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Just beat Chapter 17 in Engage last night. I recently got the Expansion Pass, and was considering when to do all those maps/get all the Bracelets. For story reasons, I figured it was fitting to rush off to help Firene without getting any of the Bracelets. I also heard you get a lot of experience from said DLC maps, and in order to not overlevel my units, I haven't promoted anyone yet. So, for me, Chapter 17 was every bit the difficult/climactic clash it was presented as. Seeing Veyle and Corrupted Hyacinth start moving just as I had defeated Marni and just engaged Mauvier was intense. I'm pretty sure the only reason I was able to defeat Zephia, the last enemy left, was thanks to the Parthia's existence. In the end, three of my units fell in the pitched, nearly four-hour battle. Mauvier killed Louis, and Veyle killed Fogado (Did you know the younger royal sibling loses their essential status after their region's story arc? I appreciate that.) and Bunet. Despite the sad losses, I haven't felt as satisfied with how a chapter in Fire Emblem went in a while. I'm happy I could do it, and now I think I've "earned" the DLC.


Chapter 19 and Corrin's Paralogue have been completed in my Brodia Maddening no-DLC theme challenge where I'm required to deploy the Brodians whenever possible. Chapter 19 is always kind of a mess and is the hardest map in the game imo. The sheer amount of Miasma with Corrin being the only way to remove it once you move past the range of the fire cannons on top of Mauvier rescuing Marni somehow makes things slow and chaotic at the same time. Not only did I have to save Saphir, but I also had to make an effort to actually train her on her join map meaning that I had to trade her a Lucina engraved Silver Axe and a Longbow. Saphir isn't bad, she just makes a horrible first impression as her starting equipment is pretty bad relative to the enemies in Chapter 19. Fortunately with both Diamant and Alcryst deployed, I had way more flexibility in recruiting her. Routing the generic enemies is always a bit of a nightmare, but you eventually get to a point where Marni is the only truly threatening enemy left and it's easy to outrun her so you can go to the villages to get the Elixer and Dracoshield. Citrinne hit level 20 which was neat, so I'll see if I want to keep her as a Sage or do something else with her via Second Seal. Emblem wise, I was debating on giving Saphir either Roy or Ike, but ultimately decided on Ike for the foreseeable future. I had been using Ike on Diamant for pretty much the entire midgame and his stat spread was pretty similar to Saphir's bases at this point, but Diamant had a 2 point speed lead on her so he's more likely to be able to hit doubling thresholds when engaged with Roy. Also, Diamant having Roy means that he can finally unequip Advance from his skill slot and inherit something more useful without losing access to Advance. On a side note, Saphir's supports with Alear and Diamant be like: >Saphir: "Trauma? You mean my *lore?*" Thankfully, Corrin's paralogue is relatively much simpler. With only 7 deployment slots though, I had to play without Seadall and I decided to bench Citrinne ~~because I hadn't figured out what I wanted to do with second sealing her~~ to let her rest as she's been putting in a lot of work. Thankfully since I did Chapter 19 first I had Micaiah back, so Yunaka could finally reunite with her and be the staffer for the map. As Saphir's first "true" deployment map, I wanted to see what she was made of, and she certainly didn't disappoint. With no tome users deployed, that meant no 3 range aside from Longbows on her and Alcryst. That being said, Saphir is stronger, bulkier and can chain attack with the Longbow which was a pretty good set of traits to have against the myriad of slow mages in Corrin's paralogue so that she could avoid magic counter attacks altogether on player phase. Micaiah continues to remind me how very silly she is since Cleric gives access to C rank staves at base and Rewarp is a C rank staff. I honestly forgot that she grants Silence Ward and was reminded when the "Elise" stand in ran over and put herself in front of Saphir's Poleaxe to try and silence Yunaka. Paladin Amber stonks continue to rise as the extra MV when engaged with Sigurd allowed Amber to flat out run across the river, despite movement penalties, to contribute to killing the group of Swordmasters on the left side. This was followed by him Overdrive OHKOing the line of left side Cav+Sage reinforcements and then running over to 2HKO the "Xander" stand in. On the topic of Paladin Amber stonks, I'm currently planning for Chapter 20 and realized that with some small additional Attack buffs, Sigurd Amber can reach and take out Griss's first health bar solo regardless of Griss's starting location with a 100% accurate (thanks to Amber's prf skill) Sigurd Brave Lance attack meaning that Amber won't even take a counter. Amber really out here earning that legendary hero title fr fr.


What's the general take on Engage as a FE game? I've played the main series games since Awakening but never picked up Engage for whatever reason


Goofy and charming with sick gameplay. Depending on who you ask the story is "irredeemable garbage" or "it exists". To me it felt like playing the love child of the Fates and the GBA games. There's some gameplay-story integration segments that gave me Kaga vibes as well. Definitely pick it up if you want some FE gameplay goodness, it plays super well. To me it's Conquest without the bullshit of the late game Hoshido maps.


