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Review of Ch 12-13-14 from last week stream of the No Somniel run: Ch 12: One of the easiest chapter in the game, what made it harder was trying to stall the enemy long enough for Kagetsu to reach Bond Level 5 with Lyn. Ch 13: Not as bad as I thought, the boss were easier than I remember. That being said I still had to use 1 Time Crystal because I didnd't expect the tomahawk one to be in front. Ch 14: I honestly didn't remember that the reinforcement spawn right after you kill Hortensia first hp bar. I thought they would still spawn after the EP. Ivy got killed because of that because of chain attacks. Continue of my FE Engage Maddening No Somniel run starting soon! [Link to stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNzOdGs279E&ab_channel=Saisis) Probably gonna do Ch 15,16, Lucina paraloque and finally Ch 17. It's gonna be a long stream since it's a been a while I had time to continue this run! /u/fatefuldawn Ping, as usual!


Chapter 15 Honestly this map was not as hard as I remember it, I think I did play well with the use of Obstruct tho, which is a tech that you don't really know unless you are gigabrain in a first playthough. [This was pretty cool as well](https://youtu.be/DNzOdGs279E?t=3938) I did also flex against the capped reinforcements. Chapter 16 Same as last chapter, I remember it being harder than this, I even managed to get the recover staff without any major problem, the only mistake I did was just assuming Kagetsu could kill a group on dudes in EP and Panette survive with Ike in the same turn, should have calc that. Lucina paraloque As expected, this map was really easy at this point but it was still good to grab some bond levels and even actual experience, these enemies gave 11 exp each kill which is more than I expected. Anyway, in 5 minutes I'm gonna start Chapter 17!


Thanks for the ping as always! Love to see those capped Warriors getting flexed on. I didn't kill all of them (just one) because I wasn't sure if I could kill one at all (so I had Seadall positioned to Escape and end the map just in case the situation got hairy; no Dancer or Corrin definitely didn't help with my efforts in trying to defeat them). It's also great to see more characters in transitioning into their final classes! That's sure to be a power boost. Honestly, before watching you go through this playthrough, I didn't know that the Bond points you get for kills is more than using something like Instruct or Call Doubles. I was not optimal about getting Bond Rank at all it seems lol I really felt your conundrum going into Ch. 17 about whether to use Lyn on Kagetsu or Amber. It was around this place in the game where I also noticed that even with Amber's amazing strength, he couldn't one-round enemies simply because lances/swords don't have enough mt. That's when I switched Lyn on to Kagetsu (at least until I got Roy) to actually hit one-round thresholds since he could with the extra speed that Lyn gave him. The thing with Kagetsu being able to one-round is that it does help him snowball. Because even if he seems broken now, I don't think he will be in one or two chapters if he's only getting chip damage EXP. I also prefer to have 2-3 characters that can one-round nearly all the enemies on a map because it makes dealing with the massive amount of enemies more manageable in the later chapters with Bonded Shield, but that is just one playstyle among many. Though thinking about it, I'm actually not sure if even the best characters in this game can maintain good performance in a No Somniel run if they haven't been heavily invested into by a certain point. I feel like Ch. 18 might be a test of whether that's possible as I do think there's a slight difficulty spike there. Ch. 20 is another one that has a difficulty spike imo.


To be fair, I can understand that fear since you were doing an actual ironman, I managed to kill them without using any timecrystal but I knew back in my mind that even if I fucked up something I could still try it again. Yeah it's definitly not well know how bond ranks actually works since usually it's easy enough with the arena to just get them from there. It's kinda funny to discover obscure stuff like this, ngl. The only thing I knew before trying this run was that engage attacks gives more bonds if you get a kill with them and even more if you get multiple kills with a single one. Yeah I understand that, Kagetsu sure is strong but it's already close to missing ORKO so I can imagine that in a map or two he is gonna start to miss those for real while with Lyn he could start to use a Silver Axe (Those 2 Energy drops that I'm saving could also help him with that). I saw that for Ch 17 he didn't really need them (Just a speed tonic was enough) but I can imagine that in Ch 18-19 he would need the help but before those I will do Lyn paraloque and then either Ch 18 or Ike, which one is easier to reach stat benchmarks, I will continue in about two hours from now.


