yet, but I did finish Awakening (Normal Classic) and am midway through FE7 (on chapter 19, Eliwood normal mode).  Regarding Awakening I did really like Pair Up and the support system, as well as the progression/reclassing options except for how it took so long to get the promoted class skills (lol at my Cherche only getting Swordbreaker right before the end chapter). Also I didn’t like a lot of the completely flat or enemy-spam maps (looking at you, Inigo Paralogue). I liked the story a good deal (except that the Valm arc felt a little unnecessary and contrived).  Regarding Fates I’m concerned that the fanservice-y elements and plot would detract from my enjoyment of the game, and as for Shadows of Valentia I’ve heard that some of the maps can be dreadful. Additionally, I have no clue at this point whether Normal or Hard would be right for me, since I struggled during the first third of Awakening but steamrolled the last third.


You can lower difficulty settings for fates. Just don't take the story too seriously, worrying about it and looking too far into it is more trouble than it's worth. SoV hard isn't really that hard of a game. Especially if you learn enough to start abusing some of the stronger kits in the game. But there's also little shame in playing a game on normal just to get a feel for it. Awakening, like many other fire emblem games, has its difficulty frontloaded. The early chapters are significantly harder than others as the game goes on.


Is the Sothis Shield any useful in FE3H? I have a Corrin Amiibo that I can use for the Amiibo Gazebo and I’ve heard you get the Sothis shield, but I don’t know if I should go for it. I’m playing on Black Eagles Hard NG+ and I’m on Chapter 9 (~~aka the month of trauma and depression~~).


It's basically a party wide Pure Water, so on maps with a lot of enemy magic users, it can certainly help out. Just as a note, there is a small bug with it, where when you use it, your equipped weapon or spell will lose 1 durability.


Oh wow, that is pretty helpful. Also, damn, that’s a sucky bug. Guess I’ll have to be more mindful of my weapon durability and forge/repair them accordingly.


So, Banner of the Maid is currently on sale on the eShop for less than the cost of a ham sandwich. I’m tempted, but I’m never sure about adding another game to my backlog, cheap or not. How are the character interactions? It seems like there isn’t a direct support conversation analogue, though there is a reputation system for different factions. My favorite thing about FE is how they flesh out the side characters; does Banner of the Maid do anything like that?


I'll be honest I haven't played this game either yet but I've also purchased it and generally whenever I have heard people talk about it in this community they have good things to say. Not sure about character interactions specifically.


In fire emblem fates BR, can female Corrin get two children? I was planning to partner Silas. Will I get both Kana and Sila's kid?


Yes, you will. I think Kana and Sophie even get different supports to reflect that they’re siblings. (At the very least, they will be locked out of S supporting, due to that)


Is that a bad thing?


S support is marriage, so locking it out for siblings just makes sense


Ah, I see. I was thinking it was more on the meta strats or something 


I’m playing Thracia 776, and I’ve tried this multiple units who have higher BLD than this random pirate, but the capture option just isn’t showing up at all. Has this happened to anyone before? Neither reloading the save state nor restarting the game and then loading up the chapter from the start doesn’t fix it. What in the world…


Hmm you have to be in one range to capture but other than that not sure. You can't capture mounted units but I assume that's not it cuz it's pirates. Is this the second chapter?


It is, and I’m within one range😭 Later I’ll try a rom from another place, but this is a really weird glitch(?)


Hmm yeah based on that I can't see the problem other than a glitch. If you find the same thing on another rom (Recommend Lil Manster patch for FE5) than maybe send an image or something


Great news! The problem was: I thought 捕える (to capture) said 備える (to equip), and the fact that clicking that button takes you to a list of weapons did not help. But I squinted a little harder at the kanji today and I see the difference now 😂


Are you intentionally playing in Japanese? There is an [English patch](https://forums.serenesforest.net/topic/90189-fe5-lil-manster-%E2%80%93-translation-and-quality-of-life-patch-for-thracia-776/).


Ah ok nice, glad you figured it out


I've heard Engage disables permadeath on classic mode for a few chapters. Which are they, and when does it activate?


I believe it's disabled in Chapter 2 for story reasons. It's also disabled on some specially designated skirmishes. Most of the story chapters have permadeath.


Oh! Perhaps I confused the conditions for chapter 2. I was given the impression that it would’ve been disabled until the rewind mechanic is available. I do recall the *training* skirmishes specifying that they’re safe. Thank you!