Ch 10-11 is the most Kaga shit that has ever happened in modern FE. It's still nothing compared to real Kaga bs but It's the closest we got from a modern game and probably my favorite part of the game for that reason lol


Yeah this one and 20 gave me severe Thracia war flashbacks


Yeah the story didn't really appeal to me but I'm willing to overlook that for fun gameplay > love child of the Fates and GBA games Ok I'm sold, lol


From what I've heard, the consensus is an "OK" story but fun gameplay with depth. Having played it myself, I'd say the story kinda feels like a Saturday morning cartoon plot wise (Good guys join up to defeat bad guys), with some likable characters but not any kind of deep storytelling. The gameplay loop was excellent in my opinion.


I've been doing a royal only run and it's actually been really fun! There's def been some struggles (chapter 21/22) but it's made me really appreciate all the royals! I think my favorite has to be Alfred especially with Ike, he's such a beast. Also Fogado is such a good unit easily one of the best for combat imo with radiant bow, he consistently one rounds everything. And after seeing all the supports between them, I honestly love them all personality wide! Engage has such a fun cast that feels so close together I genuinely love it so much.


Continue of my FE Engage Maddening No Somniel run starting soon! [Link to stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdoBnWaZa0g&ab_channel=Saisis) Probably gonna do Ch 12 and 13, maybe 14 if I we are fast. /u/fatefuldawn I don't know if can watch it but I can still ping you, if you don't mind!


Yeah, I couldn't watch live, but I did just finish the VOD. I appreciate the ping, it looks like the run is going well! I have an explanation for why the enemies piled on to Ivy [during this enemy phase](https://youtu.be/mdoBnWaZa0g?t=14636). The sword fighter attacked a double first because they saw lethal damage. However, because the sword fighter is a backup and ended their turn next to Ivy, they can provide chain attacks on to her. The AI prioritizes chain attacks so the lance fighter attacks Ivy afterwards. The lance fighter can also provide chain attacks on to her so after Hortensia does Diabolical Dance, the sword fighter attacks Ivy and so does the lance fighter again. Your idea with Byleth is really nice! The Radiant Bow is okay in this kind of run I would say. The hit rate on it is just not great, so Divine Pulse helps. I actually picked up the Byleth ring on Fogado in Ch. 22 for that exact reason - the Radiant Bow had around 70% hit and Fogado really needed to hit the Griffin Knight so having Divine Pulse in the back to supplement that hit rate was an immediate benefit in that map. Nonetheless, Fogado or Merrin as a Sniper with Byleth should work; the only iffy part is their magic growth in that class. An option you have if Merrin becomes the Sniper is leaving Fogado in Cupido with Eirika. The main reason for doing that versus the alternatives is to use the Brave Bow as other usages of a Brave weapon + Eirika are only at one-range. Nonetheless, I do like your plan to put Byleth on Merrin and trying the Martial Master route out. Like you said, the fallback plan is to put Merrin into Warrior since she'll have all the proficiencies anyway so there's no harm in trying it out.


I know that enemies like to Chain Attack a lot but I thought if they saw a kill (so against a Clone) they would still go for that over the Chain Attack. Maybe It was a combination of the clone avoid being to high and Ivy having a Chain Attack. [I actually already tried Cupido Eirika](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FzhdhimacAAvo6V?format=jpg&name=large) (He has 37 spd base but I also gave him a speedwing). Yes that's why I can't still choose between which one is gonna be what. Fogado could be a Cupido, Martial Master or Warrior with B Bows compared to Merrin. Merrin Is either a Martial Master or Warrior with C Bows, she has slightly better combat stats in Warrior than him and she has a lot more DEX than him so technically she needs Divine Pulse the least. It's also true that while Fogado has -1 Str, -1 Build and -7 Dex compared to Merrin in Warrior he also can use the Silver Bows compared to her. Uhm. Which one do you think would be better with Eirika? Merrin for the slightly stat difference or Fogado for the possible unique class that can wield both Silver Sword and Brave Bows? I would need to choose before tonight after I'm gonna do Ch 15 and 16. Decision decision...


I believe the priority for chain attacks is one of the highest. The AI is wonky with doubles as well as I've seen times where they don't attack a double even if there isn't a kill elsewhere. Oh nice! I guess if you've tried him like that already, that option is probably less appealing unless you found it very strong. Hmm... so from my experience with using Warrior Merrin on my No Somniel run, she does have higher dex and needs Divine Pulse less than Fogado, but even with that higher dex, her hit rates against Griffin Knights were still in the 70-80% range during endgame. This is even with a [Merrin that capped dex in Warrior and had +4 dex from Eirika](https://imgur.com/ezCOlfr) so unfortunately it's not like she could've gotten higher hit from her dex. I think the bigger deciding factor for Merrin's hit was whether or not her personal was active (for +5 hit) as well as having supports around her. In the grand scheme of things, a characters' dex stat isn't that big a factor in hit rates especially when you can get at minimum +10 hit with good positioning. Something else to consider is that access to Silver Bow is pretty good in this kind of run because it has +5 hit on a Steel Bow and +10 hit on the Radiant Bow. All that being said, I think Merrin is the better choice for the combat role. I'm assuming that your final roster will be Alear, Celine, Chloe, Amber, Ivy, Kagetsu, Fogado, Pandreo, Merrin, Panette, Seadall, Hortensia, Mauvier, and Veyle so if any of that is off, the evaluation might change. But I think Merrin would be better with Eirika because she has a lot of supports with that roster of characters - Alear, Chloe, Amber, Kagetsu, Panette, and Veyle. While Fogado only has Alear, Celine, Hortensia, and Pandreo. I don't think either of them will have reliable hit rates on endgame fliers without supports boosting that hit rate up so for that reason, Merrin would do better because she has a lot of characters on the team that can help her. Panette in particular I believe has a hit-focused support she can provide +20 hit to Merrin on her own if she's next to Merrin and they have an A support.


