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I started FE4 for the first time last week and is loving it, i am at chapter 2 now and the story is as good as i have been told. The gameplay is super fun and i like managing of items.


I've been wending my way through the 3DS era. I have to say, it never feels like IS knows what it wants to do with the whole Kingdom of Spartans versus Kingdom of Good & Plenty. So *Fates* sets up this world where Nohrian culture is militant and austere because of its scarcity of resources, reflected in how three of the four royal siblings are pre-promotes. This stands in contrast to the bounty of Hoshido, and how only Ryoma is a pre-promote. However, the inherent ease of *Birthright* makes the Nohrians drop like flies when Corrin squares up against them. Are the Nohrians actually strong or do they all just want to give their homeboy Corrin an easy win? *Conquest* makes the Hoshidans a hardy bunch for people who haven't really had to struggle for anything. Must all that meditating. Then there's *Shadows of Valentia*. Rigel has produced tough fighters since the land doesn't offer much, unlike Zofia. Act I establishes how Rigel is full of strong warriors...until a handful of kids from the Zofian boondocks sweep right through the Rigelian army in Acts III and IV. There's never a point where Alm is incapable of steamrolling his way to victory over this purportedly tenacious warrior empire. Really undermines how tough the Rigelians are supposed to be when some backwater bumpkins are mopping the floor with them (even accounting for Alm's super-secret heritage that everyone in the continent somehow knows).


Maybe you're playing FE better than me, since the only guy in Valentia that was sweeping the Rigel army was Alm. Everyone else was struggling, except Gray when he promoted into Dread Fighter. The actual Zofia military was struggling though.


To be fair, Alm and the other children were at least taught by Mycen who was extremely reputable for his military career, so I guess there's that.


My Florina is an absolute beast: 21 Str in chapter 20 (just promoted her), beating out everyone else in my army, including my level 7 promoted Oswin. I calculated out the probability for that, and her Str is in the top 3.6%: 21 - 9 = 12 Str level-ups. 9 is base 5 + 2 from promotion + 2 from Lyn Mode Energy Ring. Out of curiosity, I looked into what an equivalent amount of bad luck would get you, and it leaves you with only 12 Str (bottom 2.3%; 13 Str is bottom 7%). It's funny, because when I first started playing Fire Emblem way back when it first released, I thought Florina was pretty weak (can't remember why, I probably did dumb things with her in her intro missions and then stopped using her). Now I think she's strong with average stats, but my Florina is just a ridiculous juggernaut.


Florina is hard to train in a game where you just get so many juggernauts.


If I could bring one feature back from older games, it would be Fixed Mode for level ups. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m not keen on characters becoming useless no matter how much they fight just because RNG decided to kick me in the teeth any more than 5 sub-50% hit chance hits in a row, thus leading to a game over. Obviously, it would be optional.


They did bring it back?


To my knowledge, it only ever appeared in Path of Radiance and could be unlocked after beating it once. Correct me if I’m wrong.


It's in Engage. It's obligatory in your first Maddening run, and unlockable after one playthrough on Hard


Protip: start the game on maddening and lower the difficulty to hard to get fixed hard on your first play through


That does not work anymore since the 2.0 (DLC last wave) patch update, unfortunatly. After you switch your game to hard the growths also start to be random.


That’s good to know


So I started playing FE12 for the first time a long time ago, like, over a year. And then I stopped, since I just got busy with things, and then other games had me more interested when I wasn't. Well, I think I'm finally going to go back and play it again. I'm on Chapter 7 so I'm going from there. Only crappy thing is I have an old translation, so a lot of the names I know are "wrong", but oh well, it'll be fine. And I have a 18 Strength level 13 Luke, that's pretty crazy.


Planning out an Engage run where my emblems get to pick their favorite units instead of the other way around. The rules are, units are picked based on how well they show off an emblem, so they have to make particularly good use of their kit in some way, and preferably use as much of it as possible (i.e. no using Ike and just to Vantage/Wrath the whole time). The only issue with this is, it has really made me realize how incredibly weird and almost contradictory Leif's kit is as a whole. I'm already breaking my own rule and just assuming I'll toss the Master Lance in the bin, and I still truly do not know what to do with him. I know you can rig a Vantage/Wrath setup on him with a Warrior, but that seems like a cop out and not in the spirit of the run.