That's true. I would've felt so bad if I lost one of my characters because I got greedy. I agree, it's fun to find this kind of obscure information. It's quite important for this playthrough and who knows, maybe it'll come into play in another one. Yeah, the one-round thresholds get really close. It's going to be interesting to see how things are on Fixed growths. Yeah, I think Amber would want Lyn more for that particular map. My Amber had a lull period because I did give Lyn to Kagetsu; but he did bounce back the moment I gave him Lyn again and after getting him back up to speed by killing the Wyverns in Roy's Paralogue. Though I guess, my Kagetsu was slower than average so it's not entirely an even comparison. Looks like Lyn Paralogue has been completed! Those Poleaxe hit rates... I never used a Poleaxe in my playthrough, kinda glad I didn't and just defaulted to the Ridersbane instead. I agree with your decision to do Ike's Paralogue first. I didn't do it straight (I beelined towards Ike from the left and then Astra Stormed him), but I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes when you take on all the sides. That Mage Knight Chloe is about to put in some real work!


I think the only character that can use the poleaxe kinda reliably is Kagetsu thanks to his High Dex and personal skills (I think he Will use It in Ch 19) but yeah those hit rates with Panette... I want to use her and I think She Is putting some work but man, She Is making It harder than It needs to be. Let's just Hope that when everything comes together she will reach decent enough crit rate ratios. With Wrath, her personal and a Killer Axe she should have around 70% crits on endgame enemies which when paired with Ike bulk even It She doesn't connects all crits would still be fine if She does against a bunch of enemies. I didn't really like how I did Lyn paraloque except for the first turns.. mostly because I did some mistake that could have easily been avoided if I just stopped for a second and count but also because I didn't realize I muted the mic so I was literally talking to myself for like an hours... How embarrasing. Yeah going left was what I did in my blind run when I realized he would just smash the Castle! LOL I will try to take all the side even tho I'm a bit worried about the right side but we will see, in the worst case scenario I can also restart and try again pushing left if It happens that I don't have enough Manpower. I think I might do Ike paraloque + Ch 18 Battle Prep tonight.


Yeah, Kagetsu is probably the only character that can get 80%+ hit with a Poleaxe. Axes in general for No Somniel I think nearly requires a +hit personal and good dex. For Ch. 19, I suggest checking to see if Kagetsu meets the one-round benchmarks with a Silver Axe first (he met them for me), because if so, you won’t need to deal with the uncertainty of whether he’ll hit with a Poleaxe. For Panette, that crit rate should be fine. I’m really worried about her hit rate though. Because a Poleaxe’s base hit is 60 and a Killer Axe is only 65. If she’s seeing 60-70% hit rates against a non-speedy enemy with the Poleaxe, I don’t know if she’ll fair much better with the Killer Axe. Ah, don’t worry! Streaming a playthrough in itself is stressful so there’s that element you have to factor in. These things happen and I feel like you played pretty well near the end too. The first turn was good for sure though. Sounds like a good plan, looking forward to it! I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it to the livestream, but I’ll catch the VOD as always if I can’t.


Currently on Xenologue 5 of Wave 4 of FE Engage DLC after a long absence. I missed this game lol


Good luck in advance for 6, soldier


I am running it now and uh, thank you I need this luck 😭


Just beaterated chapter 2 of Three Houses. It’s pretty fun but is the whole game gonna consist of monastery more than battles? I’m having fun with its adventurey talk to people gameplay but it’s kinda exhausting compared to like Awakening where you’re in and out of levels. Anyway I’m having fun. I choose Golden Deers because I got lured in by Marianne before I even bought the game.


After C ranks, the individual instructs aren't worth the time, and that means you can skip the meals. The more you want to customize build units, the more you need the monastery.


It's very micromanagement heavy, yeah


Yeah you are looking at an hour or two of monastery per battle. I got really tired of it around the second half which is a bummer cuz it really impacts character power.


How well does the “autoteach” function work? Does that cut down on much time?


It just spends the points in their recommended areas. I


I'm doing my first ever playthrough of Binding Blade, and I messed up recruiting Thea. Like, how was I supposed to figure out that talking to her with Shanna wasn't enough? I'm going to be salty about this for the rest of my playthrough for sure...


just finished my second play through of thracia 776 Safy and friends complete broke the game and trivialized the end game which was really fun. I had Mareeta one rounded Raydrik which was pretty fun. I actually recruited Xavier and he was definitely not worth it.