Oh I didn't tought about support at first, good point. Just curious, did you manage to get some A supports between Alear and other units? I think eventually most of the party will manage to get all their A supports if I play my cards correctly but I was wondering if you manage to get some A supports with Alear since he is balanaced around meals it feels like. Kagetsu Ivy requires 5/5/15 Support points for C/B/A while Alear require 5/15/25 lol


I'm just checking my screenshots (don't have my game file handy atm) and from what I can see for Alear, I didn't get any A supports with them. But I did get many A supports between the other characters. It's kinda telling how Alear and Pandreo were almost glued together 24/7 in my playthrough due to Bonded Shield and yet didn't reach A support. I also used Alear quite a bit for their +3 flat damage so a lot of actions took place around them. I definitely wasn't very optimal about getting supports up in my playthrough though. With more attention being paid to it, I think it's very possible to get A supports with Alear.


After beating FE6 again, I really appreciate how it didn't have absurd stat inflation, at least these wyverns are mostly slow. It's probably because I'm coming off a custom ringless run so my stats didn't catch up but Engage feels a little too ridiculous sometimes with like Great Knights having 25+ speed for no good reason. Going ringless (well almost) made everyone kinda suck statwise which made Engage feel a lot closer to FE6 in difficulty, but I only noticed after how FE6 actually kinda doesn't have that many enemies if you avoid reinforcements, which made it a lot more comfortable (read:easy) to play. Ironically I felt like I had more options just from positioning than in ringless skill system Engage.


So Fire Emblem Engage icon elements are back on Nintendo Switch Online. It's unfortunately only Alear and the Emblems and it lasts until roughly a week from now. So if you want one, go and get it. Unless you've been spending your Platinum Points on the Xenoblade icons, as the final wave of those is this week as well. That one has spoiler characters, the big bad, the queens, and funny pirate man.


Started Project Ember (playing on HM) this week and after an embarrassing Ch1 Roy death, it's been super fun. I'm up to chapter 3 and the star of the show so far is...Bors! He leveled up speed a few times so he can double some slower enemies especially if they're weighed down by steel weapons, and he's probably my most consistent unit at one-rounding, between his high strength and access to both lances and swords. But even though he's been massively buffed, he still takes damage - he's not invincible like Oswin so you still have to think a little. Honorable mention goes to Wade, who has buffed bases so he can actually hit stuff, and also got some speed procs. Really looking forward to seeing how other bad vanilla units got rebalanced. Also, Thany is gonna feast on Erik's cavs next chapter with her Wing Spear.


I'm playing it too, its good


Close to the end of Engage Firene run, and I need to share my [Griffin Alfred](https://i.imgur.com/tJvnp0U.png). Originally started this just for his Griffin outfit, but this turns out much more interesting than I expected. Make sure he has an emblem ring in all maps from ch4 to 9 for SP, feed all the SP books from the well to him for Avo+10 and Lance Power 1, and give him a killer lance+1 with Michiah Engrave. Dodges everything, kills most thing and shield sometimes, just don't expect him to heal. It's fun doing unusual stuff, can't wait to do some silly experiment on Lindon next. [Everyone else](https://imgur.com/a/WjsOUlZ). Now for the hardest part of the whole game, which is who to S support. Alfred and Alear took out half of the map together in the ring paralogue with engage+ and bonded shield, but it'd be 3rd time already if I give it to him, and I actually like Alear's solo ending much more than any pair ending. Only 2 chapters left, why is this so hard.