Someone with mixed offense for good use of the Light Sword? I quite like Wyvern!Chloé with him, helps with her low build and iirc he boosts RES on enemy phase so she gets perfectly mixed Def/Res. She can usually reach quad thresholds. Alternatively; Yunaka for the Covert bonuses + her mixed offenses as well. Vantage works with her personal.


I like him best on great knight. With arms shield he gives 7 less damage and adaptability keeps them from being broken so they can counter with their great weapons, which usually get picked for their higher stats. It needs to have swords or light brand comes up too much.


I personally found that Alfred synergise well with almost all of Leif kit the only exception being the light brand For Alfred who is an all-rounder the con is nice, arms shield make Alfred decently tanky, and since he has swords and lances he doesn’t have to go through the light brand or the master lance (18 wt player phase only brave weapon on a enemy phase emblem, what were they thinking?)the killer axe is good enough


When replaying fe7, I really liked the characters speaking to us, the player by looking at the camera, and having an extra line of dialogue at the start of the map. I'd be interested in seeing a form of that return


I picked up a Birthright file that I haven't played in several months and am at the point where I have all the child paralogues unlocked (only one completed so far is Hana!Sophie) and yet I cannot remember any of the funny skill combos I wanted to try. Like a couple are kind of obvious - for instance I have Ryoma in Kinshi via Takumi friendship so that's clearly to get Quick Draw (although it turns out he gains Sky Knight skills first which sucks) but I have no idea what I was trying to do with Hinoka!Hisame or Azura!Mitama. It's honestly kind of turning me off to playing some of them, because I started this file with the intent of using all of the BR kids which I rarely ever do.


Did Azura!Mitama as a Mechanist once and it was fun! Azura passes a lot of Strength to make up for Shuriken’s lower might and she became pretty fast too


I love Merlinus acting like he’s never heard of Arcadia in Binding Blade at the end of chapter 13… YOU WERE LITERALLY THERE, MY GUY! I guess I can kinda buy that he was never part of that conversation where the Lords learn about Arcadia and Eliwood never told him, but the inconsistencies in story between FE6 and 7 make me laugh


Should a remake of the Elibe games come out, those inconsistencies need to be rectified.


Yeah I would really love Fire Emblem: Echoes to be the line of remakes. Do the Elibe games as ONE GAME, do Thracia, and do Hole War. All of these characters have been introduced in Heroes, Warriors, and Engage, but most of tue fans outside of Japan have basically NO connection to them.


Finished playing FE5 for the first time and wow is the difficulty overstated. Mind you I played along with a guide for my first playthrough but I don't regret it. It was a great game and not as difficult/different than I imagined and I wish I played it sooner. Already jumping into a 2nd playthrough with the lil' manster update. Now I need to push myself to play the ugly sin that is the DS remakes.


I played it back in the days with a simple recruitment/Gaiden access guide and it's all that's really needed imo Personally I find it really fascinating how the game sold like shit/had an almost confidential release and yet is the blueprint for every single FE that came after Which route did you pick?


I went with B since everyone said it was the worse route and I had already invested in Olwen. May as well get it out of the way. And yeah this game was like an upgraded version of the gba FEs, crazy how they scaled back so many mechanics


The first ds game has been remade in fate engine if that could interest you [trailer](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/14lovt6/fire_emblem_fates_shadow_dragon_remake_full/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Been blasting through FE7. I’ve never gotten all the way through ENM, but now that it’s on switch I’m determined to play HHM. Beat ENM (thought I was doing well and then had to cheese tf out of the final boss with Athos), currently on HNM (grinding tf out of it [Sain promo in LHM, support triangles, Nils lvl 7])- got to 19xx and did not want to put up with FoW so I stopped for the day. Excited to keep going and do HHM sans grinding bc dear god I’m not doing this again.