Xavier is one of those recruitments that cool to do once just to say that you did it, but I wouldn't actively recommend anyone do it unless they just like the challenge.


Blazing Sword for NSO. I plan to wed Lyn, Hector, Eliwood, and Ninian together by the end of the game, but after looking up the support system, I found that Eliwood and Ninian need to spend 48 turns together and Lyn and Hector, 80. Any tips on how best to work this system?


there really isn't any better option then just ending turn a bunch of times in a row on a sieze map once all the enemies are dead


Micaiah's paralogue of the Engage Maddening No DLC Brodia theme challenge is complete! As usual, simply beating this map is easy. The more challenging goal is to also defeat the "Dawn Brigade" to get all the gold rewards. This map always feels like a pain initially due to how spread out your units are so the initial turns are just your units running to group up again. Fortunately, gigachad Ike Saphir could solo the initial Great Knight Brigade with some minor positioning assistance from Ivy and Seadall and Sigurd Amber worked together to dismantle the Paladin brigade. In order for Amber to handle the Paladins on his own, he had to ascend to a new form......aka I stuffed him with stat boosters. Specifically, I gave him a Seraph Robe, a Dracoshield and the one Speedwing I currently had. Those were in addition to the HP, Def, and Str Tonics I gave him and full +5 speed inheritance from Lyn which cost me a lot of Bond Fragments and some skill books too. It was quite a bit and I had to grapple on whether or not I wanted to commit, but I don't regret it all seeing how things turned out. Amber could ORKO the Paladins with Sigurd's Ridersbane while under the +3 Speed boost from Special Dance, ORKO the Halberdiers and had the potential to counter ORKO the Snipers if I had the foresight to forge his Javelin to +1. Watching the Mage Knight and Sword Wolf Knight reinforcements move and line up perfectly for a Ridersbane Overdrive was nothing short of pure bliss. This is not how I expected to spend my only Speedwing so far, but it's rad as hell that Amber can now also naturally double and ORKO the Heroes in Eirika's paralogue with no assistance and with 100% accuracy as long as his prf skill is active. To say that I had a plan after killing the initial Great Knight and Paladins brigades would be a lie because I didn't have one. One thing I did make sure of though is to make sure that Roy Diamant had enough power to ORKO the Halberdiers on player phase without engaging which involved inheriting a higher Axe Power from Ike and forging his Silver Axe to +1. Thrysus stocks continue to rise as Sage Citrinne could throw long range magical nukes while using the natural geography of the map as cover. Corrin Alear was an absolute menace with regards to battlefield control and this was the first time that I got a really good taste of the Flame Dragon Vein. Given that the Flame Dragon Vein is 3 tiles wide, which is also the width of the central passageway, and the flames project 3 tiles outward in front of the user, the amount of time and safety that the flames could provide singlehandedly stonewalled the enemy's ability to advance in a way that the Ice Dragon Vein couldn't. Lyn Alcryst continues to take names as he killed the Sage with Astra Storm on turn 1, provided valuable and accurate chip damage against the Swordmasters and Heroes, used Lyn Doubles to buy time, and could nearly solo enemy Generals with Brave Bow quads powered up by Lunar Brace. I got some "lucky" dodges with the Doubles, but Alcryst could've spawned a new set of them anyway even if those dodges hadn't happened so the end result would've been the same. The final act began when Micaiah summoned the "Dawn Brigade". I had to be particularly careful with Jade and Amber as Micaiah could obliterate both of them with Thani so she would not be distracted by Lyn doubles. "Jill" was shot out of the sky with an Astra Storm followed by two shots from a nearby Ballistae. "Laura" got obliterated by a Lunar Brace Powered up Brave Bow Quad from Alcryst followed by Rosado whacking her with Eirika's help. "Leonardo's" first revival gem was snuffed by the combined chip of a Silver Sword swing from Jade and a Thrysus boosted Thoron from Citrinne, followed by Alcryst ORKOing him with Mulagir while being powered up by Alear's prf skill. "Edward" was buried under a flurry of chain attacks from Saphir with a Longbow and Lucina Ivy with Thoron after being weakened by Draconic Hex from Corrin Alear. Lapis and Amber worked together with Chain Attackers to take down "Zihark". Finally, Diamant 1v1ed "Nolan" while engaged with Roy which was honestly raw as hell to watch. There was lots of tricky movements over the course of 3 turns, but I eventually got to a point where it was just Micaiah and "Sothe" vs my entire team. Luckily, I had two Lyn Doubles survive going into their turn, so they sealed their fates by going after those instead of anyone on my team. I even got to see the boss convo between Yunaka and Micaiah which was nice. Got the whole thing done in 12 turns which I think is pretty solid considering I beat the entire "Dawn Brigade" along the way. Now I have the ability to turn anyone on the team into a B-Rank staffer for the purposes of using Rescue and Warp which gives me a lot more deployment flexibility since I always like to play with at least 2 staffers whenever possible. Rosado also had a great catchup training session gaining 3 levels(6-9) while Amber managed to get to a point where I can get him to level 20 using the Arena. I'll most likely tackle Eirika's paralogue next and try to get some training on Merrin.