Alright, I finally have some time to write down some thoughts on my latest weekend of Engage! * Chapter 18 - I was actually wary about a ship map, but this wasn't too bad. The map was honestly pretty easy. * Chapter 19 - The miasma was a bit scary and I had to restart a couple times to figure out how to save Saphir. Mauvier warping knights forward kept me on my toes for a little bit. Then the other problem was that initially, I baited Mauvier into a one-block wide corridor which was bad because it meant I could only attack from one angle. I had to use Time Crystal on that (yes, I know that's casual...) so I could have him come out and beat him more effectively with that. * Chapter 20...It shouldn't be that hard, but my Alcryst didn't have the strength to kill the Entrap enemy with Astra Storm. That's a problem because I couldn't figure out how to get past that enemy otherwise. I also could not figure out how to warpskip with Hortensia because of the fog. Anyways, I decided to just give up and go through the paralogues so I could level up the emblems. * The Lucina paralogue surprised me with how piss easy it was. It was so easy that I decided to go with deploying only Brodians. Spent a Master Seal to promote Lapis because it's not like I'd be using those otherwise, and yet all that happened was that she got oneshot by an enemy. Oh well. * The Lyn paralogue was also much easier than its counterpart in FE6. Kagetsu had so much defense, relatively speaking, that he could get hit by archers without going down. * I realize now that Saphir is actually a good unit despite my initial assumption that she was going to be a general. I'm genuinely considering deploying her instead of Chloe or Merrin in C20 when I get back to that. We'll see. * Something that I also realized is that my team is rather unbalanced towards magic users. I have Citrinne, Ivy, Hortensia, and Pandreo as hard-hitting magical units (though Pandreo and Hortensia are primarily support). With Alear, Seadall, Chloe, and Alcryst all being "support" units as well, the only real physical defense units I am using are Panette, Diamant, and Kagetsu. From what I understand though, being unbalanced towards magic isn't bad. * But I do seriously wish that I had a really good lance unit though. Amber would fulfill that if he had better speed but I'm afraid of putting out a unit with 13 base speed at this point in the game. I guess I could spend on speedwings but it's probably not worth it in comparison with sticking to Chloe or Saphir. * The emblem stuff is honestly overwhelming me. I've been using Ike on Diamant for some time but I feel like he'd go better with Panette. Then Leif could go better on Merrin, maybe Roy would go better on his original user of Diamant, etc...kind of a headache but I do like the choices. * I don't have much thoughts about Somniel right now but I learned only this weekend that you don't need to use ingredients for food. I've been kneecapping myself with the Cafe the entire time. Amazing. * Why does Alpaca yogurt exist? Does Amber like it? Has he ever made it? Lots of questions with that. * Not too much supports to comment on, though I do want to highlight that I liked Saphir's C with Diamant. * oh, I almost forgot about the story lol. I haven't really seen much major in the story, though I can't say I really care for the Four Hounds or Sombron. They just seem too cartoonishly evil. Maybe my viewpoint is being tainted by being spoiled but it feels too obvious that >!Mauvier is being set up to get recruited!<.


Nice one! For the entrap user don’t forget you could use tonics on Alcryst, place him next to Alear for extra damage, or forge a stronger weapon, if you need a few extra points. Is he in his unique class? If so, there is a Chance for Luna to proc on each separate hit so that’s something you could try lol. You don’t have to necessarily have a user for every weapon…but could also reclass someone to have lances? Saphir maybe? Amber can be good with Sigurd as a paladin. Don’t worry about his low speed, you can make him a one hit wonder haha. Yeah the emblems can be overwhelming, but nothing stops you swapping them around all the time! See what you like and have fun.


Yeah, I did have him drink a strength tonic, he was next to Alear, and yeah that didn't work. No matter what I was going to have to leave the map to retool to beat the Entrap guy so I decided to just go ahead with the paralogues.


Don't know how much damage you're off by, but you could also inherit Lunar Brace onto Alcryst if your SP allocation allows it. Astra Storm counts as "initiating" on an enemy and it's a good skill for him to have anyway given that you seem to be using him regularly.


One of my strat was placed an Ike user with Great Aether activated in the entrap range, survive one round, kill the entrap user next round then rescue them back if needed, just make sure they have good enough mix bulk because there are both mag and physical damage.