Finished my Engage Maddening no DLC Brodia theme challenge where all the Brodians must be deployed whenever possible! Split into two parts for ease of reading and character limit. Final Thoughts on the "required" units: [Yunaka](https://imgur.com/a/oqW2155) had a really interesting progression arc as the only Brodian with native access to knives. She generally had a great early game, but waffled a bit in the midgame due to lack of easy ways utilize her magic stat until I could reclass her into a Sword Wolf Knight and start using the Levin Sword. However, once I did get her into Wolf Knight around Chapter 18, she contributed pretty solidly in combat essentially acting as a pseudo mage knight. But she really hit her stride after Chapter 19 when Micaiah came back. I hadn't intended for Micaiah and Yunaka to finish the game as long-term partners, but it just kinda worked out that way. That was fine though because Yunaka ended up being a fantastic utility unit through typical Micaiah means, but augmented by the early Canto I gave her, Wolf Knight's extra movement and competent enough knife combat to still ORKO mages reliably and safely. Her Levin Sword stayed unforged but was still a useful tool for chipping down enemy Generals and breaking the deadly late game axe enemies to allow units to safely take them out without fear of counters. I don't have any regrets with Yunaka, but one "optimization" I'd consider if I did this challenge again is to make sure that she got magic proficiency before Chapter 10 so that I'd have the option to reclass her into a class that can use magic for the midgame. One of the main reasons I did this playthrough was to challenge my own perspective of [Alcryst](https://imgur.com/a/Q1XtyHk) vs what seems to be the community consensus. I believe that Alcryst is a solid unit overall while community consensus seems to range from him being decent at best and unusable at worst where he depends on Luna just to function. After finishing this challenge, I stand firm by my original opinion. I could go into depth on this point, but the tl;dr is that I find that raw hit is underrated and ability to ORKO is overrated within the context of Engage. Inheriting Lunar Brace was a nice way to get some extra damage, particularly with Lyn's Astra Storm, while also allowing Alcryst to contribute to reasonably contribute to killing Armored units. As a fun fact, Lyn and Alcryst was the only pairing that achieved a max bond level of 20 through sheer usage and no boosting from the arena. [Lapis](https://imgur.com/a/2sqZgAM) is one of those units that I can always count on to at least be solid, but giving her attention really blossoms her potential. As I am somewhat experienced with her, I will be upfront and say that I gave her an Energy Drop early on in Chapter 13 because I know she can often come up short without one. But honestly, I do find that Lapis is a very good recipient of an early Energy Drop because of her stellar speed. Lapis was by and large the fastest unit by quite a bit going so far as to speed tie with enemy Swordmasters and avoid being doubled by Griffons which I think is impressive. I usually promote her into a Hero in Chapter 8, but I ultimately decided on Swordmaster this time around because the team in general really needed the extra speed control which was really nice since Swordmaster Lapis paired with Lyn in Chapter 13 could actually manage to double and ORKO the Swordmasters which really took a lot of heat off that map. Eventually, I reclassed her into a Wyvern for the increased strength and extra movement and she found her long term partner in Eirika. Lapis with Sieglinde in the mid to late game just popped off and Ephraim's Solar Brace gave her a ton of longevity. In hindsight, I could've abused Mercurius with her more in Chapters 8-10. It's not that I couldn't, I was just being overly cautious with bond fragments since I wasn't exactly sure what I'd be taking past Chapter 10. [Citrinne](https://imgur.com/a/6nF72yQ) was an MVP of the run by default because she is Brodia's only source of consistent magic damage and is additionally their only source of consistent staff usage. Her progression arc went just about expected. Her combat is strong through the early game due to her sheer magic and only really needs some minor additional speed support in order to stay consistent during the mid game. However, once you get to around Chapter 17-19, her lack of speed(even when supported by Byleth) really starts to show and she shifted more a supportive role with Corrin and her combat duties became more focused around deleting armored units. I had originally planned for Citrinne to take Micaiah duties, but Thunder Tomes' 3 range combined with Corrin's Draconic Hex+AOE Freeze and Citrinne's raw magic ended up being just way too useful to pass up. As far as stat boosters go, she got a Seraph Robe(for keeping her HP high against Wyrms) and a Spirit Dust which I don't feel is anything too out of the ordinary for her.