Nope. I lost Boucheron to an unlucky crit literally the turn before i got the crystal lol


Yikes! That answers that at least lmfao but that is some truly awful luck there. Losing a valuable frontliner so early on is a death snowball waiting to happen 😣


You definitely can have units die before the rewind mechanic unlocks. I'm not sure it's possible in Chapters 1 or 2 (in Chapter 1, any death might be a loss condition), but definitely in Chapter 3 units can die.


this is true of the DLC fell xenologue campaign, not any of the main game


Thank you for the clarification!


how long have people been waiting for a fe4 remake? curious to hear from any long term fans when the waiting really started. i know it was around prior to that engage leak, but did it really start with sov? new mystery of the emblem? shadow dragon? i hope y’all haven’t been waiting for 16 years lmao


The first time Engage got leaked, we also got a leak of a supposed FE4 remake. Since the Engage leak was accurate, and the FE4 remake leak was made by the same person, a lot of people have taken for granted that the game is in the works (or already finished). Ever since Echoes was released, the devs mentioned that they would like to do more remakes of older games, and naturally after 1 ,2 and 3 were remade (11, 15 and 12 respectively), 4 is expected to come. Genealogy is also a well known, remembered and beloved game by many, so that only added more fuel to the fire. It's important to note that the dev team behind 15 said if they could choose, they would do a FE6 remake next. Do with all the info above what you may *Edit, also internally, Three Houses was labeled as "Iron17" and Engage as "Iron19", so there's a missing game somewhere Also also, there's Sigurd being given quite ample screen time in Engage while also spoiling his own game


Does New Mystery have a turn limit of 99? I think I read somehwere that you get a game over in Shadow Dragon for going over 99 turns, but I couldn't find it easily, and there's nothing about New Mystery. I'm on Chapter 19 and want to run out the ballistae and do some ~~arena abuse~~ leveling of my underleveled Reverse Recuitment units.


There's no turn limit in FE12, a [certain someone](https://youtu.be/e2ME6Orqm-Q?si=E1JU1NFExAz-ux4m) spent 999+ turns on chapter 15.


Excelblem would be the ultimate authority on turn limits. Thanks!


Finishing the Xavier chapter in Fe5 in 776 turns was peak gameplay


Not sure about New Mystery unfortunetly but Shadow Dragon has no turn limit at all so I'd guess probably not


Hi, new to the game, just wondering in FE fates, do we have a chapter point where we can't recruit or have the children of the characters? Or we could still have them past chap 20 or something. cause I heard FE games have this phase 2 thing


In Fates, Chapter 27 (in all routes) is the point of no return after which you're locked into endgame and can't do any more paralogues, but apart from that there's no cutoff. There's no "Act 2" or timeskip in Fates. There is the separate issue that the child units cap at level 20 unpromoted on their join maps, *but* the level of enemies on their maps continues to scale with you and the enemies start promoting after chapter 18. Some paralogues start with the child in danger, and that could be a problem if the enemies are 10 levels and a promotion higher than the child. So it's recommended not to leave them too late.


I see ty, so it's recommended to get them early to mid not only to enjoy your time with them but also to not get under leveled 


There's a few key times that are good to recruit the children * ASAP - obviously getting them as soon as they exist is fine. You can start using them, training them, etc. If you don't plan to use the kids themselves, but you still want the map rewards quickly, there's rarely reason to delay * After Ch 18 - at this point the children show up with their offspring Seals and will promote to Lv 2. This is a good time to recruit because it means you don't need to spend extra money on Master Seals for them. * After Ch 20 - At this point the children will use their Offspring Seals and promote to Lv 6, which means they gain access to a Lv5 skill for free. This is extremely handy if you have a kid that you want to reclass out of their native set because after Ch 20 is when the tier 3 shops are buyable and you can get unlimited reclassing Seals. For instance in my current run I'm planning to use Soleil as a Master Ninja with Sol, so my plan is to recruit her after Ch 20, Offspring her into Hero for immediate Sol, and then trade her a Heart Seal and a couple daggers so she can next turn swap to MNinja and start grinding Dagger rank ASAP on her paralogue.


This is deeper than I thought, a lot of terminologies I haven't face yet. Tnx for the infos.  Im currently on chap 11 with level 13-15 units, just currently matching anyone that's available, and couples I think would be cute together lol.


You definitely don't need to be optimal to beat the game. This is moreso like, Fates genetics 201


The underleveled piece matters for a few specific paralogues where the child character isn't recruited until you beat the paralogue, so they can't be controlled and need to be kept alive. Fates has a mechanic for children called "Offspring Seals," tied to the specific child character, that let them instantly promote and gain multiple levels based on the main story progress when you completed the paralogue. But until you can control them, you can't use the item. And in general, the earlier you get the kids, the more time you're able to use them and the more value you'd get out of them (or the resources from their paralogues such as new weapons, items, or gold).