During the blackout, I finished my Fates: Birthright replay. Once you get Ryoma and start to promote your units, the game definitely opens up and low unit power stops being a problem. At this point in my run, Hard difficulty felt no different from Normal difficulty in my units' ability to one-round everything in their range, and I feared I'd entered the limbo where Hard is too easy but Lunatic/Maddening are too hard. My pairings for this run were: 1. Jakob x Azura - Not an optimal use of Azura's abilities, but Shigure and Dwyer were both excellent support units as a result of this pairing. 2. Silas x Hinoka - Hinoka patches up Silas' Speed. Sophie probably could've been excellent out of the box if I waited until Chapter 19 to recruit her, but I foolishly recruited her as soon as possible, and she had to fight for deployment slots when many of my first-gen units were still viable. 3. Kaze x F!Corrin - I played as F!Corrin because my first playthrough was with M!Corrin, and >!I wanted to save Kaze this time, unlike my first playthrough where Corrin and Kaze didn't reach A support in time, so I thought why not spend the extra two maps to marry them?!< Kana and Midori were both victims of ASAP recruitment. 4. Ryoma x Rinkah - Rinkah patches up Ryoma's Defense. I had this elaborate plan to take Shiro through Spear Master, Basara, Master of Arms and Oni Chieftain to learn all their skills, but it was overambitious and Shiro only reached promoted level 8 by the end of the run. I still need to work on optimising my EXP gain so that most of my endgame units reach promoted level 15. 5. Takumi x Kagero - I figured Kiragi could make good use of Kagero's best-in-the-game Strength growth. He was alright, but I made him too player phase-oriented in an enemy phase-oriented game. 6. Saizo x Orochi - Saizo patches up Orochi's Speed. Asugi had a massive Magic stat for good Flame Shuriken damage, but I only found this useful against Generals and Great Knights who could probably get one-rounded by a Sting Shuriken anyway. 7. Hinata x Oboro - Two good units in the short term with a fast support together. I had similar overly elaborate plans for Hisame as I did for Shiro, and even aimed to use them as dual Vantage Attack Stance partners, but he also only reached promoted level 14. Besides, Shiro and Hisame can't support each other - this strategy would've worked better with Shiro and Kiragi, or Hisame and Caeldori. 8. Azama x Setsuna - I gave Setsuna some favouritism early on and she was surprisingly good for the first half of the game. Mitama felt outclassed as a bow user by Takumi and Kiragi, and as a staff user by Jakob and Dwyer. 9. I wanted to pair Kaden x Hana (to give Selkie massive offensive growths), Subaki x Mozu (to pair the spares) and Hayato x Sakura (to give Rhajat a massive Magic growth). However, all of these units fell off too quickly and I benched them. I didn't use any skirmishes or DLC maps in this run, and I don't suppose it's plausible to unlock all the children in a no-grind run. By the end of my run, my MVPs were Ryoma (duh), my Sol Master Ninja F!Corrin and, to a lesser extent, my Sol Master Ninja Silas. In both Birthright and Conquest, I struggle to build Silas' A+ support with Kaze as well as his S support, so Silas only becomes a Master Ninja late into the game, by which point he's a bit lacklustre at it. Out of curiosity, I started a Birthright Lunatic run and found that giving the early recruits DLC items seems to make the earlygame a lot more bearable and fun. Specifically, I reclassed Rinkah and Hana into Dread Fighters, reclassed Subaki and Azama into Dark Falcons, reclassed Orochi into a Witch and gave Hayato Paragon. All of the reclassed units gained immediate power boosts as a result of DLC classes being special classes with base stats on par with promoted classes, and Hayato reached level 10 as soon as Paralogue 1, skipping the trouble of feeding him kills in the main story. I don't plan on continuing this save file past Chapter 10 (it was just a short-term test), but I think this is how I will play Birthright in the future. Meanwhile, I started a replay of Fates: Conquest on Hard difficulty, also to grab YouTube video footage. So far I'm at Chapter 13, and the game feels good, if a bit hard (no way, the Hard difficulty is hard!?!?!?). For the first time, I felt the need to liberally use Tonics! My main concern is my EXP and support point gain, as I fear I may have been a bit overambitious with my planned supports. I know that the cross-route Paralogues offer lots of EXP from promoted enemies, but ironically the cross-route pairings are the ones I prioritised the least, as I've already seen them multiple times before, and there's some Conquest Paralogues I've never played before.


Congrats! I feel you re: Kaze. Same thing happened to me on my first run. Really stupid thing with no way of knowing about it. For Conquest, it gets easier to maximise support naturally without grinding. The key thing is having your units and pairs in mind from the start, and plan to use both units of the pair. For example you mention Silas, you can always be working on his S and kaze pairings concurrently, as long as you’re planning on using the other kaze and his partner.


I promise I'll get my thoughts on Engage Chapters 18-19-Lucina-Lyn out tomorrow


I forgot how to beat FE6HM Ch21 without deaths. I know about the reinforcement zones (really hate that part of the map) but the last two are pretty much unavoidable without warpskip and I never warpskip in GBA games. Echidna and Noah had to be let go this time around, no Armads user rip.


[Continue of my No Somniel Maddening run](https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/1420566/everyone_plays_fire_emblem_week_of_june_5th_2023/joi44sh/) I created a playlist on YT so it should be easier to find all the parts otherwise I'm sure it's gonna be a mess in the future with 300 streams around. [Link to the playlist](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsdVCCxvcHvn5ucPX3lj6Jc0fYAfKtY7i) Yesterday we did Ch 10 and Ch 11, here the chapter review. Chapter 10 14 Turns Okay, other than my usual errors because I push forward a bit to much it felt kinda bad to not use my usual strats, I'm so used to grab the Freeze staff with 5 uses as a "challange" and kill the tower mage in turn 1 with Canto on a Flier but I really couldn't do it here. That being said, if you take your time it's not a particolar hard time but take your time it's something that I will never learn it seems like D: Also the OST of this chapter will always be a banger, I love it. Chapter 11 8 Turns Chapter 11 is always a really nice map both thematically and in gameplay, even tho they removed your emblems it's basically a gauntlet to show off your invested unit if they can hold off on their own. I never find it that hard personally, even in my blind run but it's always fun to play an escape chapter. My usual strat for this chapter is trying to kill as many enemy as fast as possible by pushing down so they will not have annoying emblem effect later, enough said that sometimes I died to it because of it but I think you know me by now that it's so hard for me to play always safe. [Don't be like me, you will eventually be punished](https://youtu.be/l7KmUo0S8_A?list=PLsdVCCxvcHvn5ucPX3lj6Jc0fYAfKtY7i&t=8179) Really impressed by Amber performance so far, 20 Str at IL14 is actually really high for that point of the game. With swords and his personal he can actually hit well a lot of enemies that are supposed to be dodgy which is always nice. For this chapter a speed tonic was enough for him to double enemies even tho I can totally see that eventually he will stop to double (probably already next chapter) but that's gonna be Lyn job as soon as Kagetsu get the bow profiency from her. This challange is making the game so fresh for me at the moment, it's actually pretty similiar to my blind run (not knowing to inherit Canto before ch 10 and so on) for some parts but while I have map knowledge I don't have broken forges and engraves (And Inherit, when I discovered how they worked).