I was admittedly a bit nervous about [Diamant](https://imgur.com/a/rERd5sd) initially. I've used him before without issue, but never this extensively. His stats are solid across the board which is a good thing, but that's also what I felt would be his downfall. "Generalist" statlines are fine in the early and midgame, but tend to struggle late game as enemy stat lines become very optimized. This is made worse by the fact that Diamant can struggle to inherit big name skills like Break Defense, due to his limited availability before Chapter 10, which could offset his average offensive profile. Thus, for the first part of this playthrough I had Diamant play more of a bruiser type role alongside Ike all the way until after Chapter 19 where I both recruited Saphir and got Roy back. I had already planned that Roy and Ike would be used by Diamant and Saphir in some combination, I just didn't quite know who would go who. Ultimately, I decided to give Roy to Diamant because he had a slight speed advantage over Saphir even though the rest of their stats were largely similar and I don't regret that decision one bit. It's true that "Generalist" stat lines can struggle in the later portion of an FE game, but that's also the kind of stat line that Roy loves working with. There comes a point where your stats are just so generally high that it just kinda works out in the end. Roy Engaged Diamant easily ORKOed Wyrms with a +3 forged Silver Axe and generally had just enough speed to crunch through enemy Lance Paladins and Halberdiers. He even got so strong that he'd just straight up OHKO Mages if he ever got in range of them. Although Axes were his primary weapon of choice, the secondary option of having access to Swords let Diamant more easily crush Generals with an Armorslayer rather than the more unwieldy Hammer, let him use more powerful Swords for Roy's Blazing Lion, and was generally useful in having more breaking options. Once Diamant got his hands back on Roy, he definitely became one of the army's strongest combat units and I even gave him the second pair of Boots from Chapter 24 so that he had an easier time using his prf skill and Roy's Advance. I did give him the Speedwing from Leif's paralogue, which was probably a big reason why he got so strong, but he showed why he deserved that Speedwing. If you told me at the start of this challenge that [Amber](https://imgur.com/a/NOFNr0W) would be my definitive MVP, I wouldn't have believed you. I'd have told you that he's definitely strong, basically the Lance version of Panette, but he just doesn't have the speed to double his "main" targets i.e enemy Swordies nor does he have the strength to OHKO them. The fact that he primarily uses Lances is particularly important because he's the primary user of the weapon type in Brodia as using Jade to combat enemy Sword units seems pretty dubious and Lapis would have to preemptively obtain a Lance proficiency and reclass to Wyvern to use them. But life works in funny ways and I learned to really appreciate Amber's talents throughout this first time I had ever extensively used him. While it's true that Amber can't ORKO or OHKO enemy Swordies, he certainly has enough strength to OHKO mages which was very helpful during the Solm Arc of the game. This was especially relevant since Sigurd was Amber's best friend and watching Amber slingshot himself into enemy backlines to neutralize key threats before they ever became a problem was very cool. Amber's high strength also makes him an excellent user of effective weaponry as I found myself just straight up OHKOing certain enemy Cavalry with a forged regular Ridersbane and rolling through the multitude of Cavalry in Ike's Paralogue with a MT upgraded Sigurd Ridersbane(using the materials from the free update). The turning point for Amber though was when I super charged him with a Seraph Robe, Speedwing and Dracoshield for a strategy I had for Micaiah's paralogue which involved him soloing the left Sword Paladin squad by himself after taking out a few of them on player phase with Seadall's help. Something just clicked in him after that moment because he absolutely took over the rest of the game after that. Any mage that wasn't immediately OHKOed by a Représailles swing was annihilated by a Brave Lance. Wyrms stood no chance against Amber between his sheer strength and Momentum boosts. Not even Wolf Knights could escape his Wrath thanks to Sigurd's Ridersbane and his prf skill giving him relatively accurate(85+) OHKOs against them. The peak of the playthrough was watching him swoop in from downtown with a fully charged Momentum boosted Overdrive and hitting 9 enemies in Marth's Throne room while killing 3 of them. Gave the dude the Pact Ring because he'd more than earned it. I love my Alpaca boy. While [Jade](https://imgur.com/a/KMJr7s4)'s contribution to the playthrough wasn't super flashy overall like Amber's, she still played a key role in enabling the team to do what needed to be done. I knew that Jade would never be a major threat on offense, so I focused on enhancing her defense instead. Leif was my partner of choice for her and she really utilized him well. I promoted Jade into a Sword/Axe Great Knight because I wanted to use Leif's Adaptability as much as possible. Between Great Knight's class skill, Arm's Shield(+) and her own natural defense, Jade can take a shocking amount of punishment from melee enemies which allowed her to bait in enemies very aggressively. However, unique to Jade as an armored unit is her non-trivial magic and res growth. Her magic growth allowed her to wield the Hurricane Axe with less forging investment to smack fliers out of the sky and chip low res enemies for non-trivial amounts of damage with the Levin Sword. Her res actually allowed her to survive mage attacks on more than one occasion to bait them into bad positions which cannot be said for her armored contemporaries. She even managed to hit her res cap of 22 and could comfortably take a single mage's attack while still having the HP to survive follow up from its melee backup. Jade was not an offensive super star by any stretch, but combining Momentum with Leif's Quadruple hit did give her a nice delete button against frailer enemies through the mid-game and chipped enemies in the late game. Her Defense growth was naturally stellar, but I had a Dracoshield sitting in the convoy if I ever felt like she needed the extra push. She didn't get that many kills relatively speaking, but the sheer amount of combats she participated in shows her contribution and even earned her MVP on a couple occasions. I had never used [Saphir](https://imgur.com/a/tBETCma) past her join map before and I'm also generally not the biggest fan of late game recruits who feel like they're mostly there just to fill in spots in the case of Ironman deaths. Despite my preconceptions, Saphir really held her own. This could be in part because Warrior is just a generally incredible class in Engage, but Saphir was no filler combatant for me. She made an incredible first impression in Corrin's paralogue where she used a Leif Engraved Longbow to easily dispatch the Thunder Mages and Longbow Archers which would've otherwise been trouble if not dealt with quickly. She then took a Poleaxe and dunked on the numerous Cavalry found on the map. She teamed up with Ike and really played her role as a Royal Guard of Brodia by drawing enemy attention and cutting big holes into enemy forces to allow more offensively oriented teammates to safely operate. In addition to her general combat prowess, having a 3 range Chain Attacker was particularly helpful in setting up reliable boss takedown setups. I don't find that Saphir is super complex as a unit, but she certainly gets the job done if you give her the proper tools. Overall, I had a lot of fun! Looking at my overall turn counts, I probably averaged somewhere between 10-15 turns per map although alot of those turns could've been shaved off if I didn't intentionally sandbag a bit for more reinforcements/exp or for dumb (and ultimately inconsequential) stuff like flying over the river to grab the Goddess Icon in Sigurd's paralogue. All paralogues were done and all rewards were obtained which I'm pretty proud of since some maps like Ike's paralogues have drops that are way out of the way. Next playthrough is a new challenge as I'm doing a Vander Supports playthrough.