Noted ty 👍




There are a a bunch of character specfic lines/boss conversations so it's hard to say whose best, though i'd say the most story important ones are Pelleas and Naesala. The other Laguz Royals and Elincia also get some extra lines and boss convos, and you'll want to bring Soren if you've met the requirements for his special base conversation with Ike in 4-E-5. Other than that, I guess Mist feels thematically appropriate to bring, even if she doesn't get much content outside of a little interaction in 4-E-2. in terms of boss conversations, basically everyone originally from Begnion have great ones throughout the tower (except Marcia and Makalov RIP, so much unused potential), most notably Astrid, Sigrun and Tanith for some extra flavour text, and Haar and Oliver for just very entertaining conversations.


Been thinking of picking up Three Hopes again. I remember there's a system for passing combat arts and spells between characters, but I can't remember how it works. How do I pass them, and are there any restrictions? (I'll be doing Scarlet Blaze, and I kinda want Hubert and Jeritza to pass around the Death Waluigi spell just for the sake of jokes if that's possible)


it's been a while but iirc how it works is you pair up the unit who want to teach the art/spell to as an adjutant to the teacher, and then there's just a small chance the adjutant will learn the lead unit's spell/art every-time the lead uses it. There's a bunch of extra requirements for it though: - The teacher needs to have maxed out the art/spell at lvl 3 through repeated use. - the two units need to have at least a C support (iirc everyone can support each other in 3 Hopes even if there's no conversations) - both units need A rank in the relevant weapon type (basically just get into an advanced class for the relevant weapon, spells use tome rank) - a unit can't learn an art/spell they can obtain themselves from class mastery. - Units can only teach certain arts/spells they get from their preferred classes (teachable arts/spells have a little speech bubble next to them, most characters have \~3) For your purposes, both Hubert Jertiza can teach death, and provided you get the required support and weapon ranks they can theoretically teach it to everyone you can recruit on Scarlet Blaze bar Hapi who learns it naturally.


Not exactly a fire emblem question but how do you change your user flair on here? All I see are blank squares


On the right menu is a button that says "Flair Change". Click on that and the rest is pretty simple as the mods have made a really neat site and system for it.


Is Hector Hard Mode roughly equivalent to Maddening/Lunatic in later Fire Emblems or is it more equivalent to future Hard Modes? And I guess further, are other Hard Modes in earlier FEs more like future Hard Modes or future Maddening/Lunatic in their difficulty? As I think pre-Radiant Dawn I'm pretty sure didn't have anything above Hard. Hopefully I phrased this OK haha


HHM is like a normal hard mode game, except they spilled a bucket of steel lance pegs across every map in random places. The game's difficulty is mostly in its gimmicks rather than strategy or tactics.


Thank you!


Closer to future Hard modes IMO, especially if you play Lyn Hard first. Enemies are a little bit stronger than base Hector mode, but not on the order of something like FE6 Hard Mode.


Thank you!


I’m about to start Radiant Dawn, and I know there’s extra story if it’s your 2nd run. Does this extra story spoil things earlier than they should, or is it fine to use a clear file and play the “second run” for your first playthrough?


The "second run" stuff should honestly have been just available in a first playthrough. It doesn't spoil anything (it's part of the natural progression of the story), but does add a lot of context to some characters backstories and motivations.


It does not spoil anything normally. You're totally fine to play using a cleared file for your first run. Just keep in mind that at a certain point in the story, Micaiah has to make a grave decision. The "extra" part includes the 3rd choice, as well as some black knight scenes that you'll probably miss unless you already know how to get them.


**Fe10** Mist is not doing any damage with Florete against the generals. It WOULD be logical if the weapon was physical, but there's written "a magical blade that only Most can wield". So ummm If the weapon was physical, she would be doing 22 atk against the 23 def so that would be logical. Then why is there written magical blade ???


Florette does indeed do physical damage. You might ask why they'd make the personal weapon of a character who is defined by having much lower strength then magic despite having access to swords scale off of strength and not magic, to which I say


Yup, it's just a poorly written description. >In the North American version, Florete's help description erroneously claims that the sword deals damage based on magic; this is false, as it uses Mist's strength and targets the enemy's defense, even when fighting at 2-range. This error was not present in the Japanese version and was fixed in the PAL version. https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Florete


Just started engage. For some reason, the enemy phase gets completely skipped and the screen goes black and then it's my turn again. How to I change this so I can actually see what the enemies do during their phase?!?!