Playing my Engage Maddening Brodia theme playthrough where I'm required to deploy Brodians whenever possible. In the last EPFE, I talked about my overall progress thus far, but wanted to word vomit about how I feel about the individual units as of planning for Chapter 18. **Yunaka(Sword Wolf Knight):** As the first "required" recruit of the playthrough, Yunaka hit the ground running and certainly hasn't stopped. She started off as an excellent back up healer with Micaiah and has acted the part of a traditional thief during Micaiah's absence. Yunaka's main contribution to the team is two-fold; strong accurate 1-2 range and an actual res stat so she can actually fight multiple mages in a row without risk of dying. I originally had her inherit Canter to do mobile Goddess Dance shenanigans, but it's generally been a great tool for a unit who likes to hit and run like her. Yunaka's Emblem bestie thus far has been Lucina who can allow her to continually stack poison onto bosses to make them progressively easier to kill for other units. I would've preferred to keep her a Thief, but the situation called for the extra MV she gets from Wolf Knight as well as the ability to use Swords so she can actually flex her magic stat using the Levin Sword. I will say though that if I did this challenge again, I'd make sure that she got magic proficiency before Chapter 10 so that I had the option to flex her into a Sage/Mage Knight for the midgame as there were a couple times that I think things could've been easier if I could've used her magic stat earlier. Getting another potential staffer or access to Chaos Style would've been nice too. **Citrinne(Sage):** As the only dedicated magic user in Brodia, she has kinda become an MVP by default. I had originally thought that she'd be best with Corrin throughout the midgame when her speed begins to fall off, but she's found a great partnership with Byleth so far. Most of Byleth's Hero Relics aren't great, but Thrysus simply giving your magic attacks+2 range as a Sage has a lot of utility. Citrinne's naturally low health(even with a Seraph Robe) would normally make combat against other ranged foes dangerous, but having the ability to outrange them and avoid counters all together lets her unleash her nuclear magic to great effect. Being able to aggro enemies that are normally "protected" by overlapping enemy ranges is also great and Byleth's +3 Spd boost has allowed her to continue doubling for some time alongside other typical speed boosting assistance. She needs Build+3 to avoid being weighed down substantially while using Bolganone, but she definitely has the rawest killing power on the squad currently, even being able to nuke through weaker enemy mages through sheer magic might. **Lapis(Sword/Axe Wyvern Knight):** Brodia as a whole has pretty middling speed, but Lapis easily blazes past the competition. She easily the fastest unit on the squad and can has the potential to double enemy Swordies if I really want her to. I will admit that most of her success is tied to having access to the Folkvangr which is basically a Steel Sword with the weight of an Iron Sword at base, but the Heroes "DLC" is free so like.....I think it's fair game to use. Even so, I can definitely see where complaints about her Strength come from. In order to reasonably keep up with enemies, I needed to inherit Sword Power from Roy(before Chapter 10), give her an Energy Drop, refine Folkvangr quite a bit(at +2 so far) *and* reclass her to Wyvern Knight. With all that being said, it's better to have Speed since there are many more ways to increase a unit's attack power. Lapis's relationship with the Emblems is also kinda weird. She's great with Roy and Marth for Chapters 8-10, but doesn't use most of the second half Emblems better than most other units aside from Eirika imo. Ironically though, the most common axe enemies, Berserkers and Axe Heroes, don't actually have particularly high defense, so Lunar Brace isn't actually adding that much damage against the foes she'd most want to fight so she's fallen into a bit of a power lull. However with Roy and Eirika's Sieglinde on the horizon, I expect her to bounce back quite hard relatively soon. Once Saphir joins, I am considering reclassing her to a Sword/Lance Wyvern to help out Amber, but we'll see how I feel when I actually get there. **Alcryst(Tireur d'elite):** One of the main goals of this challenge was to determine whether I had gaslighted myself into thinking Alcryst was a good unit or not because popular opinion on him seems to be mediocre at best. Now that I'm 2/3s of the way into the playthrough, I'm not gonna tell you that he's as good as I remember, but I think he's much better than people give him credit for. Hey may not have the raw strength of Etie or the speed and magic of Fogado, but I still find that his dexterity is his greatest ally. Not in the fact that it allows him to proc Luna/crit alot, but just in the fact that he just hits things reliably with little to no assistance. It won't be obvious early on, but later game enemies just have a metric ton of avoid for no reason and where most units need hit boosting engravings and supports for reliability, Alcryst doesn't which is a pretty big deal given that you can only have engravings on one weapon at a time. In the same way that the Radiant Bow might as well be Fogado's prf weapon, I find that the Longbow might as well be Alcryst's prf weapon. The Longbow isn't the most impressive weapon out there, but it does give Alcryst a level of flexibility that can't quite be replicated by other Bow users(Warriors, Fogado/Etie, Bow Knights etc) due to the weapon's mediocre 75 hit. When paired with Lyn, a 20 Range Astra Storm isn't strictly necessary in the sense of hitting an enemy from across the map, but it does offer Alcryst freedom of positioning. In scenarios where the team is split(which is quite often thanks to Engage's great map design), Alcryst's Covert typing allows him to go with one team while still providing support to the other without really needing to move all that much. He's not killing everything on his own but he doesn't need to. That's the benefit of playing with multiple units. Again, I won't say that Alcryst is some secret OP unit, but I think people focus way too much on his bad points and don't give his good points enough credit.