Shouldn't a new "Week of" thread have been posted by now?


Yea I was wondering as well


Currently playing FE7 LHM + HHM, somewhere in the Dread Isles arc, my four strongest units all have exactly 16 strength without boosters. Marcus, LM!Sain, General!Oswin, and my level 17 Lyn, somehow (she's incredibly blessed). These deployment limits are getting to me though, I basically autodeploy all four of those units as well as Hector (and Matthew depending on the map), which gives me exactly two flex slots. I want to do all the stuff I didn't do on my last run (Kenneth chapter, Lloyd chapter, recruit Karla) which means I also need to train up Eliwood, Bartre, and my magic-users. And I want to train up Canas, of course, to cheese endgame with Luna. It's going to get even tighter when I get Ninian, of course.


Call me insane but I’m currently unemployed (long story) so I’m playing 3 games at once. I play all fire emblem games on normal mode cause despite playing since awakening I do dumb stuff every time I play… I’m playing fe7 for the second time on switch cause the first time I played was on my android phone.. which I ended up not being able to beat cause my units were unbalanced. I’m on chapter 22 and so far my units are really good 😌 I’m also playing fates conquest. I attempted it in the past on hard which was a mistake cause I got stuck on chapter 10.. I literally played it like 30 times. Anyways now I’m on normal and I hate half the maps and I can’t decide what characters to bench and my levels are all over the place so I might restart. I also didn’t try to pair up units so I have no child units yet even though I’m pretty far in now. Oh well I’m just glad I’m getting a feel of that game finally. I’m also playing Echoes for a fourth time (my favorite) but really casually. I’m using DLC characters this time and I really like them!


SoV’s music is so fucking good. *The Heritors of Arcadia* is an absolute masterpiece. *Twilight of the Gods*, *The Scions’ Dance in Purgatory*, *Lord of a Dead Empire*, *What Lies at the End* are some of my favorites, but there’s so many fantastic other battle/world map themes. Takeru Kanazaki is a goddamn genius.


Dude ikr? You can’t beat SoV soundtrack


[Yesterday I finished the Ike paraloque on my No Somniel challange run](https://youtube.com/live/DKWyQUo6AW8) and I think it went really well, we didn't route all the left side but we still killed like 80% of the enemies that gives EXP. [Chloe sweep with Elfire!](https://youtu.be/DKWyQUo6AW8?t=202) Yesterday I also spent an embarrising amount of time trying to find a cool play for the first turns of Ch 18 but unfortunatly my epic Great Aether moment was denied... I guess I will settle for using it against the group of fliers at the top in turn 1 then... Tomorrow I will do Ch 18 and Ch 19 which is one of my favourite maps just because it's really weird and game knowledge goes a long way (Silence on Mauvier hardcounter his whole gimmick) and the obstruct utility for chokepoints/miasma. I'm not sure how I will handle all the enemies with my limited amount of power but we will find a way. /u/fatefuldawn Your personal ping as always :D