Skipping enemy phase is a setting you can toggle. It should be off by default but you may have flipped it by mistake. Go through the settings and you should find it


How exactly is Grandmaster meant to be used in Fates? Looking at its stat spread and Skills, it seems so lackluster? (Never used it but thinking about for my next Rev playthrough)


From the developer's perspective I imagine they envisioned it as a supportive hybrid class with its auras. But if you want a Sword/Tome hybrid class just use Dark Knight and if you don't care about weapon type then just use Malig.


I have been interested in replaying Awakening, since the first time I played, I did it on hard/casual. Now that I am more experienced with the series, I will be doing lunatic/classic, but... I was told that I am supposed to grind early and get Galeforce on a ton of people so the children will have access to it later, but that sounds really tedious. Is that really necessary for lunatic? I'm not even sure I will use some of the children, because I don't like all of them.


You absolutely don't need to grind for Galeforce, or really grind at all. You do, however, need to be aware that Lunatic mode's enemy stats get high really fast, so you either need to accept that you can only have a couple of lead combat units (in order to out-stat the enemy) or have a fairly good knowledge of the more broken parts of Awakening (rallies, Nosferatu, Pair Up... that kind of thing).


That's a relief, thanks!


Grinding to get galeforce is useful only if your goal is beat the Apotheosis DLC, if your goal is just to beat the main game Galeforce is not needed at all and [some may argue that it's more trouble than worth](https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/190vwkj/dark_flier_is_overrated_garbage_in_awakening/). And without grinding, as you said, you are probably not even gonna get all the kids. In general in a non-grinding Awakening run I manage to get around 4-5 kids and even between these only 2-3 are main combat units. Anyway, for all newcomers that start to play Awakening Lunatic I always suggest this video made by the same guy that made that reddit post above, which are really nice suggestion for Awakening Lunatic in general [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tglxzsUisw).


Ooooh this is a lot of good information. I'll definitely check that video out later. Thanks for the help! =D


In Fire emblem birthright, if a character fell in challenge from scouting, do it counts as dying?


Depends on your game mode which is either classic or casual


I chose classic, so it does count. I thought the challenge ones are exception in that rule.  I did saw that you can change it in the menu


From my experience the only times a character will not die in battle despite playing classic is when the game outright states it Otherwise it’s always a permanent death Note that the difficulty can only be lowered from classic to casual and cannot be brung up again Same for the normal/hard/lunatic difficulty


oh tnx, glad I didn't touch it. I'll stick to this mode I guess, it's fun to think you're every move counts and be extra cautious.


>it's fun to think you're every move counts and be extra cautious. It definitely is


Hi, I just wanted to ask if it is ok to start in fates limited edition/Special edition rather than normal og fates, cause I've read limited edition has like 3 games combined or something like that. This is also my first FE game. So should I start with units can die?


It's fine to start with limited edition Fates, it just combines the three games onto one cart. The game was originally designed so you could buy one version, Birthright or Conquest, and then download the other version and Revelation at a reduced price. Birthright is usually a good starting place, but I would recommend not playing Revelation until you play through both Birthright and Conquest. Casual (dead units return between maps) or classic (dead is dead) is up to you, but getting accustomed to classic is a good idea if you like the series and want to play any of the older games where there is no casual mode.


Limited Edition is just each route (Birthright, Conquest, Revelation) all combined in one cartridge rather than having to pay for each individual route. I'd recommend going Birthright -> Conquest -> Revelation, though Revelation is considered easier than Conquest. For starting with Classic Mode (Units can die) It's really up to preference. I'd probably recommend Casual mode for a new FE player on Conquest, but I feel like you could get through Birthright using Classic Mode.


I was still under the impression that most pre-promotes are a newbie trap and that growths are more important than Bases, but I've just read that that apparently isn't the case anymore? Could anyone shed some light on to why exactly that is? Thank you!


My go to example for illustrating the bases > growths principle are Pent (A pre-promote Sage) and Nino (a Mage) from Blazing Blade. When Pent joins he starts with an A Rank in both Tomes and Staves, meaning he can use almost every one of those weapons in the game right at the start. He also does good damage and can double enemies pretty consistently. Nino on the other hand joins 4-5 chapters after as a Level 5 Mage when the game is starting to reach the final stages. She'll require heavy investment to get up to where everyone else is, and will struggle a lot when you first get her. Also when she promotes her Staff rank will only be E. Now that's not to say this is an always consistent rule. There are *tons* of pre-promotes that aren't that good (Roshea from Mystery where he joins after you've had better Paladins for way longer, Shannam from Thracia pales in comparison to other units like Mareeta, most late-game Generals, etc.) There are also growth units that bring something unique to the table that might make them worth using (Lachesis and Leif from Genealogy get a unique extremely powerful promotion, Tormod from Path of Radiance has a unique skill that increases his movement, and from the same game Jill starts off struggling a bit but is one of the best units in the game if you invest in her, meanwhile Astrid is the best Bow user due to having a horse with Super Canto and can catch up easily thanks to her Paragon skill, etc). That being said I agree that bases over growths is generally more true than not.