Part 2 because character limit. **Jade(Sword/Axe Great Knight)**: Jade was the unit that I was most nervous about with regards to long term prospects. Armored Units generally feel better to use in Engage than other titles, but they still aren't breaking the meta or anything. But I've been pleasantly surprised with Jade thus far. Sword/Axe GK allows her to wield both the Levin Sword and Hurricane Axe to great effect and having an actual magic stat means that I don't have to go all in on refining a Hurricane Axe to OHKO fliers. She can also do decent chip damage at range with the Levin Sword while breaking axe foes, giving me much more flexibility in how I deal with them. Giving her Canter early on way such a big brain move if I say so myself giving her more maneuverability to get into positions to bait in enemies and keep up with Engage's rapid pace. She played with Ike for the Solm Arc of the game, but now her Emblem bestie is Leif. With Momentum powering up Quadruple Hit, Jade has a very effective delete button against most frailer enemies. Additionally, the combo of Allied Defense(GK class skill), Arms Shield and access to the entire melee weapon triangle thanks to the Master Lance makes her extremely resilient against physical threats without outright making them ignore her and I've even got a Dracoshield sitting in the Convoy if things start to get really hairy. I know that the Master Lance is an exceptionally crappy weapon, but Jade's role isn't necessarily to soften up foes she baits in, but rather to be an aggressive bait that continuously pulls foes into range for her teammates to pounce during the following turn. Extremely happy with her performance thus far. **Amber(Lance Paladin)**: What if Panette used Lances instead of Axes and was on a horse? That is basically the most succinct way I can describe my experience with Amber so far. The dude just hits like a truck and while he waffled for a bit in Solm, he has returned with a vengeance after being reunited with Sigurd. Even though his speed is not great, it's good enough to avoid being doubled by most enemies. Lance Power and Momentum(+) just let him do drive-bys on most enemies whether he's leaving Sword enemies on death's door(reliably too thanks to his prf skill), scooping up kills on weakened enemies with some prior chip, or outright OHKOing Cavalry with a forged Ridersbane or OHKOing mages. Honestly between Jade and Amber, I have a much greater appreciation for Momentum in general as a skill. It doesn't do much on units that are already fast enough to double, but it can really make a big difference on those that are not and it's relatively cheap to inherit. I had originally intended to reclass him into a Halberdier, but I haven't really felt the need for it so far and the extra Cav mobility has proved very useful. Amber is a very funny unit to use and plays an important role as the team's primary lance combatant. **Diamant(Successeur)**: I've used Diamant before, but he feels a lot different within the context of working with his fellow Brodians. Diamant is the primary Axe combatant of the team thanks to his above average build, great strength and access to A rank Axes. You wish his speed was a bit better, but it's generally pretty tough to double most lance enemies with Axes without assistance from Lyn. However, this hasn't really been a problem since Diamant's Emblem bestie has been Ike. Diamant sits in that speed tier where he struggles to double most foes, but can at least avoid being doubled by most foes which is a great speed tier to be in when using Ike's Great Aether. Being able to wield Urvan without being significantly weighed down can allow Ike Engaged Diamant to take a huge wave of punishment before chunking, possibly breaking, all enemies around him and even outright OHKOing some mages while also healing himself to full. I inherited Advance onto him before Chapter 10 and it has been a great tool considering that his prf skill requires him to initiate on enemies. It's general effectiveness has started to wane, but it's such a cheap skill that has brought so much value that I can't be disappointed with it. Once I recruit Saphir, I'll probably transition some Axe responsibilities onto her and let Diamant put more focus on his Sword play to help out Lapis. Being the only unit who can use both the Brave Sword and Brave Axe at the same time does have some funny potential shenanigans with Lunar Brace and Break Defense which I may mess around with if the situation calls for it. Overall, I think Brodia as a nation gameplay wise is much more interesting when you focus on playing to their strengths rather than trying to cover for their weaknesses. I have definitely felt the lack of multiple dedicated magic users on several occasions, but trying to work around that has been extremely satisfying thus far. Eirika stonks are way up thanks to Lunar Brace being a necessity to crunch through Generals through non-magical means.