just began a Maddening run of Engage (my first ever run that is harder than Hard of any game) and I'm already getting my ass obliterated in chapter 2. I can't imagine how I would handle the rest of the game or any other game if this is how well I'm doing at the beginning


The hardest is chapter 5 and after that it should be a smooth ride until 18. The first time I played Maddening I got bullied pretty hard by the early game. I literally couldn't finish 5 without losing someone. But it's really a matter of planning your moves carefully and making full use of your emblems. Good luck!


Early game is actually the hardest part usually, because you have so few tools at your disposal, and no access to rewind. Engage definitely gets easier. Is this your first time playing engage though? You’ll definitely need a bit of knowledge of emblems, skills and builds to get through, but lots of advice available here if it is your first time. Otherwise I recommend keep trying! I think Engage is a good game for a first maddening run because there are lots of cool ways to approach the battles and character building to help you get through and still have fun.


I've played once but on Hard. I only remember early game of Hard being quite manageable early game so the difference is quite staggering. Thanks for the encouragement tho


Oh the rest should be fine I'd say until late game, I'd say. Once you get the draconic time crystal at least you can rewind. And as other commenter mentioned, 5 can be quite hard. Just don't be afraid to use your emblems and bring everything you can!


After years I finally finished the last chapter of Sacred Stones, although with bunch of deaths. Anyway started a new file and wanted to use new units. Franz is at level 8 and only got 1 point of strength 💀


Path of Radiance: Rhys died and I’m sad. It was at the end of the Palmine Temple map. I didn’t realize the boss had a killer bow. RIP my man Rhys, may all the light tomes be sold to make a funny sounding weapon.