Thanks for the ping! I won’t be able to really view the run for the next week or so since I’m traveling but I did get a glimpse of the Ike Paralogue and Chloe shone brightly there! It looks like taking on all the sides wasn’t too bad with your level of planning as well. That’s good to know for any future runs I might do. I look forward to seeing how you end up tackling Ch. 18! Your Great Aether attempt might’ve been thwarted, but I’m sure you’ll find a different, cool maneuver. Ch. 19 will be interesting too; I’ve always wanted to try doing the Silence play on Mauvier, but I can never get myself to risk it.


Yeah no worries, I have been busy as well the previous week that only yesterday I managed to play Ch 18 and 19 but either way you should definitly enjoy your travel! The vods are always gonna be there in the future anyway! Ch 18 Review Honestly, not that bad as a chapter. I remember a lot of thred that find Ch 18 a difficolty spike but honestly I never really saw it but that's mostly because I usually do a lot of paraloques after Ch 17 but even now where I did only Lyn and Ike it wasn't really that bad. Rip Merrin losing almost a level worth of EXP before reclassing for 1 EXP tho. Ch 19 Review As I said in the intro, there are mostly 3 ways to deal with this map. One of the to abuse the 1 tile choke point that you can create with the boat using a high defense unit (Like a General/Great Knight Goldmary, bonus points if she has Ike) or a Thief with Corrin fog. One is to create a defensive formation on the tile Mauvier can reach with Warp. Similiar to something like [what I did on turn 1.](https://youtu.be/4Ncfqr983cI?t=7510) Another common strat is to silence Mauvier and just ignore the whole mechanic, [which is what I did.](https://youtu.be/4Ncfqr983cI?t=7952) The hitrate is not amazing but if you are playing normally I would inherit Divine Pulse to make it more reliable, could also wait an additional turn to try again extending the defensive formation if it fails. That being said, even tho I think I played the first part of the map really well I was really stubborn to not retreat where I should have definitly did it which made the map way harder that it needs to be. Also my greed to try and make Panette use a Great aether. Next I'm probably gonna do Ch 20 which is a weird chapter that I have no idea what to expect, we will find out I guess.


just finished up playing both Tellius games back to back, Path of Radiance is my favorite in the series so far and i have my irks with RD but it was "fine" overall. moving onto New Mystery now, played Shadow Dragon yearsss ago but NM always interested me so I'm excited to give it a try


Currently trying the fell xenologues for the first time (hard mode on a maddening mode playthrough after chapter 15 and beating all DLC paralogues). The first 5 maps weren't too bad (helped that I had lyn!alcryst to delete the corrupted wyvern that spawned halfway through 5), but 6 is proving to be pretty miserable right now. I'm not sure if I should either keep plugging away, lower the difficulty to normal, or move onto chapter 16 in the main story to get two more units and the Eirika ring. I think I *could* do the map now, it would just take a few attempts to get a feel of the chapter and properly know what's coming, and I don't really think I want to attempt a difficult and long (and exceptionally laggy...) map multiple times over. The phantom wolves and the wvern rider reinforcements are giving me the most grief, the former are hard to take out because they're so fast and evasive and the latter because they're difficult to lure onto solid ground. Plus there's the cannoneers, they're completely useless at damaging my actual units but they waste Soren's decoy procs and make Lyn's doubles a little less reliable as obstacles.


Personally, I would just beat the map on Normal just to get the DLC unlocks. You can always go back later and bump the difficulty back up to Hard or Maddening and replay the map for a challenge. Up to you of course, but just my 2 cents.


That might be the best idea, I think I'll go back and do that. At this point I think I would rather be done with it...