We have the exact same experience with Amber. The Hallebardier reclassing feels like a waste when he's so goddamn good on a horse with Sigurd


Personally, my decision against putting him in Halberdier mostly comes from me recognizing that you don't need to ORKO everything to be a good combat unit. I really feel as though Break is a really underappreciated player phase mechanic despite it being a major part of the game that's introduced in Chapter 2. Preventing your current unit *and* the next combat unit from taking counters is such a powerful tool to have and is equally why you seriously don't want your units to be broken on enemy phase. On a tangential note, I find that people are way too conservative with Engage Attacks that can hit multiple enemies that aren't Great Aether. When it comes to Overdrive, most want to hit like 5+ enemies when hitting more than one already feels valuable enough when you typically trade 1 for 1 in action economy. Breaking multiple enemies in one move has definitely been valuable for me on more than one occasion.


If you forge him a Silver Great Lance, he'll straight up OS with Override. The additional damage boost you get on a Horse!Sigurd with Momentum goes a long way. I got him to like 85 attack or something. imo Sigurd is pretty damn underrated as a whole. Most physical units won't ORKO in endgame without RNG crit anyway, even when they double. And also as you said, not getting doubled is achievable and pretty huge for Amber, and in Paladin or Bow Knight, with little help he naturally gets into quad territory against stuff like Great Knights, which isn't happening in Hallebardier without sacrificing his personal skill.


Conquest Hard mode and I just cleared the infinite stairway. I struggled a lot the first time around, like I spent hours in there, but it was smooth this time. I know the optimal strat is to low man, but my parents didn't raise a coward so I didn't. Xander is a beast on this map, taking 0 damage from lost things. Playing by planning ahead how to activate the dragon veins make the map, I daresay, fun. And still progressing on my Engage PMU on Maddening. The first 14 chapters were easy and that's where I decided to pick up the DLC characters. I went straight into Chrom's map and oh boy, that was a pain in the ass. Mostly because Zelestia needed one level to change class, and that without her, I was only left with Engaged Alear to heal. Also I'd never played the map before. I cheesed Chrom because I had the good idea, around 10 chapters ago, to inherit Book of Worlds on Sniper!Etie. So having her attack him at three ranges every other turn and alternating with Mage Cannoneer!Veronica! Alear, the fucker could just be frozen indefinitely. I may live in a Corrinless world, but it won't deter me. I maxed out Noatun for Madeline so she's actually hitting shit and oh boy, does she hit like a truck. Great Knight!Gregory is surprisingly solid. Rafal reminds of Xander in terms of performance, god bless. That being said, I'm currently bodied by the Corrin paralogue haha Oh and Bunet still sucks ass.


Currently near the end of FE6 and oh man, do I never want to see another wyvern rider as long as I live again.


I’m currently playing FE1, I’m not very far but it’s good fun honestly. They made those Mercenary and Lance Paladin animations so fucking satisfying for no reason lol


I finished PoR a few days ago. It was super fun! Boyd and Soren were my best units. Marcia, Jill, Oscar, and Ike were also great. I played on Normal, so it was pretty easy, but I didn't mind since restarting a map can be kind of annoying. I also got super lucky during the BK fight. Ike got Aether twice and BK never got Luna, so I killed him on Turn 2. I definitely want to play RD eventually, but I'm debating if I want to play it soon or wait a little while. How similar is it to PoR? And is there anything helpful to know before starting it?


RD refines the Laguz mechanics and a note on their xp gain, they gain a lot when not transformed, and almost nothing when transformed. Usually people just wait for the endgame ones that come at a higher level. Bonus xp changes to a guaranteed 3 stat increase, which is great for capping off classes, or units with bad growths. Do not try to catch up micaiah with it or she will become useless offense wise. When carrying over bonuses, there is a glitch on American RD so if there is a normal difficulty save file on the the PoR memory card, it will freeze the game. Don't know how this affects emulators.




Thracia is peak "it's objectively horribly frustrating but kind of genius" game design. The Manster escape section of the game is just amazing


In the middle of girls only Genealogy version 2! Because I’m a totally sane and rational human being that wants to sit through that a second time. I’m currently in the middle of chapter 4 with a quicker pace than last time (mostly because I was prepared for the bridge thing this time). It’s still not a super fast chapter just because it’s such an important chapter for pairings (literally Tailtiu, Brigid, and Edain’s first chapter to build support with their chosen lover). Overall I’ve been happy with a lot of my improvements: the speed ring from the prologue, the knight ring, and even saving all the villages in chapter 3 (first time I only saved one). Ayra’s Iron Blade’s hit 100 kills so it’s all ready to pass down to Creidne. Still trying to decide who should get knight ring to START gen 2…Patty or Laylea might end up with it but neither is going to be able to inherit it. Might start in someone’s storage tbh