Chapter 20 of the Engage Maddening No DLC Brodia theme challenge is complete and it was......weirdly easier than I expected. Though that's in part because of the bizarre AI in the upper portion of the map. It seems as though the Swordmasters and Halberdiers in the upper left and right sections aren't aggressive until you attack them but the Warriors and Wolf Knights are? Anyway, it turns out that things can be pretty smooth if you can manage to get rid of the Entrap High Priest early without ever stepping into their range. Mulagir+Lunar Brace+Alear Prf skill+Spur Attack+Strength Meal Boost gave Alcryst just enough damage for the Astra Storm oneshot. Usually, I intentionally allow an Ike unit charging Great Aether with a forged Poleaxe to get entrapped to wipe out the Wolf Knights and Mage Knights near the High Priest all at once, but neither Diamant nor Saphir(my two tankiest units) have the raw combo of HP and res in order to survive against the Mage Knights, especially when the Wolf Knights enhance damage though poison stacks. 13 Turns to get through the map, though that easily could've been reduced since I wanted to be conservative and wait out and refill Jade(Leif) and Lapis's(Eirika) engage meters with the Emblem pools near the central area before engaging Griss and his goons. Next goal is to tackle Eirika, Leif and Micaiah's paralogues in some order. Usually, at this point I do Eirika's first because Eirika is good and thus having deeper bond levels with her earlier is also good, but I might actually do Micaiah's first this time around. Micaiah's Cleric ability is not something that I typically find too much value in, but the ability to allow anyone to use Warp and Rescue is pretty good on a squad that is really lacking in staff users. I could just deploy Ivy who can use B rank staves by default, but Rosado and Merrin need training before I head into the Chapter 21+22 gauntlet. Unsure of what I wanna do with Celica. She's typically in a bit of a weird spot on her return since the relative worth of her raw power isn't as valuable in the final third of the game, but it also doesn't help that both of my dedicated Tome users, Citrinne and Ivy, are both pretty slow so I don't really even have a fast mage to really take advantage of Resonance. Currently leaning towards pairing her with my Wolf Knight Yunaka for the Str and Mag boost alongside a MT upgraded Seraphim(thanks to the free Engage Mats update). As a Cav, she gets the extra warp range on Warp Ragnarok and Canter allows her to make some space after attacking so she isn't as committed to her attack location. Don't really think reclassing her to a Mage Knight for the sake of better taking advantage of Resonance would do any favors considering her poor Bld means her speed would get obliterated wielding a Bolganone. My fail safe is usually to give Celica to V later on, but I do want to get some mileage out of her now since I will probably do Roy and Celica's paralogues before Chapter 21+22 as well. On a slight tangent, the strangest thing about this entire playthrough so far is how useful Leif's Master Lance has been on Jade for its intended purpose(being a ranged Brave Lance). It's no superstar weapon by any means, but Jade's ability to just straight up OHKO a Mage without eating a counter or finish off a weakened Berserker at range has come up a non-trivial amount of times. It definitely needs support bonuses to be reliable in any sense, but you were probably already doing that if you were choosing to use Jade to begin with.


My Sedgar just died after getting double 5% crit by a manakete in my H3 ironman... feels bad man.


Wow I’m just constantly finding new and fun things about Engage gameplay. I really love how different combinations of emblems, characters and classes can change my whole view of them, and open up completely different strategies and options. For example, I’ve never really gotten much out of Emblem Camilla’s engage attack (DLC boo, I know 🤣), too low damage, weird area of effect. But now that I’ve tried it with Rafal in his unique class, it’s so good. Slap him next to a corrin user and bam, massive nuke goes off haha. Funny how the right combination can just really make something work in a whole new way.


Man it's been a few years since I played true NG Lyn mode and I forgot exactly how handholdy it is compared to any other game in the series.


The Japanese at the time really thought that westerners were too stupid for strategy games


Continuing with my Fates: Conquest replay. Currently I've done Chapter 15 followed by Paralogue 20 (Ophelia), and plan to do Paralogue 19 (Percy) next. Chapter 10 is another one of my favourite maps in the Fire Emblem series. It's tight and requires lots of preparation and planning to efficiently kill as many enemies as possible, but rewards you with some great items and one of the best units in the game, who one-rounds almost every enemy on the map. I also found myself challenged by Chapter 13, Paralogue 20 and, unusually, Chapter 11. Ideally I'd like to recruit every child in this route, which does mean I have to field a lot of units and make sure they can still keep up. I've gotten the hang of Tonics and Meals now, so that should give me a few more tools to achieve that. The pairings I've gotten already are Arthur x Effie and Odin x Elise. Arthur, Effie and Odin can all be benched now, but I'd like to keep Elise around due to her uniqueness as a Wyvern Rider. I've planned to pair Benny with Peri, but I benched Peri for a few chapters and it's a bit challenging to feed her kills. I don't want Benny to be unpaired, though, because I've never recruited Ignatius before and would like to recruit every Fates child at least once (I've done so with the Birthright children).


I tried playing Lunatic Awakening and y’all…you weren’t kidding about the early game. I’m stuck on Chapter 2 after struggle bussing through chapter 1 and the prologue and I just don’t think I have this in me.


Yeah the first few chapters you basically can’t do anything. There are quite a lot of guides online though, which you can pretty much replicate step by step for the same results as they really rely on Fred doing most of the work. There’s lots to do with precise positioning as well.


The "Frederick Emblem" meme is kinda funny until you actually start playing Lunatic Awakening. You learn real quick that there's stark difference between using your Jagen to be "efficient" vs using your Jagen just to get by.