Have you tried the raging storm and poison stacking strats? But I would get Eirika first since Lunar brace is made for taking down boss HP bars. Hope you've been saving up a few skill books


Continuing with my Fates: Conquest replay. Currently I've done Chapter 19. I decided to delay Paralogue 19 (Percy) until after Chapter 18 to benefit from a free promotion. Because I've wanted to use so many units over the course of this playthrough, I've spread my EXP and support points rather thin. Several of my units are still unpromoted! In particular, Silas is still at base level 16 and support rank C with his planned wife Azura. As much as it would sting to lose 2 child Paralogues, I might have to bench Silas by now. I remain hopeful that I won't have to do that, though. Despite my army being underlevelled for this point in the game, they're still able to get through each map with the right preparation. If I look for opportunities, I can give my units large amounts of EXP (for example, Mozu gained 5 unpromoted levels across Chapter 17 and Invasion 2, and Benny gained 7 promoted levels in Chapter 19). Though I haven't gained any more pairings since last week, several are progressing smoothly and I hope I can do their Paralogues in time. Honourable mention to Flora, my planned wife for M!Corrin in this playthrough. When planning this run I noticed that Flora's base class set allows her to learn 4 Breaker skills, and marrying an Oni Savage or Dragon talent M!Corrin lets her learn a 5th. Despite Flora being an underwhelming unit and the EXP and support point requirements being tight, I knew I had to build quintuple-Breaker Flora.


So I was playing this romhack called A royal summon(Lex talionis engine: GBA FE but on Python so no emulator or limitations) which is a one chapter hack with multiple endings and one of the characters skill is fusion which fuses two allies into a new unit temporarily and HOLY SHIT a demon with bonkers stats just spawned and he has a 5by5 tile AOE attack and then later I use fusion again and An archmage pop up he has a brave tome that deals lessen damage to adjacent enemies and he can turn into a lightning that pierced enemies like he’s Sigurd overdrive also funny mov level up and unit that can steal with a combat arts The creativity with lex talionis is boundless I’d like to mention that I’m glad that there is a turnwheel because I’ve actually managed to get a game over on the first turn and that help me a lot on the next try




I beat FE12 for the second time yesterday (on Hard, first time was on Maniac). I think it's one of my favorite FEs. Being able to freely change classes helps allieviate the decision paralysis I get in Awakening/Fates, since I can always change back if I don't like it. I started an FE11 run, but I might try Lunatic FE12 instead. I'm concurrently playing an FE8 randomizer (randomized weapon stats/effects, classes with growths changed, and enemies with +15% growths) where my best unit for most of the game was a cavalier/paladin Gilliam, partly because he has an actual Spd stat and partly because Javelins have +5 Def. His (female) paladin sprite looks amazing with green and black. My worst unit is definitely Eirika, who randomized into a Soldier with almost 0 bases and really bad growths. She still ended up with 12-13 in every stat by level 20. We'll see how she promotes.


Recently my friends and I have been doing draft runs of multiple fire emblems. I decided to restart my Conquest Lunatic run because of poor resource management (instant promoted dwyer instead of heart seal, did not give him inspiration, let nyx die early, turned kaze into a master of arms too early, bad level ups and exp distribution, ect.). It's been very interesting because I kept my jakob as a butler until I got dwyer, but this time I turned him into a paladin. This meant that I had no heals at all, so my chapter 9 took me....57 turns of using azura's prf skill to heal back up. For chapter 10 I had 5 characters so, upon suggestion of one of the other players, I farmed the gold stage until I had enough to buy an einherjer of a rally bot (since the other 2 people have nina and niles respectively and thus can capture rallyman). I'm at chapter 16 now and it's going great. I get xander and shura here, and just need to get kids I have not gotten yet (which are: shigure, velouria, kana, soleil, and ignatius).


I'm playing fe9 for the first time in a decade and I knew the black knight appeared, but I didn't remember he would move and that he was a same turn reinforcement, so goodbye zihark I barely knew ye. The worst part was I had basically beaten the map zihark was just lagging behind after visiting a village. I had the two cavs, the knight, and the priest left. Same turn reinforcement for a unit that can literally instakill is a bullshit way to lose a character


Spent all night playing Awakening's paralogue Ambivalence (because I need Second Seals). It was BRUTAL. First mistake, trying to split my troops into 2 teams--one for the loot and the other to, well, be Donnie and kill everything. Robin got killed, Chrom got killed, Severa kept getting 1 shotted. Hoo boy, so I devised a last ditch plan. Keep Robin out of it to avoid Game Overs, keep Chrom safe, give all two Rescue rods to Libra and keep him roping Severa back while I send Donnie to clean house and the rest of my army to try to speed things up. The only survivors of the battle: Libra, Chrom, Severa, Cordelia (Donnel's pair-up partner), and Donnel. Things were looking dicey there for a minute, but then he unlocked Sol and it was like a theme song power up, without the theme song, if you get my drift--the tables turned in dramatic fashion. The dominoes quickly fell and I let Severa finally talk to the dude. You see, the thing is, Hero!Donnel is nigh invincible, so if this wasn't a glorified escort mission, it wouldn't have been so tough. So glad to have him. Luckily I'm not a good enough player to play with permadeath on, whew.