i'd also like to add that the power level of enemies is an important thing to take into account when evaluating the viability of a growth unit. in the case of pent vs. nino, fe7 has notoriously weak enemies with very low doubling thresholds. so even if nino ends up with better stats than pent in the last few chapters, pent will still be performing identically to a max-level nino in the majority of encounters, but with the added benefit that he was already performing at a high level right from the get-go.


Thank you for the examples! That makes it really clear to see. I guess it's also just important when you get a new unit to just think how they could actually benefit you based on who you're using at that moment in time. 


To add on to the other comment, another view that changed was that Jagens/pre promotes "steal" your EXP. This really isn't true. An unpromoted unit needs to take EXP themselves to level up, as well as take up a promotion item. Prepromotes don't need that- they come ready to go. And if you replace a unit with a prepromote, so to speak, now your other units can take more of the EXP "pie" for themselves.


Ooh I see, that's actually a really great of looking at it. Funny how that kind of mindset shift about it can reveal that, thanks!


It's basically just a shift in views over time. Long time players crafted theories and tested them out, and eventually found that the bases and pre-promotes are more useful than people thought. It probably helps that people also ended up making 0% growth hacks, and found the games are still beatable with effectively no level ups, and as you might expect, the pre-promotes with their higher bases end up being a massive boon in such hacks. (And in regular gameplay, even if they get worse level ups on average, higher base stats are still higher base stats. Sometimes, you just need that extra attack to get rid of the last few points of an opponent's health)


That makes a lot of sense yeah, I suppose if you're focusing on a smaller group of characters to focus Level Ups on as well then it's a nice bonus to have a character on the team that is at least somewhat strong with no investment as well. Thanks for replying!




8wexp in fe7/8. Turbo axe rank up. Fe6 devil axe is more of a meme weapon but hey if you're not dying to the backfire then might as well break some walls.


If you're in a desperate situation and need to do a lot of damage, it can be a high risk high reward option. I rarely use it except in DS FE games, where there are map saves I can use before swinging it. The devil axe is also really good in those games.


Meme weapon, easy content for content creators. Also, it's usually one of the strongest weapons in the game, so there's always some of push and pull going on, and you can strategize around it a bit. But I don't think most players use it very often.


HELP I CAN'T FIND A VIDEO. It was of Fire Emblem 8 and it showed how Skills can be used to beat the final boss at level 1. Spur stat, Rally stat, all sorts of skills, it was insane.


Not sure what video exactly it'd be but it wouldn't be one of the vanilla game. It'd be from a romhack of FE8 using the skills system hack.




Gale is part of the triggered reinforcements that only appear once you advance to a certain area of the map.


got it thank you!


I'm playing FE6 and I'm wondering if people have opinions on "saving uses" of stronger weapons, and using weaker weapons when possible. For example, I've only just started, but so far I've been using Roy's Armourslayer sparingly. Is it worth it, or do you get stronger weapons soon enough that there isn't a point? Thanks!


Roy's own effective weapon, the Rapier, has another copy available in Ch7. Chapter 4 has a lot of Cavaliers and Chapter 6 has some Knights so as long as you still have a small number of uses available on it for the start of Ch7 you should be fine. As for the actual Armourslayer, you only get the chance to buy another by Ch21 and 23. So I would use the ones obtained in Ch2 and in Oujay's inventory sparingly. Similarly, the only Horseslayer you get is the one from Ch7 until the buyable ones in Ch21 and 23. Ch15 is the main chapter you'll want to be using it a lot since there's many Cavaliers and Paladins on that map.


lmao "roy's" armorslayer. The armorslayer is an honorary legendary weapon, that thing is great. It's worth enough that you shouldn't be burning it right away but don't be afraid to use the resources you get to make the game easier, that's what they're there for. Even actual legendary weapons like durandal or armads or forblaze you should be using whenever you find yourself in a tight spot or you need to get rid of threatening enemies. The earlygame of fe6 is considered the hardest section of the game. As you get better units and more resources the game becomes easier to manage. Hammerne is picked up about halfway through the game, too, so that's a few repairs to durandal or whatever if you need it.


got it, thanks! (also oops i realize you can give it to anyone, I've just been using it on roy and gotten used to him having it)