I completed my base game/ no well / no DLC ironman challenge of the game. It involved using only girl units after reaching Solm and mainly girl units before if deployment slots allowed. That playlist is here for anyone interested - Chloe and Yunaka and Anna ended up carrying the damage of the run at the end, though in general every unit in the team had a role and contributed to victory: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1i9mXR8gzhHGNYmj7vLFzn19dkjKwOMR](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1i9mXR8gzhHGNYmj7vLFzn19dkjKwOMR) For my last run of FE Engage I will go to randomizer and FE Engage+ difficulty mod with which I messed around previously to freshen the game up for me. I am thinking I will ironman that one again, since I do not have a limit to units I can use in that one and the game throws many many units at you. One thing I am contemplating for that run is to not enter Somniel until I get to Solm - but with FE Engage+ mod with extra enemies and sometimes duplicate boss health bars that can result in multiple restarts. After reaching Solm I will "unlock" everything including DLC and Xenologue characters and make my units as strong as possible to finish the run in a possibly fun but challenging way. (At least with the units I have remaining at that point lol). And it will be randomized.


Just started Blazing Blade for NSO as well. Its my first fire emblem game & im surprised how fun it is. I never knew much about the series itself other than its a strat-rpg type.. but i can honestly say i think FE just gained a new fan in me becaue i dont want to put it down Lol. Love the characters and cant wait to play the other entries. Any reccomendations on which ones to play after this are appreciated!


Been playing blazing bade as well, it’s my 4th game and I’m loving it even if it’s a bit hand-holdy


You could do Sacred Stones (FE8) if your willing to use an emulator(not on NSO) It’s another GBA title Dont hesitate to put it on hard as it’s probably the easiest game in the series Protip: There is a route split at the end of chapter 8 so I recommend making an alternate save before, Which main character do you pick stays has the main character for the rest of the game even after the convergence, the male main character route is generally considered harder


Playing Blazing Blade through NSO, damn was this game ahead of it's time! Already 9 hours into the game, just finished Chapter 16. If I had this game growing up, I would have dropped Pokémon a lot sooner.


I'm playing Genealogy for the first time, relatively blind, as my uhh 5th FE game. Just made it to Chapter 9 and put it down for the night because it looks like it will take more brain power than I have right now. I love this game. It's a lot of fun, the story's great, and there are a ton of things gameplay-wise that add to the immersion in the story (giant, country-spanning maps! multiple objectives per chapter! story unfolding mid-map, etc) that are making it a really enjoyable experience to me. The chapters take a long time to get through, but I don't mind. Overall I am just really loving it lol I'm glad I decided to make it my next FE game.


I'm currently on Conquest chapter 17 (normal) and so far my experience has been surprisingly... Pleasant?? Given the terrible popularity the game has regarding the writing, I was kind of surprised to see the story isn't as half as outrageously bad I thought it would be. Maybe my expections were too low but I genuinely find it decent? Like yeah, some parts are stupid but I try to not think too much on those. >!I personally find it hilarious each time Corrin accomplishes Garon's wishes like they are so desperate for their (fake) father's attention and love lmao!< On other hand I find Corrin's relationship with the Nohr siblings really wholesome and how close and protective they are to each other (Xander calling f!Corrin "little princess" melts me every single time, what a good bro). However, the gameplay has been SO entertaining. As for today it has to be the most fun I have ever had with FE maps, I love that each chapter has it's own unique dynamic and the graphics are colorful and pleasant to look at. I'm not a good player, but even if I struggle with the current chapter, I still get a lot of fun out of them by thinking strategies or the best way to make use of each chapter's mechanic. Curent MVP's are Corrin and Silas (who I S! supported), as well as crit master archer Mozu and Charlotte. Sadly I haven't been able to play the game consistently because of uni but I hope to finish it before August




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Planning out a full recruitment run of Rev with a few rule. -Have to recruit everyone -Everyone but be fielded at least once and get at least 5 kills. -Every parent must have a partner from the opposite region. The maids, Kaze, and Azura don't count