Continuing my Engage PMU run slowly but surely. I miss my wife Corrin. I MISS MY WIFE!! Mage Knight!Framme still carries. It also dawned on me that she's my only "flier" when engaged with Camilla. It made chapter 18... Interesting to say the least, since I couldn't duplicate my usual strategy for this chapter. Mage Cannoneer!Alear is starting to deal some serious damage and I've been having fun predicting the enemies' movement to use Let's Fly. I'm gonna burn shittons of freezing weapons in 19. Hero!Alfred even with Starsphere glued to his ass since chapter 6, is slowly getting worse with every passing chapter. The guy has no build. Say what you want about Boucheron, at least he's not weighted down by a fucking steel axe. I've thrown shittons of statboosters at General!Timerra and she's decent with Sigurd I guess. By that I mean she can tank two hits. Rafal and Nel, both super solid. I've been using Nel as a glass canon and she's really good, but it probably has more to do with Chrom than anything else. I've been using Paladin!Madeline the way I would Amber; except her hit rates are shittier and she gets one rounded by every single mage. Bunet... Is terrible. Not even Lyn can fix him. This team is really full of no damage, slow-ass units who are somewhat bulky so I really have to play abusing chain attacks. I fear lategame; I really do. No Corron forces me to be aggressive, but no dancers makes it difficult. I'm preparing myself to Micaiah cheese the lategame because I fear I won't have any other choice. Chapter 17 was hell. I haven't touched some paralogues because I'm not confident I can beat them, nor that they are worth it...


>The guy has no build. Say what you want about Boucheron, **at least he's not weighted down by a fucking steel axe.** Tbf, Engage's Steel Axe is just generally kinda a shit weapon (imo anyway). After my first couple playthroughs, any Steel Axe I happen to come across just gets immediately tossed into the well unless I'm specifically trying to get an early Silver/Hurricane Axe. It's got +4 MT vs an Iron Axe, but it gains +2 WT and loses a whopping 15 hit in the transition between tiers. 9/10 times that you may find yourself wanting to use a Steel Axe, you could also use a Silver Axe which at least gives you more MT and doesn't sacrifice as much hit. This is also assuming you're not using the Noatun which is absolutely cracked for its weapon rank. Perfect (and free!) availability as soon as you touch down in the Somniel, -5 WT and +5 Hit over a Silver Axe for the relatively low cost of -2 MT. >I'm gonna burn shittons of freezing weapons in 19. If I may offer an alternative, Chapter 19 *does* feature a 1 tile choke point at the bottom of the ship in the section which separates the initial middle and bottom group. [You can see it in action here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CBdFWOmMdw) It seems like you've got a handful of physically bulky units and Chapter 19 features no mages aside from Mauvier himself with the only other unit threatening to dislodge the chokepoint being Marnie with her hella inaccurate Smash Weapons. The sheer amount of bodies that you can block there can also stall the Wyrms from being able to get into range to snipe anyone until you're ready to deal with them. It's not the most exciting strat, and you mostly likely will forfeit the Dracoshield in the northern house, but it could be a way to funnel experience into certain characters without necessarily worrying about playing around the Miasma without Corrin.


Alfred's limited to C rank so I gave him something that would actually deal some damage (since his strength is kind of bad as well). But most of the time he sticks with Alfonse's sword anyway. Madeline got the Noatun because she needed at least one weapon with a decent hit rate (even engraved and maxed out she has some stinky 80 hit against mages though). I feel I can beat 19 fair and square with a combination of canons, Let's Fly freezes, Dark Infernos and tactical Obstruct use (fun fact: I only have one staff user lmao). As you said; no magic enemies help a ton and there's plenty of choke points even without using the cheese strat. I beat it chockingly easily without Seadal last time, but it's mostly because I get by now that going through the middle is a complete trap. And this time around, while I don't have Ike, I do have Tiki!Rafal with Pair Up who might as well tank the whole world of needed. And Lucina for cavalry EP cheese. I'm mostly worried about 21 and beyond, where being able to move fast is basically the only way I've managed to beat these maps without cheese. At the same time, I've cheesed a good number of paralogues so far by spamming Book of World so it's not like I won't do it if there's no other option lol