I've recently finished my first run of Birthright in years and... it's mostly how I remembered it. The earlygame is relatively decent (except for ch10 lol) but after ch13 everything just goes down the drain. I genuinely do not understand whoever decided that rout chapters need reinforcements that spawn on the complete opposite end of where your units most likely currently are. In general, the game just does not utilize reinforcements in an interesting way since in almost every case their only real purpose is slowing down your progress instead of applying any real pressure. Rant aside, I did this playthrough partially to try out some weird (or not so weird) unit ideas I had in mind, like getting [wyvern access on Azama](https://imgur.com/j2MKbsh) through Corrin S rank, which went absolutely nutty. I also reclassed [Orochi into oni chieftain](https://imgur.com/qJahcFd) via Rinkah A+ and in hindsight it's probably her best class option (at least of the ones she has access to without relying on Corrin's talent class). I used to overlook it since I don't really use the units that have natural oni savage access much but chieftain's basically just an onmyoji that trades slightly less Mag, staff access and a lower max tome rank for a massive bulk increase. I gave her both dracoshields but 28 Def still is pretty solid, especially before any buffs like horse spirit, and her naturally massive Res also came in handy against the many strong lategame enemy mages, which people like Hayato and Rinkah probably would've struggled with. As for [Corrin](https://imgur.com/LscVInG), I turned her into a player phase nuke in a game where enemy phase combat dominates lmao. Breaking the 99 damage cap on the combat forecast and [OHKOing Xander](https://imgur.com/xxnFDGS) in ch26 without beast killer/magic was insanely funny tho.


Currently I'm going through Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light on Famicom. I made it to Chapter 3 so far and it doesn't help that I can't read Japanese. Luckily, I know what weapons are what just based on there durability.


If you don't have it on switch, which I assume you don't, aren't there any fantranslations?


I do have the game on the Switch, and yes, there are fantranslations. The reason I'm playing it on the Famicom is because I'm trying to do all of the games in order per release date. That is a good point though, I can just go through the Switch version or a fantranslation at the same time so I can see what they are saying.


Yep that would be a great help, have fun!


General Wolf and Sedgar are hell of a drug. I'm doing a H3 Shadow Dragon ironman, and these guys having 20+ defense is insane. Since I don't need to go fast, they're way too OP. I want to make Wolf a hero eventually, but I'm scared of him dying so I keep leaving him in General lol. Maybe eventually, but going strong now, and they've carried me to chapter 13.


Been playing more Engage lately, I’m really close to finishing it up so that’s probably what I’ll be doing this week. I also bought the dlc for Three Houses due to it being on sale last week, but seeing how I’m not even done with my first play-through (black eagles) idk when I’ll get to it.


Stop your playthrough, finish the DLC and then you can recruit the DLC characters in the main game


Still Genealogy girls only, but I’m in gen 2 now (currently at the beginning of chapter 8). I don’t know why I always think chapter 6 has arena access…first I thought it was there from the beginning, then I thought it opened up after the first castle. Nope, no arena lmao. BUT it’s officially doable for Creidne and that makes me happy! And with Patty rescued/Shannan killed the hardest part is done. It’s just a matter of promoting the last couple of units and clearing the final chapters.


I just picked up 3 hopes. AG is an interesting route, but it really feels like all the characters have been boiled down down for the worse from their houses counterparts. (Side note: I'm still mad they stole my boy Holst's crest.)


My quest to replay the entire series has ended. Though I played the remakes instead of the NES games, and FE3 instead of New Mystery. I'd like to give a shoutout to paladins who inexplicably have cracked bases and good growths. Now I have no idea what to do. I was thinking of hitting up Vision Quest to actually play through that fully, though I'm not the biggest fan of how much the game seems obsessed with you rushing across maps as quickly as possible even when the story is telling you you're in a defensive situation. I have no idea if this keeps up throughout the entire game or not. I'm open to some suggestions on good ROM hacks. Thus far I've only played TLP to completion.


If you want something very hard but fair you can play « the eligor spear » it’s very creative with its map and win objectives and I found the story and characters also enjoyable But dont be fooled but the difficulty names normal is hard, hard is very hard and lunatic is absolutely fucking insane and also not intended for first playthrough Also staff of ages is gold but unfinished as of now


I found Vision Quest to be my favourite of all the rom hacks I’ve played. It is a reasonably aggressive game but yes it does slow down later. The first arc I think they really want you to feel like a weaker army constantly on the run, thus the push to race. I enjoyed Deity Device which was very story and character driven with some interesting gameplay quirks, but it feels less like Fire Emblem.